The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 16, 1913, Image 4

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YOU yiro busy being
And ioins Just the best you could,
You'd not lmvo tlmo to blamo some man,
Who's doing Juit tho beat ho can.
If you were busy belnn true
To what you know you ought to do,
You'd bo so busy you'd forgot
Tho blunders of the folks you've mot.
Rebecca Foresman.
Codfish Bonncfemme. Butter a
long baking dlah and place a half of
a codfish, skin sldo down, In tho dish,
surround with potato balls, season
with salt and popper and put butter
on top ot tho fish. Put Into tho oven
to bako, basto frequently, cooklug
about flftcon minutes. Just before
taking out, sprinkle with finely
chopped parsley; basto onco more and
leavo a few minutes until a beautiful
brown color.
Almond Puddings. Take- sixteen
eggs, and reserve tho whites of eight.
Take a pound of almonds, two ounces
of which are bitter, one pound of pow
dered sugar and a little orange flower
"water. Blanch and chop tho almqnds,
teat the eggs, then add tho sugar gent
ly and tho chopped almonds; add tho
orange flower water and beat for a
full hour. Bake In small round dishes,
cover with buttered paper to keep
them from getting too brown at the
Raspberries a la Astor. Take two
cups of raspberries, add a little lemon
juice and powdered sugar in small
proportions and a pinch of nutmeg.
Mix thoroughly with whipped cream,
flavor with maraschino. Sprinkle
with pistachio nuts and place on ice
for two hours boforo serving.
Squabs MIrabcau. Prepare squabs
as for roasting; boil five minutes In
boiling broth and then remove thorn.
Split down the back without breaking
the breast bone. Season yith salt and
pepper, cover with egg and bread
crumbs, and cook In butter for fifteen
minutes. Garnish with small onions
and potatoes browned In butter.
There are two stones wo may not dare
to cast:
The stcno of stumbling In our brother's
The stono of Judgment at our brother's
We, who ourselves, like sheep, have
gone astray.
Almost any cook, if she has unlim
ited means at her command, can pre
pare good and appetizing dishes; but
tho queen of cooks is sho who looks
carefully Into tho economy of her
food, making every bit count for all
It can.
Hamburg Steak. Take a pound of
chopped steak, put It into a dlshpan,
add a half cup of cooked oatmeal or
any cereal or broad crumbs, a beaten
egg, a stalk of celery finely minced,
and seasonings of salt, pepper, a bit
of nutmeg and allspice, a teaspoon of
grated onion and a bit of cnoppeu
parsley. Mako into a loaf, and place
in a casserole or baking dish. Place
six small onions and three small car
rots around tho meat, pour on boiling
water and cover tho dish closely,
cooking for three hours. Remove the
loaf after browning it tho last half
hour of cooking by removing tho cov
er, and prepare tho gravy. Surround
tho loaf wltlf the vegetables and pour
tho gravy over the loaf.
Bean Chowder. Soak a pint of
white beans over night, in tho morn
ing parboil thorn, adding a pinch of
Boda. Then drain and add a half
pound of salt pork and a slice of on
ion. Cover with water and simmer
for three Qiours, then add a quart of
tomatoes, a llttlo pepper and salt, if
necessary. Simmer for ono hour
longer, adding water as needed. Serve
Fried Corn. Corn left over from
dinner may be cut from tho cob and
if fried carefully in butter and well
aoasoned, will mako a most appetizing
Scalloped Ham. Cut four potatoes
in thin slices and put a layer into a
buttered baking dish. Chop fine ono
onion and two carrots with a bunch
of parsley, sprinkle the potato with
this mixture and a slice of ham cut
In bits. Then put on anothor layer
of potato, and repeat tho seasonings.
Pour over milk and bako in a slow
oven an hour and a half.
Baked Apples. Coro six apples,
Cream a tablespoonful of butter, add
a cup of brown sugar, a tablespoonful
of flour and half a teaspoon of cin
namon. Fill tho centers and basto
while baking with tho rest of the
sugar with water.
Weather Forecast.
When tho horns of tho moon are
clearly discernible by tho naked eye,
it means that there is nothing in tho
atmosphere ito obscure thorn. An at
mosphoro as clear as this generally
indicates that it has been swept by
tho winds in the upper ether, and
"""these winds will probably reach tb
earth before long.
