The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 02, 1913, Image 1

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Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
One Year by Mail in advance $1.25
One Year by Carrier in advance $1.60
Kntered nt North Platte, Nebraska, Post
ofilco as Second Clas3 Matter.
fTUESDAY. SEPT. 2. 1913.
To The Public.
A petition regular in form was
filed on July 28th with the city
clerk under the Initativo act proposing
a now water ordinance. The clerks in
forms mo that thirty days have elapsed
since the filing of this petition and no
election has boon called for the
reason that no deposit has boon
rande as a guarantee of the costs of
the election should such an ordinance
fail to currv. The attorney of tho pe
titioners informs mo that it is tho
contention of the petitioners that a
guarnntoo is not required and that
there is no present Intention to deposit
I have graye doubts as to the validity
of the proposed ordinance, if enacted,
for the reason that it provides that the
city shall refund the price paid . for
moturs already bought, if the pur
chasers should so elect, but provides no
measures for raising and appropriating
tho funds to so do. If such proposi
tion is invalid it would undoubtedly
avoid the entire ordinance as being an
inducing part thereof.
Under those circumstances I have
suggested to tho water commissioner
the desirability of proceeding with the
enforcement of tho present ordinance
providing for meter installation.
E. II. Evans,
Local and Personal.
A baby boy was born Friday
to Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Brown.
Mrs. J. A. True returned the latter
latter part of last weok from Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. Snyder, of Bignel),
spent tho weok end with town friends.
Miss 'Maud Davis, of Loomis Is.'visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Getty this
Miss Gertrude Baker loft Saturday
morning for Gothenburg trt take up her
duties as, teacher.
S. II. DonohoWor.of Pooria, III., who
was tho guest of his parents Inst week,
has returned home.
A. E. Timmermnn returned tho lat
ter part of Inst week from a business
visit in Gothenburg.
Miss Ida Ottenstoin rolurncd homo
Friday evening from a pleasant visit in
cities of Colorado. .
Mrs, Alox Fonwick returned Friday
vuftornoon from a short visit with her
tlaugh'tcr in Cheyenne.
Mrs. Joseph Murphy left the latter
part of last week for. Omaha to visit
friends for tieveral days,
W. M. Sauorbrum and H. H. Faugh,
of Alliance, woro business visitors in
town tho latter part of last weok.
JohnLandor, of Portland, Me., ar
rived hero Saturday to make his homo
with his undo G. D. Chamberlain.
Mrs. 0. II. Cresslcr and daughter
Mildred went to Gothenburg Saturday
morning to visit relatives for a week.
Mrs. F. II. Englomnn and Miss Hum
berstone, of Julesburg, spent tho latter
part of last week in town with friends.
Mrs. J. S. Twiirom and children who
liavo been visiting in Gllddon, la., for
sevornl weeks aro oxpected homo to
day. Paul Harrington, of Denver, will leave
today for Crolghton Col logo in Omaha
after spending several days with tho
Horrod family.
Miss Mamie Hagerty, of Denver, who
has beon employed in the local telephono
ofilco for several weeks, will leave this
weok for homo.
Mrs. 'Chowo, of Hastings, arrived
hare Saturday to tako chnrgo of tho
cloak nnd suit department of tho
Miss Lena isnsKlnx lott rriuny oven
ing for Denver and other cities of Colo
rado to spend a couplo of weeks with
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. S. Davis are enjoy
jng a. vIbU from tho former's mother
Mrs. A. L. Davis of South Dakota
who came last wook.
Mr. andJMrs. John Watson, of Kau
kauno,Wis., who woro guotts of Mr.
a,nd Mrs. "Wood White last weok, have
Returned homo.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthoney Jeltors left
tho latter p"art of last week for Victor,
Colo., to visit their grand daughter.
They were accompanied by Mastor
John Scharmann who will maku his
homo there.
Card of Thanks.
I wish to express my heartfolt thanks
to tho Baptist church, the pastor,
singers, poll boarera and other friends
for the kind assistance, tho appropriate
music and beautiful flowers and other
help rendorod during tho sickness, death
and burial Of my beloved wife.
