The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 22, 1913, Image 3

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'Trlpls Alliance of the Three Great
Powers, Love, Sympathy and Help
Other Versions.
Tho first person who comes In whon
the wholo world has gone out,
A bank, of credit on which wo can
'draw suppllos of confidence, counsel,
'sympathy, help and lovo.
Ono who combines for you alike tho
plaasures and benetlta of society and
' A Jewel whoso luster tho strong
melds of poverty and mlsfortuno can
not dim.
Ono who multiplies Joys, divine
j&Hefs, and whoso honey in lnvlo
'lable. Ono who loves tho truth and you
and will tell tho truth in splto of
Tho triple alllanco of tho three great
I powers, Lovo, Sympathy and Help.
A watch which beats truo for all
'tlmo and never runs down.,
" A permanent .fortification whon
vcno'a. affairs arc in a state of siege.
One who to himself la truo, and
therefore must be so to you.
A balnnclng polo to him who walks
across tho tight rope of life.
Tho link in llfo'a long chain that
bears the greatest strain.
A harbor of refuge from the stormy
waves of adversity.
Ono who cbnsldera my need before
my doservlngs.
The Jewel that shlne3 brightest in
tho darkness. "
A stimulant to the nobler side of
our nature
A volume of sympathy bound in
A diamond In tho ring of acquaint
ance, - "
""A star of hopo In the cloud of-adver-city.
Rhyming Lights Is Easily Understood
and Affords Opportunity for Think
ing Faculties.
Rhyming lights Is an excellent game,
besides being so slmplo that it can
" l)o understood by even the sniallest
children, It exercises tho thinking fac
ulties of all.
Ono of the players thinks of a word
f which must bo guessed by tho others;
and In order to help them discover tho
word she tells them tho name of the
word that rhymes with It. For In
stance, wo will suppose that "book"
,. Is tho word thought of; tho leader or
player who thinks of the word tells
' the others that it rhymes with "look."
Each player Is then allowed to ask
a question, tho question and aiYswers
being something like the following:
"Is it running water?"
"No, it's riot a brock."
"Is It something belonging to a shep
herdess?" "No, It's not a crook."
"Is It the name of something upon
which wo hang our clothes?"
"No, it's not n hook.
"Is It a cozy corner?"
"No, it's not a nook."
"Is it used in school?" -.
"Yes, it is a book."
One Must Devote Time to Study What
Is Supposed to Be Adver
tised In tho Signs.
;- These sandwich men are all mixed
up. Can you put their -signs In the
Sandwich Men Puzzle.
.right order so as to show what they
are supposed to advertise?
When properly arranged tho signs
of tho sandwich men read as follows:
"Big Show Tonight."
About Finger Nails.
A white mark on the nail bespeaks
Pule or lead colored nails Indicate
molnnchoty people.
People with narrow nails aro.ambl
tlous and quarrelsome.
Broad nails Indlcato a gentle, timid,
and bashful nature.
Lovers of knowledgo and liberal sen.
tlment have round nails.
Small nulls Indicate littleness of
mind, obstinacy, and conceit.
- Choleric, martial men, delighting In
war, have red and spotted nails.
1 Peoplo with very pale nails are sub
ject to much infirmity of tho flesh, and
pcrbecutlon by neighbors and friends.
, An Explanation.
SchoQlma'nm Now, I want all the
. jchlldron to look at Tommy's hands and
observe how clean they are and see If
;all of. you cannot come to school with
cleaner hands. Tommy, perhaps, will
tell us how he keeps them so nice.
. Tommy Yes'm. Ma makes mo wash
the breakfast dishes every morning.
Puzzle la to Find Out Whether Time
piece of Grandfather Started
Ahead of the Alarm.
Yestordny morning two clocks
started a race. Tho alarm clock went
so fast that it Rained ono mlnuto an
hour, while grandfather's clock ran
so slow that It lost two minutes nn
hour. Tho picture shows tho alarm
clock to bo ono hour ahead nt the fin
ish. But who can toll tho hour when
tho raco started?
