The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 23, 1913, Image 5

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Engagement Ring
It cornea but once in a life-time. It
means so much. It chould be per
fect, flawless chaste.
There's much uncertainty about
diamonds except to the expert.
They should be chosen at a store
in which you have implicit confi
dence. We strive earnestly to merit
such confidence.
Diamonds are like gold when
wisely bought. They are worth
their cost anywhere on earth and
are constantly increasing in value.
Our gems will bring their price
anywhere any time, and we guar
, antee them positively.
Examine our rings not only
solitaires but all styles for all needs.
The Jeweler.
Local and Personal.
Miss Mabel Carroll has gone to Sid
ney, where she accepted a position.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ell left at noon
yesterday for Omaha to spend a week.
Mrs. Nonce, of Grand Island, isvisit
ing her daughter, Mrs. Frank Redmond,
this week.
Ned Stuart left tho latter part of last
week for British Columbia, where he
intends to locate. .
Mrs. A. W. McKeown is building a
two-story house at the cornorof Locust
and First streets. ,
Mrs. Daisy Mnrr, of Gandy spent
last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Riley Warren left Saturday for Kear
ney to take the Kearney Stapleton run
for ninety days.
Mrs. B. B. Boatman left yesterday
for Denver where she will visit friends
for a week or longer.
Mrs. Richards, of Odessa, who visited
her son W. L.( Richards and wlfeia6t?
week, has gone home.
Mrs. Wood White went to Grand Is
land yesterday afternoon to visit her
parents for a short time.
Wait and come to the big display of
Parlor Millinery at Newton's.
John Corbett nnd daughter Ella, of
Wallace, who visited Mr. and Mrs. Tim
Hanifin last week, left Sunday.
Dr. H. C. Brock and Owen Jones left
yesterday morning for a two weeks
hunting trip sixty miles nbrth of Key
stone. Mrs. Kittle, of Los Angeles, who
visited Mr. and Mrs. James Hart last
week while enroute to eastern cities,
left Friday.
Mrs. Alex Brooks and baby returned
yesterday morning from Gothenburg
where they visited relatives for two
Swan Swanson, who had been in
Grand Island for two weeks receiying
treatment at the hospital, returned
home Sunday.
A number of young people held a
picnic at the Kopf ranch Sunday. They
were, chaperoned by Miss Margaret
Craigio and Mrs. Warren Hogg.
Mrs. Eflie Edis, of tho Jack Morrow
Flats, held the number which drew the
range that was given away during the
fall festival by Derryberry & Forbes
Charles Russell and family, of As
souin, Egypt, visited Mr. and Mrs. I.
E. Gilbert last week. ,Mr. Russell is a
missionary of Egypt .and a cousin of
Mrs. Gilbert.
The Presbyterian aid society will meet
in the basement of the church Thursday
afternoon vhere they will be enter
tained by Mrs. Fred Payne, Mrs. E. N.
Ogier and Mrs. J. D. Jackson.
A few days ago train No. 9 struck a
bunch of oattle at Silve Creek and u
big ilteer was thrown up on the pilot,
where it rsde for several miles, then
wiggled off and regaining its feet
switched its tail and then jumped a
barb wire fence into a pasture.
For Sale A slido trombone, com
plete in case, in first class condition.
Will sell at bargain. Address Trom
bone, Ritner hotel.
Tho soventy-six pound watermelon
grown by Otto Messmer and exhibited
nt the festival was cut Saturday after
noon and parceled out among a numbor
who had been invited to bo present at
the Schmalzried cigar storo. The melon
was found to be in fine condition, sweet
nnd luscious.
Tho Nevita club will be the guests of
Mrs. A. S. Coates tomorrow afternoon.
The Davis garage has 24 orders on
their books for Buick cars for im
mediate delivery.
Allison Wilcox returned Sunday even
iug from Denver where he spent sev
eral days. v
George Brewer left the latter part of
last week for Ogalalla where he will
work for a couple of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Dell Hirshower left yes
terday morning for Maywood to visit
relatives for a couple of weeks.
Miss Mary Rosencrans, of Bignell,
who was operated upon recently at the
P. & S. hospital, is reported to be
greatly improved.