Easily Reunited.
Every timo a girl's heart 1b broken
Bhe saves the pieces.
loltiR words will cost but little,
Journeying up tho hill of llfo,
Dut they make tho weak and weary
Stronger, braver, for tho strife.
Do you count them only trllles?
What to caith aro sun and rnlnT
Niver was n kind word wasted,
Never was one said In vain.
Tho unusual always appeals to most
people, and when a combination nover
boforo heard of is mentioned, wo aro
all anxious to try It. Hero Is one
which will at least exclto romark:
Poppy Seed Salad. Orato a llttlo
sago cheeso over somo freshly
washed and well dried lottuco; add
tho finishing touch by sprinkling over
it somo freBhly roasted poppy seed,
which adds an unusual flavor. Sorve
with French dressing.
Olive and Celery Sandwiches.
Chop in a bowl equal quantities of
tender heart celery and stuffed ollvos;
moisten with salad dressing to spread
easily, and spread on well buttered
Mint Cucumber Sandwiches. PlacO
thinly sliced crisp cucumber dipped in
French dressing, and sprinkle with
mint finely chopped. Put together Just
before serving.
Salad of Nuts and Green Peas.
A delicious salad may bo mado by
combining green peaB with English
walnuts In the proporotion of a third
of nuts to two-thirds of peas, with any
desired salad dressing. Servo on lot
tuco leaves wltll a slice or two of to
mato for a garnlBh.
Summer Salad. Cook a quart of
shelled Lima beans in salted water.
When dono, drain tho beans and chill
them. Peel and cut into very small
dlco two crisp tart apples and chop
fine two sweet green peppers, from
which tho seeds and ribs have been
removed. Mix all together with may
onnnlso flavored with onion Julco.
Chestnuts and apples are a good
combination, as are any nuts with
good flavored applo.
Thanks to the human heart by which
we live,
Thank-I to Its tenderness, Its Joys, Its
To me the meanest flower that blooms
can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for
William Wordsworth.
A fow varieties ot pickles aro al
ways a necessity upon tho cellar shelf,
to be ready for uso when occasion de
mands. Sweet Tomato Pickle. Theso, it
carefully prepared, will keep until
early summer of the following year:
Wash and slice small sized green to
matoes to All a two-gallon jar, with a
dozen medium-sized onions also sliced.
Lot stand over night covered well
with salt. In tho morning drain and
add to a pickle mado of two pounds of
brown sugar, a pint of vinegar, a hand
ful each of cloves, cinnamon and all
spice tied In bags; cook until tender,
and when cool stir in a half cup of
grated horseradish. Cover with a
plate and keep In a cool, dark place.
Pickled Nasturtiums. Tho pun-
geant flavor of tho nasturtium seed Is
liked by many. To prepare them,
soak in weak vinegar twonty-four
hours, then drain. Heat tho vinegar
with mixed spices, a tablespoonful of
sugar and a few pieces of ginger root;
add salt, pack tho seeds in Jars and
pour over tho vinegar, and seal.
Spiced Pears. Mako a Bit up of a
quart of sugar and a cup of vinegar,
with cloves and cinnamon and a few
pieces of ginger. Peel the poars and
cook a fow at a time, so that they
kep their shape. Put Into Jars and
cover with the sirup.
Green Cucumber Pickles. Fill
quart jars with small green cucum
bers washed and fresh from tho
vines; add a tablespoonful of salt,
a teaspoon of sugar and a bag of
spices, if liked. Fill tho Jar with cold
vinegar, and seal. Put in a cold
place, and thoy will keep indefinite
ly. Tho vinegar should not be so
strongly acid that it eats the plcklo.
Vinegar may bo reduced by adding a
small amount of water to it, and it
will bo JuBt as satisfactory and much
more wholesome for tho stomach.
Decision Needed.
He Do you really think it is rain
ing enough to put up tho umbrella?
Sho Don't be so undecided. That's
tho third time you'vo asked that
question. Now either put up or shut
Dally Thought.
