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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1913)
I y Ti.iutNa HH nuuia ( I AS Wff 1 1 vi iv - iu u n I L II Kl 'i I AM" ' w" ".ISfl WW-' A knnlilifnl '.!... .... . fi ft ' 'TV M1,ul'"lu' OllTtl OtlV- .ILffl ' i'S-2, ILVII... -. V flpiN R. WALLACE STERLING l J - ., wilVWt S..- .111WV ,ice that typifies the style uj and spirit of the Amer- &!. $ 1 7? .3 S 'JlF a rH' v a 4 U,7V li i i 5 11 1 ican Colonics in pre-Rcvolution-arv davs. l, On display now at rltnlnn Tdo 1.oln. VIIU1UU, 11V ""IVIU MS iKS'IH'i p"3DBI H 5i ! HI I - 1 Ss 5 E DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, 2 Graduate Dentist. Office over the McDonald J S State Bank. e 9tBsocttee9setioito Fourth of July Prize North Platte and Gothenburg Fire Departments Hub and Hub race, 1st prize $85.00 2nd prize 15.00 Wet contest. 1st prize 35.00 2nd prize 15.00 Water Fight, 1st prize 7.00 2nd prize 3.00 Dry coupling contest 1 prize only 5.00 Circus Parade Most comic attraction, 1st prize 25.00 2nd prize 15.00 3rd prize 10.00 4th prize 5.00 5th prize 3.00 Best Decorated Float or Automobile 1st prize 25.00 2nd prize 15.00 3rd prize 10.00 Flower.Girls prize 10.00 Farmer bringing largest load of people to city and appearing in. parade, given by C. F. Temple 10.00 Farmer driving bestrteam, buggy and harness, given by Derryberry & Forbes 10.00 Baby show at court house, under - years of age, prettiest baby, 1st prize given by H. M. Porter and choice of embroidered baby dress at E. T. Tramp & Sons' 2nd prize, given by H. M. Porter and 2 pair silk baby hose at E. T Tramp & Sons' Will be Married on the Fourth. Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. James Doran have re turned from Omaha where they went last week. Mrs. Maurice Fowier will leave hortly for Boone, la., to visit relatives r several weeks. Hail Insurance on growing Woodhurst's Insurance Agency. Hirman Korr. of Maxwell, came a few days ago to spend carnival in town. Geo. Fowler has just purchased an Oakland touring car of the J. S. Davib Auto 2o. A. W. Ravmond went to Omaha this J.00 3,00 crops, 12-8 le up week morning to spend the 4th of July with his family. The county jail has been painted yellow, a color that shows up neat and clean amid the trees. . Mrs. E. J. Huntington, of Grand Is land, came up yesterday afternoon to visit relatives. Mrs. Price's Canninc Compound for sale at 215 East 7th St. Phone Red 21G. Mr. and Mrs. Casper Bollish of Well fleet came yesterday to attend the carnival and visit town friends. The Twentieth Century club will meet at a kensington Tuesday after noon with Mrs. I- rank Buchanan. Miss Grace Dean is expected this week from Los Angeles to visit her brothers, Messrs. Rush and Lew Dean. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mann and son are contemplating a trip to New York in the near future in their automobile. J tv A. i D,...ff Plifftrif WpUI X ILL3L1UILL L CHCk - iii'v ..... 'ence "the weld that held." Sold by Jos. Hershey, Fifth and Locust streets. The exterior wood work of the Mc Donald bank buildlngis being repainted, the color being changed to a dark brown. Miss Mabel Carroll has resigned her ' position at the Vienna Cafe and began work in the American Restaurant Tues day. , Missionary Morgan formerly of this city came down from Sidney yesterday afternoon to visit Rev. andMrs. C. F. Chapman for a few days. F. A. Farrens and Miss Katherinc V,. Hrawe of Lewellen who visited in town yesterday left this morning for Lincoln whore they will be married. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Hilliker of Den ver who were called here by the death of the latters mother the late Mrs. Bowen, returned home Tuesday. Local friends have received cards announcing the birth of a baby boy at Caldwell to Mr. and Mrs. C. M. True blood who formerly resided in this city. For bargains in choice residences see Buchanan & Patterson's bargain list in another column Among the visitors in town yesterday was Banker Kelly of Gothenburg. Post master Springer ot urauy. Brownfield of Hershey, Love of Sutherland Ross of Myrtle. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cary left 'Wed nesday for Webster proves, Mo., where they will make their future home. Those worthy people first came to North Platte twenty-seven years ago. and with the exception of seven years spent at Wilbur, had since lived here. Closely identified with the work of the Presbyterian church, prominent in musical, club and society circles, Mrs. Cary will be greatly missed, while our people generally will regret the re moval of Mr. Cary who has always been on right side ofc.every move for the betterment of North Platte mor ally, intellectually and commercially. Mr. and Mr. Cary are people any town can ill afford to lose. Real Estate Loans. Buchanan & Patterson have of money on hand to make real loans on farms, ranches and city prop erty. Loans closed promptly, no delay Rates and terras the most favorable. The first ball game With the Mink team was played on the new diamonds yesterday afternoon with the Yeomen nine, owing io me strong winu wnicn prevailed both teams were handicaped in then plays. Batteries for the Minks were Maupin and Davis, and for the Yeomen Jones, Cochran and Husband. Three runs were made by the League team, the Yeomen did not score. The Minks made six hits off Jones and the Yeomen were held down to three. Considering the weather the crowd was a fair sized one. James Keefe and Rev. Knowles were umpires. Both teams were in good condition and put up a strong game of ball. Sheriff Salisbury was called upon at an early hour Wednesday morning to route out of a room attheTimmerman hottl a man named Plummer and a woman who failed to give her name, both hailing from Ogalnlla. They were held in jail awaiting the arrival of Plummer's wife, who came down Wednesday morning. At first she was inclined to institute proceedings against her sporty husband, but later a reconciliation was affected and the counle returned home in the I afternoon, as did also the erring woman. Watch our show windows for specials during our Mid Season Clearing Sale. Wilcox Department Store. At the meeting of School District No. 3 this week it was agreed to vote bonds for the new SI. 000 school house to take the place of the old log building which had been in use loneer than anv other in the county Director Baer is in town consulting with Architect Reynolds concerning the plans. Ernest Diener, who is in today from his farm in Plant precinct, reports a nice rain last night, with indications that it was heavier further south. Crops are in fine shape, and the wheat is being harvested. Th yield of wheat will be good. The Empress theatre, North Platte's new motion picture show house, had its initial opening Tuesday afternoon and evening, giving a free matinee. The new house is a beauty, as comfortable as it is pretty, and is certainly a nice and pleasant place to enjoy an hour's recreation. The liberal offer of the A. A. Schatz Co. to donate a bed room suit to nny counle who would consent to be mar ried in the store window on July 4th, has been nccepted. The couple accept ing tho offer is Joienh H. Geise. acred 29, and Miss Francis Suckrnw, aged r 18, both residing at or near Maxwell. ( The ceremony will occur at high noon nnd will be attended with considerable ' pomp and splendor; there will be t tlowers, presents nnd a wedding dinner, the latter to be served by C. C. Hup-' fer nt the Vienna. Preceding the cere-1 mony Mr. Schatz will personally drive the counle in the parade, using n gor-1 geous onveyunco drawn by four horses driven abreast, nnd the bands will play a wedding march and "I lovo you truly." A score of young ladies will officiate as maids of honor nnd maids in waiting, there will be (lower girls galore, and the groom will be at tended by a half dozen young men properly "appareled. Mr. Schatz, who is extremely re sourceful, proposes to mnke this event one of tho features of the Fourth, and in brilliancy it promises to surpass any event of its kind ever given in North Platte. Every young man between the ages of 19 and 20 will be permitted to kjss the bride, and every young lady under 28 is expected to similarly salute the croom. In fact everything that will add dicnitv and crnce to the occasion will be employed. ,, As the big clock cnimes tweive nt noon tomorrow the pageant will advance. Announce m e n t We want to announce to the public that our Loom End Sale Will be held Special sale of millinery July 5lh to 20th. One lot of trimmed hats, regular prices up to $10.00, special $2.98. One lot of trimmed and untrimmed hats regular prices up to $3.00 special .98c. Villa Whittaker, Wilcox Dept. Store. Special Election to be Called. At the meeting of the city council Tuesday evening a numerously signed petition was presented asking that the question of playing ball on Sunday be submitted to a vote ot tne people, ine petition was accepted and the city at torney instructed to prepare the neces sary notices calling nn election on Aug ust 12th. At this election nt least two other questions will be submitted to the people. One is that of voting bonds for building a city hall, the other bonds for paving the street intersections on Dewey and Locust streets between Front and Second. Another One of Temple's Bargains. Six room house with bath, not equipped, electric lights and basement under whole house. Only 8 blocks out. New house. Price $2000.00. July 12 to 19 Inclusive iin a v vv rt B t This sale will be tar better in every respect than any of our previous sales. Our buyers have just returned from eastern mar kets where they purchased mer chandise, at prices that will more than meet all compepition New and up-to-date Merchandise. No worn goods to offer. shelf Don't forget the date JULY I 2th, to 1 9th. ii Reorganize Country Club. The Country Club, which two sum mers ago leased land of Tom Halli gan. which lease included the grove, and last summer erected thereon a cot tage, has been reorganized, the mem bership will be increased, and the grounds improved by laying out tennis courts, golf links, and probably ball grounds. The house will also be en larged and greater accomodations made for dancing. It is. an ideal location for a country club home, and should prove popular during the summer to those who own cars and,can reach the place quickly. I - i I i & Son Banker Colonel Dave and Colonel Bill Arthur Allen, deputy clerk, is carry ing his left arm in a sling and limps on his left leg. the result of a fall on a sidewalk Wednesday neon. He frac tured one of the bones in the forenrm and sprained his ankle. He is, however, pegging away at his desk. George G. Davis, of Waterloo, Iowa, a brother of Postmaster Davis, is the guest of the latter while enroute west on a trip of recreation. He is accom panied by two friends. Two sections of the fence at the "Id stock yards were destroyed by fire yes terday afternoon. It is thought the sparks from a passing engine during the wind storm caused the hre. Conductor Charles Weir was injured yesterday afternoon while going west on tram No. 9. The car door blew in striking him on the arms and limbs and causing a number of bruises. Rev. John Barton, of Rochester, N. Y.. accompanied by his family arrived today. The former has been selected as pastor of the Baptist church. Ser vices on Sunday will be as usual. Dr. H. C. Brock will leave Saturday for Kansas City to attend the National Dental Association and fraternity meet ing. Mrs. Thomas Burneyreturned yester day afternoon from a short stay in Grand Island. Boys School Encampment The State Board of Agriculture is providing for a sanitary camp for tho first annual session ot the Boys State Fair School to be held nt tho State Fair Grounds, Lincoln, from August 31 to September 0, inclusive. Two boys will be admitted from each of the nine-tv-two counties of Nebraska. One shall represent the rural schools nnd one the town schools. The age of the applicants must be over sixteen and under twenty-onq year. In each coun ty a committee consisting of the chair man of the County Commissioners, the president of the County Agricultural Society, and the County Superintend ent shall select the delegates. Boys in Lincoln County, who care to be appli cants will meet the above named com mittee in North Platte on Wednesday, Julv lGth. a 10:00 a. m. in North Platte. They will be taken to the Ex- I perimental station and shown over the farm. Upon returning the two boys who write the best account of the trip ' will be selected as delegates from this county. Each boy will pay $o.00 to cover uoiiru. luiiion. unu uiuiuuiiiuis, niiu uu A Case of "Making Good." A Chicago judge had before him a 13-yenr-ola boy convicted of grabbing a pocketbook from a woman in the street. It was an aggravated case, but the judge hesitated on nccount of the boy's tender venrs. Calling to the boy's mother he said: "Pronounce sentence upon this boy I" The mother did not shrink from tho task. She said: "You must earn the money to pay for what you stole. You must promise to be in bod every night by 9 o'clock or I will ask the judge to send you away until your nair grows gray." The judge confirmed the sen tence. The mother wns wiser than many judges, far wiser than the Georgia judge who sentenced a boy to 11 years in a reformatory for stealing a bottle of pop. Restitution is the first and ideal form of punishment. It is the renl way to make the nunishmen. fit the crime, to , bring home to the offender the measure ,of his offense. . I By the time that boy has worked and saved to restore the stolen money he will have gained n new iden of the rights of others in their property. Then this mother's sentence provided the proper accompaniment to punish mentreformation, in bed at 9 o'clock every night! What a world of protection for the Bungalow For Sale. I offer for sale the new six-room bungalow 1 am building nt the corner of Twelfth and Locust street, in my newly Uatd off addition. Full basement and all modern except heat. For price and terms apply to I. L. Miltonberger. Miss Holen Hughes, of Gretna, enmo n few days ngo to visit her cousins, the Misses Isabella nnd Marie Doran. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Turplo and family went to Merlngo, In,, Tuusday to visit the lattor's parents. They nro making the trip by auto. 5l S NO'KTH FLATT E t S ii i Mil i.n.H .. jfljj Will Celebrate 4th railroad faro up to $5.00. Railroad1 child in that simple rule! iiow it erects fnvo in ovcpaa nf $.1 no wl hn naui bv ' a bar ritrainst temntntion, evil associa- the board. plenty estate THE MUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. The assets of this association exceed the sum of half a million dollars. The reduction of the rate of interest to bor rowers has increased the demand for loans; and in order to meet this demand the association will issue a limited amounted of its PAID UP STOCK. Money invested in this paid up stock draws six per cent interest, payable semi-annually, and may be withdrawn at anv time upon thirty days notice. such notice being waived where there j are funds in the treasury to meet the withdrawal. T. C. Patterson, President. Samuel Goozcn, Secretary. M. E. Church A special service for Old Folks will be held Sunday at 11 o'clock. Free autos will be furnished all those who need such conveyance. Come let us make this a glad day for the aged ones. This service will close with the sacrament of the Lord's supper. Sunday school at 9:45 a. tfr. The Junior league is now taking its summer vacation. Epworth league 0:45 p. m. Preaching 8 p. m. subject High Priced Land. Special music is provided for this service. All are welcome. tions and the forming of bad habits! How it tenches regularity and temper nnce and promotes moral and physical health! This sentence embodying res titution and reform, enforced by par ental and judicial authority, should be all tlint is necessury for nny child that has strnyed into paths of crime. Sioux City Tribune. 100,000.00 To Loan on improved farms at low rate of interest withx privilege of partial payments. Buchanati & Patterson. A thirteen foot sidewalk is being laid on the east Bide of the Baptist i church property. I Rnlnh Demcv and Miss Nelile Stin-1 I nette, both of Moorefield, were granted f i n permit to wed by County Judge Grnnt I yesterday afternoon. I A man named Siebold, living in the northwest part of tho county, filed an , information agninst the Kilmer brothers I of tho same section Tuesday charging them with nssult. The trouble nrov during the annual school district meet ing. The defendants took a continuance I for thirty days. , J. F. Clabaugh received word thei t early part of the week of the death of father, who had gone to rlorlda in i company with his daughter for hm hemlth. The deceased who was seventy, nine years of age, made a visit in North Platte several years ago. If you arc building or going to build i ' or buy, investigate. We loan plan of the I Nebraska Central Building & Loan As-1 sociation. C. F Temple, Agt Household Drugs You will need some of these use ful articles Paris Green, per lb 35c, J lb 20c, lb 10c Arsenate Lead, per lb 25c. Lon don purple, per lb 35c. Nictone, for spraying delicate plants (uEe 1 oz to 1 gallon water) 20c per oz. A. D. S. Foot Soap, for tender aching feet, large cake 25c. Bugicide, Large Ilottlo 25c. This is a non poisonous Bed Bug Killer. Snni-Flush, for keeping water closet bowls vhite, por can 25c Insect Powder 10c, 15c nnd 25c cane. v. Palm Olive Soap, special deal, 5 cako1 and a 50c jar Palm Olive Cream for 50c. Stone Drug Co. Big Free Acts Sports of All Kinds Balloon Ascension Pyrotechnic Display Music by Two Bands Rice & Dore Carnival A GOOD TIME FOR EVERYBODY COME AND ENJOY YOURSELF RiCTiflmimiff THE WAY WE DO ,yu)jMJMWMMMMa!3ig i iiiiCTaBgg33E?pgmoags I YfffljrjgfijUMtK 5H0I I I ' ' ' I - ! &b ?v J' . ffl9H? " sJk awm? t"" Impresses most peoplu with the wny we have the implements nnd the "know how" when it comes to repairing automobile. Hurry up orders is what we like, and we keep enough men to repair your car in record time. Your orders please. J. S. Davis Auto Co. FiJSnaKSSHHraSZKXSflHaaGHSH V 1: