The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 12, 1913, Image 2

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Brief Mention of What Is Transpiring
In Various Sections of Our Own
and Foreign Countries.
Tho liouso passed the Hetch Hotchy
rcEovoIr bill, granting San Francisco
uso of tho Hatch Hotchy liOBln.
Tho foreign relations committee re
ported nomination of Henry Morgan-
thau as ambassador to Turlcoy.
Tho house has passed tho senato
bill to raise the American legation In
Spain to tho runk of an umbassador,
to recelvo $17,500.
Presldont Wllflon has sent to tho
fenato tho nomination of Kirk E. Bax
ter to be receiver of public moneyo at
Ucllo Fourchc, S. D.
Senator Cummins haB Introduced
an amendment to place 10 por cent
on stocks, bonds, cotton and agricul
tural products ouIcb.
The presldont has submitted tho
nominations of Joseph E. Wlllard as
ambassador to Spain and" John Ewlng
as minister to Honduras,
Representative Lindbergh 1ms pro
posed an amendment to the currency
LIU to permit federal roservo bunks
to oporato on DO por cent of tholr re
quired $5,000,000 capital paid.
Secretary Bryan Uob nolectod Dr.
Edwin M. Borchard, law librarian of
congress, as ono of tho assistant so
licitors of tho State, department, suc
ceeding Edwin II. Hart, resigned.
Roprosontativo Johnson of Washing
ton has Introduced a resolution re
questing tho president to uegotlato
"with British and Canadian govern
ments for railway connections be
tween tho United States and Alaska.
Representative Levy has Introduced
a bill to requlro railroads to Install
Uitomtitlc train stops and a rcsolu
Mon to direct tho r.ttornoy general to
juspond furthor proceedings In disso
lution suit against tho United States
Steel corporation.
A resolution to direct tho sonato
banking commltteo to withhold final
action on tho administration currency
bill until tho Decombor session of
congress was Introduced by Sonator
Weeks of Massachusetts (republican.)
President Wilson ahd 3ocrotary
Bryan lutvo adopted tho uttltudo that
tho elimination of Vlctorlano Huorta'
from tho presidential race In Moxlco
Is assured and that tho llrst Btop to
ward Uio establishment ot poaco In
Mexico haB been accomplished
Clillo may docllno to pnrtUlprito In
the Panama-Paclllc exposition, accord
ing to a report to tho stato dopart
inont from Henry P. Fletcher, Ameri
can minister in Santiago, who writeB
the Chlloan congress has adjourned
without appropriating tho $500,000
asked for by authorities for tbo exhi
bition. Representative Klnkead of Now
Jersey, by way of proving his asser
tion thnt American boot Is sold cheap
or in Europe than In thljs country,
road a lettor to tho houso from Rov.
J. J. Lnwronco of Blnghnmtun, N. Y
faying in England recently no bought
American and Argentina boof nt
prices almost 50 por cont lowor than
tho prevailing Amorlcau pricos.
Tho city of Lob Angoios has Illu
minated slgiiB indicating the nainos
of Btrcots, which nro tnrned on and
off by clockwork mechanism.
Trederlck Moollor, a shoomakor,
confessed to tho St. Louis pollco
that ho was ono or tho two bandits
who killed Stephen LukoB, a saloon
Parloy Drow Caiuinottl, eon tho com
missioner general of immigration was
found of guilty on ono count of tho
Indictment charging him with viola
tion of. tho Maun whlto slave traillc
M. R. Bovlugton, chief naturallza
tion olllcor at St. Louis, rulod that
candidates for Amorlca cltlzonshlp,
who left tho United States to light In
tho Balkan war, must wait flvo full
years after tholr return boforo they
can be naturalized.
Tho National Association of Lettor
Carriers chose Omaha us tho slto of
tholr noxt convention In 1015. Tho
vote stood.: Omaha, 918, Dallas, Tex.,
484; Dayton, O., 178. When tho ro
eult was announced tho workers for
Dallas extended tholr congratulations
to Omaha.
