The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 08, 1913, Image 1

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Mtt tmi-Wiuk Wtbum
No. 48
Enormous Amount
of Water is Used
For several days past the big pump
at the water plant, which has n capac
ity of 125,000 gallons per hour, has
been running its full capacity during
the dnylight hours, and oven then It
has been found npcessary to cut in and
use one of the old pumps. As high as
2,730,000 gallons have been pumped 'in
twenty-fonr hours, and on no day for a
week or two past has the twenty-four
hour record "fallenbelow two million
gallons. This means a daily con
sumption of 1,500 gallons per day for
each consumer, which looks like an
impossibility, yet seems to be true.
One consumer who has had a meter
in for a year and has kept an accurate
account of the weekly consumption,
finds that at present he is averaging
550 gallons daily for his big two story
house and his corner lot and parking
which is all set to blue grass, and his
lawn is as finely kept as uny. He ought
to bo at least an average consumer,
and yet he is using but little more than
one-third of the amount which the daily
average of the total pumped and used
would be allotted to him. Eyidontly
there are consumers in ' North Platte
who are using for their lawn and garden
an average of over 5,000 gallons per
day. If this average of 1500 gallons per
consumer per day is continued 9.1 ter all
meters are placed, the earnings of the
water plant during the six-months
sprinkling season will Jexceed $50,000,
and the water bill of each consumer will
average about $30 for the six months.
You can safely predict, however,
that the present "water hog" will
cease to bo one when he goes on a
metre rate.
Local and Personal.
Master Arthur Nolen. of Wood River,
came Sunday to visit the Nolen family.
Miss Edna Gilman, of Brady, enrolled
in the Junior Normal yesterday morn
ing. W. B. Howard of Lincoln, is spend
ing this week with his brother C. C.
Frank Reed returned the latter part
of last week from a pleasant visit in
Miss Ruth Fitzgerald, of Omaha, is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Eafl Hamilton
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thalken, of Pax
ton, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Murphy this week.
Cyrus Pegram, of Evansville, Ind.,
who was the guest of his sister Mrs.
Bruce left this morning.
Mrs. Wateman, of Lincoln, who has
beon visiting Mrs.' Fred Payne will
leave the latter part of this week.
lone Gladys and Albert Brown, of
Council Bluffs, are visiting this week
with their aunt Mrs. Earl Stamp.
Miss Mabel Johnson and Mrs. Hart,
Teachers Assigned
for Coming Year
On the StreetsJonight.
At the corner of Sixth and Dewey at
8:30, Mr. George E. Stockwell, of New
York, will address the people on The
Problem of Public Health, of Commer
cial Prosperity of Moraland Religious
Life, National Prpetultyr and 0f. Civili
zation. There can be no future io.r the
Anglo-Saxon race withtou the suppres
sion of tho Liquor Traffic.
Miss Irene Hubbard will entertain
he Catholic Girls club this eenhig:
Clyde Cook left Sunday evening"-for
"Rawlins to spend a couple of days on
For bargains in choice;residenccs see
"Buchanan & Patterson's bargain list in
another column tf
Mrs. Grady and Harold Browder, of
Danyille, W. Va., sister and nephew of
Mrs. J. E. Jones, are expected soon
to visit the Jonei family.
Miss Opal Monette, of Stella, Nebr.,
.came a few days ago to visit Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Timirerman for a few
Mrs. Frank York, daughter Callie and
grandson Ernest Lott left a few days
ago for Colorado Springs to visit rela
tives for a fortnight.
Arthur B. Moore, of Chandler, and
Miss Jennie Adamson, of Moore, were
married the latter part of last week by
County Judge Grant.
. w v..u, Mv. w.rt,;,,n viiia ni'ui iu
visit Mr. and Mrs. Fred Payne.
Mrs. Frank Walters, of Shelton, who
visited yesterday in town left this morn
ing for Oshkosh to sing at the dedica
tion of the new M. E. Church.
Bratt & Goodman sold the Mrs. Dill
property on West Sixth street last Sat
urday. Mrs. J. J. Halligan entertained a
number of young people Sunday" even
ing at a seven o'clock tea complimen
tary to the Misses Short, of Denver,
who are the guests of Miss Alice Wil
cox. Observer Shilling is likely to be ar
rested today for. causing all that dis
turbance last night without showing
results. Had ho furnished a good rain
after keeping us awake for two hoirs,
no one would have complained.
Best bargains in houses, vacant lots,
improved farms and farm land, Fire,
lightning, tornado and hail insurance
by Bratt & Goodman.
