THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. GEORGE'S HEIR MAY WED CZAR'S DAUGHTER a A wk Nb wBBBBSBtSKKK & Ks, Jf If tho British and Russian governments can brine It about, and If tho oppooltlon of Quoon Mary can bo ovorcomo, then tho mnrrlngc of Grand Duchess Olga (left of her Bister Titanln) to tho Prince of Wales, heir to tho throno of Great Britain, will, according to tho lntost rumor from England, tako place. Diplomats aro certain that such an alllanco would strengthen tho Anglo-Russian sentiment In both countries. WOMENMEN'S PEER Writer Tells How Suffragettes Outtalked the Premier. Bays Feminine Forces Con Prevent Return of Liberal Party to Power at Next Election Sees End of Militancy. London, England. Returning to England attui an absonco ot four mouths on tho continent, I havo been Interested In ascertaining whothor thora has boon any chungo in tho sit uatlon rogaidtng woman euffrajo, says a London woman wrltor. In writing to Mrs Fawcett, prcsldont of the consti tutional association, tho National Union, I Bald It soomod to mo that, with tho romarkablo four wcoks' pll grlmago of thousands ot women from all parts of tho country, tho great peacoful demonstration In llydo park and later tho receiving of their rep resentatives by Prima mlnlstor As ciulth, tho movement had ontorod upon a now era. 8ho answered: "I fool with you that Buffrago matters In England aro on the point of now dovolopmont, but wo know nothing positively at present," and thU represents truly tho existing condition. Nobody, constitutional or militant, official or prlvato citizen, will hasard a doflnlto opinion as to tho ioxt stop. In her address to tho premier, Mrs. Fawcett appealed to him to And a way out of tho "Impasse" in which not only tho tuiffrnglutB but nlBo tho liberal party found thomsolvcs, and, this cor rectly expresses tho condition. Tho former aro no more hopelessly up against a stono wall on this question thfti is tho latter. Why did Mr. Asqulth, after refusing to rocolvo a deputation at tho time thousands ot women were In Londou for tho llydo park meeting, voluntari ly agreo to do so a wcok later? Ho said It was because ho understood tboy "had fresh ovldonco of popular nupport to lay beforo him!" At tho Umo ono division of the "pil grims" had reached Oxford and wan ! holding a mass meeting, tho prtmo minister was discovered incognito In ono of tho colleges thrro, evidently ooolng for himself what everybody knowB that thero Is a tremendous publlo sentiment behind this move ment Ho pretended to bo impressed ut tho testimony of tho womon as to tho friendship of tho worklngmon shown nil along tho march, and yet for u number of yenrs this has been ex pressed by an overwhelming voto at tho conventions of tho Inbor party. Novor was tho wily politician more In ovldenco than at this intorvlow, but tho women matched him at every point. "Tho liberal party will bow to tho will of tho people," ho said. "How Is that will to bo expressed 7" they asked. "Well, there is tho referendum would that suit your Ideas?" "Two speeches havo beon made by your colleagucu on tho referendum," answered Mrs. Fawcett; "ono said it was tho best way ever Invented for stopping anything and tho other said It was tho best way of dealing with woman fuffragei" The promlcr assorted that "tho In terests of women hud not been unduly noglocted by tho houro of commons" and Mlus Hoyden asked him what de gree of noglcct wob "duo?" She point ed out ono lnstnnco nftor another whoro tho Interests or men has been protected and (hose of women lg norod; doclared that "oven good gov ernment Is no substitute for solf-gov-ornmont" and that "women had bo como politically conscious and never would bo sent to sloop ngaln." "Thero Is but ono way of finding out whut tho people think," Bald tho prime minister, "and thnt Is through tho representatives thoy send to parlia ment." "Truo," answered Miss riobertson, "and thero haB boon a majority for women ouffrago In tho houso of commons for 25 yoarsl" Thoro Is only ono courso open to tho BUffrnglst and thnt