A- : If- "J "I ItAjft a, Loving Cups Trophies Medals Watches The jeweler la very clo-- to life in all its variations. His crt expresses and typifies victory, achieverr 'nt, superior performance, cs well as beauty, utility, joy and refinement. Athletic triumphs are acknowledged with a silver loving cup, a medal or a cold watch. The same with civic and business service and all forms of faith ful performance. f Dress is adorned with a touch cf art in the form of a pin, a brooch, a chain or a ring. The refined and festive table sparkles with bright silver and cut glass.' Life's heroic and joyful moments are marked with a jewel or a bit of gold or silver. Life itself is measured by the jeweler's watch or clock. The jeweler serves the finest and best interests of life. His place can never be taken by those who dicker in jewelry, solely on a commercial basis( with , out the heart interest cf one who loves his craft. ' You suffer as well as we, if you are not in touch with a reliable jewelry store. The stocks in this store are chosen with skill and care from a wide and con glomerate market where experience is needed to distinguish the worthy from the worthless, We offer both economy and satisfaction, DIXON, THE JEWELER, Union Pacific Watch Inspector S DR. n 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist. Office over the McDonald State Bank. 9 0 9 BliaM Local and Personal Frank Pielsticker left Saturday evening for Omaha to spend a few days. Thomas Mnngle left yesterday mora ine for Grand Island to transact busi ness, Mrs. Omar Huff left Sunday morning for Paxton to visit friends for a week or longer. Jesse Vernon came down from Jules burg Saturday afternoon to attend the local schools. ( Julius Hahler loft yesterday morning for Kansas City to spend a week or longer on business. Mrs. Nels Hammer left Saturday evening for Sidney to visit her daughter for a couple of weeks. blaster Frederick Ahrens, of Sidney, who was visiting his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hammer, left Saturday evening. ' Aaa Snow has returned from a Ehort visit in Council Bluffs and Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. John Vernon have re turned from a visit with relatives in Julesburg. Miss Marjory Cross will leave the latter part of this week for Kearney to attend the Normal. Mrs. Mose McFarland and family, who had been visiting in Denver and Colo rado Springs, returned home Saturday evening. John R. Young, formerly of Jules burg, who is now located at Los Angeles, is visiting friends in town this week. David Pattee has resigned his posi tion in the western union office and will leave in a week or ten days for Lincoln to accept a position. His mother will accompany him. Warren Cummings went to Lincoln, Hastings and Fremont yesterday morn ing to make arrangements for ball games during the county fair week and buy the Fremont francise. Rev. ChriBtio returned from his vaca tion Friday accompanied by a bride in the person of Miss Cherry Thompson, who had been employed as a nurse in this city, and they are now "at homo" at the Presbyterian manse. Congratu lations and best wishes are extended. Local and Personal. Lawrence Carpenter went to Ognl nlla yesterday morning to spend a few days on business. Miss Billy Austin, formerly of this city, who spent the past six months in Salt Lake, has returned here. Mrs. J. II. Posey and daughter who have been visiting in Seattle and other csastltowns will return homo this aftor noon. The Ladies Guild of the Episcopal church will hold a sale of cakes, bread, cookies, baked beans, pies, etc. at Schatz'a store, Saturday Sept. 13. Wanted Woman to work in her home town, no office work, and vet no house to house canyassing, none but those who mean business need apply. Inquire at this office. Miss Ruth Streitz will return to Ghicago In a few days to resume her kindergarton teaching in the sot'tle- J ment work, which she was compelled to relinquish last winter on account of sickness. Beginning the first of September the Ladies Guild of the Episcopal church will meet every week. Thursday, Sept. 11th there will be the regular weekly sewing nnd business meeting at the Parish house. Miss Amell who has been employed on the nursing staff at St. Luke's hos pital for several weeks, left Sunday for Omaha to spend a few days and lator will go to Rochester, N. Y., to take a post graduate course. Miss Alice Mehan, a young lady twenty-four years of nge who was traveling thru to South Dakota Thurs day in company with her friend Miss Minnie Jergenson was taken ill on the train with hemorrhage of the lungs. She was token to one of the local hospitals and died shortly after being placed there. The remains were taken in charge by Undertaker Maloney and shipped to South Dakota Friday after noon. The Catholic 'Girls Club were the guests of Misses Bessie Smith, Ethel Danegan, Minerva McWilliams, Edna and Alice Sullivnn at a card party Friday evening. The function was held