The American Waterworks Company,
of Pittsburg, former owners or the
local water plant, went into tho hands
of a receiver yesterdav. This followed
tho failure of the First-Second national
bank. of the same city, with deposits of
thirty millons, to 'men its doors yester
day morning. The Kuhn brothers
were interested in both the bank and
the waterworks company.
" Prizes Awarded
The prizes offered by Bratt & Good
man for the best sheaves of winter
wheat and winter rye were awarded to
F. O. Johnson for wheat, raised on ir
rigated land and to O. H. Covall for rye,
raised in the sandhills. The sample of
rye was fine but the sample of wheat
was most excellent. It would win a
very high place, if not first at the 3tate
fair. It is a pleasure to pass on such
excellent Lincoln county products.
W. P. Sndyder.
We, the undersigned, have received
the cash prizes offered by Bratt &
Goodman for the best samples of winter
wheat and rye as awarded by Mr. W.
P. Snyder, superintendent of the state
experimental farm, and we beg to
thank Messrs. Bratt & Goodman for
their interest and generosity in offering
these prizes. F. O. Johnson.
O. H. Covell.
Proposed assignment for tho local
school teachers which wero made at n
meeting of the Board of Education
last evening:
Washington School Sth room, Miss
Murray: 7th room, Miss Brittain; 6th
room, Miss Wood; 5th room, Miss
Hunter; 4th room, Miss Warrington;
3rd room, Miss Manuel; 2nd room,
Miss Montgomery; 1st room, Miss
Lincoln School 7th room, Miss Smith;
6th room, Miss Crandall; 5th room, Miss
Doran; 4th room, Miss McElhinoy: 3rd
room, Miss Hartman; 2nd room, Miss
Blake; 1st room, Miss McVey.
Jefferson School 7th room, Miss
Watts; 6th room, Miss Ritner; fi'th
room, Miss Anderson; 4th room, Miss
Rhea; 3rd room, Miss Flynn; 2nd room,
Miss Hanson: 1st room, Miss Whclp'loy.
High School Principal, Mr. McGrew;
Latin, Miss Patterson; German, Miss
Welch; English, Miss Ward; Mathema
tics, Miss Gantt; Stenography, Miss
Hartley; Business, Miss Mansfield:
Physical Science, Mr. Flowers; Natural
Science, Mr. Bremcman.
A Hard Blow.
A windstorm from tho northwest
Sunday night almost assumed the velo
city of a tornado. Several trees wore
uprooted and lawns wero littered with
branches of all sizes. Manager
Walker, of the electric light company,
says the storm caused more trouble to
the linos than any we hnve ever had.
Several fuses of transformers on the
north side were burned out. and on the
south sido fifteen wires were down. The
swaying of the trees threw the parallel
lines together and burned them off.
Reports of those wires camo into the
plant so rapidly that Mr. Walker
thought best to close down the plant,
and thus avoid a possible recurrence of
last week's death. Vivid lightning and
heavy thunder accompanied the stoim,
but little rain fell.
Wanted Five room furnished house,
leave word at The Leaker.
Wm. Boyle, of Grand Island, came a
few days ago to visit his parents.
Will Hendy returned Friday from
Omaha, driving up aStudebaker 35 car.
Gilbert Peters has returned from a
a month's visit in Denver and Chey
enne. Irene vonTrot who spent several
months in Omaha, returned home Sat
urday. Mrs. Brogan, of Paxton, was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murphy
last week.
The Christian Aid Society will meet
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Knowles
at the parsonage
Roy Bunnell is completing and will
soon have ready for occupancy an eight
room house on west Ninth streot. It is
modern in all particulars, including a
heating plaat.
If your idle money is not earning 7
to 8 percent semi-annual in first
mortgage loans, call on Bratt & Good
man. Dr. Harry Mitchell, who became the
father of a son on July 4th is, to say
tho least, full of patriotism. In this re
spect he is now even with L. W . Walker,
whose little daughter was a Fourth of
July arrival, and who last week cele
bra.ed hor third anni'ersary by enter
taining a number of her little friends.
Life Insurance.
Be wise and lake out a life policy
in the great Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
of New York. The best and cheapest
written by Bratt & Goodman.
In order to place myself in a true light before the public, I desire to state that
the manager who had been selected to take charge of my business on June ist last
was forced to move California to on account of the illness of his wife, and by reason of
this, the proposed re-organization of md business could not be made at the time
designated. However, he hopes to be able to come to North Platte at some future
time, though the change may not be made before January ist, 1914. The inability
of the manager to come, has delayed my trip to Europe to visit my parents, a trip I
have planned for a number of years. However, the proposed change in business
must and will be made, and I hope to later make my visit.
The sale which had been inaugurated to reduce the stock preparatory to the
change of management, however proved, a good move for the puBlic, as it enabled
them to purchase reliable merchandise at very low figures. These low prices still
Yours Truly,
Mr. Weingand will conduct a
of his enormous stock of
Commencing at
8 A. VI., Saturday, July ! 2th
At least $10,000 worth of stock must be disposed of in 15 days. The
time is short, hence the prices will be extremely low.
At 8 A. M.
Saturday, July 12
We will
P"" first 10 persons above
the age of iS years who enters our
store when the doors open at S a. m.
All we ask is that you spend the Si.oo
here before you leave.
You Actually Receive
worth of anything in the store for
nothing. ....
Here, now, every man
in North Platteis offered the chance to
buy goods he will surely need sooner
or later, at prices away below what -he
has had to pay formerly or will have
to .pay Jater. The shrewd men those
who are getting ahead are quick to
grasp such an opportunity as this and
they realize that to take advantage of
it' is 'just like finding money.
The man who fails to investigate
the opportunities offered at this great
sale has no- one to blame but himself
jf he doesn't prosper.
Watch this space in the next issue for
Mrs. William Stegall will entertuin
the S. O. C. Club tomorrow afternoon.
Charles McNenl and family left this
morning for Gothenburg to visit friends
for n week.
The Yeoman and Mink ball tcam3
will meet on the local diamonds this
Mrs. J. AV. Hemphill, of Summer,
.mo a few days ago to spend a week
with Mr. Hemphill.
Rev. P. McDaid loft Sunday morning
for Ireland to visit his parents whom he
had not seen in several years. He ex
pects to spond three months visiting in
European countries.
The Mink ball team defeated
the Stapleton nine at Stnpleton
Sunday by a score 32 to 2. A
large number of local fans went over
by auto to witness the game.
Tho funeral of the late. William Bcsack
was held Saturday afternooon from tho
Methodist church. Rev. Cram conducted
the servicos and delivered a vary im
pressive sermon to the largo number
who attended the services. Intendment
was made in the N. P. cemetery.
W. W. Burr returned Sunday from
an extended visit in Texns.
Mr. and Mrs. Winters, of Denver,
came last evening to visit Mr. and Mrs.
E. E. Moody for a couple of weeks.
Tho baby boy which was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Noriss of Maxwell, tho
latter part of Inst week, died yesterday.
Wanted Work by first-class tleaner
and pressor, machine or otherwise.
Address II. H. -Jenkins, Hpldrego.Nob,
Misses Adu and Lucile Deyerle loft
yesterday morning for Hastings to" visit
their grand father Loren Sturges for a
couple of weeks.
John Nolon and sister Regina re
turned the latter part of last woek from
Grand Island and Wood vRiver where
thoy spent two weeks.
Found An Elk's charm. 0,ifncr ;can
havo same by casing at this office and
paying for thin notice.
Tuesdays Program
"His Daughter," a Victor drama,
released June 20, givef a beautiful ox
ample of filial love and davotion.
. ''The Scar," a Rex drama, released
June 19, shows the harm done by an
envious 'girl and the reparation she
In tho comedy lino there is "An Ex
pensive Drink" and "Her Joke on
Wednesday Program
"In Love and War," a two reel Bi
boii, released June 17, has some very
good work in it. A lawyer and a
journalist are rivals for the hand of a
girl and for glory on the battlefields of
the Civil war.
With this is tho comedy "He Slept
Thursday's Program
"Tho Wizzard of tho Jungle," is a
World's best offering in two reels.
"Human Statue, is a very recent
release of the Imi) comnnnv and forms
the fun making feature of this program.
Buchanan & Patterson's
..Bargain List of Dwellings..
1 Five room house and barn, South Dewey street.
2 Good five room cottage, comer lot, shade trees
and blue grass lawn, city water and sewer connection,
five blocks from high school. Price only $1400,00.
Easy terms.
3 Nice six room cottage 721 Wefet Seventh street,
handy to new round house. Modern except heat. Price
4 Extra nice 4 room cottage on West Tfnth street,
in the 600 block. Price $1, 750.
5 Good eight room dwelling on West Tenth street,
in the 900 block. Price $1,700.
6 Extra nice five room cottage, modern except heat
blue grass lawn and shade trees, 3 blocks from court
house. Price $2900.00
7 Full two story frame dwelling of eight rooms mod
ern except heat, full lot, shade trees and blue grass.
Located on West Fourth street close to court house.
This is property that will increase in value and is a big
money maker at our price of 4,700
8 Nice Seven Room Cottage and two Lots, out
buildings, shade trees and nice lawn. A bargain at
$2750.00. ,.
All of these properties are choice bargains and
can be bought on easy terms. Be sure and see these
before you buy.
Buchanan & Patterson,
Sole Agents.