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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1913)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMLWEEKLY TRIBUNE. ir -K r CHILDREN LOVE SIPJF FIGS It t$ cruel to force nauseating, harsh physic into a sick child. LooR back nt your childhood days. Remember the "dose" mother Insisted on castor oil, calomel, cathartics. How you hated them, how you fought against taking them. With our children It's different. Mothers who cling to tho old form of physic simply don't reallzo what thoy do. Tho children's revolt Is well-founded. Their tender Httlo "insldcs" aro Injured by them. If your child's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing, glvo only deli cious "California Syrup of Figs." Its action Is positive, but gentle. Millions, of mothers keep this harmless "fruit laxatlvo" handy; thoy know children love to tako It; that it never fails to clean tho llvor and bowels nnd sweet en tho stomach, and that a teaspoonful given today saves a sick child tomor row. Ask at tho store for a GO-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on each bottle. Adv. HENPECK HAS LITTLE JOKE For Once He Turned tho Tables on Hie Wife, and Surely Had a Right to Laugh. Honpeck was In a state of delight all tho evening; It wns so ovldent.that at last wo asked whether eoiho one had left him a fortune., "No, but it is tho joke of tho ago. I have been laughing all day. This morning when I went into the dlnlug room at breakfast time thero wa3 no meal visible. I went into my wife's room and thero sho was still asleep. So unlike Bertha, you know. I called her: 'Say, Bertha, it's eight o'clock; I want my breakfast.' Not a move ment. I shouted; shook tho bed; brought In the frying pan nnd beat tho revclllo upon It All to no purpose. What was I to do? Timo was pass ing and I didn't feel Inclined to go to work hungry. Get my own break fast? Not on your life. What am I married for? Then a bright thought struck me. I took off my shoes, crept us qulo'.ly as I could along tho pas Bage; a board creaked; In a moment Bertha was awake. "'James, whero have you been?' "And you should have seen her when sho realized tho truth. Ha! ha!" At the Telephone. "Was that your sister calling you up?" "No; it was my wife calling mo down." Their Use. "That orchestra uses racks for its music." "Yes; tho audience Is on ono of them." Backache Is aWarning Thousands suffer kidney ills unawares not knowing that the backache, head aches, and dull.nerv ous, dizzy, all tired condition are often due to kidney weak ness alone. Anybody who suf fers constantly from I bacltacheshould sus pect the kidneys. Some irregularity of thesecretions may give just the needed proof. Doan's Kidney Pills have beep cur ing backache and sick kidneys for over fifty years. TMia Sanj" A North Dakota Caio Mrs. 0. J. Tyler. Cando, N. n Bar: "Mr feet ana limbs were swollen and I couldn't aloop on accountof ktdner weakness. My back was lame and sore and I folt miserable. Doun's Kidney I'll Is curnd mo and when 1 havo had occasion to uso tram Mnce, tboy havo never failed mo." Get Doan's at Any Store, 50c a Box DOAN'S'VTl FOSTER-MILBURN CO BUFFALO, N. Y. You Can Buy The Best Irrigated Land In Southern Idaho For $50.50 an Acre Good Soil Flno Cllmato Crops Never Fail Especially adapted to the raising of alfalfa, rraltis, potatoes and fruits. Ideal for dairy ing and stock raising. On ranln lino Oregon Short Lino Railroad. Lands surround Richfield, Dietrich, Sho shone and Gooding In Lincoln and Gooding Counties. 20,000 acres open to entry. THE REST WATER RIGHT IN THE WEST AND TERM8 OP PAYMENT ARE THE EASIEST OFFERED BY ANY IRRI GATION COMPANY. Let us tell you more. Your letter will have individual attention. Address Idaho Irrigation Co., Ltd. Rlchflold Idaho Rata and Onuin Trained. Prices KKUrJ HIIMAMO,, IPO tri.ll... IMMILLIi, ILL. E Wn t o n It. Cot in n n ,Wash Ingtou.UU. llookslrve. 