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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1913)
h n 1? H r. 1 i i I 1. 1 DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dcnllsl. Office over the McDonald Stato Bank. 5 o (oeeeeoaeaa Local and Personal The Girls Friendly Society will moot this evening at the Parish house. Harry Lannin loft Sunday afternoon for Grand Island to spend a week with relatives. Miss Pern Coker and Ben Coker, of WellfleA, spent the week end with frionds in town. Mm. Krong and two daughters, of Sutherland, spent the last of last week in town with friends. Mrs. William JefTers, of Cheyenne, was the guest of her mother, Mrs. Ed wina Schatz, the first of this woek. Miss Effie Christ has accepted a po sition in the alteration department of tho Block Ladies' Outfitters store. Miss Rose Ganey, of Chicago, re turned home yesterday morning after a month's visit with her cousin Miss Loretta Murphy. Mrs. Dennis Cronin, of Sibloy, la., will arrive hero the latter part of this week to visit her brothers Messrs. Joseph and James Roddy. Mr. and Mm. Luther Tucker and family accompanied by Miss Mabel Uglo ot ugaiaua leit sunuay evening for cities of Wisconsin to spend several weekB with relatives. The work of installing tho elevator in the federal building was completed yes terday and will bo placed in service as soon as accepted by tho representative of tho government vho will bo sent hero for that purpose; Watch tor theyeekjy,dup)ay at the Parlor Millinery. " ' ' A house warning and mlscollonious shower tfas given to Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds Friday evening nt their home. The party was given by tho Ep worth League. Games wcro played and a nice lunch served. Tho newly wodded couplo wero tho recipients of many beautiful gifts. Attorneys Hoagland &Hoaglandhavo filed a petition in tho supremo court to day for' quo warrcnto op, behalf of tho citizens of McPherson county to deter mine tho validity' of the recent organi zation of Arthur county under tho act of tho legislnturo passed last year. The contention of tho McPherson county pooplo-ls that McPherson county and Arthur county wore consolidated in 1891 by vote of tho peoplo ahd cannot bo dissolved only by vote. 1 rr ,. ANYBODY CAN TAKE I I JilH ' "'' AN AUTO APART I IIBlJfL jSW'ilv& but It takes Bkill and knowledgo I 1 ANPTOtf to be able to put It together. So I I "NLML'flhiTOSs don't try to do your own auto re- n I 'RFrM J l'nirlnff. totter by far send It 1 H 1 1 rS- TruIrwB II noro wheroi iwo hava all faciitea W ft Jtfi XWjWBIss. for.pcrfect' repair work and tho ffi M 3tt(Z?-1iL,iM2uiKv requisitoBldlltornakeuBoof them I 1 "WUKBKSSuil&f properly. I 1. fi"dM J. S. Davis Auto Co. 1 Seventy Thousand "Bell" Operators Over thirteen million miles of wire, twenty-six million tolopbono talks nro handled daily by sovon,ty tliousnnd trained Bell Tolophono Oporators. In tho. vnst Boll Tolophono System, reaching nearly ovorywhoro throughout tho nation, ovory ono of tho eight million Boll Tolophono usors is con nected with ovory other ono. Long Distance ' Bell Telephone Lines Reach Nearly Everywhere. 230 T. tm Mii.uwfyiffxmwvinwwifnwnt " ruM." WHEN CUPID LEADS a you"ng "couple' to the altar one of jthe most important thincs needed Is (ho wedding ring. It is the symbol of union and hap piness. Our Heamless wedding rings will mot every require ment They nrc especially made for us and the makers as well as ourselves guarantee their quality. CLINTON Jeweler and Optician Wo want ypur repair work. X Robert Dick, of Lincoln, is visiting his mother Mrs. Dick this week. Robert Gantt left Sunday evening for Lincoln to attend the stato univer sity. Miss Marie McCabe left Saturday fcr Notre Dame, Ind., to attend St Mary's college. Mrs. E. A. Surber, who hod been visiting relatives in Cozad for a week, will return Friday. Perry Sitton will be in charge of the Union Pacific hotel during the absence of J. H. Posoy in Chicago. R. L. DouglaBS and Maurice Fowler returned Sunday from Wallace where they purchased stock last week. Paymaster Cullcn, of Omaha, was in town yesterday to distribute pay checks to (he Union Pacific employes. Charles Sullivan returned Saturday evening from New York whero ho visited relatives for several weeks. Before investing, nee what I am of fering in west end lot. 0. H. Thoelecke George Garrard who has been em ployed in Sioux Falls, S. D., for some time spent the week end with his family and left last evening. W. R. Powell, E. R. Drebert and Hugh Scoonover left the first of this week on a hunting trip to the country north ot tho city. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown of east 6th street are rejoicing over the advent of a girl baby at their home Satur day ovenlng. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barrett, who re cently camo here from Green River, have rented rooms for light housekeep ing in tho Burgner home on east 4th street. J. H. Posoy, manager of tho Union Pacific hotel will leave this week for Omaha and Chicago to transact business and visit relatives for some time. Pat C Roddy, formerly of this city, who has been employed in Sibley, la., for a year past, will come the latter part of this week to visit relatives. - Friends in town will bo interested in. knowing that Porter Russell of Chicago, formerly of this city, will bo married next week to a young lady of that city. Mr. and Mrs. John Strahorn returned Saturday evening from St. Cloud, Colo., where the former spent six weeks fish ing and comes home greatly relieved from hay fever, with which he was suffering. , Wednesday and Thursday Sept. 17th and 18th, will be another beautiful display of Fisk's Pattern and Tailored hats at'the Parlor Millinery. These hats will he on display only the date mentioned. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY naNERHaoKu Fall Festival Opens Tomorrow The Lincoln county fair and North Platte's fall festival will open tomor- J row, and The Tribune is glad to an nounce that by tomorrow morning every thing will be in rcadineis. The Lloyd opera house, which will be used as an ncrripnltnrnl hnll. has been fitted UD for that purpose and up to noon todoyV many loads of agricultural products had been received and placed in position and many exhibits Will arrive this after noon and Bomo belated ones will come I in the morninc. The entries of live I stock are greater in number than the committee really anticipated, and the showing will bo a good one. This live stock will be exhibited at' the brick, barn in the roar of the Lloyd. The aviator and his aeroplane ar rived yesterday morning and the ma chine is being put together today by the man who will make the flights, two of which will bo mode each day, one in the forenoon and one in the afternoon. These flights will take place at tho city park at the east end of Second steeet. Though disappointed in socuring state league teams for tho base ball tourna mont, Manager Cummings has arranged for gomes with other teams, and there will be two games each day. Elks Have Jolly Time, Fifty members of the B. P. 0. Elks held a picnic Sunday at the ranch of Col. Wm, Beatty a mile or so east of Brady, and had about as jolly timo as anyone could desire. Col. Beatty anti cipated the coming of his brother Elks and had fitted the grove with tables, chairs and upholstered seats, and during the day gave many additional evidences of his hospitality and his apparent pleasure of having the boys with him. The trip was made by automobile, and barring the disagreeable wind on tho way down.'tho tun wns enjoyable, The commissary committee, with Loren Sturges as chairman, had made ample provision for filling the inner man, the mid-day lunch consisting of several kinds of meat, baked beanB, sliced to matoes, sliced onions, pickles, cheese, bread and butter, coffee and ice water, while for suppor fried bacon, baked po tatoes and a line of side dishes were served. The amusements of the day consisted of a base ball game, score one to two in fourteen Innings,' horse shoe pitching in which the Brady members carried off the prize, a number of comedy stunts put on by Sheriff Salisbury, Dick Baker Will Landgraf and a number of others, and a concert by the Elks gleo club, the whole forming a program that prohib ited a dull moment. At the closo of tho day n vote ot thanks was tenderd Col. Beatty for his generous hospitality nnd he re sponded by saying that he was heartily glad tp have the Elks visit him, hoped they would come again, and that no ono had a moro pleasant day than him self. Local and Personal. Paul Gantt is assisting in tho Sc oon- over clothing store this week. Miss Ruey Shancr visited the home folks in Maxwell tho first of this week. For Sale Cheap, base burner in ex