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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1913)
THE NORTH PLATTE 8EMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. I. ) Steered Raft Across Hudson for Twenty Years. i 6mokeo a Corncob Pipe, but Was a Musician and Still Loves the Books She Retains Is the Daughter of a Preacher. New York. Times havo changed lnco Charon had tho monopoly of ferrying. One of tho plonccra is a ferry woman of long experience and superior ability; alio has steered hor raft from shoro to nhoro of tho Hud boii rlvor for twenty years or mora. Tho travolor who comes to tho river's edge near Mechanlcsvllle, wish ing to bo ferried over to tho farms and villages beyond, Is puzzled for a way to summon tho raft at anchor on tho other dido. It Is ho quiet and beautiful a placo In tho noonday still ncsB that transportation seems a mat ter foreign to tho business of tho day, and for a moment tho stranger looks about him. Ho sees only green fields of farm lands, misty willows by tho water, red and bluo flowers In warm, hectic bunches and a horn hanging on n nail ou an old elm by the dock. Tho raft comes slowly zigzagging across, held to Its courso by a cable; and Mag appears, shading hor eyes with a knotty, brown hand for a good look at tho nowly arrived. Sho Is a woman between seventy and olghty, wearing a man's hat, men's boots, and a cotton dross. Hor dark faco la wrlnklod, shrewd and humorous. "Wal, who bo yo, where bo yo from, and whoro bo yo going?" Is her greet ing, as sho docks. As they movo across tho river, Mag puts him through tho third degree, and gossips lavishly about his destination and all tho famllfos for miles around, never falling to put blamo or pralso whero It belongs. "Como down to my cabin tonight and wo'll talk somo more," sho calls after him as ho starts up tho hill; "if you're from Boston I guess wo know bouio o' tho saiho things, and I'll bo glad to seo yo." , ( And ho who Is from Boston, bolng interested in his follow townspeople, aa well as his followman, goes walking far down tho river bank in tho dusk to tho littlo cabin. Mag is on tho doorstop, smoking hor odorouB corn cob plpo. But their conversation is no, news to him, for ho has hoard tho history of tho woman through tho day. Mag, onco Margaret, was tho daugh tor of a Boston clergyman. Sho was a musician, and, for a time, was or ganist of hor fathor'B church. Tho man looked at Mag as sho sat, smok ing, on hor doorstop, and thought of tho rollncd and charming young wom an of whom ho had been told. Mar garet had married n farmer, and had como to llvo In Now York stato. Tho farmer was not a successful one; ho was lazy. Ills wifo's llfo was hard. Sho drlftod with tho tldo, and finally i m km SZECHENYIS HOLD BIG MANOR tf- Idenl Country Rosldenco Whore Third Daughter Was Born lo Rented for Next Summer. Guildford, Surrey, Eng. Countess Laszlo Szechonyi, who was Miss Gladys Vanderbllt of Now York, has becomo so attached to Tangloy Manor, tho romarkablo Elizabeth houso whore hor third daughter was born on Wed nesday, August 13, that sho has rented it again for thirteen weeks noxt sum mor. Sho and tho count havo enjoyed there ideal quiet and Bomo of tho most beautiful scenery typical of rural Eng land, Qroat Tangloy Manor is an old Umber-framed low, two-story houso built presumably near tho end of tho six teenth century; indeed tho dato 1582 P&! - "? 7eu English Residence of Countess Lazlo Szcchynl. more than onco appears on tho trusses undor tho sill of tho window of tho room over tho porch and again on tho gablo ou tho left of tho porch. Both tho oxtorlor and tho Interior have u wealth of tracery, foliage and orna mentation dorived from Italian forms. On examining tho Interior a closo observer would soon discover tho skeleton of a much earllor building within its Elizabethan lnclosure. Tho building is, in fact, mentioned as a royal rcsideuco of tho ttmo of King John. Tho Interior is mostly of oak panelling, with tho ceilings supported by massive beams. It is a quaint old residence and ono of tho most Interesting structures of its kind in England. It was restored p. j--' --rcr & TALLEST CORN EVER r ' -wv m iFT Mr J. P. Edgworth of Downer's drove 111., Is tho proud owner of tho corn shown In tho Illustration. Tho corn Is 17 foot 2 lnchoB high and Is tho tallest corn over grown In Illinois. It will avorago 40 ears to tho stalk. Mr. Edg worth procured tho seed from tho government experiment station nt a cost of 25 cents a kernel. It Is Indian corn, 1,200 years old, and was found in Southern Colorado in ono of tho old Indian mounds. sho forrled tho farmara from shore to shore, lived alono in tho cabin by tho rlvor, and was again indopondont. Tholr evening was interesting; sho showed him hor house an odd mix ture of tho unkempt and n former tasto for tho beau"ful and worth whllo. A fow good books woro in tho houso, Its host possession. Thoy walked down tho bank to tho placo whoro an opening In tho trees showed another cabin on tho other sldo of tho river. "That's where ho lives," sho said, shortly. "Who?" "Old Bon. Ho's my husband." Hor conversation was mado up of bits of wisdom, acuto knowledgo of human nature, doilanco of tho world, mixed with a cortain wlstfulncss for somo years ngo with great tasto, mod ern improvements being effected with out destroying Its old world appear ance 1 Tho garden and park are In keep ing with tho manor. WINE SHIPPED IN TANK CARS Twenty Thousand Gallons of the Bev erage Reached Philadelphia In This Way. Philadelphia, Pa. Transcontinental shipments of wines in glass-lined stool tank cars was provod to bo fcasiblo with tho drawing off into barrels of 20,000 gallons of port and sherry, which arrlvod recently from Cuca mouga, southern California. A. S. Strouso, head of tho American Wluo and Spirit company, to whom tho wlno was consigned, was so ploas od with tho tank method of transpor tation that ho will omploy It exclu sively horcaftor, and vory shortly flvo additional tank cars, carrying 50,000 gallons, will arrive ss.mmmmmm m m at - - a. ... ,fr,irLrLnj-Lnj-LrirL NO MORE CHIMNEY SWEEPS Gas and Electricity Doing Away With ' Need for This Kind of Labor. London. Apropos of tho llnanclal dlfllcultlea of n chlmnoy swoop who appeared at a country court, Mr. Jon kins, a mombor of tho Jinn which Bwoopa tho king's chlmnoys, spoke of this vanishing industry. Ha Bald; "It 1b gunornlly admitted that tho trado of tho chlmnoy swoop is doomed, lika that of tho hansom cab driver. GaB and electricity nro doing nwny with tho ncod for swoops. Most of tho now largo buildings nro Buppllod with control heating npparatus from hot-water bollors. In private Iiouscb, old and now, gas Urea are taking tho placo of coal fires, especially in bed; rooms nnd roouiB which are not used continuously. In somo hotels tho rooms havo no flroplncus." Another notlccublo thing is tho of feet of education. Smart boyo who havo "received an education" wnnt a cleanor trade Formerly a father would put hlB boy to work at twelve or thirteen, but now tho boys will not do It, nnd it is hard to got outsiders. My firm his swept tho chlmnoyB at Buckingham palaco for 01 yoars, and wo havo ono man who has boon 25 yoars with us, Fortunatoly tho king and queen still cling to coal Area in all their porsonnl apurtmonts, though, GROWN IN ILLINOIS Its approval, and an astonishing deslro to know what was happening in that world somowhat mixed and un pruned, but knowledge for all that. Sho wns greedy for news. Her lovo for bookB and music was a doop and for bidden subject. After tho guest had gone, Mag caught her flsh for break fast, In tho river. In Jthe morning sho was on hand to ferry him over. "Good by, Mr. Boston," sho said. "I'm going to shake hands with ye. So you'ro from Boston and you're go ing backl Wal, I'm going to stay right here. I'm Independent, and I'm about as hap: as any ono is in this world." Sho gavo a quizzical glance; then released tho raft and began another zigzag crossing. GIRLS MAKE DRESS ON TRAIN Six Complete a Latest Style Gown In Twenty Minutes In Paris Tube Car. Parla. Tube travelers who were recently astonished to seo six young women hurriedly cutting and making a fashionablo gown whllo riding In a tuho train havo learned that tho un usual performance was tho result of a wager that tho mldlnettes could not fashion n dross complete during n trip from tho Porto d'Orleans station to tho Port do Cllgnaucourt, a 20-mlnuto Journoy underground. Each girl hud a particular assign menc. Om mado a sleeve, another tho other sleovo, anothor tho bodice, a fourth tho skirt, whllo tho fifth and sixth attachod hooks and eyes and trimmings. As tho train drew up at tho terminal at Cllgnancourt, tho girls stoppod from their car and held out tho finished dross with a shout of tri umph, having comploted it in 20 min utes. Tho dresB Is of pink chiffon, designed in tho latost stylo, with a draped tunic and lavish ornamontatlon. of courso, tho largo rooms are central heated as well, and so aro all tho cor ridors. But there aro still well ovot COO chlmnoys to bo swopt, and thore is scarcely a day throughout tho yea: when wo havo not got somo ono work ing nt tho palaco. All tho chimneys nro mimbored, and tho same men, so far as posslblo, always do them. Tlioro aro utlll many Bloping chim neys, whoro n man has to go up him solf. In these cases ho is blindfolded, tho faco 1b complotoly covered up and ho docs tho work entirely by feeling. This Is tho sort of thing the "educated boy" of today does not llko. Hell Family Taking the Lead. Purrell, Pa. Tho Da nun family bids fair to Iobo its famo by tho discovery or tho Hell family here Conrad Hell, nn ice cream manufacturer, has used tho family namo freely In signs scat tered throughout tho town. Ono In vites tho public to "go to Hell for pjro lco cream," whllo anothor reads: "Havo you boon to IIoll? Its tho coolest plnco In Farroll." A sign In front of Holl's OBtabllshmont prcsonts a young woman saying to hor escort. "IIoll for mlno; always." Mule Resents Being Tickled. Now York, As tho result or tickling a mulo with a straw. Paul Porcare. agod flvo, had his faco disfigured for lifo when tho animal objected. Electricity in a Bowl Protects a Bunch of Coin WVSHINGTON. "Conscicnco doth make cowards of us all," re marked Mr. Shakespeare which only shows that Shakespeare, was hep to humnnlty and wrote a good many things that other pcoplo merely thought. TIiIb philosophy on morals may not havo been written with a par ticular vlow to Janitors, but thore are several cases In Washington whoro it would apply. There is ono widely dis cussed at tho capitol, whore It is well known thnt Superintendent Elliot Woods can lcavo Jewels and precious stones or anything elso ho happened to havo lying around with a perfect looseness, nnd there is not a laborer on the placo who would not walk around tho block to avoid going near them. Quito a whllo ago tho sonato labora tory was not tho commodious struc ture it is now, but merely a private laboratory and workshop for Mr. Woods. Ho was an electrical expert This Model Shop Was HEN tho model shop of tho Smith sonian Institution wa3 down by tho railroad trackB In South Washing ton, Harry Handloy and the lato Mr. Palmer, who were in the shop, had tho surrounding population "buffaloed" to tho extent that It was never necessary to lock a door. Tho model shop was rather an eerie place, nnyhow, with its atmosphere of plaster of paris, half dlsmombored bodies and statues and rugs nnd skins and almost anything elso queer that haproned to float through tho museum. There wore a lot of llfo masks in plaster, and tho residents of tho shop were believed by all tho small boys and many of 'tho adults of tho vicinity to bo body snatchers and to mako their living by questionable and occult arts, including humnn vivisection. Tho thing that mado tho placo sa cred, or rather baleful, to illiterate noighbors was a human skeleton that lived in tho back of the shop and that by a simple arrangement of overhead cords could bo made to got up off u chair and walk Into tho shop. There Is ono of tho clorks up In tho war department who Is an amateur naturalist of somo attainment Ho is also a smoker and is In tho habit of keeping a small resorvo supply of to baco in a Jar on his desk, bo that ho can replenish his pouch if he runs short during tho day. Hidden Wealth Lost; Stove Is Wwst Offender YJk THE United States has made mil lions of dollars through tho efforts of thrifty peoplo to placo tholr sur plus wealth beyond tho reach of thieves. Goats, calves, dogs and other animals havo eaten hundreds of rolls of bills that would havo been far safer in banks. Parlor stoves also appear to bo a profitable source of loss, But for tho work of tho redemption division of tho treasury department tho loss in many cases would bo total. As it is much of the money is re deemed, but to dato Undo Sam is $14,000,000 richer than ho would havo beon had ho never issued paper monoy. Millions of tho fractional currency notes havo been offered for redemption uud together with lator issues, are Congressman Drove a Mule and Was Proud of It IT IS not often that a mulo will help a man to get Into congress, but this vory thing hnpponed In tho caso of William N. Baltz, who represents tho Twonty-second Illinois district He is tho man who succeeded Representa tive Rodenberg. Baltz 1b n farmer, and he is proud of it. In his youth ho wns offered an opportunity to obtain a college educa tion, but no declined, saying that he preferred to dovoto his timo to hlB farm. So ho wont to work and farmed right up to tho minute became necessary for him to como to con gress. Furthermore, ho will farm somo more, whonovor congress ad journs. Thoro woro thoso peoplo In his dis trict who wore politically opposed to him that thought It would bo n fine schomo to expose tho fuct that ho drovo a mulo around homo, nnd they sprond this "scandal" far and wide After tho etory had beon going tho rounds for two or threo wooks Baits was called on one night down at Bello vlllo to mako hie first political speech. then, as ho is now, and was always fooling with anything from wireless to high frequency currents. Ho no ticed at ono timo that a good many of his small personal possessions dis appeared ir ho did not lock thom up, and as ho seldom thought to lock any thing up, tho lost list Increased to an annoying extent ' Ono day ho built a largo lyden Jar out of a big china bowl and a littlo tin foil. Ho dropped a lot of pennies and nickels and dimes into it and charged it with enough "Julco" to kill an ox maybo, or at least onough to mako tho ox think ho had boon killed. He loft It on a sheet