The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 23, 1913, Image 1

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    . 4,4 riAn Anrfftv
-UMlg riki
No." 70
Jjtorift patte
j .
Local and Personal
Miss Nellie Small has returned from
a visit with rolativeB in. Gothenburg.
Henry Walker of Flats has ordered n
black Buick B25 touring car of the J.
S. Davis Auto Co.
The Home Missionary Society of the
Methodist church will meet Friday
afternoon with Mrs. A. P. Kelly,
Wanted Washings or house cleaning.
Inquire 920 East 2nd St.
Henry Yost returned Sunday evening
from Sycamore Springs where he took
medical treatment for a couple of weeks.
Everett Roberts son of Trot Roberts,
of Maxwell, died Sunday after a pro
tracted illness. The funeral was held
at Maxwell yesterday.
The regular social meeting of the
Episcopal guild will be held Thursday
afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Geo.
T. Field.
W. B. Brown has returned from n
trip to Philadelphia. Mrs. Brown, who
accompanied him east, will remain
there for a couple of months.
For Salo Cheap, base burner in ex
cellent condition, Mrs. E. Blankenburg,
Phone Red 448. G8-2
The Hemphill job printing plant will
be moved the early part of next week
to the front part of the York feel store
on Locust street. The rooms vacated
by Mr. Hemphill will be occupied by
the fire department.
F. J. Diener&Co., Real Estate and
Insurance. Farm and city property for
sale. tf
R. F. Stuart moved yesterday to the
house he recently purchased on west
Third street and to which he made a
number of improvements. The house
he vacated will be occupied by Frank
Stoughton Wagons at Hershey's. tf
Sheriff Salisbury was notified yes
terday that Leypoldt & Wickstrom's
office at Hershey had been burglarized
Sunday night and eighty or ninety
dollars taken. The Show store rwas
.also broken into, but goods of-little con
sequence taken.
A policy taken out now in the
Mutual Life of New York mtans great
returns on a small investment, made
on easy payments.
1 Bratt & Goodman,
District Agents.
read: Baked from
Wins First Prize at
Successful Baking
Occident Flour
MOST people think all flour is clean because it looks clean.
When wheat comes to the mill the crease in the wheat
kernel is full of dirt. Unless every kernel is washed, and
scoured, and the flour thoroughly purified by the most modern
machinery, the dirt is ground up with the wheat, remains in the
flour, and goes into the bread. You then pay for the dirt in the
flour, so much per pound, and of course the dirt has no food
value. Bread "made from cheap flour which is not clean con
tains less nourishment, it gets stale quicker and costs the
family more in the end than bread made from higher priced flour.
The Guaranteed Flour
is made from such high quality wheat
scouring anu puruying processes tnat
we are able to put a Money-Back
Guarantee In every sack. We guar
antee OCCIDENT Flour to make
whiter, lighter, better tasting bread,
biscuit, cake and pastry than any
other flour, and more of it per sack.
If It falls to please you for all baking,
your money will be refunded without
Costs More argument-
XXT-U, li. OCCIDENT bread,
Wortn It because of Its extra
cleanliness, stays fresh and sweet
longer than other bread. ?ou can
bake a double batch. This saves the
work and fuel expense of many bak
ing days. Every housewife should
test the extra great advantages of
Send for Oar Free Booklet,
"Better Baking"
Russell-Miller Milling Co.,
Minneapolis, U. S. A.
Lierk-Sandall Co.
Mayor Evans returned this morning
from a' business trip to Lincoln and
Kansas City after an absence of a week
Electric Weld Fencing at Hershey's. disbanded Saturday, uurfng tiie sea
Mrs. Richard Osborne of Evanston son t,hc tc,a,m Pln'd tty-txto games,
came this morning to visit her son, I inning thirty-eight and losing four, a
George Osborne and family for two ! Per centn8 ; f W5, a record probably
weeks. not equalled by any other team In the
Monarch Malleable
Ranges at
Attorney Shumcn, who had been
transacting business in Lincoln and
Kansas City for a week, returned home
yesterday. ,
W. V. Hoagland Is elevating his resi
dence in the west end and will placo a
now foundation thore under. Other
improvements will be made.
Mrs. William MalonoySr., will leave
in a few days for Boone nnd Scranton,
la., to spend several weeks with her
daughter and other relatives.
Otto Thoelecko left this morning on
a business trip to Dickens. He took
along a gun and dog nnd expected to
shoot a few chickens enroute.
Wanted By experienced man and
wife, place to work on ranch. Howard
Blackledge, 409 west Eleventh St. 69-4
The two Mexicans who attacked
Samuel Clark last week, were tried in
the county court Friday and found
guilty. Each received a fine of ten
dollars and costs.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mehlmann, who
were married two weeks ago in Cres
ton, la., have returned from their
honeymoon trip in eastern cities nnd
are receiving the congratulations of
Automatic Electric Washers at Her
shey's. tf
The Catholic Girls club met last even
ing ut the home of their director, Mrs.
James Hart, and spent a couple of hours
pleasantly in card games. Six tables
were used in playing five hundred nnd
prizes given to Misses Ethel Frye and
Lucy Dunn. Enjoyable refreshments
were served after the games. Assist
ing in serving were Misses Nell Hanni
'fin, Gertrude Rebhausen, Kathleen
Flynn and Mrs. Will Hawley.
Middle aged lady for housekeeper in
family with three children. Good home
and good wages to the right party
quire at C. M. Newton's store
Occident Flour
the County
and goes through so many washing,
Sole Agents.
Here's a Baseball Record.
The North Platte ball team closed
the season last Friday and tho team
i stnto. xno percentage o: trie pucnors
also stood unusually high. Maupln
pitched seventeen games and last two;
McCluro lost two out of thirteen, Mil
ler, Willey nnd Fritts each pitched two
and lost none.
Tho members of the team wcro nil
gentlemanly boys, both on and off the
diamond, thoy nil ployed to win, there
was no jealousy and if North Platto so
cures a berth In the state loaguo next
season, we arc sure that all the ball en
thusiasts would welcome th return
of every member of this season's team.
Here's hoping tho boys may pass a
pleasant winter and next senson,
wherever they piny, may they bo as
suocessfui as during the past season.
Round House Ready Oct. 15th
The date on which tho now round
house and coal chutes will be placed in
service is now named at Octobor ft 5th.
The present round houso forco is now
130, seventy of whom work days and
sixty nt night. Foreman McGraw saya
that when the new round house is
in operation this forco will need be in
crease mere may not ue any more-
men employed, but some of the em
ployes who are now clnssed as shop
men will work at the new round house.
Ten thousand dollars' worth of lathes,
drills und other machines will bo in
stalled, and these will require skilled
labor, and the operators will be taken
from the shops.
Eventually the round houso circle will
bo completed, and when thiB is done
the space f five stalls will be used as
machine shops. This practically means
closing up the prosent shops.
The old round houte will be used for
storage purposes; engines that are
needed for service only in tho rush
seosonswill be kept there instead of
left standing-on out-of-the-way tracks.
For Sale.
Largo size hard coal baso burner
stove. Good as new. C. F. Tracy, 914
west 4th. (19-2
Sunday School Convention.
The Lincoln County Sunday School
Convention closed a very interesting
convention Sunday evening aftor a two
days' session. Delegates were present
from a number of towns and precincts
of tho county. Among the state Sunday
school workers present, were Mr. Kim
berly, president of the state association
and Miss Margaret Brown, tho state
In the election of officers for the en
suing year E. W. Crane was chosen
president to succeed J. H. Edmisten,
who proved nn energetic and tireless
worker during the past year.
We have money to loan to help you
build or buy a Lome, or a farm. Call
and see us.
Bratt & Goodman.
Mrs. Myron Witchem of Denver,
nee Miss Marie Tolm of this city, will
go thru tomorrow evening to Boston to
yisit relatives for several weeks. Mr.
Witchem will accompnny her and upon
their return they will bo guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John Herrod.
The local ball team disbanded Satur
day and' the players left Sunday for
their respective homes. Scott Dye,
Charles Melker and Geo. Miller went
to Lincoln, Edward Iiright to Johnston,
Joe Maupin to Rockford, Mo., Brewer
to Alliance, Willy to Hastings and
Carrig to Kearney.
E. H. Springer, who was appointed
commissioner to suncoed Geo. Roberts
resigned, came up from Brady yoster
day, and as chairman of the board
signed the warrants for claims allowed
ten days ago.
Mrs. S. F. Brigga, of Epworth,
Kan., came a few days ago to visit her
sister, Mrs. H. E. Welsh and family.
Mr. and Mr. V. P. Snyder have
gone to Hayes Center to visit relatives
for a week or longer.
When the name of Bralt & Goodman
is written on a policy that policy is
good for every dollar it calls for and
every condition named therein.
The American Rostaurant opened
Thursday and is now entirely sanitary
kitchen tiled floor and steel coiling
and walls painted. Dining room wood
work painted and everything about the
placo absolutely clean, sanitary and
wholesome, G9-2
Is often causod by indigestion and
constipation, and quickly disappears
wnenjnamDeriaini Tablets are
ifi 1181lir
Local and Personal
Mrs. Frank Trout loft this morning
for Medicine Bow.
Tiger Press Drills at Hershey's. tf
Tho Mothers' Club will meet Friday
afternoon at the North Platte School of
Miss Irma Huffman loft Sunday for
Omaha where she will enter an elocu
tion school.
Geo. M. Smith went to Sutherland
this morning to spend the day on busi
ness. James Abbott of Hershey hap ordered
a black Buick B25 touring car of tho
J. S. Davis Auto Co.
"Jack" Ballard, now a-farmor and
stock grower of Dickens precinct, is
visiting frionds in town today.
The county commissioners will con
vene In session tomorrow to transact
such business as may come before them
Mr. and Mrs. AkxjMeston and baby,
who have rosided In "Scotts Bluffs for
some time, are visiting with local friend
this jkvoek. , -
Miss 'NftlllcjiBaldwin of Sacramento,
Cal who visited Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Baldwin whilo enroute home from
Omaha, left this morning.
Miss Ada Boutwell, who had been
visiting in Topekn, Kansas for several
weeks with relatives, has returned home
and resumed work in the Sebastian
Bratt & Goodman are offering great
bargains in yacant lots, nice homes,
farms and farm land. This is the time
to buy.
For all acute or chronic diseases,
indicated Homeopathic remedy always
the safest, nuickest and best.
nits and
More New Garments have come in during the last
few days in the very newest effects, and aae ready
for your inspection. A comparison will prove to any
lady the superiority of our garments. We invite you
to come and justify our claim that we are showing
the right styles, the right models at the right prices.
In the season's most
$12.60, $15, $20
Fall Coats
Most appealing models
in endless Av a r i e t y of
styles and cloths at
$6.50 to $37.50
New Silk Petticoats
in Mcssaline and Jersey
tops in all - the new
shades from
$1.98 up
Largest assortment in the
shades and latest styles at
$2.98 to
Miss Maud Hels, of Kenrnoy, who
visited her aunt Mrs. Jack McGraw loft
a few days ago, '
C. O. Woingand will enlurge tho
basement of his residence and install a
heating plant.
Mrs. Asa Swan left lust evening for
Denver to visit fiiends and relatives
for a week or more.
County Supt. Clco Chappcll left
yesterday for Wallace to spend several
dnys on business.
Foil Rknt Now 5-room cottage, nil
modern except heat. Inquire of Wm.
Mnloney, 803 east Fifth.
Miss Dillio Austin, of Salt Lake City,
wno visited friends hero for u couplo of
weeks, has returned home.
W. J. Walker will leavo this week
for Sycamore Springs to take medicnl
treatment for a couplo of weoks.
Mrs. W. T. BankB loft this morning
for Fremona where she will attend tho
W. C. T, U. convention this week.
A miscellaneous kitchen shower to
furnish tho nqmbuBomont in tho Chris
tian church, will bo held nt the church
Thursday afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock.
Foil Rent Sqyen room house, nil
modern excopt heat, yucant Oct. Sth.
Inquire of Wm. Moloney, 803 enst
Paul Tobln, of Donyer, loft this
morning for Creighton' College in Omaha
aftor visiting his brother Louis Tobin.
Mr. and Mrs George It. Smith re
turned tho latter part of lust week
from ExcolBior Springs.
George Millar formarly of tho local
telephone office spentyestcrday in town
whilo enroute to Sidney from Grand
Mr. Railroad Man, See the choice
lots in west end I am selling from $150
to $300. 0. H. Thoelecke.
Phones 277 and 298.
stylish models at
Fall Dresses
A wide range of stylish
wool and silk dresses in
drape effects at
$7.50 to $32.50
New Sweaters
Ladies' and Misses'
Sweaters in white, tan,
oxford and( cardinal, in
plain or Norfolk styles
from $1.50 up
city in
the newest
Miss Norriss has accepted a- position
In tho suit department of Tho Lender
and began work yeaterday morning.
For Rent- G room houso with bath.
Inquire at 400 E. 3rd. tf1
Mrs. Jack McGraw will entertain nt
n miscellaneous shower for Mrs. Roy
Mehlman tomorrow aftornoon.
Harry Kuster, driver of thottItner
delivery-wagon, suffered aoverobruises
on tho back Saturdny by falling from
tho second floor of tho grain houoe.
Mrs. M. 10. Scott entertained tho
Travel and Study club last evening. A
demonstration in cooking wns given by
the host. ss and a nice lunch servod.
For Sale Lots in Taylor and Grace
lanil Additions at C. J. Hollman's
offico for a few days. W. L. Crissmaa.
Wenthor forecast Unsottlod wom
thor. Rain tonlcht and nrobablv Wed
nesday; colder with brisk shifting winds.
Highest temperature yesterday 09; a
yenr ago 73. Lowest temperature last
night 49; a yoar ago 34.
B. J, Wrightman, of tho war depart-
ment of Washington, D. C, is spending
a few daya hero making arrangements
to havo the body of his sister, th lato
Leona Scott, exhumed and taken to
Spnrton, Mo., to bo rolnterrnd.
Parlor millinery hats on display at
Newton's three days only, Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, Sept. 25th, 26th
nnd 27lh.
Notice For Bids.
Notico Is hereby given thnt the City
Council will receive bids for tho build
ing known ns tho 3rd Yard Hqso
House, which is located on tho roar of
Lot 4, Block 132 of tho originia) town,
now City of North Platte, Lincoln
CountV, Nebraska, tho same to be
moved off at once.
All bids rnustbo in by 5:00 o'clock p.
m.. on tho 7th day of October, 1913.
The council reserves tho right to re
ject any or all bids. C. P. TEMrLC,
o-7 City Clerk.
i -?
For sale by all dealers.
1'winem's Duug Di:pt.