Qrandfathor'B clock lost Iwo min
utes every hour and tho alarm clock
gained ono mlnuto every hour, bo It Is
evident that tho alarm clock in every
hour's time gained three minutes
upon tho other.
Thoroforo," In twenty hours It gain
ed sixty minutes and from tho picture
Clock Race-Puzzle.
wo saw that tho race must have been
on for twenty hours.
During tho twenty hours tho alarm
clock gained twenty minutes upon
correct time. Twenty hours previous
to twenty minutes of 8 is eleven
hours and forty minutes, or twenty
minutes of 12 In tho morning of the
day boforo-Hho time whon the race
Mount Whitney Is 14,501 Feet Above
Level of Sea Point In Death Val
ley la 276 Below.
The maximum dlfforonco in oleva
tlon of land in the Unltcdstates Is 14,
777 feet, according to the United
States geological survey. Mounl
Whitney, the highest point, 14,501 feel
abovo sea level, and a point in Death
valley Is 27C feet below sea level
These two points, which are both in
California, are less than 90 miles
apart This difference is small, how
ever, as compared with tho figures foi
Asia. Mount Everett rises 29,002 feel
abovo oca level, whereas tho shores
of the Dead sea are 1,290 feet below
sea level, a total difference In land
heights of 30,292 feet. Mount Everett
has never been climbed.
Tho greatest ocean dopth yot found
Is 32,088 fee at a point about 40 miles
north of tho island of Mindanao, in the
Philippine Island.. Tho ocean bottom
at this1 point Is therefore more than
114 miles below tho summit of Mount
Tho difference In tho land heights
in Europe Is about 15.8G8 feet
One of theMost Interesting and Puz
zling of Deceptions Which Can
Be Done With Cards.
Tho "old spelling school" trick is one
of the most interesting and baffling oi
tho many which can bo dono with
cards. All the cards in any suit are
required for tho trick, which consists
In "stacking" tho thirteen cards In
such a manner that"wuen held in the
hand, face down, and changing a card
from top to bottom, with each letteT
spelling the number or name of the
card, tho one desired will come out in
regular order. One comes first, then
two, and so on to Jack, queen, king.
In placing tho cards In position the
fourth from tho top of tho pack ub hold
In tho hand, face down, must bo the
ace, o-n-e; the eighth, tho two spot
Who can tell how to arrange tho re
maining oleven cards so that, placing
a card at bottom for each letter three,
four, five, up to tho king, como out?
It will bo noted fifty-two letters nra
required to spell the numbers and
names of all the cards In a suit.
Why are real friends Hko ghosts?
They are often-heard of, but seldom
seen. '
When Is a sick man a contradic
tion? When he is an impatient patient
When Is coffee like tho earth?
When it is ground.
When Is a baby like a breakfast
cup? , ,
When it is a tea thing (teething).
What roof covers tho most noisy
tenant7 ,
The roof-of tho mouth.
When Is a sermon llko a round
When It oomer from a cannon's
When does a leopard, chango his
spots? ,
When ho moves from ono spot to
Why Is a cigar loving man like a
tallow candle?
Hccauso he will smoko when ho is
going out
Why Ib a watchdog blggor by night
than by day? s
Oecauso ho la lot out 'at night and
taken in in the morning.
Professional Adjuster and Regu
lator of Things That Rattle
Human Beings.
(Copyright. 1913, by tho McCluro New
paper Syndicate)
"Whnt's her name?" Mnrcolla de
manded. She oven turned from the
mirror to staro after tho now acquisi
tion to hor stepmother's household
with curiosity.
'Anno Raleigh, professional adjuster
and regulator of shattored nerves,
households going to tho little bow
wows, or any earthly thing that rattles
and disturbs tho human system. Real
ly, dear, I should have died last season
If It hadn't been for Anno. She gave
mo poise and a pcaco that oven your
fathor'a llttlo" ways couldu't upset."
"Wherjo did you got hor?"
