The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 05, 1913, Image 8

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i V"vAm 1. i li tM'-Miuiiu'"
Mrs. Hamilton Tells How She
Finally Found Health in
Lydia E. Pinkham'a Veg.
etable Compound.
Warren. Ind. "I was bothered ter
ribly with female weakness. I had pains
nnu was not regular.
my head ached all
tho tlmo, I hnd bear
ing down pains and
my back hurt mo tho
biggest part of tho
time, I was dizzy
and had weak feel
ings when I would
stoop over, it hurt
me to walk any dis
tance and felt bluo
and discouraged.
"I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound and am now in
good health. If it had not been for
that medicino I would hnvo been in my
gravo a long timo ago. "Mrs. Autie E.
Hamilton, R.F.D. No. 6- Warren, Ind.
Another Case.
Esmond, R.I. "I write to tell you
how much good your medicino has dono
mo and to let other women know that
thero i3 help for them. I suffered with
bearing down pains, headache, wa3 ir
regular nnd felt blue and depressed all
the timo. I took Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vcgotnblo Compound and commenced to
gain, in a short timo and I am a well wo
man today. I am on my feet from early
rooming until late at night running a
boarding houso and do all my own work.
I hope that many suffering women will
try your modicine. It makes happier
wives and mothers. " Mrs. AtWA. HAN
SEN, Esmond, Rhode Island.
Tragic Moments for Vixen After She
Had Carried Poisoned Food to
' Her Litter.
On ono of tho largo estates In Hlng
ham, a fow weoks ngo, a fox was found
to bo destroying poultry. The tlmo ol
tho raids, and their boldnoss, wore
proof onough that tho fox must bo a
fomalo with young. Poisoned meat
was propared for hor, and at onco the
raids ceased. A fow days lutor ono ol
tho workmen of tho estate came upon
tho don of a fox, at tho mouth ol
which lay dead a whole litter of young
ones. They had been poisoned. Tho
mother had not cuten tho doctored
food herself, but had carried It homo
to hor family. Thoy muBt havo died
In tho burrow, for It was evident from
tho signs that sho had drngged them
out Into tho fresh air to rovlvo them,
and deposited thorn gently on the
sand by tho holo. Then In her per
plexity sho had brought various tld
bits of mouse and bird and labblt and
placed at their noses to tempt thora
to wnko up out of their strange sloop
and oat as hungry children ought to
cat. Who knows how long sho wntch
ed bostdo the still forms, and what
hor emotions were 7 Sho must have
loft tho neighborhood soon after, how
over, for no ono has seen hor since
about the pstato Dallas Loro Sharp,
In tho Atlantic
I OnlyATouch
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times In ten when the liver is
right the stomach and bowels w-a right.
gentlybutfirmly com
pel a lazy liver to
oo its duty.
Cures Con
itlpation, In
and Distress After Eating.
Genuine must bear Signature
4uiffi fW . o
dMF33fe w . '
mutmwa i. uk i rn.i
Jfsmjuzim hbitti r
mwr nivcrv
r 5w
In tho caro of baby's skin and hair,
Cuticura Soap is tho mother's fa
vorite Not only Is It unrivaled in
purity and refreshing fragrance but
Its gentle emollient properties are
usually sufficient to allay minor irri
tations, removo redness, roughnos
and chafing, soothe sensitive condi
tions, and promote skin and hair
health generally. Assisted by Cutl
cura Ointment, It Is most valuablo in
tho treatment of eczemas, rashes and
Itching, burning infantile eruptions.
Cuticura Soap wears to a wafer, often
outlasting several cakes of ordinary
soap and making its uso moBt eco
nomical. Cuticu? Soap and Ointment sold
throughout tho world. Sample of each
froo.wlth 32-p. Skin Book. Address post
card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston." Adv
A toilet preparation of merit.
Helps to cractkatn d&udruir.
For Restoring' Color nnd
Beauty to Cray or Tadcd Hair.
60c. and 81 OO at brurrtBta.
So Far.
Bill I hear ho is preparing for ono
of thoso trips to tho north or south
Jill How far has ho got?
Bill Oh, bo's written all tho press
agent stuff!
Chollle Do you bellevo the number
thirteen Is unlucky?
Mollle Indeed, I do. You were'the
thirteenth man who proposed to mo.
Long-Lost Mine Found.
Tho long-lost Cinnabar mlno In Ne
vada has been found after a search
lasting more than thirty years. Tha
discovery was mado some weeks ago
by Georgo Keough while searching for
strayed stock,' seven miles from Mina
Tho discovery was kept secret un
til claims wcro staked and assays
mado of tho oro, showing It to run high
In quicksilver.
Following tho announcement of tho
finding of the mlno a rush was started
for tho district In which it Is located.
Hawthorne, after finding tho Cin
nabar deposit, becamo confused and
lost hlu way on tho desert. Ho wan
dered about for several days and final
ly landed at Now Boston, formerly a
thriving camp,- but now extinct.
Ho conducted expedition after expe
dition In search of tho deposit, but his
efforts were fruitless. Ho described
the. location, stating that two petrified
trees stood near tho mound.
Tho stono trees nro to bo noticed
todny as described by tho old pros
pector, who died thirteen years ago.
Sf f Ury el Hxtcmwn, DtjwetnwM
Moody BSMo lasKtarr, Ouuco
TKXT Who tourhwl inoT-l.uke S 4S.
The story of
this n a m o 1 o b s
woman and the
mlraclo of hor
healing 1b found
In each of the
synoptic gospels,
nnd it Is especial
ly prominent In
that of St. Mark;
In fact, U Is ono
of tho striking
enrtoons w h I c h
this ovangellBt
uses In describing
tho work of
Christ Of nil tho
characters In the"
gospel thlH nameless woman is tho
most touching, and hor attitude
toward Jesus, his treatment of her, and
tho gracious results servo as encour
agement to nnyone who doubts his fit
ness for approach to Christ or his wor
thiness to receive anything from
It Is tho story of a mlraclo by tho
way. Jesus hnd boon requested by
Jalrua to como to his house and heal
his daughter. As ho was going on his
way and much people followod him
and thronged him, a certain woman,
seriously ill for twolvo yoars, suffering
many things of many physicians, and
growing woiso Instead of better, camo
In tho crowd about Jesus and touched
tho hem of his garment. Sho was a
great sufferer from her dlseaoo and
Jesus noticed hoitouch; "And Jesus
Immediately knowing in' hlmsolf that
vlrtuo had gone out of htm, turned
him about in the press, nnd said, Who
touched my clotheB?" Ho knows tho
slightest movement of tho eoul toward
hlmsolf, ho feels tho burdens wo bear,
for ho Is touched with a feeling of our
Infirmities. Like tho fathor in Luko
15 ho goes out to meet tho returning
wanderer. What an encouragement it
is to tho sinner to realize this ap
proachabloness and reaponslvenesB of
the groat Savior. Somotlmcs we aro
In doubt about tho charactor and love
of God, but overy revelation of tho ten
derness, compassion and thoughtful
nesa of Jesus is also a revelntlon of
tho fact that God 1b llkp him. Ho
knows our reaching out nftor him; let
us bo sure of that. "I wnrted patiently
for tho Lord, and ho Inclined unto mo
and hoard my cry." Get close to Jobub
In love and faith, and touch him. His
a i&immTSMiamvvxS&s. r-uri usll it a-a-si m
Ss4MhJH5?EJwrSinit:4 CN1SiJI tiTWSWa If "'Vi'wS j 835 S
Let Money 8pent Do Levied Upon A
eecsed Valuation of State New
Yorv. Plan Favored.
Country roads should bo built and
malntnlnotl from tho funds of tho gen
eral public. No public road Is of puro
ly local lmportanco; no community
nor Industry but Is in somo degreo
dopondonti upon tho efficiency of nil
highways. Slnco tho dovolopmcnt ot
automobiles, moro than half tho traf
fic on tho nvorago country road la
purely city traffic. Why should town
Bhlps, for Instance bo mado to bear
their equal sharo tor road cxponso ro
nardlo&n of wealth and resources.
when tho roads to bo built benefit
nolghboilng communities and even dis
tant clUos as much, nnd sometimes
more, than tho immodlato locality
Uoads nro tho arteries nnd volns of
Old-Fashloned Flowers Make Attractive Showing In Window Boxes.
Don't buy water for bluinff. Liquid blue
is almost all water. Buy Ked Cross Ball
Blue, tho bluo that's nil blue". Atlr.
any ono
put off till tomorrow what
is willing to do for you to-
Even a self-made man
makes a bad Job of It.
the shoes The Standard Hem
cdy lor the feet for a quarter
century 30 000 testimonials. Sola
Trade Sink, everywhere, zsc. sampic '""'
Address. Allen S. Olmsted. I.e Rov. N Y.
The Man who put the Efcs In Ffcfci.
P"ta n Go'Tf
I Ide Silver iL4f
J Collar 50k
1 Ca P. kt t C , Msliert. Trey W. If. jjhr25l
"Tho English aro a henvy-banded
raco," said a suffragctto In tho smok
ing room of tho Colony club.
Sho lighted a freBh cigarette and
sipped hor coffee.
"Tho English aro heavy-handed,"
sho repeated. "I went to hear Mrs.
Pankhurst lecture In Woodstock on
my last visit to England, &nd do you
know how tho Jolly old farmer chair
man introduced her? Well, this Is
what ho said, intending It for a com
pliment, mind you:
" 'Ladies and gentlemen, you have
heard of Mr. Gladstono, tho grand old
Let mo now introduce to you
tho grand old woman.'
Nebraska Directory
Omaha. Nebraska
rimnncmj Ol Aft
. m nuott n wr ! cunurnNii
Rooms from 1.00 up alncle, 75 coata up douMo
OMAHA, NO 31-191?
Not Too Hot.
Tho kindly district nurse had sent
to Mary's cheerless homo fuel and
food and clothing. Soveral days later
sho visited tho houso to find Mary
and tho family warm, comfortable and
"You're such a good woman," said
tho llttlo mother earnestly. "And I'vo
been praying to tho dear Lord every
night that ho will bless you, and when
you dlo send you to a nice, warm
Case In Point.
"Pa, what Is dollar diplomacy?"
"llorrowlng a dollar, son, from a
man who doesn't want to lend It."
Ever Think of This?
"Why don't women dress sensibly?"
"If thoy did. half tho industries of
the world won'd go to smash."
Don't Poison Baby.
FORTY YEARS AGO almost every mother thought her child must havo
PAREGORIO or laudanum to mako it sloep. These drugs will produoo
olcep. and a FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce tho SLEEP
FROM "WHICH THERE IS NO WAKING. Mauy aro tho children who
havo beon killed or whoso health has been ruined for lifo by paregoric, lauda
num and morphine, each of which is a narcotic product of opium. Druggists
aro prohibited from selling cither of tho narcotics named to children at all, or
to anybody without labelling them " poison." Tho definition of narcotic-"
ia : "A medicine which relieve pain and produces sleep, but which in poison
ous doses produces stupor, coma, convuUions and death.' Tho tasto and
amoll of medicines containing opium aro disguised, and Bold under tho names
of " Drops," " Cordials," " Soothing Syrups," etc. Yon should not permit any
medicino to bo given to your children without you or your physician know
of what it Is composed. CASTORIA DOES NOT
CONTAIN NARCOTICS, If it boars tho signature jf
of Chas.H. Fletcher. AP sV-tf-Ar& -
heart and love and power w ill respond.
"TIip hoallnc o hH seamless dress
Is by our beda of pain.
Wo touch him In life's throne uml press
And wo are whole again."
Jesus rowards tho woman, though
sho had mistaken Ideas about his
character and his work; but ono thing
sho know sho was sick and thero was
a healer; sho touched him and that
brought blessing and benediction. Je
sus did not stop to raise questions as
to hor charactor or criticise her for
her conduct. Ho responded to the
weak faith and the earnest deelro of
tho woman, "And said unto her,
Daughter, thy faith hath mado thee
whole; gp In peace, and bo whole of
thy plague." The story shows that
faith Is personal allegiance to a per
sonal Christ. Many of ub noed sim
pler ideas and teaching about saving
faith. Christ saves, not a creed;
Christ saves, not a church; although
creed and church are Important and
must find their placo In tho llfo of tho
saved sinner. The woman got more
than sho asked; tho oxperlenco of
every believing, loyal, trusting soul Is,
"My cup runnoth over."
Who touched mo? Christ waits for
tho answer, although tho disciples Bald
unto him, "Thou seest tho multitude
thronging to thee, and sayest thou,
who touchod mo?" And Jesus waits
until tho woman tolls him all tho truth
and goes awuy not only with a healed
body but with her sins forglvon and
tho affectlonato approval of Jesus
There is a vast difference between
thronging about Christ and touching
him; tho supreme thing Is to get at
him. Having received blessing from
Christ It Is our duty to mako his will
our llfo and to confess him before oth
era, becauso wp Jove him and bause
we want to help others.
Has thoro been disease, dlsa
mont, despair In jour llfo? Ron'
and touch Jesus. Think
until you say, God can sav
his lovo until you can say,
pnvo; then tho touch of fat'
bring a change conscious, q
confessed. Josus meets the ( Srlar
nnod of each soul: pardon to P1 i?nl
tent, Justification to tho gulltftus
tDy LUI.U G l'AIUvdm
These Bparo-mlmtto gardens, do
signed for busy women, nro not for
mal affairs, they nro border beds about
2 by 8 feet In size nnd should bo
planted along tho wnlks. drlvoways,
or fences.
Tho writer has tried cvory plant
recommended nnd combined them, as
here suggested, with nothing but
success. v
Got good seed from a rellnblo seod
man. Phlox will not germlnato at all
unless it is fresh. Cheap balsam seed
will produce poor flowers.
Plant tall sortB In a row at tho
bnck. Medium spied sorts In clumps
of a dozen seedlings or moro, and uso
tho low growing sorts for edging.
Any of these Jitllo gnrdons will fur
nish onough cut flowers for tho table,
with a fow to glvo away, bosldo
brightening the yard from Juno until
Five minutes each day or half an
hour onco a weok given up to stirring
tho top soil nud weeding, will bo all
tho attention required after tho plant
ing Is done.
No. 1. AnnualB for a sunny garden
with plenty of water. Flowers from
Juno until November.
Ono packet Cosmos, early flowering,
3 to 4 feet; blooms in July until frost
Start Boed Indoors and transplant 6
feet apart in tho garden In Mny.
Ono packet Balsam, 1 to 1 feet;
blooms Juno and July. Sow In tha
garden In Mny thin or transplant 10
in. apart.
One pneket Phlox Drummondl. G In.
to 1 foot; blooms Juno and July.
Ono packet Dahlia, 18 Inches to 2
feet; blooms September and October,
Start seed In tho houso, sot In garden
one foot apart after danger from
frost 1b past.
One packet Sweet Allyssum,r6 In.;
June to November. Sow seed in tho
garden early. ThlB Allyssum will
thrive In a damp placo aB woll.
No. 2. Garden in a dry sandy Boll.
These plants will requlro no watering
during the dryest BUmmor, If weeds nro
kopt out and tho soil Is mulched with
old manuro or lawn clippings, or It
tho plants are set close enough to
gether to shado the ground after July
Ono packet Climbing Nasturtium, 4
to G feet; blooms July until frost. Sot
seed V Inch deep In May.
Ono packet Nicotlann Afllnls. 2 to 3
feet; July until frost. Start In May 1
foot apart,
Ono packet Candytuft, 1 foot; Juno
and July. Sow seod mrly In tho gnr-don.
Ono pneket Poppy, 1 to 1 foot;
July nnd August. Mix sood with sift
ed noil, sow tho earlier tho button
Firm tho soil with n board or tho hand
but do not cover, Not easily trans
planted. Ono pnokct Petunia Dwarf, C In.;
July to Soptombcr. Start In tho Iioubo
for caily bloom. Grown anywhere.
Portulncca (Hobo Mosb) 1b another
minimi for a drv soil. Grows in a
Band pllo, 6 Inches. Sow tho seed in
mlddlo of May.
No. 3. A handy gnrdon that will
bloom tho first year with a light
strawy winter protection and Improve
In nppearnnco from year to year.
After tho flrBt planting thoy will re
qulro only an occasional mulch of Old
manuro. Pull tho weeds and thin tho
plnnta when they begin to crowd,
which will not bo beforo tho third
Start all theso Bcods lr tho hot bod
or a box of fino boII In a aunny win
dow. Ono packot Hollyhock, 4 to G feot;
July to August. Got a Blngle early
Ono packot Delphinium (Hardy
Larkspur), 1 to 3 foot; Juno to July.
Ono packot Now England Asters. 1
to 3 foot; July to tho end of August.
Sow seed out of doorB early.
Ono packet Pompom Chrysanthe
mums, 1 to 3 feet; Octobor until snow
In October plant bulbs of daffodils,
lato tulips and crocus in this garden
to havo flowers from March 10th until
Novembor with practically no work.
New York Cementatlous Gravel Road.
commerce, nrcnuso Bomo of them nro
romoto from tho heart of trado docs
not Iosboii tholr significance to tho
Lot money spent for roads bo levied
upon tho nssessod valuation ot tho
stato, says tho Farm and Homo. In
Illinois, for lnstnnco, 07 per cent of
tho total taxablo property 1b located In
incorporated cities and towns. Should
tho 33 por cont. comprising country
proporty bear nil tho burden for build
ing and maintaining tho highways?
Uy moans ot stato and county appre
ciations, or stato and county bonds,
or 'both, equitably divided, tho road
burden would bo moro fairly distrib
uted. Tho Now York plan of divid
ing tho coBt botwocn state, county
and town works vory woll nnd Is prob
ably aB fair and Just as any that could
bo dovlsod.
Careless and Unfair Preparation
Causes Immense Loss to
the Producer.
(Hy M. aonUHTS CONOVEn, Now Jer-
Uecauso of tho circuitous route
from producer to consumor, farm
products actually havo a greater mone
tary valuo at tho consumer's end, al
though thoy havo greatly deteriorated
In qunllty,
This Increase In monetary valuo Is
duo to the merchant's profits, their
cost of handling and tho losses which
they entail In tho decay of tho porlsh
able products.
Theso conditions which decrease tho
producer's returns and augment tho
prlcb to tho consumer, can only bo re
lieved when a more simple system of
transfor from country grower to tho
city retail buyer has been evolved.
Theso Is, however, ono source of loss
which can, to a certain extont, be on
vlatod; that Is that loss of porlshablo
fruits nnd vegetables which ariscB
from carejess packing und bulky pack
ages requiring rehandllng of tho con
tents. Careless and unfair packing by tho
producer receives retribution moro
quickly than do tho dishonest, scant
packages and measures of tho middle
man except where special legislation
is oporatlng against thom.
Tho man who makes a practlco of
poor packing quickly undoes hlmsolf
an amount sufficient for tho nvorago
buyer. Such can bo passed on to tho
consumer without tho repacking that
ia necessary where a greator bulk of
tho fruit is massed togothor.
Potatoes, turnips, carrots, beets and
such fruits as apples, pears and
quinces so packed and graded that
they will keep for Beveral wooks aro
best shipped in a barrel.
Tho standard produco barrel, ac
cording to tho Now York atato law,
must mcasuro 17 inches, head diam
eter, 28 inches length of stavo, with
tho bulgo not less than G8 Inches, out
side mensuro.
Such a barrel holds thrco bushels,
and when filled with potatoes must
weigh 174 pounds.
Cantoloupo, egg-plnnts, poppers, otc,
may bo Bhlppod In barrels, half bar-
rols, baskets or In poach baskets or
crates, as theso aro frequently retailed
by tho piece, smnllor packages uro of
no particular advantage.
Crates should measuro 12x14x10
Inches, nnd should hold ono heaped
bushel 10 quaits used lovol full, for
tho sale of onions and all produco
ultimately totalled by heaped meas
uro, UorrlcB, grapes, plums and small
fruits nro bought in smnll quantities
by tho consumer, and for theso the
quart, Its divisions nnd its multiples
nro in line with tho standard re
quirements. AppleB nnd pears, for long keeping
and long distance shipping, requlro
double headed barrels. Only sound,
hard fruit should go into theso.
