The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 23, 1913, Image 8

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Semi -Weekly Tribune
? - i
Ira I. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
One Yearly Mall in advance $1.25
One Year by Carrier in advance $1.60
Kntorod at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
oDlce as Second Class Matter.
TUESDAY. SEPT. 23. 1913.
An Unwarranted Attack.
The Maxwell Telopost. a democratic
paper, attacks County Clerk Yost and
County Treasurer Durbin because they
voted for the nppointment of E. II.
Springer for county commissioner,
rather than for Mr. Roberts, and says
tho voters will remember them. This
attack from Editor Eames was to be
expected, but it is in no way deserved.
Wo bcliove that people who are well ac
quainted with Mr. Springor and Mr.
Roborts will concede that tho former
possesses as much ability as the latter;
Mr. Springcr'B petition contained many
mora signatures than did the one pre
sented by Mr. Roberts' friends; the lat
ter resigned on account of ill-health and
hojhimsolf believes that ho has a phys
ical trouble so serious that he con
templates going to tho far east for an
examination bv exports, and under
these conditions it is not probable that
during the next few months he would
have been able to attend the meetings
of tho bpnrdjhad he beon appointed. In
view of these facts, wherein have
Messrs. Durbin and Yost beon unfnir?
As to playing politics, it is tho dem
ocrats who oro playing that gamp.
They;desiro to have absolute control
of thiboard of county commissioners;
if till? word' nottruo why do they shed
briny tears over tho failure to secure
Mr. Roberts' appointment' Mr.
Roberts acted honestly in his resigna
tion; ho felt that he was physically un
able to transact the duties of commis
sioner, but tho democrats did not want
n republican appointed and prevailed on
Mr, Rfcbcrts to withdraw his resigna
tion, and failing to secure tho with
drawal, urged hirri'-it is said
against his wishes -to become an ap
plicant for appointment.
Fails to Fill Contract.
Tho fall festival committee held a
mooting Friday evening and paid Prof.
Young, tho aviator, two hundred dol
lars, notwithstanding he failed to ful
fill his contract on any one of the
three days lie was hero. Under Too
contract ho was to stay in tho nir
fifteen minutes in each flight. 'Wed.
nesday forenoon he was in tho air
thirteen minutes, and in the evoning
about nine minuted. Thurs'dny he was
in tho nir but a fow minutes, and Fri
day ho did not attempt flights. Ho
was to receivo $100 for each flight of
fifteon minutes duration.
. grills, feature of tho festival was a
groat 'disappointment to mnhy who
camfjiere expressly to seo tho aero
plane flights, but It was not tho fault
df'the committee that they were dis
appointed." Commissioners' Proceedings
September 10, 1013.'
Hoard met pursuant to adjournment,
Present White, Ilurminghauson arid
county elork.
' Chango in-road No. -UJ coming on
for-flnal hoaring, thq board is of tho
opinion that said chango is for the pub
lic good, auno is Hereby granted as per
report and survey of the special com
missioner. Tho following claims wore allowed on
tho general fund, to-wit:
It'J Eames, county printing.... $1G 00
Anna Leach, house rent county
poor , go 00
E C Hostotor, bridgowork, Max
well bridge, nllowed on
bridge fund.. , 35 25
, 'Whereupon tho board adjourn to
Sept. 17, 1013. C. W. Yost,
County Clork.
September 17, 1913.
Hoard mot pursuaiit to adjournment.
Present White, Hormlnghausen and
county clork.
Tho following claims wero allowed;
I3ert Edis, cash for road' district 11
allowed aH follows: $50 00 on road dis
trict 11 and $50 00 on Commissioner
district 1.
M FDIal, road work on road No.
351, allowed on commissioner
district 3 for 21 50
Chas Cockle, cosh for road dis
trict 5 allowed on said dis
trict for 200 00
Geo WJ Brown & Son, groceries .
tor county poor, allowed on
( general fund for 10 70
' Hoard proceeded to draw jury for
November torm of district court.
Whereupon tho board ndjourns to
Sept 2-1, 1913. c W Yost,
County Clerk.
Caught a Bad Cold.
"Last winter my son cnught a very
bad cold nnd tho way ho coughed was
somothlng dreadful," writes Mrs. Surah
Duncan, of Tipton, Iowa. "We
ught oure ho was going into consump-
Wo bought just one bottlo of
erlain's Cough Remedy and that
e stopped hia cough nnd cured
mpieteiy. for sale by all
One Vofeo Muilo.
