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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1913)
I j H i i a M H if H ! !.1 The Store for Everybody .15 WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE The Economy Shopping Center NORTH PLATTE, NEI3R. MID-SEASON CLEARING SALE i The Bargain Bells are Ringing A Sale that will eclipse anything we have previously attempted, embracing as it does practically every section in our store filled to the brim with brand new goods. However, we have too many goods on hand the season was late in opening, so in order to turn on over supply into money quick ly, we announce an unusual number of record breaking price concessions. The values need not be talked about herethey will speak for themselves. Every article placed on sale adheres strictly to the highest quality standard of our stoTe. Every quotation is a decided reduction from the regular selling price. Values such as these are seldom offered upon seasonable merchandise. Besure you cover your needs at your earliest convenience for some lots will not hold out long at the prices quoted. Sale Begins? Saturday Morning These -m Values Will Be Appreciated by Mothers The confidence of every mother in the city is won by such offer ings in the childrens section. You can clothe children of any age economically if you take advantage of the many good things on display in this section of our store. Children's Tub Dresses Girls Dresses male from fine Per cales and Ginghams, sizes 2 to 14 years, regular price $1.25 9Sc Childrens Dresses made from print and Gingnams, light and dark styles, sizes 3 to 14, regular price wc 39c Muslinwear Childs Drawers, small sizes, made from good muslin, trimmed with ruffle 7c Girls Drawers, sizes S to 11 years a very good bargain at 25c 19c Waist Union Suits Childrens knitted union suits made with taped buttons, waist and drawers combined in one garment, one o; the most practical things a child can wear, regular price 50c 39c : Childrens M Waists, knitted from good yarn, sewed buttonsTegu lar I 5c grade lie Boys Wash Suits Boys Suits made from Blue and White Ginghame, regular price 75c 48c Boys Shirts and Drawers good quality regular price 25c 19c Also several special lots of childrens goods not mentioned here. Reduced Prices on New Summer Waists The Selection is Large and Varied and the Styles are Charming. Priced to afford splendid savings Splendid values in the seasons most attractive styles, fabrics and colors, We are offering bargains in this section that will an nounce their supremacy in accents loud and clear there isn't a word to be added simply examine the garments and you will readily see why these values merit the interest and immediate response of every cool, calculating shopper intent on saving money Voile Waists A fine soft Voile Waist, made up in combinations of colors, one of the seasons latest styles, regular price $1.50 98c Ladies Shirts Newest effects in Striped and figured Voiles, regular price $1.50 $1.19 Lingerie Waists Fine clothes; beautifully trim med in lace and embroidery val ues up to $2.00 $1.19 Striped Waists Some made in tailored styles, values up to $1.00 39c A very larga assortment of many other styles has been specially priced for this sale. .... jit IM IL4I- MM VrVNWT! 4x i ISpJ If? New Wash Goods A wide variety of beautiful new styles to select trom mJSSr. Costume 'Crepe, one of the newest 25c,, W' clothes 17k Cotton Pongee, a very stylish cloth, regu price 15c lie Plaza cloth, a good weight, mercerized rough surfaced Poplin, regular price 35c '.; . 22c Ratynette, a rough surfaced cloth 17c One lot Silk mixed cloths, regular'prics ' 35c to 50c f . 22c Oxfords and Pumps, Specially Priced There is Nothing Hits Home Like the Price of Shoes. Read This! SMART STYLES for SMART BUYERS Our shoes certainly need no introduction in this community. For elegance of style, perfection of fit and extraordinary wearing qualities, they are now recognized by care ful buyers as the Acme of Shoe Perfection. An opportuity of securing prices on shoes like these will be welcome indeed. 