t THE NORTH PLATTE SEMUWEEKLY TRIBUNE. (aKTlC .MI f 13N thotiRiind of the grcntcgt faults In our tielchbors are of less ronscquoncp to us than one of the smallest In ourselvp. SOUTHERN WAYS OF COOKING VEGETABLES. For turnip nrcens, gnjthor the young plants when tho roots nro JuBt form ing and whllo thoy nro tender; wash thoroughly and put' on to boll with u plcco of fat salt pork. Let tho meat cook for an hour before the greens nro added, as thoy will need but an hour's cooking. To make- the dumplings to servo with tho greens, tako a pint of sifted corn meal, add soda, salt and boil ing water to make a stiff dough. When this Is cool enough to handle, dip the hands In water nnd shape tho dough Into small dumplings; drop ono by one into the boiling greens and cook them for half an hour. Dip out with a skim mer. Tako up the greens and drain and chop fine, and pile with the dump lings as a border on a largo platter. This Is a dish which the southerner longs for as did our early fathers for the flesh pots of Egypt. Summer Squash. Have a spider ready with a spoonful or two of hot fat; add n chopped onion, and when well browned add tho summer squash thinly sliced and steamed until tender and mashed. Stir to prevent burning, and season well before serving. Fried Corn. Shave off the tips of the grains with a sharp knife and scrape with the back of tho knife. Have ready a spider with hot lard, a tablespoonful will bo sufficient for an ordinary amount of corn; turn in tho corn, add seasonings and stir con stantly to prevent burning. When cooked, set back and let stenm for a half hour to cook tho corn well. Servo this with fried chicken. New Potatoes. Boll, drain, and when tender put tho potatoes into a dish with a lump of butter, add a cup of cream which has been cooked with flour to chicken; pour this over tho po tatoes and serve. Summer Salad. Take the young shoots of mustard, tender lettuce, tho tender tops of green bnlons, shred fine and pour over them hot bacon fat with bits of tho cooked 'bacon; season well and add a tablespoonful of vine gar. Toss with a fork to mix, and serve, garnished with slices of hard cooked egg. Oh. what will you do with the minute to spare? The pay little, stray llttlo minute to spare? That comes from the cllmo Of old Plenty of time, With never a worry or. earn. We'd better beware of the minute to spare, The wee little free little minute to spare, And never refuse The minute to use That's always so ready some burden to bear. TIMELY HINTS. When It is warm, have Iced tea for supper and proparo it when you are making tea for tho noon day meal; then when wanted, It Is cool enough so that not as much ice Is needed. When Ironing, sort the clothing which needs mending, putting It In ono pilo or place, then It Is easily gathered without a second looking over. Do not throw away a small clock which Is out of repair, for it makes a fine indicator for medicine in a sick room. The hands may bo turned to show tho time tho next medicine should bo taken, which is better than trusting to memory. A good way to clean Jewelry is to put It In a cup or bowl, cover with alcohol nnd lot stand until the dust is loosened. Shako occasionally and tho gems will bo bright and clean again. A small puue or bag containing pins, needles, a spool of thread and a thimble, some adhesive plaster, a pencil and a knife, a few rubber bands and string will bo found a Joy to tho possessor when traveling A gravy boat Is an easy utensil for lining preserving cans when a good funnel Is not near at hand. Curtains are often mined by blow ngalnst Bcreens or out of windows. Plnco lend weights In tho bottom of tho horn to hold them In place. Baking powder biscuit aro Improved If cut quite thin, spread with but ter and another biscuit placed on top. They break open nnd nre already but torcd. Keep an old coffee pot for pnraf fine. It can bo molted In it and poured from it so easily. Easily Earned. "What do you mako n week?" asked a magistrate boforo whom an Italian organ grinder appeared, charging a fellow musician with breaking his in Btiument. "Twonty-flvo dollalre," was tho an swer. "What?" exclaimed tho nialstrnte, "twenty'flvo dollars a week for grind ing an organ?" "No, sare; not for grind; for shut up nnd go away." Harper's Weekly. m. .m . m .-!