"irs feather Etltched In silk. Laco and net baga filled with rolls of cotton, each tied with baby ribbon should soil for fifty or Beventy-flvo cents, and they nro most attractive. If a can of tal cum powder Is put on tho bugs with the cotton "fluffs" they should sell for a dollar. Thoso aro now and practi cal. Have a tea room for tho "Modern Prlscllla," with girls In Puritan cos tumes to Berve. Other magazines may be used if occasion dernahds. NOTES a-MEM)OWBR00K Cater u tho public. Spray the vegetables Never pasture too clowly. Sheep aro sonsitlvo creatures. It takes about eight weeks to grow a broiler. Warm barns do not always conduce to health and vitality. It la well to havo cows and holtera pmipr POOR HOGS ARE COSTLY ON AVERAGE 'FARM - FARM &f?c 3ynmmt Bjiertawtflettf if mj 8 ' J ' W f ULh Ba A Magazine Bazar. Money making schemes aro always (In demand for church fairs, and this 'one, suggested by Julia Benedict, Bcems to mo to bo practical and would havo a touch of novelty so requisite In ,theB0 days when there seems to be scarcely anything now. I would sug gest that each of the magazines rep resented should bo written to (adver tising manager) and see if a liberal commission would not bo allowed on all subscriptions taken, und no doubt they would bo glad to furnish posters and placards that could be used In the decortalvo part of the booths. They will also furnish subscription blanks. I have enlarged upon tho idea, and in dividual committees must arrange to BUlt their convenience. Have "The Literary Digest" be the supper room, for to he a success a supper should be a part of tho plan, and then let "Good Housekeeping" havo all sorts of things for tho house, like dustlcss dusters, Ironing holders, utility bags, broom bags, wash cloths, kitchen aprons, etc. The dustless dusters are made of either white .or black cheeso cloth dipped in a preparation made of equal parts of kerosene and paraffin oil. Dip them and hang out doors to dry at least twenty-four hours before they are to bo folded and put up in manila envelopes. They should sell for twenty cents. "Table Talk" or "What to Eat" should havo home made jellies, cakes, pies and candles for sale, and any oth er home mado viands that will sell. Take orders for cakes, etc., to be de livered when needed. "The Woman's Homo Companion" may havo all sorts of sewing necessi ties ncedlo books, work baskets, cases of scissors, work bags, etc. For tho "Ladles' World" tho dainty lin gerie, so dear to every woman's heart, handkerchiefs, filmy tea aprons and any other feminine belongings, such as boudoir caps, satin garters, fancy bags and bed pillows of. finest whlto material made up over pink and bluo satin slips. t "St. Nicholas" will have articles for Christmas with "Mr. and Mrs. Santa ClauB" and their assistants to take charge. Have evergreen trees, plen tifully sprinkled with cotton and dia mond dust, red candles and an abund ance of tree ornaments. In fact, if it can be so arranged, it would bo a good plan to havo somo of the articles for Bala attached to tho tree. "Little Folks" or any preferred magazine de voted to woo children should be tho booth devoted to infants' wear, wee liot wator bottles, prettily covered with pink and bluo outing flannel or elder idown will have a ready sale as well las fine wash cloths of cheese cloth PARISIAN GOWN MODEL OF CERISE FLOWERED CREPE AND CHIFFON. A Hobby Party. We all have hobbies whether wo. rido the "horso" hard or not, thero Is always jUBt some one thing we like to do or to havo better than anything else; so to enliven a church soclnl tho entertainment committee asked each guest to wear an nrticlo to represent his or her favorlto fad. Thero was the boy who had tho stamp collecting fever at Its height, ho appeared with a stamp for a scarf pin, another glutfd on to a huge ring ns a sotting, four ot fivo glued to his coat lapel in lieu ol a bouquet. Tho silk quilt worker had her frock plentifully patched with Bilk squares of tho patterns sho was mak ing or desired to make and tho would be artist had water color and pen and Ink sketches on her dress with n peaked hat made of water color paper which had marino scenes upon it. Tho airship fiend had a miniature flying machine (found