The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 17, 1913, Image 5

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Wf --2- P'
i4 Colonial Aristocrat
Graduate Dentist.
Office over the McDonnld
State Bank. o
Local and Personal.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and
Mrs. H. E. Brestel Sunday morning.
Lem Bailey spent Sunday in Hershey,
having gone up to root at the ball game.
Plattr White left the latter part of
last week for Omaha to spend a week
or longer.
Mestiames John Mang and A. James
entertained the Baptist aid society Fri
day afternoon.
Farm insurance, Woodhurst's Insur
ance Agency. 42-S
Mrs. Perry Sawyer, of Gothenburg,
came up Saturday evening to spend
several days.
Gordon Love left Sunday morning
Indiana to spend the summor with his
Louis Tobin left Saturday night on a
business trip to Sterling, Iliff and other
Colorado towns.
Miss Lucy Dunn will leave next week
for Green. River to attend the wedding
of h2r cousin.
Mrs. Alice Ferguson left Sunday
afternoon for Greenburg, Ind., to
spend several veeks.
James Filbin has returned from Hart
well, where he accompanied the re
mains of his late wife last week.
Mrs. Jane Mitchell, of Lexington,
who was the guest of Mrs. M. V. Mit
chell for a couple of weeks, left Friday.
Miss Celia Quirk, of Green River,
who visited her cousin Miss Lucy Dunn
last week, went home Saturday
Automobile insurance, Woodhurst's
Insurance Agency. 42-8
Ed. Groves, formerly a fireman on
the Third district, died at his home in
Chappell Saturday. Death was due to
Bright' disease.
F. H. Garlow, who had been here for
two weeks superintending the grading
of streets in the Cody addition, left for
home Saturday night.
Dan Fowles snd Ed Salisbury, who
came over from Logan county yester
day, says crops in that county are in
fine shape. A very heavy rain fell in
that section last Fridiy.
Sixteen men living at or near Imperial,
a town located about seventyfive-miles
southwest of this city, spent yesterday
at the experimental farm examining
crop conditions and inquiring into feed
ing experiments. They made the trip
by auto.
At the next meeting of the city
council an ordinance will be introduced
providing for sidewalks on every foot
of street in the original town cf North
Platte. The streets running east and
west are all provided with walks, but
on a number of those 'running north
and south there are many walkless lots.
Mr. Kilpatrick, whose firm does
practically all the grading for the Bur
lington railroad, spent about sixty
minutes in North Platte one morning
last wtiek, arriving at seven and leaving
at eight. The object of his visit could
not be learned, but it may have some
thing to do with the grading contract
on the Burlington's PJatte valley line.
I Local and Personal
I Charles Herrod came from Lead, S.
D., Sunday to visit relatives.
I Frank Herrod. of rVnUlIn nn.,
c 1- ;.l ii . -. ...
ou.umy wun ins momer, .Mrs. Hegina
A baby boy was born yesterday to
Mr. and Jim. Charles Herrod and died
shortly afterbirth.
Mrs. John Osborne, of York, arrived
yesterday afternoon to visit her son,
John Osborne and family.
Adrian Pizer, of Ogalalla, visited at
the home of Mr. andfMrs. Julius Pizer
the latter part of last week.
Teacher's examinations will bo held
in the County Superintendent's office
Fridayjand Saturday of this week.
TheJiLadies Guild, of the Episcopal
church will hold a Fiile of cakes, bread,
cookies, etc at the Schatz Furniture
StoreSnturdny, June 2Sth.
Mrs. Olle Rasmussen left a few days
ago for Omnha tovisither husband who
is taking treatment In a hospital there.
The marriage of Miss Mvrtle Dow
hower and Lawrence R. Hite will be
solemnized Wednesday evening, June
25th, at the home of the bride.
Miss CeliaQuirk,; formerly of this
city, will be married at her home in
Green River to Henry! Dahlstrom next
Wednesday, June 25th. They will re
side in GreenlRiver.
The local lodge of Elks received a
fine mounted elk head Saturday as a
donation from H. S. Ridgely, now of
Cheyenne. The lodge now has three
finely mounted heads.
The case of William VanNattn vs
Daniel Smith for the use of profane
language and malicious threats which
came up before Judge Grant yesterday
has been continued until tomorrow.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. R. Osborne who
have made their home in the Dolson
residence for six months moved yester
day into the new house which they re
cently purchased of Mr. James.
An entertainment and lecture with
views of the Woodman Sanitarium at
Colorado Springs will be given in the
K. P. hall tonight by the state deputy,
E. E. Kester. After the program sev
eral new members will be admitted into
the lodge.
