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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1913)
Serai -Weekly Tribune - A Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATESj, (ino Ttar by Mail in advaoco '....$). 25 Ono Yr by Carrier in advance $1.M) Gnterd at North Platte, Nebraska, Post ofllco as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, JUNE 27. 19 1 3. Local and Personal. Lost Pair of glasses mid book. Re turn to this office and receive reward. Automobile insuranco, Woodhurst's Insurance Agency. 42-8 Mrs. Patrick Norrls was called to Oman, last evening by a death of a relative. Mr. nnd Mrs. Art Yates, of Suther lane, were visitors in town the early part of this weok Miss nianche Fonda left at noon "Wednesday for Omaha to visit for a week with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Thomns Axtell will move next week into their now house in the Fourth ward. Mrs. Jesse VnnDyko and daughter will leavo next week for eastern points to spend a fortnight. Mrs. Ralph Smith and children will go to Kenrnoy next week to spend two weeks with relatives. Mlse Eunice Babbitt finished her tormjn tho Lincoln schools and returned homo Tuesday evening. The Woodman of Tho World will trive a social ball at the K. P. Hall Wednes day evening, July 2nd. Hoy. Charles B. Harmnn wont to Brady Wednesday to officiate at tho Lierk-Johnson wedding. Tho eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Shil ling who has been ill for several days, is greatly improved today. Mrs. John E. Kirkpatrick and baby, left at noon yesterday for Gothenburg to visit relatives for a week. Mrs. -T. E. Burgner will leave noxt Week for tho eastern part of this state to visit relatives for two weeks. Supt. Snyder, of tho stato experi mental station, transacted business in Omaha for a dny or two this week. Mro. Glen Millar and baby intend to leave in a few days for Aliiunce to visit relatives andattendod Chautauqua. Mr. and Mrs. William Dolson, Jr., of Omaha, visited tho former's parents this week and returned home Tuesday. Robert Gantt came homo Tuesday evening from Lincoln where ho had been employed for a couple of months. A marriage license was granted Tues day nftornoon to Emil Johnson of Brady, and Carrie Yentis of Eddyville. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Russell and family are contemplating n visit to Colorado Springs nnd other western points early in July. Mrs. Louis Thoelecke and daughter Bertha are expected hare tho early part of July to visit Mr. and Mrs. 0. II. Thoelecke. Mrs. N. MeCnbo and son Arthur will rpturn Sunday evening from Omaha 'Whoro tho latter is a student at Creig t6n University. "Bob" Waldo formerly of this city, who has boon employed in Chicago for Bomo time, camo Tuesdny afternoon to visit town friends. Misses Ida and Anna Olborg, of Madri(, la., came a fow days ago to visit thoir cousin Miss Jennip Carlson for a couplo of months. 'Mrs. C. I hidings and family, who have been in southern California for sovoral months, will return homo the latter part of next week. . Will Cunningham resumed work nt tho Wilcox grocery yesterday after being off duty on account of a sovero soro throat for sovoral days. Mrs. Robert Neiboit and son, who wore called to Los Angeles recently by tho death of her mothur, aro expected home the ilrst of noxt week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Austin nnd children who hnvo been visiting in Sabotha, Kans., and other cities of the east are expected homo today, ThoYeomon lodge hold a pleasant picnic in tho hills south of town Monday ovoning. All present report a good time and plenty of good things to eat. John J. Lucoy, a rotirod farmer of Sutherland, diod there Tuesday after noon at tlo ago of soventy-flvo. Tho remains wore, shipped Wednesday to Vail, la. for burial. Mrs. Chnrles Perkins and daughters returned "Wednesday nftornoon from Kansas City by way of Donver. They snout four weeks witli relatives in different cities of tho east. Alex Fenwick roturned tho latter part of lust woek from an extended visit in California. Mrs. Fouwlck stopped at Choyenno while onrouto home and will visit Mr. nnd Mrs. Ridgoly until July 1st. Miss Grnce Payne and a party of thirty-five young ladies and gentlemen hold a picnic at Sioux Lookout Tuesday ovenlng. Tho party wns convoyed there in autos and an elnbornto lunch served. . Raymond & Boardman purchased sixty head of ono and two your old cattle Wednesday of Turpio, Wendeborn and other south side residents nnd placed them with others hey are run ning in tho Gaunt pasture north of th river. Tuesday this firm sold fitty head of cattlo to parties residing northeast ot Gothenburg. M. K. Barnum, formerly of this city, who recently resigned as superinten dent of motiyft power of tho Illinois Central, has been appointed general mechanical