The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 09, 1913, Image 1
gute Hlitril CifUtf W, Wittkty rtowi i- TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., SEPTEMBER q, 191; No. 66 Mmm mktti v jl m VIM, Local and Personal. Miss Anna Krnmph went to Hastings this morning, where she will visit . friends for a couple of days. The initial session of the Travel and Club for 191344 season was held last evening at the home of Miss Laura Murray. Master Wayno Carter, of Laramio, is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Letts. The young man arrived yesterday. Mrs. Voorhees Lucas, who had been spending several weeks in Denver, Grand Junction and Cheyenne, returned liome yesterday. Tho Presbyterian Carnival begins at G:30 sharp, Thursday evening. Supper will be served from G:30 on through tho evening. For Rent-Desirable four room cottage -warmly built, and modern except hoat. A small and careful family wanted. Inquire of phone black 464. Mr. and Mrs, Durkee, of St. Louis, who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Albert vonTrotfor a week, left for home this morning. Monday afternoon the G. I. A. will go to Mrs. Trexler's where a recep tion will be given for Mrs. Geo. Basking who will soon leave the dity. In the game of ball Surfday between the Wolboch team of Grand Island and the local team the latter won by a score of eight to three. Outside tho battery, the visitors were rather weak, being credited with nine errors. For Sale Read Pullman baby carri age in good condition. Mrs. Fred Marti, 121 West Fourth St. The Crystal theatre has been under goiug improvements for a week past; new flooring has been laid in the en trance, a number of changes made in the ticket office and several other con veniences piac2d in the interior. Before investing, see what I am of fering in west end lots. 0. H. Thoelecke Messrs. Leypoldt, Abbott and Thomp son, of Heishey, were in town yester day boosting for the farmers' institute which will be held in that village Oc tober Gth to 10th inclusive. In addition to lectures by noted agriculturists there 1 will be exhibits of produce and stock. A meeting of the Mothers Club was held yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. R. Maloney. After a business Bcssion an interesting suid in structive discourse was given by Dr. J. B Redfield upon' "The Relation of a Perfect Development of the Chid's Apparatus for Digesting, Breathing and Acting." Mrs. Irene Lowell, of St Louis, gave a select reading for the benefit of the chi dren. Hereafter the meetings will be held at tho North Platto School of Music, No. 122 N. Front St. Guiiliaume-Graham Wedding. Th" marriago of Miss Lillian Graham and Maurice Guilliame was solemnized at five thirty this morning at the St. Patrick's parsonage. Rev. Kavanough performed the ceremony in the presence of a few relatives and close friends. The bride was attired in a neat and stylish tailored suit of brown diagonal serge with hat to match. The attendants to the bridal couple were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fink. At six o'clock a wedding breakfast was served at the Guilliuume home and the young couple left on theeaily morn ing train for Denver to spend two weeks. Upon their return they will begin housekeeping in the comfortable home on east Third street which the groom has in readiness and will bo at homo to their friends about October 1st. Presbyterian Church Carnival. One of the finest suppers and one of tho pieasantest of times is to be had at the Carnival at the Presbyterian church basement, Thursday evening, Septem ber 11th, beginning at G:30 sharp. The Brotherhood will give the finest Minstrel Entertainment ever given in tha city. The baby show will be the most unicme affair you have ever seen. The fishing pond will be large enough for all to fish. The Gypsy will be ever ready to tell your fortune. A moving picture show will be going at all times. Thepicture gallery will contain the greatest masterpieces ever displayed in North Platte. Dutch ladies will serve you a dutch lunch and Aunt Dinah and her girls will serve hot cakes and maple syrup. The American ladies will serve you with an Ameriean lunch and Jap anese girls will wait upon you with cool refreshments. -Sweet candies will bo sold bv sweet eirls and the bovs will sell you fresh popcorn. Be sure and spend the evening there and take a souvenir of the affair home with you. Notice for Bids. Sealed bids will bo received by the undersigned secretary of the Board of Education of the school district of the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska', up to tho hour of G o'clock jt. m. on the 4th day of October, 1913, for lots 1. 