- ,v f WETff Hemember, you h.ivn u slnow whose laW, of stronRth Is not action, you have not a faculty of body, mind or soul whose law of Improvement Is not energy. K. n. Hull. MORE GOOD THINGS. Theso southern biscuits arc good to servo for any occasion, and aro espe cially good split and toasted. Scald a pint of milk with a tenspoonful of lard, two of butter and two of sugar nnd two of salt. Dissolve a half of a yeast cako In a llttlo of tho cooled milk, beat an egg and ndd to It, then mix nil together with six cupfuls of flour. Beat nnd set to rlso in a cov ered pan or mixing bowl. For six o'clock ton, put tho spongo to rise at ten o'clock In tho morning. At throe In tho afternoon knead and roll out ns for ordinary biscuit; cut small cutter, brush tho top biscuit with butter and put They should bo very light, with n of each to rise, a llttlo more than double their original bulk. Bake In a hot oven for fifteen minutes, or perhaps twenty. The addition of a cup of mashed pc tnto to theso biscuits when the sponge Is sot makes them very moist nnd of good flavor. Scotch Potato Scones. Sift a cup and a half of flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder and a half teaspoon ful of salt, rub in n third of a cup of butter and add n cup of mnshod po tatoes. Make a soft dough by adding a beaten egg and milk to roll, if tho potato Is moist no milk will bo needed. Divide tho dough Into three parts and roll In rounds halt an Inch thick; cut and bake In a hot oven. Split, butter and servo hot. Boneless Birds. Cut veal cutlets into two-inch squares, pound until thin salt and pepper, lay on a sprig of parsley with a piece of bacon; roll up and skewer with two toothpicks. Roll In flour and brown In a little fat, sim mer gently in a llttlo water until ten der It will take two hours. Remove tho birds and add a llttlo cream to tho gravy in tho pan; .the addition of flour mado smooth with milk need not be done If there Is flour enough in the pan for tho birds. Pour over tho birds and serve. Peanuts and Lettuce. Prepare let tuce, sprlnklo with finely broken, not chopped, nuts, and add a French dress ing with a1 bit of grated onion or onion Juice. The man who has learned to do tome thine better than any one else, has learned to do a common thing In an un common manner. Is tho man who has power and Influence that no adverse cir cumstances can' take from him. TEMPTING HOTWEATHER DISHES When arranging for meals, It is wise to cook enough vegetables for two days, as It takes very llttlo longer to, prepare and cook them. Tomatoes aro so wholesome and are such well-liked vegotnblos that a va riety of ways In serving Is nlways welcome. Tomatoes Stuffed With Nuts. Scald, peel, core and scoop out tho to matoes and All them with finely chopped pecan meats and cold cooked green peas. When ready to sorve, heap a tablespoonful of mayonnalso on each nnd serve on lettuce leaves for n supper dish. This is a dish high In food value. Bean Salad. Drain a can of beans which comes with tomato sauce free from the sauce. Peel tomatoes, cut in halves, take out tho seeds nnd fill each with beans, heaping them up. Place each half on lettuco and pour over a highly seasoned French dressing. Banana Salad. Sllco very ripe ban anas over lettuce leaves, allowing ono largo banana for each person. Chill nnd servo with French dressing at serving tlmo. Nova Scotia Eggs. Proparo rounds of toast, and when well buttered, cov er with codfish In a white sauce, the fish being soaked over night nnd shredded; thon add to tho whito sauce. Aftor placing the toaBt, put a poached egg on each and serve ou a platter garnished with parsley Cold fruit soups aro palatable to some, but fresh fruit Is much easier to prepare and Is nlways well liked. Fresh sorrel shredded with lettuce and cabbage makes a most tasty salad, served with French dressing Amateur Gardeners. "You seem to display moro respect for Wombat than you had." "Yes; I UBed to think ho was a bone head, but his green corn is a foot high er than mine." In Poker Games. Maybe wntches nre called turnips because they sometimes go Into tho pot. Local Atmosphere. "And you didn't see any windmills in Holland?" "Not one " "That will hurt tho tourist business. 1 should-think tho hotel keopors would get togothor and maintain a fow." Its Perils. "The worship of tho sun must bo a dangerous religion." "In what way?" "Doesn't It Involvo a number of heat prostrations?" "MANNISH" VESTS FOR FALL These ultra-mannish vests are the very newest In French fashions for fall wear, but even the split skirt and the one-piece bathing suit have not prepared man to accept with equanimity this further usurpation of his costume. DAINTY AND USEFUL DRESSES Nothlrfg Prettier for the Small Girl Has Been Evolved In the Season's Range of Fashion. Tho model on tho left shows ti use ful llttlo dress In n soft shado of blue. Tho skirt is laid In flat plaits turn ing from tho front The bodice wraps over n llttlo to left side; it Is fastened by press studs nnd ornamented with fancy buttons and braid loops. Tho collar, cuffs and waist-band aro in bluo nnd whito checked cotton. Mnterlals required: 2V4 yards -10 Inches wldo, yard check 20 Inches vrldo, 3 buttons. Besldo this Ib a dainty dress of whito spotted muslin. The bodice has a squo.ro yoko of lnco insertion to which tho muslin Is gathered. The sleovo is sot Into armholo with very slight fulness, tho' cuffs nro of lace to match yoko, so nro tho waist-band nnd tho band that trims tho skirt above tho hem. Materials required: 2& ynrds mus lin 30 Inches wldo, about 3 yards wido Insertion and rather undor u yards of narrow for waist-band. Hallroom Library. Ono woman has converted n ball room Into tho daintiest of tiny li braries. On ono sido Is n sot of shelves for books. Tho walls nro covered with bluo damask of very dellcnto shado. The celling Is blue, with :i conventional pattern of white trailing vines drooping gracefully down to half-length. Tho rug is delft bluo, and tho room contains ono chair upholstered In delft-blue brocade A small mahogany tnblo holds n tele phono nnd a blue and brass writing outfit. A small lamp hangs from tho center of tho colling, and It has a bluo and roso glass shndo with crystnl pen dnnts. When lighted,' It throws a beautiful glow over tho llttlo reading room. For Tight Shoes. Summer is tho soaBon above nil others when one's shoes seem to hurt, and this year ono looks In horror at tho rows of pntent leather ones that aro brought out In tho exclusive shops, but truo, these may bo worn with com fort If ono will shako a little powdered alum Into tho too of her shoo before going out. Do not put it Inside tho Btocklng, merely Inside tho shoe. Children's Dresses. Thin white cotton crepe with Inserts .if baby IriBh laco medallions is a com bination for children's dainty dresses. EYEBROWS NEED CARE Add So Much to the General Charm That No Woman 'Can Afford to Neglect Them. It Is an acknowledged fact that pret ty brows add much to tho goncrnl charm, and It Is odd that women ex pect to enjoy this fenturo at its best when thoy do not tako caro of it. Thoy would not expect either teoth, nails or hair to grow In perfection wero they not taken caro of, and tho snmo applJos to tho eyebrows. Thoy need mnssng lug nnd shaping frequently. Falling in this, there will bo scraggy lines or coarse, projecting hairs, tho latter ono of tho most conspicuous dlsflguremonte a woman enn havo. 1 hnvo often noticed womou with ap parently good hair, teoth and complex ion entirely unmindful of tho fact that tho eyobrows were sticking out in all directions. A woman is greatly ropald for tho fow seconds sho spends when her toilet Is completo In shaping her oyebrovvB by tho Improvement in her general appearance. Tho correct ehnpo of n pretty oyo brow should bo llko a swallow'B wing, and to give them tho broad, yet curved effect, begin at tho end nearest tho noso, stroko, ns If tho brows aro In clined to bo too broni, pinch togothor with tho thumb and Angers in a straight lino to tho placo whero tho natural curve starts. At that point there should bo n downward stroke that will point tho hairs in tho right direction. Somo eyes nro enhanced by a broad line, whllo others look better with a delicately penciled effect of tho eye brow; this, of course, depends upon tho shnpo nnd contour of the fnco. So that in getting this straight line over the eyes an effect of width most becoming to tho fnco 1b given, whllo tho downward lino finishes off In all cases to n tapering point. For massaging whero tho encour ngemont of a growth of hair Is de sired, I very much liko vaseline bo cnuso so much of tho crudo nnd nntu rnl properties has not