Qoorgo S. Loftus president of tho
Progressiva Republican loaguo, slnco
its formation sovorul yours ago, has
tendered Ills resignation nt a meeting
of the 'executive commltteo of tho
Pittsburgh's new city hall will bo
a skyscrapper of sixteen stories.
San Francisco pollco force of 944
men costs $1,505,020 a year to main
tain. Denver Is to opon a chain of muni
cipal neighborhood produce markets.
A woman's pollco bureau with a
woman in oharga, will be started Jan
uuary 1 in Oukland, Cal.
It is estimated that the Impeach
ment of Governor Sulzer will cost
tho Now York state treasury $20,000.
A reclpt was filed In tho St. Louis
court recently acknowledging tho pay
ment by William .1. Lomp, n brewer,
of' $100,000 alimony to Mrs. Lillian
Handlln Lomp.
First Lieutenant Moss u Loye, sig
nal corps, U. S. A., was InBtantly
killed when his ncroplane plunged 3U0
feet to tho ground ut tho army avia
tion school near here.
At its closing session the National
Association of Letter Carriers voted
to submit to a referendum voto tho
question of alllllatlon with tho Ameri
can Federation of Labor.
Dressed in men's clothes a young
womnn who said at first sho was Gort
rudo Rocho and later declared her
name to bo Gertrude Hall of Omaha
was urrcstod whllo wandering about
tho Wabasch railroad yards near Rose
dale station, St. Louis.
Homo influenco and not legislation
Is needed to curb tho "tnngo" and tho
"turkoy trot" and silt skirt wearing,
in tho opinion of Vlco President
Marshall. Mr. Marshall was tho
principal speaker at tho camp meet
ing of tho Methodist Episcopal
church at Groat Falls, Va.
Tho hoarlng on whether tho tem
porary Injunction restraining tho
Rock Inland railroad from refusing
shipments of liquor Into Iowa should
bo mado pormanont, was postponed
Indefinitely by Judge Wlllard In
United States district court at SL
Tho estimated population of Chi
cago 1b 2,388,500, an Increase of 62,
1000 slnco Soptombor , 1912, accord
ing to tho city directory for 1913. Tho
names Johnson leads numerically in
tho now book, appearing 7,318 times,
with tho Smiths in second placo with
Tho oxlstenco of a Moxlcan opium
ring formed in Lowor California to
d,lstrlbuto tho drug throughout Cali
fornia was rovcaled through the ar
rest of Ralph Morris, of Oakland,
Cal. A sultcaBO containing 100 five
tael canB of opium, valued at $4,000,
was takon from Morris,
Attorney General McReynold'a first
and most Important attack on tho
"hard coal trust" was begun at Phil
adelphia with tho filing of a civil
Bult for tho dissolution of tho Read
ing company's control of coal mining
and coal-carrying railroads, tho po
tential combination in tho anthracite
Firo, which Btartod In a negro cab
In at tho foot of West Mountain, tho
southorn oxtromlty of Hot Springs, re
duced to a smouldering mass of wreck
ago un area more than a .lnllo in
longth and from seven to ten blocks
wldo In tho eaBtorn section of tho city.
Tho monotary lpss is roughly esti
mated nt $10,000,000.
An attompt was mado to asBaBsinntc
Morltaro Abo, director of tho political
bureau ot tho Japaneso foreign office.
IIo wna stabbed In tho abdomen and Is
Bufforlng from a sevoro wound.
A groat bondod wnrehouso belong
ing to tho Manchester Ship Canal
company, situated on tho banks of the
River Lrwoll, was destroyed by flro.
Tho damago is entlmated at $1,250,000.
Tho now Lootschborg railway lino
in Switzerland, opened for traffic on
Juno 28, is of International interest
bocauso it glveB to tho Slmplon lino
a dlroct outlet to central and north
orn Europe.
