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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1913)
StSjsr'Jwsmefv ' '- -? '& If n , Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ono Year by Mail In advance $1.25 Ond Year by Carrier in advance ,$1.G0 Kntorcd at North Platte, Nebraska, Post ofllco as Second Cluss Matter. (MMSKMSM .1 I I I 1 J TUESDAY. AUG 26. 1913. Rasniusten's "Ronjt." Under the heading of " 'Some' City," Sumo Ways," the Ilcrsliey Times of Ihls week feald: "In the special election held at our county scat yesterday to vote bonds for street paving, a city hall building In which, to house their fire apparatus, also tho proposition of Sunday ball, the latter was tho only proposition that carried, tho two former being lost by largo majorities. Tho report comes to Horshoy this morning that as a result of tho vot ing down of the city hall bonds, the fircmon resigned In a body. While wo cannot vouch for tho corroclnohs of this report, it is an undisputed fact that the loyal dromon of North Flatto have for years been laboring under inadequate and pervorso con ditions, and it would scorn Unit they would be justified in resigning and saying, 'People of North Platte, pro tect yourselves.' Sure, anything of a' sporty naturo goes in North Platto for instance, Sunday base ball. Hut where does sho stand on improve ments? A now court house she'll throw cold water on tho proposition. A now depot, yes, thoy had 'a choice o&optiuw depot or a now round houso tljoy chose the latter for fear tho roujid hmigo .would be put In at O'Falloffef Whcro It belonged, and as a consequence tho traveling public will ha6 to contend with the un sanlUiryKvlrhole thoy will havo prob ably for another" ton years. Show us whore North Platto has oer done anything for herself without ouUddo aid. There's tho raltioad, tho U. S. federal building, tho Oarwglollbrary," otc, etc. "When anything comes.Hip whoroby they could Improve their, city, they vote It down, no ono to put two dollars where they put In one but If of a sporty, nature thoy hop at it. That's our county seat. Lincoln County News, ilomor Uogors, who wns in from Pox Crook product yoatertlay, says corn ia a tnmplo failure In his section of tho county. Not since 1804 have crop conditions boon so poor. The .only bright spot this year is tho good yield of potatoes. On tho south sldu of tho rivor bo 'tween North Plntto and Gothenburg many fields of corns stalks nro being cut nnd will bo siloed. Farmers who lmvof siloes nro buying stalks as thoy ' Bttfnfl from other farmers at two dollars per aero. Martin Mickcjain, now' of Oakland, Calif,, has been spending the past few dttys In tho Horshoy section transacting b'uslnoas nnd visiting frionds. W. R. Funhousor has sold his restau rant at Hcrahoy to Amos nnd Chester Ellswoith, who took possession last week. The Horshoy, school board will rocolve sealed bids up to noon of next Saturday for tho trnnspoitation of school chil dren to and from school. Miss Dnrlin Purdy, of North Platto, who has beon visiting in tho Brady section, fell with a horse u week ago and sustained a frncturod bone In ono ' of her feet. Dr. Fottor rondorod tho necessary medical aid. Bert Wolr, living eight miles north df Maxwell hua sold 1,000 bushols of 1918 corn to Hnrtmnn nnd Jorgensen for flfty-flvo conts pur bushel on tho stalk. xWolr will havo 2,500 bushels ot corn en his snnd hill form, Editor5 Enmes, of tho Maxwell post, was called to Minnesota, .week by the Illness of Ins mother. Telo last One Crop Payi for tand, Every ono of our rendors has doubt loss at ono time or another heard stories of cases In which n singlo crop from n pioco of fnnd would pay for the land, This Is not likoly to occur of Course, except whore land Is very cheap or crops extrumoly vnlunhle. Wp have jut hoard of a cnao of this ' kind. E. G. Collings on tho Wm. Galvin plnco southwest of Dickens lias n potato patch of 17 acres