C .fr.i-Siii?'.ig' " i"5ft " . CP& SYNOPSIS, ikSH) l&Vktur mt caw" wj of Hi ' J rH iit, tank wM ftrtltr, wii- Mil ImoAM tH Ut jmtur 4 o . vriw-r. M It Utuud ttun txawttft iU ,(( ChmlUtH-r fair 44. A4r f j 4trttMit liu, nwn h m-vt wai M I ' la lit mw 'ffc feoM4 M4MDrr J" Mue find 1J JMI CfcM0T M i,lt mo4 H bwt, wtrtcfe Dwmi t rtt-w HrAhrtH tt mttm Orrt. -l l'4tv, AM WtMlUT, W - ffar.l lfc p Um ) They I"! MtMi CHtUir .fcWl 1rr4T A j citr fwmrf ( tfc -f wf lr$4y I MltrvMi t l the wpv J Mr. Casl J'nr f be of Mlfri ft4 bu ljal)tr' 1S(, yy4 "O H" AM r v Utlvm rxrv mm w kia hw ' j viritrr 4t-tA 'FM 1H lr riyiW hr OrlnnA' UrtAhamnm. Anrt rwwi kv villi Kwyialvr la 14- "fy JtnHtmnum, wfc J to uMtv inert- 1 K i arli4 71 pM4r la rMl w AU. nA HttAntrm rump wMh- living i(SfKflt vMr tf T 4l .r f-orotner nt M ttnttiJne fifth CHAPTER X-Cofrtlnued. ") rfo; It made a urwat UnrwAoa i on w, 'I eLall lww for oar fsrtli twitolnlsincft,' b &ld, 'W tor ( very tron (titwroxt In cowonn,' And If vr h h'Jwau fw tyY'i 4o juitly. It vaj hum at that uuimwt. I thought It jrf)K from p;rjwnal lr Uimut, mid t kv in" cournr,n to v' iiJ') tlio lutnUon which hJ tako ffjf placo of orery other filing anJ Amll!on by which I bad blthrto bn bv)yrj, Jf nhn could ltioro tb social BUlf botWftHW UD, I inh Iv.it to.Uik'i th lap. CovArdlcu had i;yr ben A fault of mine, I xf.nWn-A that 1 wiit llrxt k-t Jior boo the manner of (nun I wim and vhat llf nant to wo and rnuiU uimw In her If the union t conuunnlui'id nliould become an ac tual fact. I wroto Iottr to her, but I did not k'vo bur tny nddrmis or nvmi rnqvint a roply. I yiu not rowdy for any word from hurt I am not llko other Intiti and I could wait. And I did, for wi-oku, thun suddenly up poartid nt her hotnl." "Thl ww when?" put In Dr. Heath, Anxloim lo brldRO tho patnm which rwunt buv beoii vary painful to tho llMtiiiiliiK father, "Tho week nftor TluinkHKlvltiR. I lid not hud her tho Jim I day, and only cummlly the weeond. Hut tiliu bnew I WflH In tho bulldliiK, and when I camo upon her ono aycml;ik nt tho very desk In tho iriozzuiiliio which wo nil have such bitter rniiHo to romombor, I could not forbear xproHBji mynelf In t( way hUq could not mbtundurntand. 'flio roBtilt wa of a kind to drive n man llko myxnlf to an extremity o( holf-donuncliitlou and raKo, 8ho rone up iih If IfiHulted, And IIuiik me one pontenco and ono ponlonoo only boforo oho hulled the elevator ami left my premmco, A cur could not have been dUmlflnod with Ichm oeretnony." "Tina In not llko my daughter, VVImt wn tho flentenco you allude to? Lot ma hour the very wordM," Mr. UlJulloiuir had come forward aud now tood nwnKltiK hl reply, it dlgulllod but imtliollo IlKiiro, which all must view wHIi respect. "I halo the momory of them, but lneo you domuud It, I will repeat Okjih Jut an they foil from Jior Upn," wnH Mr, Ilrolliomon'B bitter retort. "Willi Bald, 'Vou or all man Klmiilil reo DHUht) tho iinuooinllrKicu or thono proponlH, Had your lettom given mo nny hint of tho foelliiRH you have Junt exproHuod, you would iiuver havo thad thin opportunity of npproiiohlni; mo,' Thnt wun nil; but lier Indlijnn. tlon wiih HcnthliiK. Laillen who hitve Hupport oxolunlvoly off ullvor, uliow a lino ncorii for the common waro of tbo coltnser." The aMsertlvo boldnunn tiomo would nail It lirnvudo with which hn thun flulliud ili Hlory of bin rolatloiiH With thu ttoutl linlniDH, Heemed to bo morn tluui Mr. Ohnllonor could Htnnd, Willi u iook or flxtrvnw pain ami per plexity ho vnulalied from the doorway, Jind It full to Dr. 1 loath to Inipilro "In thin loiter a letter of tin out you will rumomber Urn only commu ntanttou which paimud betwoen you luul MIiib Ohiillouur after tliln unfor tumito pamiaito of hiiiib at the Cler mont?" "Yon. I linil no wlnli to iiildreim hor akuIii. 