Ik f., 4 4 !tw 'V .-.J- y v iV - f x$? ,J5.i 7f f '. Vuv I. f r IS ST' ' Silverware,-. jffl Era ' ' facsirfl In the days of forefathers, Spoons and Forks were" strictly utensils. Spoons of one sort or the other, were generally used but Forks arc so modern that few possessed them in the days of the American colonies, and the majority did not know their use. That Spoons and forks should possess beauty of line or have artistic merit in design was not in those days a matter of concern. N Spoons and Forks are now considered an important factor in one's table ap pointments and great care should be given to the selection of a pattern. This is as it should be. Our patterns are the work of skilled designers and offered in sufficient Variety to satify every taste and in weights to meet every demand. W desire to show you a beautiful stock from which to make your selections T . ... See oiir Spotwood ahdPlymoutli aesgins The Silver that will makeheirloones for future geenrntions. DIXON, The Jeweler. U. P. Watch Inspector. , DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Denfist. Office over the McDonald State Bank. 9 la Local and Personal The city schools will open Monday, September 8th. The city teachers' WstituW-'will'he held September 4th, 5th and 6th. Little Dorothy Shuman entertained twelve friends at a party yesterday afternoon. fsVashablc wais'tsSvhichih'ave sold for $1.50 and $2.00 on sale Saturday only at 49 cents at the Leader. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Weingand and Dr. and Mrs. 0. H. Cressler returned yesterday from Denver. Miss Lucille Wilcox will leave Sep tember 1st for Chicago, where she will attend an art school. . "Whoat on the farm of A. Isackson, north of Brady, averaged twenty-two bushels per acre; a good yield for this year. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Tput and child ren, whchad been spending several weeks in Colorado, returned home yes terday. Wanted Girl for general housework. Apply to Mrs. W. H. McDonald, 407 West Fifth street on or after next Monday. The stork visited the home of C. T. Whelan last night and deposited "the finest boy (in town." You can well imagine the happiness of Daddy Whelan as well as of the mother, who with the boy, is reported to be doing nicely. Forty ladies spent a pleasant after noon'yesterday as the guests of Miss Hannah Kelther, 500 being the enter taining feature. The rooms were dec orated with garden flowers and nicely prepared refreshments were served. B JEH writ- -r" J- t -3fV t t t .. Hi The above property, which is one o the most beautiful, largest and best located properties in the city, being the Mrs. Federhoof property, is for sale much below the actual cost of the property and on exceptional terms. I Willis Hansen and daughter Miss Thea, who have been visiting in Den mark for several months, are expected home next week. Mrs. W. H. McDonald and daughter Jariet; who have been visiting in San Diego, Cal., for two months, will re turn home Monday. Mrs. Levi Duke entertained twenty- four ladies at a kensington yesterday afternoon in favor of Mrs. Thomas Golden and Mrs. A. M. Cremer, of Los Vegas, N. M. For Rent-fcFive room house with furnace heat. Inquire of Mrs. Thos. Golden, 321 South Vine, or phone black 581. Carl Holman will in a few days begin ithe cregtiQn of abungplow on his lots in the 1100 block on west Fifth street. D. M. Hogsett will superintend its con struction. Enter your baby today in ''The Most Popular Baby Contest," at the Keith Theatre tonight. Absolutely no charge. Just take the baby to VonGoetz's Photo Studio, he will do the rest. Horace Hungerford, of HerBhoy, came down Wednesday to haVe a sur geon treat a bad wound in his shoulder "which he sustained by falling through a store window while scuffling. Misses Fay Wayne and Marie Holt, of Alabama, who had been guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Graham for several weeks, w.ill leave the early part of next week for Cheyenne to attend Frontier Days. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fleishman en tertained twenty-four friends Monday evening at a musical and dutch luncheon In honor of their guests Mrs. Pred mesky, Miss Anna Fleishman and Mr. Cernis, of Omaha. Mr. "FORD" Owner:- Do you know I can give you a policy of in surance covering liability on your car and property damage completely tor $30.00 per year. Can you afford to be without it? C. F. Temple. C. F. TEMPLE, Agent, .tMO Local and Personal. Mrs. Anno. Simpson left yesterday for a visic with Omaha friends. $3.50 and 84.00 Silk Potticoats for . $1.69, Saturday only at the Leader. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell nnd children have returned from a visit inLexington. Mrs. John Burko is visiting relatives In Denver, having left for 'that city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McEvoy havs, rctnmed from a short visit with friends in Omaha. The Yeoman ball tentn will iro to Sutherland Sunday to play a game With! tno team ot mat town. Mrs. Frank Elliott will lenve in a few' daj'8 for Kansas City and St. Joe to purchase her fall millinery. Mrs. Harry Boyle left the first of; this week for Kearney to spend a couple of weeks with relatives. Most Popular Baby Contest. Miss Florence McKay leaves in a day ov two for Lanaua, where sho will take a two years course in music. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kirkpatrick will leave shortly lor Koarney wnere tney intend to make their home in the future. A well known young baggageman will become a benedict within a fort night and occupy a house on east Fourth street. At The Keith Theatre Mrs. W. T. Miller, for many years a residont of Nichols precinct, has moved to town and will reside here in the future. Have you ever worn the Topsy Hose? Perfect satisfaction found in each and every pair. E. T. Tramp & Son. , Yesterday was the hottest day of the season, the temperature reaching 101. Forecast: Fair to-night and Saturday, not quite so warm. Homer Musslcman, Ross Hosford, W. J. Landgraf andT. F. Watts accom panied the ball team to Eustis the fore part of this week. Wanted-Girl for general housework in small family. No washing, good wages. Apply to Mrs. W. H. Sho honey, 201 south Ash, or phono red 330. Attorney L. E. Roach is closing up his business affairs and in company with his family will leave shortly for Oklahoma, where he will locate. Bonds of all hinds executed while you waitt C. F. Temple. Mathias Elias has been appointed janitor of the new school building in the First ward. It is believed that at least a portion of the new building will be ready for occupancy by the opening day of school, Septembor 8th. Vote for the Babies A pwee of land on the south side that was summer tilled netted the owner an average of 31 bushels of wheat per acre. There was but eleven acres in the piece but this shows that summer til ling is profitable. Hershey Times. For Sale New five room cottage, all modenvbufc- heat; full basement, lawn and shade trees,ilocated";on oast Fifth. Inquire of Wm. Maloney, 803 east Fifth., The city tennis tournament closed last night with the final sets between Birgo and Munger, the former winning three out of five sets. Birgo will now chal lenge Otten, holder of the city champion ship and the Dixon cup. For Rent Five room cottage on east Fifth. Inquire of Wm. Moloney, 803 cost Fifth. Lyman H. Welch, late of this city, has been re-instated as a railway mail clerk. He was suspended because it was thought he was giving too much time to soliciting orders for women's ready-to-wear garments. He will be given the first vacancy. Complimentary to Miss Anna EricB son, wno is a visitor in town, Mit a Laura Murray served a four course morning coffee at nine this morning. Covers were" laid for sixteen ladies. Decorations were corn flowers and morning glories. The function proved a most enjoyable one. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Brown were again before Magistrate Walker Wed nesday on a charge of using vile and indecent language. Complaint was filed by Ben Wilson. A continuance for thirty days was taken by Brown. The Browns have been up before the police macistrate several times on a similar charge. Let us help to make you happy Vith a Leather Hand Bag, Friday or Satur day. E. T. Tramp & Son. During the past few months the police have recovered twelve bicycles that have been stolen, the culprits in most instances havlntr been boys. F. T. Redmond is one of the latest to suffer the loss of his wheel, no trace having vet been secured. The frame of Dr. bent's wheel has been recovered, but the whereabouts of the wheels is un known. Any one wanting any special kind of cake for next Sunday phono black 1G3 and lot the Epworth League fill the order. J. L. Murphy, who purchased the C. J. Porkins house in the lOOblock on west Fourth, is having it raised, abase ment excavated, new foundation built and a heating plant will bo installed. Other improvements and changes are contemplated. When completed Mr. Murphy will take possession of the J houso and rent the one in which he is now living. r- i l j .. For bargains' in choice residences see Buchanan & Patterson's bargain list in anotner column. ir II 1 THE MUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. The aisets of this association exceed the sum of half a million dollars. The reduction of the rate of interest" to bor rowers has Increased tne demand ion loans; andjn order to meet this demand tno association win issue a nmiieu amounted or its i'&iu ur biuuis.. Money invested in this paid un stock draws six per gent interest, payable semi-annually, and may be withdrawn at any timo upon thirty days notice, buch notice being waived where there jire funds in the treasury to meet tho withdrawal. T. C. Patterson, President. Samuel Goozee, Secretary. IBs! ifrh IIP I il Gothenburg will have a five-day street carnival noxt week, Mrs. Jesso Rector left last evening for Pine Bluffs, where she was called by the illness of her mother. CRYSTAL THEATRE Friday Night '.Wis Friend, the Undertaker" tells the, story of a man who thinks that ho is. adopting a clever ruse to prevent his wife's patents from visiting him but the" joke like a curse came homo td roost. "Soul to Soul" a two reel Eclair re leased July 30th. The situations de veloped well and one sees tho young wifo placed where she must either op pose her father for killing Dago Bill, or seo her huabrfnd stand the blamo. Nancy Averill takes the part of the wife, Will Sheerer is the father, and J. V."-dohnston plays tho husband. "l , Saturday Night "The Toll of tho Desert" is n frontier release with some marvelous views of tho desert. "That Chinese Laundry" is an Imp release of August 2, and is a funny film. "Tho Power of Heredity." introduces a subject pver which there has been hiuch discussion. The daughter of com mon people and whose father was a dis solute sailor, is adopted by a family of a higher scale in life. Upon falling in love, Bhe writes in her diary, "I must havo a yellow streak, I'm in love with tho butler." Class distinction may prove things not vory commendable at times, but in this picture wo seo that environment may change us externally, but the unwritten law of heredity in variably asserts itself. Charter Wo. 34JG Report of tho Condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK, t North IMattP. In tlio Stato of Nebraska, at tho close oflmslnosi. Amrustl1. 1013, KEHOUKOKHj Loans anil discounts. CI30.10d.48 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured DSB.58 U. H. bonds to securo Circulation 100.COO.00 V. 8- bonds to secure II. S. deposltH 1.000.00 Other bonds to securo postal Having 2tl.000.00 PreintuniBoiiU..S.liond9 H1-.&0 ilomU, securities, utc. 0.110.81 llanldnc house, furni ture and llxturos 21.fl00.00 Other real estato owned l.WO.OU Duo from statu and nrlvatu banks and bank ers, trust, companies, and savings banks Duo from approved ro- servo oirents... Check, nnd otherj cash Items, th,, Notes of 'other national banks. ...i".. i...... Fractional papercurren- cy, nlcktils ami cunts.. Lawful iMpnoy Kcscrvo In 'Hank, viz; Specie , Lejfal-tendcr notes Iti'dempllon fund with IT. H. trnMiiriir th ltfr 1 ,482.03 71.215.M 8.007 Stf 4110.00 153,70 2S.070.10 4.115 00.-10fl.433.10 cent of circulation).... 5,000.00 Total 711.B3'J,50 IJAIUMTIES, Capital stock paid In... 100.ooo.00 Hurplus fund MJ.OOO.OO Undivided profits, less expenses and taxea paid V'I1.7 National bank notes outstanding 100.000.00 Duo to stato and private bunks and naiiKers m.izv.xu individual oeiosiis suo ( ject to check 324.7M.78 l "S"""" ceruucaiM or 1 "'i'Vi'K 4.6M.52 Tlrnu certificates of do- posit ioi.u76.yj Certified Checks. 70O.OU Cashier's checks out standing United Ptatesdoposlts... l'ostal Savings I)epolti. Hills pavablo, Includ- Inif oblltfatlon for- money borowed 5.810.08 I.W.00 11.8I0.W- 4-sS.C07.7U 18.000.00 2,000,00 Liabilities other thoso abovo stated tuan i Total.. M1.3'J.M i Htato of Nebraska, county or Lincoln, ss: I. Vl. V. geiiburirer. President of tho abovo named hank, do solemnly swear that tho abovo statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and Iwlluf. K. V Sebon.'or, I'rusldent. fulscrlled and sworn to before mo this 1 1th day of Autcust. 1013. I', Kor.rjs IUlmoan, otary l'ubllc. Correct A ttost: M Kmtii Nf.vim k ) John .1, Mam.hmn. V Directors JUy C liANOrOIII) 1 The Suits are Unusually OurAssortment'"of the have never been so complete. The foil models in ladies, tailored suits comprise a wide variety of beautiful patterns, a distinction of high grado"tailoring and unusual price advantages. V -& Every possible opportunity L for the garment'. Has been carefully observed by the manufacturer. n I ilcox Department Store. W j Buchanan & Patterson's , ..Bargain List of Dwellings.. Nice six room cottage, shade trees and blue grass only one block from the Court House. ;Price-$2200.; The lot is worth what we are asking for tne property. Easy terms. v 2. 14 Acres, good six room dwelling, barn, chicken house, windmill located only 8 blocks from the High School. This will be equal to full city block and we make the low price of $2500. Easy terms. Five room house and barnt South Dewey street. $1,250. '',':'. ; Nice six room cottage. 721 West Seventh'' street, handy to new round house. Modern except heat. Price 2,200. s Extra nice 4 room cottage on West Tenth street, in the 600 block. Price Si, 750. Good eight room dwelling on East Tenth street, in the 900 block. Price $1,700. HERE IT IS. ' New five rqom cottage on East Fifth street, with toilet, bath and heat and only $2400,00."' This will sell quick. Don't delay. itl 'All of these properties are choice, bargains and can be bought on easy terms. Be sure, nnd see these before you buy. 3 Buchanan 8c Patterson, Sole Agents. r yrWWR SHOll '1 To Keep Your Preserves in perfect condition, dip the jars in lhorowix Pure Ro&nod PnraGlno r it- JVW Parowax Is odorless. Inexpensive to buy; easy to use. Pound and half-pound cartons. At druggiata and grocers To make washing easy use Parowax. Just shave a little into a boilerful of wash. It cleans and whitens without injuring the clothes. STANDARD OIL COMPANY for Fall Attractive; A" season's prevailing styles h THE WAY WE DO IT impresses most pcoplo with tho way we havo tho implements and the "know how" when it comes to repairing nutomobile. Hurry up orders is whnt wo like, and wo keep enough mon to repair your car in record time. Your orderB please. J. S. Davis Auto Co. V.IE -T pure, tasteless and Omaha E8 BB gSgjfggT Mf&X I - r- jw-tTBr" - imj wu. ri-niAA"5afc"EEifft2Pr9K?!31S