which is yielding on low estimate an average of 75 bushels to tho aero and thoy nro soiling right on tho ground at one dollar per bushel or$1275. Pricing this quarter section at $12 per aero the crop from 17 ncres would cojhq within $645 of paying for tho ontlro quarter and as Mr. Collings has a considerable acreage of pretty good corn, It Is probable that the valuo of the. crops f rpm tho place this year will equal or exceed tho price of tho land. - Wallace Winner, How uw Trouble Starts. Constipation is tha cause of ninny ailments and disorders that make lifo miserable. JTakn Chamberlain's Tablets, deep your bowels regular and you .wilt avoid these diseases, For sale by all dealers. .P. ,"V', ..t-t 3T?LtmkLim f-f,JLy..0.7r!'fItnfnfTJ I lil 11 I i I I i , i l J i l 1 BOSOM FRIENDS I j; An Episode of the Mexican Revolution By RYLAND BELL M-H-M-H-M-M-M-M-I-H-M-M-I-v On tho outskirts of tho City of Mex ico lived two frionds, Manuel Cuslo nnd Unrinuo Coral. Both Cuslo nnd Coral wore acquaint tJ with I'opltn Itcyes nnd wero male lur. Inrn tn linr nt (tin nnmn (line. Cll- slo, who had no idon thnt Ids friendly wns favorably disposed to too girl, confided his own focffiigH with respect to her, but Coral did not rcclprocnto tlie confidence. Tho latter had an Idea that ho could by persoveranco win Peplta from Manuel nnd proposed to her nftor ho know that sho b. J engng cd herself to his friend. While Peplta wns a girl of very deep feeling, sho possessed a Rood under standing nnd plenty of solid sense that Is to say, sho had both brains nnd tact. " X "Why do you sot so much sloro by your friend Enriquo Coral?" sho would sny. "You nro his supoilor In every way. "i'ou havo In you tho makings of n nioro prominent citizen. ' You nro moro trustworthy." "You women," replied Manuel? "aTo inllnenced by your feelings. Men Judgo by facts, Knriquo will ono dny lo ono of the most influential men In Mexico." Popltn know that Knrlquo wns nwnro of his friend's lore for' her and that sho lind promised to ho his wife, but so great was Ihirlquo's influence over Manuel that she daro not tell her lover wlin Unrlquo had done. Should En riquo deny It Manuel would bellovo thnt kIh) had n personal grudge ngnlnst his filend nnd hud brought n fnlso accusation against him. Indeed, Mnn uel had onco nald to her, "Why is It that when a woman gets a lover sho nt onco tries to scoarato him from nil his old friends?" On tills account Popltn thought it I wiser to keep tho secret, realizing thnt If Manuel's eyes wero over opened to his friend's true character ho must find It out through some ono elso than Miorself. Possibly after murrlngo sho might Ventura n wnrnlng, but not now. Entlquo, alio believed, had It hf his power to scparato her from Manuel, whom sho denrly lovjd. When Manuel nnd Popltn wero mar ried Enriquo was called nwny on busi ness nnd wns not present nt tho wed ding. This enst n gloom on tho fostlv itles, for tho groom was bitterly dis appointed. Indeed, Enriquo wns to havo boon his "best mnn." nis brido wnf, tompted Jo tell him tho reason of his friend's nbsonce, but shrank from bringing tho nccusntlon nt such n time. After the weJClng sho put off speak ing of tho matter, and when ngnln sho mot Enriquo he oxpresscd his appreci ation of her good senso in not hnvlng told Mnnuel Jlint ho had been his ri val nnd hogged thnt Hho would never break up their friendship by doing so. SInco ho excused himself for his "net by his lnfntuntlon for her nod seemed to regret hnvlng spoken, olio yielded to n request that sho would promise him to keep tho secret nlwnys. Ton yonra passed. While Cuslo nnd Cornl wero naturally not thrown to gether n much ns thoy had boon whon thoy wero both bachelors, thcro seem ed to bo no chnngo In their Intlmncy, Coral hnd achieved prominonco ns nn agitator. Ho was a fluent speaker nnd .was nlwnys rendy to show tho pcoplo why thoy should pull down rather than why they should pationtly plod on In building up, Cuslo wns nn unambi tious mnn nnd unawhro of Ida talents. Ho hud Inherited n hacienda nnd wn3 contont to cultlvnto it, spending nny tlmo not required for tho purposo in his library. Such was tho status when tho upris ing ngnlnst Prosldont Porflrlo Diaz bo Ban to show itself. Cuslo was satis-, fled with tho oxlstlng conditions nnd remained quiotly on his hnclondn. Coral, whllo pretending to support tho government, was secretly working with tho supporters of Mndoro. Tho revolution wan a long whllo develop ing, nnd during this period Cuslo nnd Coral hnd frequent discussions upon tho political aspects of national uf fairs, and whon thoy hnd parted aftor ono of them Cuslo would say to his wlfo: "Thoro's a man for you. Tho presl Sent huB no such stanch supportor ns Knrlquo Coral. When tho revolution Is ended ho will occupy ono of tho most Important positions In tho cabinot" "Nevertheless, my dear," replied tho wife, "remember that In politics friend ship does not count Whon It becomes necessary for tho politician to sacrltlco his friend ho has no alternative, es pecially during theso ogvernmental changes wo have !u Central Amoricn. To keep your own counsel Is not to dls trust your frionds. You don't know hut thnt clrcnmstniKos may nriso which will compel him to sacrlflco you." "Whon Enrique, sacrifices me," ro pllod tho Infatuated man, "I shall con sider tho world too dlshonomblo for mo to llvo in." Peplta turned nwny, with n sigh, Bay lug to herself: "Tho wofld Is too con temptible for him to llvo in. IIo is so honorable hlmsolf that ho can't renllzo tho dishonor of others." .When tho uprising was completed and President Diaz was leaving Moxl co, Coral wont over publicly (o the side J. .jj.jqppi-H-hW-M-FTH-I-? A FIGHT IN I 1 THE DARK J It Resulted In a ?' fiscape AV -X By CLARISSA MACKII5 Hn-H-l-I-l-J-W-W-V-H-J-r-WM":-- Tho continuous thieving; uf r.r 't!i : dlso from the KhntiKhal r.n vim -Gordoit ic Co. had t!tHr.j it-wM d nn active Invostlgntloii of ,'w m-.i by the olllclont young ni..mivi. I ..t, I Newton. Ho had worked on th. Mutt-i f sovernl weeks before he decide! t'4 i Lcnnon, his foreman o:i ll!c .v'.ld . wns in conspiracy with the cu,ifc.,i a linndsomo Chinese Junk Ui,Mt! lain at anchor neal tho wharf ut 'ivi vnls tliat corresponded with tpfy ,t . of tho rohborlos. , wt So It was thnt ono rainy nlzjit l&R' , Nowton mado his way dotfu i2jy demon's Jetty, where ho fouiti Cook, his trir.ted young tpflK.) . wnltiug for him In the ;tjy t.i launch which belonged to (by co pnny. rundcrson's Jetty ororlookad C . don's wlinrf, nnd Philip hud scan, ,'j seated hhnsolf in tho launch whwi i tor leaned cautiously toward him. "Tho Junk went up about u half tu . ngo, sir," ho snld. "GoodI Wo'll go right nlong too. Tho Moteor sputtered out into !' river nnd pointed lier nose up stjvi. After her engine was falny stuii i' nnd tho specially patented muUltf h . been npplled tho noise died down til nt lost she glided In utter Hl!t. t through tho water. Tho drizzling rnin had ceased, nnd tho harbor wns Jeweled with the nu anco of hundreds of lights from l i gathered shipping. Encli tiny snm: . nnd fishing boat boro its softly gle J Ing (pnpcr Innteru, nnd as the Iiiuih li threaded hor way out of tho iiuchoiv-i sho seemed to glide over wnvos of molton gold whero tho currant bi'le fliri vfifli.nflnn Intn n limictnlwl ulittii mori,, Ici,f s The boat was going very slowly, fi-el Ing her way, now and then avoid ng n rapidly moving sampan, nnd but f r tho occasional meeting of oho of th small craft their Journey was without Incident until suddenly, without wi n ing, Peter brought tho Inuneh to n standstill nVd Philip leallzed that Hie fender chafed tho side cf some hupw, craft which wns moored In tho mjddlc of tho river. . There wns u slight J(jr of Impact, tin almost Imperceptible listing of tho lar ger crnft to starboard, nnd ns ,Mic righted hcrsplf he