The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 10, 1913, Image 8

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    , Church News
The Mothodiat
day evening nt tho church. The even
ing was pleasantly sputa and nn elec
tion of ofrcors hold. Wilson Tout wns
elocted pr3ldont, Poter Mulr, vice-
secrotnry; h.
president; M. E. bcott,
lit Plumer treasurer,
were served.
Thcro will be'no services except Sun
day school nt the Lutheran church next
Sunday on account of the pastor's
absence. Ho departed on Wednesday
to attend the synodical convention nt
West Point, Neb. By the hearty co
operation of his local people he was able
to take with him, in most respects, tho
best report of tho four years of his
pastorate hore. He makes the nd
dress on Friday evening.
Tho Mission band will meet on Satur
day afternoon nt 2 o'clock.
Tho monthly mooting of tho Brother
hood will be at tho homo of Mr. August
Splintor Monday evening, Oct. 13th.
Sunday morning will be a special
rally day for the Sunday School. It it
hoped that ovory member of the school
will bo present at :9:45JA. M.j&All who
are not attending JanyJiother Sunday
School are cordially invited. Preaching
by the pastor at;il a. tn. Subject Crea
tion. Epworth League at 6:30 p. m.
All tho young people and friends of the
church ore Invited. Preaching at 7:30
p. m. Subject Tho FingerPointcd at a
. Good music at all services.
Rally Day Exercises will bo held
next Sunday at 10 a. m. Miss Posey
from China will take part in th
exercises. All, not connected with other
Sunday Schools aro invited. Preaching
Sorvices at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Moring Theme: "Lesson from Autumn
Leaves," Evening Thome; "The Great
ness of Christ's Compassion."
Steady progress (ijbcing shown both
in interest, attendance and results in
the meetings at theZChrlstian church.
The metrtW so far this fl week have
been characterized by strong gospel
messages, splendid music and beauti
ful illuftrated songs. Additions to
date thirty-four.
Tonight the subject of Mr. Whiston'a
sermon is "Univorsalism Exposed"
Saturday night, "Tho Two',Thrones."
Mr. Whistoij Is putting in1 somo of his
strong lecture sermons :th"ia weok land
you aro missing IrSats' In' riot hearing
thomi14. ' ur;" ' '"'
Sunday Is to b'o' a' great day. There
will bo a Sunday school rally, when
Mr. Whiston will givo his lecture, "Tho
Voyage of Life.''' Everyone is most
cprtllally Invltodto attend this rally and
will bo well repaid for doing ao. At tho
morning service Sunday, Mr. Whiston
will preach his sermon entitled, ' "Tho
Old Love" baso-l on tho book of Revel
ation. Thin h u neglected book and
not woll undi'rtitooJ so nn iiblo and in
structive ti '.'.. is promised which will
br iit.-ri'.i ip to nil.
i'i.j jjbj j.". ' jr Sunday night will bo
"Knocking the Props." Everyone wel
come. Meetings begin at 7:45 sharp.
Local and Personal
Cyrus Fox, of Garfield, was in town
yesterday transacting business.
Miss Lena Bnskins left yesterkn for
Grand Island to spend a week with
Will Stack has nccepted a position In
the Llerk-Sandall store und will begin
work Mpnday.
The lltorary dopartmontnf tho Twen
tieth Century club will meet withJIMrs,
DoFord Tuesday afternoon.
A cyclone at Broken Dow Inst even
ing damaged a numbor of buildings and
several people wero injurad although
not seriously,
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony JofTars re
turned the first of the week from
castorn cities whero thoy visited . rela
tives for some time.
, .Weather forecast: Fair tonight and
Saturday; colder tonight with frost;
warmer Saturday with moderate west
crly winds. Highest temporrture yes
terday 77, n year ago 70; lowest last
night 41, a year ago 40.
The ouster proceedings of Adam
Kokjler against T. S. Corr was before
Judgo Grant this forenoon. Judgmont
-was entered for plalntifF and a writ of
restitution, issued to dispossess the de
fendant and placed in the hands of the
sheriff for service,
Avoid Sedative Cough Medicines.
If you want to contribute directly to
the occurrence of capillary bronchitis
and' pneumonia use cough medicines
thnt contain codlne, morphine, heroin
and other sedatives when you havo a
cough or cold. An oxpeccorant like
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is what
is needed. That cleans out tho culture
beds or breeding places for tho germs
of pneumonia and other germ diseases.
That is why pneumonia never results
from n, cola when Chamborlain's Cough
llsmody is used. It has a world wide
reputation for its euros. It contains no
morphine or other sedative' For sale
by ull dealers.
Touring on foot nloug the const of
Franco between St Naznlro and La
Ilochollc, sketching by tho way, I
camo to n plcturcsquo spot whero
Btood a cottage. A boy often camo nnd
looked on whilo I worked. I was
tempted to censo my Inndscnpo draw
big nnd sketch tho boy Instead, for 1
never saw a liner model of a child of
that ago. I chatted with him nntl
learned that ho lived In tho cottngo
with his mother, a widow; that his fa
ther had been n wealthy man, and un
til his father's death a few years be
fore tho family had lived In n chateau.
Curious to know something moro of
tho story, I naked tho boy If ho would
present to his mother tho compliments
of nn American artist who was on n
sketching tour nnd beg shelter for the
night under her roof. IIo ran away
with my message nnd soon returned to
say that his mother would bo hnppy
nt least to receive n vlsltyfrom mon
sieur. I folded my stool, easel nnd
other equipment nnd, slinging the
packngo on my shoulder, nccompanled
tho child to his home.
I found Mine. Clalrmont, his mother,
as nrlstocrntlc looking as her son. I
told her that my curiosity had been
oxclted by her boy as to her family
story, and If It would bo no Intrusion
upon her feelings I would Hko to know
moro of it Sho mado mo wclcomo
nnd gave mo tho facts. i
Sho had married Into In life n man
much older than herself who was both
rich, high born nnd In ovcry way
prominent Ono child, my little friend
Gaston, had been born to them nt a
time when It was supposed thnt she
was too old to bear a child. Her hus
band's brother, who had been looking
forward to inheriting tho estate, had
shown from tho birth of Gaston that
ho was bitterly disappointed at being
supplanted. But ho.gavo no sign of
any Intention to ulsputo tho succes
sion till after tho death of her hus
band n year agone.
M. Clalrmont had scarcoly bcoit In
terred when his brother, Martin Clalr
mont, claimed tho property on the
ground thnt Gaston was not his son
uor the son of his wlfo, but tho child
of one Annetto Voudrny, a laundress,
who had been brought Into tho cha-
tenu to bo palmed off as the child of
Mme. Clalrmont Tho claimant ob
tained from this womnn what purport
ed to bo n confession to thnt effect,
Thoro was a trial that was dragged
through tho courts for two years; then
the highest court confirmed tho deci
sions of tho lower ones, deciding In
favor of Martin Clalrmont, giving him
his deceased brother's cstato aud Gas
jfin,to Annette Voudrny.
vMme. Clalrmont had possessed a lit
0jS'tm6nuy of her own, with which she
boutrht dff the woman bo far as Gaston
was concerned, niid bo remained with
his mother. They hnd come to Uvo nt
the cottage, Mme. Clalrmont having n
small nllowanco from her rolntlves.
Such was tho story I got from the
lady's lips, and I could not doubt hot
statement Ono thing surprised mo
tlint h court should bo mado to believe
thnt Gaston was tho son of n lnuif
dress. True, he did not especially re
somblo his mother, but I have observ
ed that sons nnd daughters bear the
closest rosemblnnco to their parents lit
a corresponding ngo. Ono enn hardly
expoct a child to resemble n parent of
Miuo. Clalrmont kindly offered mu n
room for tho night, which I glndly nc
cepted. Her personal effects, furni
ture, heirlooms, pictures, etc., had
been removed from tho chateau to thu
cottage. Tho room 1 accepted showed
.evidence of this Over the mantel was
ii plcturo that Interested me. It wns
roses arranged In an oval shape to
make a border for u portrait -Tho
portrait was that of nn old woman.
