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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1913)
THE NORTH PLATTE 8EMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. .ar J'. J NOTES ojtt PWWBROOK . -- 'i . .rf- WtuwUajx.iKuu Look after tho fonceo. Feed tho pigs In troughs. Don't ubo musty flower pots. Push all ' pigs that are being fat tened. Do not slve up tho plan for putting up a silo. There la nothing better for tho grow ing plgB than oats. Tho colt that Is never handled Is always harder to break. Flax chaff, saved, will save tho lco packed for next summer. If tho plow lugs heavily oxamlno It curefully for slightly sprung boams. A little carelessness may result In tho loss of a "part or a wholo litter of Pigs. A good seed bed Is always necessary If wo would get a good stand of alfalfa. Tho ripening of cream Is properly done only by careful and painstaking uttentlon. Wool of good quality, quantity and texture grows only on tho backs of thrifty sheep. Tho fall chick, like the fall pig. Is hardly ever profitable when It comes late In tho season. Ewes Intended for breeders should bo carefully looked after when the cool weather starts In. Don't keep unsightly or crippled chickens, even though they have been valuable birds In their day. A dirty milker Is worse than a dirty cook. To wet tho hands with the milk when milking is a dirty habit. 9 A good poultryman Is Industrious, not easily discouraged, filled with pluck and grit, and full of ambition. birds being fattened at this time of year need cool, shady quarters, but as Httlo room as posslblo for exercising. To tako,a ram Just because he can bo gotten cheaply and regardless of his qualifications Is very poor econ omy. Tho houso wren is a very benefi cial bird to have about tho orchards, as It cats immense quantities of In sects Money Invested in tile Increases tho producing power and the real value of tho low farm as no other Invest ment can. It Is not only hard to sell a lean chicken In market, but it also Is poor eating. A Httlo caro and feed will make them moro Inviting. Nowadays" a farmer may sell a pair of mules for enough to buy an automo bile, but nlno limos out of ten bo would do hotter to keep the mules. Divide tho fencing on the farm so as to change tho hog lots, rotating them In crops and making use of the manure elso you do not reap the full profits. i Bowel troubles In calves are some times caused by milk that Is exces sively rich. Milk that Is moderate or low in buttor fat Is usually better for young calves. It requires feed to mako a lamb of any kind, but a sheep or lamb will como tho nearest to making some thing out of nothing of any kind of a domestic animal. So long as wool does not grow on trees nor lamb chops on bushes, there -will bo a need for sheep, and a flock of sheop can be made to yield a fair profit by the right kind of manage ment. With hoga. especially, the feeding that produces a steady, speedy growth, is tho moat profitable. A pig that is stunted In the early days of its life should novcr have a placo In tho breeding herd. To a, very considerable extent tho true value of farming land should be measured by the interest which it narns on a glvon amount without re ducing Its fertility and after all ex-, peases aro takon from Its gross an nual product. When tho hogs come up to tho trough to cat, look them over for gray backs If you find thorn, thin somo kerosene with water 'ind rub It nlong tholr backs. An old cloth or a Httlo brush broom with tho liquid on It will do tho work all right. :s. w m-n NT Never keep a'scrub hen. Keep tho hens scratching. Get rid of surplus cockerels. Skim milk Is best for growth. Whips do not Improve horses. Keep salt and charcoal before tkal hogs. A long whip never mndo a man a good driver. Very beneficial to tho fnrm6r is tho woodpecker. i Feed floors savo feed and keep It clean and wholesome. Allowing unnecessary limbs to grow 1b u wasto of plant onergy. Draining butter well before salting will help Us keeping qualities. Hlrds are. worth dollars and cents to tho farmer and tho orchardlst. A dull plow-lay Is one of tho most rapid money-wnstors on tho farm. Have regular hours for feeding your horso and give him sufficient tlmo to cat. Good breed, good feed and good caro aro essential In producing good dairy cows. I It would be n patiiotic act to sow that weedy roadside to alfalfa or Bwcot clover. A pound of mutton can bo produc ed at less cost than any other kind of meat. Hot bed sashes are usually .1 by Q foot In dimensions, but bmaller sizes may bo used. Sacrificing good mothers and breed ers haB put many a farmer out of tho hog businesc. Exerciso is a better laying stimu lant for the hens Uian heat-producing condiments. Handle tho brood sows so that the young pigs will begin to grow from tho tlmo of tholr birth. Hogs running on alfalfa should re ceive grain rich in carbohydrates, for alfalfa Is rich in protein. Tho irritation caused by a poor driver lessens tho ability of a good boise to do Its best work. If you are buying a horso, got him on a slow trot. Then, if over, ho will Bhow any lameness ho may have. Tho worst thing about It Is that tho man "who has better birds at homo" Teally believes what ho says. A weekly coal oil bath for nest boxes and roosts will not glvo llco and mites much of a chance to spread. Do so careful In tho choice of a blacksmith that It Is not necessary for your horse to wear an Interfering boot, It. Is entirely posslblo thnt you may bo ablo to doublo tho Incomo from your cows by selling half of them. It pays to lot tho flock have plenty of nourishing food during the moult Moulting is quite a strain on a bird's vitality. There is nothing that produces stiffness, inflammation and unsound ness faster than standing still In a Btall day after day. The Iloudan Is a small-boned fowl, having a thick broast, and the llesh is tender and juicy. They make flno broilers and the best roasters. All indications point to high boot and pork this winter. That being the case we may expect to Bee eggs soar too. Don't sell off too many pullets. Keep your horses well groomed, as a well kept animal not only appears better but keeps easier, feqls better (llko a man after a bath) than one neglected. So construct your poultry house that every piece of its contents is easily shifted and moved. By doing so you will greatly facllltato the In evitable war against parasites. The cow-horn turnip, when loft In tho ground, 1b a great soil Improver, the decaying of which adds humus to the soil, and puts tho land In tho best posslblo condition for futuro crop pro duction. Do not sell tho horso that has growtf-old In your service to a huck ster or a junk dealer, to bo beaten, starved and abused. It la too much llko sending ono'a woruout father to tho poor farm. The trap nest is a regular detec tive. It tells tho facts of tho case, It tames the hens, it gives nccurato reports, it arrests tho robber hens, it gives an honest count and it exposes the fraudulent hens. The following formula for roup pills is rocommendod! Half a dram each of cayenne popper, ginger and mustard, half ounco of plain vanellno or clear lard, mix thoroughly and ad '. onough flour to make a stiff dough. Mako Into pills tho uizo of 90a. Dose, one night and morning. USING COMMON SENSE IN THE HOG LOT Berkshire Celts. In breeding swine we must consider tho typo of hog the nearest market demands. Novcr sacrifice a good body In or der to shorten tho snout or decrease the bIzo of tho cars. Buy a boar of some reliable breeder who has been working for years to got tho correct type of a pig and who Ib propored to furnish tho typo you do slro. With well bred hogs your feed and caro will produce tho best results. It Is mistaken idea that breeding an imals to do well must bo fed only enough to keep them alive. At mating tlmo both Biro and dam should bo in tho pink of condition to produce tho best results. Feed a pig all he can eat without squealing. This can he done only by watching him cat and knowing just how much he needs. An old school teacher once said to hor class on phyBology, "tho intornal USEFUL HINTS ON FEEDING THE HOGS Animals Should Be Separated According to Size Some Labor-Saving Schemes. As a general thing, on tho average farm too much tlmo is used in feed ing and caring for hogs. Unnecessar ily slow and tedious methods aro em ployed, whereas shorter cuts In feed ing than those practiced at present would produce equally good results either by the use of horso labor, by tho rearrangement of tho feeding yards and troughs, by tho more care ful uso of pasture and crops that may be harvested by the hogs, and thus reduce tho number of hours required to caro for tho animate and at the same time savo labor, says the Iowa Homestead. Where one Is feeding many hogs It frequently Is a labor savor to uso a horse In transporting bwIII, water and feed directly from tho tank and bin to the pons, yards or Held In which tho animals are kept. Wide alley hogs houses make possible using tho one horse truck, not alone for hauling feed In, but for hauling out the