1 littl est rcferenota. Hon results. B$taESi3EI32332 y Ueit Cough Syrup. Tutes Oood. N la time. Boll by Dracguti. ni.wiw.iMr.umwi 5XHubH OM13HODY near you is struK ellnc nlono Ovei life's desert sand. Faith, hope nnd courage together aro Rone, Reach him n. lielnlnK hand; Tutn on his darkness n bcutn of your light, Kindle, to jruldo him. a watch flro bright; Shear his -discouragements, soothe his af fright, LoUngly help him to stand. SUMMER PRESERVES. The thrifty housewife fools that nho has not a well otockod fruit closet unless sho has Bovonfl klnd3 of preserves. Preserved Peaches. This Is an old Vlrglnln recipe for preserved peaches. Pare perfect fruit nnd remove tho stones, dropping tho peaches into cold wato. to keep them from discoloring. When ready, drain carefully nnd for" every fivo pounds of fruit, add four pounds of sugar, put n third of tho amount of sugar In a preserving hot tlo with just enough water to keop from burning. When well disolvod put In a layer of peaches and sprinkle over It a generous luyer of sugar, con tinuo the process until all the sugar and fruit are used, heat slowly and simmer unil the fruit is transparent, skimming occasionally during tho pro cess. Skim the penchos out with a skimmer nnd lay them in a largo Hat dish, taking caso not to crowd them. Put them In tho sun to become firm. In the meantime boil the sirup until it is thick and clenr, carefully remov ing all tho scum. Return tho peaches to the sirup just long enough to heat through,' then pack in largo mouthed Jars. Put in a layer of fruit, then a layer of sirup until over Howlng. Seal air tight. If tho llavor of tho. pits is liked- crack a few of tho ker nels, boll in a llttlo water, then add them to the Jars. Preserved Pears. For preserving choose pears of fine flavor, but not over sweet. Peel them, leaving the stems on, dropping each in cold water after it is peeled. When enough are ready drain them, weigh and for every pound or fruit allow three quarters of a pound of granulated sugar. Par boil tho fruit In water to cover, take out and lay on a dish to cool. Put the BUgar Into the kettle in the water In which tho pears wore parboiled. When tho sugar 1b dissolved, drop In tho fruit and cook slowly until the fruit is transparent. Allow a lemon to every ten pounds of fruit, cut In very thin slices. Put the pears In ars, cook down tho sirup and pour over them. Ripe Tomato Preserves. Put tho peeled tomatoes in a bowl with equal weights of sugar and let stand over night, then preserve as for peaches, adding a little ginger, cinnamon and lemon Juice to flavor. Emerson said of Lincoln, "His heart was as great as the world, but thero was no room In It to hold the memory of a wrong." THE DELICIOUS PEACH. A most appetizing pie may bo niailb by baking a rich crust, and when cold, 1111 it with sliced peaches sweentened nnd flavored and mixed with well sweetened whipped cream. Heap a little cream on top and sprlnklo with finely chopped pistachio nuts, or with blanched' and shredded almonds. A peach pudding or bird's nest pud ding as it is called when apples are used Is a simple one, yet very good. Sllco the peaches in a deep pie plate and pour over a rich biscuit batter, bako and turn upside down, sweeten and flavor, servo with whipped cream. Rice With Peaches. Cook two cups of rice until well done, nddlng milk the last of the cooking, season with butter, salt and sweeten with sugar, then pour Into a hollow mold. When ready to serve, unniold nnd All tho center with sweetened peaches, and serve with whipped cream and sugar. Japanese Rice and Peaches. Put a layer of cold rice cuBtard In a drsh, then a layer of sliced peaches, an other layer of rico and a layer of peaches, set away to chill, and just be fore serving, heap sweetened whipped cream which has been floored with almond over