Is to prevent tho return of tho Ubornl party to pow or at tho next genornl election. Eng lish women are trained In politics nnd If tho suffraglstB would lay aside all minor dlfferonco nnd concentrato on thla ono object, thoy could accomplish 1L Tho Women's LIboral federation, an nnnox of tho liberal party, with a membership of ovor 100,000, could do this unnlded. It would moan, of courso, tho retirement from otuco of tho men of their own famlllos and tho defeat of tho party to which they alwayB havo belonged, but many of them aro pro parod to mako this sacrifices, it seems to bo accopted on every hand that tho oonservatlva party whon It comes Into powor again will grant eomo measure of suffrage to women. This will not bn done as a matter ot priuclple, but bocauso It will not wish to subject ltpclf to tho experience of the liberal party at tho hands of womon, and bo causo tho soutlmont of tho country Is so obviously In favor of their en franchisement. Carl Browne and Hla Octoplane. Is Angeles. Carl Browne, the odd old Callforntan, says that ho has solved tho problem of safe Aerial travel. His machine si built on tho principle of tho mono plane, but Instead ot having one INVENTS A FREAK AIRSHIP i l I a iiwi civ! Br 4 yifi? JUSTICE IN RUSSIA "Devil Entered Little Body Baby Natalia." of 80 Russian Official Report Said After She Threw Dirt on a Prominent Governor's Coat Village Forced to Beg for Forgiveness. St. Petersburg. From Harkov comcB a story showing how tho wheels ot udmlnlstratlvo authority go round In Hussla. The governor, of tho province, Mr. Katorlnltch, started out from Harkov In uu automobile, accompanied by a mounted escort of tho district chiefs of police. What befell him Is set forth in an authorized published do port. Whon a few miles outBldo tho town tho governor and his cortego passed through n villago where a Ilttlo girl, seated on tho roadside was making mud pics. "There tho devil," says tho narra tive, "entered the little body of Nata lia Kolatchenko, nged five years. Sho took up faomo dirty earth and throw it at tho automobile and It Jell on tho governor's coat. "Tho cntlro cortego halted. A pollco sergeant dismounted and mado after the Ilttlo girl, who ran screaming into a kitchen-garden. A body of police surrounded tho garden and sho was put under arroat. Her mother, re turning from work in tho fields, was albo arrested, and had to march un der armed guard for 12 versts to the chief of pollco Btutlon of tho dis trict. Tho chiof of pollco then sum moned all tho villagers to meet at once and decide what penance they would offer to palliate tho enormity that had occurred within their com mune. "Moauwhllo tho ilttlo girl's father, who was employed nt tho railway works at Harkov came home, and ho, too, was arrested and marched off for 12 vernts to tho police office. A pri vate inquiry was held on him to learn whether ho was a well-dlsposod or ill disposed person. Ho was released at three In tho morning to find all tho villagers up at a meeting summoned by tho chief ot pollco, who had a pe tition for them to present to the gov ernor craving forgiveness for ilttlo Natalia. Ho wished thorn to present It on their knees, but that thoy "re fused to do." Tho Governor returned to Harkov next day, and thoy all stood uncovered on tho road with their potitlon. Ho looked the other way and they had to shout "Walt, your excellency! Walt!" Tho villagers were then let go after a severe admonition on looking aftor children. But tho mother was sen tenced to 15 days' imprisonment. MANIAC GUIDES SHIP TO RUIN When Captain Leaves Bark Insane Man Takes Command and Sallo Away. Philadelphia. Somewhere In tho At lantic ocean, mastered by a maniac and manned by a frightened crow, tho Norwegian bark Ravonsport is rushing to destruction, according to n story told hero by Captain Jansen ot tho steamship Admiral Schloy, which ar rived from Jamaica. Tho Ravensport was bound from Dunkirk, Scotland, to a gult port. On tho voyage a giant Swodo Bailor be came lnsnno and cut and slashed tho crow nt will. Ho was captured and confined aftor two of the crow had been seriously injured. Captain Duus, master of tho ship, put off in a small boat for Buff bay to get medical aid. Just as the yawl reached shoro tho maniac broke loose nnd commaudod tho crow to raise anchor. Whon they wcro unublo to do so ho ordered tho chain broken, Whon Captain Duus saw his ship sailing nway ho started in pursuit In tho Bmall boat A chase of ten miles woro out tho men who wore rowing and they were forced to turn back. Captain Duus believes that tho maniac Is speeding tho ship to destruction on tho shoros of Cuba. The Ravensport is a steel bark of 1.G42 gross tona and is owned by Qrofltan & Norlofoan of Arendal, Nor way. fixed plane nt the forward end has eight revolving ones, four on each side. Any two of these will net as tho fixed piano of tho monoplane. When tho aviator encounters strong cross currents of air Browno claims thnt Instond of tho machine being over turned that tho planes will meroly re volve nnd tho "cotoplano" will pro ceed on nn oven keel. Another featuro claimed for tho Invention is that the blast of air from tho propellor will bo conserved by tho slanting planes and will provide a "rler of air" on which tho mnchlno wlU rldo. Browne's para chute attachment ho snys will open nnd allow the "octoplano" to gently descend to earth from a height as low as a hundred feet. Still ApplVe7 New York. "A guilty conscience carries the load of soven drome daries," tho prophet Mohammed once wroto. That aphorism evidently np plles to Brooklyn ns well as it did to Damascus in tho olden time. A small package, addressod "Pollco Headquarters, Brooklyn," came through the mail to tho Stato street detective headquarters. It contained a pair of gold cuff links marked with the capital letter "F" in old English script and a half karat diamond stick. pin. Thero note of explanation in tho box. A 1 1 V HViw m. N ajvcJi T?&52jaPSSB I II ffi.t H WdM n 9 ti.f.iM.Wi. tMVtom'lrEL'fZKv Was Determined to Hold WASHINGTON. -Bryan F. Mahnn, who as representative from tho Second Connecticut district is serv ing his first term In tho lower houso of congress, la tho only man In that body who is also and simultaneously mayor of a city as well. Mahnn got re-oloctcd mnyor of Now London, Conn., last year, for about tho nth time, nnd when he was put up for congress last fall on the Democratic ticket ho thoughtfully held on to what ho already had. Of course, with tho Republican par ty split wide open In tho district it looked 'like a clnch for tho Democrat, but you never can toll In politics, nnd Mnhan was bound and determined to hold somo kind of a job whichever way tho cat jumped. After ho wob elected tho question arose: What was ho going to do with tho mayoralty? Local politics In Now WWWMAA Remarkable Ornament on MANY persons stop to examine raoro or lesa closely or more or loss carelessly the handsome grny greon bronzo trophy guns at the foot of tho stairway nt tho north entrance to tho Btnte, war and navy depart ment building. It is surprising, or it is not surprising, according to one's caste of thought, how many specta tors fall to see the remarkable nnd unusual featuro of tho gun on the east side of tho entrance the gun which is tho younger and the moro ornate of tho pair. The cast gun bears among various inscriptions the words Lo Faroucho, which may bo translated "Tho Fierce." "The Savage," or "Tho Wild." On tho cascabol or the base of the breech of this venerable smooth-bore muzzlo-Ionding cannon, cast by Jean Maritz at Douy, Franco, In July, 1748, is tho face of an angry Hon with the butt of a thorned stake or war club protruding from its mouth. Whothor tho name of tho gun was given it because of tho fierce imago on Its basoxor whether tho imago was cast thero because the gun was to be called "Tho Fierce" neither tho writer nor the superinten dent of tho state, war and navy build CfcvZ (TooFrr PUT I -MS -1 mm whet I I AMMMMWMMMMMANMMMMMAMMMMSMMMMWVWMW What Would You Do if You Had This Queer Bill? 1 -H'michty'I S1l FUNMY I IF you woro handed a yellow-back