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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1913)
Stntc Hfftfrjrel Ecfft kite hm- u Wxbmt, TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., SEPTEMBER 5, 1913. No. 65 Wkt Jprtfr W 1 t Local and Personal. Joseph Weeks, of Grand Island, loft this morning after a few days stay in town. Miss Nell Workman came from Baird Wednesday and wllf teach here this term. Mr. Schoolcraft and sons, of Mux well, are spending a few days in town with friends. Ninty three now freight cars went thu this morning to Granger from an eastern factory. Dr. Pritchard returned last eveniog from Ogalalla where he spent several days on business. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Anderson came home last evening from Omaha whre they visited this week. Mrs. Thomas Axtell and bi other left this morning for Oshkosh to pend a few doys with friends. O. E. Harris, of Lincoln, came a few days ago to visit his sister Mrs. Thomas Axtell for a week or longer. 1 For tho week ending yesterday sixty eight hunting licenses were issued by the County Cleik. Only one of these was to a non-resident. New line of fall Ulz-Dunn shoes at the Leader. The county commissioners have been 1 in sossion this week auditing and allow ing bills, looking up road matters and transacting other business of a routine nature. Section Foreman Hammer has begua tne construction of a three thousand dollar residence in the 800 block oh west Sixth street. Contractor Friberg is the builder. The ball games scheduled with the Nebraska Collegians for today, Satur day and Sunday were cancelled by a letter received by Manager Cummings Tuesday afternoon. L. E. Jones, of Nichols, was in town yesterday and said that corn in the -valley is out of the way of frost. It has ripened well and outside of the hail strip will be a good crop. Money to loan to help -you -build, bay or pay oii your old loan. Bratt & Goodman. Messis. George Anderson, W. V. Hoagland and Fred Diener will repre sent the I. 0. 0. F. at the meeting of the grand lodge in Lincoln next month. Willis Hansen and daughter Miss Thea Hansen returned Tuesday from Denmark where they spent tho sum mer. They report an enjoyable visitin the foreign lands, having visited in several of the leading cities. Master Lyle Palmer loft yesterday I morning lor Lexington 10 visa rela tives for a week or more. All kinds of messalino petticoats on Bale. Prices"$2.19, ?3.49 and $1.49 surely bargains. E. T. Tramp & Son. Monday Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sebastian will move into the house recently va cated by Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Board man. Tho "Dutch Ladies" will serve homo made sourkrout, made especially for the occasion at tho Presbyterian church carnival on tho evening of Sept. 11th. Mr. and Mrs. V; B. Brown leave to morrow for Philadelphia, where they will visit friends for several weeks. That city wos Mrs. Brown's former home. Ralph Belcher, of Garfield, who was one of tho principals in the shooting affray at Garfield recently nnd has since been a patient in a local hospital, is getting along nicely. R. L. Lewis, of DesMoines, repre senting tho Barber Asphalt Co., spent yosterday in town. He came her to ascertain if there was a likolihood of North Platte paving its streets next yoar. Rev. C. B. Harman, of this city, will on Septembe'r 14th, join with clergy men in all parts' of the world in a prayer for all free schools. These prayers will be uttered in all the ton gues of men almost simultaneously. Special sermons on the subject of re ligious and moral education will also be preached. The case of Edward Dorcey vsGeorgo Lewis came up in Justice Sullivan's court yesterday afternoon and was continued for eight days. The plain tiff charges that Lewis had improper relations with his daughter for several months. Lewis was married last week to a lady from Cozad. Ho furnished a five hundred dollar bond. Roy Lee, who wos beating his way thru town this week was arrested AVednesday evening by U. P. Police Gorman. Lee boarded Train No. 9 as it was leaving the yards and was put off three times between the depot and the west yards T5y