Now is the time to see about those
stove repairs. See P. M. McGovern for
stove repairs of all kinds. Stoves
cleaned and set up. 1003 Locust St.
j Phone Black 390. tf
, To the kind friends who gaye ap
preciated assistance at the funeral of my
son, the late Albert Jeffries, I desire
to extend my most sincere thanks.
J. E. Jeffiues.
The lady members of the 500 club
will meet at the home of Mrs. J. J.
Halligan tomorrow afternoon nt four
o'clock to make arrangements for
parties during the coming season.
Bert Barber, formerly of this city,
who has been in the employment of ah
agricultural station in Buenos Ayres.
South America, has been promotd to as
sistant superintendent of the station at
a considerable advance in salary.
James Danze of Omaha and Miss
Elizabeth Florence Haverland of this
city were married at the residence of
County Judge Grant Saturday evening
in the ptesence of Joseph Maupin and
Tillie Johnson. Tho groom came here
the early part of the summer to play in
the local base ball team. They will
leave shortly for Omaha to reside.
Lots in west end at $150 to $300.
Everyone a bargain. Before buying
let me show you these.
Phones 277 and 298. 0. H. Thoelecke.
Notice To Property Owners.
Notice is hereby given that the City
Council of the City of North Platte,
Lincoln County, Nebraska, will set as
a Board of Equilization, beginning at
the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M., of the
21st day of October, 1913, at tho Council
Chamber at the Library Building in tho
City of North Platte, Lincoln County,
Nebraska, for the purpose of levying
on the real estato lying and being within
the extension to SEWER DISTRICT
"M" taxes for the purpose of paying
the costs of the construction of the
extension the lateral Sewer in said
Sewer District "M" and that said taxes
will be levied upon each parcel of real
estate according to tho extent of bene
fits to be equal and uniform, such levy
of taxes will be according to tho front
foot of the lots or real estato within
said Sewer District or according to such
other rule ns the City Council sitting
as such Board of Equilization may adopt
for the distribution or adjustment of
such costs.
All persons interested will file their
objections, if any they have, to the
assessment of taxes against their prop
erty on or before tho 21st day of Oct
ober, 1313, at 7.30 o'clock P. M., (Con
tral Time) with the City Clerk.
By order of tho Mayor and City
council mado the 10th day of Septem
bar, 1913. C'HAS. F. TKMI'LB,
s'23-5 City Clerk.
Orchard Attrccts Attention,
The Hunter orchard near Sutherland
1b attracting many visitors. Sundny
afternoon there were n dozen or more
auto loads from North Plntto and a
number from other points. Tho harvest
of the early apples has been completed,
and of those over threo thousand bush
els were sold. Tho Grimes Golden nro
now being picked, to bo followed by tho
Missouri Pippin, Winesap and other va
rieties. Over a thousand boxes of tho Grimes
Golden nro stored in tho packing house1. '
Seven carloads' of the several vnrjotios
have been sold to n Chicago commis
sioner house and three cars to n Hast
ings firm. i
As the harvest progresses tho esti
mated yield of tho orchard increases,
nnd Mr. Hunter now places tho total
of marketable) apples at eighteen
thousand bushels.
The orchard is a sight worth travel
ing miles to see; the trees are so
loaded with fruit that the branches are
bended to the ground; it is not nn oc
casional tree that is this way, but every
tree. Tho apples actually hong in
Mr. Hunter says he experiences no
trouble this year in securing pickers, ft
good share of the work being performed
by emigrnuts passing through the
country by wagon.
The Closing of the Festival.
The fall festival closed Friday after
noon, the nttendnnce of out-of-town
people was larger tKatday thanon Thurs
day or Wodnesday. Agricultural hall
was packed with people throughout tho
day, and many of the visitors expressed
themselves as amazed at the wonderful
collection of agricultural products.
During the forenoon a parade was
given, which unfortunately, was small
in size. One fine feature were the
floats of the Eastern Star and the Yeo
men, both of which were beautiful and
represented on immense amount of labor.
The Eastern Star was awarded first
prize, tho Yeoman second, and the
Royal Neigbors, who mado a less ex
tensive display, third.
Weather conditions were such ns to
preclude flights of the monoplane, which
was a distinct disappointment to many
of the visitors, who came here expresly
to see these flights.
Permanent Display.