tho top. Peach Pudding. Pour a cupful of hot milk over a cupful of dry bread crumbs and let stand five minutes, add a half cup of sugar, the well beaten yolks of threo eggs and tho white of ono beaten stiff. Mix well and bako In a moderato oven until Arm. Heap thinly sliced poaches well swoetened over tho top, nnd cover with a merin gue mado of the whites of two eggs and three tablespoonfuls of sugar, Cover the pudding and bako in a mod- 4 Waiting for the Spur. Maud "So ho's been calling on you regularly for ten years. Why do you suppose he hasn't proposed?" Heatrico "Oh, you seo, ho's tho sort of man who always does things on tho spur of tho moment." Judgo. Words of Cheer, "I sometimes wondor If llfo Is worth living," 'mused tho pessi mist. "It is," replied tho optimist. "It Is worth living much hotter thun most of us llvo It." Llpplncott's. i erato oven until brown Cako crumbs aro moro dellcato in this pudding thar bread crumbs. HELPFUL HINTS. When you hnvo ngreahlo neighbors, why not do as two enterprising house keepers do, who hnvo n small family. Each takes turns linking iho cako for tho two famillos and each has half. In this wny they always have fresh, cako and tho work is divided. A good protector from tho sun when, reading, sowing or weeding in the. garden Is an umbrelln tied to a pitch fork handle. Tho fork will hold If stuck Into the ground anywhoro ono wlshos to bo. Dampen .two choose cloth dustors with kerosene nnd shut them into u tight covored pall, In a day or two they will bo evenly dampenod and, may bo used to tako up dust. When, not In uso keep them In tho pall. When putting corn meal mush away pour into pound baking cans well greased, then when Bliclng for frying the Bllces will all be of uniform size. A large, rich dripping pan eot on top of the gas stovo over a small burner will hold sovornl small saucepans and so cook several things nt tho snmo time. Food may bo kept hot In tho same way. Water In tho pan will koep tho food from scorching. When baking tomatoes or peppers put them In mullln pans and they will keop their shape nicely. To clean n laco yoke, lay tho yoko on a Turkish towel nnd rub gently with soap and water, changing tho towel when It becomes soiled. Tho soil will go Into tho towel. Rinse and wlpo dry by patting with a clean dry cloth. When putting a hem Into curtains try this method: Hang them on tho rods and draw down tho shade to mark the length. Tho curtain may then be basted and will hang evom A llttlo dish of soda whero It may bo used In tho bathroom Is a valuable asset. Uso it to whiten the toeth and. sweeten the brenth. A spoonful in tho water when ono bathes the face will remove tho soil of dust as if by magic, ------ ( A pinch of soda In a glass of water will relieve n sick stomach and It often relieves Indigestion. When tho feet aro tired a foot bath with a generous spoonful of soda will bo a wonderful relief. A Httlo toll and n. little rest. And u little more earned than spent, Is suro to bring to an honest breast A blessing of glad content. And io, though skies may frown or smile, Bo diligent day by day; Rewards will greet you after n. while, If you Just keep working away. COLD DESSERTS. A most delicious frozen dish which will bo now to many is the following: Cook together u cup of sour cream and a cup of sugar until It reaches the soft ball stago when tried in water, flavor and add a cup of hickory nut meats and turn it into a quart of rich milk, to which has been added a cup of sugar. Freeze as usual. This is a most delicious dish and worth trying. Cherry Mousse. To a pint of double cream, add threo tablespoon fuls of powedered sugar, a cup of cherry juice and a drop or two of al mond extract. Chill and whip until U stlif. Turn Into a mould, cover close ly and pack in ico and salt. Serve In glasses. Currant Nectar. To a quart of water add two cupfuls of tart currant