boon extracted from it as is done in the refining proc ess of other croams, but for thoso who do not care for it tho following may bo used infetcad nnd will promote tho growth of both brows nnd lashes. Ono-hnlf ounce of oil of sweet al monds, 12 drops each of oil of roca mnry and oil of nutmeg, and a quar ter of nn ounco of tlncturo of enn thardlcs. TIicbo Ingredients, being all liquid, nro easily mixed, and a tvio or throe ounce bottlo Is large enough. Shako well, nnd It Is ready for uso. If tho brows nro .naturally thin and It Is desired to lmprovo tho growth, a qulnino tonic may ho necessary, and for this I find that two ounces of al cohol mixed with ton grains of buI phato of qulnino and massaged once n day Into tho roots makes a decided Improvement. No matter from what cause tho browB becomo thinned, never cut them with the Idea that It will improve tho gyowth. Good and faithful massago la tho only thing that will help. Cutting will only coarsen them nnd thoy may becomo stiff nnd bristly nfter being cut. However, tho eyelashes may huvc an infinitesimal portion clipped from each one about overy three or four months. This must ho dono very carefully nnd when tho clipping Is fin ished anoint tho base of tho lashes with a very minute portion of eafeput oil, putting it on with u fine camol'i hair brush. A theory is anything that Is easier to preach than to practice. Red Cross Bill Tllue. nllbhie, boot bltilrtR nine in the whole world, makes tho laun dress smile. Adv. Also Had Time to Think. I "Why Is It that you have novr married?" "When 1 was n boy my father and' others who possessed tho benefit of oxporlonco, advised mo not to marry until I had saved up nt least 10, 000." "Ilnvon't you over been ablo to savo that much." "Yes; but a fellow learns such a lot whllo ho Is saving $10,000." ERUPTION ON ANKLE BURNED Klngsvlllc, Mo. "My trouble began elghteon years ago. Nearly halt of tho tlmo thoro wero running Bores nrouud my nnklo; sometimes It would bo two yenrs nt a tlmo boforo thoy woro honied Thoro wero many nights I did not Bleep becauso of the great suffering. Tho sores wero doop run ning ones and so sore that I could not bear for anything to touch them. They would burn nil tho tlmo nnd sting like n lot of bees woro confined around my nnklo. I could not bonr to scratch It, It was always so sensitive to tho touch. I could not lot my clothes touch It. Tho skin was very red. I mado what 1 called a cap out ot whito felt, blotting paper and soft whito cloth to hold It In shape. This I woro night nnd day. "I tried many remodlcs for most of tho eighteen years with no effect. Last Bummor I sent for somo Cutlcura Soap nnd Ointment. Tho very first tlmo I used Cutlcura Soap and Oint ment I gained rollef; thoy rellovcd tho pain right thon. It was three months from the tlmo I commenced using Cutlcurn Soap and Ointment until tho sores were entirely healed. I havo not boon troubled since and my anklo seems perfectly well." (Signed) Mrs. Charles E. Brooke, Oct. 22, 1012. Cutlcurn Soap and Ointment sold throughout tho world. Samplo of each freo.wlth 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cutlcura, Dcpt. L, Boston." Adv. Tho best way to kill bedbugs is to fill their mouths with snuff nnd let thorn sneeze themselves to death. Cfii flr m tt? "? Hl Rr backache Rheumatism Kidneys and Bladder The Army of Constipation Is Growing1 Smnller Every Day, CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are responsible they not only give reli they perma- ncntiycureC itlpation. Mil lions use them for Uiliousneis. Indication, Sick Headache, Sallow Sldn. SMALL TILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature 25 FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS. HycmfieroUTOKSOKIS RUN l)UWN'or'OOTTIIk.ULl , V SUrrER from K1UNLY. DLADUEK, NTRVOUS DISEASES. CIIHOKICWKAkNP8SES,l;l.CKH!MiHIN ERUPTIONS, riLIS, writs for my PRCC book. THE most lNTRUCTIe MM)!CA!.IIOOKEVERWKlnEN,ITTEI.LSAlXlbouUhtia mKszs anj iha RruARKABi f rurts iprFCtrn Ur THE NEW FRENCH RCMKDY, M.I.N.2.N.3. THERAPiON sar-'sft UU't III remrdr for VOtlROWNallmiml. Don't lend a cnt. AbiolutelrPRet!. No'foUoun'clrculiri. I)R LECLERO Med.co.iiavkrstockhd.IIauI'Sxkau, London, Eno. WntnonT!.Ro1rimiti,Wftali' liiKfin.D.O. llooknlree. lllith cat, rtlort'iiocu. licat resului. 