'Mnrclc, you don't 'get' porsons llko
Anno. You fall heir to them. Sho was
giving Rosa Ashton mental punches
one day nftor Roso had simply gono all
to pieces over Rolly's departuro for
"He didn't got a divorce. Ho novor
intended to. He only went for a few
weeks' fun hunting on tho Ronault'n
ranch thero."
"Just exactly when Anno told her,
and she proved it, and put Rose on her
feet In two dayB. I hoard hor explain
ing tho whole affair to Rose that day,
when my own heart was noarly brokon
1 why do you laugh, Mnrcolla?"
"Because, mumslo, you'ro delicious-.
ly funny. Your heart Is mado of nlco
soft malleable rubber. It Jimt couldn't
break. The reason I asked about Miss
Raleigh is this: I saw hor on tho Dlm
mick yacbt, and sho was emphatically
not a professional adjuster then."
"Don't you dare upset my nerves
.Just nftor Anno has tuned them."
Mrs. Bertrand drow her pink silk
klraonqcloser around her ample shoul
ders and shivered. Sho oyed Marcolla
expectant, but Mnrcella went calmly
on rejuvenating hersolf. Four wooks
on tho Dlmmlck yacht to the canal and
back had not helped matters, either in
regard to matrimonial possibilities, or
complexion. It vaguely irritated Mrs.
Bertrand-to have Marcella take both
contlgencles so sorenoly.
"Sho has been In town in two weeks,
"Sho left the yacht at Charleston fin
the way south."
"I can't Imagine Anne being In any
trouble with persons llko Tony Dim
mlck and his crowd. Sho is nbovo
'She may bo at times" assentod
Marcella. 'But I saw hor myBolf with
Tony ono night out on deck after the
rest of us had gono down to play
brldgo,' and Tony told hor ho Blmply
couldn't stand It any longer, and she
would have to leave tho yacht at
Mnrcella paused. In tho mirror sho
caught sight of a figure standing In tho
doorway- It was Anno, qulto unper
turbed by what sho had heard, and
smiling. She was tall, with gray eyes,
a lot of reddish gold hair, and tho cor
ners of her HpB turned upward with
provoking optimism.
"I think I dropped my handkerchief
under the table," Bhe said lightly. "And
it's a pot ono. If you don't mind "
Sho recovered tho lace edge bit of
linen, and smiled down at Mnrcolla..
"I think wo met on tho yacht threo
weeks ago, Miss Bertrand," sho said.
"Did you all have a pleasant trip?"
A perfectly natural flush Blowly
crept over Marcella's smooth face.
"Very pleasant," she answered. "Mum
sle, I must leave you "
"Juat a mlnuto, Miss Bertrand," said
Anno.- "Did you find your diamond
"Marcella has no diamond pendant,
Anno," protested Mrs. Bertrand in dis
tress. "I do hope this isn't anything
"While wo wore on tho yacht, Miss
Bertrand said sho had lost a valuable
diamond pendant, and Mr. Dlmmlck
asked mo to fry and' recover It. I may
say now that I who in tho party In n
sort of professional capacity, although
apparently a guest. While tho yacht
lay in New York harbor Mr. Dlmmlck
lost several pieces of Jewelry from his
Btatcroom. His mother mlssod two
rings, ono a vory unlqup Florontlno an
tique Thcro were only three mem
"ber3 of his party on board then. You
woro ono, Miss Bertram."
"Iromombcr Tony'B mentioning It,"
said Marcolla, her faco a trifle palo as
sho mot tho other girl's eyes.
"Wo located tho Florentine ring It
had been Eold to a well known antique
shop for about half Its value JubI be
fore the boat sailed. A colored rnald
was tho go-betweon."
'How perfectly dreadful!" exclaimed
Mrs, Bertrand. "Did Tony suspect any
one?" "Not uptll I went on tho yacht. Havo
you told your mother of your engage
ment, Miss Bortrnnd?" Anne nsltcd
tho question coolly, mildly. Mnrcolla
Blmply shook hor head, and their
glances wero llko crossed swords.