Stopping In strango plnces ns I did. 1
carried with mo the most powerful
electric bnnd lamp 1 could buy. In or
der to see tho portrait more distinctly
I brought my lamp to bear on It. Ths
strong light revealed that tho old wo
man's plcturo hnd been pnlntcd over
another picture. Tho one first painted
was too Indistinct for me to seo any
moro or It than to wnrrunt my assum
ing thnt It was tho head and shoul
ders of a boy.
Tho noxt day I railed Mmo. Clair
mont's attention to my discovery nnd
was surprised to find thnt it was also
a dUcovcry for her. Being an artist, I
was familiar with procossos for remov
lug pnlnt nnd offered to nttompt to
tnko off enough of tho first portrait to
reveal the second, suggesting) thnt
thcro was a romoto possibility of some
family evidence behind it thnt would
bear on her fortunos. Sho assented,
and I nt qnce began my work
But I wns obliged to work In a dark
room and with my electric light, for
tho boy portrait was only vlslblo un
der my electric lamp.
By very careful work I succeeded In
removing enough of ono layer without
tho others to show the boy's head and
wns surprised to reveal a portrait of
little Qastou. But his mother said no;
It was tho head of Gaston's father at
Gaston's present age.
That plcturo brought about a roturn
of tho Clalrmont cstato to Its rightful
oivnoro. As to tho plcturo, thcro wns
but ono explanation. Tho orlglnnl
must havo been pnlntcd In colors re
quiring cortnln artificial light to bring
them out Lntor some ono not know
ing that thoro was a portrait within
tho flowor border had used tho canvas
for a second portrait
Ukv Nnt Rrti.-nl For Man? !
No man ever feels the need of educa
tion so muph ns tho man who sees
opportunity for advancement open be
fore him, but who does not uaro to
tnko It for fear that ho can not rise '
to It It Is useless to say anything
to such n man about neglected op- ,
portunltlcs. nnd It Is equally futile to
say the same thing to the youth who '
Is neglecting his studies. The first i
ennnot go bnck nnd Ilvo his boyhood t
over; tho latter cannot comprehend
his danger, nor will ho bellovo In biij I
own possibilities, nor can ho really
study Intelligently things for which ho . -nv, v n. WTnvTTC-I
in not sufficiently mature, Tho fw AJrOJuJulP MO I Jb Ll
wup iniuure cnriy oiiougu m mu iu
go through technical schools or coi
leges aro provided -for. Can wo not
provldo men's schools for thoso who
mnturo normally? American Magazine.
111 ' "" '-" - ' ?' In 'flMifilll' I "I '11
I iSS&BttaSfitt&
bK - 3S , .u. (-. .(' - M W imma
--nr mt w,mk"Mt Jgfjc'?: r"""pa
sl-r?r!W " ' "I "V JSadsMttM
A City That Was a Failure.
Of nil tho seven cities of Asia per
hiipfl Snrdl has tho most Interesting
nnd romnntlc history, and yet with all
Its natural advantages, Its wealth. Its
famous rulers, Its wise counselors. Its
victorious armies, It wns tho greatest
failure of them all, says tho Christian
Herald. The richest man In the
world. Croesus, was king of Sardls;
the wisest man, Solon, was nor guest,
nnd yet. through overconfldonce and
Inch of watchfulness, time und ngnln
It wns surprised, conquered and nil but
destroyed, until at Inst the disintegrat
ing rock and soil from Its own citudcl,
loosened by tho winter rains und hurl
ed down by destructive earthquakes,
burled tho city thirty feet deep from
tho sight of innn. It became a dead
city, and It was burled by tho forces
of nature.
Regulating His Sleep.
John Wesley recognized tho evils of
oversleeping nnd gavo a reclpo where
by ono may find out how much sleep
ho really wants. It was derived from
experience. "I waked avcry night
about 12 and lay awako for somo time,
and I readily concluded thut this nroso
from my being longer In bed than na
ture required. I procured an iflnrtn.
which waked me next morning at 7
(uu hour earlier than 1 roso tho day
before), yet I lay awake at night The
noxt morning I rose nt 0; notwith
standing. I lay awako tho second night
Tho third morning I roso at O. never
theless lay awake. The fourth morn
ing I roso at 4, as I have done over
since, and I lay awake no more." Lou
don Chronicle.
