The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 24, 1913, Image 4

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f -i.TTi
olumbia (he Gem of the Ocean
doesn't show her age though she
has long feince passed the century
mark. Sho is still dazzlmgly
beautiful, but not a bit more so
than tho gems and jewels to be
seen in our cases. If you have
n gift to make to some fair
daughter of Columbia or wnnt
some adornment for your own
use, this jewelry shop is the
place to find th" prettiest and
Jeweler and Optician.
Wo wnnt your repair work
The Big Carnival
Comes Next Week
Orders De-
llvered nromntiv. T
For Your Drugs.
Local and Personal.
The Mothodist aid society will meet
at tho parsonage Thursdny afternoon.
Charles Leirk, of Fremont, spent
Sunday In town visjtmg the home folks.
Mrs. George Jiang went to Grand Is
land Friday afternoon to.yisit her sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Votow, of May
wood, are visiting at the Davidson home.
L. L. O'Brien left yesterday morning
for Central City to spend a few days.
Sherwood Woodhurst loft Sunday for
a short visit with friends in Denver.
Pat Hagerty roturnod yesterday from
Omahawhore he spent two days.
Ira Simpson left Friday evening for
Denver to spend a couplo of days.
Harry McEvoy left Friday afternoon
for Denver to spond the week end.
F. W. Cathcr, of Flats, was a busi
ness caller in this city Saturday.
Georgo Koimo loft Saturday for
Omaha to spend a week or longer.
Sidney Bcsack loft Saturday for
Kansas City to visit friends.
Bankers Life Insurance, Woodhurst's
Insuranco Agency. -J2-8
Miko McFadden, of Paxton, spent
Sunday with friends in town.
Clyde Trotter, of Brady, was among
tho visitors in town Saturday.
Miss Lucy Alexander spent Sunday
with friends in Gothenburg. .
Miss Ruoy Shuner Sundayed with the
homo folks in Maxwell.
Guy Swope spent Sunday in Suther
land on business,
Vic Halligan spent Sunday with Lin
coln friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Dowhower left
the first of this week for Cheycnno to
be tho guests of friends for some tlmo.
Miss Bessie Graham who had boon
employed in Gothenburg for several
weeks returnod homo Friday ovoning.
'Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Peaso and
famjly, of Gothenburg, who visited
hero fast week, havo returned home.
Ms Irene McGe$ and mother expect
to leavo today for Michigan City to
iponusoverai tnontlis with roiuttvoR.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Yntes and children
returned yesterday morning from Suth
erland where they visited relativos.
For Rent Two furnished rooms for
'light housekeeping, phone black 551.
MIbs Lucy Dunn left Sunday afternoon
for Green River to attend tho Dahl-btrom-Quirk
wedding this week.
Mrs. M. C. Kodgers who has been
Ylsltjng relatives in Wyoming for sev
eral weeks will roturn tomorrow.
Miss Comfort Conway who has been
visiting rolntlves in Noleigh for two
weeks will return in n few days.
Mrs. Hibbert, of Kearney, returnod
homo Snturday morning after visiting
her aon Charles Hibbert and wife.
George McLellen, of Gothenburg, ar
rived the last of last week to visit his
daughter, Mrs. Robert Anderson. .
Leo Pass came homo Friday from
Creighton University in Omaha to spend
tho summer with tho home folks.
Mrs. S. II. Grace, of Chicago, is ex
pected in thq near futuro to visit her
daughter Mrs. W. L. Richards.
The Twentieth Century club will hold
a ktnslngton at the home of Mrs. Jeshe
Edwards Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Grace Mooney and nophew re
turned Saturday morning from Lexing
ton wheie they visited relatives.
Hail Insuranco on "growing crops,
Woodhurst's Insuranco Agency. 42-a
Miss Ada Tolle, of Koarney, came
Saturday evening to visit t the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Boyle.
Miss LaVaughn Carroll, who spent
several weekR in Oborlin, Kans., re
turnod here Snturday evening.
Mrs. A. A. Schntz returned Sunday
evening from an extended visit in cities
in tho east and south.
. Miss Ruth Patterson of the Omaha,
teaching stall came home Sunday even
ing to spend tho summer.
Mrs. Ray Shrlncr returned tho latter
part of last week from a three week'
yiait In Lincoln with rolatives.
Mrs, J, J. Halligan and daughter
Lucille- returned Sunday from a pro
tracted visit in Kansas City.
Mrs. Henry Breternitz and daughter
Vera loft yesterday morning for Cali
fornia to spend sevoral weoks.
Mrs. Huddart nnd son went to
Chicago Snturday morning to vUit rela
tives for it couple of weeks.
Sam Grace, of Omaha, spont yester
day in town while enronto home from a
business visit in Salt Lake.