Discretion is more necessary to wo
men that eloquence, because they
have Icsb trouble to speak well than
to speak little. Father Du Bosc.
Its Variety.
"There Is an uncertain thing about
this motor car speeding."
"What Is that?"
"You can never bo quite certain
whether you aro on a joy ndo or on
a troublo wagon."
Copper Sulphate to Destroy Bacilli.
A method Involving tho uso of cop
per sulphate has been perfocted In
Surinam for destroying bacilli which
Injuro tobacco plants through tho
Coiffures Adapted
T.-IE small hat 1b launched upon ono
moro season of popularity and hair
dressing must be adapted to it.
But tho very simple coiffures which
havo prevailed during tho past year
havo become too tiresomcly popular
to suit women of fashion, or womVm
who strivo for individuality in dress.
They want something now. Thorefore,
those divinities that shape our ends
(so far ns tho arrangement of hair is
concerned) havo developed somo love
ly now coiffures.
Theso truly remarkablo and beauti
ful styles accommodato tho new hat
shapes, and at tho same timo answer
tho demand for moro dignified and
elaborate hair dressing than tho pass
ing modo displayed.
There nro three different styles to
bo featured. One shows tho hair
dressed high on top of tho head in
another, it is colledUow on the crown,
Washablo Materials Will Bo Favored,
With Linen, Duck and Gingham
Most Popular.
Thei chic shirtwaist this fall will bo
"No starch" is tho verdict for tho
fashionable shirtwaist.
Many waists of chiffon will be
Chiffon walstB may bo washed If
stiffened with a somewhat stronger
gum water, two teaspoonfuls of tho
stock solution to a cupful of water.
Plain shirtwaists will bo worn this
fall linen, duck and gingham being
Extremely simple cuts aro tho rules
in shirtwaists.
Very closo to tho man's Bhlrt is
the fall waist for women, elongated
shoulder lino and short yoko being
tho rule.
Cotton crepe, vollo, satin and bro
caded waists must all havo tho short
For a plain tailored waist of linen,
madras, pongee or wash silk tho yoko
may bo omitted and tho plaits at
both front and back run to tho shoul
der. Stitching will be mado prominent on
tailored waists.
"Round stitch" will bo used on
many of the tailored waists.
Model of creme charmeuse and tulle,
trimmed with edgings of pink ribbon.
Lace flchua.
eVCeee JfcKf '-'s' Vviyw
to the Small Hat.
and in a third tho regulation Psycho
knot is worn. In several of tho now
styles a higher and Bllghtly curled
fringe appears across tho forehead.
In all tho new styles tho hair is
not much waved, and in all of thorn
tho ears aro covered. In tho ma
jority of coiffures threo very short,
tiny curls nestlo somewhere, cither at
neck or peeping out from tho knot, or
displaying themselves resting on tho
hair just above the ear. They aro Just
about tho prettiest llttlo finishing
touchoB that can bo imagined. Women
call thorn "cunning" and perhaps they
are; for those llttlo curls appear to
rivet tho attontlon of tho masculine
mind with extraordinary force.
By tho way, fow peoplo reallzo how
much men admire pretty stylos ot
hair dressing and good grooming in
tho women thoy know.
Fashion Had Good Reason for Its
Popularity, Which Is Almost Ccr-
tina to Continue.
Thero is no doubt that tho trans
parent waist of cotton not was tho
leader in tho race for popularity. The
model In it whioh sold by tho hun
dreds and Is still in fashion has a
long shoulder seam, slightly gathered,
and, a looso slcovo that hangs abovo
tho waist with two box pleatings or
laco. Tho long V shaped neck 1b out
lined, and thero is a lining, also of
net, which is trimmed across its top
edges with a smaller laco pleating.
On tho majority of theso walstB
thero is ribbon attached to tho lin
ing. It is dono moro or less well.
Sometimes thero nro threo bands
around tho figure ending In stiff bows
in front; again tho top of tho lining
is gathered into a two-inch ribbon
band which is finished with a largo
flat bow in front.
Tho wholo blouso is looso and ap
pears to fall from tho ilguro, and tho
corset cover that goes with it Is of
chiffon in flesh color trimmed with
tiny button roBcs. Now if tho blouso
is still selling wherovor you aro, buy
it. It Is unusually becoming. If you
don't llko tho ribbon, tako It out, or
adjust it to suit your taste. Washing
ton Star.
i Dainty Flowered Hatpins.