cellent condition, Mrs. E. Blankenburg, Phone Red 413. - G8-2 Archie Watts left Sunday afternoon for Lincoln to attend tho stato univer sity. F. J. Diener & Co., Real Estate and Insurance. Farm and city property for sale. tf Frionds in town received word yester duy of the death -of Mrs. David Law, of Elsie. Mrs. Georgo Hatfield went to Pax ton today to visit relatives for a week or more. Mr. and Mrs. Will Collins, who spent the summer in California, returned Sat urday evening. Wilfred Stuart, of Lexington, spent tho latter part of last week with friends in town. Frank Leven, of tho Leader clothing department, returned yesterday from u business visit in Denver. Watch for the weekly display at Parlor Millinery . Mrs. Wilson Tout and children turned Saturday evening from an the ro-ex- tended visit in Colorado Springs. Mrs. Baker, of Neveda, arrived hore yesterday morning to visit her undo J, K. Ottenstein and family for a couple of weeks. Friends of C. D. Raney of Wallace, who has been seriously 111 ior some time, will bo pleased to know that he is greatly iniproved. A baby girl was born Saturday even ing to Mr. and Mrs. Adkins otthe homo of tho lattor's mothor, Mrs. Matson. on wost Second street. Percy O'Brien, formerly of this city, who has been employed in Stansberry, Mo., for some time, is visiting his father, P. J. O'Brien this week. In tho tennis tournament which was held by tho younger players club on the grounds in the west part of town tho honors wero won Soturdny evening by Harry Huffman. Ono month ngo F. T. Redmond had his bicycle stolen from the porch at his residence; last Saturday night it was returned to tho spot from which it was taken, none tho worse for its absence. The G. I. A. society tendered a faro vvoll reception Friday evening to Mrs. George Buskins at tho homo of Mrs. Georgo Troxler. The guest of honor was presonted with a gold lodge pin as a token of thoir remembrance. An on joynblo lunch was served. Tho theatrical season opened at tho Keith Saturday evening with tho pres entation of ''Stop Thief," a forco that proved very funny, and was greatly onjoyod by tho good-slied audience present. Sohn McCabe, a former North Platto boy, U Btogo director for tho company and assumes ono of tho minor roles. j Wanted To Buy Calves. CO to 100 hand first class, large spring I calves. Uniform in color and size. Experimental Substation. Why not Build N. J. SCHLACHTER i Hoopless Stave Crib Silo DURABLE ECONOMICAL The Only Stave Crib Silo that will 11 NEVER BLOW DOWN This Silo is absolutely the : We are behind this Pioneer Citizen Passes Away. James Frazier, one of North Platte's pioneers, passed away Friday evening nt eight o clock at his home on east 4th street. Death camo in his eighty-seventh year. Mr. Frazier had been an invalid for fivo yedrs with ailments customary to old age and although his condition was not critical yet he was not able to leave his home and was practically powerles to help himself. A loving family and kind friends devoted themselves to him and brightened his declining years. a iew monina ago no was injured by a fall which dislocated his shoulder and caused him great pain and suffering at times. Friday morning his condition was not such as to alarm the relatives but a change was noticed late in the afternoon nnd the family summoned to the bed side. Tho end camo peacefully at seven forty-five that evening. Tho funeral was held yesterday morning at -St. Patrick's church Rev. Hyne conducting the services which wero attended by a large concourse of friends. The floral offerings wore very beautiful, Mr. Frazier was born in Puisley, Scotland, August 18th, 182G, and lived thero for a number of years.- After tcoming to America he resided in Spring- ncu, in., uiiu sjvenu uiner eastern cities and was married in New Haven, Conn., in 1855 to Mrs. Bridget Congdon Stack who died several years ago. They camo to this city in December. 