The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 12, 1913, Image 8

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    -" ' hlffiiTiifiiiUTfi in .iihi'iln lih'MBt in itifc'ili
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B9KiB.. TSW&x&r,
Serai -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor asd Publisher.
Ono Year by Mail in advance $1.25
Ouo Year by Carrier in advance $1.60
Kntored at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
oflico as Second Class Matter.
-- v - '- i
TUESDAY. AUG 12. 1913.
"Good for Sore Eyes."
In those dnys when tho burden of
conversation on tho streots is the loss
or probable the JoBs-of tho corn
crop, it is a relief to tako a drive twenty
miles west through the vnllcy nnd note
the condition of the crops on tho irri
gated farms. Except the fields that
were hit by tho hail a month ago, corn
Js in splondid condition and there is n big
acreage, tho sugar beets look exception
ally fine, nnd the thousands of acros of
alfalfa is now ready for tho third cut
ting, and the last crop will bo the
heaviest of tho three. From the I3nkor
school house to the O'Fallon bluff, tho
valley has tho appearance of a farmor's
paradiso nnd every indication of a pros
porous community. Wo sympathize
with tho dry land farmer over the loss
of his crop, and at tho same time we
rojoico with tho Irrigation farmer over
his evidence of success.
In our drive Sundny we stopped for a
short time with J. R. Whito, whoso 3G0
ocro farm is one of tho best in tho
valley. Laut spring Mr. Whito, leased
his land to several Jnps for a period
of three yonrB, retaining only about ten
acres which surround his pretty .and
confortabln residence, nnd by so doing
ho is enabled to "rest up" after many
consecutive years of close application
to farm vork. Evidently the Japs are
"making good," for certainly crops on
tho farm nro fine, ospocinlly tho two
lnrge fields of of beota, and tho "yellow
boys" will have a nice sum in the bank
after paying their yearly rontal of $2,
400. Mi. White's apple orchard about
two and one-half acros -is boaring
heavily this year, tho limbs of mony of
tho trees bonding to the ground under
tho weight of fruit. A number of tho
trees will yield from twtnty to twoilty
i five bushels each, not-with-stonding the
orchard was in tho track of tho hail
storm. During tho stonn several cotton
wood trees elghtQon or more inchos in
diameter wero uprooted, but none of
tho buildings wore damaged. Mr.
White krops ovorythlng on his farm
near and orderly nnd this enhances Its
Suffragist Workers.
Dr. Alllo B. Wlomer, of Lincoln ac
companied by her daughter Catherine,
arrived in tho city Friday driving a
Ford car in which thoy are muklng a
tour of tho stato in the Intoresjts of
woman's suffrage, Mrs, Wiemorisono
of'tho most noted workers in tho tnove
mont in Nebraska; n gifted undtalontod
woman. Sundny morning sho spoko nt
tho Presbyterinn church on n moral
subject, and Inst evening delivered an
address nt the court house on "Equal
Suffrage" Tonight sho will spoak at
tho same place, using ns her subject
"Hulmnn Efficiency."
t New Grocery Store.
John LoMastor has rented his room
on-cast Sixth street, to be vacated by
tho Ilendy-Ogior Co., to Chas. Emple,
w,ho will open a grocery store Mr.
Empio recently purchased, a surplus,
stock of goods and storo furnishings of
II, L. Grcoson, nnd this ho will use ns a
noileus for'hls store. Ho oxpects to
opon for business on. or about tho first
of September.
Bryan Says Diets are Fine.
Fiold Agent Bryan snys sugar boats
in his torrltory nro in excollont condi
tion and promise n heavy yield. About
Bovonty-fivc acres of tho Into planted
beotfl In tho Hershey section that wore
in the hnil zone several weoks ago,
failed to revive, but tho early planted
have fully recovered from tho effects
of tho hail and are doing fine.
In tho county court Saturday F. A,
Hansel), of this city, obtained n judg
ment against Luthor Owans, of Staple
ton, fpr soyonty-five dollars for dama
ges resulting from a collision by a car
driven drlvon by Owens and a motor
cyclo riddon by Hansell. Tho accident
occurred at Locust and Front streets
J.uly 3rd. Hansoll sued for $125. Tho
docreo given carried with it the state
ment that each party pay his own costs.
Notice for Bids.
t Sealed bids will bo received by A. P.
Streitz, Socy of tho Board of Education,
untoG o'clock p. in., Aug. 11th, for
tho construction of 2000 square foot of
cement sidowalk, on block 1G8, according
to specifications of B, M. Reynolds,
"u- '
Remarkable Cure of Dysentery.
"I wus attacked with dysentery about
July 15th, and used tho doctor's medi
cine nnd other remedies with no rollof,
only Rotting worso nil the tlmo, I was
unuble to do anything and my weight
dropped from 145 to 125 pounda. I suf
fered for about two months when 1 wus
advised to use Chamborlnin's Colic.
Cholera Jind DlnrrhooaRemedy. used
two'bottles ofjft nnd It cave mo perma
nent relief," writes B, W, Hill of
Saow HilLJSMC. Forsalo by nil dealers.
Commissioners' Proceeding.
August 5, 1913.
Board met pursuant to adjournment,
Present Roberts, White, Hcrming
haasen and county clork.
Ira L. Mlltonborgor is hereby ap
pointed Justice of Peaoe of North Platte
No. 4 and bond approved.
The bond of JohnTrazler, onstablo
of North Platte No. 1 is hereby ap
proved. Roads 3G9, 370 and 107 coming up for
final action, said action is deferred un-
till Oct., 7, 1013.
Tho following claims were allowed on
the bridge fund, to-wlt:-Creeloy
Bundy, brldgo work..$ 21 00
W M Dymond, bridge work.. 31 00
II C Cohn, bridge work 14 30
John Kammort, bridge work.. 4 00
Maxwell Lumber & Grain do.
lumber 139 75
) Allowed on different road funds, to-
P W 6lson, road work allowed
on district 10 2 00
Geo Meyers, cash for district
23..' 100 00
William Pittman, cash for dis
trict 31 100 00
II C Cohn, cash for district 15 75 00
H B Sanderson, cash for- dis
trict? 75 00
Russel Grader Mgf. Co., fresno
.and plow, allowed on. Com'r
district No. 2 for 37 95
Tho county treasurer is hereby auth
onzed to correct the tax list on lot 12
block 115 North Platte, so ns to show a
reduction of $250 00 assessed value, by
reason of orror in assessment.
A consent potltion for n change in
road No. 9 beginning at a point on road
No. 9 nt the south enst corner of the
south east quarter of section 15, T. 12,
R. 28, thence running west on section
line between sections 15 and 22, T. 12,
R. 28, nbout 120 rods, thence in o north
westerly diroction to the half section
line on section 15, T. 12, R. 38, about
50 rods, thence north on said half sec
tion line to the S W corner of tho S E
i df Sec. 10. T. 12, R. 28 nboutSOO rods,
thonco west to tho cornor of sections 9
and 1G, T. 12, R. 28, nbout one-half
mile, thence west on section line be
tween sections 9 nnd 10, T. 12, R. 28 to
Cottonwood Canyon to a proposed
bridge to bo built across said canyon,
nnd thonce west about five rods to con
nect with No. 211, nndthatpQrtion road
No. 9 as now travelod In a diagonal
diroction-across Sec. 15, T. 12, R. 28
be vacated and Target Bridge be re
moved, comes before tho board for
action, and the board being of the
opinion tho change to bo for the public
good, grants the petition ns presented,
excepting that tho road to run north of
tho section lino pnrt of tho way bqtween
sections 15 nnd 22, T. 12, R. 28 accord
ing to agroement botwoon the board and
Chas. Mngnusson.
iTho matte'r of tho application
Chas. Vest, Jr., for license to run a
pool hall in the village of Wellflcet,
Nebr., comes before tho board for
action. There being a strong remon
monstrnnco filed, showing tho senti
ment of tho community to bo very
much against the operation of a pool
hall in said vlllngo, tho bonrd hereby
docides to with hold the license.
Whereupon the board adjourns to
August 18, 1913. C. W. Yost,
County Clerk.
Heavy Corn Loss.
A loss of 300,000,000 bushels of corn,
tho nation's greatest farm crop, has re
sulted from thegrentdnmngowroughtby
drouth and other conditions since July 1,
the government's agricultural exports
estimated Snturdny in their August crop
roport. A total production Jof 2,072,000,
000 bushels of corn wns predicted. This
is 452,000,000 bushels less than Inst
year's crop.
Tho general condition was placed at
75.8 per cent of a normal, compared
with 89.1 on July 1. Kansas wns hit
hardest, the condition having boon re
duced from 81.G per cent In July to 30
per cont on August I. Oklahoma enmo
next with a condition of 41, against 87
in July, and Nebraska reported G7
against 91 July 1, Thoso throo states
have nlnjost 19 per cent of tho total
planted to corn tins voar.
The Names of North Platte Persons
Familiar to All.
Who ore tho witnesses?
They are North Platte people.
Residents of North Platto who have
had kidney backnche, kidney ills, blad
der illaj'who hnvo used Doan's Kidnoy
Pills. These witnesses ondorso Doan's.
One North Platte resident who speaks
is J. M. Harper, 409 Dewoy St., North
Platto, Neb., says: "I had occuslon to
uso Doan's Kidney Pills for kidney trou
ble when living in Creston, Iowa, and
found them to bo a splondid kidney
remedy. They romovod pains across
my back, which hnd troubled mo
greatly. , Thoy also strengthened my
kidnoys and regulntod tho passages of
tho kidney sccrotlons. I do not host!
tato to recommend Doan's Kidnoy Pills,
procured at McDonell & Graves' drug
store (now ShillerCo's. drug storo.)"
For snle by all dealers. Prlco 50 cents.
Foster-MUburnCo., Buffalo, Now York,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember tho name Doan's nnd
tnke no other.
The Parson of
Cinnamon Gulch
It was Sunday in the in. .us fain;
on Cinnamon Mli-u. But mi- '(
not beltiK riMpiHii-d n In fiuim-d .in
However, woid liml '"'"' '
from tin- Hf Arthur l'lvm thni i
hud been M'lil out m u mn-ii'I) t
stun the people on n 'Jillim-m our
fie wan roiiiinu iiiiioiic IIh-iii t rwim
US lOllfJ UK tlf'-eSHIII. Will' II Mllftlll t.
build a piiiri- of wornlii;-
About IU oVIocU mi iiiik Sui.d m
morning u niau uuu- up "'
whose uppoitrutii'o did nut m-Hit In
dlcnto that he wus ii'liill ritti-rt I
tho work lu hand III tin'i' vwi
ho woro a stubble ueuid. and nl hi
parol wns by no menus clerical i i
deed, It was the ordlunrj iWiii
tho country sombrero, tin huh -i. .
nnd trousers tucked In Ills Iwotm I
lng n position in the oontcr oi
In, ho said tn n loud voice:
till' 'H.
"Friends, I Uavo coum uiuuiik "
to eject Satan from your uiUWfV i .
sight I sou on this Snbbuth tuorulii -ono
to nppnll the heart, lnsU'iui !
wnshin' up nnd puttln' on your im-'
clothes for lueetln'. instead or inm.i
era brushln' tho children's hair "nnd
puttlu' clean aprons on 'em tor s.m
day school, some of you ate works n
Bomo plnyln' cards, while the womi n
and children aro doin' whatever yu
tako a notion to do."
Tho stranger paused, and the minus
who hud been gathering uboiit niui
whllo ho was speaking wondered Tln-j
had expected a sleek looking, ciiin
huuvou gentleman In clerical dit--
who would talk to them in a sort. n.
sunslvo voice. This inun was toun'i
and uncouth Indeed, uowIho btipnioi
to themselves. However, it Is .uui-s
tlonnblo If tills very ruggednusa did uut
Incline thorn to receive him more tn
vorably than ono more retluud
"I reckon." resumed the newcomer,
"that you've been advised of my Ikin
eeiit out to convert this eump. I'm Hie
Rav. Arthur Dlson, and I'm party well
I used to Blcli as you. You thought you
was goln' to git u smooth tnlklirjyelit
with molasses candy hair and miiu
bluo eyes. Tho society ain't mi'IhIIii
that kind or men round to do tliHr
worlc. or, rather, the Lord's work
Them kind Is sent to plnre- where
thero'a been some sort o' cultivation.
"What I'm goln' to do ts tussle with
tho dovll nnd throw him out. Junt ns
when a mnn's goln' to plunt tio gits rid
o' the stump's and weeds nnd all that.
Them fancy parsons wouldn't bu no
good for that. Their work -ouies in
when tho seed's planted ind sprlngln
up. When one o' them fellers t'tmi?s
yoro 1 goes on to another place wj'i"e
thero'a no cleurln'."
By this tlmo the wholo enmn mioii.
women and children, though there were
fow women and fewer children wen
standing In front of the parson. gapliiR
at him. To ouo or two who found room
lu his renr ho said savagely: ,
"You galoots come forward where I
kin seo you. That'B ouo o' Satan's best
dodges to git in a feller's rear and
tako him from behind."
Those addrcHsed camo forward.
"Now, I want you peoplu to under
stand," the parson pontluued. "that the
first thing ueeueu in brlugln' about u
new deal Is thut when you get together
for purposes o' worship you do It with
humility. There's no humility lu a six
shooter nor In a knlfo I want every
ono of you that has weepomj on you to
tako 'cm up there" pointing to an
open spaco uotweon trees "and leave
'em there durin' these yere rellgloim
Tho Rpeakuc pnused. and a number
of tho men went to tho spot lie Indi
cated nnd then threw , down their
weapons. When he wns sntislled Hint
nil tho nrms wero where he had order
cd thoni deposited he suid that the. tlret
tiling to do In the premises wns to
build some sort of plnce where tuey
could moot for religious worship. Thfii
ho nominated one of the men to pax
around tho hat for contribution
Whllo tho collection wns being tnkn
up n young innn of it different tjpv
camo into the camp, nppronchtug the
parson from the rear. When liniight
sight of tho speaker lie openi'i) nl
eyes. Ho was especially interested m
his romnrko made from time tn tlnu
exhorting tho minora to nmtrlbiite iii
Tho collector, having gone Un
rounds, took tho hat to the ptiriii
who emptied the contribution turn
pockets, then, drawing n revolver fiiiiil
ach boot, covered tho usseinhi.v '
"Stand where you ureT" he snld "tor
I'll put n bolo lu any one unit tmn.-s
Any mnn lenvln' for them weepm!
won't get moro'n a vnrd'"
lie begun moving :ivu from the
congregation, keeping his fnr imnnll
them, and backed right into the umn
who had Just come" upon I he -line
Pooling a pair of nrms einsplim itm
nbout hla body, 'he wriggled n. ci
nwny, but to no purpose i'rieinis
ono of tho cougrcgntlon, taking ndvini
tngo of the diversion. Jumped ir in
grasped tho woupons. That eiuleii tn.
dispute. The so railed parson wn
downed aud securely hound
Tho young mnn who hud turned n
tables was the real Arthur Dixon 1 '.
man who had personated liJm hnd n.. i
hltn nnd learned of his purpose Hi
rylng on ahead of blm. he. hud imind
to play his game and ge awnv wlin
tho plunder bofore his nrriviri
Tho roal Dixon In saving tin? uilueis
frqm robbery ncqulrvd a support unit
enabled him to do n great work, tin
revolutionised tlio ramp.
For Sale. j
Baptist parsonage, 1009 west 4th St., I
for sale or exchange for property nearer
the business section of the city. Inquire
of Rev. J. L. Barton or phono Black 884.
Good Reason for His Enthusiasm.
When a man has suffered for several
days with colic, diarrhoea or other
form of bowel complaint and Is then
cured sound and well by one or two
doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Dianhoea Remedy, as is often the
case, tt is but natural that ho should bo
enthusiastic in his praise of the remedy
and especially is this the Case of a
severe attack when life is threa
tened. Try It when -fn need of such a
remedy. It never fails. Sold by all
Dr. D. C. Crocker.
Osteopathic Physician
4-44-4-4it44 i.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office over McDonald Bank.
Itar---?-- )--t-!-? SrrS
n "B"RT"0 North
13 years experience at the bench. Can do A
all ltindfuf repairing Bed .rock prices. All A
work Buaranteed.
Notice for Publication.
Chris Rasmussen and E P. Rasmus
sen, first and real name unknown, De
fendants, will take notice that on the
14th day of May, 1913, L C. Soverns,
plaintiff, herein filed his petition in the
district court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, against the said defendants,
nnd each of thorn, tho object nnd prayer
of which arc to recover the sum of
53G3.52, together withanterest thereon
nt the rat of seven per cent per annum
from the 14th day of Mays 1913, which
said sum is due and payable to the
plaintiff from the defendants, nnd each
of them, upon a certain promissory note
executed and delivered by the defen
dants on May 20th, 1912, to ono Wil
liam Bellow, and thereafter sold, trans
ferred nnd delivered to the plnintiff
herein for a valuable consideration.
That at the same time plaintiff filed an
affidavit in attachment in said action
and caused an order of attachment to
be issued and property belonging to the
defendants, and each of them, towit:All
of section nine (9) except about one and
one-half acres (lj) in tho north east
quarter (NEJ) of the south enst quar
ter (SEi) in said section, township ten
(10), range twenty-eight (28) West of
the sixth P, M., Lincoln County, Ne
braska, has been attached under said
order. Plaintiff prays for judgment
against the said defendants, and each of
them, in the sum of $363.52, together
with interest from the 14th day of May,
You, and each of you, ore required to
answer said petition on or before the
25th dav of August, 1913.
Dated this 15th day of July, 1918.
L. C. Severns.
By Mut.doon & Gibus,
His Attorneys.
Notice. ,
Notice is is hereby given that on the
5th day of July, 1913, a corporation
was formed in Lincoln county, Ne
braska, the name of said corporation
being Lierk-Sandall Company. The
principal place of transacting tho bus
iness of said company shall be in the
city of North Platte, Lincoln county,
The general nature of the business
to be transacted shall be the buying
and selling of groceries, queensware.
hardware, and other articles of
merchandise at wholesale and rotail.
The amount of the capital stock
authorized is 10,000.00 divided into
one hundred shares of $100.00 each,
eighty-five shares of which shall be
subscribed and fully paid up at the
time of the organization of the com
nnnv. The date of tho commencement
of said corporation shall be on the 7th
day of July. 1913,andits termination on
tho 7th day of July, 1923. The highest
amount of indebtedness to which the
corporation shall at any time subject
Itself shall not exceed two-thirds of
its paid up capital stock. Tho affairs
of tho corporation are to be manaered
by a board of three directors together
with tho president and secretary and
treasurer, together with such other
clerks and servants as said officers
may appoint and hire.
Signed this 5th day of Julv, 1913.
Liekk-Sandall Company.
In tho County Court. August 2, 1913.
In the Matter of tho Estate ot Catherine
McGoNem, dcciased.
On reading and filing the petition of Thomas
JJcfloveni praylnK that tho Instrument filed on tho
2nd dayot August, 1913, and purporting to 1m
the last will and testament of tho said deceased,
may be proved, approved, proliated allowed and
recorded as the last will and testament of the
saldCuthcrlneMcGovern deceased.and that tho exe
cution of said Instrument may bo committed and
tho administration of said estate may be granted
to Thomas McGo trn and Peter McGovcrn as exe
Ordered. That Aug. 26th, 1913. at 0 o'clock a.
m. Is asshnied for hearlnor laM iictition when all
persons Interested In said matter may appear at a
county court to be held In and lor said county and
show cause why the prayer of petitioner should
not Do granted. A copy of this ortlcr to bo pub-
nsneii mine isortn t'latte iriuune. a legal semi
weekly newspaper of said county published In
said county for threo successive weeks prior to
June ID, 1913.
al-3 County Judgo
Ily irtueof an execution on transcript Issued
from thePlstrlct Court of Lincoln county, Nebras
ka, upon decree o( foreclosure tendered In said
court wherein Knox and Walters a corporation
partnership) plaintiff, and E. It I ma. Is de
fendant, and to mo directed, I will
on the '.3rd day of August, 1913, at two
o'clock, p. m., at the east front door of the
court houso of said county, in the city of North
l'latte, Nebraska, sell ut public auction, to the
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree.
Interest and costs, the following described
property, to-wlt:
Northeast quarter (ncM) section two
(2) In township fifteen (15), range thirty
(IK), west ot the 6th I', M. In Lincoln
county. Nebraska.
Dated at North riatte. Neb.. Jul y It, 1913.
J1J-5 A. J. Sausiu'RY, Sheriff
Notice of Special Election.
To the Electors of the City of North
Notice is
hereby given that on the
19th day of August, 1913, In the city of
North Platte, an election will be hold
at which the following proposition shall
bo submitted to tho voters of said city:
"Shall the playing of base ball be per
mitted within the city limits of North
Platte on the first day of tho week,
commonly called Sunday, as provided
for in Chapter 10 of the Session Laws
of 1913?
Tho polling places for said election
shall be:
In the First ward, at the hbso house
in said ward; in the Second ward in tho
Commissioners' room on tho second
floor of the court house in said ward;
in tho Third ward, at the hose house in
said ward, and in the Fourth ward, at
the hoso house in sarU ward.
The ballots to be used in said election
shall hayo printed thereon:
"For permitting the playing of base
ball within the city of North Platte on
the first day of the week, commonly
called Sunday."
"Against premitting the playing of
base ball within the city of North Platto
on tho first day of the week, commonly
called Sunday."
Those voting in favor of said proposi
tion shall mark their ballots with an X
opposite the paragraph beginning with
"For permitting th9 playing of base
ball in the City of North Platte.
Those voting ngainst sold proposition
shall mark their ballots with an X op
posite the paragraph beginning with
"Against premitting the playing of
base ball in the city of North Platte.
Said election shall bo opennt9 o'clock
a. m. and remain open until 7 o'clock
p. m. of said date.
In Witness Whereof, I have horeunto
subscribed my name this 19th day of
July, 1913. E. H. Evans,
Attest: C. F. Temple, Mayor.
j22 4 City Clerk. (Seal.)
Notice For Bids.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received at tho office of
the city clerk of North Platte, Ne
braska, up to) o'clock p. m., August
7th, 1913, for the construction of an
extension to Sewer Lateral "M" in
snid city According to plnns and speci
fications now on file in tho office of the
City Clerk of said city.
Approximate estimate of cost of ex
tension to sewer lateral as per report
of city engineer i3 $1631.00.
Local labor to be employed as far as
Certified check on local bank of 2 per
cent of amount of bid will be required
to insure entering contrnct.
Satisfactory bond to be given them
when contract is signed.
Mayor and city council reserve the
right to reject any or all bids.
By order of tne city council.
Qhas. F. Temple, City Clerk.
Dfc. J. S. TWINEM,
HomeopathlcPhyalclan andSurgeon
s Hospital accommodations for Medical and
0 surgical attention Riven obstetrical cases.
a OITlco Hione 183 " Res. Phone 283
OfflcoJIcDonalu Stato Hank RIu'k
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Doclors Ames & Ames,
Physicians and Surgeons,
Office over Stone DrUg Co.
Office 273
f Residence 273
Dr. J. K. Elms,
Eyo, Ear, Nose and
Throat Glasses
fitted Also
Homeopathic Physician and
Office over McDonald State
North Platte. Phoie 36.
I n ' House of Good Show
When in North Plalle.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matinee Saturday After
noon at 2:80 O 'clork.
Dty. Infield edfield.
Physicians and Surgeons.
JOE B. REDFIELD. Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
THONE 642.
Oldest Bank In Lincoln County
State Bank
North Platte, Nebr.
CAPITAL STOCK 5100,000.00
We Solicit Your Buslntsi.
Hooplcss Stave Crib Silo
ihK 'Sir nil Ha
The Only Stave Crib Silo that will
Say MR. FARMER you need
that SILO NOW.
See him.
Business Man, Mechanic
arid Laborer
Will find-the cigars we make will
suit them. They are the best made
for the money, whether you pay a
nickle or a "dime. Then they are made
in North Platte, which should cut some
figure to those who beileve in patron
izing home industry.
, , The Maker of Good Cigars.
aJMM Mfca
Signet Chapter O. E. S., I
rxu. o-
35 jk
Thursday o every I
!all at 7:30 p. m. I
Meets 2nd nnd 4th Thursday
, ..month at Masonic Hall at
Telephone Red 456 M5H Dewey St.
North Platte, Nebraska.
ill Cattle
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red G36 Office 459
The Old Reliable
When your clothes need pressing,
cleaning and repairing, let the Old Re
liable Tailor do it and do it right. We
have been doing this work in North
Platte for thirty years, know how to
do it and do it the way it should be
That means satisfaction to you.
Entrance north of the Nyol drug store.
Established in 1871.
Contractor and Builder.
Shop Corner Gth and Vine Streets
R. D. Thomson.
Serial No. 01809
United States Land Oilico
At North Platte, Nebraska. July 25. 1913.
Notice Is hereby given that Bernard A. Voss,
of North Platte, Neb., who on June 28. 1910, made
homestead entry. No. O-IS09. for EM NEH,
EM, SWH. and SEV Section SO, Town
ship 11, N. Range 30, W. 6th Principal
Merldan, has filed Tiotlco ot intention to make
three year proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before tho register and receiver
nt North Platte, Nebraska, on the 19th day of
September, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses: George Miller
of Somerset. Neb.. William Hunter, Amandus
Kunklc, both of North Platte, Ncb Howard
Slmms, of Wellfleet, Nebr.
J29-6 J. E. Evans. Register.
Serial No. 01051.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at North Platte, Neb.
NOTICE is hereby given that James Bechan.
Jr.. of North Platto, Neb., who, on May 1, 1907.
made II. E. No. 22965, Serial N. 01061. to
WM. and WM of EH. Section 20.
Township 15, North. Range 81, West of tho Cth
Principal Merldan. has filed notice of Intention
to make final five year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, before the
register and receiver, at North Platte. Neb., on
tho 20th day of August, 1913.
Claimant names as witngvon Vfl. McNeel.
William Slebold. WW. GroM.rthur Toops, al
of North Plaite, Neb.
i2t-0 J. E EVANS. Rezlstir.
k .