1 bad oxhauuted tu thU one oiltbiliHt whatever humiliation 1 felt." "And Alio? Did Nho kIvo no iiIru, miako ou ho nunwer?" "None- whatever." Then, nn if ho fouiid It ImpOHHlblu to lildo thla hurt to lil pride, "nho did not even ouem to coiwldvr mo worthy the honor of un added remark, HuoU nrroi;nnoo Ih, no doubt, commendable In u Ohnllon or," Thin time JiIh hltternoHH did not pntm unrebuked by the coroner: "Ho membor the Kray halm of the only Challoucr who can hear you, and ro Upoct blu Kilcf." Mr. UrolborRou bowed. "I havo finished,' oald he. "l wimll toavi uothlnR more to uuy on the nub Jcct." Aud ho draw Ulumolt up In ex pQCtatlou of tho dlumUiial ho evident ly thought pundlng. But too coroner wn not done with him by any meant. Ho hail a theory In rvgard to thla Inmoutablo Miilutde whlcli bo hoped to eatubllah by'thtu '! UvUxtouy, &&, U ymrmit of tMj jwj, lit not tn&y tB'Motntd to Mr. JiwiiKtrwa Ut reat bluMwU, test b FA ui itnv. Ut 9m a ftmk Hue ut tx aaHoatio by tmySmr.: ""m wOl pmiitnt me. If 1 prK tbie wattr. I Uuy hw kItch u u4r H4 Ut HotrfHbttutAUiK JtT hrmk with JMtte CUafttHKtr, rem iirti kitffi up your YinUx to the CAnnsuMtl aud vchh mutt oh tbe spot t tkn Urn of Jior death." "Oa Utv epotr "la tto boiof, I vaHtM." "'rherii ytm are right; I nra 1 the "M the Han of ber doatkr "Verr nmr the time. I reuMwbw tmtiK '! dJturbae In U lobby tvhiu4 ihh, wt o I vsu pawrtn out at Um JJroa4 Kay ADtraiico." "'tm &M, 3Md 3ld not rftturH" "Why boald I rotHrn? I aw not a mu of Hmcb cmrioniiy, Tfer was no raeoM vby I sImhiM connoct a sHddon zUtm to tb lobby of tb Olftrmont with zoy aH ot ix:fal lntr.st to ntyuAL" Tb yrsui to tra' and the look which i &&mvnin& tho word wu to trunk Out tint coroner beMtafjd a moment btlorti he told: "Certainly not, untaM well, to b direct, unk-sM you had Juxt seen MIhh Cballoner and know her isUto of rnlnd an1 what wan likely to follow your abrupt departure," "i bad no luUirvlow with MIks Cbal loner." "Hut you aw her? flaw her that evenlnif and JiiHt before the accldunt?" Hweetvatcr'u papcre rattled; It wan the only eound to bo beard in tbat moment of Hlloncc. Then "WJiat do you mean by thore wordu?" inquired Mr. UrotherKon, ltb Ntudled compoHtiro, "I havo Kald tbat I had no Interview with Ml Challon nr. Why do you ak mo then, If I uaw hor?" "Ilooauun 1 believe that you did From a dlntance pomilbly, but yet' db roetly and with no poHMlblllty or mix take," "Mo you put that au u quetlon7" "I do, Mid you nee her llRiiro or face that nlKbt7" "I did." Nothluf; not oven tho rattllnn of Bw,otwator' paperftdliiturbd the Blleuco which followed thin admlBHlon. "From whoto7" Moctor Heath aiikiid at hint. "From a point far enough away to make any communication between iih ImpoHnlble. I do not think vyou will require me to recall thu exact spot." "If It wore one which made It poh ulblo for her to hco you aa clearly a you could nee hor, I think it would be vory advlimblo for you to Hay no," "It wan uiich a pot." "Then I think I can locate it for you, or do you prefer to locate It your olf?" "I will locate It mynolf. 1 had hoped not to be culled upon to mention what I cannot hut conulder a most unfortunate coincidence. 1 mot MIrh Ohalloner'M oyo for ono inatnnt from tho top of tho little talrcano running Mr. Orotheron Roo na Ho Heard It. up to thu mosxiuilno. I hud yielded thun far, to an Impuloo I had rroquont ly combattod, to ueek by another In terview to retrieve the bad oftoct which miuit have boon made upon bur by my ainjry note. I know that hIio truquontly wrote lettom In tho moj caplne tit thla hour, aud not iib far an tho top of the tttalrciiHo In my oftort to Join her. Hut I got no further. When I Haw her ou her foot, with ber fncfl turned my way, I roniombyrcd tho neorn with which nho had re ceived my former honrttult proponalu and, without takliiK another atop for ward. I turned away from hor and lied down thu HtepH iviul no out ot tho build Iiir by thu main entrance. Hho anw mo, for bur band flow up with a Htartlod Routine, but, 1 cannot think that my premmco on, tho tmmo floor with her could havo cauuod. her to tsll Ike the blow which terminated her llfo. Why Bliould IT No woman two illlcoa hur llfo out of mro regrot tor Bv .ANNA KATHARINE GKEEN Author of "the iavttnvo-bth rAsc" nrr .. ..-. . . . .-V.......... Z TL'TT. l injt r JJUUtt; JAW. J.ilUUU3i, oritJCV4TI15PERIKG HfiE5 ILLUSTRATIONS BY CHAKLE3W. ROSSEB CO PYRIOHT J91I o trirHsutvr xoxx Ik'i dfKdala b hut ebowu a tun the hn UJtu no pins to u&atsixad.- "Yoh m MHk CbzlUnmr Ml bar hand, yon a WJtleb Uo4, aad wbat waw fa h? Any tiling r -MUe lined hr rtRbl baad, bat It wowld hn lM;fM for mt U tell you vfkatker tlre wan anything la It or ot. I tfimjriy saw th raoveraoi be fore I tanMsd away. It looked Mke ome ot alalia to me I felt tbat like had tn timsou tur tala. Jib a comW sot know that H'wac in raataaee I came rather than la fJSlMist of ay throat." A tg from ta adjolMias rooai. Ur. Rrotb'rgoa ron, zx Un hmra It. jib4 In dotnp no met tins' dear ye of && vntQT tlxtjfl poN bis owa. It Ian KHHiit w.ik, uo dwabt. peeallai; aad It feemed to facdnate blm for a too umt, tor be aUrU-d a If to approach the detective, but forook tbte lo'len Mon almost ltarsodfatly. aad address tim th coroner, gravely remarked: "ll-r il"hih followloK to qaJckly up on thla abortive attempt of wise at an interview jsUrtled me by II coinci dence its much an It dos you. If la the woalrjieiHi of bor wowan'a nature. u wan more than thte If lb sorn bo bad previously ehown rne was a cloak he lntlnctirHy awjuraed to hl'Je what abe -vraa not ready to dis 5'.oe. nsy remorte will be aa Kreat as nny one hero could wtoh. Mat the iroof of all thbs will have to be -very ("onvincliiB btforc- my present couvlc tlona -ttlll ylabl'to It. 8obh other and more poignant aourwi m-IH hare to be found for that lnhtant'u Impulelre act than Id supplied by thl jslory of my unfortunate attacbmenL" TDootir Jloatb wau convinced, bat be waa n-tlllriK to concede eozaething to tho eenret demand made apon him by Swfletvater, who v.-aa bundling up bla papers with much clatter. IxJokHi;; up with a amlle which had element! In It he wan hardly coniscloua of porlrapM hlmKeir, be aslfod In an off hand way: "Thin why did you take such pains to wah your bands or the affair the moment you had left the hotel:" "1 6) not understand.' "Von passed around the corner Into utrect, did you not?" "Vocy Jlkely. 1 could go tbat way an well as another" "And stopped at tho first lamp poat?" "Ob, I hoc. Homo one saw that child ish action of mine." "What did you moan by It?" "Just vhat you havo suggested. I did ro through the pantomime of wabhlng my hands of an affair I con sidered deflntely ended I had resist ed an Irrepressible impulso to see and talk with Miss Challoner again, and was pleased with my firmness. Un aware of tho tragic blow which bad Just fallen, 1 was full of scir-congratu-latlonsit my escape from tho charm which had luri'd mo back to this ho tel ngaln and again In splto of my bet ter Judgment, and I wished to symbol ize my roller by nn act or which I waif, In another moment, ashamed. Strange that there should havo boon a wltnufln to it. (Hero bo stolo a look at Hwoetwater.) StraiiKor etlll. that olrcuniHtnncoB, by tho most extraordi nary or colnnldoncoH, should hnvo glv on bo unfori'seen a point to it," "You'nro right, Mr. Urothorson. Tho whole occurrence Is Btartllng and most Htraugn. Rut llfo la mado up or tho unexpected, as none know better than wo physicians, whothor our prac tice be of u public or private char acter." Ah Mr. HrotherHon loll tho room, thu curiosity to wliloh ho had yioldod once boforo, led him to emit a glanco of penetrating inquiry behind him full at Hweotwuter, and If either felt om barranament, it wnn not tho bunted but tho hunter. Rut tho reeling did not lent. "I've almply mot the atrongost man I've ever encountered," wna Swootwa tor's encouraging comment to hlmsolf. "All the more glory jr I can find a Joint In bin armor or a hidden pass ago to IiIh cold, secrotlvo heart." CHAPTER XI. Alike In Essentials. "Mr. Qryen, 1 am elthor n rool or tho luckiest fellow going. You muBt decide which.'' A grunt from tho region or tho li brary table, then the sarcastic re mark. "I'm JHt In the mood to settle that quoHtlon. This last fnllimv to my ac count ought to make mo an excellent Judge of another's roily. I've med dled with the old buslnosa for the laBt time, Bwectwutor You'll havo to go It alonu from now ou, Rut wluU'u the matter with you? Spook out, my boy, Something now In the wind?" "No, Mr. (Iryco; nothing new, You'ro not oatlslled with tho coroner'B ver dict lu tho Cballonor case?" "No. I'm satlatlcd with nothing thnt leaves all endo dangling. Suicide was not proved. Thorn was uo blood-Btatn on that cuttor-poliit." "Nor any ovlilonoq that It bad over boon there'." "No. I'm not proud of tho chalu $y street & -smTJf v fry DOPu.WEAimco wU'h lacks a llak wbere It sboatd be strongest "Tbat cbaia ire smct tarew away." "And Jorge aixOwr?" BA water approached aad Eat dOttU. fcya. I WMere w caa do K; yet I bare oaly ou iadtepaUbte fact for a -y.rUtr. Ut. Oryee, I doa't trast Urcbtraoa. Tboagh be sboald tell a eur ta tines or plaaslble than pi- ooe with which be baa battened Vkf wrong's jary. I woald still listen to b'at witb more aria glrlac? baa cos Sdetioe I'rbapE ft Is slsnply a deeply root aaHpatby oa sy part, or the rae oa feels at Sdtag be baa piaeed Ms finger oa tbe wrong man Again It may b -What, Sweetwater?" "A wH-foiaded dlatntEC Mr, Gr)'ce, I'm gotng to sak you a question." "Ask away. AjpSc fifty If yoa want to' "Did yoa ever star of a case before, tbat in teata of Its details was similar to this?" "So. It stands alone. That's why It He so puzzling." "You forget. The wealth, beauty and social consequence of tbe present rkflrn has blinded you to the strong resemblance wbicb ber case bears to on joa know, la which the sufferer bad noae of the worldly advantages of Miss Cballoner. I allude to" "Wait! Tbe washerwoman In Hicks trwt'" "The same. Mr. Coco, there's a starlliBg similarity in the two cases If you study the essential features only Startling, I assure you." 'Y$, you are right there. Rut what if tbere Is We were no more suc cessful In solving that case than wo bate been In solving this. Yet you took and act like a hound which has struck a hot scent." The young man smoothed his tea tares with an embarrassed laugh. "I Eball never learn." said be, "not to give tongue till the hunt is fairly started. If you will excuse me, we'll first make abre or the tlmllarity 1 have mentioned. Then 111 explain my self. I have some notes here, made at the time It was decided to drop the Hicks street case as a wholly Inexplic able one. Shall I read them?" "Fire away, my boy, though I hardly see your purpose or what real bearing tho affair in Hicks street has upon tbe Clermont one. A poor washer woman and tbe wealthy Miss Challon er! True, they wore not nnlibo in their end," "The connection will como later," smiled the young dotectlvc, with that strange roftenlng or his reaturcs whfch made ono at times rorget his extreme plainness. And he read; "'On the afternoon or December , 1010, tho strong and persistent scream ing or a young child in one or tho rooms or n rear tenement In Hlcka ntrcet, Rrooklyn, drow the attention or somo or tho inmates aud led them, atter several Ineffectual efforts to gain an entrance, to tho breaking in ot a door which bad boon fastened on tho Inside by nn old-rnshloucd door button. " 'Tho tenant, whom all Icnew for an honest, hard-working woman, had not Infrequently rasfonod hor door lu this mannor, lu order to safeguard hor child who was abnormally active and had a way of rattling tho door open when It Was iot thus Bccured. Rut she had never retused to open beroro, and tho ehlld'B cries were pitiful. "'This was no longer n matter or wondor, when, tho door having been wrenched rrom Kb hinges, they all rusliod'lu. Across a tub or steamlug olothe3 lifted upou a bench lu tho open window, thoy uaw tho body of this good woman, lying inort nnd seemingly (load; tho frightened child tugging at her skirts. Sho was of a robust niako, fleshy and tnlr, and had alwaj'H been considered a modol ot health and onorgy, but at tho sight ot hor helpless figure, thus strlckon while nt work, tho ono cry was 'A stroke!' till Hho had boon llftod off and laid ujion the floor. Then somo discoloration In tho water at tho bot tom of tho tub led to a closer examin ation ot her body, and tho discovery or a 'bullet-bole lu hor breast directly over tho heart, "'As she had been standing with race towards the window, all crowded that way to see whero tho shot had como rrom. Aa thoy woro on tho fourth story it could not have como rrom tho court upon which tho room looked. It could only have come rrom tho rront tonomont, towering up be roro them somo twenty toot away. A slnglo window or tho limumcrnblo onos confronting thorn Btood open, nnd this was tho ono dlroctly opposite. "'Nobody wns to bo soon thoro or In tho room beyojid, but during tho ox cltcmont, ono man ran off to call tho police nnd another to hunt up tho Janl tor and ask who occupied tbts room. " "Ills reply throw them all Into con fusion. Tho tenant ot that room was tho beat, tho quietest nnd moat ro spoctablo man In olther building, '"Then ho must be Blmply careless and tho shot an accidental ono. A rush was made for the stairs and soon the whole building -ass in an up roar. Out wben this especial room was reached, it was found locked and on tho door a paper planed up, on which tbse words wore written: Gone to New York. Will be back at 6:S0! Words that recalled a circumstance to the Janitor He bad seen the gentle man go out an liour before. This ter minated all inquiry In this direction, though some few of the excited throng were for battering down this door Just as they bad the other one. Hut tbpy were overruled by tbe janitor, who saw no use in uoch wholesale destruc tion, and presentl) the arrival of the police restored order and limited tbe inquiry to the rear building, where It undoubtedly belonged. "Mr. Gryce." (here Sweetwater laid by his notes tbat he might address the old gentleman more dlroctly), "I was with the boys when thoy made thoir first official Investigation. This is why on can rely upon the racts as here given. I followed the Investiga tion closely and missed nothing which could in any way throw light on the case. It was a mysterious one from the flrBt, and lost nothing by further inquiry into tbe details. "The first fact to startle us as wo mado our way up through tho crowd which blocked halls and staircases was this: A doctor had been found and. though he had been forbidden to make more than a cursory examina tion of the body till tbe coroner came, he had not hesitated to declaro after his first look, that the wound had not been made by a bullet but by some sharp and slender weapon thruut home by a powerful hand, (You mark that, Mr. Gryce.) As this Beemed im possible In face of the fact that the door bad beeu found buttoned on tho Inside, we did not give much credit to his opinion and began our work under tho obvious theory of an accidental discbarge of some gun rrom one or tbe windows across the court. Hut tho doctor wafi nearer right than we sup posed. When the coroner came to look Into the matter, be discovered that tbe wound was not only too small to havo been mado by the ordinary bullet, -but that there was no bullet to be found In the woman's body or any where olao. Her heart bad been reached by a thrust nnd not by a shot trom a gun. Mr. Gryce, have you not heard a startling repetition or this report In a case nearer at band? "Up three flights rrom tho court, with no communication with (ho ad Joining rooms save through a door r ..rded on both sides by heavy pieces or rurnlturo no one person could han dle, the hall door buttoned on the in bide, nnd tbe fire escapo somo flttecn root to the left, this room of death ap peared to be as removed rrom tho ap proach of a murderous outsider as the spot in tbe writing-room of tho Cler mont where Miss Chnlloncr fell. "Otherwise, the place prosentcd tho greatest contrast possiblo to that scene of splendor and comrort. I had not entered thq Clermont at that time, and no such comparison could havo : "I Was With the Roys When They Made tho First Official Investing tlon." struck my mind. Rut 1 havo thought ot it stneo, and jou, with your oxporl once, will not find it difficult to pic ture tbe room where thla poor worn nn lived and worked. Rnro walls, with Just a newspaper Illustration pinned up hero and there, a bed tragically occupied at this moment n kitchen stove on which a boiler, halMlllod with steaming clothos still bubblod and roamed an old bureau a largo pluo wnrdrobe against an Inner door which we later round to havo boon locked tor months, ano the key lost bome chairs and most pronounced or all, becauoo or Its position directly be roro tho window, a pine bench support ing n wnab-tuo ot tho old sort. "As It was hero tbo woman foil, thla tub naturally received tho closest ox amlnatlon. A board projected from Its- further side, whither It bad evi dently been pushed by tho weight of hor railing body; nnd from its top bung a wet cloth, marking with Its j lugubrious drip on the boards bo- neath tbe first heavy moments of bI ) lenco which Is the natural accompanl- ment of so serious a survey. On tho floor to the right lay a hair-used cako or soap Just aB It bad slipped rrom her hand. Tbe. window was closed, tor tho, tomporature was at the freezing point, but it had been round up, and It was put up now to show the height at which it had then stood. As we all took our look at the houso wall oppo site, a cound of shouting camo up from below. A dozen children woro sliding on barrel staves down n slopo or beaped-up snow. They had been engaged in this sport all tho afternoon and wcro our witnesses later that no one had made a hazardous escape by means or the ladder or tbo Ore escape, running, as I have said, at an almost unattainable distance towards the left. "And that is as tar aa we ever got The coroner's