The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 07, 1913, Image 5

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Wilcox Department Store
Sr Appropriate &k,
Wedding Gifts Iff
The selection of a proper gift for
the bride is at times very .difficult.
We have made a study of their selec
tion and have at our store an endless
variety of articles particularly suited
for this occasion.
Have just unpacked and are now
displaying the finest line of new cut
glass ever brought to our city.
Our silverware is of many designs
and the new pieces we are now show
ing were selected with great care by
our buyer ..while in the eastern cities
during the summer.
We are ahvays pleased to receive
DIXON, the Jeweler
1 &
Have You Seen Our Beautiful Autumn
and Winter Coats
Remember, the Newdst Modes
in Cloaks and Suits Always
Appear Here First.
Graduate Denlisi.
Office over the McDonald
State Bank.
Local and Personal
A son was born Sunday, morning to
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Ouimette. v
Mrs. G. W. Vroman "and son Ralph
left Sunday evening for Oklahoma.
Will Long left Friday night for Den
ver where hewill spend a week visiting
Leonard Redmond spent Sunday in
Lexington with Mr. and MraJ' Wm.
Tanner. , t - .
R. D. Herzog, of the Davis Auto
Co., drove Al. Tift's car to Omaha (
Mrs. Gertrude Rebhausen came up
from Columbus Saturday for a week's
visit her sons in this city.
For Sale A soft coal burner, large
size, Phone Blk 464. tf
Clay Vroman returned to Omaha
Sunday after spending several days ,
with relatives in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Al. Tift left the latter
part of last week for Omaha, where
they will reside in the future.
Oscar Grant of the Iddings Lumber
Co., will leave next week for an extend"
vis'it with relatives in Omaha.
J. S. Davis returned Saturday from
Flint, Mich., where he transacted bus
iness at the Buick auto factory.
Monarch Mallenble Iron Ranges at
Hershey's. u
Arlicgh Jones returned the latter
part'of last week from Denver where
ho had been employed for several
Wanted Girl for general housework,
Mrs. W. H. McDonald, 407 Wast
Fifth street. rl'6
Lr. and Mrs. Wurtele, who accom
panied the remains of Mrs. Wurtele's
father to Evanston, Wyo., returned
Sunday morning.
Mrs. Louis Dett went to Sheridan,
Wyo., yesterday to join her husband
who has accepted work in the railroad
shops at that place.
Miss Nellio Birkinshaw has returned
n ;if with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Boyd at Blair. While there she was
taken seriously ill and was forced to
take treatment at a hospital.
For Sale My residence at 408 west
Eleventh street, very reasonable, H.
A. Lawhead. 742
Earl Hamilton last week finished cutt
' ing the fourth crop of alfalfa on the
former Otten farm now owned by his
father and which he occupies as a ten
ant. This fourth cutting produced a
very good yield.
0. H. Thoelcke has been using a cune
to aid locomotion. In attempting to
get out of an automobile at Stapleton
Friday he caught his coat on mo uuui
and fell ti the ground, sustaining a
painful injury to his left leg.
Ernil Allgeier, a Keith county stock
man, who came to this city ten days
ago to receive treatment, died Satur
day evening. Death was due to acute
neuphritis. The remains were taken to
Ogalalla Sunday morning.
Theodore Sandall resigned his position
in the Green pool hall Saturday.
Myrtle Shaner. of Sutherland spent
Sunday with Mrs. Mary Bonham.
Cash Austin left Sunday for Denver
to visit several days with relatives.
Georce W. Finn returned Saturday
from a week's visit in Indianapolis.
Ralph Garman returned Friday from
Omaha where he attended the Ak-Sar-
Ben Glinton of' St. Paul visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Clinton
Clarence Spicer left yesterday for
.'r I
wkW'' if
wffew 1
OMAN'S and Misses' fashion
able outer garments will be the
powerful attraction here this
iveek. Please don't judge the garments by
the r modesty of the prices. Wh&i you
see these stunning Coats and Suits you
will readily understand ivhy we make this
simple request. They compare more than
V t
favorably with the very best values wa have
ever offered, and you knotu what our vol-
ues on Coats have been in the past.
Laramie whero he will spend a week
on business. "
Mrs. B. Lann left yesterday morn
ing for Ogalalla to spend a day or two
with friends.
Mrs. Chas. Austin, of Pasco, Wash.,
is expected to arrive here this week to
yisit relatives.
Dick Baker, Geo. Gibbs, A. J. Salis
bury spent yesterday in Tryon trans
acting business.
Howard Wright returned Sunday
from Omaha where he spent several
days on businoss.
J. W. Hopkins and wife left Sunday
morning for Grand Island where they
will make their home.
Mrs. Geo. Savin and children left
yesterday afternoon for Omaha where
they will make "her home.
J. Sebastian left yesterday morning
for Big Springs where he will transact
busines for a-day or two.
Mrs. John Monrich and daughter of
Fremont, are visitine this week with
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lierlc.
Theodore TottcnhofT returned Sunday
from Denver where Jje has been spend
ing several days with friends.
Raymond Tighe will leave next week
for Omaha where he will take a busi
ness course at Boyles' College.
Mr. and Mrs; Bert Culton returned
Sunday evening from Omaha whore
they visited relatives for a week.
Charles Tigho will leave today for
Lexington where he has accepted a
position in the Kinney drug store.
Martin Gress traveling salesman for
the Nebraska Seed house of Omaha
spent Sunday in town with friend.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ShafTer left yest
erday morning for Rosco to spend
several days with the lattor's parents.
For Sale Hard coal stove in gocd
condition. Inquire at 714 W, Third or
phono black 289.
Miss Hazel Grady left yesterday
morning for Horshey where she will
spend a week with relatives nnd friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lawhead and
family of Kearney are hero visiting the
formers brother II. A. Lawhead and
family. ,
Mrs. J. A. Guynam and son will
return Wednesday from Schuyler where
she has been visiting relatives for
savoral weeks.
Complete map of Forest Reserve
price $1.00. Call or address R. L.
Cochran, Room 7 McUabe liklg. 7l-'i
Mr. and Mrs. II. Sopor anddaughter
formerly of this city arrived Sunday
morning from Gollop, Moxico, to make
nn extended visit with relatives.
Mrs. Johanna McGraw left yesterday
for Sheridan, Wyo., to nlake her home
with her son who has been omyloyed
at that place for several years past.
': kit tiC VVu t3
! IpP
Every garment is a ivork of art,
worthy of all the thought and care
and consideration bestowed upon
it in the designing and making.
That's why the best dressed women
in town always buy their garments
The new Suits are marked
The new coats are priced
ill I o
1 L J"
Wilcox Department Store
Old Timer Passes Away.
W. A. Vroman, a former resident of
this city, died at his home at Gothen-1
burg Wednesday. The deceased came
to North Platte in J874 and entered the
service of the Union Pacific. Four years ,
later- he moved to a ranch northwest of
town, where he remained until 1880,
when ho moved to the east part of the
county, later moving to Gothenburg.
remont Decides
Not To Sell
North Platte's show of obtaining a
berth in the Nebraska base ball league
diminished about one hundred per cent
Dr. Fred J. Wurtele wishes to an
nounce that ho is to take up thp prac
tice of surgery and medicine in North
Platte and make his homo here per
manently. During the past four
months ho has been taking charge of
Dr. D. T. Quigloy's practice, but owing
to Dr. Quigloy's unexpected return he
finds himself without nn dike or house
u in tree uunuing. ; rml. -stockholders decide not to
Julius Pizer said Saturday that he , franchise now. Money returned
had contractors figuring on a building tuu a.iV
tnac no win erect on nis lots in tne
Siitiirrlnv vuhon T?nv P.. I.nnrrfnril r
ceived a telegram from Fremont which nd(lre89 ant na soon ns suitable arrange
burned district on Locust between
Front and Sixth. The proposed building
will be 44x80 two stories and basement,
and the estimated cost is around $12,
000. A business concern will occupy
both doors as soon ns it is completed.
Mr. Pizer hopes to have the building
under construction by November 1st.