1808 and Mr. Frazier wns among the first boilermokers to be employed in tho local shops. He followed his trada for a number of years and later engaged in stock raising until ill health and ad vanced years forced him to discontinue work. to mourn mm are leu tnree sons, John, Jnmes and Andy, a stop-son, William Stack, and two daughters Mrs. George Frieburg, of Denver, and Miss Margaret Frazior of Ihis city. Mr. Frazier was ono of tho most highly respected citizens of the city. Although being of n retiring nature yet he mode many friends and lived a long life of usefulness. Secures New Film Service. R. A. Garman returned Saturday from Denver where he arranged for a film service for the Crystal theatre. Heretofore this service has been ob tained from Omaha, and tho chango was made to Denver because of better seryico and a wider range of film sub jects and better films. The service, being better, will of course be more ex pensive, but Mr. Garman desires to produce the best pictuies obtainable and is not sparing expense to obtain that desired result. Since purchasing tho Crystal Mr. Gnrmnn has made many changes and improvements that add to the comfort and nleasure of his patrons, and these improvements will continue to be mado until tho Crystal will be one of the most talked of nmusement.'placps in this section of the state. Are You Lonely Too? A way up in Indiana there is a lonely widow of HG summers who would liko to become acnuaintod with some of Ne braska's bachelors and widowers but does not know how to become ac quainted with them unless some of them will answer her appeal and then let fate do the re3t. Sho is of a lovable, alfectionato disposition and will do all .sjie can to nnko a home happy and would liko to come to a beautiful prairie country to live. -If tho gentlo men of tho wost nro Interested then address, Mrs. Mnry Flatchall, 712& Up 8th St., Kvansville, Indiana. Mrs. William Huddartlett Saturday! for a short visit up the branch road. Hflfiilf rm HgHBR Mr. FARMER: DO IT NOW We furnish blue print and structions, so that any carpenter silo without the least difficulty. Remember no guy wires no Hoops cheapest and most substantial REMEMBER: proposition. . We are where you can find See us before you buy; it will pay you W. W. BIRGE NORTH PLATTE, Miss Anna Kramp returned Friday afternoon from a ahort visit in Hastings. Albert Schatz returned Friday morn ing from a business visit In v Kansas City. Victor Anderson, who spent last week in Denver, returned home Friday evening. Arthur Tramp returned Saturday morning from a trip to the mountains of Colorado. Buchanan & largain List J -- KBBm HERE IT IS. New five room cottage on East Fifth street, with toilet, bath and heat and only $2400.00. This will sell quick. Don't delay. Nice six room cottage, shade trees and blue grass only one block from the Court House. Price $2200. The lot is worth what we are asking for the property. Easy terms. 2. 14 Acres, good six room dwelling, barn, chicken house, windmill located only 8 blocks from the High School.' This will be equal to full city block and we make the low price qf $2500. Easy terms. Five room house and barn, South Dewey street. $1,250. Nice six room cottage 721 West Seventh street, handy to new round house. Modern except heat. Price 2,260. Extra nice 4 room cottage on West Tenth street, in the 6ot block. Price $1, 750. Good eight room dwelling on East Tenth street, in the 000 block. Price $1,700. All 01 these properties are choice can be bought on easy terms. Be sure before you buy. Buchanan Sole Stability, Efficiency and Service llnvo Jioon tho notovs in tho growth oT tho First National Bank, XOllTlf PJLATTIS, XnjJHASKA. CvtrrAL a:std sunjr,ust One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. Sl HOi WE ARE SELLING THE HOOPLESS STAVE CRIB SILO The kind that never blows down This Silo can be erected with the least cost of any silo on the market. We furnish the lum ber and cement and youf hardware dealer every thing in the way of nails and bolts. This Silo is built out of 2x4's, any length; the outer edge having a filler of binding twine to make the circle, the sticks being used just as they come from the yards, and require no sharp ening or dressing. full set of in can erect the. Are required by this Silo to keep it from falling down. Nothing to loosen or rust off Silo on the market today. us. We are here to stav. to do so. CO Mrs. Omar Huff, who had been visit ing friends in Paxton for a week, re turned Sunday. Ralph Garman returned Saturday morning from Denver, where ho spent a week on business. Mrs. Butler Buchanan left Friday evening for Mt. Pleasant, la., to spend a couple of weeks. Miss Frances Boln, of Kearney, came Friday evening to visit Mrs. Clyde Cook for a week or more. Patterson's of Dwellings,,. bargains and and see these & Patterson, Agents. -or- 9 1 I .A !'