Lottors from correspondents In
twenty-six foreign counties havo been
rocolvcd by school children In one
Now York school district through a
letter oxchango maintained by tho
Bchool authorities.
Manuel, former king of Portugal,
waB married to Princess AuguBtlno
Victoria, daughter of Princo William
of Hohonzollorn. Cardlnnl Notto,
former nrchblBhop patriarch of Lis
bon conducted tho religious ceremony.
Count August 7. Eulonburg, grand
marshal of tho Prussian court, presid
ed over tho civil function.
Flvo mon woro arrested In London
on suspicion ot being concerned in
tho robbery ot a pearl neeklaco stolen
during transit by post from Paris to
a London dealer on July 1G. It was
valued at $65,000.
Ton brothers, named Harris, play
od in a recent cricket match hold in
Ixmdon and won tho match. Among
tho brothers woro two bnkcrs, two
clerks, two grocers, a builder, a
plumber, a carpenter and a gas collector.
Tho Younger Element of the Country
Arouoed to Frenzy by Recent
Toklo. Tho assassination of Marti
aro Abe, director of tho political bu
reau of tho Japaneso foreign office,
has Inflamed tho masses, and another
dramatic chapter In the history of tho
now Jnpan has been written.
Fifteen thousand persons gathored
in mass mooting In Hlbiya park call
ing for military action against China,
A majority of these marched to tho
foreign office and clamored for admis
sion. Thoy demanded tho despatch
of troopB to China to take such meas
ures OB woro necessary to obtain sat
isfaction for tho Idling of Japaneso at
Nanking, or falling this, tho resigna
tion of the minister of foreign affairs,
Uaron Nobuaki Maklno.
Emptiness of Diplomacy.
Tho speakers denounced tho empti
ness of Japaneso diplomacy In connec
tion with C.a'ifornia and China, and
Insisted that tho insult to tho Japan
eso flag at Nanking should bo wiped
out. Tho manlfestatlo clearly was an
explosion of popular resentment
against tho ministry In its treatment
3f tho California and Chlneso ques
tions. Profiting by tho lesson of th,o rlota
which followed tho conclusion of
peace botween Russia and Japan, tho
government reduced tho risk of
vlolenco by refusing to allow a slnglo
foldler or policeman at tho scone.
rho manlfostants, many of whom
wero students, wero orderly tho early
part of tho proceedings. A score of
agitators, Including a girl, decried
lapaneso diplomacy and declared that
It never had contributed to tho up
building of tho omplro and always
had ended in failure.
Huerta's Action Still Uncertain.
Washington. Whllo no announce
ments have been mado by any ot tho
government's departments of any
change in tho diplomatic Bide of the
Morlcan controversy two phases ot
tho situation" nttractod much attention
In offlclal circles.
Ono was tho published disclaimer
by Nelson O'Shaughnossy, Amorican
crargo d'affaires at Moxlco City, that
any positlvo assurances bad been
given him of tho intention of Vic
toriano Iluerta not to bo a candidate
In tho approaching olectlons. Tho
othor was tho Tecelpt of private tele
grams from sources close to tho ad
ministration in Moxlco City that Gen
oral Goronlmo Trevlno would bo
mado minister of war soon to suc
ceed Gonoral Blanquot. It had been
supposed hero that Trevlno was or
dered back to Mexico City by Huerta
to bo given tho rolns of 'tho govern"
mont as provisional president while
Huorta entered tho presidential cam
paign. Girl Found Under Woodpile.
Ersklno, Minn. Beulah Ganzhorn,
tho 3-year-old daughter ,of William
Ganzhorn, who had boon lost for four
days, was found under a pllo of brush
In tho woods far from her father's
homo, eight miles west of this place.
Sho had subsisted on grass since her
disappearance. Largo posses havo
boon searching for tho child, tho be
lief being general that sho had boen
:arrled away by a leopard Bald to
havo cscapod from a circus somo
tlmo ugo.