Representative Wnrburton of Wash
ington Has Novel Plan to Raise
$80,000,000 Yearly.
Tho constructing of a comprehen
sive system ot national highways out
of a tax imposed upon tho consumers
of tpbncco 1b a proposition which Rep
resontatlvo Warburton of Washington
has ombodled in tho form ot a bill
Introduced irf tho Iioubo. Ho propoBos
that a tax shall bo imposed so light as
not to bo felt by tho userB of tobacco,
but ovory puff of smoko from burning
tobacco will represent a part ot a
Bystom of highways.
Tho plan contemplates trunk lines
connecting tho capitals ot tho different
states with' tho national capital at
Washington and with each other and
running to tho different national
parks. Tho cost of construction Is to
bo paid out of a tax similar to that of
1879 on tobacco. It Is calculated that
tho tax will ralso ?80,000,000 a year,
or moro than twico tho amount of In
ternal rovonuo now collected.
Genuine Castorln always bears tho signature of
Ing to tho Impure You should ,"C'0'n'!l-nn,C09 u freat barrier against the
to him waiting for nothing; bo comliijp, i-e consideration ovon though ho
Christ will reecho you Ood'u mere Vims.
Is greater than all tho sins of thf ..-vvttractlvo maikot packages, leave
world; there is salvation for o lj" iJ hands of the commission merchant
you will have It. ' vpslickly at a R00(1 P-',cc' whllo tha
orly packed produco lingers anu
"She only touchod tho horn of tils gar
ment Ab to his uldo alio Btolo;
Ainlrt tho crow! that authored around
And stralBhtwa she vrm made wholo
Oh, touch tho horn of hlu garment,
And thou, too, shalt m free;
Hli gavlns power thin vory hour
Bhfill Rlvo new Ufa to thro."
"All tho fltncm ho ri-ouln-a
In to ffl your nr'dw him "
buffers from tho delay.
Graded frultB and vegetables In
packngps of standard sizes makes an
immedlato appenl to tho retail mer
chant as ho can calculato closely
his probable returns from tho ultimato
sale. '
Just so with tho small packages
for tho small fruits which contain
Discourage Cabbage Worms.
Wo havo soon groen cabbage worms
very much discouraged by tho follow
ing proces: Sprlnklo common whoat
flour on tho plants, or better, on
boards or leaves Just undor tho plauta
In tho evening. When tho dow falls
a sticky mass is formed nnd the worm
become? tangled up In this nnd dies or
falls an easy victim to tho birds.
Estimated That Percentage of Im
proved Thoroughfares Gone Well
Beyond Nine Per Cent.
in tho past threo years It is roughly
estimated that tho porcontago of Im
proved roadB In tho United States has
gono well boyond 9 por cont nnd possi
bly closo to 10 por cent. It is esti
mated that If 20 por cont. or tho publlo
highways wcro Improved each high
way being selected nnd Improved with
a vlow to tho proportionate tralllo up
on It a high degree of-efficiency In
highway transportation would bo
reached. It Is figured that millions ot
dollars would bo savod annually In tho
transportation ol! crops, tho wear and
tear on horses and vohlclos, and in
tho, minimizing of tho wasto In truck
farming. Whdro roads aro bad, tho
farmorH frequently find it impossible
to get their products to tho shipping
points and thus porlshablo products
aro wasted, porcoptlbly increasing tho
cost of living.
Canadian Farm Land',
Thoro were approximately 19,000,
000,000 acres of land under cultivation
in tho pralrio Provinces of Manitoba,
Saskntchowan and Alberta In 1912,
From this area It is oBtlmatod that
J200.000.000 will, bo rcalked by tho
farmors for their crops.
Eradication of Dandelion.
Tho best way to got rid of tho dan
dcillon post Is to dovlso somo use for
thom. Tho momont thoy bocome valu
ablo that moment it la going to re
quire a lot of trouble to produco thom.
Crossing Is Harmful.
No flock owner can nchlovo success
in tho breeding of sheep, elthor foi
markot or breeding purposes, If ho
resorts to constant crossing ot two
different breeds to Improve his flock.