The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 11, 1913, Image 1

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    State Illiterlcal Eetitiy
a. .,Wfc
No. '40- v
t r -
Shxtk- Jtai-lteltlg
Gem Jewelry
In Platinum and Gold
Dixon The Jeweler, since the- foundation of their busin
ess have continuously maintained the highest standard ofN
excellency in their goods,
This policy, together with knowledge gained from years
of working with gems and precious metals and making them
into jewelry that appeals to those who kpow and demand
the best, has made possible the magnificent display to which
your attentiqn is now invited
The superb designs which we have recently added to
our collection enjoy that same style distinction and perfection
of workmanship which characterizes every DIXON product
ion. We are using the new metric system of weights.
IM JllllBp3
Local and Personal
Business building for
Yates, Sutherland, Neb.
rent, A. B.
Brady will have a five-dav Chautau
qua beginning August 22d.
Mrs. W. B. Salisbury, who has been
ill for several weeks, is very much im
proved. Mrs. B. F. Gaither loft this morning
for Lexington to spend a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Weidnor left last
evening for Mitchell to spend a few
days with friends.
Roy Brown, of Lewellen has just
purchased a Model 25 Buick of the J.
fc. Davis Auto Co.
Miss Alice Otten hus been off duty at
the Rush Mercantile store for a week
past owing to illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newman, of
Hanover, who visjted in town the first
of this week, lett Tuesday.
Mrs. Wm Brown left last evening
for Green River and Salt Lake to spend
several weeks with her sons.
Robert Ferge,rson, of Nebraska City,
who visited the Halligan family this
week, left at noon Wednesday.
The contract for the electric light
plant at Brady has been awarded to the
Western Electric Co , of Omaha.
Christian Science Society Sunday
11:00 a.m. Subject "Sacrament." Sun
day school 12 m. K. P. hall, Dewey St.
The total rainfal lnstnlghtwus sixty
six one hundredths of an inch, sufflefcut
to give the ground a faiily good soak
Miss Arnell, n registered nurse of
Omaha, arrived horjf the first of this
Weolt and was engaged on the St. Luke's
nursing staff. ' '
Miss Bernico Smith, of Cozad, who
was the guet of Mr. and Mrs. CharlesJ
McLano for several days, returned
home yesterday afternoon.
Charlos Laughlin, of Sutherland,
brother of Frank Laughlin, of this city,
who was operated upon at St. Luk'es
hospital a week ago, is reported to bo
doing nicely.
Roy Sarling, of Lexjngton, visited
his coulin, Mrs. I. A. Gilbert, this
week while enroutahomc from Montana
whore he spent several months. He left
at noon yesterday. j
Mrs. John Tighe, who has been
ing trentment at Hot Springs, Ark
for several weeks is very jnuch im
proved and expects to return home the
Hist of next week.
Mrs. J. Lambert, Harry Lambert,
Mra. Selinn Campbell, Harvey Campbell
and Mrs. Frank Kroutwick loft this
morning for Koarnoy to attend the
funeral of the late Mabel Campbell.
Mrs. William Stegall entortaiued the
S. 0. C. Club at cards Wednosday
afternoon. Flrt prize was awarded to
Mrs. George LeDIoyt and the consola
tion emblem to Mrs. .Russell Wyman.
Nicely prepared refreshments were
At tlie annual meeting of the Temple
2raft held Wednosday evening .the
following officers were elected for next
vear: Sam'l Goozee, president; F. VY
Rincker, vice-president; F. L. Moonoy.
treasurer; A. F. Strcitz, secretary and
custodian of building.
Two different parties held a picnic at
Sioux Lookout last evening, one of
which was chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs.
Will Hendv. the other by Mr. and Mrs.
rr il. vt in fr-t. - . .. .. ..l. . 1. il. 1
iiiuy vciui;iiu;ia iuim:i
Hershey Struck
by a Cyclone.
Koith Neville
rain storm but suffered no particular
Inconvenience, though some trouble was
experienced on the road home. There
were six cars in the Neville party and
four in the Hendy.
For Rent.
The store building on corner 6th and
Locust streets, houses, furnished and
unfurnished rooms; a tract of bottom
hay land only three miles from siding,
cheap and on easy terms.
Bratt & Goodman.
The village of Hershoy, twelve miles
west of North Platte was struck by a
cyclone last evening. A number of
buildings were demolished, but -fortunately
no one was injured. The funnel
shaped cloud was seen to form about
two mues nortnwost ot tin town, and
seemed to he the result of two clouds
merging. With awful elocity and a
roaring that warned the people of its
approa:h the storm swept toward the
viuage; those residents who had cellnrs
seeking retreat therein. '
The first building struck in the town
proper was the large hay barn, which
jvhs completely demolished, the depot
building was partly unioofed, the opera
house was moved bodily twenty Inches
n ita friiinrinttniv lmitiltrifva nnrMiiWnrl
tkk-Tttio drug store, the postolllce and, the
naniware store were unrooted and the
fronts rtly demolished, i large grain
house was careened on its side, tho
garage of Dr. Sadler was lifted bodily
trom the foundation and carried away,
die automobile standing in its trackB
uninjuied; two houses were moved from
the foundations and more or loss dam
aged, but none of the occupnnss injured;
and numerous small stables, sheds and
outhouses were completely wrecked.
The cloud rose and fell as it passed
along; wrecking a building, then lifting
passed oyer the next without damage,
then again dipping and creating dam
age. The force of the wind was shown
w(hen a pieco of n 2x4 was driven
through the sidintr and ulaster of a
house; pieces of conugated iron from
demolished buildings penetrated the
sides of other buildings; and wreckage
was carried a distance of two miles out
sido the town. A heavy hail accompanied
thtstorm, and crops which had not
been damaged by hail of Tuesday even
ing was laid waste.
While no deaths or injuries resulted
directly from the storm, onu death was
indirectly due to it; Supt. Wickstrom,
of tho North Platto Land & Wator Co.,
dropping dead from heart trouble while
viewing the wreckage following the
storm. He was standing at the sito of
tho hay barn, nnd suddenly dropped to
ground, expiring before medical aid
could bo summonod. This tragic fea
ture of the storm created profound
sorrow, for the deceased had lived in
Hershey for n number of years and
was one who stood high in the estima
tion of the people.
I11 J JQ1' C'.'
Local and Personal "
Mrs. C. T. Whelanhas.a nuaatjie?
sistor, Miss Anderson, who tpsldesf ill
the east part of the state. ' it
Mrs. V. H. Mnntrni. Jr.. Imivnq IMnn.
day for a two weeks' Visit with rofa-H
tlves at Clarks, Fremont and Omnlin.
Mrs. Price's Canning Compound for
preserving, canning nnd pickling fruits
and vegetables of all kinds, for sale by
Mrs. Greeley Bundy. Phono Red 21G.
During tho storm Inst evening hail
fell southwest of tho city, doing consid
erable damage to corn nnd wheat not
yot harvested. The section covered by
tho hail was not very large.
Luther Owens has instituted suit
against F. A. Hansqll to recovor 126
damages which ensued when the latter,
while driving an automobile, collided
with the former while riding n motor
cycle. The accident occurred July 3rd
on Front street, nnd Owens charges
reckless driving on tho unit of Ilansell.
A note from Otto Weil, written
while on board the Imperator, leached
this office yesterday. Ho Bays ttio big
vessel rides so easy that no one be
comes seasick, and that tho furnishings
are magnificent. Thrco meals and
threo lunches nrr served each day, and
tho service thoughout is ahead of first
class hotels. Both Otto nnd Mra. Weil
were enjoying tho voyngo immensely
and considered it.about tlio most pleas
ant event of their life. '
Miss Tillio Blonkenburg returned last
evening from a short visit in Omaha,
Lightning, Hail and Windstorm
continue their destruction. It is un
fortunate that so few people were in
sured. Dear Reader, arc you one of
these? The many losses that arc being
reported sets insurance companies to
thinking and their agents to wondering
why some people don't insure. We
are getting constant reports by tele
phone and wire of the many losses.
One man loses eight head of cattle out
of nine, another three horses, another
his barn. Ten farmers in the valley
west of us, lose all their crops. What
a pleasure it would have been to us to
be able to pay all these losses.
Had these unfortunate farmers been in"
bn us we would have paid every dol
lar. Be, wise and let us insure what
you have left today.
Bfatt & Goodman.
The Leading Insurance Agents.
Miss Ruth Stroltz aavn n nrettv flhrl
enjoynblo morning card party todayjfin
honor of Miss Emily Baker of Detroit.
Ton tables wore arranged for ft$r Hjjh
dred and thu rooms woro -decoratpd
with garden (lowers. Elaborate to
freshments wero .served. Odtof-tcn
guests wor Missos Short, of DenMl-r,
Bartlett and Doyle of Lincoiil.arid Ruth
Fitzgorold of Omaha.