Composers Iinvo riot scorned -writing
airs to suit tho stylo of particular sing
ers, thus, ns Francis Rogers remarks,
"storing up for tho iisunl voIcm of sub
sequent generations much travail and
sorrow." Mendelssohn crowded "Ilcdr
Yo, Isrnol," with high F shnrps to
glvo Jenny Llnd, whom ho adored, a
chanco to display tho particular beauty
of her volco In that region, with tho
result that that air has been a soro
trial to most sopranos over since.
Fnurc, tho famous French baritone,
also had a particularly facile nnd mel
low high F shnrp. and many parta
wero written especially to glvo him a
chnnco to exhibit It to the'gnsplng mul
titude. Hut in most baritone voices
this F sharp Is tho very limit of tho
upper range, nnd, although It may linvo
both power and brilliance, It seldom
possesses either mellowness or facil
ity; consequently all tho roles written
for Fnurso (Meyerbeer's "Dlnornh," for
instance) nro particular trying for tho
ordinary baritone Argonaut.
Wearing Shabby Clothes.
It's a great thing to wear shabby
clothes and nil old hat. Some of tho
best things I have "over known, like
theso experiences of tho streets, hnve
resulted from coming up to life from
undcrnenth, of being taken, for less
than I am rather than for more than
I did not always bcllovo In this doc
trine. For many years tho years be
fore I was rightly born Into this allur
ing world 1 tried quite tho opposite
course. I was constantly attempting to
come down to life from above. Instend
of being content to carry through life
a sufficiently wonderful being named
David Grayson, I tried desperately to
feot up and support a sort of dummy
crcaturo which so clad, bo housed, so
fed. Bhould appear to bo what I
thought David Grayson ought to ap
pear In tho eyes of the world. Oh, 1
spent qulto a lifetime trying to satisfy
other pcoplo! David Grayson In Amer
ican Magazine.
Tho pnrngraphlst opened his type
writer, adjusted a sheet of paper, lit
his pipe and sat for n moment Im
mersed in thought Then ho clicked
oft a single lino of copy. Ho glanced
at what ho hod written, and a look of
surprise camo across his classic fea
tures. Then ho gasped, shrieked and
wont Into n lit of hysterics.
Ills colleagues rushed Into tho room,
but ho was beyond human aid. In ten
minutes ho hnd laughed himself to
dentil. Then ouo bethought himself
to look nt tho last lines thoso Augers,
now cold nnd still, hnd written. At
tho top of tho all but unsullied sheet
nppenred theso words: "Another shop
lifter arrested In ono of dur big stores
has been dismissed with a warning
nnd her name withheld from tho pa
pers. What used to bo called a crime
is now yclept a mnnla" ,
Thnt -was all. Dut It had caught tho
paragrapher unawares. Cleveland
Plain Denlor.
Curious Signboards.
An eighteenth century Glnsgow
sweep suspended over tho door of his
houso" the announcement!
Ilnmy Kelr, ho docs Uvo hero.
Ho'H awcop your vents, nnd not too dear,
And should thoy chuncito bo on flio
IIo'll put thorn 6ut ut your dealro.
Edinburgh onco enjoyed the distinc
tion of possessing tho most prolix sign
bonrd on record: ,
"John Main, Stationer, Bibles, Tes
taments, Psalms, Hymns, Prayer
books. Catechisms, Proverbs. Books,
now and old, in various branches of
literature. Monoy or exchange for old
Hooks; Papers, Pons, nnd Ink; Wnx
and Wafers; Hlacklcad, Ilalr, and
ITali PonclltS; Colored Books, Memo
randum Hooks, Religious Tracts,
Hooks neatly bound, on moderate
terms." London Mall.
Bear Fighting.
In tho seventeenth contury on fenst
days tho life of tho czar of Russia was
enlivened with such nmuscmonb as a
bnttlo to tho death botwecn a bear
and n spearman, In which, It is Bald,
frequently the mnn lost his life. In
tho event of a successful Issue tho
spearmnn was rewarded by being
token to tho roynl cellars, -whero he
was allowed to drink ns much ns ho
llkod. Crl do Paris.
