The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 16, 1913, Image 1

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stnto (flfetcticfti eotuty
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SEfcrlljg fftrifomtv
No. 68
f '
Appoint Springer to
Succeed Roberts
Edward H. Springor, postmaster at
Brady, was appointed county commis
sioner yesterday afternoon to succeed
Geo. W. Roberts, who resigned, but
lator attempted to withdraw the resig
nation. There were three applicants
for the position, Mr. Springer, Mr.
Roberta and George Schrecongoat. John
Koliher, of Maxwell, had been a can
didate for appointment, but when Mr.
Roberts entered the race Mr. Keliher
withdrew. But one ballot was taken,
County Clerk Yost and Treasurer
Durbin voting for Springer and County
Judge Grant for Roberts. Mr. Springer
was backed by a petition containing
over two hundred names: Mr. Roborts
had a putition with about two-thirds as
The opposition filed charges of a
serious nature against Mr. Springer,
but tho man with whom the charges
originated submitted an affidavit deny
ing that he had made any such charge
and furthor stated that he favored the
appointment of Mr. Springer.
Mr. Springer served as a commis
sioner for several years and is credited
by uninterested parties as having made
as good commissioner as the county has
ever had, and this writer, who watches
county affairs pretty cloBely, is free to
say that he never knew Mr. Springer
to do an act that was not, in his judg
ment, for the best good of the taxpayers.
Ladies' ReadyTo-Wear Sale!
Band Concert Program.
An open air concert by the North
Platte Military band Thursday evening,
Sept. 18th, will be one of tho features
provided for the entertainment of
visitors to the Fall Festival. Director
Earl Stamp has prepared the following
Overture "Raymond" Thomas
Ilumoreske Opus 101, No. 7 Dvorak
Selection "Maritana" Wallace
Intermezzo "Wedding of the Ro?e"
Invitation A la Valse Weber
Gloria From 12th Mass Mozart
Serenade "D Amour" Von Blon
Waltz "Rendezvous"-Zulueta
March "Bunker Hill"-Pryor
Tuesday September 16th
'' '
T.q open our fall campaign on our mammoth Fall Stock
of Ladies and Misses Suits Coats, Dresses and .every
thing in the ine of wearing apparel for Ladies Misses
and Children at a Discount of
For all acute or chronic diseases, tl'e
indicated Homeopathic remedy always
the safest, quickest and best.
Twinem's Drug Deft.
In the county court yesterday Joseph,
the eight year old son of Mrs. Elijah
Conklin who recently killed his little
sister, was-examined on the charge of
being a degenerate. Both the mother
and the father-in-law testified that they
W2re in constant fear that the boy
would commit some terrible deed. On
two different occasion the boy was
found with a gun in his hands. The boy
was questioned as to the manner in
which his little sister was killed, which
he described, maintaining tiiat while he
had pulled back the hammer and pulled
the trigger he did not point it at his
sister. Judge Grant has tuken the case
under advisement.
A good G room house and nice lot
with shade, etc, on east Ninth street,
only $1,650.00
The cement block building and
double eouse on west front street at a
bargain .
Choice lots where you can get sewer
light and city water from $175.00 and
upwards, on easy payments, close to
new round house.
Bratt & Goodman .
( Alternations Free of Charge '
Largest line of Ready-to-W ear west of Omaha to select
from. The greatest opportunity ever offered at this time
of the season on brand new Up-to-date Merchandise.
One-quarter Payment will hold the goods
for you if1 it iS inconvenient to pay it all.
' ' ; " ,"'"',,"" " ' ''"''"'' i " I '.'Im"'."'.I' y.'"" -' '".,', '.'.Z
Dont delay come quick and make your selection in our
high grade garments. No Two Alike. Ladies Suits &
Coats or stout women a Specialty.
JuVms Pizer,
V-''.' : ?' V
x a
' ? A
North' Platte,
iSUca& M
What docs it mean to you and how often have
you stopped and gave just one minute of your time
in consideration of this most important topic of
the present day.
We are striving to impress upon you the real
value of this question, and with your aid and pat
ronage we shall be able to do so. The first exhibit
of our line of Pure Foods ever held in North Platte
will take place at our booth at the County Fair on
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week.
There will be samples of our line at your dis
posal and we feel satisfied that, if once tried, they
will always be use'd. The following are a few
which we shall have on display and for sample:
Occident Flour
Chase ? Sanborn Teas and Coffees
Richelieu Canned Goods
Iten's Fancy Crackers
Cluh House Preserves
Pnre Fruit Jams, etc.
Come and boost for purer foods and a better
North Platte.
LierkSandall Company
paying a ,
. ..ii, :
mm n i
Local and Personal.
The Methodist aid socioty will meet
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. John
Koontz, -114 So. Locust.
