ITZSSi'J&lZJft Ji'JBCliSrfU'
l. TU
.... jjUKBP' .
HHVtah.ji ufcaSj."
Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
One Year by Mail in uilvanco $1.25
Ono Year by Carrior in advance $1.60
Entered at North Platte. Nebraska, Post '
ofllce as Second Class Matter,
FRIDAY, AUG 22. 1913.
Whither Arc Wc Driftng?
If North Plntto fails to forgo nhend
with the rapidity that its geographical
location unci its environments warrant,
it will bo largely due to the fact that
wo are a divided people nnd do not pull
together. This Is in oviderioe today.
Parsimonious and unbuslness-llko
treatment of the Are department has
resulted in tho resignation of the mem
bers in a body, nnd before tho matter
is straightcd out and an efllciont firo
fighting force gotten together, the city
will probably expend one-half the cost
of n city hall. Then again wo arc
divided on how we. shall pay W our
water service, nnd tho chances now
aro that bofore tho differences are
settled it will drng through tho courts,
tho city will be put to considerable ex
pense, tho feeling between tho factions
will grow more bitter, and the roal
sufferers in tho ond will bo tho pooplo
themsalves. During this struggle tho
waterworks plants, which needs tho
earnest co-operation aod good-will of
ovory consumer in order to mafco it
eu:ceesfuU will drift nlong In an un
satisfactory way, for so long u3,'i it is
tho yortox of tho differences, no one
connected with its operation and ad
ministration will enter nnd prosecute
his work with that heartiness and
energy which moans success.
) Right nqw la the time to stop nnd
consider whore wo nro drifting. Ilon
ostly do you not think wo nro danger
ously near tho rocks?
Commissioners' Proceeding.
August 15, 1913.
. Board of Equalization mot ns per re
cess tnkon. Present Roberts, White,
Horminghauson and clerk.
Tho board proceeded to make nnd did
make the following levies for Lincoln
county, Nobrnsku, for the year 1913.
General fund C mills
University fund 1 mill
Spocuniyorsity bldg fund .75 mills
Normal school fund .85 mills
State aid bridge .20 mills
Genoral fund 7.50 mills
Road fund 3.70 mills
Bridge fund 2.80 mills
Soldiers' roiiof -10 mills
precinct levies
Horshoy bridgo bond and iutorost 1
Bostwick bridgo bond and intorost 1
mill .
. Birdwood bMrlgn bond and interest 2
jWnllaco general fund 10 mills
Sutherland general fund 10 mills
Hershoy genoral fund 10 mills
Horshoy electric light bonds 4 mills
Horshoy water bonds 10 mills
Mnxwell gonornl fund 10 mills
Moxwell electric light 5 mills
Brady genoral fund 10 mills
Brady bond fund 5 mills
Brady city building 2.5 mills
north Platte
Genoral fund 5 mills
Street lighting fund 3 mills
Sower bonds and interest 2 mills
Water bonds nml interest 3mills
Firo department 5 mills
Library fund 1.5 mills
Purk fund 0.6 mills
Sowor mulntcnunco 1.5
Tho request of tho officers fof fichool
district No. 0 to mako a levy sufficient
to raise n$2500.00Jbuildingfund is here
by doniad and no levy t!in,du, for tho
reason that tho procoili nits las filed
with' tho board nro not according to
Whereupon tho board of equalization
adjourns. C. W. Yost, County Clork.
Carl Wlllinm Wilson, thu oldost son
of John I. and Ada Wilson," was born
noar Bushnell, McDonough county, III.,
on December 80tlu 1872.
Ho way united h marriage -toISMIss
Elizaboth Mao Boycc, of RubJivIIIo, III,
To this union six children won born all
of whom survive him nnd nro horo to
day, "Thoy aro Lestor, JIae, Lawrouco.
Bruce, Dorothy and Maxlno. Tho father,
mothor, three brothers and two sisters
Yomuin to mourn tho untimely death of
thoir child nr.d brother,
Ills brothers and slater names are
D. E. Wilson, ,of Ashland, III., Earl
Wilson, of North Platto, Paul Wilson,
of Pnxton, Mrs. Maud Loudon, of Pax
ton, and Mrs. Gortrudo Kaufman, of
North Platte.
Mr. Wilson was very highly spoken
of by all who know him and his family
relationships wore of tho most Under
und dovotid kind, Ho was a warm
hearted gonial man and in his younger
manhood wus a member of tho J Metho
dist church.
His untimely death while just enter
ing tho prime, of his life comes us a
terrible blow to all his loved onea.and
- - t-tywm wsjpsjjwTWs1iiiiiii; rtB sTiffi ii''ilisjBf tpwwawi
HowTheir Story
They were walking In n gnrden. Tho
rosos were In full bloom; consequently
you must know that It wni Juno.
"I wish you would toll mo how "you
wrlto tlicso stories," she remarked. "I
can't understand how you tnko per
sons, mako thorn talk and do things
)ust ns If thoy were real."
"Anybody who tries can do It," ho
"I couldn't wrlto u lino."
"Suppose you try. I'll help you.
Take for your characters persona you
"Who. for Instance?"
"Wall, thuro'M Ferguson."
"And you."
"I don't think you can mnko any
thing Interesting of mo, hut you nro
welcome to uso mo. That's two men.
Now you need elthor ono or two girls.
Since this Is your first story, perhaps
you had bettor confine yourself to a
few characters. Ono girl will do. Sho
Bhall bo tho heroine."
"Is It to bo u love Ntory?"
"Well, yes; n kind of lovo story."
"Whnt girl of my acquaintance shall
I tnko for tho herolno?"
"Yourself. You'll do very well."
"Oh. dear; I'm nfrnld I shall not be
have myself heroically."
"Tho heroine of n story Is not al
ways heroic TJip words hero and
heroine wero used for tho lending
mnlo nnd femnlo characters In stories
when It was tho fashion to mnko them
possess every human heroic trait.
Tlion as n counterpart thero was nl
ways a villain-mnn or woman whose
evil acts noble persons wero obliged
to counteract. Our story will bo a
plnln, unoventful love tale."
"Wlio in the heroine, as you call her.
in lovo with?"
"Your question brings us to nn ele
ment that Is nlwnys of nsslstanco In
holding tho Interest of n story-curiosi
ty. It may bo wrll In this enso to con
conl her feelings from tho reader for a
"Sho has only two men to choose
from, you and Mr. Ferguson."
"Thero mny bo nnolher who will en
ter at tho cllmnx soino ono not men.
tloncd till then who will bo a sur
prise." "Is ho to bo n surprise to you and
Mr. Ferguson?"
"IIo'll bo n mirprlso to mo, for tho
indications nro in favor of Ferguson."
"What do you moan by that?"
"It is dimcult of explanation, but I
will try. When an nuthor sots out to
toll n story It Is llko ono moving to
ward nn object so distant that ho can't
mnko it out. It may turn out to bo n
houso or n windmill or"
"An elephant."
"Just so. Now, tho story in the au
thor's mind is llko thnt object, no
may supposo it to bo n windmill, nnd
ns he 'icnrs It, despite his preconceived
notion, it mny turn out to bo"
"An elephant"
"I seo you understand my demonstra
tion perfectly."
"Partly, Do you refer to nn ordi
nary olephant or n wtylto ono?"
"Why do you nsk thnt?"
"I wns thinking that if tho herolno
took cither of the characters sho might
"Somethlng sho didn't want?" ,
Thero was no reply to this. Ho did
not seem pleased Avith tho way tho
story was getting on. In fact, ho look
ed very glum. Sho plucked n roso that
leaned toward her from "Its lovely
companions" nnd banded it to him.
Quito likely this was to encourago him
to go on with tho construction of tho
story. It brought about tho chango In
him sho desired.
. "If you're going to lntroduco n third
man to como in and tako tho herolno
nt tho end of tho story I supposo wo'd
better settle on who ho is to be."
"Whnt need of that?" hIio risked.
"Well, you see, In story making you
must suggest faintly what you'ro go
ing to do. Tho man should bo In thu
Htory, but you don't need to glvo nway
tho fact thnt ho's to win tho hcrolno in
tho end." ,
"But if wo nnmo somo ono wo'll
know that ho's n dark horso, nnd It
will spolj tho story for us."
"It wouldn't spoil it for me'
"In other words, you tnko no Interest
in whom tho herolno marries."
Thero wns n slight tlugO of reproach
In her tono ns sho snld this.
"Not at nil," ho hastened to reply.
"When I read other persons' stories,
not my own, I nlwnys look at the end
to seo how It all turns out."
"But this is your story, isn't it?"
"And yours?"
"Tho lady, I believe, lias tho prlvllogo
of henrlug tho man's part of tho story
before sho tolls her part."
"Not whon thoy nro collaborating.
Thoy must work together. Thoy would
never got a story mado in tho world in
that way."
