T W" Ci i' wTRrrvT.T' -JPWW!. "-, I G i i u II rt !4 IT? M I I SI liii fl w n -J NOVELTIES IN JEWELRY are plentiful here. There are the new lavallleref, eardrops, pins and all sorts of other things for milady's adornment. Many of them you will not ee anywhere else in towu If you want to see the latest in jew elry fashions you must come here. CLINTON - Jeweler and Optician We want your repair work. i Local and Personal. Gilbert Peters has accepted a position as passenger brakeman. S. S. Jacobs returned last evening from a short visit in Hastings. John Monroe returned Wednesday from n short business visit in Grand Island. Miss Betty Graham spent a few days this week with friends in Gothen burg. Mrs. Mischki returned Wednesday evening from two weeks' visit In east ern point. Vance Neale returned to Stapleton yesterday after spending several days here on business. Harry Lowell accepted a position as machinist helper in the local shops the first of this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jeter returned yesterday morning from an extended visit in California. at Fine batiste and lawns regular 12J and 15c values go at 5c per yard during this sale. E. T. TltAMP & Son. Miss Mayme Doyle will leave this week for Spauldlng to spend a couple of weeks with relatives. Perry Sawyer returned to Gothen uurg Wednesday after spending several days here on business. A number of local people are planning to go to Julesburg Sunday to attend the Cody Wild West show. Mrs. Harry Mitchell and children are expected to return homo from Omaha the early part of next week. Wo sell Batterys and bulks for Ever Ready pocket flash lights. Dixon, The Jeweler. Corn Still in Good- Shape. Charles Hayden, who was over from Wallace yesterday, says crop conditions in that section are the best for several years. Fall wheat will yiejd well, not-1 withstanding .some damage resulted from hail. Corn up to date, where properly cultivated, is in fine shape, though rain will be necessary within a few days. M. E. Church Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. subject, Sunday base ball versus civic decency. This will be a sane treatment of the Sunday ball question from the physical, psychologl i tt. (i Carl Skaggs has returned Master Charles Rincker is reported to be quite ill with typhoid fever. Dave Pattee loft Wednesday erening for Ashland to spend a couple of weeks. Mrs. McElwain went to Cozad yester day morning to visit friends for a couple of weeks. ' Miss Anna Dowhower loft yesterday morning for Cheyenne to spend a couple of weeks. Mr3. E. Short left yesterday morning for Gothenburg to visit friends for a week or more. Attorney DeFrance, of Omaha, was in town Tuesday on buciness connected with the Barton estate. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hayden and daughter, of Wallace, are spending this week with town friends. Misses Gladys and Helen Bird who have been visiting friends in Julesburg returned homo last evening. Mrs. Carrie Peterson, of Beloit, came Wednesday evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. Dave Minshall and family. Rev. Miller went to Paxton the first of this week to conduct the funeral ser vices of tho late Mrs. Esther Harris. Mrs. Johnston, of Los Angelas. Is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Smith, having arrived Wednesday. Miss Loretta Murphy will leave in a few days for Chicago and Clinton. la., to spend several weeks with friends and relatives, Mrs. Frank Bowen and Mrs. Gus Newman of Grand Island came Wed nesday ovening to visit Mr. and Mrs. William Yost. Mrs." Winter, of Baxter Springs, who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. cal, commercial Bnd civic view points. Epworth League G:45 p. m. Preach ing with special music at 8:00 p. m. At 3:00 p. m. Sundny the pastor will preach at the Broeder School house southwest of town. Asks $20,000 for City Hall. A petition signed largely by owners of real estate will be presented to the city council asking that a proposition to issue $20,000 for a city hall and fire department building be submitted to voters at the special election to be held August 19th. This building is one ot the urgent needs of the city, and we be-1 lieve that a majority of tho voters now look at it that way, notwithstanding that in the past the proposition failed to receive the necessary majority. Lutheran Church. The regular service next Sunday . morning at 10:30. Mrs. Dill and Mrs. ! Huffman will sing a duet at the service. ' The Sunday school at 12 o'clock and the i Young People's Missionary meeting at j 1 p. m. There will be no evening service until furtherannouncement. This week $900 was paid on the parsonage mort-1 and all interest to date. This leaves $400 and inteiest to cancel the mort-, gage, which will be easily done during the ensuingyear. The pastor went to Paxton today in the interests of the church there. , 1914 CHALMERS from an I Moody for several days while enroute Kansas extended visit with relatives in City and other eastern ;cjtes. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Pizer, of Lincoln, visited Mr. and Mrs. Julius Pizer this week while enrouto to Portland. Mrs. James Payno entertained a number of friends thlsmorningln honor of Miss Bertha Thoelecke of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Witty intend to leave ths latter part of this month for Chicago and other eastern cities to spend several weeks. MhtfO Mrs Kerr and daughter Margaret, of Akron, la. f who have visiting Dr. and Mrs. T. J, Kerr for two weeks will leave today. Miss Vera Scharmann, who left Bay eral weeks ago for California, has ac cepted a position in San Francisco and will locate there. home from Denver, left Wednesday evening. The members of the Buffalo Bill Gun Club are practicing for the Grand Western Handicap Shoot which will be held in Omaha early in August. Messrs. Will and Bob Finney have sold their meat market at Grant and spent this week here on business. They loft yesterday for tho Pacific coast to look up a new location. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Zook, of Lincoln, are spending this week with "Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Snyder. Tho former is state corn inspector and will look over conditions at the state-farm. Little Mary Carroll entertained a score of friends Wednesday afternoon in honor of herteighth birthday anniver sary. The vounc guests wore amused Joy for the Fans. , Manager Cummings is making good in his efforts to secure ball games and is daily adding to the schedule for th.e remainder of the season. Today the team goes to Cozad, and Sunday goes to Mc Pherson county. Monday and Tuesday Gibbon will play on the local grounds, and August 1st the North Platters will go up against the Kearney state leaguers on the home grounds. August 3d and 4th the Bloomer Girls will be hore, and on the 6th and 7th the Lexus team of Omaha, a very fast aggrega tion will perform on the local dia mond. Other games are dated later in August. S H"A ?' -i Now On Display at wUh trnmps for n cnunlo of hours and Mr. and Mrs. James White, Mrs. I ., .rurifl .,tu nlp iunci, a num. cfri. 1 ' d ,'' H Dave White and Dave Callender, of SutherlanJ, came down Wednesday to attend Chautauqua. Charles Temple will return Sunday from Estes Park, where he spent sev eraLwoeks. His family will remain there a month longer, 3IUs "Florence Neville, of Omaha, who had been tho guest of her cousin 3Irs. Charles Reynolds for several weeks, left yesterday for homo. Mrs. Fred W. Miller and baby, of Fremont, formerly of this city, came Thursday evening to visit hor mother Mrs, R, V, Cox for acouple of wooka. Have you seen our now line of Ger man Tile goods for serving summer drinks. Fine for gifts. DlxoN, Thu Jeweler. Mrs. S, H. Grace, of Chicago, who was the guest of her daughter Mrs. W. L. Richards, has gone to Denver to visit relatives for a week before re turning homo. Our repair department is kept up to tho highest possible standard of effic ency. If your watch needs attention bring it to us, you can'depend on full satisfaction and accurate time. Dixon, Tho Jeweler. U. P. Watch Inspector. Money to Loan. Will lend $1000.00 and if on well Inv proved farm larids frorn three to five years at 7 per cent. Why pay a commis sion when you can borrow direct from the man who has the money, you get your loan at once. No delays. Address J. Hurrlson, Tribune Office, North Platte. ber of pretty gifts were presented to the little hostess. A pretty and enjoyable soSiol func tion was held at the home of Mm, Joseph- Roddy Wednesday evening when she, assisted -by Mrs. Millard Hosier entertained a few (riends, com plimentary to Miss Bertha Thoelecke of Omaha, n former schoolmate. The decorations, games, place cards and re freshments wero in red nnd white und suggestive of school days. Fnvors were miuiture slates and book satchels. A two course lunch was served on a pretty docorated table. Covers wore laid for Misses Anna Kramph, .Eunice Babbitt, Jennie Cnrlson, Bertha Thoelecke, Mestlnmos P. M. Sorcnson and G. S. Huffman. Miss Ruth McGuire and Burton Brown, of Norfolk, wore qulotly mar ried Wednesday morning at St. Pat rick's church by Rev. John Kavanough in the presence of a few friends. After tho ceremony n wedding breakfast was sorved at tho home of tho bride's par ents Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGuire in the first word and the young people left for Denver to spend their honeymoon. Tho brido and her attendant Miss Bar bara McGuire wore white serge suits and picture hats. Harry Brown, a brother of tho groom, acted as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Brown will bo at homo in Norfolk, where tho groom holds n position In the accounting department of tho North western. The bride spont tho greater part of last summer in this city and has many friends among the local people. Chautauqua Closes. The Chautauqua closed last night with a concert by the Royal Guards Band, which unqucstionally proved the most popular number on tho program. The Chautauqua was not so largely at tended this year as in past years, this being largely due to the fact that the number of season tickets sold was much less. In the sale of tickets there was not the united action of former year.1 the burden falling largely on Charley Temple antl Lawrence Carpenter, and unfortunately the former was compelled to be absent from tpwn just at the time his efforts were mostneoded. Mr. Temple practically took the re sponsibility of selling seven hundred dollaro worth of season tickets. The number sold fell about one hundred dollar short of this amount and Charley "holds the sack." A contract for the return of tho Red- path-Horner Co., for 1914, ha3 been made, but this time about twenty business men stand back of tho proposi tion, so if there is a deficit next year the assessment on each will not burden some. As to the quality of the talent given us this year there is u wide difference of opinion, some maintaining that it was up to the' average of former years while others considered It not nearly so good. Our sale continues all during this week, Bpccial bargins all the time. We offer the best values of the season. Cut prices on every item in the store, HINMAN'S GARAGE SOS Dewey St. 215 E. 5th. St. For Sale. 1913 Model Motor Cycles and Motor Boats at bargain prices, all makes, brand new machines, on easy payment plan. Get our proposition before buy. ing or you will regret it, also bargains in used Motor Cycles. Write us today. Enclose stamp for reply. Address Lock Box 11 Trenton, Mich. An Ordinance No. 35 and on behalf of said city to sign and attest said bonds and the coupons at tached thereto and to affix the seal of said city to said bonds. The seal shall not be attached to said coupons. Section 5 The proceeds of the sale of said bonds shall be paid to the treasurer of said city and shall be by him placed to the credit of "Paying Bond Fund." Said bonds shall be described as "Paving BondB of the City of North Platte, Nebraska." Section 6 The polls at such special and two of this ordinance, followed by the words "Yes" and "N." Section 7. Should the majority of the ballots cast at such election upon such proposition be in favor of said proposi tion, then the same shall be considered adopted and the Mayor and Council shall have power and be authorized to issue said bonds and levy such taxea for the purpose and upon the conditions above specified. Section 8. Notice of said election shall be given by publication in North -1--..! -L-ll L.l i li iL. ni-.i. C" ! ITT " ,'. m. . . eiecuon snaii oe kbui open Between me nuue aemi-vveeKiy lnnune ana Tele o clock a. m., and seven graph , newspapers and in gener Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will bo received up to 12 o'clock ni. July 20th, 1913. for tho erec tion of a framo school building 28x30. This building is to take the plnco of tho old log school house in district No. 3 (about 10 miles southenst of North Platte.) Bids may bo mailed to M. E. Baker, Gon. Dojivery, North Flatto. The right to reject any or nil bids is reserved. Plans muy bo seen at the ofpoe pf Bort M. Reynolds, Architect, North Platto, after July 10th. Surprising Cure of Stomach Trouble When you have trouble with your stomach or chronic constipation, don't Imagine that your case is beyond help just because your doctor fails to give you relief, frs. G. Stonglo, Plninhold, N. J., writes "For over a month past I have been troubled with my stomach, Everything I ato upset it terribly. One of Chamberlain's advertising booklets came to me. After reading n few of tho letters from people who had been cured by Chamberlain's Tablets, I decided to try thonw P have taken' nearly throe fourths of a package of them and cad now oat almost everything thatl want." For sule by all dealers. we are offering much better prices and valuos than ever before offered. You can't atford to miss this sale. E. T. Tramp & Son. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Neale, of Staple ton, who aro visiting friends in town, will leave in a few days for California to spend sovoral weeks. Wnshing is hard work in hot weather, See the Electric Washer at Hershoy's, Phono 15. Mrs. John Froderci who lifts been visiting friends In Greeley, Colo., for several weeks, is expected to return the first of next week THE MUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. The assets of this association exceed the sum of half a million dollars. The reduction of the rate of interest to bor rowers has incroased tho demand for loans; and in order to meet this demand the association will issue a limited amounted of Its PAID UP STOCK. Money invested in this paid up stock draws six nor cent interest, payable semi-annually, and may bo withdrawn ut any time upon thirty days notice, such notico being waived whore there are funds In the treasury to meet tho withdrawal. T. C. Pattkhson, President. Samuel Goozee, Soorotury. Proyiding for the submission to the voters of the city of North Platte, Ne braska, of a proposition authorizing the mayor Bnd council of said city to borrow money nnd pledge the property and credit of said city upon its negotiable bonds to an amount I nnt- vpnnfl!nfr tnn thnusnnrl Hnl. I lars to be used for the payment of the cost of paving the intersections of streets and space opposite alleys in paving districts in said city and to levy a tax on the taxable property of said city in addition to all other taxes, suf ficient to pay the interest on said bonds and to create a sinking fund for the payment of tho same when they be come due. Be it ordained by the mayor and cbuncil of the city of North Platte, Ne braska: Section (1) That at the election to be held in tho city of North Platte on the 19th day of August, 1913, the following proposition shall be submitted to the voters of said city: "Shall the mayor and council of the city of North Platte, Nebraska, have power and bo authorized to borrow money and pledge the property and credit of said city upon its negotiable bonds to an amount not exceeding 810.000.00 to be used in paying the costs of paving the intersections of streets and spaces opposite alleys in paving districts in said city and levy a tax annually upon the taxable property of said city in addition to all other taxes sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds and to create a sinking fund sufficient to pay the interest and bonds all as the same become due and payable at their ma turity. Section (2) The bonds proposed by the proposition contained in the preceding sections shall draw interest at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of their delivery, payable semi-annually and be evidenced by the coupons to said bonds attached. Said bonds shall be drawn payable to bearer twenty years alter date but redeemable at the option of tho city ten years from the i date thereof. Said bonds and the Interest coupons shall be payable at i tho fiscal agency of tho state of Ne braska in the city and state of New York. Section 3 Before negotiating said bonds the mayor and council shall adver tise for bids for the sale thereof In such manner nnd for such time as they may deem best. Such notice shall re serve the right to reject any and all bids and the bonds shall ba sold to tho highest responsible bidder but in no case below their par value. Section 4 It shall be tho duty of tho mayor and elerk of said city acting for hours of nine o'ciock p. m. ana tne voting places for said election shall be as follows, to-wit: First Ward at the First Ward Fire House. Second Ward at the County Court House. Third Ward-at the Third Ward Fire House. Fourth Ward-at the Fourth Ward Fire House. The ballots voted at said election shall be In accordance with the form prescribed by the Australian ballot law and shall have printed thereon the propositions embodied in sections one ceneral circulation in said city for four weeks Erior to the date of said election, and e included in Proclamation of the Mayor in calling election, and the clerk is hereby instructed to cau.e publication of said notice to be made. Section 9. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval, according to law. Dated this 15th day of July, 1913. Attest: Sgd. E. H. Evans, L. P. Carpenter, Mayor. ' cting Clerk. Passed and approved this 15th day of July 1913. Buchanan & Patterson's ..Bargain List of Dwellings.. 1 Five room house and bam, South Dewey street. $1,250. 2 Good five room cottage, corner lot, shade trees and blue grass lawn, city water and sewer connection, five blocks from high school. Price only $1400,00. Easy terms. 3 Nice tix room cottage 72 1 West Seventh street, handy to new round house. Modern except heart. Price 2,200. 4 Extra nice 4 room cottage on West Tenth street, in the 600 block. Price $1,750. 5 Good eight room dwelling on West Tenth street, in the 900 block. Price $1,700. 6 Extra nice five room cottage, modern except heat blue grass lawn and shade trees, 3 blocks from court house. Price $2900.00 7 Full two story frame dwelling of eight rooms mod ern except heat, full lot, shade trees and blue, grass. Located on West Fourth street close to court house. This is property that will increase in value and is a big money maKer at our price ol 54, 700 8 Xice Seven Room Cottage and buildings, shade trees and nice lawn, $2750.00. All of these" properties are choice bargains and can be bought on easy terms. Be sure and see these before you buy. . N Buchanan & Patterson, Sole Agents. two Lots, out A bargain at