. nr ' f.ii.v ft kite mi-WLwhty Mvibtmt TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, - NEB., SEPTEMBER 12, 1913. No. 67 1 Jpttft 1 You are Invited to Attend Our utaatg Ti wnaewKB SBtfcjHwjftuu.(i:.tsrajaKt'lA!ii Printze ss Fashion JEC JtjtliJL 1 JAiN : KSSKIili'llilWIiiMlilH iSStSSgESEg "i3 ' CSjfi3ffifflMHimEaa! SBJ2I2EHOTKW1 SSJ Beginning at 8 p. m. at the impress Theatre -' See the Styles your Great Grandmother wore Stfcl? A Ten Thousand Dollar Moving Picture Film, Three Thousand Feet in length, portraying by Motion Photography the styles of the century in contrast with those of today, will be shown to our friends and cus tomers. - The title of the film is Mrs. Carter Worthington's Dilemma." It portrays in an interesting and fascinat ing way the difficulties that our women friends en counter in their efforts to procure costumes, gowns and tailored suits that meet the approval of those who know style, fit and tailoring. Mrs. Worthington has an annoying experience in search for a new costume in which to attend The An nual Costume Pageant of the Delaware Society, and her troubles are solved by her bosom friend, Mrs. Lila Laskerfield who has discovered the merits of PRINT ZESS. ' During the Costume Pageant, we will introduce on film the styles of the last century beginning with the girl of 1800 and proceeding by 10 year periods up to the present day. The third reel will portray the visit of Mrs. Lila Laskerfield to the home of the PRINTZESS and just what she saw while watching the making of a PRINTZESS garment. On the last reel ve show a parade of living models, wearing the styles of the sea son, the very, garments that you will see in our department. TICKETS ARE GRATIS and can be obtained only in our garment department. Ticket distribution will begin 011 Thurs day, September 25, and continue until the seating capacity of the Empress theatre is exhausted. Make this a gala occasion, call up your friends, have them meet you in our department. Make up a party to attend this Fash ion Exhibit in a body, and know what the styles for Fall really are. , Remember the Date October 1st, 1913, beginning at 8 p. m. in the Empress theatre. Ticket distribution begins Thursday, September 25th. Tickets are gratis; get them in our garment department. Jli trWVwHEi " North Platte, Neb'r. mFsslimmsY -zsj -mFmammmz&ssms!ft .rcsr?as& mmm iwiMcL v Jzmrvej.dV8wEm w l ViuiSiUMmrfEti - 1 ; w V7i3WMT - w w z&yaMaa&mi&v& vu l &1twmn v rvst rv tar" mwsl wsR mMmaEt&Nk I nra J?M twbF tSmmjm vy FflTasojSjtJftxvisV J I !&MfiM iKKSSSSKfjfllrlll It li Mun MtawvS. -cV'sra Pff"?"" m mik&H ,' Wlffllf, 1'A i PP" " ffflf 1 K.M . AlW J mm ww wmmmmr m rmm , ft III I I M I 1J 1 1 rI V- iJHrJrim iLt--' . y t 'fl . tW 1 fwfl .' a ITlM I WfiYV fi m A Ten Thousaud Dol,ar Movin2 Picture Film. 1 wlllV I 'Iml&i Three Thousand Feet in length, portraying by Motion ill II 11 11 ixjdpfyllj i,M I JW Photography the styles of the century in contrast with 1 t'ffj 111 mvvSi f those of today, will be shown to our friends and cus- II -iCMQ Mi iW ml tomers-- y MH fn mr The title of the film is Mrs. Carter Worthington's I I J$$$$lil'f W if Wl Dilemma." It portrays in an interesting and fascinat- 11 1 I OTkIKIIIM v ing way the difficulties that our women friends en- Jjwl 1 l Lft iWrn'k,! A , I ffflk counter in their efforts to procure costumes, gowns and !ij' &$$!?' IrMa tailored suits that meet the approval of those who JS I iTOr jlrJ know style, fit and tailoring. " Ullll 1 1 . JdyjM' Mrs. Worthington has an annoying experience in flllllllv "l JWW search for a new costume in which to attend The An- w Jli wMy nual Costume Pageant of the Delaware Society, and Hi 11 1 1 K. "Kl(ffiL S-r her troubles are solved by her bosom friend, Mrs. Lila I'lllliu ' Laskerfield who has discovered the merits of PRINT- liluilfe l H Dnrinfl thft PnQtumo Pndpnnt wa will intrnrlnpn nn X.,.i'iJ; 1 . .....Q ..W VWWV..W HQWUI.VI . W IIM1 .. V.UXW Wl yjWfc. I Wll I Local and Personal. Miss Mnry Vincent loft this morning for Kcarnoy to spend a fow dnya. II. L. Main left Wednesday evening for Dutte, Mont.( to spend several via ks. The Twentieth Century club will bo entertained by Mrs. Warren Kelly Tuesday afternoon. 