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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1913)
I" Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L Bare, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. One Year by Mail in advance $1.2o Ono Yexr by Carrier in advance $1.60 Entered at North Platte, N'obraska, Post oflico ns Second Class Matter. TUESDAY. JUNE 24. 1913. Local and Personal. Dr. N. McCabo, Omaha for soveral this evening. who has been in days, will return Mr. and Mrs. Miles Marcott went to Omah the latter part of last week to upond a few duys. A largo numhor of auto parties went to Stnpieton Sunday to witness n double header bull game. A son was born to Attorney and Mrs. William Shuman Saturday afternoon and died shortly after birth. Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry Samuelson and children returned Sunday morning from Omaha where they spent a woek with frionds. Wcly and Burton Shoop, of Suther land, returnod home yesterday nftor noon nftor visiting Harold Cox for a week. Autornobilo insurance, Woodhurst's insurance Agency. -12-8 Miss Grace Pnyno will entertain thirty-five young ladles and gentlemon this evening at a picnic nt Sioux Lookout Fifty or more local people wont to Hurshoy Sunday afternoon on tho two o'clock train to witness tho bnll game and as many more went up by auto. W. II. C. Woodhurst wenttoKenrnoy to adjust u firo loss for E. M. Smith who lost a barn, several horses and a a number of t"o!s In a lire recently, A large number of young people from town attended a big barn dance at the Kelso home west of town Saturday evening and everyone reported a good time. Mildred and Margaret Woods, of Gothenburg, camo the latter pnrt of lnt week to visit their sister Mrs. Ernest Hucklur for a woek for a week or mor,c. Mrs. E. Fitzgeral and son Mike, of Durant, Okla., are expected the latter partof this week to visit Mr. and Mrs. Charlos Edwards, being mother ' and brother of the latter. For bargains in choice residences sec Buchanan & Patterson's bargain list in another column. tf Henry Border, of Gothenburg, who was tho guest of his grandson Perry Carson and daughter Mrs. C. P. Carson for fievoral days left yesterday after noon for homo. Miss Georgia White, who was In charge of the Hub Millinery depart ment during the spring season) re turned to her homo in St. Joe tho latter part of last weak. Tho stork visited tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Schiller Saturday and deposited a lively ajid healthy girl. The interested parties are reported to io getting along nicaly, .Goorgo Handley, ofCentralia, Wash., who hud boen visiting in Des Moines for two weeks, came yesterday morn ing to visit frionds for u fow days whilo enroute home. G. A. Gregory, statu normal trainjng inspector, loft yestorday af tor spending soveral days Inspecting tho junior, nor mal which ha mports to bo in excellent condition and doing satisfactory work. Richie Ugai has installed a new runge in his Kitchen at tho Palace cafe. The new range is a 1013 Born model weighing over ono ton, has three ovens and two Are boxes. In length It meas ures about sixtoi'ti feet and was pur chased at a coat of four hundred dollars. Protect your cows and horses from flies during the summer' months by using Dr. Hess Fly Chaser. ThlH pre paration has been subjected to the severest teHt before offering it for snlo and wo know positively that there is nothing on tho market that will equal Dr. Heas Fly Chaser. For sulo by Schiller & Co., Tho Loading Drug Stores, County Newagraphs. Many Russians nnd Mexicans have been shipped into tho Horshoy and Sutherland sections to tako care of tlm beet crop. Theso laborers are given $21 psr-ncra for tho hand work. Sutherland has organized a ball team which tho Free Lanco says will resut In that village occupying a more con spicuous 'position on tho map of Nebras ka. Tho teutn is now ready to play any team in Nebraska though not san guine of always winning. Tho cherry harvest In the valley is now in progress, and the crop is gald to be good. In tome instances tho crop is being