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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1913)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NEW. COIFFURES ATTRACTIVE - The Best the Sun- Krfaj $y tf ! 'S -'.. -.-. P. 1 sw THE new colffureB have arrived; tho moat adorably pretty conceptions that wo have had for yearo. They havo como In answer to a -general demand for something now.. Thoro are high ones and low ones, loss simple than those that nro passing and more fascinating. Thoy still preserve some features of thoso domuro but rather meager Btyles. For in etanco, li!i all tho new designs tho ears aro still coverod. Thero is an unmlstnkablo return to tho small pompadour which was so universally becoming. A llttlo frlngo across tho forehead is favored in tho drcssiost models, but tho arrangement of tho hair about tho forehead varies so that every one may bo suited. Tho hnlr may be worn moderately low, as In tho evening coiffure hero, or oxtremoly high, or Just at tho crown of tho head in a Psyche knot (of which a glimpso appears In tho second picture). It Is very loosely waved and manufacturers of hair goods aro using tho samo loose and almost Im perceptible wavo in switches and other hair pieces. Bewitching llttlo clus ters of three Bhort, full curio appear either at tho napo of tho neck or at tho oldes below tho ears. Tho now styles aro fuller and tho effect Bought for is for greater abun dance of hair than in tho severe and nomowhat formless coiffures of tho past oeasons. This gives women n chance to improve tho contour of their heads if need be. Theso now coiffures aro built on definite lines; the styles are moro striking than those Just preceding them, more vigorous, and tho finished coiffures achieve tho look of careful, perfect grooming; a consummation worth striving for; a charm within tho reach of everyone. Tho dressy colffuro shown with hair band and ostrich feather decora tion 1b not difficult to arrange. A slight support in tho form of a Bhort, small hair roll forms tho pompadour, extending over tho top of tho head just abovo v tho forehead. A strand of hair is brought back from tho temples, and an other Btrand is arranged in a loose puff over tho ears and extends into tho cheek. This puff haB to be provided with a llttlo support also. Tho remain der of the hair is arranged in big, Boft coils across tho back, having tho ap . ipearanco of irregular puffs. Three little curls aro pinned in on each aldo !just below the puff over the ears. In tho Becond figure tho front hair Is arranged in tho samo way except fortho curls. Tho back hair is combed up to tho crown of the head and colled into a regulation Psycho knot Tho strand at tho napo of tho neck is deft becomingly loose. The knot is only slightly higher than tho pompadour. In tho hats for tho coming seasons great numbers havo elongated crowns, bo that thero will be no difficulty in wearing them with any of the now coiffures. Soft, flexible crowns uro to bo immensely fashlonablo and thoy shape themselves to tho head of the wearer. ; Dressing tho hair as In the model coiffuro shown hero may bo simpli fied by using plnned-on puffs dver the ears. With these and a short roll to 'support the pompadour thero will bo no trouble In copying theso charming designs. CHIC PARISIAN GOWN Model of blue and white striped silk erepe with red flowers. The gown Is in one piece with short skirt. Slashed Petticoats. At tho sight of, tho word petticoat one Is apt to start in these days, and Bay, "What, aro there any?" There aro still a few and tho newest ones nro slashed. Tho slash Is made r.t tho inkles on each- side. TIiojo aro particularly popular in Paris just now, but many have como to us also. Whito embroidered onos may bo had with the fashion-required (dashes, and thero are also somo good eatin petticoats laced up tho sides with softer satin ribbon. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. BROWN LEATHER IS EDICT To Be Really Smart All tho Various Belongings Must Be of That Color, No Matter the Material. Tho brown leather era has arrived. You'ro not smart at all If tho most of your small belongings are not oi brown pelt real leather, walrus, seal or morocco grain from your automo bile dressing bag fitted with nickel or Ivory backed toilet necessities to your strap bracelet holding a small gold filled onamoled watch. Between theso two extremes in leather como innumerable conveniences. One of thorn, tho handy pocket kit, comprises a neat leather caso containing a largo knife, a small saw, a chisel, a cork screw and a wrench. Another Is a pigskin enso containing a flat, flash liko glass, n folding knife, spoon and fork, and a third is a loathor combina tion caso lined with silk and contain ing pockets for handkorchlofs, gloves, veils and .pins. Not unlike tho last mentioned case, is a silk-lined recep tacle for neckties. Thero aro three types of sewing case from which to choose. Tho larg est is bag shape, closes with a draw string and contains a pin cushion, scissors, cases of needles and reols of thread. Next in slzo is a satin lined folding case fitted with a stiletto, tape needle, bodkin and two thread jeels. Smallest of all is a brocado lined soalskin book holding a leaf of need les and a leaf wound with threads. Effective Collar. Tho llttlo black volvot collar that is so much Been on othorwlso palo col ored costumes Is moro effective than could bo imagined by anyono who had not had an opportunity of seeing tho samo gown without this distinctive uoto. Thcr form is of tho simplest. Tho collar is of tho -samo width all round, and stops short In front, luif'Sng a space of about an Inch and a half. ThiB is filled in with tho Byron tio, tho ends floating rathor looBely, as may bo gueBscd from tho title. Wide Rose Bowl. In selecting tho rose bowl decide upon one that Is wide, shallow, and flaring so that tho flowers may ex pand unrestrained, and bo seen to tho best advantage, sayu tho Chicago Jour nal. They are fascinating for tho din ing table, the tea table, tho drawing room, the boudoir and the veranda of the country home'. rrsrcHiS 'futi.Hmwti i NI.Y tho ponsesslona wlilch wo Uso lire of ntesont vnluo to us. A man may havo a money fortune, and yot be poverty Btilckcn In tho, vnry things which that money would buy htm. Tho money Is liln nil tlio time: but It Is of -llttlo or no valuo to him beeausa ho leti it alone. GOOD EATING. ' Add a sprig of finely chopped par 6loy to the creamed potatoes, It will Improvo tho flavor nnd .aulto chango tho Ulsh. Orated chceso may be added for another variety Creamed Potatoes with Green Pep pers Peel enough potatoes to mnko a quart after they havo been cut in dlco for cooking. Remove the seeds and cut two sweet green poppers into rings. Put tho poppors and diced po tatoes Into boiling water and cook until tho potatoes aro tender. Mako a rich whito sauco of two tablespoon fuls of flour and when well mixed a cup of milk. Season with. salt nnd pour over the potatoes and peppers. Blueberry Muffins Mix two table spoonfuls' of buttor with a tablespoon ful of sugar until creamy, then add two eggs beaten light. Sift two tea spoonfuls of baking powder with two and a half cupfuls of flour and add a cup of sweot milk, alternating tho milk and flour, stir In lightly just be foro putting into tho muffin panB a cup of blueberries lightly dusted with flour. N. Corn Patties Tnko a pint of fresh green corn grated, add three well beat en eggs, a half teaspoonful of sugar and salt to tasto, mix with a cup of flno crackor crumbs, mako In tho form of patties and