2.13 and 4, block 140, of the original town of North l'latte, exclusive of tho building, the lots will be sold separately. Hids will also be received for the building and foundation. The board reserres the right to reject anv and all bids. By order of the Board of Education. A. F. Stheitz, Secty. Mrs. Al VonTrot was called to Omahn Saturday by the illness of her daughter. Wm Garman, who has been making his homo at Hastinrs for several months, is in town Visiting his sons. Frank J. McGovern returned last evening from Denver, where he visited the home folks for a week past. Now is the time to see about those stove repairs. See P. M. McGovern for stove repairs of all kinds. Stoves cleaned and set up. 1005 Locust St Phono Black 390. G5-8 Remonstrances to the Lonergan peti tion asking the city council to amend an existing ordinance so as to allow picture shows to opcrato on Sunday, was circulated among the congregations at all the Protestant churches Sunday. It is not at all probably that the council will take any further action on the Lonergan petition. Why not live in town by paying a little more for your lot. Let's talk it over. 0. H. Thoelecke. Manager dimming, of the ball team, has gone to the east part of the state to see what can bo done in the way of purchasing the franchise of the Fremont or some other team in the state lengue. If ho can secure a franchise it is probablo that North Platte next season will have a state league team. Estrayed Mouse-colored horse, ago lOyears, white right foot witli ropodurri, weight about 800 lbs. Dav. Scott. 203 East 9th Street. 6-1-4 Foreman McEvoy and twelve of the car men returned today from n week's trip as far west as Chappell and up to Gering on the branch, on which they spent the time removing the outfit cars from the trucks and placing them on the ground. The trucks wore removed from tho thirty cars, in which the sec tion men live, and the iron sent to Omahn. Judge n'nd Mrs. J. S. Hoagjand leave Saturday night for Minneapolis to attend the grand lodge of Odd Fellows, to which the Judge is one of ihe represent atives from Nebraska and is also a member of one of the grand lodge com mittees. Ho has attended tho grand lodce for a number of years and has a wide acquaintance among the prominent Odd Fellows of the United States. F. J. Diener & Co., Real Estate and Insurance. Farm and city property for sale. tf Architect Reynolds moved his office yesterday from the Morsch to the Mc Cabe building. The rooms in this new building in nddition to those of Mr. Reynold's are occupied by J. F. Cla baugh, insurance; Dr. Crocker, osteo pathic physician; E. W. Mann, insur ance and tho Nebraska Real Estate Co. Quite a large area in tho rear of the second floor is used as a machine shop by Hendy & Ogier. Elegant residence lots from $150 to $300 on Third, Fourth and Fifth streets. These are choice bargains. 0. H. Thoelecke. Suit has been brought against fhoinas Neville, of Hastings who is visiting his dauehtjr Mrs. Le Simon in this city, by Mr. and Mrs. McGowan for twenty thousand dollars. While at their home in Fairfield Mr. Neville left a bottle of carbolic acid in his room which was found by tho two year old baby who drank a largo quanity of it and died shortly after. The case will be brought up for trial in Fairfield in the near future. ' Buick Makes Fast Trip . Last Sunday a Buick 30 was driven from Scottsbluff to the mountains west of Wheatland, Wyoming.and buck. They left at 11 a. m. and returned at 10:20 p. m. The distance is 230 miles. The re turn trip of 115 miles was made in ex actly 5 hours. The roads wore very rough and washed out in many places and the average speed maintained through that country is considered very good. The car used 13 gallons of gaso line, 3 quarts of cylinder oil and one pint of water on the entire trip. ScottBbluff County Republican. f Hi Notice for Bids. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Platte Valley Irriga tion District will receive sealed bids for tho construction of concrete founda tions and floors for ten steel bridges and for the construction of twelve concreto checks and drops combined, also one concrete arch. Work must be com menced on or before October 15th, 1913. Bids must be based upon tho specifica tions on file covering this work nd shall be mads on regular bidding blanks furnished by I. E. Ware, Secrotary, at Hershey, Neb. All bids must be in the office of the Secretary by 10 o'clock, a. m., October 7th, 1913, when same will be opened. The board reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. I. E. Wake, GG-G Sec. Platte Valley Irr. Dist. EMPRESS THEATRE Shoe Repairing, Wo announce the opening of a Shoe Repairing department, and solicit a share of the patronage of the public. Good work guaranteed at reasonable prices. Fokstedt & SlIEEDY. Harness shop on Locust street. Drugs. For all acirto or chronic diseases, the indicated Homeopathic remedy always the safest, quickest and best. Twinkm's Drug Dept. Tuesday, Sept. 9th. Esenkay Photo Play, "The Power of Conscience" A dramatic masterpiece on two reels, featuring Francis X. Bushman. John Bunny; Florn Finch and Lillian Walker in , ;'When the Press Speaks" A clever plot. He takes off his hat to the press, changes his views about women and the result is a double en gagement. Don't fail to hear MISS FAYE STEPHEMS the little violinist who will give us a violin solo. A BIG EVENING FOR TEN CENTS You are Invited to Attend Our Printz oLSJLlJLtJJIl RECEPTION vs&aKMsnmxss&tiiLXTU ecthbct iwn tvi 'gtssrag "" Beginning at 8 p. m at tlie more; $ Theatre I SEE THE STYLES YOUR GREAT GRANDMOTHER WORE mtllm kW yll LA A Ten Thousand Dollar Moving P.icture Film, 1 n rfmll IlUV if ill W Three Thousand Feet in length, portraying' by Motion J I iolm j I iJUvC I lyjr Photography the styles of the century in contrast with 1 j 7I IWI If Hva I MA ' those of today, will be shown to our friends and cus- 11 ' iQiSv mlliiwl "ivi MA ' tomers- i 1 MtflM SI I V HP The title of the fllm is "Mr3, Carter Worthington's If mmwllili I'll WT Dilemma." It portraysin an interesting and fascina- j I II 1 HBwTflf I ff ft ting way the difficulties that our women friends en- W rlirmjn V ll'fy counter in their efforts to procure costumes, gowns NJ If vim flffiKilf J iff Am and tailored suits that meet the approval of those who St I JMsU rWtjfJ2w know style, fit and tailoring. ! ! H 'l ISssl Mrs- Worthingr.on has an annoying experience lulllxv 11 BSfei 7St2Pr m searcn tor anew cusiumu m wmtu iu munu hiu HUlHv !! - K -Ictfi mPbs-' t,oi trnnViloa nrp snlvpil hv lir hnsom friend. Mrs. I.iln lllUllM illT By Laskerfield who has discovered the merits of PRINT- IlllUU. ZESS. I ! AY A Ten Thousand Dollar Moving Picture Film, Three Thousand Feet in length, portraying' by Motion Photography the styles of the century in contrast with those of today, will be shown to our friends and cus tomers. , The title of the film is "Mrs. Carter Worthinton's Dilemma." It portraysin an interesting and fascina ting way the difficulties that our women friends en counter in their efforts to procure costumes, gowns and tailored suit3 that meet the approval of those who know style, fit and tailoring. Mrs. Worthingr.on has an annoying experience in search for a new costume in which to attend The Annual Costume Pageant of the Delaware Society, and her troubles are solved by her bosom friend, Mrs. Liln Laskerfield who has discovered the merits of PRINT ZESS. During the Costume Pageant, we will introduce on film the styles of the last century beginning with the girl of 1800 and proceeding by 10 year periods'up to the present day. The third reel will portray the visit of Mrs. Lila Laskerfield to the home of the PRINTZESS and just what she saw while watching the making of a PRINTZESS garment. On the lust red we show a parade of living models, wearing the styles of the season, the very garments that you will see in our department. TICKETS ARE GRATIS and can be obtained only in our garment department. Ticket distribution willbegin on Monday, Sept 8th, and continue until the seating capacity of the Empress theatre is exhausted. Make this a gala occasion, call up your friends, have them meet you in our department. Make up a party to attend this Fashion Exhibit in a body, and know what t he styles for Fall really are. Remember the Date September 10th, 1913, beginning at 8 p. m. in the Empress Theatre Ticket distribution begins Monday, Sept. 8th. Tickets are gratis; get them in our garment department. pr AJkm ramp North Platte, Nebr. JBET Jrik IMfe 1 &hF af 1 I'l 1 kic & MJ TH S H M 22 mmmmmBmummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm