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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1913)
I1' it 1 ; h h 1 Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. , SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ono Year by Mail in advance $1.2.") Ono Year by Carrier in advance $1.50 Entered at Nortli Platte, Nebraska, Pos oflico as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY. SEPT. 16. 1913. Don't Cut the Melon. Tho Union Pacific will soon have a melon to cut, if melon cutting is de cided upon. Seventy-five million dollnrs will be received from tho eighty-eight millions Southern Pacific stock which was sold nt 92. Why distribute the vast sum in dividends; why not invest it in building new lines? Why not com plete tho short lino through to Medicine Bow aa contemplated, and of which the present North River branch is apart? The Union Pacific is ono of tho great est railroad in the world, why not de voto tho eighty-eight millions to ex tensions and make it the greatest? This is the way people along the line of the Union Pacific feel; they take prido in tho road and wntit to Bee the contiguous country further developed; knowing that in this development the Union Pacific will receive fair returns on its investment. Good (?) News for the Farmer. A dispatch from New York dated Saturday says: Butter from Siberia and Australia is hero in bond waiting to make its debut into the American market niong with Argentina beef, which is soon expected. A full thousand firkins of Siberian productfirkins weighing about 144 pounds each are stoicd In warehouses waiting for the passage of tho new tariff bill, which would reduce tho pres ent fl cent tarifr on butter to 2i centH. Delivered in tho lofrigcrntors the Siborian butter has cost 20fi cents u pound, nnd adding the tax under tho proposed tariff it would come to tho dealer at 21& cents, said to bo about 5 cents under tho prevailing prices for butter of similar grade from domestic dairies. Some of tho denlers declare that tho Siberian product is s good as tho best grades of domestic butter. A smaller quantity of Australian butter, and also it little from Canada, is also hold hero in bond awaiting tho opening of tho gato into the American market. Tho first commercial shipment of Ar gentine buef tlitft over reached Now York was brought hoce today by the steamship Van Dyko from Buenpe Ayres. It consisted of 1,000 qunrtors On account of tho high prlco of domestic beef, the importers expect to make a good profit on their venture. Local and Personal T. C. Patterson roturned Saturday from n short business visit In Kansas City. Miss Anna Ruffing resigned her posi tion nt tho 10 cent store Saturday evening. Miss Waunoln Reed has roturned from Horshcy whore slio visited her parents last weok. Noble Andorson, of Gothenburg, spent tho latter part of last week in town on business. ' . Mrs. Charles Llerk, Jr., went to Brady tho first of thia weok to visit relatives for u wook or longer. The Ladies Auxiliary of the B. of L F, & 13, will hold a social at the home of Mrs. John Baker this afternoon. Miss Louise Will, of Donvor, who visited her sister Mrs. O. II. Cresslor last weok, loftSaturduy afternoon R. L. Grioson, who had been em ployed in Salt Lnko for some timdeame the lattor part of lust wook to visit his family. .Mrd. George Friburg. of Donvor, was called hero Saturday morning by thai death of fashor tho Into James Frazier. Mrs. W. S. Leon will Soavo shortly for Tenriesseo "whero hhe boos ns a dclognto to the Lutlios Auxiliary of tho B. of R. T. Friends in town received cards tho latter part of Inst week announcing the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Spriggd, of La Crosse, Wis. The lattor was formerly Miss Mso Nolen, of this city. Elegant residence lots from $150 to $300 on Third, Fourth and Fifth streets. These arc choice bargains .- 0. H. Thoelecke. A most enjoyable party wbh held at tho Schwniger homo Friday evening whon Mls30s Esthor Schwnigor and Grace Oglor entertained a number, of friends in honor of Miss Elva Duy, who left Sunday for her new homo In Ta coma, Wash. Curd games were played nnd first prize nwnrded to Miss Hazel Smith. The guests presented Miss Elva with u beautiful gold 1913 ring. Nicely pronarod refreshments were served. ' f i Eour room house for rent, modern except light and heat, llo oust Second, 1 block jjouth of court house. Inquire of TokUlvo, Yellow Front Shoo Repair Shop. G7-2 The suggestion of W. II. McDonald that tho Chamber of Commerce mnko a trip to McPharson nnd Arthur counties for tho purposo of gotting bettor ac