launch was tossed gently nwny nnd ngnln brought up with a slight rub against the black hulk. Thcro wns dead silence In tho lnuueli but nil about them in tho-fog were the staccato murmur of Chinese Voices J and the swish of water as thqugh myriads of tiny boots might bo darting between tho Junk nnd tho shore, fpi sometimes tho sounds wero near, as if approaching thein mid then dimin ishing. Occasionally there wns n mufllod thud ns though some hctfvy object hnd been transferred from ono vessel " to nnotiior, but tho encompnnslng fog con cealed tho mysterious happenings from tho oyes of tho Amcrlcnns in the launch. "It Is tho Junk." said Philip In n whisper. "I guess you'ro light, sir." "Put her under shore n6w. Peter. There should bo n inndlng nnd soino stono steps nlong hero. Perhaps we can find what they are taking ashore. Gently now!" Tho swift (low of tho river drowned tho pant of tho engine, nnd in a few minutes they hnd drawn up undo the high, muddy bank, Just beneath the black wall of masonry. From his seat In tho bdw Philip thrust ono leg over tho rail, groped with his foot nnd discovered what hf wns looking for a flight of bin'ton slimy Btono steps lending from the tit er to tho hnnk above. Quito by accident Potcr hnd bin "ajht. tho launch "to u standstill ut the f m of this flight of steps Philip was undetermined "ns to what ho would do next. Ills oljJrt l.t'd been to gain tho next landing heuid thorn, where ho suspected the n.p' boats wero unloading the Rtolen n,, chandlse from tho Junk. Although ho did not doubt th-tt Hi mandarin, San Yuen, clilef umsKp .. of tho province of Szwhuau, wis lr Instigator of the plot and likewise tin chief benefactor In the return m know It would bo n difficult nmtlci u bring the mnn to Justice owing tn i corrupt practices In vogue nt Hi, courts, especially whore n hlsh nfi U was concerned. And Snn Yuen wns not nn nullum mnndarln ruler of a small pro'-i Ho was rich and powerful, in nt dnrjn of tho coral button of high mni. nnd much in favor near the tlu-n.. IIo could command tho richest ni'.i within tho gift of the rulers, yet li" preferred his position as potentate i f ., prosperous province, which he niini with n cruel hrfnd that could wrlnc ti last copper cosh from a pooT'fi t mot or extract tdlver Ingots front n im chant's trensuro chest. Snu Yuen was a gentleman hnudii n pirate, n terror to his enemies ot thoso ho preyed upon To the pollr Chinese world ho wns n splemlld gen tleman, with-the Instincts of a tnif sportsman. For Sale. Baptist pnnonage, 1009 west 4th St., for sale orexchange for property nearer tho business section of the city. Inquire of Rev. J. L.Barton or phone Black 884. 55-4 Good Reaion for His Enthusiasm. When n man has suflorod for several days with colic, diarrhoea or other form of bowel complaint and is then cured sound and well by one or two doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarihoea Remedy, ns is often, the case, it is but natural that ho Bhould be enthusiastic in his praise of the remedy nnd especially is this tho enso of n severe attack when life is threaf tened. Try it whon in need of such a remedy. It never fails. Sold by all dealers. Dr. D. C. Crocker. Osteopathic Physician PHONE IJED 070. GEO. D. DENT, Pliyslcloa and Surocon, f Office over MeDonald Bank. & Phnnna ? Ofllce 130 I Phonea J Residence 115 3 NOTICE OP SETTLEMENT. Tlio Btatttot Nebraska, Lincoln County, bs In tuo Ccmntv Court. In tlio Matter of the EsttUO of Clnuse ErkkMm Pecoased, . . To tlio creditors, liclrb lenatces and others liittrC8teU In tlio ctauto ot Clnuso Erlckson, Tako notice, that tlio nihiilnlstrator, has filed In tlio county court, a report of his dolncs an administrator 'of said etstatoand It Is ordered that tho saniy stand for hoarlntr tho Uth, day "Of Sotitemhur, A. D. IUI3, before tho courc at tho hour of!) o'clock, a. nt., at which tlmu any person Interested maj appear and excrpb to- and contest the same, Notice of this proct'cdlltir and tho lioarlnir thertof Is ortforcd Ktveu to all iiorsons ln loiostid In enld matter by ptibUshlntr a copy of this order In tho Nort'i L'lattu Trlbuno, a IckoI scml-wcekly newBpapoi printed In ald county for thren coosecuiho weeks prior to said da to of hearing. Dated Al.ffUBt 13th, 1913. (Seal) a 19-3 ,Ioi!N0!nAT, County Judge NOTICE OF SETTLEMET. Ttio'State of Nebraska. Lincoln county. s In tho County Court. In the matter of tho cstato of Dennis Kelly, deceased. To tho creditors heirs, larnt"" nd others in terested In the estate o Dennis Kelly. ' Tnko notice, that Elizabeth Kelly has filed In the county court a report of her doings as administratrix of said estate, nnd It Is ordered that tho same stand for hearing the 9th day of September, A. D., 1913. before tho court at the hour of 9 o'clock, a. m., at which time any person Interested may appear and except to and contest the same, Notlco of this proceeding and 'ho hearing thereof is ordered given to all persomi Interested In caid matter by publishing a copy of the order in tho North I'latto Tribune, a semt'weekly newspaper, printed in said county for three successive weeks prior to the said date of heoriug. Dated August 11th, 1913. (Seal) a 19-3 JOHN OUANT. County Judxe OIIDER Or HEAMNG ON PETITION FOH AP POINTMLNTOF ADMINISTRATRIX. The State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, S3. In tho County Court. In tho matter of tho estate of John H. Gutherless, deceased. On reading and riling the petition of Mary Gutherlcss, praying that administration of said estate may be granted to herself as admin istratrix. Ordered, That Sept. 9th, 1913. at 9 o'clock a. m. Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons Interested in said matter may appear at a county court to bo held in and for . said county, and show cause why prayer of petitioner should not bo granted; and tlmt notice of tho pendency of said pctiUon and tho hearing thereof be given to all persons Interested in said matter by publishing n copy of thin order In the - North Platto Tribune a semi-weekly news- fniivr i'liiiLiii ill wiim cuuiuy lur uirvu Bucctasive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated August 16, 1913. al9.S JOHN GRANT. County Judgo. Notice. Notico is is hereby given that on the 5th day of July, 1913, a corporation wns formed in Lincoln county, Ne braska, the name of said corporation being Lierk-Sandall Company. The principal place of transacting tho bus iness of said company shall be in the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska. The general nature of tho business to bo transacted shall ho the buying and selling of groceries, queenswnre. hardware, and otuer articles of merchandise nt wholesale and rotail. The amount of the capital stock adthorized Is $10,000.00 divided into ono hundred shares of $100.00- each, eighty-five shares of which shall be subscribed and fully paid up at the time of tho organization of tho com pany. Tho dato of the commencement of said corporation shall be on tho 7th dny of July. 1913, and its termination on tho 7th day of July, 1923. Tho highest amount of indebtedness to which the corporation shall at tiny time subject itself shnll not exceed two-thirds of lt3 paid up capital stock. The affairs of tlio corporation aro to be managed by n bonrd of throo directors together with the president and secretary and treasurer, together with such other clerks nnd servants us said officers may appoint nnd hire. Signed this 5th dny of July, 1913. Lierk-Sandall Company. ORDER OF HEARING ON ORIGINAL PRORATE OF WILL. In the County Court, August 2, 1913. In the Matter of tho Estate of Catherine McGocm, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Thomas McGovern praying that the instrument filed on tho 2nd day of August, 1913, and purporting to Im the last will and testament of tha said deceased, may be proved, approved, probated allowed and recorded as the last will and testament of the saldCatherlneMcGovern deceased,and that the exe cution of said Instrument may be committed and the administration of said estate may be granted to Thomas McGovern and Peter McGovern as exe cutors. Ordered, That Aug. 2Gth, 1913, at 0 o'clock a. m. Is assigned for hearing said petition whtn all persona interested In said matter may appear at a county court to bo held In and for said county and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not bo granted. A copy of this order to be pub lished 'In tho North Platto Tribune, a legal semi weekly newspaper of said county published in said county for three successive weeks prior to June 10, 1U13. JOHN GRANT. al-3 County Judge SHERIFF'S SALE. ay vrtue of an execution on transcript Issued from theDJitrlct Courtot Lincoln county, Nebras ka, uppn a (ItOroe of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein Knox and Walters a corporation partnership 1 plaintiff, nnd E, RIma, la de fendant, and to mo directed, I will o.i the 23rd day of August. 1913, at two o'clock, p. m., at tho cast front door of the court house pf said county. In tho city of North Platte, Nebtaska, tell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, to tuitlsfy said decree, interest and costs, the following described property, to-wlt; ' Northeast quarter (neW) section two m in township fifteen (15), range thirty (30), we.t of the 6th P. M. In Lincoln county. Nebraska. Dated at North Platte. Neb.. Jul y 1, 1913. jls-S A J, Salisbury, Sheriff Oldest Bank In Lincoln County McDonald State Bank North Platte, Nebr. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 We Solicit Your Duilniii. Notice of Incorporation. Notice Is hereby given thnt the under signed have associated as a corporation undor the name and' style, Ilowo & Malonoy; with trie principni place of transacting its business in the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebras ka; and for the purpose of transacting a general furniture ahd undertaking business; with the amount of its capi tal stock $1200.00 all pkid in cash; nnd sind corporation shall commence its business on the 25th day of April1913, nnd terminate in twenty years; and its indebtedness is not at nny time to ex ceod g of its nmount of stock capital; and the business of the incorporation shnll he conducted by a president and a vice-president, secretary nnd treasurer. Dated this 28th day ot July, 1913. William K. Maloney, President, Charles A. Howe, Vice-President, Euma V. Maloney, Sect., William R. Maloney, Treas. 9aeaeMfjeHet (ft a DR. J. S. TWINEM, HomcopathlcFhyalclan nndSurfieon 9 Hospital accommodations for Medical and ? Burglcal attention given obstetrical cases. Ofllco Phono 1S3 Res. Phono 283 0 Oflico McDonald State Rank nid'g 5 a(Wf9eni9aftceeoaee a Office phone 241. Res. phono 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. jii A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. uociorsimcs &Anics, tf Physicians and Surgeons, Office over Stone Drug Co. Phones I utUce 273 t) rnones Residence 273 ) .Sh-SU... -. .3 L. A. LINE EL 1 3 13 years experience at the bench. Can do S all kinds of repairing. Bed rock prices. All JJ j), work guaranteed. - g. Dr. J. K. Elms, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Glasses fitted Also Homeopathic Physician and ourgeon. Office over McDonald State Bank. (North Platto. Phone 36. DjjTRONIZE THE nT rli' House ofGoodShowl HI When in North Plalle. .Motion Pictures. Runs Every Night. Matinee Saturday After noon at 2:30 O'clork. 