Fred II. GiNN..Prop.
II. Wilbur WaV. Mgr.
75 rooms with private bath; 50
rooms without bath. Rates with
bnUi, S1.G0. Hates without bath,
S1.00. Special rates by the week
or month. Cafe In connection..
Elevator service, hot and cold wa
ter and telephone In every room.
One block from Orpheum theatre,
two blocks from Broadway theatre.
Take Seventeenth Strcot Car
Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, m.
In tho County Court.
In the Mnttorof the EaUto of Patrick
Iliultly, deceased
On readmit and flllnp- the Petition of Mnnle is.
Ruddy praying that administration of said
estate may lx( ttranted to E. II. Evnns as administrator.
OrJcncI, Thut Oct. 2Hth. 1018, at V o'clock n.
m is f -tfno(l for heannir said petition wni.ii all
ncrscr i intrntctl In sniil matter may aitnoar nt n
county court to bo held in and for said county and
show causa why tho prayer or petitioner tnouiu
not bo crantod: and that notice of tho pendency
of stud petition nnd the henrlnif thereof be Kiven
to nil persons Interested In snld matter
lithlnir a CQpy 'it this order In the North Tintto
Tribune a ecml-wcekly newspaper printed in said
c .uny, for threo qucccsslve weeks, prior it) mid
oiv nt nearinsr.
Dated October 3rd, 1913.
o7-3 .
County Judge.
Olllce I'lione 410 Res. Blk f52
Bertha E. Mangon, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Decease of Women and Children a Specialty
Now McCabe Blbg.
R. W. Hngeh non-residentdefendnat,
will tnko notice that an action has been
begun in the district court of Lincoln
county, Nebrnska, in which Charles J.
Bills is plaintilT nnd Lillian E. Hagel
nnd R. W. Hagel, her husband, are de
fendants, the object and prayer of
which said nclion are to foreclose a
certain mortgage made and exocuted
by the defendants to the plaintiff upon
the following described land situate in
Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wit:
The East Half of Southwest Quarter
and the West Half of Southeast Quarter
of Section Four, (4), Township Fifteen
(16), North of Rnngo Thirty (30),
West of the Gth P. M., to secure the
payment of ono certain mortgage bond
dated Janunry 1, 1910, for the sum of
$400.00 ind , coupon bonds thereto
attached due and unpaid, and that there
is now due upon said bond and interest
notes and taxes paid by the plaintilT,
the sum of 8486.57, for which said sum
with interest thereon, ns in said mort
gage, bond und notes provided for, from
tins date, planum prays that defend
ants be required to pay and costs of
suit or thnt said premises may be sold
to satisfy tho amount found due, and
that said defendants be foreclosed of
their equity of redemption theroin.
You aro required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 17th day of
November,' 1913, or decreo will be en
tered against you as in said petition
Dated at North flatte, .Nebraska,
this 7th day of October, 1913.
Charles J. Bills, PlaintilT.
By E. H. Evans, his Attorney.
Di qedfield Infield
Physicians and Surgeons.
JOE II. REDKIELD, 1'hyslclan.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
Office phone 241. Res", phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Established In 1871.
Contractor and Builder.
Shop Comer Gth and Vine Streets
R. D. Thomson.
HomeopathlePhyslclanancf Surgeon 5
m Hospital accommodations for Medical and
a surgical attention given obstetrical cases, ft
Onico Phone 183 Res. Phono 2S3
Office McDonald Btato Hank nid'g
No Matter Wh.
A party of women wero being escort
ed through tho state hou'so tho othor
dny by a bowing nnd scraping guide.
Tho women wero of tho enthusiastic
typo and raved over this and that nnd
sahl. "Oh, simply too gorgeous." Fi
nally they wero shown tho portrait of
a former governor. -,
"Oh. superb. lsn't It?" said one jof.
them, "ami an excellent likeness too.
A portrait of whom did you say -it
was?" Boston Traveler.
Oldest Bank In Lincoln County
State Bank
North Platte, Nebr.
CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00
We Solicit Your Duslnsss.
The Fishloss Fisherman.
"So you took a day oft from
work nnd wont fishing?"