at the homo of the former and soven tables were arranged for five hundred, Miss Jessica Flynn won first prize and Miss Elizabeth Weinberger second. Lunch was served in courses after the oard games. Out of town guests were Misses Rose Ganey of Chicago, Amell of Omaha, Gertrude Herrod of Colum bus, Baungarden ofOberlin, Kans. Boars For Sale. Pure bred Duroc-Jersey boars at $20.00 each. This price holds until September 21. Experimental Substation. This is a copy of our Rexall Store advertisement in this week's September 13 Saturday Evening Post, Read it and profit by it. ' u 0 Y Knew IHEE9 .jC V - Rexall Ad-Vantage No. 1 F the months, and oftentime years, devoted to painstaking, conscientious testing and proving by actual use of every formula for any Rexall Toilet Preparation before that formula was finally adopted as worthy; Of the exact, earnest care used in selecting each ingredient, and the rigid testing for purity and strength before it could become a part of the preparation; Of the guarantee on each Rexall Toilet preparation that, if it does not give satisfaction it'i every way, "we want you to go back to the store where you boughtit and get your money; it belongs to you and we want you to have it;" and, And if You Saw The sanitary, airy, sun-lighted, shiningly-clean laboratories in which Rexall Toilet preparations are made: the white-capped; white-aproned, wholesomely clean young women who put them up and And if You Realized That the co-operation in buying, manufacturing and selling of more than 7,000 Rexall Stores-;-one leading drug store in each important city and town in the United States, Canada and Great Britain-.-makes it possible to reduce to a minimum the cost to you of the finished product; Then You Would Believe- That it is asi Advan tage for fYou to Buy exall TOILET Preparations. They are listed here t very low prices for goods of high quality. They are: Rexall Shaving Lotion, 2 sizes 2u, 50c Rexall Toilet Cream 25c Rexall Rose Water and Glycerine 25c Rexall Cream of Almonds 25c Rexall Violet Talcum Powder .- 25c Rexall Toilet Soap, 10c a cake ,3 for 25c Fragrant and sanitary preparations for the teeth, In whichever form you prefer. Rexall Antiseptic Tooth Powder , r. 25c Rexall Tooth Wash x. 25c Kexall Tooth Paste 25c Rexall Cold Cream, 3 sizes 10c, 25c, 50c Rexall Camphorated Cold Cream 25c (Also Rexal Theatrical Cold Cream propared especially for the profession in J lb. and f lb. quantities.) Real lather-making, soothing soap, In throo forms to give the discriminating shaver his choice: Rexall Shaving Powder '...' 25c Rexall Shaving Stick .' 22c Rexall Shaving Cream 25c "Texall Toilet Goods Week" begins today at all the REXALL STORES. . In the Saturday Evening Post on Oct. 11 ivill be printed "Rex all Ad-Vantage No. 2," on Via HntDulce Perfumes and Toilet Preparations. These Goods are Sold only at SCHILLER &l CO., NORTH PLATTE, NEB. 'li m mu nummum i Why 1 . N. J. SCKLACHTlR I Hooplcss Stave Crib Silo I DURABLE -ECONOMICAL I Ps3 rrr T1 1 jWr M. 1 HaSiiitM'. IM ttMt&jhtii Mr. FARMER: not Build a iku -yi The Only Stave Crib Silo that will NEVER BLOW DOWN DO IT NOW WE ARE SELLING THE HOOPLESS STAVE CRIB SILO 'V The hind that never bloius down This Silo can be erected with the least cost of any silo on the market. We furnish the lum ber nnd cement nnd your hardware dealer every thing in the way of nails nnd bolts. This Silo is built out of 2x4's, ftny length: the outer edge having n filler of binding twine to make the circle, tho sticks being used just as they come from the yards, and require no sharpf ening or dressing. We furnish blue print nnd full set of in structions, so that any carpenter can erect the silo without the least difficulty. Remember no guy wires no Hoops Are required by this Silo to keep it from falling down. Nothing to loosen or rust off: This Silo is absolutely the cheapest and most substantial Silo on the market today. REMEMBER: ' We are behind this proposition. We are where you can find us. We are here to stay. See us before you buy; it will pay you to do so. W. W. BIRGE CO. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. County Commissioner Roberts Resigns George W. Roberts, commissioner from the Second district and chairman of the present board, tendered his resignation last Friday by mailing to Cojinty Clerk Yost the following letter: Maxwell, Neb., Sept. 5th, 1913. Mr. C. V. Yost. County Clerk. On t account of ill health 1 hereby tender my resignation as a mem ber of the board of county commis sioner, to take effect immediately. Geo. W. Roberts. Mr. Roberts' term would have expired in January, 1915, and tho appointment of his successor devolves upon County Clerk': Yost, County Treasurer Durbin and Gounty Judge Grant. It is probable that there will be n number of appli cants for the position, although it is a position that pays a small pur diem salary and has more "grief" than glory attached. Mr. Roberts has been in rather poor health for