The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 24, 1913, Image 1

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    Iifctctfcel ecefr
atte mi-Wi w $ SMfamt
No. 44
Local and Personal
Senator Hongland transacted legal
business in Central City yesterday.
Sam Schlintz, is oil duty, due to a
nail penotrating his hand last week.
Will Carey of Omaha is visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Whelun today.
The Woman's Catholic Order of
Forresters will assist the Catholic Girls
Club in their social Thurday evoning.
W. W. Birge invosted in a Ford car
Saturday, and will use it largely in
going to and from his farm at 0 Fallon.
Where is the den?
The wheat harvest in the southeast
past of the state began Saturday. Tho
yield will run as high as forty bushels
to tho acre.
Buy a Rapid Fireless Cooker now. I
can make you a special price at $12.85
for a three compartment cooker for a
short time only. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell,
Phone Red 104.
Mrs, W. H. McDonald and daughter
Janet left yesterday for San Diego,
Cal., whore they will visit several
months with James Bclton and daugh
ter Miss Carried
After attempting to murder his wife
Sunday, because she would not toll
him where she had put the pie that was
left from dinner, Henry Potors,79 years
took his own life by cutting his throat
at his home at Plcasanton.
Tho initial meeting of the Mother's
Club held Friday afternoon proved a
most interesting one. A paper on
"What Constitutes a Good Mother,"
was read by Mrs. Ouimetto, and Mrs.
W. J. Redfiald discussed "The College
Mother." An address was given by
Rev. Knowles. All mothers are invited
to bocome members of tho organization,
and thereby benefit themselves as well
as their children. It is the intention to
have children participate in the pro
grams in the future.
S. A. Hultman. of Turlock, Cnl.,
formerly a reeidont of Sutherland, in a
letter to The Tribuno says: "Wo ore
getting along nicely here in our irriga
tion district; have been using over 1200
second feet of water and are irrigating
85,000 acres. Our third crop of alfalfa
is almost ready to cut. Last winter
was very dry and feed will be very
expensive. The last cutting of alfalfa
sold on board the cars at 812 and $13
per ton, but most of it is fed to dairy
cows on the ranches."
For Rent
Houses, safe deposit boxes, storage
room and 160 acres of good bottom,
hay land only three miles from loading
station. Price right and payments easy.
See Bratt & Goodman.
The Baptist aid society will be enter
tained in the church basement Friday
afternoon by Mrs. Hammer
Mrs. Thomas Burney will leave to
night for Grand Island to spend a week
or more with friends.
Orin Cobcrly, son of the north side
barber, had an arm broken yesterday
by a brothor hitting him with a stone.
On July 4th No. 17 will stop at Her
ahoy and Sutherland for the convenience
of those who will find it necessary to
return home beforo evening.
For Sale Washing machine with
wringer, good condition. Phone 664.
A pile of boxes at the rear of the
Vienna Cafe caught fire last eyeningbut
was extinguished before any damage
was done.
Unsettled weather with probably
showers to-night or Wednesday, cooler
to-morrow moderate brisk winds. High
est temperaturo yesterday S9, a year
ago 78; Lowest temperaturo last night
62, a year ago 52.
Money to Loan on Real Estate.
On long or short time. Sec Bratt
and Goodman.
Master Henry Clay Brock celebrated
his first birth anniversary Friday after
noon. A numbor of mothers and their
babies attended thoparty and spent n
very pleasant aftomoon. The young
host received a number of pretty gifts.
Lost Between Rush Merc. Co. and
Platte Valley bank, purse containing
one Canadian und one u. S. five dollar
bill and some change. If finder will
return same to this office they will ro
coive suitable reward. 44-2
Mr. Cummings, of the Mink baseball
league is here to transfer the Humboldt
club of Mink league to North Platto
and play independent ball until wo get
a chance to got into a league. There
will be public meeting at tho Lloyd
opera house tonight, Juno 24th. at 8
o'clock. Let everybody come and hear
his proposition.
At a meeting of the Woodmen of the
World held this week tho following
were elected: F. A. Baughau, council
commander, A. Gray, past council com
mander, Clarence McKay, advisor lieu
tenant, Henry Diener, banker, Lem
Bailey, clerk. Walter Samuelson.
watchman, Harry Hughey, escort, Fred
Walker, sentry and captain of drill
Prof. Earl Gray, the greatest Medium
that has visited North Platte.
In a manner truly wonderful ho lays
bare the secrets of one's life. He tells
you every ftoint of interest connected
with your life. Ho judges and advises
you, so that you are successful in your
undertakings. Consult this gifted
Medium, 321 East 6th St.
Program for the
Fourth of July.
