The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 25, 1913, Image 6

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LRA L. BAUE, Publlshor.
Tho greater Assoun dam, which will
store twice as much water aa tho first
section, which wan completed In 1002,
is now finished. It will furnish
enough water from tho Nile, tho Lon
don Times states, to do away with the
system of basin Irrlgntlon, In uso foi
thousands of years, and tho fertile
fields of Egypt can now bo cultivated
nil tho year around, snys tho Halt!
moro 8un. Tho original dam, which
cost about $12,500,000, provided a
storage capacity of 981,000,000 cubic
meters of water, tho presont structure
for about 2,000,000,000. Ninety years
ago tho Egyptian government took
tho first Btops for a greater water sup
ply, but It was not until 1S80 that the
British engineers, headed by William
WIllcockF, brought forth tho solution
by proposing to dam tho NHo at As
bouan. Tho project was too ambitious
to Bccuro financial support until Sir
Ernest Casscl, In 1898, provided tho
necessary funds. Tho first dam wks
begun 'February, 1902, a yoar ahead
of time, it Is tho most Importnut ol
public works of Egypt slnco Monea
constructed tho dlko across tho river
at Memphis, making possible baoln In
rlgatlon, tho wonder of engineers to
this day. Basin Irrigation cost about
$1G an aero In 6,000 ncro areas; from
$25 to $30 on small tracts, mid land
rented at from $15 to $25 an aero per
year. Irrigation all tho year round,
now made possible, costs $22 an acre
and tho rents uro from $25 to $40.
China has a largo area of barren
land, despite hor detiso population
Tho reason being that- for many con
turlcs It hns boon necessary to glvo
tho closest possible attention to every
iqunro foot of land suited to agricul
ture In order that the people should
bo fed. The Chlncso havo shown
IhomselveB to bo good agriculturists,
but In dovcloplng agrlculturo, they
havo sacrificed tho forests on land
which could bo cultivated and at the
samo thno havo neglected to plant for
ests on tho now barren mountains.
TIiIb has been because tho govern
ment has taken no Interest In tho sub
ject, and forestry on anything llko a
national scalo Is too big a proposition
for Individual enterprise, oven If In
China thero had been a spirit of en
terprise. One of tho slguB of tho now
ordor of things under tho republic Is'
tho recent application by tho governor
of tho province of Shantung to Major
Ahem, tho director of forestry In the
Philippines, for permission to Bond as
many Chlncso students as possible to
the Los Banos forestry school.
Gotham poll6emen aro having their
own troubles thoso times, but ouo of
the novel forms It Is taking was ex
emplified in tho caBo of a patrolman
placed on trial for innubordlnntton in
refusing on demand to blow his
broath In his superior's faco for
physical demonstration of tho lat
ter's suspicions. It Is well for the
strain on tho public nerves that the
situation Is not without Its gleams
of humor.
The war over tho authorship of
Shakespeare's plays goos on, but the
worjd 1b little troublod thereby, leav
ing tho battlo to bo fought by tho
handful of theorists who seo in it a
vital Issue. The plays aro tho pos
session of all literature, and their au
thorship at this day, when it Is ltn
nosslblo to havo lawsuits over tho roy
. .Icb, Is merely Incidental.
The Musical Opinion, over on tho
lookout for promising now tendencies
In muslo, lovingly records tho contri
butions of tho moment to tho devel
opment of n groat art: "Tortoise Pa
trol." "Spooks' Parado," "Chicken
nccl," "Shoo Tickler ling," "Boby
logs," "Ma Qumolastlo Girl." "Mer
ry Monkeys," ota Tho list, whllo prob
cblj not exhaustive, Is impressive.
'iho nh story Is still wandering on
u old-fashioned, time-honored way.
li. tho midst of reform and progress
arid knowledgo and rejection of old
traditions, It holds Its own, undls
turbed by modern Iconoclnsm and
btlll finding a refuge iu tho hearts of
Exchange asks: "What has becorno
of tho old-fashioned milkman who al
ways poured In an extra dlppcrful?"
As tha query Is somowhat lndclluito,
wo refrain from making a direct an
swer, but will- eay tlmt olthor tho
milk trust or tho dairy Intpector got
"Silt skirts" havo been forbidden Irr
Los Angeles schools, tho old fogy au
thorltlon having an Idea "that their
pupils should Improve their under
standings by other methods.