jelly. Boll until dlsBovled, then add tho Juico of threo lemons and threq oranges. Servo very cold with a sllco of orango floating on tho top of each portion, and cracked ico to chill it. Fruit Crown. Pare, core and quar ter throe aweet apples and three quinces, cover with sweet cider and cook until tender, remove tho npples unbroken. Measure the elder and add enough moro to make a pint. Over a half box of gelatine pour a half cup of cold cider and soak for half an hour, then add to tho hot elder with a half pint of sugar, sot In cold water and stir until it begins to thicken, then turn Into a border mold tipping tho mold so that tho jolly will form a lining over It. Now fill with chopped and cooked quinces and ap ples filling In with Jelly. Set on Ico until firm, Invert on a cold dish and fill the center wilh whipped cream decorated with browned almonds. Baked Alaska. Take a brick of ico cream and placo it on a spongo cake, cover with a meringue and placo In a hot oven to brown quickly. Serve sliced. Penny Gonel No Warts. Maurice, ago six, was weeping bit torly and mother Inquired ns to the causo of tho deluge. "I bought two warts from Vincent for u ponny," ho walled, "and Vlncont linsn't given mo tho warts and won't glvo my ponny back." Not Quite Blind. Love may be blind. Hut you never saw a bride who couldn't toll orange blossoms from sunflowers. Cincinnati Enquirer. FALLING HAIR MEANS DANDRUFF IS ACTIVE 6avo Your Hair! Get n 25 Cent Dottlo of Danderlne Right Now Also Stops Itching Scalp. Thin, brlttlo, colorless nnd scragE? hair is muto cvldenco of a neglected fecnlp; of dandruff that awful scurf. Thero 1b nothing so dostructlvo to tho hair as dandruff. It robs tho hnlr of Its lustor, its strength nnd its very llfo; ovontually producing a foverlsh ncss and itching of the scalp, which if not romctllcd cnuses tho hair roots to thrlnk, loosen nnd die then tho hair falls out fast. A llttlo Dandortno tonight now any tlmo will Huroly eavo your hair. Get a fiG cent bottlo of Knowlton'a Dnndorlno from any storo, and after tho flrst application your hair will tako on that llfo, luster and luxurlnnco which Is bo beautiful. It will becomo wavy nnd'fluffy and have tho appear nnco of ahundnnco; an Incomparable gloss and softness, but what will plcaso you most will bo after Just n fow weeks' use, when you will actual ly see n lot of fine, downy hair new hair growing all over tho scalp. Adv. Syc Alone Detects Icebergs. Thero at present Is no nhsoluto method of detecting icebergs, oxcopt by tho human cyo, in tho opinion of Captains C. E. Johnson ant A. S. Gam ble of tho cutters Soneca and Miami, which patroled tho routo of tho trans atlantic linotu from April to May. Captain Johnuton refuted tho preva lent theory that a sudden drop in tern poraturo meant tho proximity of Ico bcrgs. Llttlo or no chnngo In tempera turo was noticeable, ho said. Nor can Icebergs, as gonerally supposed, bo de tected with any certainty by an echo from a ship's whistlo or bolls, as, ac cording to Captnln Johnston, a per pendicular berg may give an echo from some directions, but a slanting fnco re flects tho sound. About ninety por cent, of tho Seneca's efforts to got echoes wero futllo. Tho presence of murree (a kind of auk), tho ofllcer declares, indicated tho presence of icebergs, but ho ndviscs mariners to pny no attention to othor birds. He Was on Duty. Herbert stood on a chair. Tho chair stood in tho pantry. xuu jam oiuuu uu iuu uuuu. Jiiuri i bert'a mother stood on tho threshold. Herbert stood his ground. "My bou," said tho mother, pointing nt him with astonishment. "I n-ln s-u-r-prised? To think thnt my llttlo boy. would do a thing like that." Herbert, resourceful and not nt all abashed, looked at his mother straight in tho oyo. "Pleaso do not interfore with tho 'mlnnuvres' of n boy scout," ho said. "A boy scout?" "Yes, mother, after