at tho toy coun ter; worn around his neck and the golf suit. Tho sailor boy was in whlto duck with a "middy" cap and tho .young miss who was learning to cook carried a ring and chain from which dangled, spoons, egg beater, flour sift er, etc. It is needless to say that this was the merriest kind of a party, far different from tho average church so cial. There was no lack of animated conversation and to make things moro interesting when all sat down to re freshments, which wero served nt binall tables, each ono was asked to tell in two minutes tho merits of his especial hobby. This meeting turned out to bo quite an exchange not only of ideas, but of, materials, for every ono found out what tho other fellow was interested in and some saved Btnmps and others silk pieces and others gave cherished recipes and all found even thoso whom they thought dull and Btupid wero most Interesting when led to talk upon what was uppermost to them. A Bachelor Girl's "Shower." Just because we are not married Our lovers too long having tarried Is no reuBon wo can see Why wo should not showered be! After this convincing rhymo came an invitation from "Polly" and her best girl chum who decided to keep house for tho summer to como to their "moving In" party on tho day and date given. "Polly" said she didn't see why they should not havo somo of tho fun ex perienced by engaged girls and brides and they needed just tho solf same things even though they were doomed (by choice) to singlo blessedness. It all turned out a very jolly affair. Pic tures wero put up, dishes unpacked, washed and put on the shelves of tho tiny china closet. The guests brought shelf paper, hammer and tacks, cans of delicacies for tho "emergoncy" closet, broom bags and brooms and all sorts of articles that would go to mako up a "miscellaneous shower." MME. MERRI. GREATLY ADMIRED Start a good hedge. A windmill saves money. Goats llko sunflower leaves. , Silage novor goes out of season. Market eggs at least twice a week. Oct rid of tho hen caught on tho nest. that Ib never Tho warmer tho weather tho corn should be fed to poultry. less It Is better to cut a chicken's head off than to let hint eat it off. Tho cow that is nlways bawling is seldom best at filling the pall. Tho modern poultry house havo ev erything Inside It easily movable Tho dairy cow offered for sale "cheap" thoso dayB Is not to bo trust ed. Head off the llco and mlte3. Now Is tho tirno to thrust In tho whitewash brush. Just because the calf Is large and thrifty is no sign It will bo a wonder ful cow. Unless very poor, better give blue grass a top-dressing Instead of trying to re-seed It Feed at regular hours and the fowls will always be ready and waiting for their list meal. Tho common curly lettuce Ib tho best for early use. Head lettuce Is better for late sowing. Breeding stock cannot be divorced from outdoor exercise without being injured moro than benefited. In a corn-growing territory cow peas aro mostly grown with corn, sowing broadcast or otherwise Bo sure tho flock has plenty of fresh water. If the sheep drink from springs, keep tho approaches dry. Corn silage Ib a safe feed for lambs when It Is free from mold and docs nojt contain an excessive amount of acid. Commercial growers or plums and peaches who have trlod thinning con sider it very Important in getting good fruit. Rotation of crops is ono of tho sim ple, practical methods of increasing tho productivity of the farm and dis tributing labor. An acre of corn yielding eight tons of silage will keep four cows 180 days an aero of pasture will .keep only ono cow that long. A well built grape trellis not only Improves tho looks of tho back yard, but affords excellent shade, besides increasing tho yield of fruit. Tho sweet cherry Ib the only treo fruit that can be universally Bet out in tho fall successfully and bo better than for spring setting. These nrd gala days for lice. Fight them strong and hard. Kerosene will do deadly work. Pour it In every crack and crevice. Don't spare it. In picking strawberries it should be borne in mind that bruised fruit will not stand shipping. A careless picker has no place In a strawberry Held. What a young sow loses In growth, that she should mnke before farrow ing hor first Utter, it Ib questionable whether sh can ever bo mado to make it up. With hogs It Is not best to crowiH tho breeding stock to their full ca pacity. A thrifty growth without too much fat Is best for tho stock Intend ed for breeders. Corn breeders claim that It Is pos sible to doublo their crops by im proved methods. Is It not possible for us to doublo our pig crop with out keeping moro sows? Tho richest color of tho cream Is when It flrst rises to tho surface, and If churned in that condition tho butter will bo yellow If It remains exposed to the light und changes of tempera ture tho rich yellow color disappears. Live stock men say that Improved methods of feeding and marketing hogs, together with tho publfc demand for moro lean meat and less fat In the pork lino, expluins tho decrease In weight. Tho sumo Ib true about cattle. Doef steers are averaging much light er than thirty years ago. ) In good flesh at calving tlmo. Don't uso second hand packuges for your comb or oxtractcd honey. - Measuro out your grain according to the work your horses aro doing. Hogs nro susceptlblo to rheumatism It allowed to sleep In wot or damp beds. Underfeeding Ib responsible for moro small milk yields than is a poor cow. The home garden needs rotation Just as much as any other part of tho furra. Tho health of every anlmnl should be carefully watched and every symp tom treated. Keep tho mud cleaned off the hoi sea' legs and they will not havo cracked heels. Ono of the big arguments In favor ol tho incubator Ib that tho chlck arc not born lousy. A llttlo moro olbow grease used In keeping tho premlsos clean will often preveut disease. Sweet corn Is a very profltnblo crop Ono reason for this Is becauso It la so easily handled. Keeping two cows to do tho work ot one constitutes tho biggest loak In tho dairy business. Handle tho youug boar carefully. Tench him to obey tho word, and to wnlk ahead of you. Ilnndlo the brood sows so that the young pigs will begin to grow from tho tlmo of their birth. A half pint of carbolic acid In two gallons of water makes a good disin fectant for any purpose. Fine rotted manure from the sta bles may bo applied with great bene fit to grass If spread early. Try a few moth balls In tho ncstlnB material of setting hens and tho virmln will be loss troublesome Can you get ten pounds ot pork out ot a bushel of corn? That Is what the big men tell us wo ought to do. Butter for market containing color ing matter must be so labeled where tho coloring matter Is Injurious as n food. Tho amount ot milk In tho pall Is about tho only "mark" of a good milk cow that may always bo depended upon. A dipper of very warm wator turned over cabbage heads several times dur ing the season, will destroy cnbbngo worms. Many growers say that weeds aro as valuable as fertilizers as clover and cowneaB If they aro turned un der every year. Keep on the constant lookout to de stroy insect eggs and cocoons fre quently seen nenr rubbish hcapB and on tho bark of trees. To rid tho hen house of mites get a 25-cent spray pump and spray ovory crack and crevice with coal oil. Re peat this every two weeks. Some fruit growers say that It Is not a good plan to plow nn orchard when tho trees are In blossom bet ter do It before or after. Good digestion Is tho result of food Ing enough to sustain tho animal, but not enough to keep tho stomach In an overloaded condition all tho time. It Is better to glvo tho crop a thor ough soaking once a weok, than to sprinkle lightly over It. Light sprink ling tends to keep the roots near the surface. Tho summer silo Is a grand thing for tho dairy farmer, but It takes a tremendous amount of pounding to wake some ot us up to a realization of that fact. It is a mistake to think that hogs oi any other animals can shift for thorn selves whllo tfioy aro young, and then expect that you can mako up for such neglect In tho end. Warts on cattle or horses can bo killed by applying castor oil well rubbed in twice a day for a week or two. Rating warts out with acids docs not glvo satisfaction, but castor oil Heems to destroy them loot and branch. Indigestion In older calves Is usu ally due to unclean milk or feed, un clean vessels, close confinement In dark, insanitary stalls