The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 26, 1913, Image 4

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Local and Personal
Miss Mary Ellas of the 10 cent store
is taking her summer vacation.
Mrs. James Hart and son Lawrence
will leave shortly for Denver to spend a
Mrs. Gtis Buchfinck has been visiting
her parents in Grand Island for a week
Mrs. Fred Hanlon and daughter Miss
Agnes are visiting Miss Lizzie Hanlon
In Denver.
Mrs. Benncker, of Grand Junction,
Col., Is the guest of her sister Mrs. J.
W. LoMaster.
Engineer Stovo Baldwin was called to
Marion, la., Sunday by the illness of
his mother
Francis Dunn returned Saturday
evening from Wood River after spend-
ing a woek with the home folks.
Miss Blancho Fonda is spending a
couplo of weeks with tho tho Dentler
and McGovern famlies in Denver.
Loot Painted Cameo Breastpin.
Liberal reward. Return to F. W. Her
minghauscn. G2-2
Jeff Thompson and daughters MIbs
Norn and Miss Becker of Myrtle, are
spending this week viaiting local people.
Miss Vivian Knox who had been visit
ing friends and relatives in Stapleton
for several weekti returned Saturday
Miss Eileen Flynn returned Saturday
evening from a pleasant vlsltof several
.weeks with friends nnd relatives In
Cheyenne nnd Rawlinv.
Ed, Friend and family formorly of
this city bo expected horo In a short
timo from Donvur to visit relatives.
Thoy will como by auto.
Mrs. Charles Carlyelo and son La
Belle, of Lander, who had spent sev
eral weeks with hor sister 'Mrs. Harry
Murrin left yesterdny for home.
Ferdinand Stroltz loayos about Sep
tember lilt for Qulncy, 111., where he
will tnko a business course in the. Gem
City college ' '
Miss Hazel Arnell, of Omaha, is ex
pected hJro Sunday to visit hr sister
who Is on tho nursing staff In St. Luke's
Miss Minnie' LowSTvTlTreturn the
latter pat t of thta week from a vaca
tion trip spent in the west, and re
sumed her position in the law oflko of
W. RlShumnn.' "
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Hcaloy returned
Sundiy morning from Denver where
thev spent a week nnd also took a
number of sldo trips thru tho moun
tains. '
Mrs. Thomas Hcaly and daughter
Kntherlno roturned Sunday morning
fromn week's stay in Denver and
other Colorudo points.
Mns'tor Vnldamar Chamberlain, of
Denver, enmo Saturday evening to visit
hjsijrandfnther 1 II. Sullivan for a
few dnya, Ho will roturn homo tomor
row. Harry P. Stovens, of Blgnell, has
been selected by Governor Morchead as
one of tho Nebraska delegates to tho
American road congress which will bo
hold at Detroit beginning Soptomber
29 th.
Lost Elthoron cars between Lcxing-
Infjton nnd Sutherland, or en streets of
North Platte, a soldiots' civil war dis
charge nnd a roal estate deed. If found
return to Tribune oflko nnd receive re
ward. Tho mooting of tho agricultural ex
perts which had been in session in this
city for three dnyH, closed Friday even
ing, with tho election of Prof. Holdat,
of Hayes, Kan., as president nndTrof ,
E. C. Chllcott secretary. Tho next
mooting will bo hold at Hays, Knn.
Street Commissioner W. N. Salis
bury wna called to Chicago yesterdny
by a telegram announcing that his wife
wns worso. Mrs, Salisbury accompanied
Xrj her two daughters, wont to Chicago
savernt weeks ago to take treatment
for physfclal troubles which have
tnfllicted hor sinco Inst spring,
Flvo hundred farmers nlong tho
PlattJ. vulloy will fllo claims against
Undo Sam for the amount sustuined
Vy tho loss o( thalr crops this teaGon
caused by tho government stopping tho
waters of tho Platte nt. tho big Path
finder dam in Wyoming. Even in tho
dryoBt seasons the farmers hnva had
goodcropfo along the valloy, bitt this
year thoro was no sub-irrigation reaeh
iBgontolhoIr lands from tho rivor.
