A THE NORTH PLATTE 8EMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. xn 7 iai ' V A 8IRLS! GIRLS! TRY IT, BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR Wako It Thick, Gloosy, Wavy, Luxur iant and Remove Dandruff Real Surprise for You. Your hair becomes light, wary, fluf fy, abundant aud appears as soft, luo troua and beautiful ao a young girl's after a "Dandorlno hair cleanse." JuBt try this moisten a cloth with a llttlo Danderlno and carefully draw It through your hair, talcing ono small strand at a tlmo. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt and oxcesslvo oil and In Just a few moments you have doubled the 'beauty of your hair. Besides beautifying tho hair at onco, Danderlno dissolves every partlclo of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and Invig orates tho scalp, forever stopping itch ing and falling hair. But what will ploaso you most will Ijo after a fow weeks' uso when you will actually seo new hair flno and downy at first yos but really new hair growing all over tho scalp. If you caro for pretty, soft hair and lots of it, surely get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderlno from any storo and Just try It. Adv. Even If a man does have fairly good sense ho can easily writo a few love letters. "Arouse Get rid of that feeling of de pression, commonly known as "the blues." It is only the liver that has become lazy as a result of impaired digestion and clogged bowels. Try HOSTETTER'S today and notice the improve ment in your general health. It tones and strengthens the entire system. You Can Buy The Best Irrigated Land Sn Southern Idaho For $50.50 an Acre Good Soil Flno Cllmato Crops Never Fall Especially adapted tojho raising of alfalfa, cralrn, rotatoesand fruits. Ideal for dairy lag aud stock raising. On main line Oregon Short Line Railroad. Lands surround Riohfleld, Dietrich, Sho ihono and Gooding In Lincoln and Gooding Counties. 120,1)00 acres open to entry. THE BKST WATER RIGHT IN THE WEST AND TERMS OP 1'AYirENT ARE Tin: EASIEST OFFERED BY ANY IRRI CATION COMPANY. Let us tell you more. Your letter will havo Individual attention. Address Idaho Irrigation Co., Ltd. Rlchflold Idaho JOHNNY COOK The Leader of tho Leaders of li li$ff ll Will I liaOfErtOiV Bu HI Hrr IB nl uiTu nut on H fcTCi nil ii n Wk B H wctz arw M n wZ mNu mi lav? Iy&$l 1? MiW WM0wm&pw 4 Great Western Commission Company South Omaha, Nebraska nwTw L. DOUGLAS .oo $35o $4iOQ .so AND sK - oo SHOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BEST BOYS SHOES In tin WORLD S2.00 13.50 and S3 00. The largest makers of Men's $3.50 and $4.00 shoes in the world. kiki rwuvt f3 "" iw- i jLV &w rs AU your dealer to show ou W. I Dniielna n.BO. IM.00 an SO Kline. Juit ntcooil GOTHAM V NJA lit anil wnr an other ml:f online V.1.00 to S7 I tlio only illfferwnre Inathem, styles and nnxs to milt everybody. If you t'oiilil ilslt W. I Uauclat large facto. I rles at Itrorklon. Ala . and ace far youmlf ' how r-nrnf nllr W. 1.. Tim would then understand in in uriier, iook iwimr, inncor than any oilier It W. I. IVotr1i thott sre uiTrn rrom int iKnorr u wiofi ror TFrTlTieninuoi 4sv - w riMfrJ I."V Tnrt vVv,.v -saasv I ,?mvj rYX.T"KA. Hilling. II ntll thawyoa how to orittr by niWl, ami mtij you can tte money on your tootwexr. TAKE NO ----1 SUBSTITUTE V, t ltCOI,AN KEEP THEIR HEADS STEADY Australian Statesman Asserts Women Prevent Conditions of Political Turbulence Tho prlmo minister of Australia, whero tho women havo suffrage on equal terms with men, was interview ed whllo on a visit to London on tho results of woman suffrago In his coun try. Ho is quoted as saying: "Women's suffrago steadies political fooling. In democratic countrios tur bulenco Is always a danger. Woll, In a tlmo of political excitement men will lot themselves looso. Women won't. They don't want hystorics. They don't want oarthquakoB. They aro tho domestic' economists, and they havo to calculato tho needs of tholr households pretty closely every week. This is why economic questions aro moro carefully studied now and why you get steadier, moro sober, mora wholesome opinion on all questions connected with tho homo." Possibly no stronger conclusion can bo deduced from tho eleven years' ex perience of woman suffrago in Aus tralia than tho fact that its national parliament, by unanimous vote, adopt ed a resolution declaring Its entlro success and calling upon tho parlia ment of Great Britain to enfranchise women. Now York Evening Post. RASH ITCHED AND BURNED 400 South Hermltago Ave., Chicago, 111. "I was attacked with a breaking out on tho lnsido of my arms. It was a small rash or pimples and it Itched and burned, especially at night, so that before I know It I had mado my self sore. I had to wear tho finest kind of cotton underwear, no woolen at all, becauso tho leaBt thing irritat ed it and mado It much worse. Tho rash itched and smarted until at times I got no sleep at all. "I had this trouble and took treat ments for about one year, but they only gavo mo relief whilo taking them. Then I began using Cutlcura Soap and Ointment and I got relief right away. In three months I was a well man again." (Signed) H. W. Foley, Nov. 5, 1912. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Samplo of each free.wlth 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cutlcura, Dopt L, Boston." Adv. Wrong Ones. Mamma (at amateur entertainment) Hush, Willie, tho violinist is trying her strings. Wllllo (aloud) Then, whllo she's at it, why don't she fix tjiem that .show In tho back. Puck. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottlo of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants nnd children, and see that it Bears tho Signature of In Uso For Over 30 Years Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Important Question. "Woman," growled tho villain, "tho crime is on your own head." "Is it on straight?" anxiously de manded tho vlllalness. For the treatment of colds, soro throat, etc., Dean's Mentholated Cough Drops give sure relief 6c at all good Druggists. Tho world production of tin last year was 114,190 tons, as compared with 616,828 tons tho year before. Be thrifty on llttio things like bluing. Don't accept water for bluing. Ask for Red Cross Ball Blue, the extra good value blue. Adv. Lots of easy marks havo been done In the name of charity. 6&xs? and when it all costs the same why not have The Best? jl Send your next load stock to the Inntvlc. U llio prlro. bhoos In all Doinrlan ihoes am maila. tvhr ther nre lvarrmnted muiii ineir snnpe anu wear I make lor tlio price. not for ! In four Tlelnlty. onltr . mt in romairniiin pronu iTimo nn lanuir, m u iircs, oy citmoB 8rlhKl UDouitlU ' jir ?v ?i,yit-x j z .ar v. -.i pr. - f s? sz- TVil sA I v B I Mm do t.'wb'y wTAitA B?nf vs M tfWi ' V Vf f Jtl ." would i&n JT" --' J7 IK'.'jKir Itrockton, Sims. name U ttsmped nn inn ixiltom. ROAD BUILDING COST OF ROAD MAINTENANCE Test In Southeastern Nebraska Shows Satisfactory Work Can Be Done for Less Than $10 Per Mile. (By C. P. C1IA8K. North Dakota Agrl 4 cultural College.) At tho homo farm In southeastern Nebraska thoro Is a stretch of land ono-hnlf mlto in length that wo have dragged for soven years. Only onco during; this period has thiB road been worked with anything but a drag. Two years ago tho Bldo ditches were cleaned with tho common road grader. A careful record of tho tlmo taken to drag this road has boon kept. Two trips for ono man and ono team requir ing ono hour's tlmo for a single drag ging Is tho basis taken. Tho first year wo dragged it 15 times, tho second 13, tho third 17, and tho fourth 12 aud tho fifth 14 times or 71 dragglngs of ono hour's tlmo in tlvo years. This Is 30 cents nn hour for a man and team Is $4.26 a year for tho ono-half mile. For a mlto It would bo $3.52 annually. An other road in tho immediate vicinity cost loss than $10 per mile annually. A caso is noted In Public Roads Bulle tin No. 48, United States department of agriculture, whero tho cost of sim ilar maintenance of roads in Arkansas was $11 per mile. Stato Engineer Qcnrhart of Kansas putB the rango of cost for dragging at from $4 to $10. Tho cost for North Dakota should not cost moro than $10 a mile, whllo in most cases it would bo much less, tho cost depending upon tho character of tho soil, tho rainfall, traffic and grade. As an average for all dirt roads I would placo tho annual cost of main tenance at $7.50 per milo or $460,740 to drag in a satisfactory manner tho ronds in North Dakota ono year. Tho total oxpondlturo on public roads of North Dakota outside of townB In 1911 wns $691,540. If proper ly organized, and if tho pooplo wero educated, wo could properly maintain our earth road with tho present road funds and havo $230,800 loft for bridges, now construction, otc. The national office of public roadB recommends tho patrol syotcm com bining dragging. Tho Nebraska legis lature passed a law that is not unlike tho patrol system. Tho subBtanco of the law Is as follows: The graded roads In each county aro to' be divided into road dragging dis tricts by tho county boards. Ono per son to 'each township is to bo ap pointed superintendent of dragging, and is to rcceivo not moro than $2.50 per day. Roads shall bo dragged whenever necessary, and all the sections of tho highway shall be dragged at once. County boards may levy a tax of not to oxceed one mill for road dragging. Whero four horses aro used on nn oight-foot drag, tho rato of payment is 75 cents for each milo of highway dragged both ways. Whero a seven foot drag and two or three horseo are used, 60 cents Is tho prescribed rate. On rocky highways or stretches of road that cannot be Improved by drag ging the county boards aro not re quired to put the act into effect. EXHIBITION OF ROAD MODELS Greatest Display Ever Shown In Any Part of World Will Be Seen at San Francisco In 1915. ; Arrangements aro to bo mado by tho United States department of agri culture, through Logan Waller Page, director of tlio ofllcc of public roads, to placo on exhiibtlon in 191f tho greatest collection of road models ever displayed in nny part of tho world. The models will furnUh exact dupli cates of the old Roman roads, French roads, and all of tho various types of modern roadB, together with miniaturo models of road machinery operated by electricity. The otllco of public roads mado an exhibit of road models for tho first time at the Alaska-Yukon-Paclflc ex position. Tho aim was to put on view Buch striking examples in miniaturo of road models that visitors would not only appreciate tho beneficent ef fects of improved highways, but would at the same tlmo be able to under stand tho methods of their construc tion. Since the Alaska-Yukon-Paclflc ex position closed, tho exhibition has been displayed at various other expo sitions and fairs. Since that tlmo the collection has been greatly augmented, until every single type of road is now represented and every known device used in the making of roads has been reproduced In miniature As a result of the Instruction fur nished by these road models, many farmers have joined forces to improve their own highways, and the road building movement has had a great Impetus Must Be Paid for. If we are to have good roads, we must bo willing to pay for them and wo must be willing to pay for tholr maintenance, and also remember that the maintenance Is of as groat if not greater Importance than the original construction New Paris Pavement. More durable and - astlc than ordi nary macadam Is said to be a new pavement laid in Paris with a bot tom layer of concrete, an intermedi ate one of concrete mortar reinforced with iron rods and a surfacing of crushed stono and mortar. TIME TO GATHER APPLES TO SAVE THEM s lMf&f :&: KiI " -s42rr v ,, Fj iLw'V. . 4 Ldpv' . l " tvvi "I C.,Av, VlsJBWWaSA'CTWBKcMftBStSrtBttSiiW A Fine Apple Orchard In Oradell, N. J., From Which a Big Yield Was Ob tained. The Result of Pruning and SpraylnQ. (fly L. M. HKNNINOTON) Apples that aro oxpoctod o go into storage should bo picked Just before they got mellow or fall from tho trees. Thoy must not be picked too soon, however, but should bo loft until thoy havo nttnlned their full growth and color. No orchnrdtst of nny account now Bhnkes apples from tho trco, but picks them ono by one and places them In a baskot or bag suspended from tho plckor's Bhoulders. Tho fruit should bo carefully assort ed nnd overy npplo that present n broken skin or a worm hole, or 1b in any other way imperfect, sholud bo packed by Itself; becauso dlsoasod, bruised, or wormy fruit will very quickly destroy sound fruit that 1b placed next to It. Apples should not bo packed until four or flvo dnys after thoy havo boon picked. They should thou bo kopt in a shed until freezing weather conies on. If apples aro picked when "dry, DIVERS IMPORTANT HINTS FOR GARDEN Heavy Application of Manure and Plenty of Potash Should Be Used on Vegetables., (By b. M BENNINGTON ) Such vogotableB as cabbago, cauli flower, lettuco nnd onions utilize to the best advantngo heavy applications of manure. Plenty of potash and phosphoric acid should be used with all vegeta bles and particularly with tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and root-crops. Llmo is tho best preventative of club-foot in cabbage. It doesn't al ways prevent this disease, but It s usually effectual. Dy having vegetables at tho earli est possible date you will bo able to cntch the first customers nnd hold them during the wholo of tho season. SoIIb that aro heavily manured for cabbago, lettuco, celery and other crops will not need very much manuro tho following year, when planted with tomatoes, poppers and root-crops, es pecially if a fair amount of commer cial fertilizer is UBcd. When green manuro cropB are plowed under, thero is moro or less tendency of such material to sour tho land, and applications of llmo after plowing under such crops, sweeten tho soli and securo a more favorable condition for tho growing of ;lover. It is very important to work In clovers as often ns possible, and a sweet soil Is necessnry to get good results with them. Crops must bo gathered in proper condition, and sent to tho mnrkot fresh and clean. Careful grading is essential. A fow Inferior specimens In a package aro tho first to attract attention. Even a fow specimens will knock off moro from tho price of tho packago then thoy nre worth. Telephonic communications with all available markotB and prlvato cus tomers la a necessity to tho garden er, It ho desires to Ueep pouted and take orders for his produce. RHUBARB IS VERY EASY TO HANDLE Most Perfectly Rotted Manure Should Be Selected Be Careful Not to Pull. Select the best as well as tho most perfectly rotted manure each season Dhlde tho roots, only allowing one tubor to a hill. Tho dirt bhould be heaped up rather loosely Never pad dle It compactly When the earlier leaves commence dropping over, this will call for cut ting them off This makes the others following straight and also tailor. In gathering bo careful not to pull Some do, but It is liable to injure small rootlets which helj. the plant's later grow tli Cut tho stalk an Inch above the ground If in the fall the plauts are coored with about three inches of clean straw the pieplant will respond abundantly until the hard froet kills It E V. B Always Working. Like the housowlfo, the poultry man's work is nover done. nnd in season, thoy will stand n great deal of cold, but of courao tho froBt should not bo allowed to touch them. Tho boxes or barrels In tho shed should bo placed uo that tho air can circulato frooly botwocn them. When tho frcozlng wonthor comes on, tho apples should bo romovod to tho collar, whero thoy should bo kept dry, A cellar containing wator will soon destroy fruit. Tho best tem perature at which npplcB keop, is about 33 degrees F. Of courao it is dimcult to obtain this exact tomporaturo, but two or throe dogrecs above or bolow will do no harm. If npplcs aro placed loosely In bins In tho collar, Uioy should bo exam ined frequently during tho winter qud if thoy nro not kooplng woll, tho ton tiro lot should bo picked over vory carofully and ovory applo showings signs of docny should bo takon out, aud tho sound apples wiped with a cloth and placed la a clean bin. TIMELY NOTES OF THE POULTRY YARD Handsome Profit May Be Se cured by Buying Pasteboard Boxes for the Eggs. (By C. 8. MILI.Klt.) Tho farmer's wlfo who will buy pasteboard egg packages and placo in them nothing but clean eggs will mnko enough profit to pay for tho pnekagos many times over. Someone has truly said that "the best poultry men on most farms nro women." To vcntllnto a poultry-houso does not mean that holos should be knock ed into It so that drafts will draw through, nor that tho openings aro large enough to admit snow nnd rain. Tho ago of a fowl is always dis closed by tho condition of its logs. If the skin is hnrd and rough, bo sure it Is nn old one. The delicacy of tho skin Indicates youth.i Peoplo who fall in tho poultry busi ness nro usually those who take It up as a fad and not for tho purpose of making a living. If you aro raising birds for broil er or roasters, It Is well to confine them, because they will not fatten as quickly on tho rango, but breeding fowls Bhould bo allowed wide range. Tho chief objoctlon to Belf-focdlng contrivances la thnt tho fowls in win der not having cxerclflo by scratching for their feed, aro likely to become too fat. ' If a box of broken charcoal la kopt before tho fowls thoy will pick at it a great deal and It Is nn excollont thing to keep them In good condition. If you havo not yoj separated tho cockerels from tho pullots, do so at once. Turn them Into capons or dis pose of them. This 1b tho time when henij aro molting and need rest. Do not ex pect them to shed feathers and lay eggs at tho usual rato both at tho same tlmo. If tho old poultry houso has dono service for mnny years, and yotir fowls havo bocn troubled with lice latoly, burn down the old shack and build a new ono on a new site. It will pay Nover Bond to raarkot a bird that you would not bo willing to serve on jour own table. If you stick to this rule you will soon earn a reputation that will raako your stock salable ev ery day in tho year. It depends a great deal on manage ment, care and feed as to whether the early pullets will make early layers Clean Water and Feed. Drinking dishes and feeding troughs for chicks aro likely to becomo dirty and insanitary unless special precau tions nre taken Drinking water should never b( placed in common dishes or vessel) where tho chicks may get in will both feet, but "sanitary" fountains either homemade or purchased, should be used These should br cloanod and scalded, at frequent Ir tervalB Wet mashftR, when fed i wooden troughs, mold unless all re use is ttcraped off and the troughs aro placed on end ao that the) maj dry in the sun. Neglect of those two sisnple mat ters may cause considerable loss dar ing the summer. FRUIT HE FOR SICK CHILO "California Syrup of Figs" can't harm tender stomach, liver and bowels. Every mother rcnllzos,, nftor giving her children "California Syrup of FlgB" that thlB is their idoal laxatlvo, becauso they lovo H" pleasant tasto and it thoroughly cleanses tho tender llttlo Btomnch, llvor and bowels with out griping. When cross, irrltnblo, fovorlsh or breath is bad, stomach sour, look at tho tongue, mother! If coated, glvo a tcanpoonful of thla harmless "fruit lnxntlvo," nnd In a fow hours all tho foul, constlpntod wnsto, sour bllo nnd undigested food passes out of tho bow els, and you havo a well, playful child again. Whon Ita llttlo system la full of cold, throat sore, has otomnch-acho, diarrhoea, indigestion, colic romcin bor, a good "Inpldo cleaning" should nlwnyn bo tho first treatment given. Millions of mothors keop "California By nip of FlgB" handy; thoy know a teaBpoonful today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask nt tho storo for a GO cent bottlo of "California Syrup of Figs," which hna directions for babies, children of nil ages and grown-ups printed on tho bbttlo. Adv. Extreme Case. "Your wito sooms vory fond of hor poodlo." "Yes, Why, alio ovon thinks tho con founded llttlo bruto has superior fleas." JUDGE CURED, HEART TROUBLE. I took about 0 boxes of Dodds Kid ney PIUb for Heart Trouble from which I had Buffered for 6 years. I had dizzy spoils, my oyoo puffod. my breath was short and I had chills and baok acho. I took the pills about a year ago and havo had no roturn of tho oalpltatlona. Am now 63 yeara old, ablo to do lots of manual labor, am nnd weigh about Judgo Millor, well and hearty 200 pounds. I fool vory gratoful that I found Dodda Kidney Pills and you may publish thin letter it you wish. I am serving my third term as Probate Judgo of Gray Co. Yours truly, PHILIP MILLEH, Cimarron, Kan. Correspond with Judgo Millor about thla wonderful remody. Dodds Kldnoy Pills, 60c. per box ah your dealor or Dodds Medlclno Co, Buffalo, N. Y. Write for HouBohold Hlnto, also muslo of National Anthom (English nnd German words) and re cipes for dnlnty dishes. All 3 sent froa Adv. Easily Oeen. "Havo tho Jinxes a family skolo ton7" "Yes, and bIio'b wearing ono of theso silhouette gownB, too." liivorpool WOMflTfl REAT SUFFERER Tells How She Was RestarW To Health by LydiaEFl Finkham's Vegeta -He Compound. Grayvllle, HI. "I was a ffreat Buf fcrerof female complaints for a year and I got nothing that helped me un til I began taking Lydia E. PinkBam'a Vegetable Com pound. I was Irreg ular and bad cramps so bad that I had to go to bed. Now I havo better health than I have bad for years and I cannot speak too highly of your medicine." Mrs. Jessie Schaab, 413 Main St, Grayvllle, IIL Case of Mrs. Tully. Chicago, 111. "I take pleasure In writing to thank you for what Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I suffered with such aw ful periodic pains, nnd had a displace ment, and received no benefit from the doctors. I was advised to take Lydia E. Pinkham'u Vegetable Compound, and nm now as well as ever." Mrs. Wu ham Tully, 2052 Ogden Avenue, Chicago, IIL If yon have tho slightest doubt tliat Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegeta ble Compound will help you,ivrito to Lydia E.PinkhaniMedieine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, ftnd hold fa strict confidence. FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS. UroSlMI OUr rOK t KI.lltKIWNurOOTTHtlll.LES- lirrc (ram v hey tiLAnDen M.rvnu Dtstir OHkOXIC WUtKtUtl. lCKkkklK EKlirm NV !. writ lor ar mee uA. tmk mot n.K-k.-TTn'. WrUICALBOOCEtERWK TTZX.ITTEv -U- boir tliUM PirAttt and " uruiiturr r uk Err tx br THlNIW FRENCH REMEDY. MM N N.3. THERAPION STTUSS ftflttthritOTlTftirv Rf VMt mnt Jiirtftm. ketw. AbtoliltlrFRCC No foUDwBp ccrtalar. k 4-L k VKG Men C 7HAVEsr.JCiLlu.irEiu i-oiok,i.i4 f L mj 4RjllP ljrr i in u.uiinfftMimwwrm I JJ ! Craffe C-rofs 3i Ooo T. hE3 Pi I turn. ol & tor Thurnrt ( Y I esa