with $50 marked on one sido and $100 on the other side would you think that you had .been tho .victim of tho "money chnngors," or would you think that an error had been made and you had been given Just doublo the amount that you should havo received? Inquiries made by n reporter tho other night as to tho valua of such a note brought forth varied answers. "Why, I should say that tho bill is worth JGO," asserted ono mnn. "It Is good for $75," said a youth who had evidently boon lonmlng some thing about the mean proportion in mathematics. Still another declared that $100 was Its value, whllo others declared thnt The Senator From New IT was during tho discussion ot tho Indian bill In tho scnato that Sen ator Galllngor asked: "Wha,t Is peyoto?" "Tho senator from New Mexico can explain," replied Chairman Stone. "But I would prefer to havo the aeuator from Missouri explain," per sisted Galllngcr, who saw a Ilttlo fun In It nut Stono turned to Senator Fall, nho told tho senate that Peyoto was i drink which tho Indians made from cactus, which was not so intoxicating as whiskoy, but a fair substitute. It was Senator Galllngcr who re plied to Senator Owens' sneering re marks about men from tho cast who go out west and "nose around among tho Indians." It was Senator Gallln gor who called attention to men from the cast who had always given tho best In them to tho Indian service. Ho first mentioned Senator Dawca of Massachusetts, who devoted his Ben- I 1 JA V jKwsrj jljl GlDN Hi,TwrJ-t iinnnjiniiiini Some Kind of a Job London wus in such a fluid stato that Mahnn didn't know of any avnllablo man who would or could maintain tho truo .loffersonlan principles of tbn fathers as mayor except himself. "This being thus," suggested a friend, "why not keep on with tho Job?" It listened good to yMnhan. Ho looked up the law and found that while it was forbidden to hold two federal jobs at , tho sumo Umo, no body was enjoined against mixing federal, state and local ojllces to Bult, provided ho could get them. So Ma ban stuck. Now he "weok-end8" at Now Lon don, whero ho ia mayor. The rest of tho time ho spends in Washington legislating for tho whole people. It's a great combination. Mnhan's salary aB mayor is only $1,000 a year, and aB his railroad fares must total up nearly that much in tho course of a twelvemonth, it may bo assumed that ho is eithor plugging for glory or immolating him self upon tho altar of principle. Or, again, maybo ho is cannily keeping bis grip on tho organization that Bent him to congress. To a representative 1914 Is ncaror than tho calendar would havo him bellove. an Old Trophy Cannon ing, who is tho custodian of this and other trophy guns, knows. But tho face is thero. Thousands of tourists gaze on the art handles of tho gun. Thoy are bronzo dolphins. Tho tourists puzzle over or study tho coat-of-arms of France, the crown of Franco, tho bat tle emblems, sabers, cannon, drums, flags and trumpets, the clrclo of fleur-de-lis of tho houso of Bourbon and tho face of Pallas surrounded by tho rays of a blazing sun. But few of the pilgrims ever stoop to study the remarkablo face and club at tho butt of tho historic gun, which, by tho way, though French, was taken by Americans from one of tho forts, either tho Morro or Sacopa, at the mouth of Santiago harbor in 1898 and mounted in Washington in tho spring of 1899. It waB worthless and would cause tho owner trouble If ho attempted to exchange it. All doubts as to tho value of tho bill were laid at rest when Joseph B. Ralph, director of the bureau of engraving nnd printing, stated that it was worth $50 and ex plained how tho note originated. Just two of these bills arc in circu lation, according to H. O. Granberg tho owner, of ono a wealthy mine owner of Colorado, who brought his collection of "froak" money to an ex hibit held recently in Detroit. Both bills were printed in tho bureau of engraving and printing. "Tho error can bo accounted for," said Director Ralph, "in only one way. Tho upper end of the plato prints $100 bills while tho lower end pttnts $50 bills. The paper is then turned ovor and another impression Is taken for tho 'other sldo. In somo manner thb plato was turnod tho wrong way for the second Impression, nnd tho two bills Issued. Although thoy passed through the hands of fifty peoplo beforo thoy left tho build ing, thoy wero eventually put Into circulation." Mexico Had to Explain ato servico to tho red men Then camo Senator Piatt ot Connecticut, whoso long service on tho Indlnn com mittee mado him known aB a friend of the Indian. Then ho alluded to Senator Quay, "whoso Inst speech in tho son at o was about tho Indians and brought tears to the eyes of many senators." Probably no three men ever gave more unselfish devotion to any cause than those threo men to tho Indians. And there are few western men who will not agree with th-.t statement. MAKES HARD WORK HARDER A bad back makes a day's work twice m hard Backache usually comes from weak kidneys, and if headaches, dizzi ness or urinary disorders are added, don't wait- get help beforo tho kidney divjasa takes a BriP- before dropsy, gra vel or Bright' disease sets in Doau's Kidney Pills havo brought new life and new strength to thousands of working men and women Used and recom mended tho world over A CALIFORNIA CASE "r.rtrv Pletu Loulfc O. Wardwoll, lUQfacinoBt., Banner ntinllno, Oil., nju "1 hud no much pain In m; bnckl could liurdlj net nil nnd on tho nngon. The Jarring 1 sot while TtlU u Stun'' tiding brought on tho' trot) bin. Tno kidney ec orotlons noro Allot nlth pdlbicnt. I trlod many remedies, but Doan'i Kidney Pills wero the only ono that cured mo. They droro anny all the pain and laoio nets and fixed my kid neys up in pood shape." Get Doan's at Any Store. SOc Bos DOAN'SViOT FOSTER-MILUURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. The Wretchedness of Constipation uinfluickly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetables act surely ana penny on tho nver. wire Biliousness, Head ache, T) i -r. t. . ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty. S8IALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMAJX PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature Big demand and big money in hand ling tho Portable Golden Gem Adding Machine. Retails at only $10. AUTOMATIC ADDIH0 MACHINE COffiPANr ISO St., Now York City Wo Will Pay You $120.00 o distribute religions literature In yonr community. 10 days' nork. Urpertence not required. Manor wo jinn. Opportunity forpromotlon. Span Una may ba JSed. kUraiUul DIM. Pre-, lull Artb SL, rhllUIh!k HAS NEW IDEA IN SURGERY New Yorker Confident of Ability to Graft Limbs of Dead on Bodies of Living. Dr. A. L. Soresl, a New York Bur geon, who astounded the world at the recent medical congress In London by stating that be would soon be ablo to graft the limbs of the dead upon tho bodies of the living, will resume his experiments at his New York laboratories. "So far I have only taken the limbs of dogs and grafted them on other dogs," said he. "The work is so new that I have to make the instruments to use, and that takes time and pa tience. "Tho dogs on which I havo experi mented are today just as sound us though they had been born with tho limbs grafted on them. When work ing upon thd dogs I take ono that has just died and immediately graft bis limb to that of a living animal. But with human subjects that question of time is the most serious." ' It Is. "Ho has money, health, position, in fluenceah, hie should be a full llfo." "Well, ho doea tank up consider able." Dry. Miss Gush I simply batho in talcum powder I do love it. Miss Sar-Castic Sort of a dry clean ing, eh? Judge. Well Met A Good Appetite And Toasties A dainty, nourishing dish for breakfast, hinch or supper ready to serve direct from the package with cream and sugar. "Toasties" are thin bits of choice Indian Corn skilfully cooked and toast ed to an appetizing golden brown. Wholesome Nourishing Easy to Serve Sold by grocers everywhere. V 'afm IP-, 1 tPsWP O jmB(:artfrs JKFm& WITTLE jmzumr hivpr AVQH BflbLa. Sfr jQte-j-ggy" i SALESMEN WANTED -4