' "' Real Estate Lnans.
Buchanan & Patterson have plenty
ef taeney on hand to raako real estate
whs oa farm ranches and city prop
erty. loans closed promptly, no delay
Rates and terns the most favorable.
thdt poind' time she will own a
compIefujToutflt of tablo silver.
We suggest that now Is a Rood
timo to commence or add to the
collection. Our exhibit of tablo
silver is replete with lino oxnmples
of the ailveromith'H art, many of
which arc priced very attractively.
Jewolof and Optician
Wo want your repair work.
Jack Stack spent yostordoy in Sidnay.
Riley Warren has purchased n five
passenger Rco automobile.
Howard Horde, of Denver, is visiting
friends in town this week.
Miss Cre Dicner has accepted a posi
tion in tho office of Dr. II. C. Brock.
Will Wnltemnth returned Saturday
evening from a visit in Glenwood
Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. Calhoun havo ft
turnod from their honeymoon trip to
Western points.
Miss Anna McLane left Saturday
evening for Polk where she will teach
school this term.
Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Kerr intend to
leave Bhortly for western points to
spend sercrel weeks.
Miss Maudo Owens left tho latter
p'art of last week for Sutherland to
visit tho Hunter family.
Mrs. James Payne nnd daughter Miss
Grace have returned from their visit in
Muscatine, la., and Omahn.
Miss Bessie Smith who has been visit
ing hor brother in Chicago for several
weeks will return this week.
Mrs. Charles Hirsch and children left
a few days dgo for Arapahoe to visit
relatives for rvcouple of-wceks.
Miss Rucy Shaner who has been
visiting relutives in Illinois for several
weeks wili return in a few days.
Miss Anna Waldemnn, of Lincoln,
who was the guest of hr aunt Mrs. A.
P. Kelly,. left for homo Sunday.
Mrs. Frank Dentler and daughter,
of Denver, are oxpected in n fev days to
visit local funds for a siifirt time
A baby girl was born Sunday morn
ing to Mr. and Mrs. Glddoon "Winkle
mnn." All concerned are doing nicely.
Miss Nellie Birkenshaw departsd Sat
urday eyening for Chicago to remain
indeflately for the benefit of hor health.
Mrs. John Hcrrod roturned Sunday
morning froman onjoynblo visit with
her sister-Mrs. M. C, Harrington in
Deliver.; :i
Mrs. Annh Simpson hns purchased
tho lnrnl brnnph nf Vi ITnletne TcUnr--'
Ing school and will' Jako chargo at
Mrs. Feist, of LaShcra, nnd Mrs.
Winklemnn, of Fremont, enmo Sunday
to visit Mn'andtMrai'Glddeon Winkle
man. , ,Jt$( . .
Miss Grace Payno will entertain a
number of ,youpg ladies nt dinner to
morrow everlog complimentary to Miss
Allco Wilcox,
Mr. and !Mrs. Riggs intend to lenvo
in tlio near futuro for eastern Iowa
where they will bo tho guests of rela
tives for some time.
Mrs. Gid Fnrabce. of Wallace, who
had boon taking Jtrentmont at tho P. &
fi linanlttrf frit. unmn tmt untiiMtirtil
homoJSundny:, ,
Miss Nojpn JufTcrs enmo home the
latter part pf last-week from Lincoln
and Kansas City whero sho spent hor
three weeks vacation.
Mrs. K. D. Small, formerly of this
city, nrrived n few days ago from
Harvey, 111., to visit hor parents Mr.
and Mrs. Victor VonGootz.
Robert Gantt entertained a numbor
of tho younger K.ot at n dancing party
nt Ills homo Saturday evening. Tho
affair wbs a most onjoynblo one,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Latirhlln. of
Grand Islnnd, are tho guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Simon and aro contiderirg
making their homo in this city.
Rev. C. B. Hnrman and family left
yesterday for Lewollen to spend a few
days In the T. H. Winterer homo, ex
pecting to return Friuny afternoon.
Mr. nndMrs. Goorgo Schntz formorly
of this city, who havo mndo their homo
in Ogdon for some timo aro visiting tho
formor's mother Mrs. Edwinn Schntz.
Tho Presbyterian nid socioty will
meot Thursday afternoon in tho church
parlors whpro they will bo entertained
by Mesdames Jess Edwards. George
Contos nnd Rny Shrinor.
Tho directors of tha building nnd
loan association huUUn regular meeting
Saturday evening, nid in addition to
approving nnd-grnnting sovornl loans,
declared an wight -per cent annual
dividend on the stock,
Jerry Bowen and daughter Miss
Mnrlo roturned Saturday evening from
California whew thoy had been sinco
Juno 1st. Thoy intend to wturn to
Santa Anna about December 1st. Mr.
Bowen hns erected a numbor of
business rooms then which ho hns
ronted nnd will make his r.omo there.
For Sale
1918 Model Motor Cvclos and Motor
uonta nt bargain prices, all mnkos,
brand now machines, on onsy payment
plan. Got our proposition beforo. buy
ing or you iyl regrot it, also bargains
in used Moor Cyclos. Wtlto us today.
Enclose stamp for reply. Address Locl
Box 11 Trenton, Mich.
Proceedings of the
County Board
August 18, 1913.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present Roberts, White, Herming-
Lhausen and county clerk.
The following claims for nssessing
tho various precincts wero allowed on
the 1913 general fund, to-wit:
D W Bcsack, North Platto No. 1, $111 00
B A Wilson. North Platto No. 2, 84 00
F J DIenor, North Platto No. 3, 120 00
Theo. Lowo, Sr., North Platte
No. -1 Ill 00
11 F Coates, Sutherland 120 05
F W C)nnenlly, Wallace 99 90
John Discoe, Payne 45 00
C S Everly, Maxwell 81 00
R E Geisberger, Somerset 18 5G
Wrri. A Hayo3, Blrdwcod C9 00
A J Howard, Well 30 00
Jcsso Highberger, Plant..; 45 00
Olaf Johnson, Gaslin CO 50
C S Kilmer, Table..' 54 22
C E Parsons, Peckham 45 20
Jonathan Pease, Harrison 42 30
Rupert Schwaiger, Lemon, 30 00
Jas R White, Nichols 78 00
Chns. A Wyman, Hinman 60 00
B J Brown, Dickens 75 00
C G Clark, Deer Creek 45' 00
R Batie, Myrtle 33 00
Wm Facka Nowell CG 00
S Filbert, Medicine ..... 75 00
A M Gates, Buchanan .. ... 51 56
L Gardner, Fox Creek 36 25
Clyde N Heath, Willow ' 33 20
D L Hopkins, Cox 30 00
CEKing, Sunshine .5100
MCLeth, Miller 39 00
J P Nystrom, Vroman 57 32
Chas Oman, Antelope 78 54
T L O'Rourke, Cottonwood 96 75
Geo. F Patterson, Hall 60 00
Geo. T Smith, Osgood 27 00
M L Smith, Garfield 48 00
Joe Soderman, Brady 99 90
Sam Yonng, Kern 24 00
Bert Evarts, Jeffrey 48 24
John W Fowler, Sellers 36 00
W W Groves, Uoscdale 48 CO
J W Murphy, Walker 30 00
A F Beeler, groceries for county
poor 21' 0
North Platte Lumber Company,
lumber for repairing county
jail 2140
The C F Iddings Company, coal
for county poor, Hershey... 9 20
Harry Graham, damages on
road 309. 80 00
L J Lucey, judge of special elec
tion, Birdwood Precinct (and
returns) tf 00
D C Wilson, judge of special elec
tion; Birdwood Precinct (and "
returns) 4 1)0
David Love, judge of spocial elec
tion, Birdwood Precinct (nnd
returns.... 4 00
Frank Cox, Clerk of spocial
election, Birdwood Pre
cinct (and return) 4 CO
J W Cox, Clerk of special elec
tion, Birdwood Precinct (and
return) 4 00
R L Cochran, surveying pro- '
posed extension of road No.
163 23 80
C L Watkins, chninmnn on same 6 00
W L Reynolds, chainmnn and use
of team , 18 00
Tho C F Iddings Co.. coal for
county poor, jail and court
housa. 116 00
A O Kocken, appraising road No.
368 3 30
B A Wilson, appraising road No.
308 , 4 30
D W Baker, appraising road No.
368 3 30
Trustees Church of Our Savior,
refund taxes on lot 5 block 69,
exempt from taxes 22 35
Tho C. F. Iddings Co. coal for
county poor and court house 30 20
A N Durbin, redomptiort of taxes
on lots 7 to 12 block 7, Wal
lace, church property 9 60
Nebraska Telophona Company,
phone rent for Aug. nnd toll
chargoB for July 2190
North Plntto Lumber Co. coal
for court house . 191 70
R L Baker, paint for county jail
building , 118 10
The following claims wore allowed on
tho various road districts, to-wit:
Wm Dymond, caBh for road dis
trict 4 allowed on Commis
sioner's district 3 for 150 00
Fred Ridinger, cash for district
30 allowed on said district. . 30 00
Earl Fear, cash for road district
64 , 50 00
Geo E Hardin, cash for road dis
trict 40 : CO 00
WI Ouinn, enshfor rqnddistrict
49 t 40 00
C E ParsonB, cash for tond dis
trict 17 5 150 00
Henry Ridinger, haying 'roads,
district 30 ' 16 00
C A Robinson, hauling dirt and grad
ing Brnugh hill, allowed ao follows:
Commissioner's District 1 for. . 145 45
Commissioner's District 2 for.. 145 45
Allowed on bridge fund, to-wit:-Tho
C. F. Iddings Co. lumber
for bridges, two claims 81 60
A L Groenberg Iron Co' balance
of claim for culverts 755 M)
l Whereupon that board ndjouri to
Aug. 19, 1013. 0. W. Yqbt,
County Clerk.
August 19, 1913.
Bonrd mot pursuant to adjournment.
Present Roberts, White, Herming
hnusen and. county clerk.
The following claims were allowed on
I the bridge lund, to-wit:
Nobrnska & Iowa Steel Tank Co.
culverts, (six claims) 980 70
Nebraska Culvort & Mgf . Co.
culverts ., 217 50
Grand Island Culvert & Metal
Works, culverts (three
claims) .'..302 65
Emil Tollefsen Lumber Co. bal
ance" on claim, cement and
lumber - 353 85
Tho C F Iddings Co. lumber, (six
claims) 485 30
Omaha Structural Steel Works,
. one 20 ft. steel span bridge, 163 50
Allowed on general fund, to-wit:- .
O il Thoelecke, services as high
way commissioner in 1912.... 30 00
R L Cochran, patting road 163.. 5 00
R L Cochran, office expenses .... 10 50
R L Cochran, surveying and plat
ing road 371, 25 00
Poter McGovern, choinman and
mileage on samo 7 00
Ray Peterson, chainman and team
on same... 5 00
Chas Toillion, dragging roa'ds on
road district 4. allowed on
Com'rDist. 8 3180
Road No. 43J coming on for finnl ac
tion, and a remonstrance having been
hied against changing the existing road
Sept. 1, 1913, is hereby set as a day of
hearing said petition and remonstrance.
Whereupon the board adjourns to
Sept. 1, 1913. C. W. Yost,
County Clerk.
Bonds of all kinds executed while
you wait. C. F. Temple.
Remarkable Cure of Dysentery.