quainted with tho people nnd tho condi tions of that section is n good one. North Platto'B heaviest trade comos from the north and northwost, and this trade should be encouraged In ovory way possible. Such u trip would tend to acquaint North Platte merchants with what thov mnv oxnect in the way of trado from tho people of thoso counties; tho trip would demonstrate what is needed In road building between North Platto and tho country nortli and northwest, and it would certainly prove interesting to view the good crops which have been rnised in those sections, this season, Rural Carrier Examination. . The Civil Servico Commission will hold an oxamitmtipiKpct. nth, 10.18, at North l'latW.n,jU;i",inu atnoiineor, Nebr.. for a'currlor on route from Hershoy, Nob. Local and Personal Earl Carlton has returned from Alliance where he spent several weeks. Miss Grace Burko has gone to Den ver to visit her aunt for a week oi or longer. t o.wl Mn W .T fllnu whn nnnnr. last week In Broken Bow have returned home. Attorney Halligan went to Cheyenne Sunday to transact business for a day or two. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Ottman, of Cheyenne, visited Mrs. Edwina Schatz Sunday. Mrs. Jerry Purdy loft Saturday afternoon for Sutherland to visit friends for u few days. Rev. and Mrs. 13. P. Galther left yes terday morning for Lincoln to visit for a week or longer. Judge Grimes went to Sidney and Kimball Sunday ovening to attend to district court business. C. J. McNamara, city engineer, nnd R. L. Cochran, county surveyor, have moved to thoirnew office in the McCabe building, occupying rooms G and 7. A gentle rain began falling early this morning and is continuing this forenoon. It is the first precipntion of any conse quence we have had for several weeks, and is gladly welcomed. H. C. Diesem, of this city, federal ir rigation expert, has beon directed to go to Chaso county and investigate the possibility of artesian wells for irriga tion purposes. It is suid thnt there are evidences of artesian flow of waters in that county. Miss Edna Mario Snlisbury and Wilmot D. Jodor wero quiotly married nt the homo of the bride this morning, Rev. Christie officiating -at the cere mony. Mr. and Mrs. Jodor loft on the enrly train for eastern cities after which they will reside in this city where both onjoy tho friendship of nil with whom they have associated nnd are most worthy young people . FOR RENT 7 room home on west Fourth street. 7 room cottage, bath, etc, on west Third street. 7 room cottage with bath, lights, on East Second street. i fl mum liniKo Willi nnvn otr nn ' west Third street. Other houses and part ofcement building on west Front, storage room and safe deposit boxes by Bratt & Goodman. CRYTAL THEATRE Tuesday's Program The Rise of Officer 174 a two-reel Imp with King Bnggot in the leading role. The Vegetnrian's Dream, Eclair. Wednesday Program Juanita, Nestor. When the Loaves Fall, Guumont, The Stolen Idol, Rex. Thursday's Program ''Tho Heart of n Jewess, a two-reel Victor. Algy Forfoits IlhClnim, Nestor. To the Mm 3 J ) ff ,-' I 1 s yascfauu-js- pA&vm?Jw&ifflLKmit.... .tt, -tttwi.. 2, rcsssaas I '..Cfli;'$& fl . Bs? lOU couldn't sell your hay in the big cities. With their thousands of horses, they form an excellent market for hay, at tip-top prices, WTWf Win .lU but not for your hay is loose, fills five times the space it should, is too bulky to ship, too bulky for costly city storage because in short, you have no hay press. Bale your hay crop, and this profitable market is wide open to you. Besides this, the III C hay press will put your hay in convenient shape for hauling, storing and feeding. It will save the waste about barn and yards that loose hay means. And you will no longer need to stack out-of-doors. These things and more an I H C Hay Press Motor or Horse Power will do for you, and your purchase is bound to be an I II C machine if you study its special features and advantages, its economical effi ciency and convenient arrangement. Both motor and horse power presses are made in three sizes, 14x18, 16x18, and 17x22 inch bale chamber, baling at the very lowest , from six to sixteen tons per day. A compara tive test will prove that they are the most con venient presses ever built. In them will be found the self-feeder; the bale tension and spring roller tucker, features which make for compact, uniform bundles; the toggle joint plunger; and the bale chamber of most con venient height for tying bales, v Study 1 11 C hay presses at the local dealer's. Remember also that the engine of the motor press is always ready to run