and Irregular or excesslvo feeding. In somo cases It appears to be duo mainly to sheer weakness and Inability to digest. vV ""fgr-iy ""- ji "" iwmm. in i i i in, i n'l . ii inji intJ Champion Englloh I havo never clearly understood why most farmers arc opposed to getting rid of tho mongrel breed ot twine and getting hold of a hotter, bigger, thrift ier anlmnl. Tho hog flesh that Is capablo of turning corn and slops and good pasture grasses Into pork quick ly is tho vntlety every man of us needs. Thero Is a shortage of meats that Ib world-wide at tho present tlmo, says a writer in tho Farm ProgrcsB. Prices nro good, they may or may not bo higher, it Is tlmo for the farm er to tnko a greater advantngo of his opportunities In tho way of meat production. In this connection, It may as well bo understood that the man who buys his hogs and hla feed will not mako a great deal on tho transaction. The flrst consideration of tho hog raiser Is to grow his own feed. Breeding bin own animals Ib tho second. Got rid of tho rundown, worn out breeds It you have, hogs of that char acter. To mako money on porkers grow tho 200, 300 and 400 pound animals. Stringy, razor-backodirnngy animals will eat as much corn us tho moro compact hogs that turn corn and slops Into money. Tho boar is a big consideration. Got a hood ono for yourself or If this Is Imposslblo buy ono in partnership with ono or two of your neighbors. Thon wait for results boforo giving up tho projoct and slipping buck Into tho old way. Pick out tho host bowb you have, buy a fow more If neces sary, and glvo Bomo consideration to pasturage Keep tho boar and tho brood sows and tho young pigs out of tho horso lot and give them a chanco to grow. Dry lots, wood pastures, cIobo pons and barren Holds are not suitable for keeping tho hog where a profit Is to bo expected. Twenty years ago thero wero men In this community who mado a great deal of nionoy from mast-fod hogs. Thnt was 'beforo tho days of tho "Btock law" and thoro was much timber. Now tho timber Is pret ty well gone, but somo men still ex pect to partially fatten their hogs by allowing thorn to run In woods pas tures during tho Into fall. A certain part of tho farm will havo to bo set a8ldo for tho production of hog feed If their roaring Is to bo n success. Tho number of acres re quired will, of couse, dopund upon tho number of hogs that ura to bo MULE IS OF MORE VALUE THAN HORSE If Properly Broken, Animals Ex cel Horses for General Farm Work Eats Less. Mules can bo worked when threo years old, though they do not reach their maturity until seven years of ago. Tholr tompor, health and usefulness depend very much on tho manner ot breaking thorn, Bays a writer In tho Baltimore Amorican. Tho so-called stubbornness an obstinacy of tho mule arises chlofly from tho abuse ho Is wont to recelvo when young. Ho Boldom, If over, bites or kockB thoso who treat him kindly. Tho mulo can do moro work and needs less grain than tho horso, ho is loss liable to disease and recovers from sickness nnd Injury quicker than a horse Ho works better when old and holds out longer. Ho seldom takeB fright or runs away. For hoayy hauling and In making up spans select thoso of 15 to 16 hands high. Thoso of Blmllur dispositions should bo chos en and put together, so they will work together with a will. For working small crops in tho garden, for nny kind of farm work, tho mulo will bo round much tho most economical work animal to own. Ono pair of medium Blzed mules can bp kept on less grain than a pair of tho same sized horses; they do not need so much grain. Nearly all our truckers use mules. Wo havo for a numbor of years used mules ex clusively on our farms. For teamlug tho mulo lu tho anlmnl to havo. For cultivating vogotubleH In nar row rows tho small mule weighing un der 1,000 pounds should be chosen. MuleB aro high In prlco this Benson, a pair of medium sized youug broken mules Is worth $350 to ?100. Small truck mules may bo had for $250 per span. Planting Mulberries for Birds. Slnco mulberries havo begun to ripen tho trees huvo been vlalted by all sorts of birds, which select this fruit in preference to cherries. Orch ardists ought to plant mulberry trees to "encourage tho visits ot birds which