"Then perhaps I am Intruding. At any
rato Mr. Dlmmlck told mo that you
had promised to be hiB wlfo. That was
tho night I agreed to leavo the yacht
ftt Charleston. I liad found his mcta
er'B gold chatelaine bag and n diamond
ring secreted" In a pillow In one of tho
berths, the lower borth, Miss Bertrand.
When I told him whoso Btatcroom
they woro found .In, he told me to drop
tho case, and I suggested returning to
Now York to avoid embarrassment, ns
ho wns badly cut up over tho diEcov-
"But, Anno dear, why disturb us
fearfully over this affair of tho Dim
mlcks?" asked Mrs. Bertrand, plain-
tivoly. "Marcolfg, why didn't you toil
mo you wore engaged to Tony ?"
' I am not now," returned Marcella,
Blowly. "I broko tho ongngemont tha
morning nftor Miss Hnlolgh left ub.
Tho stateroom was "Jio. and tho Jow
Plry wn8 found in my v'How, mumslo.
You may as well know Iho truth. Tony
told mo himself. Th diamond pendant
was mine. Tony gnj It to mo Instead
of a ring tho night ho asked mo to bo
Ills wlfo. It belonged to his mothor,
and sho was qulto willing I should
havo It Can you Imnglno what it
meant to mo- to bo suddenly confront
ed with this horrlblo ovldonco In my
own Btntoroom? Tho rlugs nnd dla
nionds wero sown Into tho pillow Itself
among tho feathers In a chamlos skin
"I havo tho pouch," Bald Anno.
'There wns a piece out off tho outer
flap thnt folded over twlco, and fast
ened with n Bnnp like a glovo. Tho
Florentine ring wna wrapped In tho
other ploco and I hnd It saved from
tho antlquo shop in Now York. It fit
ted exactly. I've enjoyed tho wholo ex
perience Immensely, becnuso It was
tho first caso I had over tried, don't
you know"? Mr. Dlmmlck did not wnnt
any professional holp. Ho felt it was
a ctso oUt of tho ordinary. Tho other
two mombors on board tho yacht while
It lay in tho harbor hero woro Roso
and Roily Ashton. Mr. Ashton loft
for Novnda at almost an .hour's notlco,
and lot his wlfo tako tho trip nlono be
cnuso ho wna very Jealous of Tony
Dlmmlck. And tho chamois pouch was
ono ho used to carry a silver mounted
automatic revolver in."
'Bjit you said, Anno, tho things wero
sold nt tho antlquo shop by a colored
maid," put In Mrs. Bertrand. "You
can't think that Roso would do such a
Anno raised hor oyobrows musingly
nnd leaned on tho little mahogany ta
ble boforo her.
"A half sick, neurotic woman will do
mnpy foolish things that sho docs not
realize tho significance nor danger of,"
sho answered. "Roso was despernto
and Roily shut oft hor credit whon ho
loft. Sho needed plain every day cash,
and she brlbodhor colored mnld to
take tho ring and tbo pendant! and sell
them for her. Wo hnvo tho girl, nnd
Roso horsolf confessed to mo yester
day. I wired for her hUBband, and sho
Is going west to Join him on ft trip
around tho world. Mr. Dlmmlck re
fuses to presB tho caso against them.
Thoy nro young nnd went tho pace too
fast without money to fioat" them, but
Roso 1b good at heart, and I know
ovorything will como right."
Sho hesitated, and watched Manil
la's face..
"Tony Dlmmlck is down in tho re
ception room. Will you boo him?"
"Why woro thoso things put In my
stateroom to lncrlminato mo, and why
did ho half bollovo that I was guuty?"
demanded Marcolla, hotly. "It spoiled
my trip, and almoBt my life."
"Won't you Just go downstairs now,
and scold Tony?" Anno suggested,
smilingly. "Ho would lovo to hnvo you
say anything you llko. I can say,
though, that the pouch waa hidden In
your ,room as the safest placo from
discovery. Tho mnld told that Sho
was very friendly with your own maid,
Delia, and rather enjoyed putting- any
posslblo suspicion on you after It was
known that Tony cared for you."
