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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1913)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMLWEEKLY TRIBUNE. 1. V 1 & Rheumatism Is Torture Many pains that pass as rheumatism are duo to weak kidneys to tho failuro of tho kidneys to drivo off uric acid thoroughly. When you suffer achy, bad joints, back ache too, dizziness and somo urinary disturbances, get Doan's Kidnoy Pills, tho remedy that is recommended by over 150,000 peoplo in many different lands. Doan's Kidney Pills help weak kid neys to drive out tho uric acid which is the causa of backache, rheumatism and lumbago. Hero's proof. A SOUTH DAKOTA CASK W. n. Smart, Hollo Fourchf, S V , Bays. "Rheu matism causad mo terrible sutlerlne I lind to Klvo up work I hnd to be lifted around and was perfectly help leas Doan's Kid ney Pills acted like magic In driving away tho rheuma tism It soon left mo entirely and I haven't had nn nt tack since." "Rrfri; llcturt Ittlt a btoru." Get Doan's at Any Store, GOc n Box DOAN'SVte FOSTER-MIU3URN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. THgMPSON'S'gslL.'ss; EYE WATERK?","550- JOIIN L.TUOMI'SON HONS& CO.,Troj ,N.Y. Wntnon H.Cotrmnn,Wojih Iwrton.D.C. IlookMree. High est references. Best results. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 38-1913. A lot of dead one3 In every town are holding out on the undertaker. No thoughtful person uses liquid blue. It's a pinch of blue in a largo bottlo of water. Ask for Hod Cross Bull Uluo.thu blue that's all blue. Adv Nearly 1,000 girls are being taught to operate electrically drlvon ma chinery in a New York trado school. Important to Mothors Examine carefully every bottlo of CASTOItIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Tt-ira iM Signature of QSiA(M In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria A Fact. "My dear, those high-heeled shoes were a blunder on your parL" "I guess I did put my foot In 1L" ' Perfectly Safe. "Botter lap up that split milk," said the first cat. "If the missus sees the mess you'll catch fits." "Not mo," said tho second feline. "The woman I live with blames every thing on her husband." Loulvlllo Courier-Journal. 1 Efficiency. The modern method of accomplish ing two things at onco In tho per formance of a man's household duties was recently illustrated by a North Cambridge young man. This young man was industriously mowing the largo lawn In front of his house by pushing a mower In front of him with the samo industry ho was giving his baby a rldo by dragging the baby carriage behind him with tho other hand. Boston Journal. Very Warm. A party of commercial travelers were drawing tho long-bow and spin ning yarns of wonderful adventures on sea and laiid. A silent' listener sat in the corner. Presently ono of tho company addressed him. "Have you traveled much, Blr?" "A little. I've been round the world seven times." "Then you must havo had some striking experiences. Perhaps you would like to tell us ono or two." "Well," said tho stranger, "perhaps the most remarkable was on my last voyage. At ono tlmo wo found the heat so terrific that we used to take it in turns to go down into tho stoke hold to get a cooler." No more yarns were related that evening. GROWING STRONGER Apparently, with Advancing Age. "At tho ago of 50 years I collapsed from excessive coffee drinking," writes a man in Mo. "For four years I sham bled about with tho aid of crutches or cane, most of tho timo unable to dress myself without help. "My feet were greatly swollen, my right arm was shrunken and twisted inward, the fingers of my right hand were clenched and could not be ex tended except with great effort and pain. Nothing seemed to give mo moro than temporary relief. "Now, during all this time and for about 30 years previously, I drank daily an average of G cups of strong coffee rarely missing a meal. "My wlfo at last took my case Into her own hands and bought somo Postum. Sho mado it according to di rections nnd I liked