Washing is hard work inhotw.oather,
See tho Electric Washer nt Horshoy.'s,
Phone 15. .rfv f
Attorney J. J. Halligan loftlasroYetw
ing for Bridgeport to transact business
for seveial days.
Block 11 in Miller's Addition.. Will
sell separate lots or entire block.
Inquire of or address W. D Waldo,
North Platte, Neb. 49-4
i i i .i
Friday Night
"Sorrows of Israel," this three-reel
Imp presents n Btory of Russia. It is
proauuted by un entire cast of Jewish
Players and brings in tho feast of ho
Passover and other relinious rites of
tho kind. The horo doserts hia poQJile
to win his sweetheart but later returns
to save his people from massacre.
Saturday Night
"Poleon the ijrappors, " gives scones
of the North Woods nnd tho romance
that was carried out there.
"When Lena Struck Now Mexico" is
a comedy built on tho adventuros of a
Swedish girl who goes to live on a ranch
in the far west.
"Tho Kidnapped Train," is especially
interesting in the scones where tho lo
comotive ft in pursuit of tho trnln.
Monday flight
You havo often hoard It said of this
person or that "Isn't that fellow
lucky?" But did you over notice that it
goncrnlly takes an nggrossive mans who
has some initiative and some fighting
spirit to got tho best of Dnme, Fortune
In "Tho Fortune's Pet" we have the
lucky man who set out to make $10,000
in a year and it will be worth your
while to watch him through the two
Then there will bo the adventures of
"That Boy from tho Ealst" while he
visits a day in Oklahoma.
" . I I I, II ,11 I ..... . I .-.. I -II I. ..,, -,l , ....
I Sale Begins - 1 3 Q S S C3l I- Sale Begins
Bfl lB m wMMMMe www m 1111-1 m n !! ' woww-w "'" t N H H
I Saturday, July 1 2 1 i"""!" -a j Saturday, July 1 2 1
I j North Piatt s Woman s Store I I
First Mid - Summer Clearance Sale
On Saturday we begin our Clearance Sale of our entire stock of Ladies ready to wear apparel. Now good
people this is not a sale of merchandise that was carried over from any former seasons, as you all know
the opening of this store dates back only since April last and therefore every article in our store is
Brand New and this seasons models. But as we are determined not to carry over any of our garments
into another season, and besides we must make rrom for our jciew fall stock which is to arrive soon so
we are offering you the newest and most up to date merchandise at this unmatchable clearing pricp.
A call into our store will convince you. " v
Ladies White Dresses made of fine
voiles and Lingeries embrodiered or
lace trimmed sold up to $15
clearance price
Wash Suits
Linen and Ratine collar and Cuffs hand
somely trimmed up to $10
values clearance price
One lot of fine Dresses in white and
assorted colors formerly priced up to
$10 clearance price
$4.48 $3.98 and $2,98
Messaline Silk Dresses
Variety of shades for evening1 and
street wear sold up to 17.50 QA i Q
clearance price !DT"0
One lot ladies gauze Hose in Black
and white 15 and 20c values 4
sale price 11L
Ladies fine Voile and Lingerie Waists
beautifully trim,med, high or low neck,
long or short sleeves, up to 75ftQ-
values clearance price '. . Ov
Ladies fine Washable Silk Waists,
plain and Balkan trimmed regular
prices up to to $2 clearance (( 4 A
, 4H.17
price .
All of our Dres Skirts made of fine
French Serges anc Bedford tf k Qn
Cords up to $8 value now. . 4-b-' O
One lot of fine Skirts up to 5.00 values
sale Price
$3.48 and $2-98
Corset Covers
One lot of Corset Covers
regular 35c values clearance price
Wash Skirts
One lot of ladies Wash Skirts made of
linen and Pigues up to 3.50 valuer
clearance price
$1.98 1.48 and 98c
' House Dresses
Ladies Houses Dresses made of .Per
cale and Ginghams well fitting
1. 00 to 1.25 values clearance
Princess Slips made of fine Nansooks
and long cloth up to 2.50 QQ
values clearance price 1 U
Hand Bags
Hand Bags in fine leather mesh or
crochett large assortment at crreatly re
duced prices.
Childerns Coats made of fine white and
blue, serges up to 6.50 values 9
clearance pricet J)t'
Silk Petticoats
Silk petticoats in all colors regular 250
to 3.50 values clearance (J QO
$2.00 Princess Slips
$1.25 and $1.50 Slips
75c Petticoats
$1.50 Petticoats
$1.00 Nitfht Robes
,75c Night Robes