of glass and walked off, leaving tho door of tho laboratory open. It was not long before ono of tho outsido laborers slipped In and took a look around. That bowl of small chango was an irresistible temptation, nnd ho evidently thought a fow would not bo missed. Ho ran his hand into tho bowl, but before ho could grasp a nickel he felt as though somo ono had hit him on tho funny gone with an ax. Ho gavo a wild yell and landed In tho middle of the property yarJ. Since that timo it has been well and gen erally known that Mr. Woods "puts conjures" on anything that belongs to him and you could not hire anybody at the capitol to touch a thing of his. Rather an Eerie Place Ho found, finally; that it was impos sible to keop any tobacco on hand and whenever ho wanted It In a hurry tho Jar was sure to havo been' omptled. Tho Inhabitants of Ireland have noth ing on tho sons of Ham when it comes to dreading snakes. All snakes look allko to thom and they are all deadly, moroly because they are snakes, quite regardless of tho species. Tho clerk know this quite well and, carefully washing out tho tobacco dust from tho Jar, ho ono day dropped a perfectly harmless grass snake into it and put on tho lid. That afternoon ho stayed late with a draftsman who waB working over time in an adjoining room. About 5:30 thoro was an agonized yell from tho neighborhood of his desk and ono of tho Janitors passed through the room In a blinding cloud of dust and took tho stalrB three at a time without waiting for the elevator. either lost or hoarded up by curio collectors. Dogs, cats, pigs, goats and calves ap pear to bo tho chief offenders when it comes to eating paper bills. Re cently tho redemption division wa3 compelled to examine tho stomach of a dog that had Bwallowed a $20 bill dropped by his owner. The bill was thought to bo worth more than tho dog, so tho nnimal was killed. Calves mutllato paper money worse than any other animal. Goats appear to give it a "lick and a promise" and Bwallow tho whole roll. Men In the redemption division as sort that in cases whero aniinalB swal low bills tho propor course is to get tl)o bills as soon as poslblo and to ship the whole mass to Washington to bo unfolded and tested as to Its genuineness. Decidedly tho larger part of money sent to Washington for redemption Is said to have been mutilated by lire. Tho parlor stovo Is a great source of loss. During tho summer months ironey Is concealed In the stovo and in tho fall Is sent up In smoko In the ilrst fall fire. 'Somo of my political opponents say that I drlvo a mule," he said. "You bet I drive a niule! Ho's a good mulo, too, 1 dou't suppose thore's a better mulo In southern Illinois, I'm not ashamed of that mule, and I'm not ashamed that I'm a farmer, either. Somo folks try to belittle mo by saying, thut I wear a hickory shirt. You but 1 wear one! I'm not ashamed of that, either. I'm a farmer and I'm nn honest ono, and if you send mo to Washington I'll bo an honest congressman, too!" Tho speech mado a hit with tho nu dlenco and tho nowBpapors said that It was ono of tho host that had been delivered during tho campaign. BlIlS A 1 CQHCRCSsf fe Better Biscuits Baked ,m You never tasted daintier, lighter, flufli( biscuits than those baked with Calumet They're always t Rood delicious, II For Calumet in- ! cures perfect baking. RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS World's Purn Food Exposition, Chlcaco, iumou. Paria Exrjoeltlon. France, March, 1S1Z. wi m m mi Thinks Cancer Is Contagious. Authorities contend that cancer is not contagious, but Doctor Odior, head of tho cancer institution at Gene va, Switzerland, says he has dlscov-' crcd in ono of tho principal streets of that city at least a dozen houses in which tho disease has recurred, a fact ho can only account for on the theory that it Ib contagious. He urges that every houBe In which there has been a cancer patient be disinfected. . The First Question. WIggs Young Sillicus sayB his heart is lacerated. Waggs Who's tho lass? Kllkenney castlo is ono of the old est inhabited houses in the world, many of tho rooms being much as they woro 800 yoars ago. Hm.Wlnslow's Sootbln? Syrup for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces Inflamma tion, allays paln.cureu wind collc,25c a bottloJU? It 1b a waste of timo to whitewash a character that could not bo saved by thick enamel. Red Cross Ball Blue will wash double as m.iny clothes ns any other blue. Don't put your money into any other. Adv. Women never really admire each other. Thoy aro too busy admiring each other's clothes. TRJED REMEDY FOR THE GRIP- AtnWWt ..'.iWTOWWB .UVi fMWNm r xmwjmm jmmm til km Vi. SsMI W mm I i 1 Toa doa't ure Doner wnen yon lor clean or llf-can fl N bailor, powder. Don't be muled. Bar Calumet. It's H nor economical mora utoleiome t Wee best retails. 1 Calomel is (ar toperior lo soar milk aid sod. n raft'raKir Ml