Tho methods of 'making flowered
ornamental hatpins is easy. An or
dlnary hatpin, with a round or pear
shaped top, such as is bought for a
penny or two, is utilized. Tho head
of tho pin is first swathed In wadding,
und then covered with colored silk
or satin, on which should bo cm
brolderod colored beads to represent
tho center of tho flower. Pieces of
ribbon aro next taken to form tho
petals. Suph flowers ns popples,
daisies and roses nro particularly bo
coming. Tho result when finished la
eminently satisfactory, and often adds
a pleasing dash of color to tho gen
oral effect.
Flower Muff.
Havo you seen tho hugo summer
muffs mado of artificial ilowors?
They aro exceedingly decorative, and
are composed of many different kinds
of blossoms, such ns roses, Parma vio
lets and orchids. Somo of them aro
finished with long hanging branches
of the samo flowers. Of course, thoy
havo como from Paris, where thoy
wero fashioned for ovcnlng fetes and
gay dinners.
Novel Hosiery.
Wonderful Ingenuity Is oxorclsed In
tho matter of smart hosiery, nnd for
women who llko novelties in any form
thero is plenty to chooso from. Curi
ous effects nro contrived with stripes
In laco or silk stockings, varying from
about an eighth of an Inch to a flno
hnlrllne. Theso nro so cunningly
wrought that thoy glvojjloganco to
tho ungainly anklo. """
Advice Heaped In Profusion on Keep
ers of Big City's Zoological
VTho arrival of a baby animal or
bird of nny kind from a hippopotamus
to a canary at olthor of tho city zoos
gives peoplo all over town a clmnco
to spread thomnolves In tho matter of
names," said a New York park keopor.
"K vot y body wants the honor of
naming tho baby. Letters como from
all parts of tho city, nml from tho sur
rounding country suggesting names
that tho writers think appropriate.
Patriotism runs high among our cor
respondents. If thoy had their way
half tho animals In tho park would bo
called 'Abo' Lincoln, and a largo part
of tho other halt 'Teddy' Hooscvelt.
Regardless of tho box of the youngster,
theso two presidential appellations aro
urged upon us.
"Classical and Scriptural namoB also
havo tholr advocates. Hercules and
Plato In particular are proposed.
"Of all tho ladles of antiquity Nlobt
seems to lmvo first call Onco In a
while n writer of a ecntlmontnl turn
of mind suggests a more modem ro
mantic name. Out of consideration for
tho animal fancy names nro taboo to
start with. To call a beast of tho
Jungle Vlolot or Qucaiilo Is enough to
Bhnmo tho most docllo ot Infants Into
a reversion to typo."
Mrs.'.vlnstow'n Soothing By nip for Children
teething, iioftcns tlioguma, retlucpH Inllnmmn
tlon,nllay8palu,curcawlnd college a bottloJtar
Evening Things Up.
"Mamma," said four-year-old Thol
nia, "Harry wants tho biggest pleco of
plo nnd I think 1 ought to havo it."
"Why, dear?" queried tho mothor,
" 'Cause," replied Thclma, "he was
eating plo two years beforo I was
born," National Food Magazine.
Red Ctom Ball Blue gives double value
frti vnni lnmwii iinna twino flR far an tltlV
other. At.K jour gioccr. Adv.
Worth Keeping, Anyhow.
"You havo somo remarkable paint
ings." "Yen," replied Mrs. Cumrox, "tho art
dealer said thoy wero old masters, but
to my eyo somo of them look ns good
as now "
A man nover gets over his spanking
days. About tho tlmo his mothor
quits hla wifo starts In.
Foley Kidney Pills Succeed
because they sue n good honest mod
icine that cannot help but heal kid
ney ami bladderailmcntsand urinary
irregularities, if they are once taken
into the system. Try them now
for positive and permanent help.