inspector of tho Baltimore & Ohio rood, whon Mr. Barnum left the Illinois Central It was for the pur pose of engaging in a manufacturing business, !but evidently tho cnll" of the railroad was too strong for him to re'-slut, Nearly Ready for the Big Show. Preparations for the big gala week and Fourth of July celebration are about completed, tho huge hole necessary for the water circus is boing dug and the electric light company employes are busy hanging thoir transformers neces sary to furnish the various attractions with two thousand electric lights and North Platte wilLentertain its visitors like it has never done before. Rice nnd Dore's WBter carnival and circus, aside from its male members, its clowns, comedians, Indians nnd log rollers, numbers twelve beautiful and accomplished lady swimmingand diving experts, Never before in nn aquatic act, nor any other kind of nn act, for that matter, have so many perfectly formed women been seen before. The many girls who lead tho world in their various forms of water sports and gymastics have been selected from all parts of tho two hemispheres where swimming and diving is nn accomplish ment. Englands champions the Hall sifters, aro members of tho Rice nnd Doro water circus, as walkers, the famous Cavill Family headed by Dick Caville, Australia's most famous divers and trick swimmers, the Irish water uueen, Esther Donaghue, May Roberts, tho Hawaiian representative, Norway and Sweden is fully representated by C. Soderberg; Adelaide, Boatrice and Jessie De Young swear allegianco to France and America's entry is Josep hine Flory the perfect woman and per fect swimmer. There id no known stroke that Miss Flory, has not mas tered and indeed at least one metho J of swimming, "the crawl" is her own Invention. In all forms of this graceful art tho Rico and Dore water nymphs aro pre eminently the lendors and it will be many a dny before so many beautiful, graceful and artistic diving divinities will be seen in any act of tho kind. Tho merchants have decided to have tho dilFerent attractions down town throughout tho entire week instead of tho Fourth nnd Saturday as originally planned, but none of the shows or con cessions will be open for business until 7 p. m. dally, excepting on tho Fourth nnd on Saturday; nil shows will open at 0 n. in. on tho Fourth. Hite-Dowhower Wedding. A protty homo wedding occurred nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dow hower on wast Gth street Wednesday evening, when their daughter Myrtle wns unitnl in mnrriago to Lawrence Hite. Rev. C. B. Harman of the Luth eran church performed the ceremony in tho presence of forty friends nnd rel atives of tho contracting parties. Promptly at eight o'clock Miss Gladys Hah played the wedding march and the bridal party took their places. Tho bride wore a becoming gown of white nuns veiling with trimmings of shadow Inco and she carried a shower bcuquet of marguerites and foms. Her maid of honor, Miss Naomi Dowliowor, wore a blue messalinegown and held an arm bouquet of anthirinthiums. Frank Johnson stood with tho groom. After the ceremony tho guests par took of a sumptuous wedding supper nnd tho brido and groom depnrteihfor their now homo on tho Jack Morrow Flats amid a shower of rico and good wishes. ; Assisting in serving were tho Mioses Hazel Donaldson, Isabolle Walker and Ellon McGovorn. Both tho young people aro highly respected and popular with all their acquaintances. A Chance for School Girls and Boys to see the Chautauqua Free and Get a Cash Prize Be sides. Wo have decided to give every school girl and boy soiling $20 worth of season tickets to tho Chnutniinnn. tliiit- la in ndalts or 20 children tickets or in that proportion, an adult season ticket and to tho child turning in the largest re ceipts for tho sale of tickets a $10.00 cash prize and to tho one turning in tho noxt largest amount, $5.00 cash prize. ivu iicKeia ami reports must be turned in bv (5:00 o'olnpk Snrneilnv evening, July 12th, 1913, and the win ners or mo casn prices will bo ahnouncod una evening at mo unnutauqua. Remember, evorv child tlmi allu $20 Worth of -tickets trots nn nHiilt senson ticket. Tho Chautauqua will bo better this year than evei so every ono will want uciteiH. Liot h get uusy. For further information nnd llnL-otu call at C. F. Temple's office. Room 1, I. OrO. F. building. Miss Florence Hoover, of Big Springs, who was a pntiont nt tho P. & S. hos hitnl for a couplo of wcoks, has re covered from her illness and returned homo yesterday morning. Auction Sale Horses, Harness, Wagons, Buggies Ranges, Mattresses, Dressers, Com modes. The chance of a lifetime to furnish up cheaply. Both new nnd Second Hand Goods. Cash Sale. Saturday Afternoon at 2 O'clock, June 28th. ECHELBERY CORNER 6 AND LOCUST. Orchestra Music. J 'ggg, Jaw XM&msymMHBtmpasm&mv. vmm-jsr wmm