A 1 1 It V i I ,' I I M I! f 1 l I Local and Personal Dell Bonner will leave this week for Lincoln to finish his course in the state university. Mrs. Frank Winkleman, of Fremont, is visiting her son and daugdters who reside here. Miss Ethel Doncgan has resigned her position as bookkeeper In the Star Bottling Works. T. F. Watts left Saturday morning for Denver where he was called by the illness of a relative. i Ferdinand Steeitz left at noon Satur day to take n courso in a business college at Quincy, III. Charles Lierk, Sr., left Friday even ing for Lincoln and Omaha to spend several days on business. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Collins will re turn this week from their protracted visit with friends In California. Colored girl wants to do general house work, or work by the day, no washing or ironing. Apply at this office. , The Dawson county fair opens to morrow at Loxington. Among the amusement features are monoplane flights. Mrs. A. S. Chamberlain has returned from Atwood and Sterling where she visited her daughters for a couple of weeks. Miss Bornico Prickett of Fremont, who was the guest of the Misses Eileen nnd Edith Gantt, left Friday evening. MIbs Lessloy McCandless, of New ton, Kan., who spent last week with her aunt Mrs. W. J. Cruzen, left Fri day evening. Mrs. Loan, pf Gothenburg, who viBited her daughter Mrs. Alex Brooks last week, left for home Satur. day afternoon. Six couples of tho younger social set autoed to Maxwell the latter part of last of last week and spent the evening in roller skating. J. Musner, a professional ball player lato of Salt Lake, is expected this week to join the local team and play tho re mainder of this sctuon. Lost Between North River bridgo and townladies' blue sergo coat with tan collar. If returned at once to this ofllco no questions will be asked. On account of the track being washed out at Hock Points near Cheyenne all cast bound trains wore delayed several "hours yesterday, the greater number of them arriving at six o'clock last evening. Miss Elizabeth Brand, formerly of this city who spent her vacation with tho homo folks in Osgood Mo., visited friends here tho latter part of Inst week while enroute to Sarben to begin her term of school. Mrs. Ray Snyder pleasantly enter tained the S. 0. 0. club Friday after noon: The prize winners in tho games were Mrs. Asa Snyder und MIsb May mo Doyle. A nice lunch waB served after tho card games. Stop Thief "is under the direction of Messrs. Cohan and Harris two of America's beat producers and if their past offerings, in this city is of vuluo wo may expect a performance consider ably boyond the ordinary. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barrett who re cently camo here from Green River, will make their future home with the letter's mother Mrs. Landgraf . The iormor hus accepted a position in one of the Union Pacific offices. J. A. Rannie returned tho latter part of lapt week from his trip to Portland, returning home via Los Angeles. He mot u number of former North Platte Platto people in Oregon und Southern California, and had a pleasant visit with them. The optimistic Hastings Democrat says tho farmers of Nebraska have had seven loan yearn and are now prom ised seven fat jours. It advises far mers to put in a largo acreage of fall grain, although present conditions may not bo altogether favorable. Rev. C. H. Miller and- family will leayo this week for Kearnoy to make their future homo. For several years Eider Millor has been In charge of tho Seventh Dny Adventist church and his congregation and friends regrot his departuro from this city. Governor Morohead says that the latter part of this month ho will make a call for tho people of the state to devoto two days to working on the roads. Four or five hundred mon in North Platto bIiouUI respond to tho call and improve tho rosds leading into North Platto from all directions. Replying to nn inquiry: Col. W. F. Cody earned the title of "Buffalo Bill" by killing 4,280 buffalo in cightoen months in Kantms nnd selling tho car casses to railroad contractors who wero building tho Kansas Pacific railroad. These buffalo furnished the fresh moat for tho laborers on tho construction work. 'Slop Thief" numbers among its perfect company of players a well known North Platto boy, John McCubo, nnd also, stage director of this famous comedy. Mr, McCubo who enacts a prominent rolo cnjoyj)a wide clrcJe of friends In this city who aro anxiously awaiting his home-coming. I J F913 P A I I MS? mm M fiWmw Wb y&urs.fqr Great Values, Local and Personal Olaf Johnson, of Brudy, was a visitor In town the latter part of last wcok. Ed. Coker, of Sutherland, spent the latter part of laRt wek here on busi ness. , E. Carpenter, of Hershey, spent tho latter part of last wek hero on busi ness. John Scott are guests ut and daughter Veronica the Mettln home this week. Roy Ames will leave this week for Curtis where he will attend tho agricul tural school. Mrs. Alex Brooks and baby went to Gothenburg to spend a week visiting tho home fo)ks. 10m uesxitt, 01 Sutherland, waB a business visitor in town the latter part of 1-st week. Porry Sitton came from Omaha th first of this week to transact business for several days. Attorney and Mrs. J. J. Hallienn and daughter Lucille went to Ognlnlln Friday afternoon. Miss M-no Schatz returned Friday evening from Denvernftor spending two weeks with relatives. Messrs. Corbin Jones and Milledce Bullard will give a sociul dance this week in tho Masonic hall. Mrs. Georgo Coates returned Friday evening from Grand Island and Lincoln where she visited relatives. Mrs. Bauugarden and daughter, of Oborlin, Kaps., camo u few days ago to visit Mrs."7lahb Mettln. . , Sam Grace; of Oinaha, camo up Sat urday morning to transact business witli tho local machinists lodge. W, W, Burr returned Saturday morning from Lincoln whore ho at tended thojstato fajphist week. ftiSO To1(i f III Al.l- TlrtH tltttrt limn the guest of