various small machines on your farm. Get catalogues from the dealer, or, write the International Harvester Company of America (incorporated) Crawford NeK The Christian ntd society will meet Thursday afternoon nt tho home of Mrs. F. R. Elliott, 121 W. Third St. Mrs. John Day, daughters Mabel and Etva and son Clarence loft Sunday afternoon for Tncoma, Wash,, whero they will resido In the future. Mr. and Mrs. Boy Mehlmann who wero married last week in Creston, la., are expected to arrive here Saturday to make their home. Lost Silver chain bracelet, return to this office and receive roward. Miss Ruth Streliz will leayo Wednes day for,Chicago to resume her studios in the kindergarden training school. Tho Methodist aid society will bo en tertained in the church basement Fri day afternoon by Mrs. Tylor. Money to loan on real estate on long or short time . Bratt & Goodman. Rev. Bowker, who comes here to ac cept the rectorship of the Episcopal church, held his initial services Sunday and well plcnsed his congregations. Mrs. Bowker, who has been visiting in England, will arrive here soon and they will then occupy the rectory. Dr. Bertha Mangoh, late of Lincoln, arrived hero tho latter part of last week and has rented an office In the new Mc Cabe building Notice for Bids. Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned secretary of tho Board of Education of the school district of the city of North Pjatte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, up to tho hour of G o'clock p. m. on the 4th day of October, 1913, for lots 1. 2,'3 and 4, block 140, of the original town of North Platte, exclusive of the building, the lots will be sold separately. Bids will also bo received for the building and foundation. Tho board reserves the right to reject nny nnd all bids. By order of the Board of Educntion. A. F. Stkeitz, Secty. Oldest Bank In Lincoln County State Bank North Platte, Nebr. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 We Solicit Your Ouslnssa. DR. HARM MITCHELL GRADUATE DENTIST Telephone Red 458 K05K DewnSt. Nortli Platte, Nebraska. aiB.ti-t$.irj.tB,tf.ti,&!f.l?.iiiti.i-.c.efeS6.. ,,,., North Side Jeweler 13 years experience at the bench. Can do all kinds of repairing. Bed rock price. AH work guaranteed. l$$'S-3-s-J-3r3a!-3y.9-?3-?Vt!3-g'S-tf Without 0m you. Why? Because ..jftti..v4. It Turn mirwwtif iinwm nP Dr. D. C. Crocker. Osteopathic Physician ,, PHONE RED 070. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Homeopathic Physician nnd Surgeon Hospital accommodations for Mdlcal and s surgical attention Riven obstetrical cases. J Onice Phono 1U Kot Phono 283 Onico McDonald State Hank Rlu'tr cwaseD9citoa8iiata Office phono 241. Res. phone 217 L . C . DR OS T , Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bnnk Building. For Thirty or more Years. We have been making, repairing cleaning, nnd altering clothes for tne people of North Platte, We have aimed to give satisfaction, and wo guess wo have been successful, else the people would not now pat ronze U3. Give us n chance to do your work . F. J. BROEKER. Entrance north of the Nynl drug store. Established in 1871. Contractor and Builder. Shop Corner Gth and Vine Streets NORTH PLATTE, NEB. R. D. Thomson. J GEO. B. DENT; t Physician and Surgeon, f Office over McDonald Bank, w t Pi, ) Office 130 Phonefl Residence 115 I 4r , tmerirvmfkiiptnMMmimMsa0 n- Signet Chapter O. E. S., f -NO. 55- Mecta 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month at Masonic Hall at 7:20 p. m. S XMWWUMW.WItWJWfMI A. J. AMES. MARIS AMES. Doctors Ames & Ames, 8 '(: Physicians and Surgeons, ) 3 in i; Office over Stone Drug Co. ; "i pi,0 j. Office 273 g Phones J residence 273 tf 4 . Fta " zMssssasssssmssi nflTRONIZE THE, I it ' House of Good Show When in Norlli Platte. Motion PictureB. Rung. Every Night. Matinee Saturday After noon ut2:S0 O'clork. 10 CENTS. Notice for Bids. Notice is hereby ptiven thnt the Bonrd of Directors of the Platte Valley Irriga tion District will receive, sealed bids for tho construction of concrete founda tions nnd Doors for ten steel bridges and for tho construction of twelve concrete checks nnd drops combined, also ono concrete arch. AVork must be com menced on or before October 15th, 1913. Bids must be based upon tho specifica tions on file covering this work nnd shall be rrnula on regular biddinc blanks furnished by I. E. Ware, Secretary, nt Hershey, Nob. All bids must be in tho office of tiie Secretary by 10 o'clock, a. m., October 7th, 1913, when same will bo opened. The board reserves the light to re ject any and all bids. l. u. WAUE, CG-6 Sec. Platto Valley Irr. Dist. NOTICE TO- HUNTERS. Notice is horoby giving that no hunt ing or treasspassing will bo allowed on tho lands of the undersigned who reside south and west of North Platte. Violations of this notice will bo prose cuted to tho full extent'of tho law. Wm. Bonnur, Elmer Daggot, Wm. Hunter, Chas. Howard, E. A. Iiobort3, Odo Koborts, Jess Kunklc, Clark Howard, i G. T. Knotts, ' Frank Facka, C. Brooder, Eli Kunckle, C. Porter A. J. Howard, W. Kunkle, D C Carrigan, C. V. Turpie, D. J. Knox, M. C. Leth, A. Leth, . A. Zuler, George Garmnn, W. E. M ester, C. F. Zimmerman V. E. Collins, G. AV. Edis, J. S. Hnrdin, L. Lloyd F. Montague II. M. Hershey Jop. Hershoy George Single, C. S. Botholl, Win. Fackn, Loster Anderson, M. Ortan, Arthur Connor, . JEd Wilson. A. W. Tool. Gundorson Bro?. 0. L Watkins, Jt A. Kunkle, A. Kunkle. D.( V. Kunkle, Hugh Sqnger, ' L. L. Rbwely, , Louise Grulke, Ward Weekly, Clyde Long, Roy Melton, John Pulls, J. K. Crow, F. Kronquest, F L. Weinburg, S. D. Goldsmith D. A. Voss. F. W. Collins W. H.Bnckley, G. R. Osgood, Ed. Froemnn. G. W. Run (I PUT Diarrhoeu Quickly Cured. "I was taken with diarrhoea nnd Mr. Yorks, the merchant here, persuaded me to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After taking one dose of it I was cured. It also cured others that I gavo it to," writes M. E. Gebhart. Oriole, Pa. Thnt is not at nil unusual. An ordinary attack of diarrhoea can almost invar iably be cured by one or two doBes of this remedy. For sale by all dealers. Mrs. Paulson went to Sutherland Sat urday afternoon to spend a few days. ORDER OK HEARING ON PETITION FOIl AI. I'OINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATRIX. The State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, S8. In tho Countv Court. In tho matter of tho estate of Esther Harris, deceased. On rending and filing tho petition of Unltn Stewart, praying that administration of said cstato may be Granted to herself as admin istratrix. Ordered, That Oct. 7th, 1913, at 9 o'clock n. m. Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persona Interested In said matter may appear at a county court to bo held In and for said county, and show cause why prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that notico of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be (riven to nil ncrsons interested In said matter by publishing n copy of this order In the North Platto Tribune n legal seml-wcckly news paper printed In said county for three successive wki, prior to said uay r hearing. Dated Sept. 12, 191.1. sl6-3 JOHN GRANT, County Judge. NOTICE OF SETTLEMET. Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss In O13 County Court. In the matter of tho estate of Michael A. Foster, deceased. To tho creditors, heirs, legntees, and others In terested in tho estate of Michael A. Foster. Tako notice, that Edward R. Goodman has filed In tho county court a report of his doings as administrator of said estate, and it is ordered thnt tho same stand for hearing the 7th day of October, A. D., 1913, before the court at tho hour of 9 o'clock, a. m., nt which time any person interested may appear and except to and contest the same. Notico of this proceeding nnd tho heurlng thereof is ordered given to nil persons Interested in said matter by rubllshlnira cdpy of this order In the North Platte Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper, printed Ih said county for threo succossivo weeks prior to the said date of hearing. Dated September 9th, 1913. (Seal) slC-3 JOHN (lit ANT. County Judce. NOTICE TOR FUHLICATION. Serial No. 01889 DEPARTMENT Of THE INTERIOR. United States Land Olllcc ' ,At North Platte. Nebraska, Scpt.8th. 1913. Notico Is hereby given that Daniel Carrlgan of North Platte. Neb., who on Sept. 9, 1910, made horn oft 1 ad entry. No. 04869, for NH and NV4 ofS'n, Section 20, Township 12 N. Rango 32. W. of 6th Prlncipil Mendan. has filed notico of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land nbovo described, bofore the register nnd receiver nt North Platte Nebraska, on tho 6th day of November,' 1913. Claimant names as wltnessses: Philip T. Hell, Wendell McCrum, Paul Smith, Carl Broeder, nil of North Platte, Nebr. slO-6 J..E. Evans. Reristcr. PROBATE NOTICE In tho County Com t of Lincoln county, Ne braska, S"pt. 9 1913. In the mattot or Urn estato of John II. Gutherlcss. deceased. Notice U hereby h'lren, that tho creditors of said deceased will meet tho Administra trix of said 1't.tato, lioforo the County Judeo of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the county court room In said