WHAT'S BETTER THAN ... PORTER'S STAR POP ! ls goodness has made it famous. Ask it's friends A FEW GOOD ONES Chorry Snuto Gvnpv Jftz "rio ifoivsc GJnroi' Alu lioat JIvor- STAR RnTTHMf! WnBlfC . . MfB of Pure UAiAAl Ut 1 A SJlllVJ II7a1U " Fn'nrl T DB. HARRY MITCHELL GRADUATE DENTIST Telophono Kit 450 Z 603l4 Dewey St. North I'latte. Nobratka. D. edfield Iedfisld. Physicians and Surgeons. WILMS J. HEDFIELD. Suwon. JOK . HEDFIELD. I'hjslclnn. OFKIGE: Physicians & Surgeons Hospital . . riiONE ftti MW, Notice. C. F. Graliam, first name unknown, will take notice, that on tho ICth day of June, 1913, P. II . Sullivan, a Justice of tho Peace of North Platte No. 1 Pre cint, Lincoln County, Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for the sum of $18.50, in an action pendingbefore him, wherein Mrs. Maggio Post is plnlntilf and C. E. Graham, first name unknown, defendant, that property consisting of money in tho hands of tho Union Pacific Railroad Company; a cdrporation, has been attached under said order. Said cause was continued ty tho -ltli day of aurusi, I'JiiJ, nt iu o ciock a. m . . Mn5 Vmrtp Phot Dlnmfnr North Platte, Nebr., Jun 23rd; 1913 J START EARLY Talk Number 1 CHAUTAUQUA in ureek mythology.' None. But you ARE interested in the business 'and social life of 1913 in the vital issues that affect your well-being to day and will affect it tomorrow. And you need 1:he inspira tion of music that stirs every mite of en thusiasm in you and that puts a new incen tive into the work of every day. Then you will like this Chau- tauqua-built on vastly new lines for the man fighting TODAY'S struggles and fac ing TOMORROW'S. It is a grand, splendid pro gram. You will be timid about getting into the Chautauqua habit the first day. The last night, you'll be clamoring for seats and' wishing there were more Chautauqua days to come. Get started on the 'opening day and you'll be lad to have missed none of it. A , Copyright.: )Of-o Food Drinks Office phono 21, Ro?. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Plutte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. DflTRONIZE THE I n ' House of Good Show' When in Norlh Plalle. Motion Pictures. Runs Every Niht. Matinee Saturday After noon at 2:30 O'clork. 10 CENTS. LEGAL NOTICE. Theodore V. Bye, James Belton, Sue H. Eaves, Franklin Peale, Mary Ann Poaloand Cary Ogden &Co., a corpora tion, will take notice that on tho 15th day of May, 1913. Edward Lindblad, plaintiff horein, filed his petition in tho district court of Lincoln county, Ne braska, against said defendants im pleaded with others, tho object and prayer of which is to quiet the titlo to lots 3 and oCPoale's subdivision of lots 3 and -I, in block 8-1, in tho original town of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, in tho nlaintiir Edward Lind blad. And to exclude ench and all of said defendants fnom all right, tjtlo, lien, interest, claim or demand, actual or contingent. In and to said premises. "ou aro required to answer said peti tion on or betoro the, 80th day of June. 1913. Edward Lindblad, Plaintiff. By-Wilcox & Hnlligan, his attorneys -on the- TpHIS Chautauqua a that you are to have here this summer is a new kind of Chautauqua. What interest have vou -5- "Sjh- " t tflanagcr sP s-e-s-s-&&&&&&&;s-ts-frs-tHi5-s-s.a. H. M T A V THiTl"! North f L. A. LINE j j- a. i,aiir. sid. w W " --- Jeweler ff If 13 years experience it the bench. Can do R all kinds ot repairing. Bed rock prices. All Jv A. work guaranteed. Jj j Signet Chapter O. E. S., I -NO. 55- $ of every 1 I p. m. 1 Meets 2nd nnd 4th Thursday month nt Masonic Hall nt 7:30 J w 9&&t wt0fn I OtO. B. DENT,' J Physician and Surgeon, Office over McDonald Bank. 4 Phones I Office 130 t j rnones J Resldenco 115 v - Oldest Bank in Lincoln County McDonald State Bank North Platte, Nebr. CAPITAL STOCK 5100,000.00 We Solicit Your Dulniij. ogs ami Cattle Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red G3G Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. Pure Lake Ice. I am prepared to furnish the citizens of North Platte with a fine quality of clear lake ice, frozen from fresh pumped water. Thanking the puhlic for their liberal patron age last year, I respectfully solict a continuance of the same this seasons. L. W.EDIS. Phone 05S5. Real Enjoyment The man who takes enjoyment out of a good cigar will do well to purchase our brands. As a homo manufacturer, we have a reputation to maintain, and therefore put better tobacco in our cigars than do most manufacturers. If we did not make goods cigars, we could not sell them and would soon be forced out of business. J F. SCHMALZRIED. The Maker of Good Cigars. Dr. J. K. Elms. V&P? Homeopathic S Physician and Surgeon. Will hereafter discountinue all road work and will do everything in the nrnctict of medieinp. Citv Dnv mils SI. ' Nitfht Calls $1.50,Couutry Calls 50c per mil" ono way plus aufo hire. Lying in i case $10.00 plus auto hire. These cases ' must bo prearranged for; office prescrip tions 6Uc and in no instance more than ?1.00 all medicines furnished. Also mv speciality of Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Glass Fitting at J my former price. Terms strictly cash. Office over McDonald State Bank. Phone 36. Best of Hospital accomadation for Surgical and Lying in Cases. The CM 1.. liable When your clc'o3 need pressing, cleaning and repaiun' let the Old Re liable Tailor do it r. . do it right. We have been doing this work in North Platte. for thirty years, know how to do it and do it the way it should'be done. That means satisfaction to you. F. J. BROEKER. Entrance north of the Nyal drug store. Established in 1871. Contractor and Builder. Shop Corner Oth and Vine Streets NORTH PLATTE, NEB. R. D. Thomson. sassesasosooa980ee DR. J. S. TWINEM, HomeopathlcPhyslclanandSurgeon a Hospital accommodations for Medlcnl nnd m Burical attention civon obstetrical cases. OIIlco Phono 183 Res. Phono 283 Onico McDonald Stato nank nid'e Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a degree of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein The Mutual Buildinpr & Loan Associa tion a corporation is plaintiff and Chester F. Perry. Laura Perry, Arthur C. Olson, Edward .. Jones. Julia A. Jones, Charles Wilkinson, John G Caster and Ethel Caster are defendants, and to mo directed I will on tho C5th day of June, 1913, nt 2 o'clock p. m., at the east front door of the court house In North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne braska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree. Interest and costs, the following described property to-wit- Lots three and four (3) & (4) In Block twenty-threc (23) In tho original town now city of ftorth Platto Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated North Platte. Neb.. Mav 14. 1913. nO-C A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtuo of nn execution on transcript Issued from thcDistrict Court of Lincoln county, Nebras ka, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said court w herein Knox nnd Walters a corporation partnership Is plaintiff, and E. Rima, is de fendant, nnd to me directed, I will on the 12th day of July, 1913. nt two o clock", p. ni at tho east front door of the court house of said county. In the city of North Platte, Nebraska, sell at public auction, to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest and costs, the following described property, to-wlt: o?",or'neast . nuartcr (neH) Section two (2) In township fifteen (16), lango thirty (30). west of the-Cth P. M. In Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated at North Platte, Neb., June 9, 1913. J10-5 A. J. Salisbury-, Sheriff Serial No. 01407 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. United States Land Othce At North Platte, Nebraska. May 12. 1913 Notice is hereby Riven that Rose A. Mathers, of Tryon, Neb., who on February. 27, 1909, made homestead entry. N'o. 01407. for all of Section 8. Township 10. N. Range 31, W. Gth Principal Meridnn. has filed notice of Intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before tho register and receiver J 1 1BH CbraSkn" " tho 10th day of Claimant names as wltnessses: Julius Mogensen. H. ! red Johanson, of CSorth Tlatte. Neb.. Joseph Mahaney, David N. Callender. of Trj on. Neb m2- J. E. Evans. Register. , L PROBATE NOTICE In the County Court of Lincoln County. Ne braska, JunolOth, 1913. In the matter of the estato of Charles T. Robl son. Deceased. Notice is hereby given, that the creditors of said deceased will meet the Executor of said estato, before the county Judge of Lincoln county, Nebraska, nt the county court room. In Bald the 15th day of Jan.. 1914. at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and nllownnce. Six months nre allowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year for the Executor to settlo said estate, from the 10th day of June. 1913 North Platte Tribune, a legal semi-weekly news paper printed for four successive weeks prior to said data of hearing. July 15th. 1913. J17-1 JOHN GRANT. County Judge. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 01061, ., c r Department of tho Interior. U. S, Land Ollice at North Platte, Neb. vriTiri-1. 1. i , .June 19- '913. NOT ICL Is hereby given that James Bechan, Jr.. of North Platte. Neb., who, on May 1.1907 wue " .E-,.- ZX- Serial' No. 01051. for H, nnd WM of EH. Section 20 PriE?FM,Kw,hl.Rn$8?1' WtS h 6th & Mnrld?ni ha' Med no,ice ot Intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the fhS'1 ?I,J rJf lwr at orth 1latt iNeb.. on tho 20th day of August, 1918. ' v of &WA Neu' GrVe,t ArAur W..Sli OBKK. -- j. rJCiVAiNa. tfpariAfpr 3 i- i. Iv-r 4-i --"-t ffen.aitfKt --"