"Do you know what I thought?"
asked' Marcolla, with a suddon smile.
At tho door Bho hesitated on her way
down to tony. "I usod to boo you talk
ing to Tony every now and then awny
from tho rest, and so earnestly nnd
confidentially. And then I saw you
both that night boforo you loft tho
yncht, and I was cortaln you woro an.
old sweetheart that still held him In
leash. I'm bo sorry, Anno. May I call
you Anno, too?"
Anno laughed, and stretched out
both hor slim whlto cnpablo hands
"You may call mo anything youllko,
professional adjuster of anything from
nerves to household accounts, and I'm
doing very well at it, too, thank you."
"Anne," saliPMrs. Bertrand, with a
sigh of relief, when thoy woro nlono,
"you are a wondor. Did you get back
tho diamond pendant, tod?"
"Tony has it for her now, with a nice
now ring, Mrs. Bertrand," smiled
Anne. 'Ithlnk I ndjusted tho affair
rather neatly. Poor little Mrs. Ashton
wont know sho Iuib such things ns
nerves by tho time Bho has roughod
all over tho world with that tall, stub
born youngstor of a husband. Thoy
don't btlong down horo In New York,
Mrs. Bertrand. You've got to havo a
good grip on yourself boforo you try
tho long Btroko hero. There's too
strong an undertow."
Mrs. Bertrand barely heard her. Sho
was' at her writing desk, turning over
tho calendar leaves.
'Thoy carTbo married In Soptomber,
and Tony has not leas than forty thou,
sand a year from his grandfather, be
sides tho tin mines, or something thoy
got out of mines, up In Canada, And
Marcella's twenty-seven. I think she's
very fortunate, don't you, Anno, hon
estly now?"
Just for an Instant the flicker of a
shadow passed over Anno's bright faco
atf sho drew on her long'sucdo gloves,
ff things had been different, If pop
haps, sho had been Mnrcella Bertrand,
thoso gorgeous moonlit nlghtH on the
llttlo yncht bearing to southern seas,
she knew what Bho would havo told
Tony Dlmmlck when ho came a'court
lng. But lt,had been quite dlfferont. Pro
fessional adjusters havo no rights in
tho courts of lovo. They belong In tho
Judges' box. Anno nodded hor head.
'Very fortunato," Bho Bald,
Force. of Habit.
"Ib your wlfo In?" asked tho friend
of the drugglBt
"No," replied tho druggist nbsent
mlndedly, "but I can Bhow you eoino
thing Just as good." Puck.
of ndministrntlon among tho loaders of tho liberal party is to bo oxpoctod.
No political party In ny country rotlros from powor without regrot Cuba
Ib no dlfforontv But that thoro will bo rovolutlon or ovon bltt'or partisan feel
ing becnuso of tho election of General Monocnl, I do not bollovo. Certainly
thero will bo no rovolutlon. Wo shall havo political fights, of courao, but noi
"I'rosldont Monocal nssumeB office with tho feeling of tho utmost cor
diality for tho United States.
Queen Mary has given anothor ox
amplo of tho strictness of her views
of proprloty. At tho snmo tlmo Bho
JinB shown thnt sho is not prejudiced
and Is porfoctly opon to conviction If
hor views nro satisfactorily proved to
bo erroneous.
Tho queen Is an oxcollont and en
thusiastic dancor and sho has had
both tho Prlnco of Wales and Prln
ccfls Mary carefully taught In this art.
Hearing recontly or nn oxcollont
teacher of dancing, n Mrs. Marshall,
who lives In Konslngton, tho queen,
after making inquiries, determined to
Bond hor daughter to hor to tuko les
sons. Mrs. Marshall teaches qulto
young girls In tho best society.