20 per cent discount on nil wall paper now in stock. Dukb & Deats Edgar Schiller reiunfod yesterday afternoon from cities on the Pacific coast after a week's absence. Miss Ireno Morrow, of Hsiglor, came last evening to spend sevoral weeKs with her sister nMrs. Richardson. Mrs. Stone, of Sheridan, Wyo., who spent sevurul weeks with her sister Mrs. Thomas Burnoy left hut evening. Harry Murrin is enjoying a visit from his brother John Murrin and wife, who came the first of this week from Scotts Bluffs. A beautiful 'line of Fisk' s pattern and tailored hats Saturday at the Patlor Millinery at very reasonable prices. The ladies guild of the Episeopal church held n farowell meeting yester day nftornoon at the guild houso for Mrs. John Day. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Martin, of Stella, Nob., arrived by auto Tuesday even ing to visit the latter's sister Mrs. A. K. Timmormnn. Frank M. Stuart, employed in tho civil engineering department of the Hock Island road at D.ei Moines, ia visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Btunrt. Weather Forecast: Fair tonight and Scturday, not much chnngo in tempera ture. Highest tomperaturo yestorday 7G, n year ago 62; lowest last night 10, u year ago GO. MrsTSV. II. McDonald and daughter Janet leave ntoit vcet for Chicago where the latter will enter a prepara tory school. Mrs. McDonald will visit friends in that city for a week or two. Wednesday afternoon' thirty ladies tendered Mrs. Alfred SamuqlSon a pleas ant surprise party on tho occasion of her fifty-fourth birth anniversary. She was presented with n beautiful leather purse. Don't forgot the 20 per cent discount on wall puper at uuito & Dents. Mrs. Carl Stonnnrd, of, Morrill, neo Miss Ruth Watts, of this city, writes that her husband is seriously - 111 at a hospital in Denvor. He was operated upon for appendicitis tho first of tho week and his condition since has been critical. Mrs. Elizabeth Maher, for twenty five years a resident of this city, died nt tho homo of her daughter Mrs. George Busbey. Bellingham, Wash., August 20th. Death was du0 to par alysis, tho stroko occurring two and one-half weeks bofore she passed away. Four room houso for rent, modern except light nnd heat, 110 cast Second, l niocK south ot court nouse. inquire ot Tekulve, Yellow Front Shop Repair Shop. I 67-2 Miss Bessie Graham ontertuined a number of young peoplo last availing in honor of Miss Hazel Henderson, of Oakland, Cal., who is visiting in town. An amusing contest wus held and tho latter part of tho evening spent in pro gressive card games. Dainty refresh ments were served. Mrs. G. T. Field entertained a few friends Tuesday ovoning at auction bridge. I he guests ot honor woro Mrs. Boyden and daughter Miss Ruth Boydon of Grand Island who are visit ing friends in this city. Three tables were used in playing the popular game. A two course lunch was served. Why not live in town by paying n little more for your lot. Let's talk it over. 0. H. Thoelccke. Ralph Chamberlain and son I lobe it left Tuesday night for tho east to visit the former's old home in Berwick, Maine. On their way enst, they will take in C'hicngo, Washington, New York City tlionce to Boston on tho Bteamer and home by the way of Port land, and Niagria Falls. They expect to bo gono n month. Wanted Woman to work in her homo town, no oflicc work, and vet no houso to house canvassing, none but those who menu business need apply. Inquire at this oiiicc. The carnival held hold in tho base ment of tho Presbyterian church last evening by tho different societies of the church wiib successful beyond all their expectations. Early in tho evoning tho room was crowded and tho ladies at each booth were kept busy suppling the demands for tho good things displayed there. Twelve beautifully decorated booths were arranged uround tho rooms, each representing a different nution, other features wore a minstrel show, baby exhibit, moving shadow picture? and fortune tellers. Tho Lierk & San dall Co., donated tho coffee which was used at the lunch stands. The ladies in charge express their gratitude to all whoassistcl in making tho carnival success. Tho receipts were S127. A Good Record. Tho Union Pacific reports that during July the "Denver epocial" train No. 11 from Chicajttj to Donvor oyer tho Chicago & North Western nnd tho U. P., urrived at Denver on timo . thirty times, although the schedule is fast and the distance Is more than 1,000 miles; and wc aro informed that tho corres ponding train of a competing lino, which nonrest approached this record, arrived at Denver three times lato during tho same period. The "Cojorudo express" No. 1G, from Chicago to-Den,-vor, arrived at Denver on time twehty oifjht days during tho snmo months The Frenches arc Sufferers. Mrs. Ralph Smith loft Tuesday night for Kansas City, whew for a month she will assist in caring for her invalid mother, Mrs. Geo. E. French, who for some time past bus been worse than usual and suffers intensely. Mr. French has also' been very sick, sufforing from bladder troublu and hemorrhogea of tho kidneya. It was Mrs. Smith's intention to advise Mr. French to come home and take a rest from tho constnnt care of waiting on Mrs. French. Ball Game Sunday. The Columbus ball team has been secured for Sunday to play a doublo heador ball game with the local nino. The first game wlll.bo called at2 o'clock. Manager Cummings has returned from Lincoln nnd Fremont where ho mndo ar rangements for games during tho fall festival. Lost. On Wednesday morning, Sept. 10, between North Piittoand Experimental farm, ono English Setter puppy, six months old. Color- white. Right our black, with tan marking on forwnrd edge. Left ear mottled, or ticked, black and white. Small black mark about tho sizo of a silver dollar on side. Long slender nose', and slender head. Answers to tho name of. ''Mlko." Finder pleuso return to or notify J. C. Den, nndTOccivo rownrd. Miss Helen Hoxio loaves tho ,sarly part of next week for a 'protracted visit in California. Thomas Healy will leave shortly for New York nnd other eastern effcies to spend a month or longer. Seo tho' Intent Improved vacuum washer. No -boiling, no rubbing. Washes blankets as well as the finest lace. ' Simon Bros. G0-2 Mrs. Boyden. and daughter Ruth, .of Grand Island',' who have been guests of tho Striots family will 'leave in. a fow days. F. J. Dioner & Co., Real Estate and Insurance. Farmnnd city property for sale. tf Vaugh Hinmnn and family who hud boon living in Omaha have returned to this city. Mr'. Hinmah gays North Platte is still the best town on earth. Tho contract for placing wonthor strips on tho windows and doors of tho federal building has been awarded to tho Lew WentWorth Co. of Omaha for ?34G. Tho remains of tho late Fred Madi son, who was killed on the tracks east of town a few days ago by train No. 7 were interred Wednesday in tho North Plalto cemotpry. At tho race courso in Lexington Wednesday a young woman who was entered in onu of tho races was thrown from her horso nnd sustnincd a broken leg and a fractured skull. John Ware has purchased tho Oluf Hedlund 80-acro farm two miles north west of Horshey for $10,000, or $125 por aero. Tho land i3 under irrigation and has fair improvement!'. Tho Bank of Staploton, of which W. II. McDonald of this city is president. bus lot tho contract for tho erection of a 2Gx15 nressod brick building with tile floor and other modern furnishings. Sorvices nt Church of Our Saviour on Sunday Sept. 14th will bo as follows: Holy Communion at 8 o'clock .a. m. morning prayer and sermon at 10;30 a. m., evening prayor and sermon at 8 o'clock p. m. Rev. J. J. Bouker, the now rector will arrive Saturday, A beautiful line of Fisk's pattern and tailored hats Saturday at the Par lor Millinery at very reasonable prices. J, C. Askwig spent a day or two on his farm in Myrtle precinct this week and brought homo samples of this year's corn. Tho tenant has out 150 acres of corn, about 100 acres of which is ox collent and, will produce a big yield. Tho other fifty acres was planted very lato and will not produce much corn. Boars For Sale. Pure bred Duroc-Jorsey boars at $20.00 each. This price holds until September 21. Experimental Substation. For Rent. The Woods house at 305 West Third street, with bath, nice shade, bam, etc. 7 room cottage 320 West Third street, with bath, etc. j 7 room cottage East Second street, with bath, etc . Other houses, rooms, large 40x40 ' room in the cement building 420 W. Front street, storage room and safe deposit boxes. Bralt & Goodman. . Wanted! Every bundle of sheaf grain, corn stalks and various grasses that can bo had, in addition to every thing else that can bo secured to make a winner of our county air next week. Everybody help, pleuso. Notice for Bid?. Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned socrotnry of tho Board of Education of tho school district of the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, up to tho hour of G o'clock p. m. on tho 1th day of October, 1913, for lots 1. 2,13 and 4, block 140, of the original town of North Platte, exclusive of tho building, the lots will be sold separately. Bids will ulso be received for tho building and foundation. Tho board reserves the right to roject any nnd all bids. By order of the Board of Education. A. F. Stueitz, Secty.