This probably ends the negotiations
which began ten days ago for. the pur
chase of the Fremont franchise At
that time Mr. Langford, representing
North Platte, went to Fremont and
entered into an agreement with the
officers of the athletic association for
the purchase of the franchise, this
ngreement to be ratified by tho stock-
holders of the association. Tho Btipu-
Certificatcs (or Lincoln Highway. , lated prico of the franchise was $750,
Instead of selling 5,000 certificates of 0f which sum Mr Langford deposited
membership to the Lincoln Highway $200 as evidence of good faith. When
association in Nebraska at $5 each II. the stockholders met to ratify tho
E. Frederickson, counsel for tho state I agreement, the majority of them were
of Nebraska to the association, will onnosed to sellinir the frnnchise. and
ments can bo made ho will take the
proper means of advising tho public of
his location. During tho next four
days ho will be absent from tho city
owing to the sudden death" of his fathcr
imlaw in North Platte. 73-2
Life -Health Acci
dent Fire L i e; li tl
siing and Tornado
attempt to sell 25,000 which will net
$125,000 for tho building of the highwap
through the state of Nebraska.
The first lot of certificates has ar
rived in the city and Mr. Fredrjckson
says ho has orders for over 700 in tho
city of Omaha alone. He is figuring on
selling about 10,000 in Douglas 'county
and the remaining 15,000 throughout the
rest of the state. Omaha Hee.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank the K. C, G. A.
R. and W. R. C. nnd friends for the
floral offerings nnd assistance rendered
during our late beruavement. Mrs. P.
II. Ruddy, C. II. Spicer, Mr. and .Mrs.
A. H. Ferrell.
favored maintaining a team during the
1014 season.
North Platte's only show of getting
into the league is by increasing tho
number of teama from eight to ten.
There is some talk of such action, but
whether it will be taken will not be
known until the annual meeting of the
league in January.
Foot Ball Friday.
The local high school foot ball team
and tho Cozad gridiron boys will con
test for supremacy on the local grounds
next Friday afternoon. Though tho
heal team went down before the on
slaughts of tho alumni eleven last Fri
day, nevertheless they played a very
fast game, and lost only by reason of
tho excessive "beof" of the alumni.
Their defeat wnsin no way discreditable
to them.
More than the usual amount of in
terest and enthusiasm is taken In foot
ball this season and tho attendance at
the several games during tho season
promises to bo large.
Chronic Dyspepsia,
The following unsolicited testimonial
should certainly be sufficient to givo
hope and Courage to persons afflicted
with chronic dyspepsia: "I have been
a chronic dyspeptic for years, and of all
the medicine 1 have taken, Chambor
lnin's tablets have done me more good
than nny thing else," says W. G. Mat
tison, o. 7Sheiman St., Hornellsville,
N. Y. For sale by all dealers.
Notice to Contractors.
Tho Mutual Building & Loan Associ
tion of North Platte will recoivo sealed
bids up to Oct. 11, li)13,for the erection
of a pressed brick and re-onforced con
crete office building. Plans on file with
Bert M. Reynolds, Architect. Tho
owners reservo tho right to reject any
or all bids.
C. M. Newton left Saturday night
for Omaha whoro ho will spend a week
purchasing christmas stock.
' Notice For Bids.
inouco is noreuy given tnat the.'Uity
Council will receive bids for tho build
ing known as tho 3ruV Ward Hose
House, which is located oh tho rear of
Lot 4, Block 132 of the originial town,
now City of North Platte, Lincoln
County, Nebraska, tho samo to1 bo
moved oir at once.
All bids mustbe in by 5:00 o'clock p.
m.. on tho 7th dny of October, 1913.
The council reserves tho right to re
ject any or all bids. C. F. Temple,
Q-7 City Clerk.
The Stnto of Nebraika, Lincoln county, na.
in wiu iuuniy liOun,
In tho Matter of tho IMato of Patrick
Ituilciy, decoasixl.
On rcadlnir and llllnir tho net tlon of Llnnle n,
Ruddy praying that administration of paid
estate may Ijo granted to E. II. Evatia as ud
mlnlatrator. Ordered, That Oct. 28th. 1913. at 0 o'clock a
in. U BtiiKned for hcarlnir snlil petition whon all
peruoni lnter3ttd In said matter may nprnr at
county court to bo held In and for said county and
show cause why the prayer of potltlonor ihoulu
not be itrantcd; and that notlco of tho pendeno
of eald petition and tho hearimr thereof be given
to all perrons Interested in Mild matter by pub
llbhlngacopy of this order In the North Platu
Tribune n semi-weekly nuwapnper printed In sale
county, for three successive wocks, prior to bui
day of henrlner.
Dated October 3rd. 1913. - ' -1,
o7-3 County Judge
' ii