fry in hot lard. Ar rango corn huaka on a platter, fring ing the ends and heap tho patties on the husks and servo at once. Cucumber Jelly Salad Peel two cu cumbers and cut them in slices. Put them in a pint of cold water, with a thin sllco of onion, season with pepper nnd Bnlt and simmor nntll the cucum bers aro tender. Dissolve a table spoonful of gelatine in varm wntor and add it to tho cucumbers," strnln and pour it into a mold. Whon cold sorve on lettuce with French dress ing. A little orango Juice added to rhu barb Bauco improves tho flavor. I would bo n friend to all tho foe, tho friendless, I would bo glvlnB and forRet tho Rift, would ho humblo, for,I know my weak ness, I would look up, 'and laugh' and loo and lift. DUTCH DISHES. Here are somo of tho delightful Dutch dishes which any cook will be glad to know how to prepare: Butter Semmels DIssolvo half a yeast cake in a quarter of a cup of warm water, stir this into half a cup of mashed potatoes nnd half a cup of Bugar and let stand to rise four hours. Add ono pint of milk, two eggs, half & cup or butter arfaVlard mixed, a pinch of salt, and two and a half quarts of Hour sifted twice. The amount of flour varies somewhat. Knead until the dough drops clean from tho hands, then put it In a warm place to Hbo until morning. Roll Into a sheet a quarter of an Inch thick, brush with melted butter, cut in two Inch squares and fold tho corners to tho center, place two Inches apart on a baking pan nnd whon very light, bako In a quick oven. Fill tho depres sion In tho contcr with buttor and sprlnkfo with poWdered sugar when" serving. Bethlehem Cake Mix a pint of milk, a cupful of mashed potatoes and a cake of yoaBt which has been dis solved In half a cup of warm water, n tablcspoontul of salt and enough flour to mako a stiff sponge. Beat this well and put Into a warm placo until It Is very light, then add two woll beaten eggs, ono cupful of butter and' lard mixed, a llttio moro flour and knead until tho dough drops from the hands. Spread in shallow pans a half Inch thlck and let rise, then mako deop noiou wiui mo finger at equal dis tances, and fill each ono with a lump of buttor and brown sugar. Dust fin namon over the cako, sprlnklo gener ously with brown sugar and bako In a modorato ovon fifteen or twtnty minutes. Dutch Apple Tart Line a plo pan with pastry Peel and halve medium slzo apples, remove tho cores and placo tho halves In thdpan with the rounded side up. Spread thickly with brown sugar, dot with butter, sprinkle with cinnamon, and pour over them two or threo tnblospoonfuls of wator. Bako until tho apples aro soft Humor of Fashion. Now that Dlrectolro styles are hav ing such an inilueuco on tho Pnrls world of fashion a special "Dlrectolro walk" has como Into fashion. It is amusing and, when exploited byji pretty woman,- very attractive. Tho figuro Is slightly bent forward, co that tho llttlo Dlrectolro coatee may bunch tip at tho back, and very tiny stops are taken. On the faco there Is an expression of Innocqnt surprise mtnglod with questioning; the hend Is thrown forward and" the Thy oo Hlinll t Imnt Its own bn Unities. Uter ta own self-working. A. rhlld's Kiss Sot on bIkIiIhk lips shall mako tlics Rlna A poor man acrved by thco shall mike theo rich. A sick man helped by theo shall limit theo strom;; Thou flhalt bo served thyself by ovorj senso Of service which thou "rendercst. D. D. lirownlnK. HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS. To kcop papor In placo In drawors uso tho llttlo paper stickers or labels, half on the paper and half on tho drawer. When making faco or wash cloths cut them in circles Instead of square, then thoro will bo no annoying cor-' ners to bothor ono. For a mother tiovollng with a small baby a largo market basket with Its pillow