- A Cincinnati man who attomptcd to
dlctnto what his wlfo should wenr In
now tho defendant In a dlvorco suit,
lie's luky to get oft that easy,
"qdln"to'tho gnmoT" appears to be
the burnlng-qucstlon of tho day.
The Christian
Church and
Social Government
Don of Mood BiUe Imiilula
vl Oi!c(o
TKXT "Itcnder unto Cacsur tho thlncrt
tint nro Cftonar'n," "Thou slinlt love thv
nplghbor as thynolf."-Mattliew 22 21 and
Thoso words ol
our Lord Jesus
Christ suggest a
sermon on tho
relation of the
Christian church
to civil govern
inont. But first,
what Is tho Chris
tian church? It Is
nn elect body
gathered out of
all nations, In
whom a super
natural work hafl
b c o n redeomed
and sanctified
through faith In
tho atonement of
Christ, and as members of his spirit
ual body, aro separated In an essen
tial sense from tho world, They aro
waiting for his ro-appearlng, and ex
pect to bo glorified and reign with
him over tho millennial earth.
Thero !b n point of vlow therefore,
in which such a pcoplo havo nothing
to do with civil government becauso
such government Is a part of tho sys
tem of ungodliness represented by
Satan wliom tho Scriptures call tho
god of this world. Ills dominion is to
bo destroyed whon Christ cotnos to
set up his kingdom In Us placo. Truo
Christians, thorcforo, aro not expect
ing tho millennium to bo brought
about by moral or political reforms,
but aro waiting for his coming to in
troduce nnd mako It n possibility.
What Caesar Represents.
But whllo this Is true, such Chris
tians bellevo that thoy havo obliga
tions to tho government under which
they live, privileges to be enjoyed and
a stewardship for which they must
glvo account of God. Paul claimed
protection becauso of his Roman cltl
zonshlp, but no man has a moral
right to nsk protection from a govern
ment to which ho Is Indifferent, nnd
for which ho will not uso his Influ
ence to mako It tho best possible.
"Caesar" represented tho civil gov
ernment of Christ's day, and tho
things to bo rendered unto him wero
tho taxes Imposed by tho Roman em
pire. But tho "Caesar" of tho United
States to whom wo aro to pay tribute
Is not an individual or nn empire, but
In an Important senso it 1b ourselves.
If this Is a "government of tho pco
plo, for tho people nnd by tho peo
plo," wo aro our own Caesar, and to
r ourselves wo render tribute Accord
ing to Christ's command therefore,
wo aro to support thlB government In
accordanco with tho laws It has made.
And yet more Is implied, for wo aro
not only "Caesar" to whom tribute
must bo paid, but "Caesar" who pays
the tribute For what do wo demand
this tributo thercforo? How much of
tho taxes levied by us on our fellow
men goes into tho pockets of thoso
to whom It docs not belong, becauso
wo uro Indulging our own con
venience and letting things alone?
How much of It- supports our con
stabulary and law courts, our alms
houses and Jails whoso existence Is
becauso of Iniquitous legislation af
fording llccnso to sin? Aro wo satis
fied that In these things wo can give
account of our stewardship with Joy?
How much attention, as Christians,
havo wo given to these things? How
much do we know, and how much
havo wo prayod about thorn?
Party or Purity, Which?
This brings us to our second obli
gation in relation to civil government,
"Thou shalt lovo thy neighbor as thy-,
solf." Of course, this means that wo
shall try to savo our neighbor nnd
bring him with us on tho wny to
heaven. But It means nlBO that wo
can not bo Indifferent to tho earthly'
difficulties of the wuy. In other
words, wo must not permit Satan to
Haunt his temptations In the way
without an effort to destroy them.
T.hero nro dram shops, brothols and
gambling dens open for tho nlluro
ment of our young men and women.
If our newspapers aro to bo bclloved,
law Is deflod by municipal and stato
officers to tho demoralization of both
public and private standards of right
and wrong. Who nro responsible far
these things? Will not God hold
thoso profosslug Christians to Re
count who, for tho sake of party
fealty on tho ono hand, or lack of
public duty on tho other, to have fail
ed to overthrow them.
Tho Now Testament snya scarcely
anything about tho relation of tho
Christian church to civil government
bocaUBO In tho time of Christ nnd his
apostles thero was no civil govern
ment In tho senso In which wo con
colvo of It. But tho duty of tho in
dividual Christian Is Included never
theless In tho Becond commandment
of tho law, "Thou shalt lovo thy
neighbor aB thysolf," for "lovo work
oth no ovll to his neighbor," cither by
omission or commission.
It Is a common plea of the faint
henrtcned that success depends main
ly on luck. I am no believer ln.luck,
and tho man who Is content to watt
for n stroke of good fortune, win
probably wait till ho has a stroko of
paralysis. Sir F. Troves.
aMSA' " 5T ""Sir
. -J&' -v" - -.4. ' -
V! SAL , " , ' JS' v,'- , s-r ' ' .
An Excellent Arrangement of Clematis
the Garden Has Been Transformed
Arrangement of the Vlns.
They say that experienco Is a dear
leachor, which Is In some instnnces
true. It Is equally truo that It may
ho more expensive to turn a deaf ear
to hor teaching!) There should bo
lessons learned constantly on the
farm which will aid In making future
work more effective
Tho flower garden has many of
thoso lessons, llttlo things which
should bo remembered another year.
Ono of these which Impresses us is
tho way robust plants will Bpread
out and fill up every avallablo apace.
In planning for next summer's garden,
take well into consideration tho
habits of tho various species and plan
accordingly Thero are some of
Blender habits which mny bo planted
quite closely together, whllo' others
branch out and become a tangled
Tho poppy belongs to tho former
clasB. Whllo It sonds up several flow
ering stems thero aro few Interal
branches. Upward is Its motto. Tho
cosmos, on tho other hand, even
though planted far apart when the
llttlo seedlings aro placed In the
ground, soon spreads out Its long,
dollcato follaged branches several feet
each way. When tho plants wero
placed In tho ground In May you
thought thom so much moro dainty
than tho aster that It was hard to
give them treble tho space. Yot tho
way thoy grow during tho summer
was proof that they noded It, and
then some. Few annunls In rich soil
requlro more room, ns few mako, a
finer autumn display.
Tho dainty roso geranium, which in
tho window 1b but a moderate plant,
Is another of tho imonso shrubs If
It can havo a chance In rich garden
soil. Another yoar wo shall uso moro
for bedding around tall growing plants,
placing thom three feet apart, so that
thoy will havo a chanco to presorvg a
symmetrical form by not being crowd
ed. Thoy soon bocomo a m.-inn nf
Xragranco, tho foliago being fine in
combination with goranlums or al
most any other blossoms. Then if
you want a delicate perfume on hand
kerchief or noto paper, slip two or
three of tho leuves Into tho box. Whon
canning Bwoot apples, place a leaf In
tho top of each can, and again you
havo tho roao flavor In a mosf per
fect form. Thero aro so many ubcb
for the loavos, and tho moro you havp
tho moro waya you will find that you
can uso them. Besides tho plants aro
In themselves obJectB of beauty.
Those who likod the old-fashioned
coroopBls will bo moro than pleased
with the numerous varloty now ob
tained from a m,Ixod packet. In ad
dition to tho woll-known "Lady's
Breastpin." yellow with brown center,
thero nro somo colors In double form
which nro especially l)cautlful; An
other favorite Ib a beautiful bronzo.
For tho numbering of polled cnttlo, sheep or swine, tho marking of
tho ear Is tho most satisfactory Tho key to (ho numbering is as follows:
A notch in bottom of loft en cqunls 1; two notches, 3.
A notch In top of left car, 3, two notches, 0, threo notches, 9.
A notch In bottom'of right oar, 10; two notches, 20.
A notch In top of right ear, 30; 'two notches, ,C0J three notches,. 90.
A notch In end of loft ear, 100. " -
A notch n end of right tar, 200. ,
A holo !. end of left ear-100. X
A holo In end of right car, 500.
A hole lnjottom of left ear, 1,00 O."'
and Honeysuckle. This Corner of
Into a Spot of Beauty by the Clever
As Is frequent with these old-fashioned
annuals, thero is a pleasing
harmony in color, and thoso wishing
a symphony In yellow and bronzo
will find tho combinations In tall-grow-Ing,
dwarf, single and double, long
slender .stemmed blossoms as useful
for cutting aff for the garden.
Much of pleaBuro can bo obtained
by sclocting a single species and spe
cializing upon It. One collector- hns
rnado a study of- IrlR. and his garden
is the prido of tho town. Many hun
dreds of thoso flowers in blossom, In
cluding standard varieties and many
hues, is a sight not soon to bo forgot
ten; and ho finds In them as much
pleasure as in rare orchids, with com
paratively llttte troublo to grow.
