The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 11, 1913, Image 10

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Absolutely without profit just to convert Merchandise into Cash and
clean up our large Stdck
mik b
Lf U y
-$$$ will do business for pleasure and not for gain by offering roiir clean
and high grade stock of Islerfs and Boy s Wearables at;; from
iiiim tfcimif ni'i niiiiiiiiiii iwiwiiiimiii' in muni nn i m
. Lot riens mglr toad Slides worth uptpo at pi.iir
I Lot Meit9s and Boys9 Caps worth up to $1 at 2Sc0
We are overloaded on Boys' Long Pants and Knee Pants Suits, ora which we will gladly split the price with you. Time and space C
prohibits detail in this add. It is our desire, however, io give to tne public the same cordial welcome without profits during this
sale as at any other time. You will be treated more than right and our offerings will excel! both in quality anc? price those offered elsewhere.
Stylplus Clothes
Excepted . . .
Watch our win
dows for specials
Special Election Called
For August 19th.
Elsewhere is published an ordinance
authorizing a special election to bo held
August 19th nt which voters will exer
cise their suffrage on whether or no wo
shall havo Sunday huso bull. At this
same election there will bo submitted
two othor propositions; one voting
bonds for tho construction of a. city
hull. nnd the other bonds for paving
troot intersections. The ballJSpreposi
tlnn is not of much interest to Tho
Tribune, but tho city hall and the street
paving nre two questions which are of
vital interest to all.
Tho main feature of the city hall
proposition is that it Is to provide a
homo for tho flro department. This is
narticulorlv important at this tlmo for
tho reason that interest has been lost
In the department by tho younger elo
montofour men to whom we must
look for our service. The lost Interest
i. Urcr'alv due to tho lack of occommo.
Nations provided for the firemen; these
accommodations not having kept pace
with the development of the city; In
fact lhy aro no bottom if as good, as
-when tho department was first organized
vir a. auarter of a century ago. With
well equipped quarters for the appara
tus and & sulUblo meeting or club
roqm for tha members, new life would
be injected Into the department, the
membership quota wouiu ue iun, "
the boys would then have reason to
feel that tholr services are appreciated;
, ronti there is no evidence that
their work Is given any thought by the.
average citizen. It is an unawpuwu
claim that tho wolfaro of the city de
mindi that then bo at least two paid
firemen, ono of whom will bo on duty at
tho fire house during tho day and one
at night, so that tho apparatus can be
gotten ready in an instant for a run to
a fire. It may bo arguod that such has
not boen provided in the past and may
ndl be needed In the future; but this
..Anm.nt u not sound buslnoss. Our
property during all these years has
been in jeopardy for tho reason that
a loss of fivo minutes In getting to afire
during a windstorm might mean an un
controllable ftro and a property loss
. mnny times tho cost of n city hall.
The street paving proposition Is ono
that should strongly and favorably
appeal to tho resident who for twonty
fivo or thirty years has seen a nllijb of
money expended on Dowoy and ITocus't
streets. Tho bonds as proposed wquld
be fur tho purpose of having the street
' intersections, the cost of tho paving be
tween tho cross streets to bo borne- by
tho ownor of ubuitlng property. The
ilistiiets to bo pnvfd woujd b DuVrey
and LociiHt streets from Front to Sec
ond, two thoroughfuroB on which thero
is tho. greatest traffic:. In tho work of!
street paving, North Plntta is much be
hind the uverngo Nebraska or western
town. Grand Island atarted several
years ago to pave it streets and so
popular did it prove right at tho begin
ning that proporty owners wore anxious
that tho work be extended andincrqased
as rapidly ns possible, and sincu thoa
more or loss paving has- been doma- in
each year.
It is truo that first expense- i rather
heavy, but tho work i permanent, tho
cost qf up keep for a long term, of years
is practically nothing, so that is tho
long run it is not only cheaper but. you.
have good streets all tho tlmo.
Tho Tribuno trusts that our voters
will fully acquaint themsolvea witfia the
merits of these two propositions, and
that they will satisfy thomsolvos. that
both should be successful on August
19th. '
An Old Debt Paul.
Lincoln county's treasury was or
rlched yesterday by tha sum of five
hundred dollars which was paid on an
old debt owed by McPheraon county.
This debt was contracted eleven yean
qgo, and represented jail charges of a.
prisonor sent hero byMcPhajraon county
for safe kooping. Tho prisoner was ono
named Robinson, who was charged with
murdor. There was no jail in Mc
Phorson county, hence ha was sent here
for safe keeping until tho trial waa had
in that county. He was detained her a
number of months, and at the end of
tho Incarceration tho jail fees amounted
to about seven hundred dollars,
A bill was filed with the McPhorson
county commissioners, but thero novor
was sufllclont money to pay tho claim.
It was suggested sevoral .times
Boys School Encampment. '
The State Board of Agriculture is
providing for n sanitary camp for tho
first nnnual sessian of the Boya State
Fair School to bt- held at the State Fair
Ground, Lincoln, from Auguot 31 to
September ,6, incluorve. Two boys will
bo admitted fronveach of the-nitre ty
two counties of Netoroika. Oxu ttfiifil
represent the rural schools and one tbe
town schools. The age1 of the applicants
must be over sixteen and under twersiy
ono years. In each county a oommittee
consisting of the ohairman t( tie-
County Commissioners; the president f
the County Agricultural! Society andithu-
County Saperintendontr shall selewt Uw
delegates. Boys in Luiaoln county-wb
caro to be applicants will mot tbc-
nbovo nalmedwnmitteiI?fothPatte
on Wednesday, July Iffth, at 10M at.
m. They will be taken to the EJcperi'
menta) station and showmcuverthe fhenu..
Upon returning the tw boys whowrito-tltct-
beat account of U trip witti bar
avlected as defecates from this-county.
liach boy writ pay .iKn-UU to ewvr
board, tuition, and inciilieatals,-' acdlall
railvoad fare op to $5.0du Railroalar
imexcoiof $5.00 will bo-paid' bjr tho-j
LadkoraJH Chwxk.
Th Lutheran Brotheebood' metrthia
week with Mr. and Mrs; AV.T. Bbt.
Another Rood meeting: vras, naliJ and
tho- usuat order of busira9s-was catsrted!
out after a helpful and devotional) ser
vice. Th chief thing offnteresir that
was none was trio uecaHon to ."iU a
picnic for tho church -andl Sunday school
August 14th, afternoon and evthtihg at
Doolittlo's grovo.
Tho monwero much gratified! with the
nmiAtiPA tt Mr T.. Fi Thnolfttrti wlirt
was a former membor ofi the Lutheran I nieB"
Local and P&rsonaL
C. 0 Weinvand trdnancted
in Ogalalia Wednesday
A.i-. limmitrmnnr spwic ine nrsx. or , weej.
thn week in Gothenburg on business.
The. Mink ball team will piny the
Flats nine ut Trvon Sunday. Jua S)th.
Mrs Bi F. Wilcoxfcon laft yesterday
mornehg for Gkryenne to spend Deyeral
days-with frrenda.
Automobile incuranoev. W)otflturst'e
nsurance Agency. 42
MiwJBess Mcihtyres oCHbrsbay, re-turne-J
homo yesterday after viBitrrg:
friend for a few.' days,
Mrs Arrowsmith, ouOgolaSb,. w2
vislte-Jiher fatharrN K. Glougsn. wtat
homo-yesterdajp morning:
Dr. 31ario Amos returned WdneeJy
morning fromiBotter whero-sbo'visited
h'enhrabandifor Deveral days..
Mr. El In. Bams,, of Iraxton. who was
the gusst ofr'Mssb N.. StiJI this-week, re
turn edtlhomo-yeotordhy'morning;.
Mr..Willinrea Hudd&xt amfi son re
turnedtyestoix&m morning frtam am ex
tondedlvisit in. eastern, cities witls rela
tives. Woedhurstli. insurance Agtiaey.
Every known. Hindi offlniuraaue-. North
Platte,. Neb, 423
Mbe- Virgwia. BulDard oatnetained a
number of young lades at Hfmr Tues
day evening complimentxy tz Miss
Edittii WilsGsn, of Qaaaha.
TDo Willow Eritud bala beam have
agwed to raot7 th local rahw-nttho new
athtbtic paste this; af tarnoom. A return,
gamo will & plagod at Willow Island:
For bargains, m choice residences sow
Bhchana & Ptertoa targain list, b
Rlisa Lenore Trout hns- resigned her c Ati Ordinance Na- 33 tho Dickey Ico Iream parlors-
Miss Myna Still went to- Paxton yes- N PpnV,,,, fop th, QIlhmlfcf,,ni, n tu
torday rjorning: to visit friends for a cectors of. tho citv the Question: "Shall
the placing of baseball be permitted
vithin tne aity limits ot Worth Platte
t-i 1-c . . . s. ItlUIUl WIJV Jt ! V 11111 .0 Ui i.lVlbil
mias rem rentins wencao- umana a th -,t ,)- r,f fh ,n.,b- mi
few daya-agc- tospend two.-weks witbi called Sunday, as provide.! for in chap-
friends t ter 10 of the Session Lawa. of 1913 of
the state of Nebraska.
Lincoln county instituto suit and socuro
judgment against McPhorson county,
but this was nevor done, and the claim
had almost boon forgotten. Wednesday
ono of tho McPhorson county xiommls
sUnors came to town and made a settle
ment of tho claim on a basis of $500.
Tho Mink Ball team won the game
from the Yeoman Tuesday nftornoon
by n score of UO to 2. Jonos and Hus
band were In tho box for tho Yeomon
and Miller nnd Danze for tho Minks.
James Keofo umpired tho gamo which
was witnessed by n largo number.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mang will loave
next week for Chicago to spend a month
with relativos.
church horo and ono off the fw who
saved to tho church tho-lots on Dowoy
street, tho sale of whichi lots tsnde pos-
"Rt ' 8ii)i0 the presont church building. Mr
Thoolock's speech was much enjoyed by
the men. The concluding event waa
the savory lunch and for which tlie
brotherhood oxtonded a hearty voto of
thanks and hastened home ahoad oC tho
Fur Sate.
Pony, Buggy, Harness, Saddlo and
Riding Bridle,, outfit $100.00. Inquire at
Novvton Store. .19-2
The sale of season tickets for tho
Chautauqua indicate an attendance
i equal to that of former years. Tho
lint ill iuiuiii. iiiivuia iu niuou wnu cu-
joy tho real good things in the
Chautauqua line.
Mr. aad Mrs. D. W. Besack wishi to
extontl their sincere thanks and appre
ciation to tholr many friends who ren
dered so- many nets of kindness ami as
sistance in tho groat sorrow that came
to them in the death of their beloved
son. i
Watch our show windows for special
during our Mid Seajon Clearing Sale.
Wilcox Department Store.
Mr. and Mrs. Yalter E. Smith,
formerly pf this city, are guests of Mr.
and Mm. William Malonoy, Sr. Mr.
Smith has just returned from a fivo
weeks' stay at Hot Springs and Mis.
Smith spent several weeks in Lincoln,
where their, son Hugh recently grad
uated. They bad been in business in
Musita, Colo., for some time but have
sold their interests and may decide to
once more become residents of this
Mrs. ,1'rank Buchanan pJbaaantly en j
tertaineOJ'the-JOth Centuny Club Tues
day nftarnoony
Dr. IE G. JBrock will rotorn Saturday?!
from HansaCity .where liu attended thes
National Dental Association.
Miss'Espl Harlan, of eastern MU
souri,. carni yesterday to" visit hen
sister M.r. C. H. Co'iilL for
MisaiMbry Brown, of? Ktraball,
rived afbw. (j&yz ago to visit Mr.
Mrs. TF.. B- Brown for at couple
Wiqtdl Five room f ormtshed house,
leave-word ah The Leakier.
Sefeaatia Schwaigen and daugjster
Miss Ostites- who went to Chieagp. a
monahiagov returned honw Wednoulay
Mis, KAward Ahrm and chihlren,
Sl&royv. who visiteditHa- former'st par
enteidlaat wk left feir homo yestxrday
TffltK Walter Beamv of LordivxJlo, N.
Mi, cww Wednesdher evening ta- visit
lr-Mktlter. Mrs. Jhha Weinbenjer for
Mvenl woeks.
Mrs. Perry Buchanan returned yester
dtiy afternoon frcm Aurora where sho
iattod her sister- Mrs. Edward Chnpr-
nxas for two waka.
Mrs. MessardL of Minncfsolis, cams
last evening to visit her sister Mrs.
Brewer and nice Mrs. N'iie Brownoll
for two or thre weeks.
Tho Luthorans will h&fe no evening
sorvice nex.t Sunday evwjing on account
of the Chaatauqua. Tna regular morn
ing servic-o at 10:30 aai Sunday school
at 12.
Be it ordained by the rcnyor and city
council of the city pf North- Plaite:
Sec. (II, That ac special eleetion be
held in the city of North JPlatte. on the
19th day of AugU3t-,. 1913 and that the
following proposition, shall be sub
mitted ta-the people of said city:
'ShalL'the playing o bosioall be
pormitted! withim the oity Saiits of
North Platte on the firslr day of the
week commonly sailed Sunday, as. pro
vided for in charter. 10 of. tho Session
Laws 051913?"
The ballots used, at saill election
shall have printed theruon,.
Permitting tiro- p'.aying off baseball
within the city, ofiNortfr PlaAte- on the
first day of thotwek tommaaly called
Permitting the playing:' of basebal
within the city of North Platbs on th
first day of tlio weolc comoionly called
Sao: (2), Titosevoiting is favor of said
proposition shall mark their ballots
witltian (X) after ti&e paragraph begin
ningrfor peimittinffthe playing of base
bailiin thB aity of Jforth Platte. Those
voiang BgaiaitBaiiU proposition shall mark,
their ballots with an (5 at$r the par
agraph bginniios" against permitting
ta playi-igof b&soball blithe city of
atorth Platte,
Sec. (3J) Notice- of a5d election shall
be glvea by publicaUon in tho Northi
Platte Telegraph and North Platte-Semi-wekly
Tribune, newspapers of
general circulation In said city, for 2
uays prior to tne date of said election
and the clbrlc is -hereby instructed to
caus publication of said notice to b
Sec. (4) This ordinance shall take
effect and be in force from and after
its passage and approval according to
Passed this 1st day of July, 1913
(Sgd) E. H. Evans,
Attest: C. F. Temple,
City Clerk.
To Loan on improved farms at low rate
of interest with privilege of partial
Buchanan & Patterson.
.V ..k'.iaK. .