Not Enough Practice,
"Oh, Johnnie, Johnnlo," said tho
nunt reproachfully, "why is it you
never remember to say 'Thank you?
"I expect it's 'causo I don't got things
given to mo often enough for practice,"
answered tho young diplomat, hope
fully eying a box of chocolates. Phil
adelphia Ledger.
Grlnn What's happened to disturb
tho friendship between Nupop nnd Cut
up? Each ono of them Bays tho other
Is an Intolerable boro. Barrett Nu
pop's recontly beeomo tho father of a
firstborn and Cutup's Just had a sur
gical operation. Exchange.
Jutt a Reminder.
"You must glvo mo credit for mak
ing money Inst," declared tho wife.
"But don't forget that 1 mnko. It
first," sold tho husband. Buffalo Ex
press. Legal Note. t
Hlx My lawyer tolls mo 1 linvo n
strong case. Dlx IIo probably means
that It Is one that will Inst for yenrs.
Bostou Transcript.
Poor Queaser.
Patience Is Will, good nt guessing
games? Patrice I think not. lie sold
ho guessed I'd learn to love him. ran
kers Stntcsmnu
Copyright, 1013, by Associated Lit
erary Prose
The county of Vernon lu u certain
mlddlo state was at peace. Farmers,
mechanics and merchants met each
other and asked:
"How Is old Vernon county?"
And tho answer would be:
"Old Vernon county Is all right you
Fifty men saw X. M. Davis, us he
enmo to be known, when the bus drove
up to tho Inn nt Clifton with him as
the only passenger, lie was a mlddlo
aged man, and he had tho fuce of a
true American patriot. Uo hnd como
to give Vernon county such a chanco
to got rich as hud nover been held out
to her before. Years ago his grand
father had died and had been burled In
that county, und It was consecrated
ground to him. That Is why ho had
como to It Instead of any other county.
Mr. Duvls had come to Clifton direct
from Europe lie had gone over there
to study the agriculture of the couutry
nt his own expense. Ho had returned
with what might be called a great find.
Tho Belgians wero almost heeretly
growing u specimen of cucumber that
was bound to revolutionize tho world.
It was amazingly prolific.
Ono acre of ground would grow 5.000
cucumbers, each three feet long and
weighing fivo pounds.
It was like eating oranges. It was
a breakfast food In Itself. It loft be
hind It an exhilaration not known to
nny other vegetable In tho world.
This cucumber was certain to- take
the placo of grains of nil Bort In a
year or two more and would displace
tho potato and the turnip entirely.
Mr. Davis did more than talk and
exhibit seeds. He put $50 cash In
bank as a prize to tho person ralblng
the most Holglan cucumbers the next
spring or bimimer. It was November
then. Bqtweon November nnd April
Mr. DavH sold over $3,000 worth of
seeds oud received his money for them.
When he wont away ho went boldly,
and ho loft the prize monoy In tho
bank. By so doing ho escaped all sus
picion. Now camo a- mystery. In Clifton
lived n widow named Leo. Sho had
been there only two years, and tho
people knew little nbout her. Sho was
nearly six feet tall, rugged and strong,
and sho neighbored with none. Sho
wont to Mr. Davis for some seeds, but
refused to pay tho price. Sho offered
only a penny uplqee nnd when turned
down nindo use of some very strong
April was a forward month in iVer
uon county, nnd tho cucumber vines
were beginning to run by tho mlddlo
of Slay. Ono night somo ono pulled
up and stacked the vines In ten dif
ferent 'gardens. They found tracks
of n man's boots, but nothing further.
Tho next night more gardens suffered.
Just who to suspect was a puzzler,
but of courso It was a caso of Jealousy
and spite. Every man who had any
vines sot a watch on them.
Deacon Tracy was the first one to
report a clow. IIo had half an aero of
vines and was sitting up to watch
for tho vandal when n man camo sud
denly upon him nnd knocked him
senseless. When ho recovered his wits
his vines hnd beon destroyed. Tracks
loft by a man's boots that was all.
Of courso thero wero excitement and
Indignation. A roward of 55 was
offered for tho nrrest of tho mnrauder.
nnd owuera of vines ns yet untroubled
hired watchmen. Then tho mnn of
night betook himself out among tho
farmers. Ho raided far and wide.
Ho destroyed nothing but tho cucum
ber vines, but ho did not spnro a hill
of them that ho could get at o was
chased by men nnd dogs; ho was shot
at; traps wore set for him lu twenty
different places, yet no ono enrned
that reward.
At Farmer Johnson's place ho and
his sou wero hidden In tho smoko
houso when the unknown nnnearod.
Ho had scarcely pulled a vino when
they wero upon him. Both wero strong
men, but tho struggle wns over In n
minute. The unknown kuocked them
both silly and got away with their
hats and pieces of thoir shirts as
souvenirs. It was figured thnt ho had
got such a scare, however, that ho
would not appear ngaln. IIo returned
next night when uo ono wns watch
ing nnd nttneked tho -vines.
Tho excltuient wns now nt fever
hent and tho wholo county was ask
ing what should be douo, when tho
mnrauder camo to his end. A. widow
named Jones had twenty hills of vines
sho was watching. Sho had an old
nrmy carbine, and a neighbor had
loaded It for hor. Sho was watching
from a window, nnd ns tho man of
night appeared and bognn his work
sho fired at him. IIo dropped, but
struggled up and ran.
A hundred men turned out and
venrclieu the strcots and alleys and
tho country nround, but they did ndt
find tho wounded man. They had given
up tho quest when word went round
thnt no ono hnd seen tho Widow Leo
for three days. Tho locked doors of
her houso wero broken open, nnd she
was found dend on tho floor. A bullet
had struck her In tho chest tho bullet
fired by tho other widow. Sho was
dressed as n man from head to heel
and had falso whiskers besides.
Tho Belgian cucumbers? Oh. thoy
wero n fraud, of course Jnrit plain,
overyday American cucumbers, with
tho usunl 00 per cent wntor. It's Just
as easy to swlndlo a wholo county ns
II Is to swlndlo a single man All you
hnvo to do Is to got n now Idea
Dr. D. C. Crocker.
Osteopathic Physician
IlomeopathlcPhyslclan andSurgcon
a Hospital accommodations for Medical and
m surgical attention Riven obstetrical cases.
Ofllco Phono 183 lies. Phono 283
Offlco McDonald State Ttank Md'g
eb ( 9aaee
Office phono 241. Res. phono 217
Osteopathic PhyBlcinn.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
For Thirty or
more Years.
We have been making, repairing
cleaning, and altering clothes for
tne peoplo of North Platte. Wo
have aimed to give satisfaction, and
wo gues3 we havo been successful,
else the people" would not now pat
ronze us. Give us a chance to do
your work.
Entrance north of tho Nyal drug store.
Established In 1871.
Contractor and Builder.
Shop Corner Gth and Vine Streets
R. D. Thomson.
2 Physician and Surrjeon,
Office over McDonald Bank.
) Office 130
$ Residence 115
Mb Mrifcfcirfc JJifMriM' JM! S.ft (rfft
M rw'iimvWiyTMn .
Signet -Chapter O. E. S.,
-NO. 55-
Mects 2nd and 4th Thursday of every
month at Masonic Hall at 7:20 p. m.
vwa WMOTru'nrimwiriftMuw m.f
el :
Doclors Ames & Ames,
fj Physicians and Surgeons,
Ofllco over Stone Drug Co.
Phones 18M-
t House of Good Shown! I
When in North Plalle.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matinee Saturday After
noon at 2:30 O'clock.
Notice for Bids.
Notice is horeby given that the Board
of Directors of the Platte Valley Irriga
tion District will receivo sealed bids
for tho construction of concrete founda
tions and lloors for ten steel bridges and
for tho construction of twelve concrete
checks and drops combined, also one
concrete nrch. AVork must be com
menced on or before October 15th, 1913.
Bids must bo based upon the specifica
tions on file covering this work and
shall be mads on regular bidding blanks
furnished by I. E. Ware, Secretary, at
Hershey, Neb. AH bids must bo in the
office of the Secretary by 10 'o'clock, a.
rt-.l iu inio ... !. ' .
in., uuuuui iwi, iitio, WdCIl sume will
bo opened.
' Tho bonrd rosnrvps thn ririir in ro.
ject any und all bids.
GG-C 8ec. Platto Valley Irr. Dist.
Notice is hereby giving that no hunt
ing or treasspassing will be allowed on
tho lands of the undersigned who reside
south nnd west of North Platte.
Violations of this notice will be prose
cuted to tho full extent of tho law.
Wm. Benaur,
Elmor Dngget,
Wm. Hunter,
Chas. Howard,
E. A. Roborts,
Odo Roberts,
Jess Kunkle,
Clark Howard,
G. T. Knotts,
Frank Fackn,
C. Brooder,
Eli Kunckle,
C. Porter
George Single,
C. S. Bothell,
Wm. Facka,
Lester Anderson,
M. Ortnn,
Arthur Conner,
Ed Wilson.
A. W. Tool.
Gunderson Bros.
O. L Watkins,
J. A. Kunkle,
A. Kunkle.
D. W. Kunkle,
Hugh Songer,
L. L. Rowely,
Louise Grulko,
Ward Weekly,
Clyde Long,
Roy Melton,
John Pulls,
J. K. Crow,
F. Kronquest,
F L. Wemburg,
S. D. Goldimith
D. A. Voss,
P. W. Collins
W. H.Bnckloy,
C. R. Osgood,
Ed. Froeman.
G. W. Ruff
A. J. Howard,
W. Kunkle.
D C. Cnrrigan,
C. V. Tqrpio,
D. J. Knox,
M. G. Leth,
A. Leth,
A. Zuler,
George Garman,
W. E. Nestor,
C. F. ZImmermun
W. E. Collins,
G. W. Edis,
J. S. Hardin,
L. Lloyd
F. Montaguo
, H. M. Hershey
jos. iiersney
Diarrhoea Quickly Cured.
"I was taken with diurrhoea nnd Mr.
Yorks, the merchant hore, persuaded
me to try a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholora nnd Diarrhoea Remedy.
After taking one dose of it I was cured.
It also cured others that I gave it to, "
writes-M. E. Gebhnrt, Oriole, Pa.
That is not at all unusual. An ordinary
attack of diarrhoea can almost invar
iably be cured by one or two doses of
this remedy. For snlo by all dealers.
Mrs. Paulson went to Sutherland Sat
urday afternoon to spend a few days.
Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of tho ctato of Either
Harris, deceased.
On reading and fillntr the petition of Units
Stewnrt, praying that administration of said
estate may bo frranted to herself as admin
istratrix. .
Ordered, That Oct. 7th, 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Is assigned for hearing cald petition, when
all persons Interested in said matter may appear
at a county court to bo held In and . for said
county, and show cause why prayer of petitioner
should not be granted, and that notice of tho
pendency of said petition nnd the hearing
thereof be given to all persons Interested in Bald
mutter by publishing a copy of this order in the
North Platto Tribune n legal srml-weckly news
paper printed In said county for three successive
weeks, prior to said day of hearing,
Dated Sept. 12. 1913.
sl6-3 JOHNGRANT, County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss
In tho County Court,
In tho matter of the estate of Michael
A. Foster, deceased.
To the creditors, heirs, legatees, and others in
terested in tho estate of Michael A. Foster.'
Take notice, that Edward R. Goodman has
tiled in tho county court a report of his doings
ns administrator of Bald estate, nnd It is Ordered
that tho same stand for hearing tho 7th day
of October, A. D 1913, before tho court
at tho hour of 9 o'clock, a. m., at which time any
person Interested may appear and except to and
contest tho same.
Notice of this proceeding and tho hearing
thereof is ordered given to all persons interested
in Bald matter by publishing a copy of this order
in the North t'Jatto Tribune, a scml-wcekly
newspaper, printed in said county for threo
successive weeks prior to the said date of
hearing. Uated September 9th, 1913. (Seal)
bIC-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judge.
Serial No. 018S9
' United States Land Oflica
At North Platte, Nebraska. Sept8th. 1913.
Notice Is hereby given that Daniel Carrlgan
of North Platte, Neb., who on Sept. 9, 1910, made
homestead entry. No. 04889. for NM and NV5
of S1 c. Section 26, TownBhip 12 N. Range 32,
W. of 6th Principal Merldan, has filed notice
of intention to make final threo year proof, to
establish claim to the land above described,
before the register and receiver at North Platte,
Nebraska, on tho 0th day of November,
Clnlmnnt nnmesnavltnes8903: Philip T. Hell,
Wendell McCrum. Paul Smith, Call Breeder, all
of North Platte, Nebr.
slG-6 J. E. Evans. Resistor.