6:00 a. m. Grand Saluto by Captain
9:00 a. m. Grand Parade
Nor,th Platte Military Band
Mayor, City Council and G. A. R.
North Plntto Fire Department.
Rice and Dore Marine Band.
Society and Business Floats
Circus Parade.
Automobile and Motor Cycles.
Carriagos and Citizens.
1000 School children (flag fur
nished.) (Immediately after Parade.) ,
Awarding prizes nt bnby show and
farmor having largest load and best
team and turnout.
10:50 a. m. Water Fight (three
streams, 6 men)
11:00 n. in. Coupling Contest.
100 yd. Wet Hose Race.
Hub and Hub Rnee.
11:30 a. m. Reading of tho Declaration
of Indopendance.
12:00 M. Dinner (free lemonade at
tho court house.)
1:00 p. m. Baloon Ascension (rear of
school house.)
2:00 p. m. Grace Mclntyre, the lady
who sings to beat the band.
2:30 p. m. Water Circus
3:00 p. m. Motorcycle raco at Motor
dome. 3:30 p. m. Ray Young, clown unicyc
list. 4:00 p. m. Base Ball Game, Athlotic
Bucking contest, Sutherland V3.
North Platto, fastest teams in western
5:00 to 8:00 p. m. Good time at Car
nival and Picture Shows, Pnt, Keith,
Crystal and Ritncr, all have specials.
See them.
8:30 p. m. Grand display of Fire
A Bnosters Advertising trip will be
mado tomorrow evening to Brady and
Maxwell by the Fourth of July com
mittee, auto owners and other boosters.
Managers Weingand, Porter, New
ton, Forbes, Temple and Hupfer
aie making arrangements to have fifty
autos leave the city at 6:30 tomorrow
ovening, taking with them a large
quantity of Fourth of July buttons and
other advertising matter. Banners
will bo furnisned for each car. Friday
evening Hershey and Sutherland will
be visited. All auto owners and thoir
friends aro requested to meet at the
court yard at the appointed time and
help to boost the celebration of the
Fourth. A program of the entertain
ment for this National Holiday will bo
published in Friday's issue.
Norman Loudon returned last even
ing from Omaha where he spent several
days with Mrs. Loudon who is visiting
rolntives there.
1 W Ti .. m dH tf 1
Ann nan
8T Sir
ion sa
Some Tire Prices'
Standard Makes
30x3 .-..$11,03
3ox3 16.25
32x3 1-2 . ....(.. .0 17.33
34x3 1-2 r.V. 18.86
34x4 !... '. 26.82
Auto Lamps
8 Lamps per pair 7.50
Tail Lamps 2.50
Brass Polish
Blue Ribbon pints 25
Blue Ribbon, quarts 40
Blue Ribbon, gallons 1.10
Spark Plugs
Ford Special 65
Buick Special 65
$1.25 plugs, 90
Blow Out Patches
3 1-3 and 4 .
4 1-2 and 5.
30x3 1.80
30x3 1-2. ..-.. , .' 2.70
32x3 1-2 2.93
34x4 3.60
Sale ends June 28th, the day of the Big
Automobile contest closes. All goods
sold at these prices absolutely cash.
"The Best Equipped Laundry in the West"
Interior View of Our Ironing Room
conomical Laundry
We have spent thousands of dollars in nuking our plant one" of the , most
complete in the west, but because we have clone this we are not compelled to
charge an exorbitant price for our work, as we have spent this money putting1 in
the latest labor saving machines We do not use the hard city water, but have
wells of our own from which we pump the
Purest Soft Water
for the entire plant. We are not on a meter system, s,o are not compelled to be
careful of water, but on the contrary we change the rinse water several times,
probably twice more than we would or could if we were paving for water by the
Local and Personal
Miss Kate Spies has resigned her
position in tho Newton Art Store.
Miss Hazel Smith will leave Hiursday
to visit the Broach fnmily lor a week.
Thomas Doolittlo returned last even
ing from u short business visit in Pax
ton. Ray Murray of Lincoln spent the
latter pait of latest week with his
Misses Esther and Then Schwaigeri
will leave shortly for Chicago to spend
several weeks.
The Chiistian Aid Society will meet
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. V. T.
F. T. Redmond and son Leonard will
lonvo July 4th for Rochester N. Y., to
4i-.l .1. . 1:111. ".... it.
Miss Mary Carroll, of Wlsner, form
erly of this city is the jfuestof Mr. and
Miss Hazel Broach, of Denver, ia ex
pected the first of next month to visit
tho .Misses Jiessiu und Hazel Smith.
Mrs. E. V. Boutwell, of Topoka,
Kans., came yesterday afternoon to
visit her daughters, Mrs. Fletcher and
Miss Ada Boutwell.