the conducts who was finally obliged to stop the train and call the officers. Lee was tried yestorday in Judge Grant's court and given a thirty-day sentence. His case for delaying the U. S. mail will bc taken up by the government. Drugs. For all acute or chronic diseases, tle indicated Homeopathic remedy always the safest, quickest and best. 1'winem's Drug Dept. i aBa.. a if 3rTv ,,,,,,,,,,, jjL,,,,, JiL if CiGOL JJtAAAS Houd Important . it is to pive tie little folks Just the Right kind ofTood for breakfast, lunch and dinner- RrYotirComideration WeOffen Lierk-Sandall. ffllMTMll t tne Kellogg's Toasted Wheat Biscuit. Wedding Breakfast'CoKee. Hershey's Milk Chocolates. Bohemian Ripe Olives. Emery's Deviled Sardines. Walker's Chili Con Came. Campbell's Vegetable Soup. Jello Assorted Flavors. Princess Cod Fish. Imported Mushrooms. Local and Personal Mrs. J. T. Stuart roturncd Wednesii doy from a short visit in Sterling, v Mr. Lloyd Herron, transacted bust' ness in Omaha the first of this week. Don't forget the special sale on Petti coats Saturday. E. T. Tramy & Son. Dick Baker expects to leave early part of next week for Hastings to visit friends. Miss" Thersa Fokin, of Paxton, came down last evening to spend a week with friends in town. Christian Science Service Sunday 11:00 A. M. Subject "Man." Sunday school 12 m. K. P. hall,' Dewey St. A girl baby was boin August 29th to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vincent of Hold rege, formerly of this city. Eugene Meyers, of Ft. Worth, Texas, a former resident of this section, is visiting relatives and friends in town, Mr. and Mrs. James Roddy expect to leave the early part of next week for Omaha to spend a couple of days. Iho Halligan family left this morning in their car for Ogalalla where they spend a couple of days with friends. Two apprentice girls wanted at Mrs. Sailor's Millinery Emporium at the Leader. tf Mrs. Glasgoy and children, of Chop poll, came yesterday to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sebastian for a week. Get in on the petticoat sale Saturday, Sept. Gth. One day only. E. T. Tramp &Son. Mrs. Dennin Cronin of Sibley la., is expected here next week to visit hor brothers Messrs. Jossph nnd James Roddy for a couple of weeks. John Reynolds who hns been employed in the Wilcox department storo for a year past returned last evening from Colfax, la,, where he, was married September 3rd to Miss Matilda Robert?, They will make their homo in this city. In growing over thirty busholB of winter whest to the acre on summer tilled ground when his other wheat made only about halt that, Ed Jolliffo convinced himself thnt where farming pays summer tillage' is the thing. Sutherland Free Lance. Frank McFadden was down from hla Keith county ranch Wednesday. He had lately returned from South Omaha, where he markoted five cars of cattle, receiving $7.50 per 100 for his two-year-old steers and $G.50 for his cows. The milk cow train to bu run under tho auspices of the State university and the Burlington and Northwestern roads will' go over the high line September 20, stopping at Wallace, May wood, Dickens, Curtis and other towns. Special sale on Saturday, petticoats of all kinds, messaline, heatherbloom and ginghams, all prices, now is the time to get your supply. F. T. Tramp & Son. Julius Pizer returned yesterday from New York and Chicago where he spent threo weeks purchasing stock for Tho Leader. Mr. Pizer says trade condi tions in those two cities, and especially New York, are not satisfactory to business men, and theio is mnch com plaint among tho wholesalers and job bers. They "ffer no exp'anation as to the unsatisfactory condition, simply saying "1913 is sure a hoodoo." L. E. Roache leaves tomorrow for Lincoln, where he will bo joined by his family, and they will go to Tulsa, Okla., their future home. Mr. Rouche located in North Platte immediately after graduating from tho law depart ment of the state university. Ho worked his way-thru that Institution by finding employment ouside of school hours, and for two years succeeded in getting about four hours' sleep per night. He had hard competition when he began his career in North Platte, but he