manure and thereby keeping tho surroundings clean and sanitary. There are few who have taken tho I trouble to separate tho shoats -accord ing to size so that they could bo fed more easily and satisfactorily. Many prefer to feed hogs of all sizes to gether, either continuing tho feeding until all aro full or else wasting tlmo chasing tho larger ones away until tho smaller ones arc fed. Feeding all tho animals will hold Is a wasteful method, while beating up tho big ones while tho smaller ones eat is not conducive to gains in cither the old or young. It Ib always well In feed ing hogs to sort according to size and limit tho number to twenty or thirty In a feeding placo. FARM WATER TANK IS BIG NECESSITY Force Pump Is Great Help and Engine or Windmill Will Fur nish Needed Power. Water Is used moro often than any thing else in tho homo, thereforo it should bo of tho best quality and handy. Tho old open well was a death trap for everything that crawls, walks or flies, and theso, decaying, caused dis ease and a big doctor's bill. So, writes B. C. Lane of Michigan in the Epito mist, havo a good driven well and get the supply from below tho surfaco water. Put on a force pump, and if you aro using any quantity of water attach a gasoline engine or a windmill to do your pumping. Lay plpo to your house (be sure to get l bolow tho .frost line) and con nect the plpo with a tank. Tho pneu matic tank lu the basement Is the best, but an open tank with a looso cover lu an upper room is all right. Tho slzo of a tank will depend on tho quantity of water you use. Have It large enough to hold at least a day's supply. Or, If you can't afford anything bettor, and it Is for house uso only, put lu a good barrel on a stand In ono corner of tho kitchen. If you put in a tank run a plpo from it to any placo need ed, and bo sure to havo a sink with wasto plpo. If you havo only hand power for pumping, you will find It takes but Ht tlo more exertion to pump water Into tho tank, and it will savo carrying no small chore organs of n hog are tho nearest llko thoso of a human being' and any dumb animal," unless It bo 11 man. Swino aro natives of a tropical cli mate and should have warm and dry quarters. In this era of cheap woven wire fences there Is absolutely no excuse for a nasty til-smelling hog ynrd near the houso where disoaso is bred, and tho beBt fertilizers of tho farm dissi pated into air. Is It any wonder that pigs lose tholr thrlftncss and constitution and be come weak In tho back with crookod legs when they aro confined In an 8 by 10 pen that Is cleaned but onco a year, and then whori tho owner has time. Stop and llguro tho losses that result from pigs that do not do well and are restless when all they need to make them comfortable and con tented is tho run of a nico clean pas turo whero they can leavo their drop pings to tho benefit of tho soil. BEST LOCATION OF THE POULTRY FARM Do Not Set Hens Late in Fall Un less Buildings Are Well Suit ed for Broods. Hens should not be' sot lato in tho summer or fall unless there aro build ings well suited for housing tho young broods. Chickens will not thrive If shut up on a barn floor They aro far bettor to be cooped up out of doors upon dry ground. They must havo sunshine, air, exercise and a full supply or green food. In addition to their regular grain rations and plenty of clean fresh water glvon twico a day. It requires close attention to all tho Httlo points In tho feeding and management of poultry to mako tho business profitable. It Ib not an easy business. Probably n largo propor tion of sudden deaths amongst young chlckons aro duo to overfeeding (cramming), badly vontiinted coops and yards infested with germs. Give free grass range. Poultry cannot be kept healthy when kept closely con fined in small yards. Chickens require feeding three times a day and only n small quantity at each meal should bo tho rule. A very successful poultryman says: "One-quarter of a pint of corn is amplo grain for a hen for ono day without any other food, and ono tea spoonful of corn mush orj conrso meal "per day is sufficient for a young chicken." In locating a poultry business, se lect gravelly or sandy land thnt drains naturally. A hlllsldo sloping to the south, protected by a grove of trees on tho north nnd west, with a stream of running water at tho bottom of tho slope should bo chosen. Heavy limestone and red clay land, unless well drained, Is not suitable for poultry. Such land, even with thj best of management, 1h liable to bo cold and wot In tho early spring and