The Womans Missionary Society will
meet. at tho manso Friday afternoon nt
3 oclock Roll call will bo answered by
quotations from the Bible.
Do you know there is a don in town?
Hershey again defeated North Platte
in a, ball game Sunday by a score of
seven to six. A big crowd witnessed
tho gamo, which was played at Hor
shey. Two trainloads of delegates to tho
turafest to Denver passed through
Sunday night. One special came from
Chicago, the other from Cleveland.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Broach former
North Platte residents who have been
visiting tht Redmond family and other
frionds for ten days will roturn to Don
ver Thursday.
John C. Den, Henry Rebhauson and
Keith Noville brought in forty-four
bass yesterday which they had caught
in a private lake in the south part of
tho county. Thirteen of tho largest
averaged four pounds each, and the
largest weighed live pounds. It was cer
tainly a fine catch.
There are in Nubraska only one
hundred and sixty sun vors of the
.battle of Gettysburg who nre physically
auie to uuenu tne approaching nttloth
anniversary reunion. The sum of four
thousand dollars appropriated by the
legislature, divided among this numbor
allows twenty-live dollars to ench vet
eran, or barely half onough for uctual
expenses. Govenor Morehead'a appeal
to tho public to swell this fund brought
in about six hundred dollars from var
ious sources.
To Loan on improved farms at low rate p
of interest with privilege of partial
Buchanan & Patterson.
Hail Insurance.
Be sure (o insure that immense crop
with Bratt & Goodman. "Lowest
rates and prompt settlement of losses'
is their motto.
Get the Best and the Cheapest
Fire, lightning, tornado, cyclone,
windstorm and hail insurance. Bratt
& Goodman write it.
A nine pound baby boy was born to
Mr and Mrs. R. D. Stick yesterday.
Mi3s Anna Flynn will leave the first
of next month for an extended visit in
.loo Leven who was employed at tho
Leader for sovofal weeks loft yesterday
Attornoy A. Muldoon loft tho first of
this week for Omaha to spend several
days on business.
The Twentieth Century Club will
meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs.
Jesso Edwnrds.
Chapter A. K. P. E. O. will entor
tain fit a "Guest Day" next Friday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Field.
Tho D. Ks of the Baptist Church
will hold a bonefit at the North Platte
Kandy Kitchon Friday afternoon nnd
Mrs. Judge Grimes and Mrs. E. A.
Cary returned Saturday night from
Hebron where they wero sent as dele
gates from the local chaptor to the
stato convention of P. E. O. They re
port having a delightful trip and wero
entertained royally, especial mention
being mado of the largo recoptlon ten
dered tho llSdelesratttfl by tho B. I. L.'a
at tho Commercial club. Tho town was
elaborately decorated in P. E. O. colors,
and a large "Welcome" arch erected
across the main strent and lighted with
many colored lights. Thero are many
beautiful homes and tho nconla arc de
lightful. Fif.y two chapters ware re
presented. Mrs. Grimes was on tho pro
gram and was also honored in being
elected delegate to the supreme conven
tion at Hutchison"; Kansas, in" October.
Mrs. Lue Spencer, of Lexington, who
is well known in North Platto, was
elected stuto treasurer.
Auction Sale
Horses, Harness, Wagons, Buggies
Ranges, Mattressc3, Dressers; Com
inoiles. The chnnco of a lifetime
to furnish up cheaply. Both new
nnd Second Hand Goods. Cash
Saturday Afternoon at
2 O'clock, June 28th.
Orchestra Music.
If Your Idle Money
Is not earning 7 and 8 per cent
semi-annual interest in gilt edge, first
mortgage loans, not taxable, based on
conservative values and backed by good
reliable parlies, sec Bratt and Goodman,
Theodore W. Dye, James Bolton, Sue
II. Eaves, Franklin Pealo, Mary Ann
Peale and Cary Ogden &Co., a corpora
tion, will tuke notice that on tho 16th
(iav. Lft.,av' 1913 Edwnrd Lindblod,
plaintHT heroin, filed his potition In tho
district court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, against said defendants im
pleaded with othors, tho object and
prayer of which is to cmiet the title to
lots 3 and 4 of Peale's subdivision of lota
a and 4, in block 81, in tho original
town of North Platte, Lincoln countv,
Nebrasku, lu the plalntiir Edward Lin'd
blail. And to exclude each find nil of
said dofundunts from nil right, title, lien,
Interest, claim or demand, actual or
contingent, in and to said premises.
You aro required to answer said peti
tion on or before tho 30th day of June,
Eowahd Lindhlad, Plaintiff.
By Wllco:; & Halllgnn, his attorneys.