Have you over noticed the goods we
handle are ah the standard nnd best
known makes, thus guaranteeing to
our patrons the best article the market
affords. Dixon, The Jeweler.
Albert Brown and family were fined
one hundred and ten dollars in the
police court yesterday morning for
using profane language and disturbing
the peace in the neighborhood in which
they live. They were unable to pay
and have appealed the case to the dis
trict court.
The long delayed counters for the
land office, railings and desks for the
court room, and furniture for some of
the court officers' rooms arrived Satur
day and were placed in position by a rep
resentative of the manufacturing com
pany assisted by P. M. Sorenson and
Stampher Schmalzried. All the offices
in the federal building are now fully
equipped with furniture.
For bargains in choice residences see
Buchanan & Patterson's bargain list in
another column. tf
Mrs. W. II. McDonald returned Mon
day evening from Omaha. For the past
ten days she and her daughter Janet
have been the guests of Mrs. Governor
Boyd who is the aunt of Mr. McDonald.
Miss Janet went to Carroll. la., where
she will join three other members of
the North Platte girls "Jolly Six" in a
week's visit with Miss Inez Westfall,
who is a sister of Mrs. W. F. Crook.
At the end of this week Mrs. McDonald
and Miss Janet will leave for San
Diego, California, to spend two months
with Miss Belton and her father who
have recently completed a very com
fortable home there. During their
absence W. H will join the large nnd
growing colony of Summer Widowers
who have to remain in town wtnle tneir
wives have "Gone to the Country.
Three Programs
Don't Fail to See Them
Tuesdays Program
Just for Luck. Comedy.
A Mine and n Marathon.
A Romance of the rail.
Wednesdays Program
Stars and Stripes Forever.
3 Reel Bison drama.
Thursdays Program
Traping Wild Animals.
Worlds Best.
The Heart that sees. Drama.
The Spider. Comedy.
Dr.Quigley Writes
About His Trip.
Monday, June 2.
Dear Sir:-Vhen I got on th.boat at
Hobokon, New Jersey, and found that
most of the passengers were Itnlians
nnd Germnns, 1 began to feel lonesome.
A few hours out and the sea (it is
roughest near New York) began to get
us where we live. Squamish feelings
nround the stomach nnd n dizzy feeling
in the head did not tend to improve the
disposition and I felt that the North
Gorman Lloyd had offered mo n personal
"nffront when seated at the table at
dinner I found seated across from mo
two "dagoes" and n pale a nemic
youth of 18 who seemed to be sick,
across at the next tnble in my line of
vision was n cadaveric looking indivi
dual whom I montnlly put down as hnv
ing cancer. The rst of the table were
Germans nnd Italians and they talked
their own languages in a way to discon
cert n lone American with a nauseated
stomach. However my two "dagoes"
turned out to be two very pleasant and
polite Italian gentlemen. My endaveric
individual is the editorof a large Syrian
newspaper in New York and a man of
culture and high educational attain
ments. Two of the Itnlians are large
good looking men like Miko Salcctti,
in the business of making fixtures for
drug stores in Brooklyn and another is
a mnnagor of several theatres in East
ern cities, so it was my first impression
of these people were wrong and after
nine days with them I find them well
educated, lovable people. We are a few
hours out of Giboralter. The ship will
atop there several hours and we will go
ashore and inspect the town. Then we
go on to Naples and arrive thore next
The voyage has been very plensant
nnd the weather today is ideal, warm
and sunshino without any wind and the
bluest wnter you ever saw. Mrs.
Quigley just called to me through the
window that there is a whnlo in sight.
She and Barlette are feeling fine, he
has not been the least bit sick but we
were sick the first two days. The food
on board is all German and Italian.
The stuff cooked hot is German and the
cold stuff like salads is nil Italinn. Lunch
in five nnd dinner usunlly seven.
There is a great variety but I can't get
uso to the d foreign stuff untl would
give $10 right now for a good cup of
coffee nnd an American cigar. Geiman
cigars and coffee are fierce. There is
much beer drinking but nolrunks and
some little gambling. The quantities
of spagotti consumed is surprising. It
must take tons of it. There aro sovera
doctors on bonrd and several priests.
One priest Father Kuup is well ac
quainted in Sub.
The Azores Islands which wo passed
through Friday were a most beautiful
panorama from our ship nnd the sea
thereabouts is alive with fish in places.
One peak on the Azores is S.00!) feet
high nnd the ciquds at the summit
cleared a few minutes so we got a good
view of it. Father Kaup says "See
NapleB and Jie. " He says it is very
beautiful so I will write my" impression
of it if I have time after we go to
Vienna. From Naples wo will visit
Porno, Florence, Venice and Milan but
will stay most of tho summer in
Dit. D. T. Quiglky.