"Yes." replied thomnu who Insist
on being cheerful.
"Have any luck?"
"Certainly. A day off is Infik
enough." Washington Star. ' jif
; (,
A Wafer.
"What." naked the teacher. "Is the
moaulnc: of the word 'wafer?' "
"A wafer." replied Maurice, aged
nine. "Is n kid without any father or
mother," Chicago News.
But Which Is Which.
Willie Paw. what Is the dlfferenco
between llrniness nnd obstinacy? Paw
Merely n matter of sex, my sou."
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Telcphono Red 4 8 605K Dewey St.
North Pla to, Nebraska.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued from the
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
a degree of foreclosure rendered In said court
wherein Francis N. Shelton is plaintiff and John
Swanson, et al aro def endants.and to me directed I
will on the 1st day of Nov., 1913, at 2 o'clock
E. m at the east front door of the court
ouse in North Platte. Lincoln county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest
and costs, the following described property
to-wlf- Northwest quarter (NWM) Section thirty
three (83) Township Thirteen (13) North of Range
Thirty-one (31) west of the 6th P.M. Lincoln
county. Nebraska.
Dated North Platte. Neb., Sept. 27. 1913.
S30-6 A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red 636 Office 459
Dr. D. C. Crocker.
Osteopathic Physician
Ranches and City
Property bought
and sold
Notice is hereby jjiying that no hunt
ing or treasspasslng will be allowed on
tho lands of tho undersigned who reside
south and West of North Platte.
Violations of this notice will be prose
cuted to the full extent of tho law.
To Geo. Hublitz owner EJ of lot 1,
block 112.
Tho owners of property on the south
side of Sixth street, between Walnut
and Chestnut, are hereby notified thnt
the Mayor and Council of the City of
North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska,
passed ond approved an ordinance on
the 18th day of June, 1913, ordering a
sidewalk adjoining their said premises,
to b constructed as to line and grade,
and of permanent material, as provided
in the general ordinances of said city,
regulating the construction of sidewalks
In said city.
Unless said walk is constructed by
you along the East side of lot 1. block
112, owned by you, in accordance with
said ordinances, on or before the 10th
day of September, 1913, the same will
be constructed by said city and the
costs assessed upon the said lot owned
by you adjoining which the same shall
be constructed. C. F. Temple,
City Clerk.
I n ' House of Good Show
When in Norlh Platle.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matineo Saturday After
noon at 2:30 O'clock.
Wm. Bcnnur, "
Elmer Dagget,
"Wm. Hunter,
Chas. Howard,
E. A. Roberts,
Ode Roberts,
Jess Kunkle,
Clark Howard,
G. T. Knott s,
Frank Fnckn,
C. Broeder,
Eli Kunckle,
C. Porter
A. J . Howard,
W. Kunkle.
D C. Carrigan,
C. V. Tu'ple,
D. J. Knox.
M. C. Leth.
A. Leth,
A. Zuler.
George Garman,
Y. E. Mester,
C. F. Zimmerman
W. E. Collins,
G. W. Edis.
.1. S. Hardin,
L. Lloyd
F. Montague
H. M. Hcrshey
Jos. Hershey
Dr. J. K. Elms,
Eve, Ear, Noso and
Throat Glasses
litted Also
Homeopathic Physician and
Office over McDonald State
North Platte. Phone 30.
George Single,
C. S. Bethell,
Wm. Fnckn,
Lester Anderson,
M. Ortan,
Arthur Conner,
Ed Wilson.
A, W. Tool.
Gunderson Bro?.
O. L Watkins,
J. A. Kunkle,
A. Kunkle.
D. W. Kunklo,
Hugh Songer,
L. L. Rowely,
Louise Grulke,
Ward Weekly,
Clyde Long,
Roy Melton,
John Pulls,
J. K. Crow,
F. Kronquost,
F L. Weinburg,
S. D. Goldsmith
D. A. Voss,
F. W. Collins
W. H.Backley,
C. R. Osgood,
Ed. Froeman.