20 JfAMMERIsfiSS L;yw$ycARTERs mi ii aw' tiMil W11 k-1- TJamT Iiver Anam i-'ii.i.a. As $&2&&&z PATENTS WNC&ESTE&. iBSSsr The Model 1912 Winchester is the lightest, strongest and handsomest repeating shotgun on the market. It weighs only about Si pounds, yet it has great strength, because its metal parts throughout are made of nickel steel. It is a two-part Take down, without loose parts, is simple to operate and the action works with an ease and smoothness unknown in guno of other makc3. See one at your dealer's or Stnd to Wlnchittir Rtptathg Armt Co., Ntv Haven, Conn., for clrcslar. TIin LIGHT WEIGHT, EEm&9KS3L, WANTED O HOMES FOR TAUULESS . f Hni C tnm from ten fHtnrch ami tun cutitj in ttituii ttii .corrr ppno nml packing) nnd l'. Mlta I'.lltobotli Alio, 23 inchi I lilr,li Ki,n,ritirrn tmifl frnm inn rpnt Dacksflpa nnd rnurronta in ainmi Rnn Kit. juniurawunnmut MlMJMly WliltH.twPiTolmlii'ahlBh. Hend tot f rora II ro Flint nurksgps If you wUli, but twlco a runny nro itulrod. Out till" lid. pin oof ono ten runt k - . .... . 1... ..... UUU ttU. Will l IKWl Wrlto your nnnio nnd THt BEST STARCH UMPV ETAIII TI FR51 HlrlflAa WOMAN IN TERRIBLE STATE Finds Help in Lydia E. Pink horn's Vegetable Compound. Bellovtio, Ohio. "I was In a terrible Btato beforo I took Lydin E. Plnkham'a vogotablo Com pound. My bnclc nchcduntil I thought It would break, I had pains all over me, nervous feelings and. periodic troubles. L was very weak and run down nnd wa losing hope of ovon boing well and strong. After tnk inor Lydla E. Pink- linm's VcgoUiblo Compound I improved rapidly and today am a well woman. I cannot toll you how happy I feel and I cannot sny too much for your Compound. Would not bo without it in tho houso if it cost thrco times tho amount" Mrs. Cn.v3. Chapman, R. F. D. No. 7, Bcllo fuo, Ohio. Becauso your caso is a difficult ono, doctors having dono you no good, do not continuo to suffer without Riving Lydin, E. Finkhnm'a Vegetnblo Compound a trial. It surely has remedied many cases of femnlo ills, such as inflamma tion, ulceration, displacements, tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, and it may be exactly what you need. The Plnkham record is n proud nnd peerless one. It is a record of constant victory over tho ob3tinnto ilia of woman ills that deal out despair. It is an es tablished fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegctablo Compound has roBtorod health to thousands of Buch Buffering women. Why don't you try it if you need Buch a medicino? DEFIANCE STARCH is constantly growing in favor becauso it Docs Not Slick to the Iron nnd It will not injure tho finest fabric. For laundry purposes it has no equal. 16 or. package 10c. 1-3 more starch for some money. DEFIANCE STARCH CO., Omaha, Nebraska W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 36-1913. Nebraska Directory SMOKESTACKS Wrlto ua for prlcca. WILSON STEAM IIOILKR CO.. Omaha TryUs-ttWiSlPayYou Constim yonr stock to ua fnr cixxl rirlcoa, good nil nnl prompt rtunltianco. Wrlm or wlro u tor nnr desired Information rr-ertrdlnir Uiomnrkot. Allrotu munlcntloni nnmuroil promptly. Wo ura working: tor jour Interest and approclata your builnou. FARRI8 PURINTON & MARCY Barmori to N. IX. Acktr A Co, Llvo Stock Commission teom 110-112 Elthanei Bids-. Stock Tdl. Station, S. Omihj, Nib. The University School m iusic Lincoln, Nebraska Tho foremost school of music in tho West. Twentieth year begins Sept. 8th. Send for new free catalog to Willard Kimball, Prcs. 1 lib and R Streets Lincoln, Neb. flSf v Irs? Ji 1 1 i fi mtimmmammmmHmmmmmmmatmammmmmmmmammmimmmmmammmm Catarrhal Fever 3 to 11 dnars often enrn. Unn M-i.'riil bottlo Nl'OIIN'.S euanintecd to euro a cue. H.ifn for any uinro, tiur&oorcoll. Dottm bottles to. Uel It of druRittsts, harness doulers or direct irom tunniiructtiri'rs.oxprpss paid. Hl'OllN'H U tin) bolt pruvontlro of all fornu of dlstompcr. HI'OII.NMKniCAI, CO., GliemlnU tint! IlitoterldloRlsts, (loslion, Intl., U, 8. A. GAUGE REPEATING SHOTGUN NIOKEI, STEni, RIiPEATI$R. THE FAMOUB STARCH D0LLSN 5 rent nurkacea of Fsa1tlcss cut. It will be luceptijl in or two. lire ront tori. Only ....... Ml.li ..nn. .nhll.lltinn. yvv. .... vu.il ..,,..w.. .... sddri'im plainly, FOR All Fl'KrOUS RTARP.H f!fl w CITY. UO. en... ... .raJim.lil.JIniWiiuiiiii'iiiiiiiii 5bjii in "SSS 5wii5SSp.Tlllll ulT ila