Our Clean- Up Sale
Ladies1 and Children's Coats
has been a bio; success
Wo still have a fair assortment loft. All jxood
stylos. Wo may have just your size and color
left if you coino at once.
Ladies' $8.50 to $12.00 Coats $6.00
Ladies' $15.00 to $25.00 Coats $10.00
Children's $4.50 to $8.00 Coats $3.50
Wilcox Department Store
Let us show you our new line of
delft blue German Tile goods. Fine
wedding gifts Dixon, The Jeweler.
Manager Robinson's Yeomen ball
team went to Hershey Sunday where
they were defeated by tho score of 1 to
0 by the Hershey "Giants." The game
was a pitcher's battle.hetween Jones for
the Yeomen and Beechan for tho Her
shey team, tho former getting eight
strikes out and the latter fifteen, and
ench allowing three hits. In the ninth
inning the Yeomen's only chance to
score was quickley shut off by phenom
inal catch of Sandnll's. The Hershey
team madcytheir score in tho last of the
ninth when with one down tho next at
bat was hit by a pitched ball, went to
third on a hit and scored on a slow
grounder to Jones. The field work of
the Yeomen was especially good.
Local and Personal
Judgo Grimes went to Lexington yes
terday morning to hold court.
Mrs. Eva Davis visited friends in
Gothenburg the latter part of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Kelly returned
Snturduy from Omaha, whore they went
the early part of last week.
Miss Francos Kenton who taught in
the high school Inst term left Saturday
morning for her home in Iowa.
Miss LnVaughn Carroll who recently
went to Kansas City will return hero
tho latter part of this week.
Woodhurst's Insurance Agency.
Every known kind of insurance. North
Plntte, Nob. 12-8
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Boatman will
lonvo today for n three month's viiit in
Muskogee, Okla., with relatives.
Grandma Wolback left Saturday
aftcrnocn for Kalamazoo, Mich., to
spend several weeks with relntives.
Mrs. Cheney, of Omaha, arrived the
Inttor part of last week to visit her aunt
Mra. Hattie Fnrrington for a week.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Morrick
was hold Sunday afternoon. Services
were conducted by Hov. Crnm and in
terment made in tho North Platte
Now located in North Platto. This
famous Medium can not bo classed with
fortune tollers, palmists, etc; he stands
in n class by himself, on a basis np
proached by none.
Ho is recognized as possessing a re
mnrkable power. He calls you by name,
tells exactly who you aro and why you
have called, ho advises on businoss,
love, courtship, divorce, marriage,
travels, changes, law suits nnd specu
lation. ToIIb of friends, wnrns of
danger, calls your enemies by name.
Tells when and whom you will mnrry.
If. there is anything you wish to know,
see this gifted man
Consultations Free to All
321 East 6th Street
Everything Private
"1 You Laundry
J O Customer
I 1 1
WrO? North Piatt's Quality
Want you to arrange to semi us just one bundle to see the
kind of work we do. Every shirt perfectly ironed and re
turned in a Sanitary Protex Cover. Wewnnt you; you need
Buchanan & Patterson's
..Bargain List of Dwellings..
1 Five room house and barn, South Dewev street.
2 Good five room cottage, corner lot, shade trees
and blue grass lawn, city water and sewer connection,
five blocks from high schooU Price only $1400,00.
Easv terms.
3 Nice six room cottage 72 1 West Seventh street,
handy to new round house. Modern except heat. Price
, 4 Extra nice 4 room cottage on West Tenth street,
in the 600 block. Price $1,750.
5 Good eight room dwelling on West Tenth street,
in the 900 block. Price $1,700.
6 Extra nice five room cottage, modern except heat
blue grass lawn and shade trees, 3 blocks from court
house. Price $2900.00
7 Full two story frame dwelling of eight rooms mod
ern except heat, full lot, shade trees and blue grass.
Located on West Fourth street close to court house.
This is property that will increase in value and is a big
money maker at our price of $4, 700
8 Nice Seven Room Cottage and two Lots, out
buildings, shade trees and nice lawn. A bargain at
$2750.00. , '
All of these properties are choice bargains and
can be bought on easy terms. He sure and see these
before you buy.
Buchanan & Patterson,
Sole Agents.
Stability, Efficiency and Service
Ilitvu lioon tho I'nctars
In tho growth ol' tho
First National Bank,
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Auto Delivery
Phone 77
I' . eeeLL1
impresses most people with tho
way wu have the implements nnd
the "know how" when it comes
ti repairing Automobile. Hurry
up orders is what wo like, nnd we
keep enough men to repair your
car in record time. Your orders
J. S. Davis Auto Co.