It fully as well as tho best high-grade coffee. "Improvement set in nt once. In about G months I began to work a lit tle, and In less than a year I was very much bettor, Improving rapidly from day to day. I am now in far better health than most men of my years and apparently growing stronger with advancing ago. "I nm busy every day at some kind of work and am able to keep up with tho procession without i cane. Tho arm and hand that were onco almost useless, now keep far ahead in rapidity or movement nnd beauty of penman ship." Namo given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Writo for copy of tho llt tlo book. "Tho Itond to Wellvillo." Postum comes in two forms: Regular Postum must bo well boiled. Instant Postum Is n soluble powder. A teaspoonful dissolves quickly in a cup of hot water and, with tho addi tion of cream and sugar, makes a de licious beverage Instantly. "There's a reason" for Postum. Vfr5 f iVIuH' Hi v OPEN PEACE PALACE Dedicate at Hague Building for Great Arbitration Court. Many Nations Donate Materials for Structure, Which Coat $1,500,000, and Was Donated by Carneglo Four Men Aro Honored. Tho Hague, Holland Tho palace of peaco was dedicated with Impresstvo ceremonies hero. It is tho gift of An drew Carneglo, who in 1903 placed at tho disposal of tho Dutch government tho sum of $1,500,000 for tho purpose, as expressed In his offor, "of erecting and maintaining nt Tho Hague a court house and library for tho permanent court of arbitration established by tho treaty of July 29, 1893." To provide for a slto for this, tho first structure over erected for such n purpose, the Dutch government appro priated 3275,000. Th,o site is in a sec tion of wooded and hilly park stretch ing from Tho Hague to Schovengen. The corner stono was laid July 30, 1907. A world-wide competition for plans and designs for tho peaco palaco was established, and tho first prlzo was awarded to M. Cordonnlere, a Brussels architect. Tho building as completed, however, does not represent tho orig inal plan, tho Carneglo commlttep hav ing reserved tho right to .modify all designs. With M. Cordonnlero's planB for a foundation, Mr. Van do Stour was nppolnted to carry out the modified de sign and remained In direct control of this work until the completion of the building. Tho palaco of peaco as completed does not represent any preclso stylo of architecture, but it Is regarded by architects as ono of tho most impres sive of modern buildings to be seen In Europe. Rectangular in shapo, It forms roughly a Bquare 85 yards by 8G yards, and incloses a beautiful for mal garden. On three sides tho build- Andrew Carnegie. ing constitutes tho courthouse, and on tho fourth or west side aro tho quar ters of the library. Tho faende of the second floor is adorned with stat ues, tho figures representing science, agriculture, art, navigation, commerce, industry, conscience, eloquence, will force, study, authority, humanity, con stancy and wisdom. All the main windows of tho great court are guarded by statutes of jus tice and law, and over tho central ga blo above the main entranco stands n figure of peace, hands resting on tho Put $7,000,000 in Churches Protestants Build Magnificent Struc tures In New York Downtown Section. New York. New York city is hold to bo tho most difficult church Hold In tho world because of its high land values, its exccssiVo salaries to clergy, higher than any other city, and its downtown problems, which now extend to all of Manhattan island and fully half of Brooklyn. For Protestants It Is hold to bo especially difficult because 1,250,000 of Its Chris tlans are Roman Catholics. At tho samo tlmo thero aro 900,000 Jews In tho city. Yet this fall new edifices for Prot estant work aro to bo opened to tho value of $3,500,000. Almost all of these edifices are in what aro termed down town districts. What Is moro, every dollar Is subscribed. Every building opens without mortgage debt. Whilo tho Episcopal cathedral or St. John tho Dlvlno is taking large