county, on the Uth day of Oct , 1913, and on the 14th day of April, 1914, at U o'clock a. m each day, for tho pur twie of prosentlUB thelrclalms for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months urn allowed for creditors to present tholr claims and one year for tho administratrix to settle said estate, from tho 9th day of Sept., 1913 This notice will bo pub lished In the North Platte Trlbuno a legal semi weekly newspaper publ'hhed In bald countv for fourweeka successively, on nnd aftor Sept. 9, 1913. slG-4 JOHN OUANT. County Jurtsrn Legal Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed, Miner Ilinman of North Platte, Nebiaska. will offer for sale at public auction at the Ilinman Gnracre situate on Dewoy and 0th streets in the Lity of iNorth i'latte, Ldiieoin county, Nebras ka, at the Dewey street entrance, on the 25th day of September, 1913. nt the hour of 3 p. m. the following described personal property, to-wit: One model 10, Uuick manufacture, 1910 automobile. Said sale to keep open for the period of ono hour, and which said described property will be sold to the highest and best bidder for cash for the satisfac tion of an artisan's lien for th sum of $149.95 together with tho interest there on at tho rate of 7 per cent per annum from the 18th day of August, 1913, for altciation and repairs made upon said described property by said Miner Ilin man ut tho request and for the benefit of G. Malm, tho ownor theroof; and that a verified statement and descrip tion of the work done and material furnished and, description of the said de scribed property wns filed in tho office of tho County Cleric of Lincoln county, Nebraska, on August 18th, 1913, by said Miner Ilinman in acconnt with said G. Maim, debtor, and which suid lien and the work and repairs furnished which constitute same, were furnished for a period beginning January 25, 1913, and ending August 3, 1913. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, September 2, 1913. Miner Hinman. By E. II. Evans, his attorney. To be published in the Tribune Sep tember 2, 4. 9. 12, 10. 19 and 23. Legal Notice. Notico is hereby given that tho un dersigned, Miner Ilinman of North Platte, Nebraska, will offer for sale at public auction at the Ilinman garage, situato on Dewey and 5th streets in tho City of North Platto, Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the Dewey street en trance, on tho 21th day of September, 1913, at the hour of 2p. in., tho follow ing described personal property, to-wit: One model F, Buick manufacture, 1909 automobile. Said sale to keep open for ths period of one houi" and which said described proporty will be sold to tbo highest nnd nest bidder for cash, fo. the satisfac tion of nn artisan's lien for the sum of 89.70, together with the in.ereBt there on at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from tho 18thdny of August, 1913, for alteration and lepairs made upon said doscribed property by said Miner Ilin man at the requebt and for the benefit of Georgo Case, tho owner thereof; and that a verified statement and de scription of tho work done and material furnished, a description of the said de scribed property was filed in tho office of the County Clerk of Lincoln county, Nebraska, on August 18th. 1913, by snid Miner Ilinman in account with said Georgo Caso, debtor, and which said lien and tho work and repairs fur nished which constitute same wero fur nished for a perioil beginning April 24, 1913, nnd ending July 8, 1913. Dared at North Platte, September 2, 1913. MlNRR HlNMAN. By E. II. Evans, his attorney. To be published in tho Tribune. Sep- J temper 2, 5, 9, 12, 10, 19 and 23. Di edfield dfield Physicians and Surgeons. WILLIS J. KEDF1ELD. Suriroon. JOE U. IlEDFIELD, Physician. omen: Physicians & Surgeons . Hospital . . PHONE 612. 4lWJWWWJHHHglltl Two Attractions . North Platto lias two attractions jt pretty women and the cigars made by Schmalzried. Both attractions are pleasing; nnd both are in demand. Perhaps you haye not been smoking Schmalzried cigars and don't know how good they are; if so, try them. You will not be disappointed. J. F. SCHAULZRIED. The Maker of Good Cigars. PROBATE NOTICE. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska. Aue. 26th, 1913. In the matter of the estate of Catherine Mc Gcvcrn, Deceased. , Notico Is hoicby trlvcn, that tho creditors of said deceased will mt-et tho Txccutors of said estate, befoie tho c i it' m lgo of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the u court room. In .said county, on tho 30tr ., rf Sept 1913, and on the 30th day of Jlar., 1. .4, at 9 u'clock a. m. each day, for tho purpose of pieeentlnir thoir claims for examination, adjustment nnd allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and ono onr for tho Executors to settle said estate, from the 26th day.of Aug. 1913. A copy of this order to bd published In the North Platte Tribune, a legal semi-weekly news paper printed In said county for four successiv weeks prior to Sept. 30th, 1913. sW JOHN GRANT. County Judee. ORDEIt OF HEARING ON PETITION TOR APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR. The State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, gs. In the County Court. In the Matter of tho Estato of Mary Buchholz. deceased. On reading and fillnsr the petition of Dredrlck Buchholz praylnK that administration of said estate may be granted to August Hamer ns ad ministrator. Ordered, That Sept. 23rd, 1913, at 0 o'clock a. m. is assigned for hearing said petition when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a county court to be held in and for said county and show cause why the prnytr of petitioner should not bo granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof bs given to all personB Inttrcstcd in said matter by pub lishing a copy of this order in t)e North Platte Tribune a seml-wcckly newspaper printed In said county, for threo successive weeks, prior to said dav of hearing. Dated August 27th, 1913. JOHN GRANT. s2-3 Count Judge SHERIFF'S SALL. Ily virtuo of an order of sale issued from the district court cf Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said court wherein Knox and Walters a co-partnership la plaintiff, and E. Khnn aro defendants, nna to me directed, I will on tholGth day of October 1913, nt 2 o'clock, p. m., at the cast front door of the court house In North Tlattc, Lincoln county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to Satisfy suid decree, interest and costs, the following described property Northeast quarter (NE!) of section two (2) township fifteen (15) ringe thirty (30) west of tho 0th P. M In Lincoln county, Nebraska. - Dated North Platte. Neb., September 6th, 1913. s-95 A. J. Salisduhv. Sheriff. Legal Notice. . To Albert W. Kilmer and Jennie Kilmer, his wife, defendants: You and each of you will tako notice that the Bank of Stapleton, of Staple ton, Nobr., as plaintiff, has filed its certain petition in the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, in which you nnd each of you are named as de fendants, the objoct and prayer of which said petition is to foreclose that certain mortgage made and executed by you and each of you to The Gandy Bank upon the following described real estate situate in Lincoin County, Ne braska, to-wit: The southeast quarter (sej) and the southeast quarter (sej) of the southwest quarter (swj) of section thirty-two (32), township sixteen (1G). north of range twenty-six (2G)r west of the Gth P. M. and which said mortgage was given to secure tho payment of that certain promissory note made and executed by you for tho principal sum of 315.00. And said foreclosure is had for said principal sum together with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from September 5, 1912. You and each of you will make answer to said petition on or before October 13, 1913, or the allegations thereof will betaken as true and decree ontered accordingly. Dated at Nortli Platte, this 2nd day of September, 1913. Bank of Stapleton, by E. H. Evans, s2-4 its attorney. State of Nebraska, Lincoln County. To all persons interested in the es tato of Susan Pickett, deceased. Whereas, there has been admitted to probato in the county court of said county, an instrument purported to be the last will and testamont of Susan Pickett, late of said county, deceased; and John J. Halligan has filed his peti tion herein, praying for the issuing of letters testamentary, I have, therefore, appointed 23rd day of September at 9 o'clock in the forenoon at tho county court room in said county, as the time nnd place for hearing upon said peti tion. At which timo nnil nlncn i..i and nil concerned may appear and' con JC10ARSI7 ' test uic anowing oi me same, it Is fur thor ordered that said petitioner give notice to all persons interested in said estate, ef tho pendency of this petition, and the time and place set for the hearing of the same by causing a copy of this notico to be published in tho North Plntta Tribune a semi-weekly newspaper of tho county for three suc cessive weeks previous to ths day set for hearing. In witness whereof, I hnvo hereunto set my hand and seal this 30th day of August, 1913. JTJnSTGuANT, County Judge'