Mr, and airs. Will Huddard roturned homo Friduy afternoon. Hugh McCluro who had been pltchinor for tho local ball team left Thursday owning for Iowa to take chavgo of a manual training school. U U 1 1 0 TO THE LADIES OF NORTH PLATTE and VICINITY: OUR Mammoth Stock of Ladies' Suits and; Coats just arrived from New York, is, without doubt, one of smartest, most up-to-date lines ever shown west of the Missouri river. Prices from '$12.00 up Garments from $18. and upward No two alike will you find in our store. Mrs. Clow, a practical, ready-to-wear fitter of wide experience, has charge of these departnents, and she will take great pleas ure in waiting on you. To Introduce our Line of Coats and Suits during this week, a Silk Petticoat will be given away free with every purchase from $12.00 up. Suits and Coats for Stout Wompn, sizes atp to 48, will be found in our ready-to wear department. A very Smart Line of Misses Children's Coats Shown here. Before you buy your Suit or Coat inspect our line. I buy my goods direct from the manufacturers for spot cash. The customer saves the middlemen's profits. Alterations free of charge. ,. - SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY THE "Dusty Rhoades left Sunday evening for Denver to accept a position. R. L. Baker left Saturday night for a fow days' visit in Denver and Color ado Springs. Tom Green left Friday nftomoon for Grand Island after spending several days here on business. Georgo has boon one of the busiest lawyers in town since January first and has well earned a vacation. Bruce Brown returned Saturday afternoon from a business visit in the eastern part of this Btate. Mis3 Mabel Burke returned the latter part of last week from on extended visit with relatives in Denver. Mrs. F. A. Baughan left Saturday morning for Lincoln and Omaha to spend three weeks with relatives. Miss Ethel McWilliams will resume work in the Newton Art store this week after three months' vacation. Miss Gertrude Herrod, of Columbus, who had been visiting town friends for ten doys wont home yesterday. Misses Loretta Murphy and her cousin Rose Ganey, of 'Chicago, spent he week end in Paxton with friends. Roberts Evans, of DesMoines, who is enroute to tho mountains by nuto visited Mrs. H. M. Grimes, Saturday. County Attorney Gibbs left Saturday night for Denver nnd Colorado Springs, where he will spend n brief vacation. Michael Hayes, son Charles and daughter Vaunita returned the latter part of last week fiom the state fair at Lincoln. Homor Hall, of Beverly, Knns., and Robert Hall, of Salina, cumo the latter part of last week to visit Mr. ond Mrs. John Bonner and family for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Garman, and Ralph Garman of Milwaukee, who spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Snyder, returned home Friday after noon. Loo Pass loft Sunday for Omaha to take up his studies in Crolghton collogu after a short visit with the homo folks. He spent tho summer playing ball with tho Stanton team. AND LE-L Jpnk LJP 1- mL Dr. N. McCabe left Sunday afternoon for Grand Island on business. Miss Beebe Murphy, nf Meringo.Nla., is visiting her sister Mrs. Neale Turpie. Mrs. Everett York has returned from a pleasant visits with relatives in Cozad. Mrs. Alice Ferguson, who spent the summer in Indiana and Iowa, will re turn this week. Mrs. Ralph Garman returned Satur day from a short visit in Malvern, la., with relatives. Miss Roxv Murphy left Saturday afternoon for Sutherland where she has been engaged as teacher. Lawronco Herrod, of Columbus, who spent the week end at the Rebhausen homo, left Sunday evening. Jesse Rosenblum, who has been em ployed in Cheyenne for some time, came down Sunday to visit his family. Miss Katherine Murphy of the P. & S. nursing staff will go to Omaa this week to attend the wedding of her sister. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. Oleson, of the Eagle rooming house, left Saturday ovening for Gothenburg to visit friends for a week. Mrs. Lee Sarto and bab, of Savanna, 111., camo Saturday afternoon to visit her mother Mrs. Johanna McGraw for a few weeks. Mrs. J. II. Fonda nnd dnughter Blancho who w.ere guests of Denver friends returned homo tho latter part of last week. Edward Fiiendiind family, of Den ver, camo down Saturday by auto to visit Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Fillion nnd othor relatives. Miss Roso Gnney, of Chicago, who has been visiting her cousin Miss Loretta Murphy for several weeks, will ieavo in a few days. Clarence Hlickensderfer, a former North Platto boy, who had been visit gin tho Hinman family, loft Sunday for his homo in New Mexico. Mrs. B. R. Fletcher and sister Miss Boutwell left Saturday evening for a visit nt their old homo in Topcka, Kan. They will be absent seVeral weeks. Victor Halligan will leave the latter part of this week for Lincoln to take up his aourse in the State University. Mrs. E i ward Drain, of Pittsburg, who wa3 the guest of Mrs. W. V. Hoagland for several weeks, left fo r home this morning. Phil Pizer, of Ogalalla, went thru, Saturday afternoon from New York and Chicngo where in company with his brother Julius he purchased fall and winter goods. A TNS MOMENT- OVRHARNG A PHOHE CALL TO Smcdttl rn, ,- ,, rm.,n-.i- f,.r- s . n .n ri . Jl.WlMia POLtCE HEADQUARTERS. TME GIRL CffOOf M -j 'STOP THIEF"REPLACSS THEMSSING WMG. J KEITH THEATRE SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 13. 1913 p a m j t'1 fi " 1 Hi V fill PIP Vmjgrt If JJ fwS North Platte, Nehr. Miss E. E. Hamilton formerly a nurse at the St. Luke hospital who had been visiting in town left Friday evening. A baby girl was born recently to Mr. and Mrs. James Stafford of Pax:on. Mrs. Stafford was formerly Miss Mar garet McFadden. Paul Roberts, who had been engaged in forrestry work in Utah during the summer, came yesterday morning to visit his father George Roberts, who is ill at the P. & S. hospital. lf T" u i W t, ft. 4& 'f ft v " ii iA ' v I