Another made an exhaustive col
lection of campanulas last season
with much satisfaction; whllo a third
selected tho poppy on which to be
stow hor attention. Dahlias admit of
much selection, nnd great range of
color. In any case the amateur will
do well to choose some flower easily
grown and with a wide range of color.
Then if you want to play a la Bur
bank, hero Is a golden opportunity; or'
If you wish simply to revel In the
works of others, tho many varieties
of a single flower give even moro
than many kinds of flowers, nn ap
preciation of tho wldeness In tho
range of beauty.
(CopyrlRht. 1913.)
Especially Serious in Oregon
Where Soil Is Heavy Apply
Bordeaux With Sticker.
"Tho onion mildew' has been seri
ous In this state, especially during
the last year In the regions where tho
soil Is heavy, on tho beavcr,dam lands
and where thero has been an
nbundance of moisture," said Floyd
J). Bailey In a recent lecture on plant
diseases at the Oregon Agricultural
It shows an a purplish color on
the stalks. Tho troublo has been
known loug In England, In Europo
and In various parts of tho United
States."Evontually tho leaves col
lapse entiroly. ,
"Bordeaux spray 5-5-50 strength,
should be applied with a sticker
added, as tho leaveB aro waxy and
Bpray will not stay on othorwlso. A
sticker may be made of two pounds
of resin, ono pound of sal soda and
ono gallon of water to each 50 gal-'
lonb of spray. 'The sticker should bo
boiled separately in an iron kettle out
of doors until It is a cjearbrown col
or. It will tuko from one to two
Some People Think Gravel Is Ever
Lasting, but This Is Mistake;
Says Missouri Writer.
Gravel roads lpwell built will last
six to nlno years. It suffers most
when not needed, namely, In very dry
wcnther'ln summer or when frozpn
hard In open winter.
In the first placo tho road bed
should bo well made, but not too
rounded, no this Induces waste
Where seepy spots occur a natural
drain should be built crosswise of tho
road, mado of coarso rock to lot tho
water out to tho side of tho road.
Gravel should be at least eight Inches
deep In tho center nnd wldo enough
for two teams to pns9. '
Wo onco helped to build a two-mile
gravel road In Missouri which was
built by tho tax rebate system 20
years ago. It worked hardship on our
district in this way, writes John
KHngelo of Hudraln county, Missouri,
m the Iowa Homestead. Our district
had a state road running north through
the contor. To tho north of ua two
road district met on our center lino
running north, and theso two districts
united with us. We "built to tho be
ginning of their near end of road, so It
camo to pass that tGoy got the full
benefit of their work while wo only
got part of It Most of our people had
no uso for it as It was out of tho way.
To make matters worse, tho road boss.
C8 of the other two districts drew
their full quoto of road money at tho
expense of our district. This left our
One of the Double Drags Made by .the
"365-Day Road Club"" of Carth
age, Mo.
road boss tho noxt year with 05 cents
of road money and tho poll tax to keep
tho district In order, and by the timo
all this land tax rebate had been used
our district was in very bad shape.
Our money nearly all went to others
districts and It Is not just for a fow to
have a good road at the expense of
tho others.
When a boy 31 to 37 years ago we
did a good deal of gravel hauling, and
a few weeks ago I-was surprised to go
back and find how thoso roads chang
ed. Where we helped build a good
gravel road 32 years ugo they have
been hauling creek gravel every six
to eight years and in this way they
have a good road. They have tho
gravel ncfar at hand, and with plonty of
loaders a team averages ono load an
I think if the law required four-inch
tires, nnd then the doubletree and
neckyoko woro lengthened out to glvo
the team moro liberty, tho roads would
bo much bettor. If we can't go with
the four-inch wo ought to stay off tho
road or uso tho Bprlng wagon to got
the necessaries of life There Is no
excuser generally for cutting up tho
roads oxcept about tho first of March.
Our country roadB will nevor bo
graveled, for long before we get over
thom wo will havo to start over again
Somo peoplo think gravol Is ever-lasting,
but that" Is a sod mistake. Even
now wo don't think of saving our sur
faco dirt and do not employ tho motto,
"a stitch In time save nine," our roads
must wait till tho working tlmo cornea
and go all to pieces If tho weather is
bad in that tlmo.
