H 1 II u It FOR iflLADO F&fONAL ISC we m& a splint sM MCfcslwt ef vaattr amnim. tiivr aab bg a4pMrM. brfcesfot wtttcsswi. $"Wfi tMt insm ae4 very May mat arSfcfe 4mc i wma' hen T stow to y urn tfM b t. ftQUtmre wfcfcii w kiw yi wW ifcare. ac too glmpM tbe twvetty susd fc0ty. CLItfTON Jeweler nd Optici&n W wnt yoor repulr work. Semi-Anniial Statement OF THE Local and Personal F. C. ndtti&er tntmbttmi tosto la Vft&tee this wk. Geozze McKhIb ad w lft a few days or Otfe&ge toreroato f4efiaity, ItfSfe May Lyoss left Ut morning for IjvAnvpta to spend the wk d with Letter Walker retaroed borne ytttor day roortlng frwri a bftM tfsU fa Om&b. Perrjr ttwj went to Omaha hut evaoJog to transact business for a coople of day. In. Jc Jseup left today tor Suth erland, to spend a couple of day with friend. Attorney L. JE. Jioach transacted business in Lexington the early part of M ntek. Miss Florence Dow,ba left Wednss day afternoon for Cozad to vist friends for a week. ""MriTMcFarland, of Sutherland, who rlilttfl in town tbU week, went borne yesterday afternoon. Thomas Golden returned to Vatley Junction yesterday morning after a short visit with hit family in this city. Krnest McGrew formerly of the thi city, came yesterday row Kansas City to vii it relatives and transact business. Pioneer Resident Passes COUNTY TREASURER of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Away Mm. Terrtsnee McGwers, a highfyi resected pker iafy f tint city, died' at ber bone Jo the Fwrth ward &ar)r Wednesday morning after a prvtracted fltkzt. Mrr, McGtrrem was take Ml with rhearcatiwa two yean ago aod 1aat wJnt-r tmKtrod a paralytic strike which aeafoed ber to the hoase skwe that time. gbe wa sabject to severe spelts and toileted intense pain during ber Mi ne but patiently bore it and uttered no word of complaint. For a number of weeks ber condition was considered critical and relatives were notified. WJth the exception of one son, who was unable to reach ber ride before death came, all of her family were with her in her last earthly hours and devotedly rendered their assistance to make the end peaceful and happy but for two days she was unable to talk with them. At ten o'clock Tuesday evening she sank into a deep siaep from which she never awakened. Mrs. McGovern was one of those ladies whom the world can ill afford U Jose, a loving mother, faithful church worker and charitable to all, living a model christian life. She was born in County Cavan, Ire land, January 23, 1844, came to America If t. G Jt r niv m efftt loaua tnMnyu jjsvui wiiufi ni iicura uiiuiivn tor Chicago to spend a wk or longer i a the age of twenty years. In 1872 she purchasing stock for bis clothing store. was carried J" Philadelphia to Terrene Mrs, George Greer, of Kushville, III.. I JJcGofvrn: ?h, dd Tr,?yv"T,' wbopent several months with ber" A., , "'""-Y "" aunt, Mrs, Hattie Farrington, will leave this week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Howard will leave in a few day for Seattlo and cities of the Pacific goast to spend sev eral week. Mrs, 15. V. Seberger returned Tues 3y night from Cheytnnpwhera lor U-n days (sb,e had Iwen Uiignestof Mrs, Will Jetfers. R. h, Groves, who had been spending a two weeks' vacation with North VhiVi friends, left Wednesday night tor Kansas City, , , Mr, and Mrn, F, McGovern, of Omaha, came last evening to attend the funeral of their aunt tho late Mrs Terrence McGovern, JWrs, F, H. Hoxln entertained a num ber of ladles at an informal"(KK) party Tuesday nfternoon, Tho refreshments wura unusually (lne, Rlch(i) Ugol returned Wednesday tramp, business visit In Chicago and will Jenvj tomorrow for Japan to spend three montlm with his parents, Frank lucht, age 28, of Gushing, and Mlss'lfnnna MmJson, age A of Max well, were rjuletly married Jn tins city Tuesday evening by Judgo Grant, Mrs, Sarah McGinn, of Grand Junc tion, who visited her sisters Mrs. Geo, Ausllif and Mrs, Charles EH for u month, went homo tho iirst Of tills week, Mrs. Geo. T. Fluid has Issued in vitations to a five hundred party to bo held at hifhonu Tuesday evening in honor of her sister Miss Emily Halter, of Detroit, Mrs. J, M, Caress and Mrs, Hoscn, her daughter of Now Albany, lnd came today to visit Mr,, and .Mrs. D, Ij, Louden while enrjiu to Denvrr to visit friends. Messrs, 8. M. SoudpjV Albort Dur bln, Hurt Nftpertteck of this city und Qhm Roli'ler, Moorefiajd loft Wodnes day afternoon for Qgulalla to spend suvural (Inyu on business. MIsh Ida Qttonstcln entej talncd tho T, M. E, club and thulr guntlumcit friends at a picnic at tliu Dick groye lust tjvtinlrig In honor of hur guust Miss Margaret Wnro, of Ululr. Tho uVenlng whm M)ent Id dancing, An enjoyable picnic lunch was surved, Tim North I'lalto Imuo ball team won thulr thlrtucnth narjjo of hall this season on tho local diamond Tuesday uftornoon, when they took tho gome from tho Cozad nlnu with a scoro of eleven to tluoo. Meikur and Dyu scored in thu II rut Inning. Ituns wuro mndo by Mlllor In tho (lrst, third, llftli and sixth Inning. Dygxrt, Hrlght and McCluru scored In tho sixth and eighth innings, McCluru nod Jones pitched for thu homo team. Tho attendance was not itH largo a usual, hut thugatu re ceipts worn satisfactory. Have You Seen The Cody Addition's SIbco They Huvu Been Graded? Iffnot, you want to, fortho certainly look prutty, llku a chuckor huaid and JevoJ und high, Wo only Imvo u few lots loft and If tho man of niodurnto mouns or tho young man that wants an InvuHtmunt that ha can pay In pur month wunts to Rot In you will Imvo to Imrry. Wo cold twolvo loto Inst week, C. V, Thmpj.i:, Auunt. To this union were born eight children, two of which are dead. Those surviv ing are Thomas B.. of Omaha, Terrence, of Helper, Utah, Mrs. Wm. McGratb, of Omaha, and Mrs. Omar Huff, Mrs. Edward Garrison andl'eter, of tbirdty. The funeral services will be held Friday morning at HO) at St. Patrick's church and internment made In the Catlioliccemetory. From January 1st, 1913, to June 30th, 1913. ALBERT N. DURBLN, County Treasurer. Collections. -Cash on hand January 1st, 101..., 5,394.06 To 1911 tax collected . - 742.88 To 1912 tax collected . .-... 129,118.19 School land Interest -. '..'. 4,055.98 School land rental '. 2,819.23 Miscellaneous county general-, .-..., 4,351.73 Miscellaneous county bridge ,' . 139.23 Road refunds " . 4b8.69 Fees account .-. .."lv 1 247.00 Redemptions .' . 8,532.67 Miscellaneons Keith anH Lincoln coenties 120.00 Inheritance tax . .'". , . . . 92.67 State apportionment L.. 9,067.24 Deposit interest . 2,525.99 Fines -J 280.00 Motor Licenses-...