some time and he no longer cared to boar the worry and responsibil ity attached to the position. The officers delegated by law to appoint a successor will do so at nn early day, as it is necessary to have a chairman in order that warrants may ,be signed and other business transacted that may require tho require the signa ture of a chairman. v Mrs. P. II. Starr, of Franklin, Neb., is a guest nt the home of her son V. E. Starr. J. S. Davis, who had been in Lincoln on business for several days, came home yesterday. Mrs. Harry Murrin and children, who are visiting in Lander and Cheyenne,' are expected to return home this week. Don't forget the 20 per cent discount on wall paper at Duke & Dents Miss Husong, of Corwith, la., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Robinson, left for homo Saturday morning. . who Swan Swnnson was taken seriously ill the first of this week and removedto the Grnnd Island hospital where ho will take treatment for a week or longer. See tho latest improved vacuum washer. No boiling, no rubbing. Wnshes blnnkots as well nB the finest lace. Simon Bros. CG-2 Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Zoibert, who visited North Platte friends last week, liave gone to Omaha to spend tho winter. Mr. Zeibert retains his raul estate and live stock interests in Clio J etinocpunty and will continue to mnko his homo there. IPISHrfJISfi? Will Build Twelve Houses. Vermillion Brothers, of Holdrege, were in town last week for tho pur pose of purchasing twelve residence iois on which iney propone tu uunu i twelve four-room houses. These i houses will be renfed at $10.85 per month. They hnve been given prices , on lots and will return Saturday to t figure with local dealers on lumber and material. They prefer to purchase the J Lmatriafjihtire rather than ship it in, if ! ney jyin secure mo rignt pricua. ? -McDonnell Strikes "lie." j Advice's from Tulsa, Okl., state that A. D.i, McDonnell, tho former North Platte druggist, has struck it rich in .the oil fields of that section and that his revenue from that source is but little short of five hundred dollars per day. Mac had some experience in the oil fields of Indiana before coming to North Platte, and after leaving here went to the Wyoming fields, and later drifted to Oklahoma. Ho bought up land and leases and began sinking wells, and seems to have had excellont success. Wo have just delivered a Buiek 30 roadster to Hqnry Schultz of Brady. BUICK 26 MAKES A HIT. Tho liulck IJ 25 tourinir car that nrrlved In North I'lattu Frldn y ccrtnlnly mndo"n lilt" with tho people. Kvcnmu Acltnlri'e It'a crnce full body llnca nnJ hlnh unuloflnUli. Tho job of nplioloterlnir U cer tainly first clan und of isriat depth. Tho urnr-shlftlnK Icvit Is bo neatly arranged nnd thu gears chnKo to quietly tlmt everyone nd mlrcs the the tyettm. Amonii thoRoodiNto be noticed, tliuexliaunt pipe carries nway tho rd hot tias from tho cntrlno ! to arranged that It Is discharged nt tho front end of tho ernclno Instead of nt tho rear, thus mnklnir tho driver's position much cooler. Think n mlnuto nnd you will renlzo w lint a blit linproviinmt this Is. Of course nil five Ilahts nr- electric but tho hcmlllirhts havo n very shnplo nrranit cmcntB for chanKlnK tho focus of tho llyht so thnt while running: around In tho city tho Unlit Is verj mild nnd not nt nil unpleasant to meet with nnothcr car. This In n point that must not bo overlooked by other compan' s nnd sooner or later nil cars will hnvo somo urrariKement whereby tho Hitht will bo dimmed for city driving. Iloth doors open to the driver's position so that tho driver may not In nnd out of tho car without "climbing in over tho passenger.' Tho Windshield is adjustable In many ways nnd of tho clear vision type, fully ventllatlnK. Tho tires uro of tho demountable type, nnd the oxtrn cnrrled In the rear, entirely out of the wny. Thtro Is a, crnnk furnished with the car hut Instead of carrying it In tho usual position, tho crank shaft Is with a. nent nlckleplated cover, Another blR Improvement Is that tho doors, nil four of them, open tho lull width of the opcnlntr, allowing more room than ever In entering. PHI CK UI15.W V O. H. NORTH I'LATTp. J. S. DAVIS, AUTO CO. Now is the time to buy wall paper 20 por cent discount at Duko & Deats. Edward Rebhausen, who was acci dently shot last week, was able to be out Saturday. Miss' Mabel Hultman, of Kuarney, is expected here tomorrow to visit her brother for a couple of weeks. Miss Blanche Miller, of Chappell, will come hore the latter purt of this week to begin her term of school in district 41. Miss Kato Allen, recently of tho tele; phono office, loftlnst niuht for Portland, Ore., where sliu will be married thin week to Mr. Wallace Barng. Stability, Efficiency and Service JIuvu hvvJi tlio FimLoi'H Iti tho rrcrwth of tho First National Bank, -uK- XOltTJl l'LATTJS, XISMtASKA. CAPITAL A2CO SUIlITtUS: One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. vm