thus servo as a protection to ebonies, raspberries, perm, etc. Tho treoa aro easily propagated, tho fruit ripens earlv and la augo quantities. Berkshire 8ow. put on tho market. It will depend, too, upon tho kind of food that Is be ing grown. In my opinion, corn 1b about tho best feed that can bo given tho hogs on tho nvorngo farm. Hog raising ought to bo ns much n part of tho regular farming opera tions us tho growing ot crops, Uio rearing of cnttlu and tho handling of meadows. Unless conditions aro un usual n hog farm Is hardly likely to pay. But tho hog should bo a part of tho-regular production of any nnd all farina whOro cropa of a feeding value nro grown. Wo ought to grow all tho porkors thnt enn bo oconoml-" cally grown and fed. Tho hog Ih a mortgago-llttcr and n buuk-roll iuttouer In these later ears. Tho profltB In his carcass rnajl bo renched by nny man having a fow or many acres. Tho slow spread ot the breeding ot hotter hogs la bound to mako tho business moro profltnblo In tho future. Tho principal argument advnncei against tho better broods of hogs Is that they aro not altogether suited to tho conditions on tho nvorngo farm. It la urged that tho bettor-class hop baa grown under moro favorablo nr tnngomentu nnd that ho Is Inferior to the nondescript In not being ablu to tnko care ot himself. That Ib n mistake In tho first plnco any hog, thnt Is prolltablo must bo glvon proper sheltering, pasturngo and ra tions. If tho chango Is gradual the objection will not bo truo In any caso. By getting a good boar, Bay a pure bred Berkshire, putting him nt- the head of tho hord, this can bo proven, it Is possible to got a good boar with out sending 800 or 1,000 mlloB for him. Usually ho can bo secured pret ty clono to homo, and ho Is already acclimated. A puro-brcd boar, used with a herd of ordinary brood sows, will booBt tho moat production of tho farm by about ono-thlrd and tho fat tening will not require an ear moro ot corn, or a pound moro of slops In hl feed. Wo fought to got rid of tho razor back typo that oat moro corn without results than do tho antmalB thnt luvvo boon bred for generations with tho idoa of turning out nn animal thnt can turn every grain to profit. Whllo blue-ribbon types nro not adapted to ordinary farm conditions, tho .hog with tho breeding back of him will pay in tho end. SPRAY TO PREVENT , BLIGHT OF POTATO Disease Is Most Destructive Id July and August Amount Required Per Acre. ICarly potato blight Is Hablo to at tack the potato crop ut any tlmo from Juno until tho crop Ib ripo, but in most seriously destructive In July and August. It attacks tho foliage Professor Kohlor of tho Minnesota experiment station doubts If It will bo profltnblo to typray early plantings ol early varieties. If, however, others dnslro to do st ho advises spraying when plants aro small, nnd a contlnuanco of tho treat mont evory ten days until at Ions! ten per cent of tho leaf surface It dying, when It will bo useless to Bpray longer. In rainy woathorspray Ing should bo moro frequent. Twenty five to H5 gallons ot Bordeaux pur acr will bo required for tho treatment when tho plants aro small, and as thoj advance lu growth tho amount will need Increasing to 60, 60 or 7G gal lons per acre. i Spraying for early blight on latoj varieties ot tho Rural Now Yorker, type of potatoes hau provod prollt ablo at tho Minnesota station. Spray ing lato varlotloa of the Rural Now1 Yorkor typo may bo dolayed until tho curliest planting of early varieties lrj tho locality shows signs of tho preu4 once of the dlscaso, when spraying should bo Immediately applied at the; rate of GO to 75 gallons of Hordeau.V per acre followed with spraying ol nn equal amount every ton days in good weather. In rainy weather spray, moro frequently. Cost of Feeding Cows. Tho cost of feeding tho average dairy cow In tho United States fo 12 months la $21, according to stu tlBtlcs gathered by ono ot tho big dairy cnttlo societies. Thero may bo cowb In tho herd that do nut earuj their keep. Tho Uabcuok toster will' detect thorn. Bio Idaho Yields. At tho state- experiment station all Woostor, tho crops havo uvornged, fori n term of yours, about twlco as much to tho aero nu tho usual ylold of alM grain Holds in Ohio.