sold for six cents a quart on tho tree. As tha purchasers pull the cherries from tho stem, n quart means a solid quart of the fruit. Ray Hougeland, who had his jaw and chin smashed by tho kick of u horse several wesks ago and had been taking treatmont at St. Lnko's hospital, in North Platte, has returnod to his home south of Sutherland. Tho village board of Horshoy has omployd Paul Moyer of North Platto to establish street and sidewalk erodes preparatory to u systematic grading of the.stronts and siduwalk laying. Her shey is ouch day dropping some of Its swaddling clothes ami putting on tho apparel of n "grown up." Tho Extension Department notified tho secretary that Maxwell could not secure the "short course" this year as thoy had already contracted with three points in this end of tho state. Paxton, Hershoy. und Farnam, tho lattor for tho third timi.-Muxweil Tolepoit. Ex-sonator C. A. Sibley, o(,Fox Creek, and Postmaster Langvion of Curtis, were North Platto visitors Mon day. .They said whoat In their respoc tlvo sections would, not ba a very hoaw crop, but that corn is doing fino. D. M. Lgypoldt and Carl Wickstrom, of Hershey, spent last week Osceola ex amining a flourlne mill with a view of constructing a similar mill at Hershoy. A census of the Hershey school dis trict developed 150 children of school age. Children in that section prove as prosperous a crop as do alfalfa, corn and sugar beets, and they are a bright lot of boys and girls. The Wallace Winner avers that John Thompson of that section has ICO oores of the finest wheat in tho country. That means that John Thompson will haye at least 5,000 bushels of wheat to cart to market next fall. The Hershey Times editor took a drive last week through the sugar beet sec tion and in summing up tho condition says: The beets nro coming fine and bid fair to making one of the largest yields this section has ever raised. One especially fine field was that of Roland Frame's. He has eighty acres nnd his heln is nearly through with the thinning and are ready for tho hoeing. They were splendid and the best we saw on our trip. Thomas McDermott, of Walkor pre cinct, came to North Platto Saturday for tho purpose of enriching tho county tronsury to the extent of nbout $300. Mr. M Dermott is a heavy land holder in that precinct, and is also one of the early settlers. He hns prospered and griwn to be well-to-do. The Maxwell school board has elected Mr. Campbell ot Greeley Center super intendent of the school, Miss Clark principal, Mi3 Kane assistant principal ana .Miss Lienty grade teacner. Efforts have been made recently to make what is known as the north road between Sutherland and North Platte attractive to travel, or better thun tho official road. In order that it may ultimately become the official route, Tho country traversed by tho north rend is somewhat better for roadmak ing than that a mile south and the prosperous farms there' give the traveling public a better impression of tho country. Sutherland Free Lance. A Chance for School Girls and Boys to see the Chautauqua Free and Get a Cash Prize Be sides. We have decided to give every school girl and boy selling 20 wortfi"of season tickets to the Chautauqua, that is 10 ndults or 20 children tickets or in that proportion, an adult season ticket and to the child turning in the largest re ceipts for the sale of tickets a $10.00 cash prizo und to the one turning in tho next largest amount, $5.00 cash prize. All tickets und reports must be turned in by 6:00 o'clock Saturday evening, July 12th, 1913, and the win ners of the cash prizes will be announced that evening at tho Chautauqua. Remember, every child that soils $20 worth of tickets gets an adult season ticket. The Chautauqua will be hotter this year than ever, so every one will want tickets. Let's get busy. For further information and tickots, call at C. F. Temple's office. Room 1, I. O. O. F. building. For bargains in choice residences see Buchanan & Patterson's bargain list in another column? tf Commissioners' Proceeding. June 16. 1913. Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment, Present Roberts, White, Horminghausen and county clerk. The following claims were allowed, to-wit:- Paul G. Meyer, viewing roads with county beard, on general fund $ C 25 J D Anderson, unloading car of lumber, on bridge fund 15 00 John J Ginapp, road work district , 10 100 00 v m uymond, road work district J 33 00 Bert Light, road work district 25 200 00 II O Rice, servlaes, on general fund l 00 . Roud No. 3G3 doming up for final action tho board being of the opinion thnt said road is for the pubfic good, it is lieroby granted ns per petition. Salary of Joaoph M. Wilson, custodian of tho court house is horeby raised from 65.00 to $75.00 per month, to tnko ofFoct Juno 1, 1913. t I The county treasuror is horeby author ized to rofund to O. H. Eyorly $10.80 from tho taxes for 1912 on un assessed valuation of $160.00 on nccount of error in assessing lota "T" & "V" of J. V. Abbott's Sub. Div. of Hershoy. Tho county clerk is horoby authorized to advertise for bids for the construc tion of two bridges according to plans and specifications on filo in tho clerk's oincu. wno Driugo to us built across Cottonwood Canyon nnd tho other across tho Medicine on NE 1 Sec. 35-10-31. Bidders to deposit certified checks for $300 with bid. W J Hnrper is horobv given permis sion to build a cattlo chute across county road between NW J Sec. 15 and NE J Sec. 16-9-26, to bo built under supervision of road overseer and to conform to requirmonts of stato law for bridges. Wnoroupon tho board adjourns to July 1, 1913. C. W. Yost, County Clerk. Board of Equalization met same as yesterday. Continued comparing values of different precincts and took recess until tomorrow. C. W. Yost, County Clerk. Juno 17, 18, nnd 19. Board of equali zatlon met each dny as per recess taken irom uay to uay. continued comparing values in tho different precincts and took recess until June 23. C. W. Yost, County Clerk. Take Plenty of Time to Eat. There is a saying that "rapid eating is slow Bulcide. ' If you have formed tnu nauit oi eating too rapidly you are most likely suffering from indigestion or constipation, which will result even tually in serious illness unless corrected. Digestion begins in the mouth. Food should bo thoroughly masticated nnd in salviatcd. Then when you have n full noss of tho stomach or feel dull and stupid after eating, tako ono of Cham berlain's Tablets. Many severe casos of stomach trouble and constipation have boon cured by the use of theso tablets. Thoy are easy to tako and most agreeable in etfoct. Sold by all dealers. WHAT'S BETTER THAN PORTER'S STAR POP 5ABSS It's goodness has made it famous. Ask it's friends A FEW GOOD ONES Ohvrvy Sjiio (iriittu lfix v 'hlla J Torso (llnuov Ao Hoot Jicor STAR BOTTLING WORKS :-: SJfS ttZ niinmenwn v Is YOUR Telephone Track Always Clear? The Telephone Eond to your place of busi ness should never be blocked. v You should have enough telephone lines to have an ahvnys clear track for your customers. Perhaps You Need Another Line! NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY I "-" I T '""'' Tl i'.'i! '!' ' .1 '" " "' "'-'. --.. ..- 1 1 HandingOutHorsePower for wagons is Mica Axle Grease Saves repairs and makes hard roads easy, i "It's the Mica that docs it." Standard Oil Company (NEnRABKAl Oaiaha Attorney George Gibbs went to Ognlalla yesterday on legal business. NORTH PLATTE WITNESSES. The Names of North Platte Persons Familiar To All. Who aro tho witnesses? Thoy aro North Platto peoplo. Residents of North Platte who haye hod kidney backache, kidney ills, blad der ills,: who have used DoBn's Kidney Pills. Theso witnesses endorse Doan's. Ono North Platte residont who speaks is North Platte. J. M. Harper, 409 Dewey street. North Platte, Nebraska, say?. "1 hod occasslon to use Doan's Kftlney Pills for kidney trouble when Hying in Creston, Iowa, and found them to be n splendid kidnoy remedy. They re moved poin across my back which had troubled mo greatly. They also streng thened my kidneys and regulnted tho passage of the kidney secretions. 1 do hesitate to recommend Donn's Kidney Pills, procured at McDonoll & Graves' drug store (now Schiller & Co's Drug storo.) For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cent. Foster-MllburnCo., Buffalo, New York, solo agents for the United States. Itomember the name Doan's and take no other. Notice, ' C. F. Graham, first name unknown, will tako notice, that on tho 16th day of June. 1913, P. H. Sullivan, a Justice of tho Peace of North Platte No. 1 Pre cint, Lincoln County, Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for the sum of sMS.50, in nn action pondingbefore him. wherein Mrs. Maggie Post is plaintiff ami u. tu. uranam, nrst name unknown, defendant, that property consisting of money in tho honds of tho Union Pacific Railroad Company, a corporation, has been attnehed under said order. Said cause was continued tu tho 4th day of August, 1910, at 10 o'clock a. m. Mrs. Maggie Post, Plaintiff.. North Platte, Nebr June 23rd, 1913. The best lubricant Dift ty.df.Bld tyedfield Physicians and Surgeons. WILLIS J. REDFIELD, Surgeon. JOE B. REDFIELD, Phslclan. v OFHCE: Physicians & Surgeons . Hospital . . rHONE 612. Haas and Cattle Bought and highest market pneos paid PHONES Residence Red G36 Oflice 459 C. H. WALTERS. 2 GEO. D. DENT, Physician and Surgeon, ? Office over McDonald Bank. 5 t Phones r . ) ndion vm r I'nnnna "":r'-""J Residence 115 Mi W r JfciUMt 4 wwiw Mtttim i.uw w 1 Signe Ahaptcr O. E. S., J NO. 55 I ..Meeti 2nd and 4th "Thursday of every month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 p. m. t iiAAtfi0mtAmmttviinf l f Sf " T The Frost and Carbon-Proof Oil. Polarine affords the highest possible degree of lubrication, no matter how hard the service conditions. It will not congeal in the crank case nor clog in the feed pipes. It burns cleanly, without carbon deposit. Ask your dealer about quantity discounts and iron barrels for storage. Red Crown Motors Standard Oil Company (MunttAotiA) Oldest Bank In Lincoln County State Bank North Platte, Ncbr. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 We Solicit Your Business. DflTRONIZE.THE DftT I II ' House of Good Show I fl 1 When in Norih Plafie. Motion Pictures. Runs Every Night. Matinee Snturday After noon at 2,j30 O'clork. 10 CENTS. L. A. LINES., 5 It irM nvnnlJnnAA . (kA l.nH.U r .1 " X all kinds of repairing. Bed rock prices. All S Jv work guaranteed. Pure Lake Ice. I am prepared to furnish the citizens of North Platte with a fine quality of clear lake ice, frozen from fresh pumped water. Thanking the public for their liberal patron age last year, I respectfully solict a continuance of the same this seasons. L. W. EDIS. Phone OS 55. Dr. J. K. Elms, Homeopathic Physician, and Surgeon. Will hereafter discountinuo all road work and will do everything in the practice of medicine. City Day calls $1. Night Calls $1.50,Country Calls 50c per mile one way plus auto hire. Lying in caso $10.00 plus auto hire. These cases must be prearranged for; office prescrip tions 50c and in no instance more than $1.00 all medicines furnishod. Also my speciality of Eye. Ear, Nose, Throat and Glass Fitting at J my former price. Terms strictly cash. Ofiico over McDonald Stato Bank. Phono 36. Best of Hospital accomadation for Surgical and Lying in Cases. Real Enjoyment The man who takes enjoyment out of a good cigar will do well to purchase our brands. As a home manufacturer, wo have a reputation to maintain, and thorefore put better toUacco in our cigars than do most manufacturers. If wo did not make goodi cigars, we could not sell them and would sootl be forced ouof business. J F. SCHMALZRIED. The Maker of Good Cigars, r ""s: Gasoline is Best. Omaiia I DR. J. S. TV.'INEM, HomcopathlcPhyslclj antlSurgcon e Hospital accommoJc hl i r Medical and '"' surgical attention given obstetrical cases, Omen Phono 183 Res. Phone 283 5 OIllco McDonald State Hank Itlcl'g- Cw909Ctstk)9oiaana Established in 1371. Contractor and Builder.