--- r 319.00 ToUl f"" - 298,264.96 State Funds. Ml' 4 Citted for Quick Sale at $075 Only. A good 4 room cottage, oatbailding and nice 66x132 lot, three blocks from Fourth ward school. Terras easy. We have other bargain! n nice homes asd vacant lots dote in. Bratt & Goodman. Local and Personal. Charlen Otlenhelmcr, of Salt Lake, camo last yek to visit Mr. and Mrs. Julius I'izer. Miss Gertrude Otto, of Lincoln, Is expected next week io visit Mr. and Mrs.' A. l Kolly. Mr. und Mr. John Young expect to leave shortly for Utah to make their home in tho future. Miss Minnie Jensen, of Omaha, who visited her aunt Mrs. II. P. Han sen for a couple of weeks, left for her home. Mr. und Mrs. Torrcnce McGovorn, of Helper, Utah,, como Wednesday .evening to attend tho funeral of the Judge Grimes loftlastnight for Wyo" ming whore he will spend a week trout fishing. Ilo wan Joined at Sidney by Attorney Fred Wright, of Goring. Msse Katherlno and Margaret Norrls, of Omaha, who came n few days ago to visit their aunt Mr. I'. J. Norrls will leave tomorrow morning, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Curpentor, form erly of this city, uro expected here this week, Tho former hus been awarded thu contract to put in tho lights at the now round house. All members of Woman'a Christian Temprunco Union are Invited to bo present nt tho home of Mrs. A. I. Kelly,' west 2nd St., Tuesday, August Gth.v. Tho local superintendents of the different departments will road their year's report, also election of olllcers. Refreshments will bo served. ii your idle money is not earning 7 to 8 per cent lemi-nnnnal interest in safe first mortgage loans sec Bratt & Goodman, the firm who has loaned out nearly one million dollars and never lost a dollar In Interest or prin cipal. DlSBURSKMENTS General w .:...- 15, 186.91 School ,.? :.; .10 University .... 4 3,628.04 Aid Bridge .. -. r.. 1,113.15 School land principal...'. ..'-'. i., 466.50 School land interest ....: 5,343,00 School tand Rental 5,041.12 i . , County Funds. v u General .-..'. : . Coyote '. Bridge . ........!:, 20,840.15 632.00 2.885.15 Commissioners Districts f, 2,439.02 Refunds .t .' 46.18 Soldiers Relief J 800.00 Jury , ; 28 .70 District roads ' 7,349.24 Redemptions . S,SJ6.80 Balance July 1st, 1913. , State Funds. GaeraJ OOmM UiiTersity 17L7S Aidbrid ..-,...... ..., i.M School UjhI ltarl l,3ft,83 School Uad rental... , ....,..,, S1&23 County Funds. Kertli Piatt Brldtre Bond MoJe Geaeral 11, 8f 7.07 Bridge , 2,088.18 Road Cosraiisskmer, District Ho 1 .' 940.41 Road Commissioner, District No 2 84.47 Road Commissioner, District No 8 98L01 Soldiers Relief "...., 809.82 District roads 9,475,68 Redemption : 1,583.32 Oatstaadiog- indebtedness 4.51 School Funds. General 40,259.12 High 7,582.34 Building s ; 1,393.18 Special 86.13 Bond 8,194.7G Irrigation Districts. Birdwood, general Bird wood, interest Suburban, general. Suburban, interest Keith and Lincoln' counties, general.. ......: 1,696.97 Keith and Lincoln counties, interest 337.33 Platte Valley Irrigation 6,510.51 Bridge Districts. Eureka bonds and interest 4,315.76 Hershey bonds and interest 6,159.34 Bostwick bonds and interest 1,457.58 Birdwood bridge :.... 946.65 Village Funds. Maxwell, general Brady, general Sutherland, general -. Hershey, general Wallace, general City of North Platte. General Street-lighting ' Water 330,14 715.16 799.63 685.07 63.81 115.61 80.30 14.79 342.60 Sewer bond ana interest . Sewer maintenance...... Water bond and interest. City Park Library Sewer laterals 311.73 232.96 311.72 154.09 105.77 123.86 15.08 91.94 635.42 Miscellaneous Funds'. Pee account .....J.". 1,861.87 Deposit interest ... ,, : 3,356.48 11 -' School Funds. General t ( $ " - )ffvX Xj High :.iLi T. - 098.00 Building t T;..'..: '...., 192.46 Special ; f ,. . 418.71 Bond ...; 8,022.00 Irrigation Districts. Birdwood. general ).. ..: 750.00 Bird wood, interest . 570,00 Suburban, general '. . , . '. , 2,500. 00 Suburban, interest ...-... ; . . 3,011.00 Keith and Lincoln counties, general . . . j .'. . 