W. F. Havemeyer Dies.
Now York. William F. Havemeyer,
sno of tho organlzors of tho Amorican
Sugar Refining company that absorb
ed tho business ot tho Havomeyor
Brothers' Refineries, founded by his
fathor, who onco was mayor of Now
York, died suddenly at tho homo of
his son-in-law, William R. Wilcox, for
mor chairman of tho Now York Publio
Utilities commission. Ho was G3
yoarB old. Heart dlseaso was tho
Dry Excavation Is Completed.
Panama. Tho dry oxcavatlou of
tho canal has boon completed, tho
Btomnshovcl working In tho Cuobra
cut having "removed tho last rock. Tho
further excavation of the canal will
bo completed by drodglng.
Refugees are Getting Out
Vera Cruz. Tho steamer Moxlcana,
with 2,000 Amorican refugees, sailed
for Gulvoston. Tho Btoamor Herrmla
with a llko number, has left for Now
College Is Set on Fire.
London. Dulwlch collego a famous
Bchool In a southern suburb of Lon
don, whoso present buildings wero
erected in 1870 at a cost of $500,000
was sot on flro in two places. Suffra
get Utorattiro was found pinned to
treoa in tho vicinity.
Northerners Sack Nanking.
Poking. Dispatches rocolvod horo
from Nanking roport tho northorn
armies completely sacked that city.
Tho looting aud othor oxctssos lasted
thieo days.
John Shanan of Knrnoy, formerly
deputy stato auditor, has been ap
pointed clerk of the stato board of
charities and corrections.
Mombcrs of tho Girls' Industrial
School band entertained state houso
officials and employes Tuesday with n
musical entertainment of an hour's
Tho first remittance received by tho
stato treasurer from a county In many
a long day has JiiBt arrived from
County Treasurer Ure of Douglas. Tho
present amounted to $12,000, enough to
make tho ofllclals eyes sparkle with
delight as they saw the size of tho re
mittance Captain Craig of tho Wymoro No
braska national guard company hag
been selected by Colonel Paul of tho
Fifth regiment as the commander
which mado tho best showing In his
regiment during tho late maneuvers
and encampment. In consequence
Captain Craig has been detailed to
duty hero during stato fair week as
officer of tho day in tho police activi
ties which national guardsmen will
perform at tho state fair grounds.
A Wolbach cream buyer has solved
the problem of dissipating the "old
shooy, flnhy odor," which ho says
some cream possesses when It comes
to his station. In a letter to tho food
commission he says that he has pro
cured "a meat augur" with which ho
stirs tho cream until tho odor disap
pears. Tho plan has not been offi
cially approved by Commissioner Har
man, but as long as it is effective will
likely not bo frowned upon by tho de
partment. Operation of the new weights and
measures statute, passed at the late
legislative session, is held up becausa
of tho delay of tho federal government
In forwarding tho proper weights, bal
ances and measures which aro to bo
used for standards by tho food depart
ment. Commissioner Harman says
that ho hos been doing his best to
hurry the federal authorities on, but
that they are taklhg their "own sweet
time" to complying with the request of
the state department
According to statistics compiled by
tho state board of agriculture there
were 37,939 automobiles owned by
Ncbraakans in 1912. With this sea
sdn's heavy sale figured in it would
bo snfo to place the number of Ne
braska owned cars at 40,000. Among
tho counties Douglas lead with 2,775
automobiles; Lancaster comes next
with 1,054 cars, and Hooker county
trails tho list with four machines.
Labor Commissioner Charles W.
Pool has served notice on the Nebras
ka Telephono company that It must
ceaso working night operators more
than eight hours a night. Operators
in somo of the smaller exchanges
have been working nlno hours with
no day off. Officers of tho company
said they did not understand there Is
nn eight-hour limit, and promised to
change the working hours immediate
ly in order to comply with the law.