was an indefatigable workor und gradually increased his practice until life assumed a more roscatic hue. Mr. Roache has always been a very! conscientious man, has been absolutely fair in tho legal practice and in his business transactions and he takes with him the best wishes of our people. yy omen s ISfew Showing in 9 Apparel A fine selection of New Fall Suits, including all- the most attractive new style features in the newest materials at very popular prices. $15.00 to $35.00 ... . .in .. i I., i, H.IM- .i . fc" ' " - '?i Attractive New FallXtiafs In the very newest effects and latest ma materials priced at $10. to $37.50 , -AL New Fall' Dresses 5N MW for street or evening wear are ready for your inspection. Good News to Mothers We have just received a new line of Chil dren's Dresses in worsteds and wash materials, all sizes and a large variety of styles to choose from. Just tle kind of dresses you ivqnt for school, especially priced from SOc up. All alterations free of charge and satisfaction guaranteed North Platte's Exclusive Women's Store ivXtit m Ml w nl 1 ' I ' nil I I.Wv i wPHn IB W. C T. U. Elects Officers. The W. C. T. (J. held election of of ficers at their meetfng September 2d, the following being elected: Mrs. Stella Banks, re-elected presi dent; Mrs. Ella Hartman, secretary; Mrs. Minnie Perkins, re-elected treas urer; Mrs. F. T. Overman, vice presi dent. Tho following superintendents of departments wete elected: Evan gelistic, Mrs. W. S. Leon; franchise, Mrs. H. L. Baker; ilower mission, Mrs. Minnie Perkins; jail nnd prison, Mrs, A. V. Kellv: literature, Mrs. Emma Van Cleave; mothers' meeting, Mrs M. V. Mooney; mercy and relief, Mrs, Lillie Dean; parliamentary usage, Mrs. Ella Hartman; telegraph press, Mrs. L. C. Knowles; scientific temperance instruction, Mr. L. E. Miller; social meetings and red letter days, Mrs. T. F. Overman and Mrs. Belle Morris; systematic giving, Mrs. Stella Banks. Tho one plan has been successfully tried and tho members are Mosdamos Miller, Wilson and Knowles. State convention will bo held at Fre mont September 23 to 2G inclusive. Tho delegates from our local union aro Mesdames Banks, Hartman and Perkins with Mrs. V, Overman as al ternate. Next Sunday Evening. The Lutherans resumo their evenjng services next Sunday at 8 o'clock with n sacred concert, tho following is tho special music: Anthem, tho Choir; Solo, Mr. Andy Yost; Duet, Mrs. and Miss Huffman; Solo, Trombone, Arthur Tramp; Anthem, the Choir; Anthem Mr. Yost; Soprano Solo; Miss Dienor; Duot, Arthur Tramp, Trombono, Harry Huffman, Cornet; Solo, Mr. Jas. Shaef fer; Anthem, tho Choir. Master Chailes Rincker roturncd thta morning from Denver where he Bpent several weeks with tho McGovern family. j Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kirkpatriclc will leave tomorrow morning for Kearney to make thoir home in the future. Jnmes Wada of Sarbon stated the first of tho wook that his 70-ncro field of sugar beeta promises a yield of 1,000 tons. Sutherland Free Lance. KEITH Theatre SAT. lJlJJL ItJ I Prices SOc, 75c, 1.00, $1.50 Sfats Now Sllincf u "Stop Thief." "Stop Thief." without a question of a doubt the very best theatrical offering at the Keith Opera House during tho ontire season will be presented in this city on Saturday evening, Septomber 13th, with the orgnial company and pro duction. This play had one" year in Now York nnd was titled the best comedy on the American stage. An added interest to tho ongagemont is the fact that the cast will includo John McCnbe a former resident of this town and who spent in boyhood days in North Platte. Until ho went on the staire Mr. McUabe had an unlimited amount of frtondu here who aro alroauy planning theatre parties in honor of hfs home coming. For Rent. The Woods House at 305 West Third Street. The large room in the cement block building on West Front Street. Other houses, furnished and un furnished rooms. Storage room and Safe depoiit boxes. Bratt & Goodman. Among tho local teachers who spent their vacations at homo and returned here this week are Misses Ruby Manuel of Kearney, Gladys Welsh of Moniccllo.Ia., and Gertrude Hanks of Fremont. The Original Cast and Produciiov. I