In the CountvCourtof Lincoln county, Ne
braska. Sept. 9. 1913.
In the wattoi ot the estate of John H.
Guthcrless, deceased.
Notice In hereby elven. that tho creditors
of said deceased will moot tho Administra
trix of said estate, boforo tho County Judge
of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the county
court room In said county, on the Uth day of
Oct , 1013. and on the 14tli day of April,
19M, at 0 o'clock a. m. each day, for tho pur
txwe. of presenting thelrclalms for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance Six months
aro allowed for creditors to present their
claims and ono year for tho administratrix
tobottlo Hald estate from tho 9lh day of
Sept., 1913. This notice will bo pub
lished In the North Platte Tribune a legal
semi weekly newspaper publ'shed In said
count v for fourweeks successively, on and
after Sept. 9, 1913.
816-4 JOHN GRANT. County Judgo
'Legal Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, Miner Hinman of North Platte,
Nebraska, will offer for sale at public
auction at the Hinman Garage situate
on Dewey and 5th streets in the City of
North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebras
ka, at the Dewey street entrance, on
the 25th day of September, 1913. at the
hour of 3 p. m. the following described
personal property, to-witJ:
Ono model 10, Buick manufacture,
1910 automobilo.
Said sale, to keep open for the period
of one hour, and which said described
property will be sold to the highest and
best bidder for cash for the satisfac
tion of an nrtisan's lien for th sum of
$149.95 together with the interest there
on nt the rate of 7 per cent per annum
from the 18th day of August, 1913, for
alteration and'repairs made upon said
described property by said Miner nin
man at the rgquest and, for tho benefit
of G. Malm, the owner thereof; and
thSt a verified statement and descrip
tion of the work done and material
furnished and description of the said de
scribed property was filed in tho office
of tho County Clerk of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, on August 18th, 1913, by
said Miner Hinman in acconnt with
said G. Malm, dobtor, and which said
lion and tho work and repairs furnished
which constitute same, were furnished
for a period beginning January 25,
1913, and ending August 3, 1913.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska,
September 2, 1913.
Miner Hinman.
By E. II. Evans, his attorney.
To be published in the Tribune Sep
tember 2, 4. 9. 12. 1G, 19 and 23.
Legal Notice.
Notico is hereby given that thu un
dersigned, Miner Hinman pf North
Platte, Nebraska, will offer for sale at
public auction at the Hinman garage,
situate on Dewey and 5th streets in the
City of North Platte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, at Hie Dewey street en
trance, on tho 24th day of September,
1913, at tho hour of 2p. m., the follow
ing described personal property, to-wit:
One model F, Buick manufacture,
1909 automobile.
Said sale to keep open for tha period
oi one nour anu wmen saia uescribed
Eroperty will bo sold to tho highest nnd
est bidder for cash, for the satisfac
tion of an artisan's lien for the sum of
$89.70, together with the interest there
on at the rate of 7 per cent per annum
from tho 18th day of August, 1913, for
alteration and repairs mado upon said
described property by said Miner Hin
man at the request and for the bonefit
of George Case, tho owner thereof;
and that a verified statement and de
scription of tha work done and material
furnished, a description of the said de
scribed property was filed in the office
of the County Clerk of Lincoln county,
Nobraska, on August 18th. 1913, by
said Miner Hinman In account with
said George Case, debtor, nnd which
said lien and the work and repairs fur
nished which constitute same wero fur
nished for a period beginning April 24,
1913, and ending July 8, 1913.
Doted at North Platte, September
2 1913.
Miner Hinman.
By E. II. Evans, his attorney.
To bo published in the Tribune, Sep
temper 2, 5, 9, 12. 10, 19 nnd 23.
Di Infield dfield
Physicians and Surgeons.
JOE B. REDFIELD. Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . ' .
PHONE 012.
Two Attractions.
North Platte has two attractions it
pretty women and the cigars made by
Schmalzried. Both attractions are
pleasing; and both are in demand.
Perhaps you haye not been smoking
Schmalzried cigars and don't know how
good they are; if so, try them. You
will not be disappointed.
The Maker of Good Cigars.
In the County Court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, Aug. 2Gth, 1913.
In tho matter of tho estate of Catherine Mc
Onvsrn. Deceased.
Notico is hereby given, that the creditors of said
deceased will meet tho Executors of said
estate, before the county judge of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, at the r.u.i ty court room, in said
county, on tho 80t i y cf Sept. 1913, and on
the 30th day of Mm . !i, nt 9 o'clock a. tn. each
day,lf or the purposo ot presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and allowance. Six
months aro allowed for creditors to present their
claims, nnd one year for the Executors to
setUe said estate, from tho 26th day of Aug. 1913.
A copy of this order tb ha published in the
Nftrth Platto Tribune, a legal semi-weekly news
paper printed In said county for four succcssiv
weeks prior to Sept. 30th, 1913.
si-1 JOHN GRANT, County Uudge.
The Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss.
In the County Court.
In the Matter of the Estato of Mary
Buchholz, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of Dredrick
Ruchholz praying that administration of said
estate may bo granted to August Hamer as ad
ministrator. Ordered, That Sept. 23rd, 1913, at 0 o'clock a.
m, is assigned for htaring said petition when all
persons interested In said matter may appear at a
county court to bo held in nnd for said county and
show causo why the prayer of petitioner should
not be granted; and that notico of the pendency
of said petition and tho hearing thereof bs given
to all persons interested in said matter by pub
lishing a copy of this order in tho North Platte
Tribune a Bemi-weekly newspaper printed in Baid
county, for threo successive weeks, prior to said
day of hearing.
Dated August 27th. 1913.
s2-3 County Judge
By Virtue ,of an order of sale issued from the
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said
court wherein Knox and Walters a co-partnership
Is plaintiff, und E. Klma aro defendants,
and to me directed, I will on thelCth day of
October 1913, at 2 o'clock, p. m at tho east front
door of the court house In North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, sell at public nuction to tho
highest bidder for cash to satisfy said
decree. Interest nnd costs, the following
described property to-wit: Northeast quarter
(NE1) of section trnro (2) township fifteen (16)
range thirty (30) west of tho Gth P. M., In Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Dated North Platte. Neb.. September Gth. 1913.
s-95 A. J. Salisbuuv, Sheriff.
Legal Notice.
To Albert W. Kilmer and Jennie
Kilmer, his wife, defendants:
You and each of you will take notice
that the Bank of Stapleton, of Staple
ton. Nebr., as plaintiff, has filed its
certain petition in the District Court
of Lincoln County, Nebraska, in which
you and each of you are named as de
fendants, the objoct and prayer of
which said petition is to foreclose thnt
certain mortgage made and executed
by you and each of you to The Gandy
Bank upon the following described real
estato situate In Lincom County, Ne
braska, to-wit: The southoast quarter
(sei) and the southoast quarter (sej) of
tho southwest quarter (swj) of section
thirty-two (32), township sixteen (10).
north of range twenty-six (2G), west of
the Cth P. M. and which said mortgage
was given to secure the payment of
that certain promissory note made
and executed by you for the principal
sum of $315.00. And said foroclosure
is had for said principal sum togothor
with interest thereon at the rate of ten
per cent per annum from September 5,
1912. You and each of you will mako
answer to said petition on or bofore
October 13, 1913, or tho' allegations
thereof will be taken as true anddecree
entered accordingly.
Dated at North Platte, this 2nd day
of September, 1913.
Bank of Stapleton,
by E. H. Evans,
s2-4 its attorney.
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County.
To nil persons interested in the es
tate of Susan Pickett, deceased.
Whereas, there has been admitted to
probato in the county court of said
county, an instrument purported to be
the last will and testament of Susan
Pickett, late of said county, deceased;
and John J. Halligan has filed his peti
tion herein, praying for tho issuing of
letters testamentary, I have, therefore,
appointed 23rd day of September at 9
o clock in the forenoon at the county
court room in said county, as the time
and place for hearing upon said peti
tion. At which time and place, you
and all concerned may appear and con
test the allowing of tho same. It is fur
ther ordered that said petitioner give
notice to all persons interested in said
estate, of the pendency of this petition,
nnd the timo and placo set for the
hearing of tho samo by causing a copy
of this notico to be published in the
North Platto Tribune a semi-weekly
newspaper of the county for three suc
cessive weeks previous to the day set
for hearing.
In witnesss whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand and seal this 30th day of
August, 191S. Iohn Grant,
County Judge.