- Shop Corner 6th and Vine Streets NORTH PLATTE, NEB. R. D. Thomson. The' Old Reliable When your clothes need pressing, cleaning and repairing, let the Old Re liable Tailor do it and do it right. We have been doing this work in North Platte for thirty years, know how to do it and do it the way it should be done. That' means Satisfaction to you. F, J. BROEKER. Entrance north of the Nyal drug store. Sheriff's Sale. By Irtuo of an order of sale Issued from tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon n desi ce of foreclosure rendered in said court w herein The, Mutual Building & Loan Associa. tion n corporation is plaintiff and Chester F. Perry. Laura Perry, Arthur C. Olson, Edward L. Jones. Julia A. Jones, Charles Wilkinson. John G Caster and L'thel Caster are defendants, and to me directed I will on the C5th day of June, 1913, at 2 o'clock ). m., at the east front door of tho court house in North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne braska, sell nt public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest nnd costs, the followinpsdesciibed property to-ttWLots three and four Xo) & (4) in Block twenty-three (23) In the original town now city of Jorth Platte Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Nob., .May 14. 1913. m2lM5 A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff i SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution on transcript Issued from theDlstrict Court oi Lincoln county, Nebras ka, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said court w herein Knot nnd Waitirs a corporation pattiiorshlri Is plaintiff, nnd E. Rima, Is de fendant, and to mo directed, I will on the 12th day of July, 1013. at two o'clock, p. m., at the east front door of the court house of said county, In the city of North Platte, Nebraska, sell at public auction, to the hiBhest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree. Interest and costb, tho following described property, to-wlt: ?l',ortnea3t quarter (ncK) section two ( in township fifteen (15), rancre thirty l0), west of tho 6th P. M. In Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated at North Platte, Neb.. June 9, 1913. J1C-B A. J. Salisbury. Sheriff Serial No. 01407 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DEPARTMENT or THU INTERIOR. United States Land Ollice At North riatte, Nebraska. .May 12, 1913. Notice Is hereby 1 en that Roso A. Mathers, pf Tryon, Neb., who on Tcbruary, 27. 1909, made homesttad entry. No. 01407. for all of Section 8, Township 1G, N. Range 31. W. Cth Principal Merldan, has filed notice of intention to make thieu ear proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the register and receiver at .North I'latte, Nebraska, on the 10th day of July, 1913. Claimant names as witnessses: Julius Mogensen, H. rred Johanson. of North Platte. Neb.. Joseph Mahancy, David N. Callender, of Tryon. N'eb. 'n20-(' J. E. Evans. Register. PROBATE NOTICE. In the County Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, JunelOth, 1913. In the matter of tho estate of Charles T. Robl. son. Deceased. Notice Is hereby gl en, that tho creditors of said deceased will meet the Executor of said estate, before the county judge of Lincoln county. Nebraska, nt the county court room. In said the lBth day of Jan.. 1914. at 9 o'clock n. m. each uay, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment nnd allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year for the Executor to settle said estate, from the 10th day of June. 1913 v..Ci,0?X ." ih)? 'er to be published In the North Platto Tribune, a legal semi-weekly news paper printed for four successive weeks prior to said date of hearing, July 16th, 1913. J17-4 JOHN GRANT. County Judga. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 01051, .t o t department of the Interior. U. S. Land Ollice at North Platte. Neb. NOTICE I. hereby given that jimeVlfan. Jr.. of North Platte. Neb., who, on May I. I9u7 W8 ,andE,WN(2- S"'al No. 01061. vfrt, anu K of EM. Section -n lJ? n.hlP fr Krtli. lUnw 31, West of the cfh to k!Wflnftnh" "lcd notl; of 'ntlon cbiinT tn ?th u rVw ,',roof- t tablt.h il. i Und b"e "escribed, before the Kl&l a"d Tf'ver. at North Platte. Neb! on the 20th day of August. 1913. u.T,,? '""J,1 P",me u1 w1tmses: D. B. McN'eel. sa &? Grove'- A"hu,-T- j-,-i J. R EVANS. RHst.r. -'