1 II. E. Olson.
Father Objects to
Daughter's Lover.
(From tho Holdroge Progress)
Jack Vest of Wellfleot was arrested
at the depot in this city Tuesday even
ing on the charge of Intoxication and
intent to injure by drawing a knife.
Tho latter complaint waB filed by Clair
Hazen also of Wellfleot, and the lover
of the sixteen ynar old daughter of tho
man who threatened him. The father
told that the boy, was intending to
mnrry his daughter against the father's
The girl was enrouto from her
father's home in Wellflcet to that of
her mother in Cambridge, the parents
bolng parted some time ago. The boy
was enrouto to Mascot to work. His
paronts live just south of Wellfleot and
he and tho girl had been keeping Rcom
panv for the past three years. Ho is
ninotcen years of ago and wanted to
marry the girl contrary to tho father's
wishes which persistence, according to
the the pator, interfered with her educa
tion. Whan the young peoplo loft Wellflcet
tho father suspected that they might
have plans for marrying and ho too
boarded tho train, riding to Holdrege in
anothor car. Upon reaching this place
he warned the police to seo that tho
young folks did not wed or engago a
room. -
He was intoxicated and became more
so and returning to the depot bo ap
proached the boy with a knife. A panic
ensued among tho occupant of tho
waiting room and except for tho timely
arrival of tho officers a tragedy might
have occurred. Vost was lodged In tho
city jail for the night.
Vest was brought bofore tho police
jupge Wednesday morning. Ho was
fined a dollar and costs and released.
Boforo tho departure of this train,
however, he was again taken on com
plaint of the boy, being charged with
drawing a knife with intent to do in
jury. Vost was detained and the hear
ing sot for tho afternoon. After the
parties concerned had discussed the
matter tho boy withdrew tho charge.
Vest claimed to have no recollection of
having his knife In his hand. He said ho
might' havo been whittling, he whittled
Incessantly while Under tho surveillance
of Officer Reed Wednosday. Ho mado
no thrents to stab tho boy, as was es
tablished, It is rumored that tho father gave his
consent to tho mnrnago bofore ho and
the boy had parted company.
Local and Personal.
Miss Catherine Catorsonhas returned
from an extonded visit with relatives
In Iowa.
Mrs. Applegate roturned the latter
part of last week from an extended
visit In dndinnu.
Mrs. A. E. Huntington will enter
tain theDegreo of Honor Social Club
this nftornoon.
Mrs. Everett York and children left
Saturday morning for Cozad to spond a
week with relativas.
Miss Pearl Weeks, of Grand Island,
who spent last week here with rela
tives, left Friday afternoon.
W. P. Adkins, wifu,and daughter, of
South Omaha, visited local people tho
latter part of last weok.
Mrs. M. II. Douglas and nieces re
turned Friday from a short visit in
Grand Island with relatives. '
Mr. and Mrs. Luko Hoaloy returned
Satuiday morning from Denver where
thoy spent tho past two weeks.
Miss Jossio Wallace, of Lexington,
who visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mur
phy last week, loft Friday afternoon.
Frank Foster, of tho North Platte
laundry, was Injured about tho oyes
last week with n strong acid, and bus
gono to his home in Gothenburg to re
main for a couplo of weeks.
A very pleasant 8 o'clock dinner was
given nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Goo.
MangC23 oost sixth last evening for
two of tho popular couples of town
Miss Nora Andorsonand PatHaggorty,
Miss E. E. Hamiltlon and Avelino Gates,
Music by Miss Nina Van Dorn. X
If your surplus money is not earning
7 and 8 per cent semi-annual interest
in gilt edge, first mortgage loans, not
taxable, see Bratt & Goodman,
Whereas, tho Chambor of Commerco
and business men of North Platte havo
extended every effort to mako tho
meeting of tho Groat Plains Co-operative
Association and a Sectional .Meet
ing of tho American Society of Agron
omy a success.