1,800.00 Keith and Lincoln counties, interest ' 1,718.00 Platte Valley : 5.000.00 Bridge District. Total ; $128,915.48 The following items make up the Cash Balance. First National Bank .' e 26,744.85 McDonald State Bank 26680 96 Platte Valley State Bank 4 I2's3o!o6 Bankof Wellileet 4.0Io!43 Bank of Brady .' 4,00o!oo Brady State Bank 4,000.00 Citizens Security Bank , "" 5',I89!87 Bank of Lincoln County .,...' ;M ,.......'. 4,'o0o!o0 Maxwell State Bank a'nnn'nn Sutherland State Bank , .V,.... 4 OOO.OO Farmer's Bank "..1. .:.,!,..'.. '......"... 4.0I925 Eureka bonds and interest.. Hershey bonds and interest. Bostwick bonds and Interest Village Funds. V Maxwell, general... Maxwell, road IBrady, general Sutherland, general , Sutherland, road .,, Hershey, general.. , Hershey, road. THE MUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. Thu nssets of this association oxceud tho num of half u million dollars, Tho reduction of (ho rnlo of Interest to bor rowers has Increased tho demand for loans, ami in order to meet this demand thu association will Issue a limited amounted of Its PAID Ul STOCK. Monuy Invested In this paid up Htoclc draws six per cent Intorost, tmyublo svml'OiuiuuHy, and may bo withdrawn at any tlmo upon thirty days notice, such notice belnu; wulvod wheru tlieio aro funds In the treasury to muot thu withdrawal, T. 0. I'A'rrtMHON, PruBldont. Samuui. Qoozhu, Secretary, .......... r' , a- City of North Platte. General ,, Street Lighting Water c S 120.27 000.00 240.00 025.00 200.00 475.00 450.00 240.00 250.00 250.00 2,142.48 1,088.23 08.11 Sewer bond and Interest t j . .f . 1,083,98 Sower mnintalnance ,,., 470.19 Water bond and Interest v I, 0 1 1 y P :v r It k a , Library r. . . . , X(it Fire Department ji. . ..r.,,., North Platte Road fpfev Sewer laterals .W.4 , Total, 107,849 50 I I s 838.03 112.71 '020.78 1,970.58 2,100.00 1,220,12 Fines .. Interest on state collections Miscellaneous funds... .' Count' advertising Condemnation Estray ,...'.. Special tax ....'. Jury 370.26 44.79 5,331.32 848.52 123.81 ' 14.38 i...:.-.......:.t 2,281.34 " ' i 9t! qo Less lees earned by County Treasurer. $130,915.40 1,999.92 Kountz Bros Sinking funds Cash and cash items 2,182.22 27,000.00 757.24 ss Total 8128,915.48 No registered warrants outstanding. Lincoln County has no bonded indebtedness. State of Nebraska, ) County of Lincoln, J I, Albert N. Durbin, Treasurer of Lincoln County, Nebraska do swear that to the best of my knowledge and belief the above is a true statement of all the funds of the Treasurers office ot Lincoln County, Nebraska. ALBERT N. DURBIN, County Treasurer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th dav of Julv THTR GEO. E. PROSSER, Clerk of District Court. ss State of Nebraska, ) Countv of Lincoln. X We do hereby certify that the above statement of Albert N. Durbin, County Treasurer, of Lincoln County, Nebraska, is a complete and accurate summary of all his collections and dis bursements as treasurer of said county from the 1st dav of Tnnn ary, 1913, to the 30th clay of June, 1913. y We further certify that each collection has been correctlv entered and the vouchers and other items of credit were in pro per form and correctly entered, and the vouchers were received by the Board of County Commissioners and the footings were verified by us and found to be correct and the above statement of balance agrees in every particular with said accounts in Coun ty Treasurer's general ledger. Commissioners: J . & ZW& , F. W: HERMINGHAUSEN, ji,--sfcrBaiti. ' i 2AAiwVlW4,! , fc Hi AU