Selecting Ewes.
A Canadian authority said the best
tlmo to purchase the ewes for a farm
flock Is In August Just after tho lambs
have been weaned. Wo can purchnBO
thom as cheaply thon as at any time
and can mako the best selection In
choosing ewes that have raised lambs,
as tholr milking qualities and strength
can bo ascertained. Betides, we will
havo them In good condition for the
next crop of lambs.
Poultry Industry. ,
Tho Imports of tho product of poul
try culture Into this country from
foreign countries show that tho field
Ib still open to -a large Increase of
the Industry in tho United States,
and -that the opportunity is waiting
for those with Bagacity nnd Industry
enough to take advantage of 1L
Foreman of Jury rTad Claimed They
Had One Mind, But Losing" Lawyer
Wanted to Bo Shown.
Counsel for tho prisoner looked
hopefully at the faces of tho Jurors as
they filed into their scats, and listened
hopefully ns tho foreman announced"
that they had agreed. His client had
enjoyed nmplo provocation for tho as-
saultupon tho 'person of Tobias Jones;'
but the Jurorswero uniformly Tobias'
friends and not unbiased.
"Tho Jury Is all of ono mlnd,your
honor," tho foreman said. "Wo find,
tho prisoner guilty." s
"You hear tho verdIct,"counscl," re
marked tho Judgo. "Tho Jury 1b all
of ono mind. Havo you anything to
ask of the court boforo sentence la
"Yos, your honor," rpplled counsel,
still hopefully; "for the purposes of
the appeal which my client will take.
It would bo of material asslstanco to
learn which ono of tho twelve men
who havo reached this verdict Is pos
sessed of thojane mind you are so care
ful to mention," Now York Evening
Can't wm
be Done" I
It is impossible to maintain
health and strength if you
allow the stomach to become
weak, the liver sluggish and
the bowels constipated, but
you can guard against such
troubles by the daily use of
Sensitive Jeems.
Tho Nurltches were very proud of
the English butler thoy brought back
with them, and so, you may suppose,
they wero not a llttlo annoyed when,
at the end of the .month, ho govo them
"What's the matter, Earker? You
havo been here such a short time?"
"Yesslr. But you seo whon you en
gaged me, I thought you wassparra
grass and champagne peoplef"- but
when I found out that you eats cab
bage, carrots and such like common
vegitables, and drinks beer, I ses, seB
I, this here ain't no place for a sensi
tive person like me. So I must leave
you. I carn't breathe a beery atmos
phere. E
A sixty horsepower soven-passenger
"Stearns" touring car complete and
In good condition. There Is no new
car on tho market with so much pow
er. Reason for selling owner wants a
moro modern car. This "Stearns"
cost $4,750. -Will sell for ?1,C00 and
to a responsible party, part cash, bal
ance monthly payments. No trade of
any kind. Address . O. Box 898,
Omaha, Nebraska. Adv.
Why Druggists Go Insane.
Little Lola's mother had sent her la
the corner drug Btore for a stamped
envelope, giving her three pennies
with which to pay for It.
"Well, little girl," said the drug
gist, "wlfat can I do for you?"
"If you please, sir," answered Lola,
politely, "my mamma wants three
cents' worth of stamped antelope."
Mri.Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup for Children
teething, Hoflens the gums, reduces lnflammai
tIon,alluya paln.curcs wlud college a bottle.Att
The eye is sometimes moro eloquenlj
tlian the tonguo, yet few of us prefer
a tongue laBhing to an eye lash..
There nip imitations, don't be fooled. Ak
for LEWIS' Single Binder cignr7 5c. Adv. .
Where ""there's a young widow's
will there Is a marriage.
The Man Who Pat the
Look for This Trade-Mark Plo
lure on the uibel wncu buying-
The Autiseptlc Powder for Ten.
Tradti-Hrk. der, Aching I'eet. Sold every,
where. Mc. Sample 1'KKK. Addrena,
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
can quicKiy ue overcome oy
Purely vegetable
act surelv nnd
gently on Uie
liver, cure
ache, ncss, and Indigestion. They do their duty.
Genuine must bear Signature
jm PArvrrn'c
-fltiMrff m
jjmmMy ii'vt.K
,'j '
v i
' . '
- tfc. -.10
i it
EKs 1r$Trix.1t
f$!M$.i? ..