Quoon Mary gavo tho strictest in
structions that hor daughter, Princess
Mary, should not bo tnught or oven
allowed to boo danced any of thoso
modern dances which may bo grouped
under two headings, tho tango and
ragtlmo, any approach to which is
rigidly barred from Buckingham pulnco, or any dnnco which la attended by
tho quoon on account of her pnrticulnr disapproval,
A fow dayB ago, however, tho dancing mistress carncttlj bogged Quoon
Alary to bco somo of theso dances, assuring her of their grnco and perfect
propriety. Tho quoon saw half a dozen of Mrs. Marshall's pupils dancing
tho tango nnd some varieties of ragtlmo Btepa. Tho result wbb that tho
qoeen freely admitted that thoro wnB nothing objectionable in what she saw
nnd tho prlncoss hao bcon allowed to lenm theso dances.
Borvlco and is -noted for hor intenso interest n Battlement work.
Mr. Saro wns born In 1885 in South Betltfohom, Pa. Ho ontorod Will
lams college InlOOG nnd was manager of tho football team, Ho organized
and was president of tho Good Government club and is a Y. M, C. A, worker.
Official ceremonies having been
hold and Dr. Vllhjalmar Stofansson
and pnrty sailed from Victoria, B. C,
tho other day, on an exploring nnd
ethnological expedition in tho Arctic
on tho steamer Karluk. Tho official
photographs of tho members of tho
scientific staff worn taken for tho
government nrchlvns nnd a luncheon
was glvon to Mr. Stofansson by tho
mombors of the government of British
At tho end of tho luncheon Sir
Rlchurd Mclirldo, on bchnlf of tho
people of British Columbia, prcsonted -
to Mr 8tefan8Hon a sliver plato en
graved with a suitable legend nnd
containing also tho names of all tho
monitors of the utuff.
Doctor Anderson, who commands
tho Victoria Island division, and Cap
tain Bartlett pf tho Karluk also ro
piled on bohalf of tho expedition,
Tho Stefaiisson expedition differs
from most of tho other Polar under
takings In that its objects aro practical and commercial. Its pui poses nro to
learn whethor n Polar contlnont exists; to map tho Islands already dlscovorod
oast of tho mouth of tho Mackenzlo river; to make a collection of tho Arctic
flora ond fauna; to survey tho channels among tho islands In tho hope br
established trade routes.
Pablo Dtsvernlno GaldoB, tho now
Cuban minister, ronched "Washington'
n few days ngo nnd wab officially re
ceived by President "Wilson.
"Cuba Is on tho highway to pcacoi
nnd prosperity," Bald Mr. Qaldos.
"Tho chnngu of administration wna,
accomplished without tho slightest,
friction, and for tho first jtlmo in tho,
history of tho republic an outgoing!
president handod over tha govern-,
ment to n Cuban. You must rcmomi
bor that when Cuba was declared In,
dependent General Wood relinquished
tho government to tho provisional
president, Mr. Palmn, who later was
elected prosldent, nnd rotlrod upon
tho second intervention of tho Amor
leans. Then Governor Mngoon as
sumed control, to retlro whon General
Gomez wns elected.
"Tho Inauguration ofGenoral Men
ocnl, thoroforo, mnrka a date, of his
torical Importance to Cuba. That
thcro should bo reurota nt a chango
3L . A'
President and Mru. Wilson tho
other day announced through n Whlto
Ilouso statement tho engagement of
their daughter, Miss Jesslo Woodrow
Wilson, to Francis Bowea Snyro of
Lnncnstor, Pn., and Now York city.
Mr. Sayro is an attorney nttachod to
tho offleo of District Attorney Whit
man. Tho wedding Is oxpoctod to tnko
placo noxt Novombor in tho Whlto
Whllo oIosq friends of both faml-,
lies hnvo known of tho cngngomont
for somo tlmo, announcement was,
withheld until tho first anniversary of
Mr, "Wilson's nomination ut tho Bnltl-'
mora convention.
Miss Wilson Ib twenty-four years
old. Sho was born Jn Princeton, N. J.,
nnd Ib ft-graduato of Gouchor college,
Bnltlmoro, Md.
Slid wns an honor girl at tho Bal-
tlmoro Collego for Women. Sho has
always been devoted lnrcoly to social
. (r (-.- -r