' "Then I'm nfrald It will not bo
"You might at lonst tell mo who is
tho dark horso."
"If you go on with your Htory you
Will find out all you wish to know.",
"Whoro does your part como In?"
"Oh, my parti I'll wrlto tho closo."
Thoy had reached a canopy formed
by tho drooping branches of trees,
whoro thoy coukl not bo seen or Inter
rupted. Thoro ho told her his part of
tho Btory. Sho listened to it attentively
and oveii permitted him to put an arm
about her waist, to draw her to him
and kiss her lips.
"Now, tell mo how tho Htory ends,"
ho Raid.
Adrian Oglethorpe, a steady, matter
of fact follow, wns engaged to Lucy
Ashurst,' a butterfly. Oglethorpo was
much in lovo with his uaucec, but one
thing nbout her troubled him very
much. After settling his affections
upon one girl ho had no desire what
ever to pay any attention to any other
and could not seo why Lucy must
needs accept the attentions of other
Ono day ho remonstrated with her
upon what ho called flirting aftor her
engagement to him nnd told her that
if ho continued it he would break the
engagement A young girl Lucy, nt
any rate Is llko n child whoso ruling
passion Is to carry disobedience as far
as possible without getting a whipping.
Lucy lot her lover "scold," as sho
callod It, to his heart's content without
making a reply. Whllo ho wns "laying
down tho law to her" this was also
an expression of hers with regard to
his lectures she was laying plans for
breaking his injunctions.
During tho next few weeks after this
"laying down tho law" Lucy flirted
more than ever. Adrian boro it stoical
ly till ho had mndo up his mind to car
ry out his threats, then wroto her a
note breaking tho engagement
Lucy, who had expected somothlng
of tho kind nnd was prepared for It
paid no attention to his note whatever
That which n child most dreads is
"tho ilnrk." On tho same prlnclplo
that which nn adult most dreads is tin
certainty. If Lucy had pleaded with
him, upbraided him, even scorned him,
he would have been ready for her, but
to bo loft without nny notice whatever
of his discarding her was like tho child
in the dnrk It appalled htm.
But Oglethorpo was a methodical
chap, and ns soon ns he got on his
thinking cap ho solved tho problem.
Either Lucy was ready to break with
him for somo other man or sho was
blufllng. If It was for another man
tho fact would soot bo apparent; If
sho was binding that was a gamo nt
which two could piny. Moreover, If
filio had replaced him In her affections
ho was not likely to win her1 baok
again, for, ho argued, women who
cravo a multiplicity of lovers are not
apt to return to nn old ono. They must
havo something now.
Adrian waited for developments.
Lucy when under his observation at
functions would look lovingly upon her
attendant, but Adrian thought sho over
did it, that she was doing it for his
benefit Tlmo passed, and bo did not
hear of her encouraging any particu
lar man. Then, beginning to tiro of
tho estrangement, ho began to la'his
plans to bring about n moro definite
situation. DTo hn-d thus far treated her
os nn acquaintance, n friend. Ho now
began to bow to her when ho met her
with extraordinary politeness. Lucy
retaliated by out-IIorodlug Herod. If
ho bowed low to her sho returned his
civility with n cordiality that might
havo been gratifying to a stranger,
but not to a man to whom oho had
been engaged.
Then camo a period of self reproach
to Adrian for his sudden and decVdcd
breaking off of tho engagement, nad
ho not placed nn insurmountable bar
rier between him and tho girl ho loved?
Sho could not seek him. If they wore
to get together again ho must' go to
her. And what would that Involvo?"
Nothing less than an apology for his
action nrl begging her forgiveness.
This IS the usual outcomo between
man nnd woman, but this Is an un
usual case. If bo succumbed It would
moan that, provided ho was forgiven,
ho would marry a woman whoso love
for admiration would outweigh her
lovo for her husband.
Tho panic induced by tho thought
that bo had raised an Insurmountable
barrier between them having boon al
layed, Adrian determined to play a
card that up to this tlmo ho would
havo scorned to play.' Indeed, ho had
never thought of playing it till it had
been suggested to him.
"What is tho matter between you
and Lucy Ashurst?" asked an attrac
tive widow of him ono day.
Adrian told her tho story.
"That is very easily settled," bbo
"You oollovo tho lady is blufflng?''
"I nm suro of it."
"Very well. Wo can soon And that
out. Bo my cavalier for awhllo. If
sho has turned from you to another
showlll not mind your dovotlon to
mo. If sho still loves you she will
mako peace at once."
"It will requlro Borao tlmo. I sup
"Not If I know my sex."
During tho noxt function at which
thoso threo conspirators met Mr. Ogle
thorpo devoted himself to the widow,
or, rather, tho widow dovoted herself
to Mr. Oglethorpe?
"Did you boo that scared look on her
fnco?" slio naked htm when they pass
ed Miss Ashurst
"No. Did you?"
"Certainly. Sho mny not bo afraid
of you. but sho it deathly scared of
mo. Von will hear 'from her very
And he did. Tho next day ho ro
celved n note from Lucy bogging him
to como and see her. He went nnd
found hrr ponltont. At lonst Hho pro
tended to bo penitent, because sho sup
posed bjj tho sovoro look her lover as.
sumed that ho would stnud no moro
fooling. Really sho was ready to try
the same prank again as soon as she
da ro tako the chances.
For Sale.
Baptist parsonage, 1009 west 4th St.,
for sale oroxchange for property nearer
tho business section of tho city. Inquire
of Rev. J. L. Barton or phone Black 384.
Good Reason for His Enthusiasm.
When a man has suffered for several
days with colic, diarrhoea or othor
form of bowel complaint nnd is then
cured sound nnd well by one or two
doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Dianhoco Remedy, as ii often the
case, it is but natural that he should be
enthusiastic in his praise of the remedy
nnd especially Is this the case of a
severe attack when life is threa
tened. Try it whon in need of such a
remedy. It never fails. Sold by all
Dr. D. C. Crocker.
Osteopathic Physician
-44! -; 4-4--l 1Vi tf-4-
Physician and Surgeon,
Office over McDonald Bank.
, ) Office 130
Phoncs Residence 115
.. IfcT JWM-!Mr .'
Tho Ptato of Nebraska. Lincoln County, ss
In tho County Court.
In tlio Matter of the Eifto of Clnuse
Erickswn Deceased.
To tliocroilltors heirs legatees and others
Interested In tlio estate of Clause Erlckson,
Tako notlco, that thu administrator, has
(lied in tho county court, a report of his
dolnKH as administrator of said cstatn and
it is ordered that the same stand for
hearing tho 0th, day of September, A. I).
1113, bofore tho court at tho hour of iio'clock,
a. tn.. at which time any nerson Interested
may appear and except to and contest tho
Notice of this proceedlnc and the hearing
thereof Is ordered given to all porsons ln
iTi'sted In said matter by publishing a copy of
this urdor In tho North I'latto Tribune, a
legal hetnl-wuolcly uew.spapel- printed In
ald county for threo consecutive wc"'cs
prior to salddato of hearing.
Dated August 13th. 1913. (Seal)
a 19-3 John Guawt. County .Incite
Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss
In the County Court.
In the matter of tho estate of Dennis
Kelly, deceased.
To the creditors, heirs, legatees, nnd others in
terested In the estate of Dennis Kelly.
Tako notice, that Elizabeth Kelly has
(lied In the county court n report of her doings
ns administratrix of snld estate, and It is ordered
that tho samo stand for hearing tho 9th day
of September. A. D., 1913, before tho court
nt the hour of 9 o'clock, n. m., nt which time nny
person Interested may appeacand except to and
contest the same.
Notlca of this proceeding and the hearing
thereof is ordered given to nil persons interested
In said matter by pub! shlng a copy of tht order
In tho North Pluttc Tribune, a semi-weekly
newspaper, printed In said county for threo
successive weeks prior to tho said date of
hcarlug. Dated August 11th. 1913. (Seal)
a 19-3 JOHN UUAN'I. County Judge-
Tho Stnte of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of John II.
Gutherles.. deceased.
On rending and filing tho petition of Mary
Gutherlcss, praying that administration of said
cstnto may bo granted to herself as admin
istratrix. '
Ordered. That Sept. 9th, 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m.
is assigned for hearing said petition, when
nil pcr-ons interested in said matter may appear
at a county court to ho hold in and for said
county, nnd show cnuso why prayer of petitioner
should not ho granted: and that notice of tho
pendency of said petition and the hearing
thereof be given to all persons Interested In said
matter by publishing n copy of this order in tho
Worm I'latto Tribune n semi-weekly news
paper printed in said county for threo successive
weeks, prior to snld day of heating,
Dated August 16, 1913.
nl9-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judge.
Notice is is hereby given that on the
5th day of July, 1913, a corporation
was formed in Lincoln county, Ne
braska, tho name of said corporation
being Llerk-Sandnll Company. The
principal place of transacting the bus
iness of said company shall bo in the
city of North Piatte, Lincoln county,
Tho treneral nnture of the business
to be transacted shnll be the buying
and selling of groceries, queenswnro.
hardware, and other articles of
merchandise at wholesale and retail.
Tho amount of tho capital stock
authorized is $10,000.00 divided Into
one hundred shnreo of $100.00 each,
eighty-five shares of which shall be
subscribed and fully paid up at the
time of ho organization of tho com
pnny. The date of tho commencement
of aaid corporation shall bo on tho 7th
day of July, 1913,and its termination on
tho 7th day of July, 1023. The highest
amount of indebtedness to which the
corporation shall nt any time .subject
itself shall not exceed two-thirds of
its paid up capital stock. The affairs
of tho corporation aro to be managed
by a bonru of three di actors together
with tho president nnd secretary and
treasurer, together with such othor
clerks and servants ns said officers
may appoint and hire.
Signed this 6th dny of July, 1913.
In tho County Court, Ansut2, 1913.
In tho Matter of tho Estato of Cathciina
McGovcrn, deceased.
On readins and flllnir tho petition of Thomas
McGovcrn pi nyintr that the instrument tiled on tho
2nd day of August, 1913, and purporting to bo
the lait will and .testament of tho ald deceased,
may lw proved, approved, prohafed allowed and
recorded aa tho teat wilt and testament of tho
salilCutlnTlneMcC.overn deceased, unrt that the exe
cution of said instrument may ho committed and
the administration of said estate may bo granted
to Thomas McGovcrn and Peter McGovcrn as exe
cutors. Ordered. That Auir. 26th. 1913. at U o'clock n.
m. U assiKned for hearing said petition when all
persons interested In said matter may appear at a
county court to ho held In and for said county anil
show cause why tho prayer of petitioner shoMld
lished in tho North Platte Tribune, a legal semi
weekly nowMianer of said county published in
said county for three successive, weeks prior to
June 10, 1913,
S.-I-3 County Judgo'
Hy virtue of nn execution on transcript Issued
from thPlstrict Court ot Lincoln county, Nebras
ka, uppn : Jsjree of foreclosure rendered In said
court wherein Knox and Walters a corporation
partnershlu 1" plalntilf, and E. Rlma, Is de
fendant, and to me directed, 1 will
on tho 23rd day of August, 1913, at two
o'clock, ii. m at the east front door of tho
court liouto of said rountv. In the cltv of North
Platte, Nebraska, sell at public auction, to the
hllwt bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree,
interest and costs, tho following described
nmncrty. to-wlt:
Northeast quarter (noW) section two
(2) In township fifteen (IB), range thirty
(30), west of tho Jtli P. M. In Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
J15-5 A. J. SALISUUKY, Sherllf
OJSnAwWBfcflWW VrsMS'w.Mr"w'W rfnn C '
Oldest Dank In Lincoln County
State Bank
North Platte, Nebr.
CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00
' We Solicit Your Duilnni.
Notice of Incorporation.
Notice is hereby given that tho under
signed havo associated as a corporation
under tho name and style, Howe &
Maloney; with the principal place of
transacting its business in the city of
North Plntte, Lincoln county, Nebras
ka; and for the purpose of transacting
a general furniture and undertaking
business; with the amount of its capi
tal stock $1200.00 all paid in cash; and
siati corporation shall commence its
business on the 25th day of April, 1913,
and terminate in twenty years; and its
indebtedness is not at any time to ex
ceed 8 of its amount of stock capital;
and the business of the incorporation
"hall be conducted by u president and a
vice-president, secretary and trensurcr.
Dated this 28th day of July, 1913.
William R. Maloney, President,
Charles A. Howe, Vice-President,
Erma V. Maloney, Sect,
William R. Maloney, Treas.
Homeopathic Physician nnd Surgeon
Hospital accommodations for Medical and
surgical attention given obstetrical cases.
Offlco Phone 183 Res. Phono 283
Ofllco McDonald State Hank Illd'ir
Oifice phono 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bnnk Building.
Doctors Ames & Ames,
Physicians and Surgeons,
Office over Stone Drug Co.
) Office 273
j Residence 273
3515 J..W,, wwr
-''"'"" '
13 years expericned at the bench. Can do
all kinds of repairing. Red rock prices. All
tmmt rsi nenn jwul
Dr. J. K. Elms,
Eve. Ear. Noso 'and
Throat Glasses V&
litted Also A''.Cr7'S2"
Homeopathic Physician and
Office over McDonald State
North Platto. Phono 36.
Di ItylfiBld edfield
Physicians and Surgeons.
JOE D. REDFIELD, Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
. PHONE W2. .
Notice for Publication.
Chris Rasmussen and E P. Rasmus
sen, first nnd real name unknown, Dflr
fondants, will tako notice that on $he
14th day of May, 1913, L C. Soverns,
plaintift, herein filed his petition in the
district court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, against tho said defendants,
and each ot thm, the object and prayer
of which aro to recover the sum of
$363.52, together with interest thereon
at the rate of seven per cent per annum
from the 14th day of May, 1913, which
said sum is due and payable to the
plaintiff from tho defendants, and each
of them, upon a certain promissory note
executed and delivered by tho defen
dants on Mny 20th, 1912, to one Wil
liam Bellow, and thereafter sold, trans
ferred and delivered to the plaintiff
Herein ior a vaiuaoie consideration.
That nt the samo timo plaintiff filed an
affidavfc in attachment in said action
and caused an order of attachment to
bo issued and property belonging to the
defendants, nndeachof them, towit:AH
of section nine (9) except about ono and
one-half acres (lj) in tho north east
quarter (NEJ) of the south east quar
ter (SEJ) in said section, township ten
(10), range twenty-eight (28) West of
the sixth P. M,, Lincoln County, Ne
braska.'has been attached under said
order. Plaintiff prays for judgment
against the snid defendants, and each of
them, in the sum of $303.52, together
with interest from the 14th day of May,
You, and each of you, aro required to
nnswer said petition on or bcioro the
25th day of August, 1913.
Dated this 15th day of July, 1913.
x L. C. Severns,
Dy Mui.doon, & Gmns,
His Attorneys.
Ufl Kumzt; Tis nflT j
m in-nouse or uooo. onowi in g t
I When in North Piaffe. I I
m Aintinn fietlirns. Kiinn Kvnrv c
1 Night. Matinee Saturday After- 1 V.
noop at 2:30 O'clock. I
I 10 CENTS. I r
Grand Island suffered a big loss Sun
day forenoon when a fire broko out In
the hay loft of the Black & Rhodes
liyery stable and destroyed property
vatucd at seventy thousand dollars.
The heaviest loser was the Geer &
Harrison lumber yard. Tony Fleischer,
(a fireman, .lost his lifo by a llvo electric
light wire falling upon him.
For bargains in choice residences see
Buchanan & Patterson's bargain list in
another column tf
Hooplcss Stave Crib Silo,
The Only Stave Crib Silo that will
Say MR. FARMER you need
that SILO NOW.
See him.
Business Man, Mechanic
and Laborer
Will find thei cigars we make will
suit them. They are the best mndo
for tho money, whether you pay a
nickle or; a dime. Then they are made
in North Platte, which should cut some
figure to those who beileve in patron
izing home industry.
The Maker of Good Cigars.
Signet Chapter O. E. S.,
NO. 55-
Meets 2U ana 4tn Thursday ot every
month av Alasonic Hall at 7:30 p. m.
Telephone Red 45G 505K Dewey St.
North Platte. Nebraska.
OSS and Cattle
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red 03G Office 459
The Old Reliable
When your clothes need pressing,
cleaning and repairing, let the Old Re
liable Tailor do it and do it right. We
havo been doing. this work in North
Platte for thirty years, know how to
do it and do it the way it should be
That means satisfaction to you.
Entrance north of the Nyal drug store.
Established in 1871.
Contractor - and Builder.
Shop Corner Gth and Vine Streets
R. D. Thomson.
Serial No. 01809
United States I.nml Olllce
At North I'latte, Nebraska. July 25,1913.
Notice Is hereby given that Bernard A. Voss,
of North Platte, Neb., who on Juno 28. 1910. made
homestead entry. No. OliOO, for EH NE.
E SWS(.V Rnd SEl "on 3. Town!
ship 11. N. Range SO, W. 6th Principal
Merfdan, has filuj notice of Intention to make
threo year proof, to establish claim to the land
aboe described, before the register and receiver
at North Platte. Nebraska, on tho 19th day of
September, 1913.
Claimant names as wltnessses: George Miller
of Somerset, Neb.. William Hunter. Amandua
Kunkle, both of North Platte. Neb.. Howard
Slmms, of Wollllect, Nebr.
J29-6 j. E. Evans. Register.
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