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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1913)
"FUNERAL OF HIAWATHA," BY IROQUOIS INDIANS Chafing Hives. This troublesome skin affection Is difficult to dlagnoso at the outset. Da on tho safo sldo, therefore, nnd when over tho Bkln In Irritated ubo Tyroo'a AntlBoptlo Powdor Immediately nnd avoid further trouble. 25c. at druggists, Samplo Bont freo by J. S. Tyroo. Chomlst, Washington, D. C Adv. I Not Going to Waste It. Young Man (whispering to Jew olcr) That engagement ring I bought of you yestordny Jowolor What's tho matter with it? Didn't it fit? Young Man (cautiously) 'Sh! It' didn't havo a chnnco. Glmmo studs for IL Ohio Congressman Champion Speller of Capital . I HYDRO-Ijftf fL9 J WSHINGTON. Tho great and thoso who record tholr greatness stsEenibled tho other night at tho Now Willard hotel, and casting oft tho cares of tariff, lobbies and land lawB returned to childhood days to enroll themselves In "Professor" Houston's Class A at tho old-faBhloned spelling bco held by the National Press club as the fcaturo o'vent of that organiza tion's annual "ladles' day." President Wilson and his daughter, Miss Eleanor Wilson, and Secretary and Mra. Bryan sat In the audience, which laughed nnd applauded as con gressmen and newspaper representa tives vied with each other In twisting their tongues around some of the "Jaw breaking" words which Secretary of Agriculture Houston, the pronouncer, propounded. Though tho guests of their rivals In the "bee," the statesmen were not without their supporters in tho audi ence. Scattered through the large loom were many members of both houso and eenato who were not to enter the competition. There were also present wives and daughters who sat nervously watching to see how Why Visitors to Capital IV is interesting to hear visitors to the White Houbo relate the pur poses for which they desire to see tho president. With many It Is a mat ter of Idle curiosity Some want to see it ho is taller than they thought he wns, whether his eyes are blue, whether ho Iibh a dimplo when he Biniles, and a myriad of small dotails that would be thought ordinarily of little consequence, aud yet it is these very details that go to make up the popular impression of a public serv ant. At a recent reception one solemn vlsaged man, evidently a professor, was standing in line shuffling his foot. He was 'an oxceodlngly well-read gen tleman, and called attention to tho fact that 25 of tho 27 presidents of . tho United States had parental ances tors in tho British Isles England hav ing 1G, Scotland two, Ireland three, und Wales one. Martin Van Buren and Theodore Itoosoyelt represented a Dutch ancestry, ho said, and tho curi ous fact is noted that although Prance I has been so closely associated with the birth and history of tho country, there has not been a president of French or Latin blood. "But with the Influx of immigration from tho south of Eu rope," said tho professor, as he shift ed to tho other foot, "this condition is sure to change." The physiognomy of the men today as compared with tho portraits of men who had lived iu former times pre sents a most Interesting study. Tho He Can Tell Them by the OF the several hundred police chiefs who canio hero for tho con vention one of tho moat interacting characters is Chief Henry Currau of Nashville, Tenn, In addition to having one of tho best regulated departments In the country, Chief Gurran attained fame Juno 4, 1908, at Detroit, Mich., when tho police convention mot there, by throwing a colored mnn out of a restauarnt when he attempted to eat at the same table. A warrant for Cumin's arrest was sworn out, but before it could bo served the chief grabbed a train and Men Skated and Women THE crowd that frequents tho soda fountain at thn drug store at the corner of F nnd Flftoenth streets, just across from tho Treasury building, where women In tholr new gowns leave the street cars' to commence the parade up fashlonablo F street, had a grand time fdr two hours tho other day. i A barrel of syrup dropped from the tall eud of a transfer wagon, tho head of the barrel came out, and 50 gallons of juice covered about 200 square feet of sidewalk. Five women wearing tight-fitting skirts wont down almost iu a heap when they struck tho syrup. Tho tight skirts kopt them fiom skating through, as tho men did. Soon an army of drug dorks were out "shooing" tho people around tho slick aiot and cflcortlug thoae who fell wSUJ were from these representatives of tho "common peepul" wcro going to acquit them' selves. Fourteen statesmen and an equal number of newspaper men faced "Pro feetor Houston when ho called his roll, but when after nearly an hour had elapsed, during which tlmo the teacher had selected some of tho most difficult specimens from tho well-worn "blue-backed" speller. Itopresentatlvo Frank H. Willis of Ohio was tho lono occupant of tho stage. Not only had tho doughty represen tative shamed tho press, but ho had trailed the colors of the sen'ato In the dust as well. Ills last rival was Sena tor Miles Polndcxter of Washington, who had tripped on "hydrocephalus" by adding an o to tho last syllabic. "Hydrocephalus," which for tho edifi cation of tho general public Mr. Web ster and other -authorities rfdeflno as "an accumulation of serous fluid with. In the cranial cavity," or "water In the head," appeared to bo a favorite word with "Professor" Houston and a stum bling block for hjs pupils. It had proved n Waterloo for Representative Thetus W. Sims of Tenncsseo before Senator Polndexter stumbled over it. Tho statesmen only won by "two up" however, for Ira 13. Bennett had upheld tho spelling reputation of tho press manfully, until the pronouncer nprang bdellum upon him. Ha paused to rack his brain and then made hU best effort with "dellum," which sent him from the stage, to leave the vic tory between the house and senate. Call on the President president necessarily reflects tho type of his times. Tho stately dignity of official position In yearB past, with tnll collars, stuffy cravats, laces and ruf fles, has passed away, and now in stead of gaining personal distinction through rich attire or an appearance of official position, it is studiously avoided, in response to tho popular ideas of democracy. The only op portunity accorded tho American of adorning hlmsolf in gold and laco Is in tho precincts of the lodgo room or on tho governor's staff, for even tho military Itself is becoming most se date and, unobtrusive in military trap pings. As wo waited our turn for an audi ence with tho president, there was plenty of tlmo for discussion on all theso points, for there were some 15 prospective postmasters In the ad vance guard, and progress1 was slow. As we advnnced to tho bend of the line my pedngoguo friend put on his extra pair of glasses to get a good pro file view for his ethnological study o( presidents. National Magazine. Color of Their Hair beat it for Tennessee. In the mean time hundreds of southern men and women contrlbute'd to a fund amount ing to $10,000 to dofend Curran in tho courts should he bo brought back for trial. Another thing has made Chief Cur ran famous among 1i1b brother chiefs; his ability to tell whore a negro is from by the color, kinklness and length of the hair, and shape of tho head. The other day at tho Raleigh hotel tho news of the chief's power leaked out among the colored waiters. One for curiosity asked the veteran: "Mister, can you tell whero 1'bo from?" "Take off your hat, nigger," commanded Chlof Curran. Tho waiter did so. "Why I would say 'that you were from Pensa cola, Fla.," said tho chief And tho chief was right. "Great dawd, mister, how does you do that?" tho waiter in quired. Tho chief figured out this way; "Negroes from Pcnsacola and that particular section of Florida havo a peculiar reddish hair." Flopped in Spilled Syrup Into the store to havo their clothes cleaned. Threo men who dashed to the rescue of women lost tholr feet nnd went down with them. Twenty-tilx skirts nnd fourteen mon's suits suffered. Several women whoso sklrta weio a little high and who wore up-to-date summer under-outflts declined the offer of drug-store help and hurried Iwmo. KpiHul;.aK,'4Mf,--,IKi ,i&j Iflb. v- J!ki fv AS1- Wk irfiiTi w tTTlaMrfrrTSanfia?i v r51i2ljfriisol i hbeS1-1 - , , HI,,,, n," tt llpll , JniZf In tho open forest at Hlverdale, near New York, about seventy-flvo IroquolB IndlanB from tho Lake Krlo res ervation have boen helping In the presentation of Longfellow's poom, "Hiawatha." The performances, wcro tindor tho direction of F. E. Mooro of Mlddletown, O., and for the benoflt of tho Woman's Municipal loague. PLAGUE rt- New England Shore Lice Victim of Mosquitoes. Salt Marshes Furnish Principal Part of Pest and as They Are Large and Voracious Feeders They Make Life a Burden. Patorson, N. J. The salt marshes along tho coast furnish tho prlnclpnl part of tho mosquito plaguo In most of the Now England states. Contrary to tho habits of most mosquitoeB, thoso of the salt marsh species fly in- The Brown Salt Marsh Mosquito. land long distances, nnd as they aro large and vory abundant, and aro vora cious feedors they make Ufa a burden to many inhabitants. There are two species of mosquitoes which breed abundantly on tho salt marshes nnd which are commonly called tho brqwn salt marsh mosquito and tho banded snlt marsh mosquito. The brown species breed upon tho marsh early In the season, going long distances Inland in oenrch of food. About July first, it is almost wholly replaced by tho banded species, which remains during tho rest of the season. The general methods of mosquito control aro: (U A draining or the marshes; (2) oiling the breeding pools, nnd (3) screening of all rain water rocoptacles. The first draining Is the method which should be used for the permanent control of the mos qulto nuisance; the second may bo employed temporarily until draining can bo done, nnd tho third should re ceive attention each year. Where mosquito larvae or wrigglers aro found In any pool, they may be Tho Banded Salt Marsh Mosquito. killed In a few minutes by spreading a film of oil over tho surface of tho water. It is necessary for tho larvae to come to the surfaco about oner each two minutes to brentho, and the oil not only preventa tho air from en tering their respliatory system, but ft M OF COAST also enters their breathing tubes, de stroying tho tissues, and they soon die. The oil must bo applied about onco each ten days to keep tho pool In a safo non-breeding condition For this purpose ordinary" koroseno, which can bo purchased from any grocer, will answer. Some prefer a heavier oil, called light fuel oil. Oiling, at Its best. Is but a tem porary expedient, and should be prac ticed on the salt marshes only until tho marshes can be drained. In mid summer tho tall vegetation often ob scures many small breeding places, and llkewlso makes It difficult to dis tribute the oil on tho surfaco of tho water, where needed, most of it strik ing tho vegetation. A convenient method of applying oil Is by means of small comprossed air sprayers with cylinders of galvanized sheet iron. Each cylinder contains a pressure pump and will hold about ten and one-half gnllons of liquid. It may be carried In the hand or held by a strap thrown over tho Bhoulder. Such nn outfit, Including short pieces of hose with nozzlo, may bo purchased for about $4.50. A two-foot extension rod is almost a necessity and costs 35 cents extra. Whero largo areas aro to bo treated barrels of oil should be distributed at various, convenient points, in or around the marsh. Tho amount of oil to bo applied Is one fluid ounce to each 15 squaro feot of water surface. A less quantity will often fall to kill the wrigglers. MAN ASKS FOR DEPORTATION To Win a $10,000 Wager Frenchman Who Started Tour Years Ago In Hurry to Return. Now York. Louis Grandjoan, who declares that ho will win a $10,000 wa ger if ho arrives in Paris by July 15, Is hoping to got tho Immigration au thorities to deport lilm. Ton years ago, ho Bays, ho left Paris lo win tho $10,000 stnko put up at tho Jockey club tliero that boforo July 15, 1913, ho could not visit ovory country in tho world, always working his way, never being subsidized or accepting charity. Penniless nnd hungry, ho applied to tho police for his arrest on n charge of vagrancy, but when ho found that ho might bo sentenced to tho work house for six months ho snw It would Interfere with his getting to ParlB In time, so he pleaded not guilty and was released. Ho took tho advlco of tho police and will seek to bo deported. , Grand Jean passed through Now York In 1908 nnd called upon Mayor McClellan at tho time. Since then ho has been h11 through this country, Can ada, Japan, Australia, tho Philippines, Panama and South America, so ho says. BOYS MURDER THEIR FATHER Remarkable Crime Reported From Italian Town Lads Make Confession. rtomo. At Ctnosa, Apuglla, two boys, Eugenlo and Vlncenzo Grano, aged sixteen and foiteen years re spectfully, have killed their father, Domlnlco Grano, who was seventy-ono years of age. The old Grano had lll-troatcd his sons, and while he was sleeping one of tho boys took a revolver and emp tied nil the chambeis nt his father The latter was wounded, and ho was rushing at tho boy when tho other son Btruck him with tho hntchot. Tho old man died almost Immediately from his injuries. The boys have boon nrrested and havo confessed tholr crime. Insults U. 3. Flag; Men Strike. Hoboken, N. J. Hecnuso a Canadian referred to tho American flag as n "dirty old rag," 150 of his American fellow-workers at tho Fletcher Iron works havo gono on a strike. They refuse to return until the Canadlau Is dismissed. LEWIS 0I INDIVIDUAL EFFORT Junior Senator From Illinois Speaki to Graduating Class of Univer sity of Georgia. Athens, Gn. Senator James Hamil ton Iewls of Illinois addressed tho graduating class of tho University of Georgia. Tho senator's address was dovoted to nn effort to revive tho doc trlno of individualism and confldonco In tho citizen as such, nnd to combat, ViB ho. said "tho proaont tondency to bellovo that nothing can be dono ex cept by co-operation of many men; and to revlvo tho doctrluo that tho in dividual citizen is, after all, tho sourco of all form of relief nnd rem edy In a freo government." "Let there bo tho fulfillment of tho order of God In tho workings out of tho Individual In his own given or di rected way, and thus achieve for him- SSsVBlBMflBIV V Senator J. Hamilton Lewis. self his relief, and through ench the relief of all," contlnuod Senator Lew is. "In this way, all aro served by each, as la tho courso of tho wholo law of naturo. "Oy this courso of Individualism, man Is restored to a prido in hlmsolf and to a confidence In his Individual possibilities. Ho Is inspired by tho knowledge that It is in himself that tho futuro of tho country and tho prosperity of citizenship roposes. Ho awakens to this nnd moves out to nchlovo It." TERRIER RESCUES 4 KITTENS Carries Them One by One From Burn ing Top Floor to Safety In Rear of Back Yard. San Francisco., Cal. Four llttlo mothorless kittens owe their lives to Ulancn, a fox terrier. One day when tho flat at D74 Grovo street caught fire and the rooms nnd halls wore filled -with smoko, lllaucn, who had adopted tho kittens, kopt her head and through tho turmoil that followed curried her foster children to safoty. Through stairways filled with dro mon nnd excited tenants Hlunca made four trips to tho top floor und each time returned with n kitten In her mouth. Kiich trip Hlancn would tako a kit ten to tho fur end of the back yard, out of danger, and after placing It gently on tho ground would dart back again (or unothor ono. When all four had been carried out of harm's way tho torrlor dovoted her tlmo to com forting her wards by licking tholr fur und running around them. No one was allowed to approach. When Hlunca'B puppy dlod she dls appeared one nftornoon and returned with n kitten in her mouth. Shu did not stop until four had been brought homo aud since that time sho hat cared for tho llttlo creaturoB with s devotion that only a dug can show. , Innocent Man Two Years In Jail. Topokn, Kan Convicted nnd Ira prisoned two years ngo on a charge ot robbery because a bloodhound Bc-em-ed to direct suspicion to him, George Horton wnB released from tho stat penitentiary whon evidence found ro contly proved his lunocenco. Didn't Know Whero to Stop. "Tho grcnt men aro all dead," she eald, with evident regroL "But tho beautiful women aro not," ho replied, looking earnestly nt her. "Of courso," sho ndded, after a mo mont's reflection, ') always excopt prosont company." "So do I," ho said. ' Then oho asked If ho would bo good enough to conduct her to her husband. Judge. Important to Mothers Xhtamlno carefully ovory bottle ot OASTOIUA, a safe and aure remedy for inf&nta and children, and see that it IIm h Signature ot CjArtnjfii In Use For Over 80 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher Caatorisi To Get Father's Consent. "Sir," began tho young man nerv ously, "I wish to ask your consent for my marrlngo with your daughter." "Eh?" quickly rejoined tho parent. "What ot your Incorao? la it sufficient to support a wife?" "It is," boldly roturned tho rightly nottled aspirant; "and, what la more. It's sufficient to stand an occasional touch from my wlfo's father!" "Thon she's your, my son!" Bees Addicted to "Dope." Just add this ono to all the quoer things that havo hnpponcd in tho year of graco 1013 and bellovo It's true, be cause W. E. Baker, deputy auditor ot tho Btato ot Ohio, says ho can Drove it The honey bees near Fostorla, which la Baker's homo town, havo contract ed tho opium habit Llko tho Chlncso, they got t holts from tho poppy. Bak er and many other residents ot Fos torla grow oriental popples. Tho boos have found this out, and of Into they aro, leaving acres ot clover blossoms to hunt out tho poppy bodB. Thoy work vory vigorously for an hour or bo and thon fall to the ground apparently as stupefied as are opium smokers after "hitting the pipe." Fostorla (Ohio) dispatch U Now York Sun. After This He Went. It wns gottlng very lato, aud tho dear girl had smothered yawn after yawn. Still Mr. Staylate showed no signs of going homo. Fathor wound up tho clock. Mother let tho cat out, and still ho stayed and stayed. "Won't you sing something. Miss Mlnnlo?" ho suddenly naked. ' "Why, Mr. Staylato," Bho replied, with another yawn, "don't you know It is considered unlucky to ing bo foro breakfast?" Red Croni Dull Blue, alt blue, bait bluloir value In the world, mijto the laundress tmlle. Adv. Tho belles ot tho Pahoulna, a West African trlbo, ahavo tho koad and then dye It yollow. "BE GAME" Don't allow a weak stomach, lazy liver and clogged bowels to put you "in bad," Always be game, and help nature overcome such trouble by taking Hosteller's STOMACH BITTERS It strengthens the entire 'inner man" and drives out all Stomach, Liver and Bowel Ailments. Make the start today. DAISY FLY KILLER t urttSU ft SIM. KmI, duo, or DautDlal.oonTaoliot. ekup. Lftiti all ain. Uad of meUI, can't iplllor tip orrj will not toll or Injur anything-, (luaranteed ffctlT. AlldsBlareorlxat ipran palil for II. 00. AEOLD I0MHI, ltO DiKatb Ai Srkla. H. T. DEFIANCE STARCH Is constantly growing in favor because it Docs Not Stick to the Iron and it will not injure the finest fabric. For laundry purposes it has no equsL 16 ox. package 10c 1-3 more starch for same money. DEFIANCE STARCH CO., Omaha, Nebraska banish your Winkles iwta&titil UbM with" Vi'lTo"tliionKr'jtKuaranlo(l two- part combination trraliurnti If It dues not do the work Jou gn jour limner tmrk! writs lodar to Rockr lonuulu Specialty Co , U,i Walnut bt., ltonter.Ool. J?RXflM Watiiun T!.CoIemanfWub Inttan.n.O. Itooltafre. HUh. tut rvfiTBBoea. Boat mult.