Therofore, Bo it Uesolved, That this
meeting now assembled olTor to tho
Chamber of Commorco and business
men of North Platto a vote of thank?,
for the pleasant and convenient moot
ing place, tho beautiful flowers, tho
auto rido out to tho experimental sta
tion, the entertainment at tho Elk's homo
and tho many othor courtesies which
they havo extended to make our visit
to their city so plensant.
And, That Post Master E. S. Davis
be voted special thanks for his personal
efforts in securing tho uso of Federal
building for this meeting and for his
continued labors for our comfort.
; OOSE hay is
in the world to manage. I here's
no getting around that. The wind
plays havoc with it. It slips and
slides off poorly loaded wagons. In
barn and yard much of it is wasted. It is much
too bulky to haul or ship far.
Handling hay is a problem, and right here
is the answer in the baling. An I H C hay
press puts your hay in convenient shape for
handling and economical feeding; no nc6d to
build outdoor stacks exposed to all weather,
for lack of barn space. You can ship the bales
to cities and distant places where the hay
market and prices arc good. Large cities,
where stora'gc space is costly, require hay to be
baled, and top prices are paid. Shredded corn
fodder makes a good feeding substitute for all
the hay you may ship to the city.
H C Hay Presses
arc the only kind you will consider in buying,
when you have mado a comparison, studied
the construction, the durability, the features,
and the possibilities of the I H C hay presses.
You will find both styles made in three sizes,
14 x, 18, 16 x 18, and 17 x 22-inch bale chamber,
baling from six to sixteen tons per day.
The efficiency of the I H C features, the
self feeder, toggle joint plunger, bale tension,
and spring roller tucker, prove their worth on
demonstration. If j'our choice is a motor
power press, you will have a year-round ma
chine, for the engine is always ready to do farm
jobs for you, pumping, sawing, grinding, run
ning the repair shop, electric light plant, etc.
In the horse power press, study the pull power
principle, compound leverage, and the low,
step-over. It is the most efficient press sold.
Drop in on your local dealer and look over
the I H C hay press line. Get catalogues from
him, or, write the
International Harvester Company of America
Crawford Neb.
Also, That the Elk's lodge bo given a
vote of thanks for opening their beauti
ful homo for our entertainment
And, That Rev. II. G. Knowles be
given a vote of thanks for the us! of
his lantern which was indispensable in
the presentation of several papers' on
tho program.
John F. Ross,
Manley Chamlin,
W. W. Bihui, '
North Platte People Have Absolute
Proof of Deeds at Home.
It's not words but deeds that prove
truo morit.
The deeds of Doan's Kidnoy Pills,
For North Platte kidney sufferers,
Havo mado their locul reputation.
Proof lies in the testimony of North
Platto people.
J. C. McGowan, 321 So. Chosnut St.,
North Platte, Nobr., says: "Six months
a;jo I had an attack of kidney trouble
and suffered from all the aches and
pains that accompany this disease. I
uegan using uoan's luancy ruin pre -
ret saws&'t-SA'ws
curod from McDonell & Graves' DrugU S. Hardin,
store, (now Schiller & Co's) and it re
quired only one box to rid me of every
symptom of tho trouble. The cure has
proved permanent. I havo also given
Doan'a Kidney Pills to our little girl
who bufFored from backache and a
kidnoy weakness and they proved equaly
For sale by all dealers. Price 50. cents.
Fostor-MilburnCo., Buffalo, Now York,
sola agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
tako no other.
Legal Notice.
To Alhert W. Kilmer and Jennie
Kilmer, his wife, defendants:
You nnd each of you will tako notice
that the Hank of btapleton, of Staplo
ton. Nebr., us plaintiff, has filed its
certain petition in tho District Court
of Lincoln County, Nebraska, in which
you and ench of you are named as de
fondants, the objoct and prayor of
which said petition is to foreclose that
certain mortgage made and executed
by you and each of you to Tho Candy
Hank upon tho following described ren
estato sltuato In Lincoln County, No
broska, to-wit: The southeast quarter
(sej) and tho southeast quarter (sej) of
tho southwest quarter (swl) of section
thirty-two (32), township sixteen (10), J
norm oi rnngu iweniy-six zi, west of
the Gth 1 M. and which said mortgago
was given to secure tho payment of
that cortoln promissory noto mado
und executed by y.ou for tho principal
sum of $315.00. And said foreclosure
is hail for said principal sum together
with interest thereon at the rate of ton
nor cent per annum from September C,
1912. You and each of you will make
answer to said petition on or before
October 13, 1913, or tho nllogations
thereof will betaken as true anddecree
enteroJ accordingly.