will mako n line bed which enn ho easily picked tip without disturbing hla royal highness. Tho basket will carry other belongings besldos tho pillow, when not in uso. Many attractive pattorns for patch work quilts havo boon takon from pat terns of oil cloth and linoleum. When a person who la ill has to take dlsagreonblo mcdlclno havo tho patient hojd a ploco of Ice In the mouth a moment befoio, tho lco chills, and dulls tho souse of taste. For a person too weak to hold a magnzlno or book uso stories cut nnd mounted on papor or sowed together in a convenient form to hnndlo. Ono who has novor boon very ill will not appreciate what ovon tho drawing up of tho sheot means to a weak and III body. "Always dampon tho Bwoepor brush beforo UBlng nnd escape tho lino dust wh'jh will fly from It. Carpets and rugs aro Improved by this treatment without wear of muscle or enrpot. Keep a list of things to do in the kitchen for housework and on your desk for tho social and various other duties which one Is so apt to neglect. ' Have a small steel horseshoo shnpod nail put Into the hool where tho wenr so quickly makes tho heel uncomfort nblo and see how woll It koops thu heel from wearing. If ono Is annoyed with a shoo that slips at tho heel paste a smll pleco of volvctoon In onch heel nt each sldo. Six hours a day tho woman spends on food! Six mortal hours s, day. With tiro nnd wator tolling, boat and cold- StruKRlliiK with laws she does not un derstand Of chemistry and physics, and tho weight Of poverty and Ignornnco besides. Tolling for thoso sho loves, tho added stinln Of tense emotion on her htimblo nklll. Sirs. C. 1 Stetson. SOME BEST RECIPES. Here Is a ilesscrt which Is worth while: Fig Tapioca Soak two-thirds of a cup of tapioca In wator to cover over night. In tho morning add ono and' u half cupfuls of light brown sugar, two-thirds of a cup of diced figs and two-thirds of n cup of chopped walnut meats and steam for ono hour In a double boiler. Stir In a tublcapoouful of vanlla and turn Into tho serving dish. Chill nnd servo with cream. Baked Omolet Ileat tho olks ol six eggs until follow and creamy, add u teaspoonful of salt, melt n table spoonful of butter, add a tablespoon ful of cornstarch and when well blended add n cup of milk, stir this Into tlio yolkB of eggs and lightly fold In the woll beaten whites, pour Into a well buttered pan and bake for twen-ty-tlvo minute. Rocks Beat together a half cup each of lard and butter, add a cup and a half of supar, two ogga well beaten, a cup of sour milk, two cupfuls of oat meal and throe cupfuls of flour, sifted with a teaspoon of soda, one of cinna mon, then add a half cupful each of sultana ralsln3 and walnutu chopped. Mix and drop on a buttered pnn and bake in a modorato oven Chocolate Bread Pudding Melt twr squares of chocolate oxer hot wator Soak two cupfuls of bread crumbs In a quart of milk for liulf an hour, then add two-thirds of a cup of eugar, add the chocolate, a half teaspoon of rnlt, a teaspoon of vanlla, two woll beaten eggs nnd a half cupful of uutmeats, tur into a buttered baking dish mid bako for half an hour. Sorvo with rich n ilk or cream. Frozen Coffee Custard Scald a pint of milk. Beat four eggs together until light, add them to tho hot milk with a cupful of Hugur, remove from tho fire and cool, ndd a pint of whipped cream and u half pint of cold coffee, then froozo Sorvo In sherbot cups garnished with whipped cream, lips slightly parted Any observnnl person In Paris who cares to tOHt this description can spend an Instructive hour at a fnohlonablo fi o'clock tea restaurant. Ami who says llfo lo not amusing' Cautious, Look here, Bobblo! If you aro go ing to tnko part In tho school oxhlbl tlon, don't you think It would bo a good Idea to wush your hands?" Bobble Well, I don't know, dad They might slip Llfo. aa!MAapwissatert ( riv,mwy ij & tv- 5M r wji'.iM w&smLiMSSi i UA&& aQ.VmRMiBt. V. i.H r. tmm && 3&i Js M..M i , Drink eca fJiI22jJ A welcome addition to any party- any time any place Sparkling with life and wholcsomcncss. Delicious Refreshing Wmmml Thirst - Dfnund the Genuine Refute Subitltutet. t& THE COCA-COLA Vbent.r yovi m Nature' fjjvyk ht m r mm- i Spanish Olives Every one from Seville, long famed a the home of the world' belt oliyot. Only the pick of the crop it offered to you under tho Libby label. Either tho Queen or Manzanilla variety cfH4rf tr3KBS J Mm k1mA. Jijgrlli'PlflSi or Pimento Stuffed. Insist on Ollffl Libby, M?Neill & Libby HBRBIi ' Chicago Uncle Sam's Last Big Land Opening 1,345,000 Fertile Acres Open to White Settlement on tho Fort Pedk Indian Reservation MONTANA Along Main Lino of Great Northern Railway 8,406 homesteads of 160 acres each on the Foj;t Peck Indian Resor ption, located just north of the Miitouri Kticr on the fertile plains of North eastern Montana, will he open to white settlement Information FREE firMfiK trntoil roup folder r3& ltJB y out coupon tifluw und iimll to V 0 .isrflM lkJk iff. E.C.U.EDY. Grn.rnl Immigration Ant. M0N''"&W H vP?Ui I IS A Dpt. 32C, Great Northern ny. I UrtAiLWr 9 W?ji Mm St Paul. Minnesota R"' . vflsWl JJEMK Panania'l'ticifte tnUrnWnal Exttuitlon m.iarrr, t-- -"-j-.'-sm ..V3Cw.X igyisMJ ivui JrriMcoiio, rns ffwft Ifljp If ftfFFWn frf&?m iftf WAW I tUlTHEFAMOUSl SJz tMtL faultless starch dolls 1 'SfJlC TvirlTtJTit. BundO topi from ton rent pacbico at Faoltlot Htnrcli M , V VA-ftWrnSraHu on4 tenrypUlrisUciwUocovoritMtagoBndiiiirliiniiJjUBT II I J53?Kftff' lxSv '""' W MI131laln,iliAnn,ainchc Ulvh. am? MrS Yilr''Vi IT : v, """d throutops from tenrnnt wmlc. By I "J tJiTVir Vi TH "iilT I af nd four renUln tniiiw and i1 F I ?- Vr ) II vftt::lfil ItHJtMlssI'lipeUil'rlinmor MliaLUr .. ftlSvJ V -W fcr-rS-'A tTO-ltri tVlilto. twliro Inchia Lliit. BirncJ ffJ6fjKAH yTMStk wffl3f ( toMf rorn Ovo rut packmit If xm HjKftfffi?&S jML I 5vtffclffVGiiono tPn cent or two Ore rent JKr. "(F AfrZ&if&ttP tWuSSv0"": Pnlrone ud. will lie no- TBKlf'f mQ f wt 1 T U eti,xei ""U atu nppiictttlon. yif r I feHaa A mmk best starch tor I rJM$9fa f 1 SS ?S3 ALL PURPOSES. p I NfiTFI IF Y0UR onoctn DOES NOT have faultless L'iBaJr HUICi OTARCH BEND US HIO NAME. WE WILL WHITE I II "'' Ht HIM ANDIFHEOnDERa WE WILLOENDYOUADOLLFREECyy2ftrJ- T L. FAULTLESS STARCH CO. yJSff"; rm.fif&fmJ' l .ya iw. tlon raLaraintr mn li ir mnn unrninir. Kill. H! tCAl lion rckamiog inn wg jnna t out cuupon bcluw und mult U E.C. LLEUY. Crnernl fi.. lit! r-.-- St Paul, Minnesota Fanamo'ViXciJlc liittrnalUnal ExpniUlon Ann lmc(io, J71J i WntRanTC.Ootninn,Waslv J . iniiuin, .i jiooicairui, III ' ui rtierencwi. ueei rnu W. N, U., OMAHA, NO 34-1013. 'jiagU. w,u.iaktotoL rABKHia - "TV Quenching At; Soda1 Fountains or Carbonated in Bottles COMPANY, ATLANTA, -CAh in Arrow iMnk ol CocvCoh. . elected Pickles flnott, put up like Ute homo-mnde- klnd and all your trouble saved. This extras , quality is true of all Llbby's Pickle and Condiment! and there is real economy In their use. Libby's.. 1,345,000 acres are available prairie land with n i;ch, sandy loam soil capable of raising 20 to 30 bushels of wheat and 40 to 60 bushels of oats per acre. 'Resistor nt Glnsgow, Havro or Great Foils, Montuna Dally September 1 to 20, inclusive Drawing nt Glasgow, September 23 These tandt Iioto ni-rn npprulsrd nt 2 ffl to mo per acre, and can lia taken up udJot tlio United bliuo llinucttcad laws. nnd detailed in To nun. !mmtgrll" Ant. Xf..i .. n.. '$ i nrlni'Q of thi3 parr desIri"K t0 J Iu. .vauwi 3 anything advertised in it seal' umns should insiiJl upen having what they ask f or.ref ui ing all sutalitutea onmitationa .uitinMH