Mrs. John Welzburg, qf Omnha, who
was the guest of her brother Vormon
Huntoon last week left for home Sat
urday evening.
Miss TillieHuxoll, of the Selby dry
gooda store is taking a two weeks'
A S. Coates came down from Suth
erland Saturday to spond the day on
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stamp and
daughter spent Sunday with friends In
P. J. Knolls left Sunday evening for
Kansas City to spend ten days with
R, E. Miller left Sunday evening for
Omaha to spend a couple of days with
Mrs. Stella Van Brocklin is spending
this week with her daughter in Grand
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilkinson left
Sunday morning for Omaha to spend a
Ira Russell went to Gothenburg Sat
urday to spend a couple of days with
John Frew, of Keystone, spent the
latter part of last week in town on busi
ness. Attorney L. E. Roach returned the
latter part of last week from Oklahoma
Nick Enright, of Brady, came up
Saturday to transact business for a few
Mrs. John Show, of Hershey, is
spending this week with friends in this
Manager Stamp has blllud "Freckles"
for tho Keith Saturday evening, June
J. B. Ellis returned to Konesaw yes
terday after visiting his son for some
Surely the high cost of living is on
tho toboggan slido. A North Platte
denier has cut the price of ice cream
from forty to thirty cents a quart.
Dean Burnett, of Lincoln, W. W.
Burr and W. P. Snyder went to the
Holdrege experimental farm Saturday
to spend several days on business.
Mrs. J. G. Beeler nnd daughter
Myrtle wero called to Cuba, III., Satur
day by the serious illness of the for
mer's brother, J. C. Thomas.
Mrs. Woodmansee, of Denison,
Toxas, formerly of this city, came Sat
urday afternoon to visit tho Bullard
family for a week or longer.
Miss Flora Contwell, of Hastings,
who was tho guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Cnrl Simons lust week, left for homo
Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Ray G. Langford and sons who
have been visiting in Corning, In., for
several weeks, will return home tomor
row evening. v
Mm., Earl Lnmbort and children re-
turnau Saturday evening from Hastings
where they were guests of relatives for
fimn tin")!!''
Mr. and Mrs. Will Groves left the
latter part of last week for Omaha and
eastern points to visit relatives for a
Overland Automobile for sale or trade
for North Platte town property or
horses. M. H, Hoxio, at district clerk's
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rebhausen and
son Gordon went to Omnha Friday where
tho latter will havo an operation for
Mrs. Jake Pizer, who was a guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Pizer for several
weeks, left Sunday morning for
John Nolen and sister Miss Regina
went to Grand Island Sunday to visit
friends and relatives for a week or
Tho Catholic Girls Club will give an
ice cream social in tho former Catholic
school room Thursday evening of this
week ,
ChnrlpH T.inrlr fnrmnrli. nf :..
who Is now engagod in the automobile
business in Fremont will be married nt
noon tomorrow nt Brady to Miss
MByme Johnson formerly of this city
Wonted By n gentleman, table
board and room or room nlono per
manentoly near the busineiB district.
I lease state price and surroundings.
Address P. 0. Box 4UG, North Platte.
Harry Davis, Geo. Halev, Elmer
Jackson, J . Bolen. Geo. Christinnson,
C. Swank, Will Murphy, Sam Sharkey
and Harry Newfleld wero among those
who wen, to Denver Snturday.
Picnic parties will bo welcome to tho
use of Doollttlo's grove. Icecream can
bo purchased at farm'house for $1.00 a
gallon. 42-4
Judge Grimos nnd John Hnlligan left
tho latter part ot last week for tho
Smith ranch near Broatiwnter where
thoy will dovoto several days to fishing
and other recreative sport.
Ed Bonner, of Brady, charged with
assaulting William George of tho same
place, had his hearing Saturdnv and was
discharged. Adozonormoro Bradyites
were present as witnesses.
There is a very pretty pantomime
story portrayed during the perfor
mances of the Rice and Dore water
circus, which is here next week start
ing next Monday night on the U. P.
right of way grounds, for the benefit of
the North Platte Military Band.
It tells the story of tho mermaids
who have been enjoying their daily
stinbnths on the rocks, when Father
Neptune becoming alarmed for their
safety as they have been on shore n
little longer than usual, comes up out
of his watery home and calls his darling
nymphs, who reluctantly follow their
father as he dissapeors under the dash
ing waves, to tho bottom of the sea.
There they tell him of the wonderous
beauties that they have beheld on land
and try and prevail him to transform
them Into the sort of images that thoy
have seen walking on shore nnd to givo
up his watery castle of coral and shell
and to live on the Innd of sunshine and
flowers, nnd nftermuch persuasion the
old man finally gives up the sea which
he has been the king of for hundreds
of years and returns to mother earth
for a new world to conquer.
This beautiful marine spectacle is
enacted nt every performance under
the captnin of "Ncptune'B Daughters"
and is a replica of the same attraction
that started and astounded thousands
upon thousands at the New York Hip
podrome for years.
Aside from the Water Circus there
are sixteen other high class attractions
to be found with the Rice and Dore
Water Carnival organization, perhaps
the Motordrome or the Death Whirl
would be considered by many as the
second best attraction, as it is one that
is full of sensationalism, three kinetic
demons present an net that pinches the
heart and chills the blood, as they race
around a circular saucer track that is
pitched at an angle of 75 degrees, and
maintain a speed of sometimes ninety
miles an hour.
It hns not been fully decided as yet
whether the shows will be on the U.
P. right of way for four days or not nt
nil ns there nre quite a few merchants
who are determined to have the shows
on the side streets facing Dewey all
week instead of just the Fourth and
Snturday, The carnival manngors are
neutral in the matter and state that
they are here to please the merchants
ancf meet with their desires and not to
dictate where they shall go.
Many Cattle Coming North.
Cattle from the dry sections of Texas
continue to move toward the western '
Nebraska and South Dakota ranges in j
large numbers, with indications that'
still more are coming and wjthin the
next week they will commence to come I
from old Mexico where it is reported
tho drought is the most severe of many ,
The Rock Island brought 1,500 head
of cattle Into Nebraska from Texas,
and the Burlington about the same
number. Tho nnimnls coming now are ,
all spring poor, but it is said they will,
take on flesh rapidly as soon as they i
get onto the Nebraska grass.
The Rock Island officers estimate that
during tho next month fully 50,000
cnttle will bo shipped north from I
Mexico nnd that most of them will !
come to Nebraska, Wyoming and South
Mrs. Alfred Johnson and son left '
Sunday nf ternoon forButte and Denver I
to spend several weeks. '
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Yenrsley left
Sunday for Ogden, expecting to be '
absent for two weeks.
Mrs. John Grant returned the latter
part of lat week from an extended
visit in eastern points.
Mrs. Lena Salisbury left Saturday
morning for Paxton to visit her daugh
ter for several days. ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Holcombe, of
Brady, visited Mr. and Mrs. James
Loudon last week.
Miss Ethel Armour, of Stapleton,
spent the latter Dart of this week in
town with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boyle are enjoy-'
ing a visit from Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Tolle, of Kearney.
Revokes Order.
Tho order posted in the Union Pacifjc
shops tho eariy pnrt of last Week de
claring that the shops should bo closed
from June 21st to July 1st, was rev
oked Friday and work this woek is
running along as usual. Division
Master Mechanic Berry was in town
Thursday and finding that so many of
the employes had taken vacations fol
lowing pay day, recommended the re
vocation of the order. The time lost
by employes on vacation enualed the re
trenchment of expenses demanded,'''of
the local shops.
Will Longpre, of Maxwell, has been
appointed Fection foreman at Staple
ton on tho Kearney branch.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Thompson left
Friday evening for Denver and Kansas
City to visit for n week.
John O'Neil, of Lincoln, who visited
at the Stack and Tighe homes last week,
left Snturday afternoon.
The totnl operating revenues of tho
rnilways of the United States for April
were J237.BGS.42l, an increase over
those of April, 1912, of $22,892,908 in
the aggregate, or 9.7 per cent per mile
of line. This was cut down by nn ad-
vnnce in operating expenses of 12.3 per
cent per mile to an incrense in net
operating levenue of ?l.fc34,073 in the
aggregate, or 2.4 per cent per mile.
When you havo friends from the
enst or west come to visit you this
8iimmor don't fail to take them to the
top of the hills south of tho river and
let them view the Platte Valley from
that elovation. It is n view that thoy
will long remember, and one that in
beauty can bs surpassed by few places
in tho west. Residents of North Platte,
and there are probably many of them,
who havo never viewed this scene should
do so.
For bargains in choice residences see
Buchanana & Patterson's bargain list
in another column. tf
Missouri Pacific trainmen nnd espec
ially those in Missouri, nre, according
to reports which nre being sent out
from that state, inclined to look for
ward with a great deal of apprehension
to the time when the 2-cent fnre law
and the mnximum freight rate law, re
cently sustained by the United States
supreme court, shall go into effect.
Tho men are fearful that the putting
into effect of the reduced rates will re
sult in tnking off a number of trains
and that this will be the case not only
with tho Missouri Pacific, but with
every other roads in Missouri.
The assets of this association exceed
the sum of half a million dollars. The
reduction of the rate of interest to bor
rowers has increased the demand for
loans; and in order to meet this demand
the association will issue a limited
amounted of its PAID UP STOCK.
Money invested in this paid up stock
draws six per cent interest, payable
semi-annually, and may be withdrawn
at any time upon thirty days notice,
such notice, being waived where there
are funds in the treasury to meet the
T. C. Patterson, President.
Samuel Goozee, Secretary.
Three Programs
Don't Fail to See Them
Tuesday's Program
"The Strenghth of the Weak,"
The story of a dootor who saves
a patient from the habit of drink,
but himself becomes a victim.
Relensed June 13.
"The Higher Law" features
the faithful family dog that bring
help to the paymaster's wife
when she is in danger of being
robbed. Released June 15.
."Flossie Visits Bar V Ranch"
and causes some commotion
among the hearts of some of the
men employed there. Released
May 31.
Wednesday's Program
First we have a comedy reel
and then we have three-reel Bison
offering "The Battle of San Juan
Hill" which shows the landing of
the United States force on the
Island of Cuba in 189S. Then
follows the charge up to the
block house at San Juan. Among
tho characters we have Dr. Lopez
who is a loyal Spaniard and his
wife Inez who succeeds in learn
ing some of the enemy's plans.
Then there is General Simmons,
a soldier of fortune, who is fight
ing for Cuba Libre. Released
June 3.
Thursday's Program
When Granddaddy went to Sea.
A Powers Comedy. Released
June 0.
Spring in the Desert. A Nestor
Western. Re leased June 9"
Tourist and the Flower Girl. A
Rex Drama. Released May 9.
Watch the billing at the theatre
for a further description.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Every family without exception
should keep this preparation at bund
during the hot summer ironths. Cham
berlnfn'H Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy is worth many times its cost
when needed and is almost certain to
be needed before tho summer is over.
It has no suporior for tho purposes for
which it is intended. Buy it now. For
sale by all dealers,
'hoes Repairing
Men's Half Soles r 75c N
Men's Half Soles and Heels ; 1.00
Women's Half Soles ;.. 60c
Women's Half Soles and Heels 80c
Children's Half Soles 60c
Children's Half Soles and Heels SOc
Full Rubber Heel 40c
Full Leather Heels 40c
Ilicf Nnw lis Women's Specialty Store is consider
JUM ItUW ing your wants for the Summer months
and we are now well prepared to supply your wants
in all kinds of Summer WearableR.
New Arrivals at the New Store
COOL DRESSES, in White and Colors, in one or two
piece style; svery classy and nifty tf J CA i CIA
New Daintv S
mer Waists at
New Linen and Ratine Suits for outing-, up
New Linen Coats for Motoring1, just what d" AA
yo"u need, up from PZ'UU
New Balkan Blouses in
White and Tan at
Nej.v Kimonas in Lawn, Crepe and Silk up
$1.25 and $1.50
New Undermuslins that are Cool, Comfort
able and Perfect Fitting. They Cost No More
New Hosiery in Gauze, Lisle lE, Qli CA
and Silk, per pair i9C W $1,311
Out size Hosiery in Gauze or LislelTF, j. C?A
Pair ....;JDC 9UC
New Wash Underskirts, a special value k P
i m ! mi ? i
North Platte's Woman's Specialty Store
Buchanan & Patterson's
..Bargain List of Dwellings:.
1 Five room house and barn, South Dewey street.
2 Good five room cottage, corner lot, shade trees
and blue grass lawn, city water and sewer connection,
five blocks from high school. Price only $1400,00.
Easy terms.
3 Nice six room cottage 721 West Seventh street,
handy to new round house. Modern except heat. Price
4 Extra nice 4 room cottage on West Tenth street,
in the 600 block. Price $1,750.
5 Good eight room dwelling on West Tenth street,
in the 900 ,block. Price $1,700.
6- Extra nice five room cottage, modern except heat
blue grass lawn and shade trees, 3 blocks from court
house. Price $2900.00
7 Full two story frame dwelling- of eight rooms mod
ern except heat, full lot, shade trees and blue grass.
Located on West Fourth street close to court house.
This is property that will increase in value and is a big
money maker at our price of $4, 700
8 Nice Seven Room Cottage and two Lots, out
buildings, shade trees and nice lawn. A bargain at
All of 'these properties are choice bargains and
can be bought on easy terms. Be sure and see these
before you buy.
Buchanan & Patterson,
Sole Agents.
Zi '
TITAtllO'UEr'fl'iD ;uniJ
impresses most people with tho
way we havo the implements nnd
the "know how" when it comes
to repairing automobile. Hurry
up orders is what we like, nnd we
keep enough men to repair your
enr in rescoid time. Your orders
J. S. Davis Auto Co.