Dated nt North Plntte, this 2nd day
of September, 1913.
Bank ok Stai-leton,
by E. H. Evans,
s2-l its attorney.
Your Hay
one of the hardest things
Notice is hereby giving that no hunt
ing or treasspassing will be allowed on
tho lands of the undersigned who reside
south and West of North Platte.
Violations of this notice will be prose
cuted to tho full extent of the law.
Wm. Benaur,
Elmor Dagget,
Win. Hunter,
Chas. Howard,
E. A. Roberts,
Ode Roberts,
Jess Kunkle,
Clark Howard,
G. T. Knotts,
Frank Facka,
C Broeder, '
Eli Kunckle,
C. Porter
A. J. Howard,
W. Kunkle,
George Single,
C. S. Bethell,
Wm. Facka,
Lester Anderson,
M. Ortan,
Arthur Conner,
Ed Wilson.
A. W. Tool.
Gunderson Bros.
0. L Watkins,
J. A. Kunkle,
A. Kunkle.
D. V. Kunkle,
Hugh Songor,
L. L. Rowely,
Louise Grulko,
Ward Weekly,
Clyde Long,
Roy Melton,
John Pulls,
J. K. .Crow,
F. Kronquest,
F. L. Weinburg,
S. D. Goldsmith
D. A. Voss,
F. W. Collins
AV. H.Backley,
C. R. Osgood,
Ed. Froemari.
D C. Carrigan,
C. V. Turnie,
D. J. Knox,
M. C. Leth,
A. Leth,
A. Zulor,
George Garman,
W. E. M ester.
C. F. Zimmerman
E. Collins,
, u.
W. Fdis;
L. Lloyd
F. Montague
Dr. J. K. Elms, m
t.yc, t,ur, nobo una " tfuS
Throat Glnsses JlMBS
fitted Also 37JSB"
Homeopathic Physician and
Office over McDonald State
North Platto. Phone 30.
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residenco Red C36 Office 459
Notice of Incorporation.
Notice Is hereby given that tho under
signed have associated as a corporation
under tho name and style, Howe &
Mnloney; with the principal place of
transacting Its bubiness In the city of
North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebras
ka; and for the purpose of transacting
a general furniture and undartnkmg
business; with the amount of its capi
tal stock $12000.00 all paid in cash; and
sind corporation shall commence its
business on the 25th day of April, 1913,
and torminate in twenty yeats; and its
indebtedness is not nt any time to ex
ccod of Its amount of stock capital;
nnd tho business of the incorporation
shnll be conducted by a president nnd n
vice-president, secretary and treasurer.
Dated this 28th day of Julv, 1913.
' WM.LIAM R. Maloney, President,
CHARLES A. Howe, Vice-President,
'ERMA V. Maloney, Sect.,
William R. Maloney, Trcas.
Dr. D. C. Crocker.
Osteopathic Physician
44-it-fc.t' 44-ki 4-iP f
Physician atitl Surgeon,
w Office over McDonald Bank.
ni,.. unite iou
Phones Uesidencell5
3r!Mr?-JM-1!!Mtf tt!tM'S"Sr!WM
HomeopathlcPhyslclan nnd Surgeon
Hospital accommodations for Medical and
surgical attention given obstetrical cases.
Offlco Phono 183 Res. Phono 2S3
Ofllco McDonald State Hank Md'ir
Office phone 241. Res. phono 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
"McDonald Bnnk Building.