supplies." Improving Constantinople. Constantinople's scheme for a met ropolitan electric lino Is well undor way. It includes tho formation of what Is known as tho Ottoman Met ropolitan company, capitalized at $5,000,000 for tho purpose of build ing and operating tho lino. Work is to be finished as far as Pnncaldl in four and a half yearB from October 1, 1912, nccordlng to tho terms of tho contract, and tho rest will follow within a ten-year period. A now bridge over the Golden Horn will bo part of tho work. Interested. Husband (at tho polico station) They say you have caught tho fellow who robbed our house night before ltLst. Sergeant Yes. Do you want to sec him? Husband Suro! I'd llko to talk to him. I want to know how ho got in without waking my wife. I've been trying to do that for tho last twenty years. Judgo. , Inquiring to Know. "You're a smart man, nnd I want you to answer me u question," said tho boob. "Shoot It," responded tho wlao guy. "Is an Inquisitive man a question ablo character?" asked tho boob, Easily Spotted. "Is this dress apt to bo easily spot ted?" sho Inquired. "At least four blocks off, I should Judgu," answered tho gentleinnnly clerk. Sure Proof, "Thero wero bad spirJtH at spiritualistic Beanco I nttended night." "Why, could you smell 'em?" thnt last A man laughc at scars when a wom an thrown thlnga at him. Kdgar, Nehraska, Nov. 9, 191a. Old Linn Rankers' Life Ins. Co,, Lincoln, Neb. Dear Sirs: This is to acknowledge receipt of your check for 8481 ix and a paid up participating policy for $1,000 00 which has just beon handed to mo by your Supt of Western Nebraska.W. G. Gooden, tho same being tho settlement on my policy No. 2571 that matured today. I nature you that I am pleased with tho settlement ou this policy, as I had only paid you 8591 20 in tho twenty years My brother matured .1 policy of the same nature in one of the big eastern com panies and tho results wore no ways near as satisfactory as tho re sults on my policy in your good company. Very truly yours, FRANK M. FERRER. Atlt thu 111 (in wlio cm 11a nnotlf mr pullilui. FEMALE MAKES THE TROUBLE Certainly In the Case of the Mosquito They Are "More Deadly Than the Male." Tho attention of many of our citi zens who hitherto have tnkon llttlo in terest in entomological investigation, hns boon nttrnctcd to what thoy he llovo Is n now varloty of mosquito, n mosquito which in tho courso of evolu tion has lost lte bark, but not its blto; that comes upon ono unawares, with out n musical accompaniment "What ovor may bo said ngaltiBt tho Insect it should bo sot down to lta credit that it takes its nourishment without mu sic, declining to glvo that additional smart to one's misery. This nctlve, but dlmlnutlvo specimen of tho genus Culox, now nt tho closo of summer, Is beginning n work that will continue until tho first sharp frost. As a matter of fact theso mosqultocB tlmt hnvo hnd no difficulty In pushing their wny through tho smallest meshed wlro screens nro all females, nnd for that reason wo hear no song. Tho males aro largor, perhaps cannot mako their way through tho Bcreons, nnd remain outside, whero they sing solos or Join In numborB nnd glvo hnllolujnh chor ubos, nnd encourago tho uuffragette sisters at their work Inside. Tho nls tora havo an lnsatlahlo thirst for blood, whllo tho mouth of tho mnlo mosquito Ib not equipped for biting nnd ho does not como Into our housea: Whllo the sisters aro inside drinking blood tho moro tomporato fathers of tho family are outside sipping rainwater. Literal Ones, "You don't ronlly quarrel with your wife, I am auro. What you havo nrc only Blinm dlBputos." "Yea, but she porsists in putting them all ovor tho pillows." Light on an Old Subject. Dentist Now, open wide your mouth and I won't hurt you a bit. Tho Patient, after tho extraction Doctor, I know what Ananias did for a living now. Keeps It. "My hubby goes out every evening for a constitutional." "Mlno don't; ho keeps it in tho house." Nothing cmmls Dean's Mentholated Cough Drops for Bronchial cakncsn, soio chests, and throat troubles Co at all Druguists. A woman Bays things sho doesn't mean; a man mcaiiB things ho doesn't Bay. Red Cross Ilnll Blue, nil blue, best bluing vnliio In the whole wor'd, makes tho laun dress smile. Adv. Tho self-made man novor quite gets the job finished. ALCOHOL-.T PER fEMT AVegcfablc Preparation for As similaling iheFoodandRcgula- nng me biomaclis and Uowcls ( Promotes Digcslion,Clicerful nessandRest.Conlains neither Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral Not Narcotic Rnipt TOU DrSANVUiriWEtt Mix Stmt Jit w St4 fhvtrmlnt -fultvttAaUSnio' ffwmSttd CmrfoJ fyjm A perfect Remedy forConstlpa lion , Sour Stomach.DiarrJioea, Worms .Convulsions. Feverish ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP Facsimile Signature of The Cuntaur Company, NEW YORK. Guaranteed under tho Food ami Exact Copy of Wrapper. For xggg3 DISTEMPER JtarocureanrtpMltlTfi Ijirtreat uttilliiir II v ml lift Arm Kidnoy rernwlr, Kef pit. hhow to your uiwRUt, wbo will getltforTOU, vuv hiivi wuivna upvviBI SPOIIIi MEDICAL GO,, CHILDLESS WOMEN Ths women oneo chlldlcsn, noir hnrpr and phyilojtlljr wdII with healthy ehlldronwlll tell how J.yillAK.rinicrmm's YcgeUblo Compound tnadt nnttila poMlblo, Jleroa.-o the names and oorreek addresses wrlto tlietu It you want to, anil learn for yourtelf, Thoy ro only fow out of many thousands. . , "unr ursi oaoy i strong and healthy and wo attrlbuto this re sult to tho timely uso of your Compound." Mrs. Fnno YoiULNrr, ls.k .uont, uregou. " I owo mv llfo and1 .MriAABalehocr'i my baby's good health to your Compound." Mrs. W. O. SrKNCMi It. F. D., No. 2, Troy,. Alabama. "I havo throo chil dren nnd took your Compound each tlmo." Mrs.JoiisHowAruj, Wilmington, VormonU "I havo a IotoIjt baby boy and you can toll orory ono that ho is a riukham' baby." Mrs.Louta FiscncR, 32 Munroo Bt., Carl etadt, N.J. "Wo aro at Ins W oi.sod with a Bwoott Httlo babyglrl." Mrs. O. A. Li.l-un.OODE. Montcgut, La. "I havo ono of the flnMt baby girls yoa ovor saw." Mrs. C.E. Goonwm, 1012 S. Cth St., Wilmington, N.O. "My husband lstlio happlcst man allvo to day?' Mrs. Cliiu. DAunnAKR, S07 Marli la St., Buffalo, N.Y. "Now I Imonnlco bahy girl, tho Joy of our homo." Mrs. Do bylva Cote, No. 117 So. O'Uo St., Worcoa. tor, Mass. "I havo a flno Btronir baby daughter now." Mrs. A. A. Giles, PowiUvlllo, N.Y., ltouto 41. " T havo a hip, fat, hoaUhyboy." Mis.A. A. llAT.r.Noitn, ll.F.D. No. 1, Haltimoro, Ohio. SfKJ 'I1 m .MraCEGoodwin nc Wf. iMaOqpdvwft oaov E& I !V 8& m t MmHovwrd Your Liver Is Clogged Up That's Why You'ro Tired-Out of SorU Have No Appetite. CARTER'S LITTLE, LIVER PILLS will put you right in a few days. They do. their duty.. CurcCon-i stipation. ' Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL' PRICX Genuine must bear Signature Z'J For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TM OH TAUN OOMMNV, MSW YORK OITV. rink Eyo, Eptzootto Skipping Fever Si Catarrhal Fover mutter hovr hnrvs at nruRo aro lnfect6 J- 4BR1URTERS flKV WITTLE matw ver MVOTL PILLS. w l" Bears the A. 9 Signature t JryM W For ui'uiu,KiTrii mi mo tuiiKuvi mvm uu iuu liiuuu inn Ul ii from thft body. Curt I H -temper Jn Doers and Khec a atnok rAinrwIv. Cnroi 1a iirlnrtA nmnn Bio nnd tl a bottlei 16 unit 110 a tloren, C'Ot tbllML Frca Uooklot, "DUteupu I1V naubVUi AWSlsa GOSHEN, IND., 1), S. A. Twenty Payment Life Policy Matured in the Old Line Bankers' Life Insurance Company of Lincoln, Nebraska Name of Insured Frank M. Ferrer Residence Edgar, Nebr. Amount of Policy $1,000 00- Total Premiums $ 501,20 SETTLEMENT Surplus in Cash $ 481. 11 Paid up Participating Policy 81.000.00 Total Cash $1,481.11 Write us for an agency Assets $6,500,000.00 awirai'i in lt. ... . 'tf5i