'I Pumps ,. Black Gunmetal, of more than ordinary merit, latest 01 no f style Walk-Ovcr $4 val. 3)2. VO t t. All Mens Walk-Over Oxfords in Patents Tans and Gunrretal $4.00 grade $2.98 Misses White Canvas 2 strap Pumps, sizes llj to 2, regularprice $1.75 51.39 Pumps Ladies White Nubuck Walk Over 84.00 grade, newest c no styles $L. Special for Saturday Wash Dress Patterns We have cut up .several thousand yards of wash goods into 8 yard dress lengths. We offer these special for Saturday. S yard pattern 10 to 12 Jc Batiste 37c Syd pattern 15 to ISc Printed Batiste.. 79c 8ydpattern20to25c fancy wash goods$1.20 8 yd pattern 3.1c Wash; Goods S1.79 Don't fail to come and get a new dress. Undermuslins at Extraordinary Low Prices Night Gowns Nainsook, full length, full width, beaullful trimmings, regular -rn $1,00 values and winners at that VC Petticoats Nainsook Petticoats, trimmed in fine quality laces and ombroderius, nn splendid $1.50 values VOL Stocks unrivaled for, completeness and every garment Is an unexcel led value. The monov saving advantages made possible by this special snlo event will greatly exceed your highest ex pectations. We mabe extensive preparations in bringing together, earlier in the season, a large variety of at tractive styles in the best material at the lowest possablu prices. Priced regularly these values have been exceed ingly popular. At con cessions quoted they will 'prove "thrillers" for the thrifty buyers. Princess Slips Fino quality Princess Slips, extra fine quality of trimmings, ex- no cellent $1.25 and $1.50 values VOC Combinations Nainsook Combination corset cover nnd drawers, nlco trimmings no regular $1.25 nnd $1.50 quality VOC GROCERY NEWS REDUCING THE COST OF LIVING. Granulated Sugar (beet) 20 lbs $1.00 Granulated Sugar (can) 18 lbs:? tfl.OO Corn (Grand Island) 4 cans ' .25 Gjnger Snaps per lb 06 Oatmeal large pkg : 20 Oatmeal small pkg 10 Tomatoes large can 10 Kingsfords Starch pkg ., . . .08 Corn Starch pkg : . . . .05 Gloss Starch pkg 05 Macironi 3 lbs '..... .25 . Corn Flakes 4 pkgs ". . . .25 Oil Sardines G for ', . . .25 Sweet Patatoes per can r 12i Lewis Lye per can , . . .08 Diamond C Soap 7 bars .25 Alaska Red Salmon 1 lb can .15 Crackers large box per lb 06 Swifts Premium Hams per lb 22J Pic Nic Hams per lb ,17i Tulip, Flour per Sack. ... . ." 1.35 Union Flour per sack 1 .40 5c a sack less in 10 sack lots. BRING US YOUR BUTTER AND EGGS Good News for the Well Dressed Woman Unprecedented' Value Giving Opportunity in LADIES SUMMER DRESSES Purchased as our dresses are from the leading makers in this country and selected by us in the most painstaking manner, you are assured of the season's latest style production when you buy here. The models show refined elegance and iminitable beauty in every Jines, while the fash ions are in the height of vogue in every style center of the country, At the regular price these dresses have been remarkably good values, so at the special prices we are naming they willprove unuseally attractive to the fashionable woman who wishes to economize. Fine Dresses Both in White Embroid ered Voiles and extra grade Linens in colors all of our 10. 00 and $12 quality $7.48 White Embroidered Dresses Made from nice pattern of fine Voile flouncing combined with pr in lace, $7 to $9 val J)D.4o Wash Dresses Ratines, Liriens and all the new fabrics, all r- nn $5.00 and SG.00 dresses, the newest styles i J.VO ill Men's Summer Underwear The Perfect Fitting Kind Men's Unlhrisfgan Underwear, double seated drawers, crea'm Color per garment , 19c Men's cotton union suits 1.00 poros knit and 1.25 ribbed suits 79c Men's 2.C0 union suits l.GI) 3.00 mens union suits $1.98 : .Men's Shirts and Drawers, Porosknit and ribbed garments 39c 1 Special Shirt Value ? km Excellent quality shirts at unusunlly low prices. Neat nnd fashionable ef fects for summer wear Men's 1.00 Negligee Shirts Collars and culls attached 79c Men's l.f0Negligee shirt soft collors nnd cuffs plain and striped put-terns Rugs and Carpets rnmm SRft&tfKira tfjs$i ur 5Si FftKfjffl The most critical will immediatley acknow ledge the superior value of these rugs, in many rich color effects. Axminister Rugs 27x54 inch SI. 69 36xG3 inch 2.98 Fiber matting just the thing for bedroom per yard Women's Summer Underwear Money Saving Reductions nd S ular 9c on ;rade 69c 98c Women's Low Neck and Sleeveless Vest nicely trimmed with lace regular 15c goods Women's fine Union Suits lace trimmed umberella knee 1.00 grade Women's extra quality union suits 1.25 and 1.50 qualities Women's Vests in good grade of cotton nicely trimmed 20c value $1.19 29c lie Ui I rl 3ggiKa3jAr.yionniHWH