Doctors Ames & Ames,
a Physicians and Surrjeons,
l Office over Stone Drug Co.
rt m,a I Office 273
ii lhone3 Residence 273
f Signet Chapter 0. E. S., f
NO. 55-
Mcets 2nd and 4th Thursday of every
month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 p. in.
Telephono Red -1GG G03H Dewey St.
North Platto, Nebraska.
i? 13 years experience at the bench. Can do Ji
re all kinds of repairing. lied rock prices. All J?
A, work guaranteed. j
Oldest Bonk in Lincoln County
State Bank
North Platte, Nebr.
CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00
We Solicit Your Buslnsss.
rV House of GoodShowlHI
When in North Platte.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matinee Saturday After
noon at 2:30 O'clork.
For Thirty or
more Years.
We have been making, repairing,
cleaning, and altering clothes for
tne people of North Platte, We
have aimed to give' satisfaction, and
we guess we have been successful,
else the people would not now pat
ronze us. Give us a chance to do
your work.
Entrance north of the Nyal drug store.
Established in 1871.
Contractor and Builder.
Shop Corner Oth and Vine Streets
R. D. Thomson.
Two Attractions.
North Platto has two attractions it
iretty women and tho cigars made by
Schmalzried, Both attractions aro
Uploading; and both aro in demand.
remaps you nave not ueonsmoKlng
Schmnlzricd cigars and don't know how
good they nre; if so, try them. You
will not bo disappointed,
The Maker of Good Cigars.
-r?! ! -"-I Pc .
Di Infield infield
Physicians and Surgeons.
JOB II. REDFIELD, Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
rHONE 612.
The Ptato of Nebraska, Lincoln Countr. ss
In tho County Court.
In the Matter of tho Estate of Clause
Erickson Deceased.
To tho creditors, heirs ICRatces and others
Interested In tho estato of Clause Erickson.
Tal.o notice, that the administrator, has
filed in tho county court, a report of his
(lolnfrs as administrator of said estate and
it is ordered that the samo taiul for
hcarln? tho ltli, day of Seutemtwr, A. D.
li'13, bofore the court at tho hour of I) o'clock,
a. m., at which time any person Interested
may appear ana except to anil contest the
Notice of this proceedinc and tho hearing
thereof Is ordered given to all persons In
terested In sold matter by publishing n copy of
this order In the North Platto Tribune, a
leffal uawspapor printed In
said count for threo consecutive weeks
prior to saldtlato of hoarlnc.
Dated August 13th. 1913. (Seal)
a 19-3 .IoiinGiiait, County .ludeo
Tho Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln county, bs
In tho County Court,
In tho matter of the estato of Dennis
Kelly, deceased.
To tho creditors, heirs, legatees, and others In
terested In tho estate of Dennis Kelly.
Take notice, that Elizabeth Kelly has
filed In therountv court n report of hcrdoings
as administratrix of said estate, and It Is ordered
that tho same stand for hearing tho Oth day
Of September, A. D 1913. before tho court
at the hour of 9 o'clock, a. m nt which time any
person interested may appear and except to and
contest tho same.
Notice of this proceeding and tho hcnrlnjr
thereof Is ordered clvcn to all persons Interested
In said matter by publishing a copy of tho order
In tho North l'latto Tribune, n semi-weekly
newspaper, printed In said county for three
successive wetks prior to tho said date of
heanuir. Dated Ausuot 11th. 1913. (Seal)
a 19-8 .TOI I X OKANT. County Judgo
The State of Ncln a-1 . Lincoln County, ss.
In tho County Co.
In the matter r i o estato of John II.
Guthcrless, decia vi '
On reading and lll.ntr the petition of Mary
Gutherless, praimr that administration of sold
estate may bo trranted to herself as admin
istratrix. Ordered. That Sept. 9th. 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Is assigned for hearing tald petition, when
nil persons Interested In said matter may appear
at a county court to bo held in and for said
county, nnd show causo why prayer of petitioner
Bhould not be granted; nnd that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the hearing
thereof bo gi en to all persons interested in said
matter by publishing a copy of this order In the
North I'litte Tribune n Beml-weekly news
paper printed In said county for thieo successive
weeks, prior to said day of hearing,
Dated August 16, 1913.
al9-3 JOHN GRANT, County Judge.
Serial No. 04S09
United States Land Olllco
.At North Platte. Nebraska, July 23. 1913.
Notico is hereby given that Bernard A. Voss,
of North Platte, Neb., who on June 28, 1910, made
homestead entry. No. 0-1809, for EH NEvi.
CYi. SWK. nnd SE-v Section 30, Town
ship 11, N. Range SO, W. 6th Principal
Meridan, has filed notice of intention to make
three year proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before the register and receiver
at North Platte, Nebraska, on the 19th day of
September, 1913.
Claimant names as wltncssscs: George Miller
of Somerset, Neb.. William Hunter, Amandus
Kunkle, both of North Platte, Neb., Howard
Sinrms, of Wellflcet, Nebr.
J29-6 J. E. Evans. Register.
By virtue of an execution on transcript Issued
from theDistrict Court of Lincoln county, Nebras
ka, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said
court wherein Knox and Walters a corporation
partnership Is plaint!!!, and E. Rlma, is de
fendant, and to me directed, I will
on tho 23rd day of August, 1913, nt two
o'clock, p. m., nt the east front door of the
court house of said county, in tho city of North
Platte, Nebraska, sell at public auction, to the
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree.
Interest and costs, tho following described
property, to-wit:
NortheaBt quarter (ne'i) section two
(2) in township fifteen (15), range thirty
(30), west of the 6th P. M. in Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Dated nt North Platte, Neb., Jul y 14, 1913.
jlE-5 A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff
In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, Aug. 26th. 1913.
In the matter of tho estate of Catherine Mc
Govcrn, Deceased.
Notice Is hcieby given, that the creditors of said
deceased will meet the Executors of said
estate, before thb county judge of Lincoln county,
Ncbraski, at tho county court room, in said
county, on the SOth day cf Sept 1913, nnd on
the 30th day of Mar., 1914, at 9 o'clock a. m. each
day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for
examination, ndjustment and allowance. Six
months ore allowed for creditors to present their
claims, nnd one year for tho Executors to
settle said estate, from tho 26th day of Aug. 1913.
A copy of this order to be published in the
North Platte Tribune, a legal semi-weekly news
paper printed in said county for four successlv
weeks prior to Sept. 30th. 1913.
s2-4 JOHN GRANT County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss.
In the County Court.
In tho Matter of the Estate of Mary
Buchholz, deceased.
On reading nnd filing tho petition of Dredrick
Buchholz praying that administration of said
estate may be granted to August Homer as ad
ministrator. Ordered, That Sept. 23rd. 1913, at 0 o'clock n.
m. is assigned for hearing said petition when all
persons interested in said matter may appear at a
county court to be held in nnd for said county and
show cause why the prayer of petitioner should
not be granted; and that notice of tho pendency
of said petition and the hearing theieof bs given
to all persons interested In said matter by pub
lishing a copy of this order in tho North Platte
Tribune a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said
county, foi threo successive wicks, prior to said
day of hearing.
Dated August 27th. 1913.
s2-3 County Judge'
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County.
To all persons interested in the es
tate of Susan Pickett, deceased.
Whereas, there ha8 been admitted to
probato in the county court of said
county, an instrument purported to be
the last will and testament of Susan
Pickett, late of said county, doceased;
and John J. Ilalligan has filed his peti
tion herein, praying for the issuing of
letters testamentary, lhave, therefore,
appointed 23rd day of September at 9
o clock in the forenoon at the county
court room in snid county, as the time
and placo for hearing upon said peti
tion. At which time and place, you
and all concerned may appear and con
test the nllowingof the same. It is fur
ther ordered that said petitioner give
notice to all persons interested in said
estate, of the pendency of this petition,
and the timo and place set for the
hearing of the same by causing a copy
of this notice to be published in the
North Plntte Tribune a semi-weekly
newspaper of the county for three suc
cessive weeks previous to the day set
for hearing.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand and seal this 30th day of
August, 1913. John Grant,
County Judge.