10 CENTS. Di Infield Infield I Physicians and Surgeons. WILLIS J. REDFIELD. Surgeon. JOE B. REDFIELD, Physician. OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . Hospital . , PHONE 642. Notice for Publication. Chris Rasmdssen and E' P. Rasmus sen, first and real name-unknown, De fendants, will take notico that on tho 14th dny of May, 1913, L C. Severns plaintiff, herein filed his petition in the district court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, against the said defendants, and ench of them, the object nnd prayer of which aro to recover the sum of $3G3.62, together with interest thereon at tho rate of seven per cent per annum from the 14th day of May, 1913, which" said sum is due and payable to the plaintiff from the defendants, nnd each of them, upon a certain promissory note executed and delivered by the defen dants on May 20th, 1912, to one Wil liam Bellow, and thereafter sold, trans ferred and delivered to the plaintiff herein for a valuable consideration. That at the same time plaintiff filed nn affidavit in attachment in said action and caused an order of attachment to be Issued and property belonging to tho defendants, andeachof them, towitrAH of section nine (9) except about one nnd one-half acres (1 j) in tha north enst quarter (NEJ) of the south oast quar ter (SEi) in said section, township ten (10), rango twenty-eight (28) West of tho sixth P. M., Lincoln County, Ne braskn, has been attached under said order. Plaintiff prays for judgment against tho said defendants,.andenchof them, in the sum of $363.52, together with interest from the 14th day of May, 1913. . - J' You, and each of you, nre required to answer said petition on or before the 25th day of August, 1913. Dated this 15th daj of July, 1913. L. C, Severns, By Muldoon & Gibus, Hia Attorneys. Costly Treatment. "I was troubled with constipation and indigestion nnd spent hundreds of dollars for medicino and treatmont," writes C. H. Hines, of Whitlow, Ark. "I went to a St. Louis hospital, also to a hospital in New Orlenns, but no cura wns effected. On returning home I be gan tnking Chamberlain's Tablets, and worked right along. I used them for some time ana am now all right. Sold by nil dealers. N. J. SCHLACHTER Hcoplecs Stave Crib Silo DURABLE -ECONOMICAL The Only Stave Crib Silo that will NEVER BLOW DOWN Say MR. FARMER you need that SILO NOW. BIRGE WILL DELIVER IT TODAY See him. Two Attractions. North Platte has two attractions it pretty women and the cigars made by Schmalzried. Both attractions aro pleasing; nnd hoth are in demand. Perhaps you hayo not been smoking Schmalried ciga;-sand don't know how good they are; if so, try them. You will not bo disappointed. J. P. SCHMALZRIED ' The Maker of Good Cigars. jt imwwiwwtiMinrfwwtfmw tu signet Uiapter O. E. S., NO. 55 i t every ). m. B IMMMNT Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 p. m. ffuWownoxsmwSiyK,! DB. HARRY MITCHELL GRADUATE DENTIST Telephone Red 456 505M Dewey St. North Platte. Nebraska. Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red C3C Offico 459 C. For Thirty or more Years. We havo beeir making, repairing cleahingj- and altering clothes for tne pcoplo of North Platte. We have aimed to give satisfaction, and we guess we have been successful, else the people would not now pat ronzauB. Give us a chance to do your work. F. J. BROEKER. Entrance north of tho Nyal drug store. . Established in 1871. Contractor and Builder. Shop Corner Cth and Vino Streets NORTH PLATTE, NEB. R. D. Thomson. NOTICE FOR FUnMCATION. Serial No. 0IS09 DEPAHTMCNT OP THE INTERIOR. United Statts Land Oillce At Iorth I'latte, Nebraska. July 25. 1013. Notice Is hereby given that Bernard A. Voss. at ftorth Platte. Neb., who on Juno 28, l!U0, made homestead entry. No. O480U, for EH NEW. ,9wMi nJ SEl Section SO? Town! shin U. N. Range 50. W. Dth Principal AUrldan, has filed notice of Intention to makj three year proof, to establish claim to the land nboyo described, before the resistor and receiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on the 19th day of September, 1913. Claimant names as wltneisses: Goorso MULer of Somerset. Neb.. William Hunter, Amandus Kunkle, both of North Platte. Neb., Howard Slinms, of Wellflcet. Nebr. J29-S J. K. Evans Register. "fl titt;4' H?"r: - www.. m-