The time of all others when reliable cartridges are invaluable is in
big-game hunting. A ml33-firc, an Inaccurate cartridge, or one
having poor penetration may mean the loss of a coveted trophy or
even injury to tho hunter. Winchester, tho W brand of cartridges,
smokeless or black powder, can always bo relied on to be sure
(ire, accurate, and to have speed and penetration. You can help
I Jfou Wi
I El
$3.oo s3;50 $4.o
$4.50 AND $B.oo
Dtst Bout' Shoes In tho World
fj.uu, v.ou ana fj.uu
Alk roar dealer to thoir
niiucn. ifuii nn ruum iii mj,r,
.,. ...... .... .. ..... i.. .......
near as other make
onir auicrenco is
leathern, styles and
If you could tlslt W.
at Prorkton, 91as
.. 1.1 TVI
Y(M':S iwa
&trmh Js.
WHkScfl 1 3?A
VKiSrSfc V.f w
.fArV 77 Tf
rarcrullr W. li. iiouvias snoea aro made, ton
iron Id then understand nhr lher are warranted til
A- V. ." T1.'.M-. ,
ociicr, iook nriier, noiu incur snauo ami near iongor
than anjr other male for Die price.
I ( W. I.. Douglas shoes
order illreit from Hie tion
iter or inn ininuv, at nn
Kee that W.I.. S3 enow you how to order
OADT10N lht'l
vrll lr lllM.iriiiru uniulov. it will
jjilKl!in nnnio m fitv nioiirj tin yunr iu".vT.-it
stamiMvl on Hie bottom. W. I.. HmiBliia. 101 Hptrk Clrl. flrerllos. But,
The Best is the Cheapest
' 14 I II 1
- I WS
A ""
The Leader of tho Loaders
Great Western Commission Company
South Omaha, Nebraska
For Sixteen Years. Restored
To Health by Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Moretown. Vermont "I wna trou
bled with pains and Irregularities for
sixteen years, and
was thin, wenk and
nervous. When I
would Ho down it
would Beeni ns If 1
was froing right:
down out of sight
into somo dark hole,
and tho window cur
tains had faces that
would peek out at
mo, nnd when T wna
ou t o f doors 1 1 woul 1
eecm ns if something was going to hap
pen. My blood was poor, my circula
tion was so bad I would bo llko n deal
person at times. I had femalo weak
ness badly, my abdomen was Boro nnd I
had nwful pains.
"I took Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vegcta
blo Compound and used tho Sanative
Wash and they certnlnly dftl wondera
for me. My troubles disappeared nnd X
nm nblo to work hard every day. "Mrs.
W. F. SAWYCU.IUver Viow Farm, More
town, Vermont.
Anothor Case
Glfford, Iowa "I was troubled with
fomnlo weakness, also with displace
ment. I had very oovorc and steady
headache, also pain In back nnd wna
very thin and tired all tho time. I com
menced taking Lydia E. Pinkham'o
Vegetable Compound and I nm cured of
theso troubles. I cannot prnlso your
medlclno too highly." Mrs. iNAMlUi
8LAGLE. Gilford, Iowa.
Sieat tucrrs i, cukes cimoNio weakness, lost vioor
A toilet preparation at ini'iit.
Jlelp to eradicate dandruff.
JorKeatoring Color and
Ussuty to Cray or Faded Hair,
60c. and 11.00 at DrugvliU.
ROI.ONIZ1M1 fertile Arkanans Inndi In a.
licnlthtiil country, wull urnliyil, nenr kooiI
mitt , $36, Homo excellent Investments. Ants,
wanted. Hiiiillirrn I Jin it Co.. Helena, Ark.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 37-1913.
m i,iiu
rottlns; V'i.00 to .the
ine price. nuori in mi
shape to suit eTorjIioilr.
1'. Douftlas largo faciorlex
and see for rourielf lioir
ant not for rale In your Tlrlnltr,
factory. Hlioes fur erery mem-
pnrefl, uy rnrcet I'Oll., poiiAiro
by inaU,aud why you can
and when it all costs
the same why not have
Send your next load
of stock to the
&. I
, , f-'ijEBtg
fcyfe wl
V I "-oft mi
I I'M irtsL
I y,i v 5f
" II -J r &.JT
- lt TJfc -a
&lar-'.'4' .a.
ft $Hfv
igdr Tne no