sums, not a dollar or tho sum named is 'repre sented by it. A very small part rep resents buildings on the cathedral grounds, but nothing of tho cathedral Itself, or any of its chapels. In al most all cases It represents only buildings to bo actually thrown into use this October. Beside it, for future openings, thero aro under construe tion downtown structures to tho valuo of about 2,900,O00, for which all tho money Is subscribed. In Brooklyn, in its furthest down town section, tho Bcccher Memorial is to be opened in October, in connec tion with Plymouth church. Its cost exceeds $250,000. A new Baptist church is building in Manhatan nt a cost of 1400,000. Tho famous Fifth Avenue Presbyterian church Is being enriched at a cost of $75,000, and tho West End Presbyterian enlarged at a cost of ?GO,000 Ono now Presbyterian church is to bo opened that Is costing $300,000. A new choir school build ing costing $200,000, a now synod hall costing $350,000, and now churches coating $1,600,000, tho last two Epis THAW'S "GUARDIAN ANGEL" Ever slnco Harry Thaw was a boy IiIb sister, Mrs. Oeorgo Lauder Car negie, has been termed tils guardian ungel That tho title hns not boon con forrcd upon her without deserving It, hriB boon proven many times during tho past sovon years, or ever slnco tho killing of Stanford White When Thaw wns arrested in Canada Mrs. CanipgioN with her hjmbund, hastened to his sldo. Tho plcturo was taken nt Shcrbrooke, Canada. hilt of a sheathed sword, around which aro swathed scrolls. Just below, over tho corridor, stand two lions. All tho statuary, however, Is not con fined to the symbolic. Four men havo been honored by bUBts. These nro Hu go Grotlus, who has been called tho pioneer of international law; King Ed ward VII., Sir Randall Cremer and Wil liam T. Stead, the English writer and peaco loader who perished on the Ti tanic. Tho bust of Cremer was tho gift of the international Arbitration league. Within, all that modern nrt nnd skill could do to symbolize tho purpose of tho palaco has been devoted to tho dec oration. Tho grand marble statrcaso, which forms the mnln entranco, is II luminatod from a group qt stained glass windows, showing; pence shed ding rays of light on art and science, land and sea, commcrco and Industry; while on tho left and right are other stained glass windows depicting tho ancient horrors war, and above thorn are companion panels of terror and death. Tho great court is an imposing hall, about 74 foot long by nbout 40 In width, and rising to tile full height of tho pal ace, it win accommodate about 3UU persons. At tho rear, facing tho bench or presiding officer's stand, 1b an onormous arched stained glass win dow. To ono side of it Is a draped Ugrfro of Justice bearing a sword, and to tho other truth surveying her nakedness In a mirror. Over tho throne is a huge oil painting, a gift of France. To tho left of the great hall aro tho arched galleries for the use of tho public The walls aro pan eled with oak, and tho celling Is of embossed oak In wondorful designs. Penalty for Wife Beating. ' Pittsburgh. That they may havo a j tasto of their own medicine, wife beat ers hero will In future be compelled to face the "wlfo beatorB' squad," a soxtotte of brawny policemen. Any man convicted of wife beating will havo to "go one round" with each of tho policemen, otherwise he will be given tho full limit of tho law. copal, make up most of tho balance. All of these are exclusive of church buildings in the suburbs of Now York which is going on at a normal rate, and in part on borrowed money. SumB named represent solely down town districts tho Protestant Inter ests in somo measure keeping pace with hotel, apartment and lott con struction. ' CALLS ON GIRL VIA THE ROOF Young Gotham Suitor Who Drops In at 3 A. M. Is Arrested as Burglar. New York. Fred Arnltz, who boards at tho Young Men's Hebrew associa tion In East Ninety-seventh street, has beon keeping company with Miss Pnullne Hopper, a maid at 149 East Ninety-second street, for somo timo. About three o'clock in tho morning ho wont to the roof of a house two doors east, lowered himseir to tho next roor with a rope, then descended through the scuttel of tho house where his sweetheart resided. His Journey had aroused tenants and soon police resorves were on hand. In tho basement of tho house in which Miss Hopper lives, Arnltz was found, sitting on a washtub Ho was taken to a police station, charged with burglary, after Miss Hopper had Identified him. She said sho did not caro for any threo o'clock calls. BEETLES FIGHT CATERPILLAR Callfornlans Go to Italy to Get Bugs to Clean Up Citrus Tree Groves. Sacramento, Col. A green beetle, a native of Italy, and known ns tho calasoma, has been Imported Into California to fight tho caterpillars that aro injuring tho cltriiB trees Tho booties will bo bred in great numbers and then liberated among tho caterpillar infected groves. HORSE THROWS MISS WILSON President's Second Daughter Is Found Unconscious Beside Road by Doctor. Whito Rlvor Junction, Vt. It bo came known hero that Miss Jessto, Wilson, second daughter of tho Presi dent, was thrown frorh her horso nnd Injured. Sho is said to bo suffering from many bruises, but her injuries are not severe. As Dr. Charles W. Worthcn or Whito Rivor Junction was on his way to vlBit a pntlent at Plalnllold, N. H., tho other day ho enmo upon n young woman lying unconscious by tho road. Miss Jessie Wilson. It proved to be Miss Wilson, who whilo out riding with her Dance, Fran cis II. Sayre, had been thrown from her horse. Mr. Sayre hud boon rid ing' a little ahend, and knew nothing of tho accident until tho riderless horso dashed past him. Dr. Worthcn npplled remedies, nnd after about half nn hour Miss Wilson regained consciousness. Later sho was taken to tho home of Fred Smith, near by, and word wns telephoned to tho Cornish residence of President Wilson. Tho scene of tho accident was on the New Hampshire sldo of tho Con necticut river, JuBt opposite tho Ver mont town or North Hnrtland. SAVED BY A BIG BULL MOOSE Thrilling Escape Made by Minnesota Youth Who Grabbed Horns of Unwilling Rescuer, International Falls, MJnn. A thrill ing escapo from drowning in Rulny river near Fort Francis Ont by catch ing hold of tho antlers of a big bull moose, which was swimming across the rlvor, was tho experience or Clyde W. Buell or Minneapolis, a Junior nca domic student of tho Stato university, Buell was out on a rnft of logs which, after striking u Jam, dfsentcgratod, and clinging to a plcco of timber, Buell was carried toward tho rapids. Ho hud given up hope when ho saw tho mooso with its head and antlers abovo water, swimming from the rapids. Buell let loose or his logs nnd grabbed tho moose, shifted himself to tho anl mat's buck and rodo It to shallow wa ter. Tho moose fought hard at first, but soon gave up and swam ashore. Form British Mayflower Club. London. Tho British Mayflower club' was founded hero nt a dinner given by tho Atlantic union to u nutA ber of Americans who aro In England to attend tho unvolllng nt Southamp ton of tho Pilgrims' monument. Dur ing tho dinner tho following messnge wns sent to ProBldent Wilson at Wash' ington: "Tho members of tho British Mayflower club at tholr first dlnnor send greetings to tho president of tho nation which tho Plrgrlms rounded." For 8unburn, Insect Bites, Ivy Poison or any othor skin Inflam mation us Tyrce's Antiseptic Powder and got quick relief. 25c, nt drug gists. Samplo Bent freo by J. S. Tyroo Washington, D. C. Adv. Molten zinc Instead of cemont was used to bind together tho stonos In a brldgo recently built in Franco. 