Mrs. Hazzard, of Miller, csme yes
terday morning to visit her sister Mrs.
Nathaniel Walker for a couple of
Estrayed Mouse-colored horse, ago
10 years, white right foot with rope
burn, weight about 800 lbs. Dav. Scott,
203 East 9th street. G7-2
H. S. Pelton, president of the General
Construction Co., builders of the
federal building, has been in town for
several days, adjnsting some claims
held by tho local parties who had en
tered suit for collection. It is said the
company lost considerable money on its
Why not live in town
little more for your lot.
over. 0. H. Thoelecke.
Lem Baily has on exhibition at the
Hexall drug storo samples of peaches
grown on his lot on east Third strei-t.
Those samples are certainly fine, large,
perfect and with fino coloring. If pro
percaro is given the trees, peaches enn
be successfully grown in the Platte
C. S. Clinton has returned from his
trip in the oast after an absence of a
month. Ho went to Chicago to attend
the convention of the national jewelers'
association, thence to Kansas City and
Excelsior Springs, spending a couple of
week at the latter resort to enjoy a
needed rest from close application to
The Columbus state leaguo hall team
disbanded the latter part of last week
after plaving a number of games in
Iowa, and the North Platte game ad
vertised for Sunday was cancelled. A
game botweon tho regular team and
the Yoornan team was hastily arranged
and played Sunday afternoon, the
regulars winning by a score of four to
W. E. Shuman went to Lincoln last
night to argue n case in tho supreme
court and from there goes to Kansas
City to transact business for several
Roy Coinor, charged with stealing
money from the Hrown pool lmll at
Hrady. was found guilty In Judgo
Grant's court Saturday afternoon.
Sentence was temporarly suspended.
! 822
24 Heads of Delco Company buy Buiclcs
for personal use; Cars driven from
Flint to Dayton Saturday
Twi'nlv.fmir Huicks wore driven out of Flint ll
a Saturday afternoon for Dayton, unio, lor delivery a
Si tothiMU'p;irtinoninoiiuHH ino jJiiyion i-iiiguieunng ik
tea Laboratories company. iminfaettiroiH of tlio Delco Hl
Mdf-starter. Tno cars wcru an n.rtMiiiu iizos. iiio r
IIiimiiii wiiK :i miniature i)aroant. tho cars carrvlnir b
a banners, Uulck pennants, and pluiuoH of papier 3
Mnyor Evans went to Lincdln last
night to nrguo a cuso in the supreAo
court. .
Mrs. Geo. M. Smith returned yes-
tprflflV nftnrnnnn frnm n otinut lfit. ln
Grand Island. ' V
An eight pound boy was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Will Powers of the Fourtli
wurd last night. , ;
Boars For Sale.
Puro bred Duroc-.Tersoy hoars at
$20.00 each. This price holds until
September 21.
Experimental Substation.
rs in
ache. Thecal for Dayton went to Detroit via
11 Pontine. The route from there was by Toledo
It's a delivery that is especially grauiying, B
the deal af-
ter bis return from tho oast, "when It is considered
that tho selection was made by good, practical ma
chine men, men who have an Intimate kimu ledge of
technical facts and values. It was a case of the
cars selling theinseUos. Wo are glad of tho sale,
but the thing alter all to be pioud of is in the sig
nificant tributo paid the Ilulck from a mechanical
standpoint." '
John Carlson and Mrs. John Carlson,
his wife, will tako notice that on tho
lGthday of September, 1913, Ralph
Hay ward Isham, filed hie petition in tho
district court, of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, against John Carlson and Mrs.
John Carlson, bin wife, tho object and
prayer of which are to quiet tho title
and the possession of tho plaintiff, in
the following described premises, to
wit; the southwest quarter (SWl of
tho southoast quarter (SEi), the east
half (EJ) of the southwest quarter
(SWJ), nnd lots three (3) and four (4)
of section eighteen (18) in township
nine (9) north, or rango twenty-eight
(28) west of tho Gth p. in., and nlso of
the enst half (EJ) of the southeast
quarter (SEI) and Ih Eouthoas t qi ater
(SEJ) of tliu northeast quarter (NEJ)
of section thirteen (13) in township
nine(9) north, of range twenty-nino (29)
west of tho Gth p. in., all situato in the
1MtrtTl? AI T innAln n 4- n -- C XT..I. n 1 .
in tho plaintiff, und to enjoin tho said
defendants from sotting up or claiming
any titlo or right of possession in and
to said premises.
You nre required to answer said peti
tion on or before tho 27th day of Oc
tober, 1918.
Dated on this loth day of September.
1913. Kalph Haywnrd Isham, Plaintiff.
Hy J. G. tfKELEit, His Attorney.