Jury brought in a verdict of death by means of a stab trom somo unknown weapon in the hand of a per- ' son also unknown, but no weapon was ever found, nor waa it ever set tled how tho attack could havo been mado or tbo murderer escape under tho conditions described. Tho woman wob poor, her friends few, aud the case seemingly inexplicable. So after creating somo excitement by its pe culiarities, It fell of Kb own weight Rut I remembered Jt, and in many a spare hour have tried to see my way through the no-thoroughfare it pre sented. Rut quite In vain. Today, tho road 1b as blind as ever, but " here Sweetwater's face sharpened and his oyea burned as ho leaned closer and closer to the older dotectlve "but this second case, so unlike tho first In non-essentials but so exactly like it in Just those points which make the mys tery, has dropped a thread from its tangled skein into my hand, which may. yet lead us to tho heart of both. Can you guess havo you guessed what this thread 13? Rut how could you without tho one clue I have not given' you? Mr. Gryce, the tenement whero this occurred is the same I vis ited tho other night in search of Mr. Drotherson. And the man character ized at that time by tho Janitor as the beat, the quietest and most respect able tenant In th'o wholo building, and the one you remember whoso window 01 Mr. Gryce Finds an Antidote for Ofd Age. "Sweetwater, how came you to dis cover that Mr. Dunn of this ram shackle tenoment in Hicks street waa identical with tho elegantly equipped admirer of Miss Challoner?" "Just thla way. The night before Miss Challoner'e death I was brooding very deeply over the Hicks Btrcet case. It had bo possessed mo that I had taken this street In on my way trom Flatbush. I walked by the place and I looked up at tho windows. No Inspiration. Then I sauntered back and entered tho houso with tho rool intention of croaslng the courtyard and wandering into tho rear building where tho crimo had occurred. Rut my attention was diverted and my mind changed by seeing a man com ing down the stalra before me, ot bo fine a figure tbat I involuntarily stopped to look at him.. "My interest, you may believe, was in no wiao abated when I learned that he was that highly respectable tonant whope window had been open at the tlmo when half tho inmateB ot tho two buildings had ruBhod up to biff door, only to And a paper on It displaying these worda: Gone to Now York; will be back at 0:30. Had he returnod nt that hour? I don't think anybody had ovdr asked; and what reason had I ror such Interferonco now? Rut nn Idea onco planted In my brain sticks tight, and I kept thinking or this man nil tbo way to tho bridge. Instinctive ly and qulto against my will, I round mysoir connecting him with soma previous remembrance In which I Boomed to seo his tall rorm and Btrong features under tho stress of some great excitement Rut there my mem ory stopped, till suddonly aB I waa entering tbe subway, It all camo back to me. I had met htm tho day I wo'nl with the boys to investigate tbo cass In Hicks street He was coming down tho stalrcaup ot tho rear tenement then, very much ns I had Just Been blm conning down tho ono in tront (TO I1E CONTINUED.) Little Misunderstood. Ono morning MIdb Lillian Do Vin cent, leading lady or "When a Man'a Married," No. 2 road company, con cluded she would press some collars. "Rrlng mo a hot Iron,'" she told tho hallboy, who answered the bell. In a Tow moments ho returned empty handed. "I can't got it tor you. lady. Tho bartondor says as how there's lots ot them rancy New York drinks be ain't never learned how to mix." 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