J. C. Den has offered the west side
show window of his place of business
at the corner of Front and Dewey
street to tho Chamber of Commerco in
which to placo a permanent "display of
agricultural products. Part of the ex
hibits at the fall festival will bo placed
there, and farmers will be nsked to
bring in others.' Such a display will
prove an excellent advertisement for
the county, and its location will com
mand the attention of all visitors who
arrive by train, as they all pass that
corner. The window is ample in size to
accommodate an extensive display and
its extreme length mnkes it particularly
adaptable for that purpose.
Will Organize Woman's Club.
A call has been issued for a meeting
at the public library this evening for the
purpose of considering the advisability
of organizing a woman's club. The scope
of woik of an energetic club in a town
the size of North Platte is almost limit
less, and the good influence of such an
organization can scarcely be measured.
North Platte needs a strong woman's
club that will not hestitate to dip into
civic affairs' tho town can be made
better in various ways.
Ladies Attention,
Owing to insufficient room at the par
lors, I will have on display at Newton's
art store Thursday, Friday and Satur
day, Sept. 25th, 26th and 27th, a
large assortment of Fisk pattern and
tailored hats of the newest styles and
designs. Prices reasonable. Mrs. Edw.
Platte Valley Items
Mrs. D. A. Cnrr and Miss Hazel
Mason delegates from the Platte valley
Sunday School attended the county
convention Saturday.
Mr. Frank Mylander was a Platte
Valley visitor Sunday.
Rally Day services at the Platto
valley Bchool house next Sunday, every
one is cordially invited.
Tho Platte Valley Aid Society will
meet at the home of Mrs. Georgo
Scharmann all day Thursday, every
member is requested to bo present.
Mrs. Leo Stevera, of Colorado, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.
A. Carr, this week.
of this
Duncan spent tho
week visiting his
early part
family in
Mother of Eighteen Children.
"I am the mother of eighteen child
ren nnd liavo the praise of doing moro
work than any young woman in my
town," writeB Mrs. C. J. Martin,
Boone Mill, Va. "1 sufTored for five
years with stomach trouble and could
not eat as much as a biscuit without
sufl'oring. I have takn three bottles of
Chamberlain s Tablets and am now a
well woman nnd weigh 1GS pounds. I
can eat anything I want to, nnd as
much as I, want and feel better than I
have at any time in ten years. I refer
toanj one in Boone Mill or vicinity and
they will vouch for what I say." Cham
berlain's Tablets are for sale bj all
Bill Delays
(,Laud Opening.
A special from Washington to tho
Omaha Dec dated Soptombcr 21, fol
lows: Opening to settlement ot lands on the
North Platte forest reserve will be de
layed pending tho passage of n bill
giving the sanction of law to tho in
structions for tho opening to bo is
sued by tho secretary of the interior.
The bill, was recently introduced by
Representative Kinkaid. Ithiisbcen re
ported favorably by tho public lands
committee, and it is understood that an
agreement has been mado in Loth the
house nnd senate to pass tho bill
Until this measure finally becomes n
law, howovcr, tho Interior department
will not issue the instructions nor sot
the final date Of tho opening. Mr. Ivln
knid said today that some of tho pros
pective settlers in his district had the
idea that the opening was being delayed
for othor reasons. Ho declares that tho
enactment of this law, however, is tho
only thing that is holding it up. Whilo 'not absolutely certain, he is hoping
that the opening can take place some
lima in October.
List of Jurors.
The following jurors have been drawn
for tho November term of district
Eugene Atkinson Gaston
A Abercrombio Vroman
C Brown Jeffrey
E W Crane. . . . f North Platto 2
Jay Davis Walker
E J Duke Plant
John Diacoe , .Payne
C P Essley Cox
II L Gaunt North Platto 3
R D Griffith Deer Creek
W C Hughes North Platto 4
C W Hurden Garfield
Martin Jepson.. Well
S S Morguu Hooker
George McKain Miller
John Pile North Platto t
Fred Pierson Sutherland
C A Robinson. . . 7 Hall
uuy Kobinson JNortn natie i
Charles Smith Medicine
L E Story Maxwell
E E Seibold Table
George Williams Brady
J R White Nichols
An Ordinance, No. 39
Providing for tho construction of a
sewer lateral district- to bo kno-wn as
sewr lateral district "G" to consist of
blocks No. 3, G, 11 and 14, of Miller's
addition to the said city of North Platte,
Nebraska: said sewer lateral beginning
where the north and south center lino
of block 3 of Miller's Addition inter
sects the main sewer in "A" street of
said city of North Plnlte, Nebraska,
running thence in a southerly direction
on said center lino in said block 3 to,
by and through tho center line of tho
alley in blocks G, 11, and 14, to whero
the center line of said alley intersects
with the south lino of said block M,
thrfre to terminate; to be constructed of
ten inch sewer pipe with proper flush
tanks, man-holes nnd propernppliances:
providing for an estimate of tho cost
thereof and for bids and making con
tracts for tho said sewer lateral; also
providing for levying against the abut
ting lots, along the lino of said1 lateral
sewer, a special assessment td poy the
costs of constructing tho some.
Bo it ordained by themnyor and
council of tho city of North Platte,
Section 1. That a sewer lnteral
trict, to be known ns Sewer Luteral
District "G", be formed from blocks
3, 6, 11 and 14 of Miller's Addition to
the city of North Platte, Nebraska.
Section 2. That a sewer lateral bo
construceed of ton inch sewer pipe at a
prbper depth and on a level required by
the present sewer system of said city,
beginning whero the north and south
center line of block 3 of Miller's Ad
dition intersects the main sewer in "A"
streotin said city of North Platte, Ne
braska, running thenco in southerly
direction dn said center line of snid
blocks, to, by nnd through tho center
line of tho alley in snid blockB G, 11
and 14, to where the center lino of said
alloy intersects with tho south line of
said block 14, together with th( neces
sary man-holes, flush tanks and appli
ances along tho lino of said proposed
Sec. 3. That tho engineer of said city
at once prepare und file with the clerk
thoioof, nn estimate of the total costs
of said proposed sewer lateral.
Sec. 4. That after said estimato is
made and filed, as liprein provided, tho
clerk of said city shall proceed at onco
to advertise in manner and form re
quired by law for bids for tho construc
tion of snid sewer lateral and applian
ces, reserving to said city tho right to
reject any or all bids therefor.
Sec. & If on approved bid bo made
for said work, that a contract thereof
bo entered into by tho mnyor of said
, city, attested by tho
clork, with the
necessary provisions protecting tho in
terosts of said city, upon thecontrnctor
furnishing a bond in a sufficient amount
for tho faithful performance of said
Sec. (I To pay the costs of the
construction of said sewer lat
Residence. L'Qt
Those who art; interested in a future home close to
the new ,U. P. Round House and Yards should not
fail to buy one of the following; described lots, which
are a short distance north of the new yards.
Si zo of Lots 66132 fl.
West nth St. Lot i (corner) Block 43
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 (corner)
Sidewalk laid.
Sidowalk laid.
Sidewalk laid.
5 per cent discount for all casht or one-third casm t
balance monthly payments with 8 per cent interest:
These prices will be advanced October 15, 1913
Bratt & Goodman. Sole Agents.
eral, flush tanks, man-holes and ap
pliances, a tpccinl assessment bIi&II bo
levied, accoiding to law, against tho
lots abutting on the line of Biiid lateral.
Sec. 7. This ordinance Bhall tnko
effect and bo in force from and after
its passage, apnrovnl and publication
Passed and upproved this lGth day of
September, 1913.
Acting Mayor.
Attest: ' C. i Tkmtle,
City Clerk.
Blind Swimmers.
Thnmnn who is unfortunnlo onouch
to lose Ills sight or to bo born blind Is. j
says n medical authority, sovcrclyj
handicapped on dry ground, but hoj
can, If lio is n swimmer, find his way j
easily enough in tho wntor. Blind
people goncryilly have n keen sense of 1
henring, nnd thoy can Bteer themselves I
lu tlio water by sound as well as an
orulnnry man by Bight. If thoy arc
swimming toward n cortnln point a
whlstlo from time to tlmo will ennble
them to roach It with unerring accu
racy. This fact has boon proved by
sonio Interesting experiments. A race
between blind men und ordinary swim
mers on n lnko resulted in a victory
for tho former. Normal swimmers
lose much tlmo in raising their heads
for the purpose of keeping tholr eyes
on U10 winning post TuIh nlso. pre
vents thorn from concentrating all
their attention on speed. Exchange.
Roses For Rostorlng Hnir.
Roses form tho chief Ingredient In
whnt Is probably tho earliest reclpo for
n hnir restorer on-rccord. According
to Pliny, "wild roso leaves reduced into
a liniment with bear's grease mako tho
hair grow again In most jmirvelous
fashion." Pliny also recommends
"ashes of roses as serving to trim
tha hnlrs of tho eyebrows." Roses
ugurcii prumuiwu.Y 111 nuvviui uiu nmu
strong drinks, such ns rosn soils, which
consisted of rosowator mixed with
nqun vltao nnd flnvored with cinna
mon. Tho fnvorlto morning draft
nmong Ellznbotlmn roisterers was
"rosn soils, to wash tho inolllgrubs out
of a moody brnln." London Chronicle.
n V. -. 11 , ..-..1 l.l 4I.....
Remote Origin of Alcohol.
No ono knows when nlcohol was first
mado. It Is commonly taught that it
was first distilled by the Arabians
about tht tenth contury, but there Ik
llttlo doubt that thoy obtained tho
secret from Italian doctors, who hnd
long boon practicing It. Paul Rich
ter in tho Iiorllner Kllnischo Wochen
schrlft shows Hint n knowledge of
"aqua urdcus." or "burning water."
mny bo traced aa far back us tho sec
ond century A. D. to u Christian father
named Ulppolytus, who possessed a
reclpo analogous to those handed about
during the middle ages.
i , Oldoit Ball, Game.
Tennis Is pronounced tho oldest of
nil tho' existing ball games. It Is im
posslplo to give Its origin, but it was
plaJTSdj l&i Europourlng tho mlddlo
agisItfp'ftlH? parka 'or ditches of tho
feudal, castles. It was at first the
pastimo of kings nnd nobles, but later
It grow popular with all classes. The
French took it from tho Italians ami
tho English from tho French. New
York Press.
' Unpleasant Reaction.
Bones What is It tliht mnkes you
look so downuenrtcd? Blnks My em
ployee's wife has endowed another
mission. Bones Whnt of that? IHnkn
Every tlmo sho do-s It the old man
cuts down our snlaties to get oven
Boston Post.
Young Woman Applicant Hxciisi'
me. but 1 biipposu you don't know ot
nobody what don't want a .voiui).' Ind
to do nothing, don't yon? Busliii'ih
Man Yos. I don't. London Tntlcr.
Will Power.
There aro oxcuptlous to Uiu rule, but
if it uiu 11 1h worth saving ho guucmilly
wlll miniate to do It hlniKolf. Phlln
delplila I.cdccr
$ 250.00
250 Q0
2 43
o 4o
4 (corner) " 43
6 "43
Sidewalk laid
Sewer tax paid
Sewer tax paid
Sewer tax paid
Fiieu R. Ginn, Prop.
II. WiLium Way, Mgr,
Tfi rooms with prlvato bath; CO
rooms without hath. Rates with
hath, 51.G0. Rates without hath,
31.00. Special Kites by tho week
or month. "Cafo In connection.
Elevator .service, hot and cold Wa
ter unci telephone In ovory room.
Ono block from Orpheum theat ro,
two hlocks ftom Broad wav theatre.
Tako Seventeenth Street Cnr
rrsvn.-q a?vt
Oldest Bank in Lincoln-County
State Ba'xSk
North Platte, Nebr.
Wo Solicit Your BuslnuBS.
Telephone Itcl -ISO COSH Dowcy St.
North Platto, Ncbrntku. ' '
Bought nnd highest market
prices paid
Residence Red C3G Office 450
Dr. J. K. Elms,.
Eye, Car, Noso and
Throat ." Glasses
fitted Also
Homeopathic Physician and
Surgeon. '
Office over McDonald State
Bqnkr ' ..
North Platto. ,s PIne30.
Notice for Bids.
Sealed bids will be" received by the
undersigned secretary of tho Board of
Education of tho school distiict of tho
city of North Platte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, up to tho hour of C o'clock
p. m. on tho 4th day of October. 1913,
for lots 1. 2, 3 and 4, block 140, of the
originnl town of North Platto, exclusive
of tho building, tho lots will bo sold
separately. Bids will nlso bo rocoived
for tho building and foundation.
Tho board resorves the right to reject
any and all bids.
By older of the Board of Education.