'Liquid blue Is n wenfc potation. Avoid It. Buy Red Crow llnll Ilhio. the blue that's nil blue. Ask your grocer. Adv. A correct guess pnBses for wisdom with tho man who makes tho guess. Your Best Play 66 is made when your physi cal condition is normal. Sickly persons are always badly handicapped be cause they lack the stam ina and strength necessary to win. Try a bottle of HBSTETTER' 1 STOMACH BITTERS It restores the appetite,aids digestion and in everyway helps you back to health and strength. Get a bottle today. Avoid substitutes. I REPEATING RIFLES FOR HUNTING No matter what you hunt for or where you hunt, tho answer to the question "What rifle shall I take?" is a Winchester. Winchester Repeating Rifleaure mado for all styles of cartridges, from .2a to .50 caliber. Whichever model you select you will find it an accurate shooter, reliable in action and strong in construction. Winchnttr Cans and Ammunition tht Htd W Brand art rtadi (or tach othtr. WINCHESTER REPEATING AnMS CO., - NEW HAVEN. CONN. HflK WANTED HOMES FOR 'FAULTLESS flnnfl AtnMfrnmtrn on.l n mnti nd pscklnit) nnd et Ml.o Mluboth Ann, p Inches 1 high. Bend throo tops troin ten cent pucknecs nnd rourrenu in sumps anu Be jiiw rutuim. .uu. v. MlMLllr Wlilto.tweltralnelieeliluli. Hond topstrora flo cunt pwkngct If ypu wl.b, but twlco as many nro , , re-nnmu. uui iuib u. V ono ad. will bo ncovptcd DISCO or IHlffmn roni Wrlto your namo and THI BEST STARCH FAULTLESS I GOING TO BUILD? Then Better Buy Builders' Hardware With the Tag I hat .frV wr S: m Royal Dcrkley Eagle Padiocks A Steel Padlock Wilh Six Drass Levers. The Lock That lias Stood the Test of Time Self locking; nix secure levess; double bitted key, all keys differ ent. Reliable, durable nnd neat in appearance. TEwnutxtmnm Wright & You Can Buy The Best Irrigated Land Bn Southern Bdaho For $50.50 an Acre Good Soil rlno Cllmnto Crops Never Fail Espccl'.! adapted to tlio rnlslng of nlfalfa, era":.., potatoes utul fruits. Idoal for dairy ing mid stock railing. On main lino Oregon Short Lino K.tllruiul. Lauds surround Itloliflolil, Dlotrloh. fllio shono nnd Gooding lu Lincoln nnd flooding Counties. -'0,000 ncri. opon to entry. THE I1F.ST WATElt KltlltT IN TI1K WK8T AND Tl'.HMS OF PAYMENT AUK THK EASIEST OFFERED IY ANY I1UU OATION COMPANY. Lot us toll you more. Your letter will havo imlh Idual attention. Aildross Idaho Irrigation Co., Ltd. Rlohflold Idaho Nebraska Directory BOILER REPAIRS Hipurt bailor niakora sent onrnlicro anjllmo. WILSON STUAM IIOILUR CO.. Omalm Try Us-lt Will Pay Yow Consign your stock to ns for rood prices, good tills nnd prompt rciullinnco wrlto or wire 11 for any desired Information minrtlnir Ihomnrocit. All com munication nmwnrctl promptly Wo ur working (or your lnlerol and npnrrclato roar basinets. FARRIS PURINTON & MAROY hltHHn to N. K, Acl.r Ad. Live Stock Commission loon 110-112 tichanft Bldfi-, StockTdvSUIlaa. 1 0milii,Ki. Si Watch Your Colts Kor Ooniibs. Colds nnd I)lttiniHr, nnd nt tho flrt symptoms of nnr men ailment, rIy Html I dosrs u that wondorful remedy, now llu moit used In vilstonoo, bi'ouvh nisTicstrint cosipouni) M cents nnd tt n bottle: IS nnd $10 the dnien of an druggist, harness denier, or dollTorcd by Nl'OIIN MI5IMUAI. CO.. .... Ulifunlsta una llitfiUirlnluglstii, Uoslion, Iiul., U. H. A. ESTER c s. .2 V ii it;,) (a THC FAMOUS STARCH D0LLSN flint Darknir? Of FaoHlOMlX Iti irnmlta it n rfWIir tmitUOl um. ..,,. -,,v-'";" (-- nr i.'i win w ww .. with coca nppllcnuon. nddreua plainly. fOR Alt POBPOStS STARCH CO. CITY, MCN, Absolutely Insures Quality Russwin Locks Do you want Door Locks that will work right? Then buy Russwin Locks, known for durability, safely and elegance. They work right and look well. Tho makers, Russell & Erwin MfQ. Co.. nlways lead in ar tistic Builders' Hardware. They havo rmdo its manufacture a study for 59 long ycurs the reason why their locks are so good. We nttach to Htiaswln Locka our Double Guarantee Quality Tag Wo attach our Double Guaranteed Quality Tag Made by tne CuQIC LOCK l0. Prices That Are Right obtain -on Russwin Locks, Eagle Padlocks and all other Double Guaranteed Quality Hardware. The best costs but little more than an inferior article and in the long run it is always cheapest. Double Guaranteed QuoSity Hardware means Uesl factory Uranus. Each nrtlclo beam our tri-colorad Double Guarantee Tag, which gives you absolute insurance. Wilhelmy Co., Omaha, Neb.