G. W. Ruff
To Ellen Boyer ovner of lot 5, block
108. u
The owners of property on the north
side of 6th street, between Poplar St,
and Silber Ave., are hereby notified
that the Mayor ond Council of the City
of North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, passed and approved an ordin
ance on the 18th day of June, 1913,
ordering a sidewalk adjoining their said
premises, to be constructed as to lino
and grade, and of permanent material,
as provided in the general ordinances
of said city, regulating the construction
of sidewalks in said city.
Unless said walk is constructed by
you along the west side of lot 5, block,
108, owned by you, in accordance with
said ordinances, on or before the 10th
day of September 1913, the same will be
constructed by said city and the costs
assessed upon the said lot owned by you
adjoining which the same shall be con
structed. U. '. TEMPLE, Ulty Ulerk.
Notice To Property Owners.
Notice is hereby given that the City
Council of the City of North Platte,
Lincoln County, Nebraska, will set as
a Board of Equilization, beginning at
the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M., of the
21st day of October. 1913. at the Council
Chamber at tho Library Building in the
City of North Platte, Lincoln County,
Nebraska,, for the purpose of levying
on the real estate lying and being within
the extension to SEWER DISTRICT
"M" taxes for the purpose of paying
the costs of the construction of the
extension the lateral Sewer in said
Sewer District "M" and that said taxes
will bo levied upon each parcel of real
estate according to the extent of bene
fits to beequal and uniform, such levy
of taxes will bo. according- to the front,
foot of thft.r lots' or real estate within
said SewenDistriqbor according to such
other rule aa. tbaiCity Council sitting
as such Board of-Equilization may adopt
for the distribution or adjustment of
such costs. '
All persons interested will file their
objections, if any -they have, to the
assessment of taxes against their prop
erty on or before the 21st day of Oct
ober, 1913, at 7.30 o'clock P. M., (Cen
tral Time) with the City Clerk.
By order of the Mayor and City
council made the 10th day of Septem
bar, 1913. Chas. F. Temple,
s23-5 City Clerk.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued from the
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said
court wherein Knox and Walters a co-partnership
is plaintilT, and E. lilmn are defendants,
and to mo directed, I will On tho 16th day of
October 1913, nt 2 o'clock. P- tn., nt thu east front
door of tho court houdo in North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebrnska. fell nt public auction to the
highest bidder for cash to satisfy said
decree. Interest end costs, the following
described property to-wit: Northeast quarter
(NK1) of section two (2) township fifteen (16)
rnnice thirty (30) west of tho Gth P. M in Lincoln
county, Nebraska. x
Dated North Platte. Neb.. September 6th, 1913.
s-95 A. J. Salisiiurv. Sheriff.
Notice For Bids.
Notice is hereby given that the City
Council will receive bids for tile build
Inc known ns tho 3rd Ward Hose
House, which is located on tho rear of
Lot 4, Block 132 of the origlnial town,
now City of North Platte, Lincoln
County, Nebraska, tho same to be
moved oft" at once.
All bids mustbo in by 5:00 o'clock p.
in., on tho 7th day of October, 1913.
The council reserves the right to re
ject uny or all bids. C. F. Temple,
o-7 City Clerk.
Serial No. 01599
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at North Platte. Nebr.
Sept. 21. 1913.
Notice is hereby irivcn that Henry P. Hansen,
of North Platte, Nebr., who. on February 9,
1910, made Homestead Entry No.
04599, for NWK. NK of NEK, Section
32. twp. 15. N. rife. 30, west of the 6th Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make
final three year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before the retcistcr and
receiver, at North Platto, Nebr., on the 19th
day of November.1913.
Claimant names as witnesses: It. (J. Par
melee. Julius MoKcnscn, F. Hansen, Charles
Itussell, all of North Platte, Nebr.
b30-e J.E. Evan. IteRlster.
To Nancy A. Beightel owner of lot
1 and 8, block 21.
The owners of property on the West
side of Sycamore street, between 11th
and 12, are hereby notified that the
Mayor and Council of the City of North
Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska,
passed and approved an ordinance on
the 18th day of June 1913, ordering n
sidewalk adjoining their said premises,
to be constructed as to line and grade,
and of permanent.materal as provided in
the general ordinances of said city, regu
lating the construction of sidewalks
in said city.