during most of tho winter months. PACKING HONEY IN PRINTED CARTONS Neat Little Receptacles Are of Great Convenience to Dealer and Consumer. The best grades of comb honey should bo put on tho market in nently printed cartons. They nro a great convenienco for tho dealer, thoy servo to keep honey frco from dust, and also prevent marring the dollcato comb when handling from tho grocery to tho consumer's kitchen. Cartons aro so inexpenslvo and so useful that it Is surprising that moro of the best comb honey is not put on tho market In them. Of courso, thoso using cartons should bo very careful to see that only tho most perfect sections of honoy are put into them. A honoy purchaser will seldom buy cartoned honey tho second time if she has been onco de ceived by getting, for Instance, a partly filled comb In a carton; or, per haps, a dirty-looking comb. Cartons should bo used moro exten sively than they aro now, as thoy also furnish an added opportunity to send printed honey information with oach comb of honey sold. Road-Dust for Chicks. Bogln thlB month to gather road-dust In barrels for tho lions to batho in during winter. In tho summer thoy dig In tho field and sun themselves, half burled In the dust. CHIMESETTE AND COAT COLLAR MAKE NOVEL COMBINATION THIS neck pieco Ib a novelty, serv ing tho purpose of an ornamental coat collar and a chlmcsetto to match, both In ono plcco. To mako it success fully ono must first Bnlcct a strong but filmy pattern In tho machlno-mado laces. Thoy will stand washing and not,. draw out of Bhnpe. Thoy do not need to bo stayed with not, ns tho threads of which they aro woven aro very firm. In order to mako this ncck-plcco fit, a good sailor collar pattern of tissue paper Is to bo laid over tho coat col lar anil brought under tho lnpel. The chlmolsotto onds nro then cut from paper and curved out to fit tho neck in front, with tho papor extended nt each sido to meet tho sailor collar. Pin tho pieces together -whore they moot and rpmovo tho collar. After trimming awny tho superfluous papor, paBto tho two pieces togothor. Whon tho pattorn has boon cut In this way, it may bo found to bo n Httlo ir regular. Just ono-half of It Is needed In cutting tho laco, so this Irregularity does not mako an difference. Tho collar is cut from all-over laco HE iw vKS Hr jb folded either crosswise or longthwlse. On this doublo fold of goods placo hair of tho pattern and cut tho collar by it. It Is not n bad plan If tho laco Is of a very open pattern to baBto It to a paper foundation beforo binding the edges. A narrow fold of flno not headed with a cord or soutacho braid llnlsheu tho collar. Cut tho fold on tho straight of tho net in a strip two and ono-half times as wldo as tho finished fold Is to be. Fold It nnd bnsto It to tho collar. If soutacho braid Is used Church Decoration . l&SV&SiC. ': pt ,WN SHE who chooses to bo wed In Oc tober, Las tho best chanco of a bright nnd wonderful day and Is sure of nn Indian summer honoymoori of glorious weather. Juno brought Its troop of lovely brides this year, but thoBo of October will outnumber them according to tho gossip of thoso who report tho doings of tho social world. Beforo UiIb tho brldo and her maids and nil hor fcmlnlno "klnery" nro ready with their gala day attire. But It haB become a pretty custom to leave tho decoration of tho church to tho young friends or old of tho brldo, and October offers n splendid chanco for tho effective decoration of church or homo with tho familiar and dear things that grow about every where. Whother gathered from tho woods and fields, or loaned by tho bride's friends tho necessary greenery Is not hard to obtain. Modern churches, with their amplo rostrums, aro easily decorated. The first requisite to a successful result, Is to know when to stop to bo careful not to crowd In moro than tho spaces Justify. Then wo aro to remember that green and tho darker tones of autumn follago should predominate with tho moro vivid colors sparingly used. ' Tho windowB and the altar aro posi tions of greatest advantage for tho placing of church decorations. Guard ing against over-crowding docs not moan being Bklropy In placing folingo and flowers In their places, but In so placing tho decorations that the at tention will not bo taken away from them by unnecessary decorations else where. Except for greenery tho isles down which tho bridal party moves to tho altar or departs therefrom should bo left untximrned. Boughs nnd vines from tho forest will tnko caro of tho windows and ferns aro pretty placed among them. With foliage for n background tho flowers for tho altar bliould bo chosen In only one color or a color with white. White alono in blossoms !e very beautiful especially if autumn leaves aro chosen to bo usoQ with them. t may bo machine stitched to placo at thn name tlmo oa tho fold. Narrow laco edging or beading may bo ubcI InBtcad or a very small and flno finish ing braid. Small fancy buttons finish tho chlmcsetto nt tho front, but It fastens, with tiny hooks nnd oyes placed un der thcra. This neck pleco is made up In many matorlals. It Is pretty In French em broidered batlBto, In plain wash net or of tho finest crochet lacoc When mado entirely by hand something la added to Its value, it Is a novelty that will mako nn acceptable Christ mas present Ono who knows how to mnko flno tatting could mnko up tho plcco or Httlo tatting wheels. Such a development will produce a gift worth several dollars. For practical wear, howovcr, tho machine mado wash laces and nets nro best of all. It Is tho crisp fresh ness of such Httlo ncceHSorles that makos them charming. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. Mallnes Frills for Plain Frocks. Providing they can ( bo kept fresh- v. looking, thoro Is no easier way of dressing up tho plnln Httlo frock In sorgo or dark silk which nearly ovcry girl han for early autumn wear than a wrist, neck nnd plastron set in whito inclines. Tho wrlstlotB nra merely very full threo-lnch-wido frills, shirred onto narrow ribbons by which they may bo attached to eufllesB sleeves, and tho collar consist- of two frills ono of throo-lnch width overlapping ono of four-inch" width nt tho ccntor of tho back, whore they are wired to stand up nnd whenco they taper gradually to bononth tho chin, whero thoy Ho flat nnd nro sc curod under a narrow velvet pump bow. Tho plastron Is a blb-shapcd affair of finely tucked mallus extend ing from tho shoulders to bolow tho bust nnd further lengthened and wld oned by a three-Inch frilling. Powdered Coiffures. Whito wigs mot with onough suc cess at Paris fetes of tho lato summer, nnd nt fashionable watering places, to indlcato that powdorod" halr will bo In voguo for evening In tho coming winter. Tho high holraot-shapcd coif fure will alBO probably bo adopted, as it Is suited to tho period of Btylo when tho hair was powdered. Test for Hooks and Eyes. To avoid using hooltB nnd eyes that will rust, always test them with a magnet. If they can bo drawn by tho magnet they contain steel and should not bo used on anything that requires laundorlng. for October Wedding ??:? - 'i'-i t .X6 Mh 31 1 Asters and chrysanthemums suggest themselves for tho October wedding. There is a wldo cholco of color la cither of these. Tho chrysanthemum, is a regal flower. Big, whito ones used with a setting of autumn leaves, palms and ferns will mako a decora tive scheme to bo proud of. An altar la pictured hero In which green, whito and pink mado up tho color plcturo, set against the light gray of tho church wallB. It Is a. charming decoration. Thero was am plo room hero for placing tho grow ing plants nnd the cut flowers. Added to these, cut glass candelabra, with wax candles, gave tho sparklo and: glow of candle light. ThlB light was, of courso, not needed but It was a beautiful touch among the greens and flowers. , About tho ultar small potted plants woro placed, ferns nnd green follago, set at rather wide intervals at each side. At each sido n largo jardlnlero containing a foliage plant with green leaves striped with white (llko "rib bon grass") displayed tho stately dis position of Its leaves. Small tables provided the necessary height ori which to plnco the plants n'nd flbwers. A small stand at each side held tho candlenbra. In this church tho altar has two levels nnd upon the second the choir Is placed. Tho organ stands at tho back. A choir of women, dressed uni formly, and In white, is nn added at traction and the singing of t,ho wed ding march more effective than an organ rendering alone. For a homo wedding the windows, mantels nnd doorways provide tho points of greatest advantage for plac ing flowers and foliage. Greater lati tude In using color Is possible be cause thero are separate rooms each of which may bo decorated In Us own color scheme. But nothing should bo introduced that will provo other than an attractive background for tbo wed ding party. Thereforo the apparel of the brldo and her attendants must be considered and decorations made with reforence to them. Autumn follago provides many colors. JULIA QOTTOMLEY. ?)