Couiity Commissioner H. P. Schmidt
o' Saline county urges activity in the
matter of setting aside two days for
good road work from ono end of Ne
raskn to tho other. In his opinion tho
affair will have to bo timed In such a
way that the labor can be performed
after tho early fall rains. Otherwise,
according to tho Salino county man,
It will go for naught, inasmuch as tho
ground is not In a workable condition
at tho present tlmo duo to lack of
J. A. Piper, clerk of tho stato board
of charities and correction will soon
announce his resignation. Ho intends
to embark in educational work, tho
exact naturo of which has not been
mado known. The board which ap
pointed him comprises Governor More
head, Stato Superintendent Dolzoll
and Stato Land Commissioner Fred
Beckman. The secretary of tho board
is by virtue of his office secretary ot
tho stato prison board and advisory
board of pardons. Tho salary of tho
clerk of the board of charltleB nnd
correction Is $1,500 a year and al
though ho works for two othor boards
ho Is paid, ono salary. John Shanan of
Kearney, deputy stato auditor under
Silas Barton, is said to havo a good
show to obtain tho position soon to
bo vacated by Mr. Piper.
Bookkeeper W. M. Wilson of tho
stnto penitentiary has handed in his
resignation to Warden Fenton to tako
effect tho early part of September.
Val Kuska o McCook, who has been
a Judge of farm products at tho stato
fair for many years past, has JuBt
cabled Secretary Mellor from Prague,
Bohemia, that ho will not be able to
got here in tlmo for tho fair, and that
for tho first tlmo slnco It became a
regular institution at Lincoln ho will
have to pass H up.
Tho first concerted atempt of applo
shippers of southeastern Nebraska to
secure moro Just and equitable Intra
state rates on their product came to a
conclusion Wednesday after an abun
dance of testimony had been taken by
tho railway commission and nftor rail
road attorneys had mado numerous ef
forts to discount tho growers' position.
Tho Thayer county agricultural soci
ety will hold Its first annual fair at
Doshlor, Soptomber 10, 11 and 12.
There aro now 300 members from
every part of tho county.
' lAM. M !..& MUaMI ... D.I-
liable Sources and Presented In
Condensed Form to Our
Tho 'milk cow train to bo run under
tho auspices of tho stato university
and tho Nebraska Dairymen's associa
tion In co-operation with tho North
western and Burlington rnllroads will
trnvel approximately 1,500 miles and
will pass through and make stops of
sixty-seven towns In tho following
counties: Knox, Pierce, Madison, An
telope, Holt, Rock, Brown, Cherry,
Sheridan, Dawes, Sioux, Box Butte,
Morrill, Grant, Hooker,,
Blaine, Custer, Sherman, Buffalo, Hall,
Perkins, Lincoln, Frontier, Dawson,
Gosper and Phelps. This train, con
sisting of a large furniture car con
taining representative milk cows of
tho Holsteln, Jersey, Guernsey, Ayr
shire and milking Shorthorn breeds
from tho university farm; a flat car
where tho cows can bo exhibited to
tho public; a baggage car fitted with
exhibits from tho dairy husbandry de
partment of tho university, together
with an exhibit of books and reading
matter of interest to farmers and
dairymen, tho uso of which is fur
nished free to the people of tho stato
by the Nebraska public library com
mission; a lecture car and a combina
tion sleeping and dining car for use
of the lecturers accompanying the
train, (together with tho flvo lecturers
and two herdsmen from tho university
and two representatives of tho dairy
men's association, will arrive at Nio
brara, Knox county, on Monday, Sep
tember 15.
State to Collect from Counties.
Charges against thirty-one ot tho
counties of the state, amounting to a
total of $96,084, for tho board and caro
of insane patients for several years
prior to 1891, aro valid and collectable
by tho state, according to the opinion
furnished Auditor Howard by Attor
ney General Martin. The counties on
tho auditor's list that owe tho state
are as follows, with the amount of
their indebtedness: Adams, $1,939;
Boone, $5,772; Box Butte, $2,003; Burt,
$4,724; Butler, $5,683; Cedar, $461;
Colfax, $4,584; Dakota, $1,828; Dawes,
$1,661; Gage, $3,925; Greeley, $874;
Hayes, $L007; Holt, $3,414; Johnson,
$12,466; Kolth, $1,757; Lincoln, $5,698;
Logan, $946; Madison, $7,007; Nem
aha, $1,238; Nuckolls, $282; Pawnee,
$3,278; Pierce, $2,842; Polk, $235;
Richardson, $4,563; Sarpy, $257; Saun
,ders, $10,835; Scotts Bluff, $381; Stan
ton, $2,213; Thomas, $25; Wayne,
$724; Webster, $7,337. Total, $96,084.
If tho counties do not decide to litl
gato tho matter, those in debt to tho
stato will probably make levies next
year to provide the money, although
some, where tho sum is very small,
may pay it out of their respective gen
oral funds. If they do not pay tho au
ditor will bring suit.
State Guard Rifle Camp.
Announcement of a stato rifle camp
to be held by Nebraswa national
guardsmen at Plattsmouth from Octo
ber 6 to 11, has been made by Adju
tant General Hall. Two mon whoso
rifle scores for tho year havo qualified
them for entry will bo sent to the camp
from each company of both regiments.
Regimental teams will also compete
at tho conclusion of the company
shoot. The governor's prize cup and
a number of medals will be awarded
on tho basis of records mado at the
state competition. Hearty invitations
for the troops to return next year 'to
tho scene of .tholr 1913 maneuvers and
camp havo boon sent to General Hall
from business mon of Fremont, Gret
na, Elkhorn and Waterloo. Commen
dation is givon to the brigade for Its
splendid esprit du corps by tho civili
ans, which Is indication that the men
on tho whole behaved in tip-top shape.
Stato Treasurer George has re
cently purchased bonds to tho amount
of $175,000 issued by counties, pre
cincts, municipalities and school dis
tricts of Nebraska. They will be held
as Investments of thV permanent
school fund.
Will Test Lubricating Oil.
Tests are to bo made by tho board
of control on the various kinds of
lubricating and machine oil used by
the stato Institutions. Tho samples
will bo submitted to the stato chemist
and specifications mado for the next
quarterly letting of contracts for sup
plies will bo based on,h!s report. Sim
ilar tests wero mado a year ago by
Land Commissioner Cowlcs, and It
was found that several brands of oil
then being usad did not measure up to
specifications. "
Filings made with the secretary of
state show that the Northwestorn road
will acquire four switch engines, 2,000
gondola cars, and 2,005 box cars in tho
equipment to be"purchased from tho
proceeds of tho $10,000,000 bond issue
recently approved by tho railway com
mission ot Nebraska and other states
in which tho road operates.
Tho stato board ot control has let
tho contract for tho building of tho
Industrial and amusement hall at tho
stnto hospital for tho insane at Lincoln.
Sunday baseball was defeated at;
Sunday baseball was defeated at
Aurora by a voto of 265 to 165.
Tho Nebraska colony at Los Ange
les now numbers moro than 3,000 peo
ple. The new modern brick school build
ing at Western was dedicated laBt
Over 200 teachers worn In attend
ance at tho Gage county Institute last
Without a dissenting voto Adamsf
county teachers indorsed woman suf
frage. I'remont lost out on its fight for a.
share of tbo appropriation for agricul
tural shows.
Eleven buildings, comprising the
principal business section of Stamford,,
burned Wednesday morning.
Tho elevator at Bartllng caught flr&
during a high wind Mondny and
burned down with a loss of $10,000.
Tho Arcadia Co-operative Creamery
company of Arcadia have closed up
their business anil will sell at an early
date. Tho Red Willow county fair at In
dlanola has Just closed with a larger
dally attendance than In any previous
year. The Syracuse picnic by tho commer
cial club will be held September 12.
and preparations aro being made for a.
big time.
Anastorlus Maurlkos, member of a.
grading gang employed near Bay
State, was Instantly killed by a Union.
Pacific train.
Mrs. Nancy Owen, aucd 83. was
.struck by a train at Litchfield and'
uiea a row hours later in a Grand.
Island hospital. .
Despondency over crop falluro Ijk
thought to have been tho reason for
tho sulcido of Fay Taylor, a young;
farmer near York.
Elmer Willis was Instantly killed)
when ho foil thirty feet from a scaf
fold on a silo on which ho was work
ing near Central City.
Carl Buthman of Falls City, who
stepped on a nail, has developed a
serious case of lackjaw, and alarm Is
felt over hla condition.
Cisterns are empty and many well
and springs have gont dry in and.
around Salem. Deer creek Is dry for
tho first tlmo In its history.
Jefferson county farmers aro buBlly
ongaged In cutting their corn and mak
ing fodder of it. Many of the farmem
will make silo of their fodder.
Columbus will have an agricultural
show and aviation meet, and tho dates
selected are Wednesday, Thursday andi
Friday, September 24, 25 and 26.
Frank McGinnls, a well known rail
road conductor, was found dead from
asphyxiation in his homo at Omaha,
resulting from a leak in a gas stovo
While trying to catch a horse Rob
ert Waite, an Albion boy, received a
kick from tho horse which broko both
bones in the leg Just below tho knee.
Automobile nnd motorcycle racers
from all over tho west aro planning to
participato In Norfolk's first annual
fall festival September 17, 18, 19 and
The most disastrous fire In the his
tory of Roseland Monday night
burned business property of a total
valuation ranging from $19,000 to $22,
000. Frank A. Harrison of Lincoln and!
Col. Adam Breede, editor of tho Hast
ings Tribune, have departed for a
short tour through Central America.
They will return about October 1.
Tho body of a laborer was found
under tho Union Pacific bridge at
Omaha so badly decomposed that afker
a hurried investigation it was burled
at once. Tho case is being investi
gated. In connection with the tractor meet,
which is to beheld in Fremont start
ing September 8, Fremont business
men are arranging for a get-acquainted
banquet. Over 200 tractor demon
strators and probably 500 farmers will
bo in the city. One of tho features on
tho ground will be a big- roast ox
Tho Syracuse Commercial club has
been reorganized.
University Placo laid oft Thursday
to do honor to its volunteer flro de
partment. Stores and other places of
business closed In the afternoon whllo
the three tire companies gave demon
strations and exhibitions on tho main
Owing to the prevalence of hog
cholera tho exhibit of swino at tho
Valley county fair, September 23, 24,
25 and 26, has been annulled and an
extra effort will bo made to get out
an exceptional display of dairy cows
and products.
Otto Schmidt, 6-year-old- son of
Otto Schmidt, residing near Benning
ton, fell out of an applo tree, breaking
his leg below the hip and splintering
the bone.
As Henry B. Erlsman was driving to
Auburn with a load of hogs his team
became frightened, ran away and up
set the wagon. He was found dead a
few moments later.
Over 1,000 representatives of tho
various Sunday schools in Hamilton
county marched In parade one day last
week, forming one of the most Im
pressive pageants over witnessed in
Tho MInden Commercial club is
pushing the proposed irrigation ditch
to bo put In in that vicinity.
One of tho peculiar things connected
with this year's alfalfa supply, is that
tho yield Is much heavier on tho nower
fields nnd tho older stands where ono
would expect a heavy crop, Is light.
Tho Columbus library board has ac
cepted tho Bite donated 'by Mrs. Betty
Gerrard, widow of Leonard Gerrard,
for tho erection of a new building. Tho
approval of this slto is now In tho
hands of the city council, if accepted
application will then bo mado for a
Carnegie endowment
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