Unless said wnlk is constructed by
you along the East sido of lot 1 and 8,
block 21. owned by you, in accordance
with said ordinance, ori or before tho
11th day of September 1913, the some
will be constructed by said city and the
costs assessed upon the said lot owned
by you adjoining which the same shall
De constructed u. t. TEMPLE,
City Clerk.
Serial No. 04S89
Unirai States Iaml Ullico
At North Platte, Nebraska. Sent.8th. 1913.
Notice Is hereby Kiven that Daniel Carrliran
of North Platte. Neb., who on Sept. 9. 1910, made
homestead entry. No. 01889. for NM and NH
of SVi. Section 16, Township 12 N. Range 32.
V. of 6th Principal Meridan. has filed notice
of Intention to make final three year proof, to
establish rlm to the land above described,
before the resister and receiver at North Platte,
Nebraska, on tho tith day of November,
1913. '
Claimant names as witnessscs: Philip T. Hell.
Wendell McCrum. Paul Smith, Carl Broeder, all
of North Platte, Nebr.
1I6-O J. E. Evans. Kcirliter.
To Jno. R. Neary owner of lot 8
block 105.
Tho owners of property on the
West sldo of Walnut street, be
tween Sixth and Front streotc aro here
by notified that tho Mayor and Council
of the City of North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, passed and approved
an ordinance on tho 18th day of Juno,
1913, ordering n sidewalk adjoining
their said premises, to bo contructcd as
to line and grade, and of permanent
material, as provided in tho general
ordinances of said city, regulating the
construction of sidowalks in said city.
Unless said walk is constructed by you
along the East, side of lot 8, block 105,
owned by you, in accordance with said
ordinances, on or before tho 1st day of
JNOvemner my, the same will bo con
structed by said city and the cost as
sessed upon the said lot owned by you
adjoining which the same shall be con
strucod. C. F. Temple, City Clork.
The State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In tho County Court.
In tho matter of the estate of Esther
Harris, deceased.
On reading and fillnjr tho petition of Unita
Stewart, praylm; that administration of said
estato may be cranted to herself as admin
istratrix. Ordered, That Oct. 7th, 1913, at 9 o'clock n. m.
is assigned for hearing said petition, when
all persons interested in said matter may appear
at a county court to bo held in and for said
county, and show cause why prayer of petitioner
should not bo granted', nnd that notice of the
pendency of said petition nnd the hearing
thereof bo given to all persons Interested In said
matter by publishing a copy of this order In the
North Platte Tribune a legal semi-weekly news
paper printed in said county for three successive
weeks, prior to said day of hearing.
Dated Sept. 12, 1913.
16-3 JOHN GRANT, County Judge.
Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss
In tho County Court,
In the matter of the estato of Michael
A. Foster, deceased.
To the creditors, heirs, legatees, and others In
terested In the estate of Michael A. Foster.
Take notice, that Edward II. Goodman has
filed in the county court a report of his doings
as administrator of said estate, and It is ordered
that the same stand for hearing the 7th day
of October, A. D., 1913, before the court
at the hour of 9 o'clock, a. m., at which time any
person interested may appear and except to and
contest tho same.
Notico of this proceeding and the hearing
thereof is ordered given to all persons interested
In said matter by publishing a copy of this order
In the North Platto Tribune, a semlweckly
newspaper, printed In said county for three
iiuccesslve weeks prior to the said date of
hearing. Dated September 9th, 1913. (Seal)
sl6-3 JOHN GRANT. Oounty Judge.
In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nc
braska. Sept. Uth, 1913.
In the matter of tho estate of John II.
Gutherless, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given, that the creditors of said
deceased will meet the Administratrix of said
estate, before the county judge of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, at tho county court room. In said
county, on tho 14th day cf Oct. 1913. and on
tho 14th day of Apr., 1914, at 9 o'clock a. m, each
day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and allowance. Six
months are allowed for creditors to present their
claims, and ono year for the Administratrix to
settle said estate, from tho 9th day of'SeBt'. 1913.
This notice will bo published In the North
Platte Tribune, a legal seml-weekly news
paper published In said county for four weeks
successively, on and after Sept. 9. 1913,
S16-4 JOHN GRANT, County Judge.