"I wasattacked with dysentery about
July 15th, and used the doctor's medi
cine and other remedies with no relief,
only getting worse all the time. I was
unable to do anything nnd my weight
dropped from 145 to 125 pounds. I suf
fered for about two months when I was
advised to use Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I used
two bottles of it and it gave mo perma
nent relief," writes B. W. Hill of
Snow Hill, N. C. For sale by all dealers.
Notice for Bid;.
Notice is hereby given that the city
council will receive bids for the con
struction of permanent sidewalk and ap
proaches ana street crossings to be laid
by the city for the fiscal year 1913.
Bids must be based upon the specifi
cations of the city engineer "nd general
sidewalk ordinances, "vhich aro on file
in the office of the city clerk.
All bids muat be in by 5:00 p. m., on
the 2nd day of September, 1913.
The council reserves the right to re
ject any and all bids.
C. F. Temple, City Clerk.
Notice is hereby giving that no hunt
ing or treasspassing will bo allowed on
the lands of tho undersigned who reside
south and west' of North Platte.
Violations of this notice will be prose
cuted to the full extent of tho law.
Wm. Benaur, George Single,
Elmer Dagget, C. S. Bethell,
Wm. Hunter, Wm. Facka,
Chas. Howard, Lester Anderson,
E. A. Roberts, M. Ortan,
Odo Roberts, Arthur Conner,
Jess Kunklc, Ed Wilson. ,
Clark Howard. A. W. Tool.
G. T. Knotts, F,. L. Weinberger
Frank Facka, O. L Watkins,
C. Breeder,- J. A. Kunkle,
Eli Kunckle, A. Kunkle.
C. Parier, D. W. Kunklo,
A. J. Howard, Hugh Songer,
W. Kunkle, L. L. Rowely,
D C. Cnrrigan, Louise Grulke,
C. V. Turpie. Ward Weekly,
D. J. Knox, ' Clyde Long,
M. C. Loth, Roy Melton,
A.-Leth, John Pulld,
A. Zulor, J. K. Crow,
George Carman, F, Kronquest,
W. E. M ester, Foter Gumison,
C. F. Zimmerman F. L. "Weinbuig,
Solved ait Last
It Cannot
Take the place of a husband'
It Cannot
Take the place of a wife.
But It Can
Keep the family together.
Educate the children.
Create a valuable estate.
Places the widow or widower
above the need of marrying for a
And relieves men from finan
cial worry
Midwest Life
K. R. ANDERSON, General Agl.
J3o 566. North Platte. Nebr
i ! ' -- i ' m "
The labove property, which is one o the most
beautiful, Jargest and best located properties in-the
city, being the Mrs. Federhooi property, is for sale
much below the actual cost of the property and on
exceptional terms.
Stability, Efficiency and Service
llavo boon tho 2?ctoia
in the growth oF tho
First National Bank,
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
' To Loan on improved farms at low rate
v of interest with privilege of partial
" '' ''"' '"" wwww
Inn m ' "!"' "' "' ' ii
The Fine Natural Flavor
of your jellies and preserves is kept
indefinitely if you seal each jar with
J Puco Reflnod ParaBlno
A perfect, air-tight seal.
Easytooise. Inexpensive.
Simply pour melted Parowax over tho
preserves when cold.
To Make washing easy use Parowax. Just
shave a little into a boilerful of wash. It
cleans ancrwhitens without injuring the clothes.
Pound nnd half-pound cartons.
Standard Oil Company
" ' J i -i-i .i n .'i1...i..5Sijtui
C. F. TEMPLE, Agdnt.
s most people with the
way wc have the implements and
the 'know how" when it comes
to repairing automobile. Hurry
up orders is what we like, and wo
keep enough men to repair your
car in record time. Your orders
J. S. Davis Auto Co. '
-"V? rajtr-ra(rp""?t,'' rjuiif . u
i --pc.vj :Cj;;rSJt:fjg7V
I I K- - l, l..lIU..Il.l..tWrtf-
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