Miwiiiiufcii mmmmimmmmt pan? ffi s FANS Motto: May the best team win ; But ours is the best By Hugh S. (Cop; riglil, 1911, 'Wow' Wow!! Clreat eye, Kdillo! Make him put It ncross! Bust a fence! You can do ltl Wow! Wow!! WowJM ROBBER! All right Tough luck, Eddie Two niu! two Make hor bo over. Homo run, Eddie, old" scout. Break the gate. Wow! Wow!! Wo ." The red-faced, apoplectic young man In the front row madu a trumpet of his hands and yelled until the veins In his neck turned purplo. In tho middle of the final "Wow" ho col lapsed, looked dipgusted and turning to me paid- 'What do they keep that hunk of cheese for" Ho can't hit Never could. Striking out In n pinch llko that'" The fan. howling encouragement or bawling nbuse at tho ball plnyurs In tho spirit of the town Just how great an Influence this Hplrlt exerts upon the plating strength of the team representing tho town or city Is Im possible of calculation, "but It Ib cer tain Mint It In part of tho national game. He and IiIb follows oxert nl miost as much Influence upon the team :nB doeR luck, and thlfl spirit Ib ho In oxtrlcably mixed with tho element of luck that It Ib Impossible to dolor mine cuuse and effect. Thoro are titles In which tho loyalty of the fans thus waned and turned to glboB, and In thoso cltieB no player does well There are crowds that remain loyal In victory and In defeat . These In spire the playorB to glvo their beat (offortK to win Hall players -will toll you that teams Invariably play bot ,tor with friendly crowds applauding The fan Invariably will respond that "ho would bo loyal provided tho club 'would win gamca enough to Justify loyalty Tho plnycrs nccuso tho fnns, ,tho fans accuse tho players, and both .are In a measuro right Tho major ity of patronB will "root" when tho home team Is winning Any team will play better ball and win oftoner If tho patrons are loyal. Tho fan. vole 'Injr the aplrlt or the town, Ib a pow er for victory or defeat Conditions In, different cities com prlHlng tho circuits of tho major loaguoB assert n powerful Influonco -over their tennis. Players will toll you thoy would rathor play for tho Chicago White Sox or for tho Now "York Giants thnn for any other teams. Thoy will nsBcrt that twenty Cobb? rcould not win a pennnnt for Clncl.1 nntl under conditions which the man agement Is now striving to chango Tho fanatical loyalty of tho White iSox rooter nnd (ho Giant patron, tho angry abuse of players by tho an nually disappointed Cincinnati pub illc, tho snrcasm and raillery of Wash ington crowds, trained for years to expect nothing but defent, havo an Immense effect upon tho players nnd teams. They mako or mar players, and weak men win for ono typo whllo brilliant ones fall and Iobo for the other Tho baseball fan Is an unique Amer ican species and tho most rabid of nil entltUBlnBts, Cpmpnrod with him tho jrolf fan, the brldgo fan, oven tho bowling fan arc mild. HiiHobnll is tho most serious pleasuro ovor In vented Probably tho most blindly loyal crowd lr' tho world Ib that which fol lows the fortunes of tho Chicago American league team,, nnd to ono -who Is dlBlntercsted tho Chicago sit uation Is acutely funny. Tho Whlto Sox park In located on tho south sldo (WMWL. 1 ' ' V VlJT- ". i T. V .w "Fans." or tho city; tha Cubs' on tho west, nnd the city Is divided Into two groat armed camps. In 1S90 when those two teams, winners of tho champion whips in their own leagues, mot to contest for the world's championship, it was the loyalty of tho south side crowd beyond doubt that won ror the team Thnt Jail tho Chicago Tribune's composing room wns about equally divided hot ween the follow nru or the two teams nnd so bitter was tho fool ing thut the foreman wub compolled to separate them nnd neml thorn to different sides of the building to main tnln pence. It was civil war all ovor Chicago. It Is n mngulflcunt crowd, wonderful In Its spirit nnd In Its Intense loyalty. There are fow things thut shako an opponent llko the Incessant: "Got a lilt," "Get a hit," which Is tho war Fullcrton lirW 0 Clmpnun) song of tho Sox rooters when thoy scont victory. Ono of tho most dramatltf displays of loyalty I over saw was In 1907, when tho team, beaten and displaced from tho championship, camo homo to cIobo tho season. Thoy had gonu away In high hopes, nnd failed. It was Sunday, and as tho defeated team marchod down tho Held 17.000 men and women stood silent nnd un covered for n moment, then broke Into applatiso that swept the stands. It Is smnll wonder that a team back ed always by hucIj loyalty won even during years whon It seemed much weaker than Its opponents I have henrd opposing players de clare they would rather face nnythlng in tho game thnn the grinding "root ing" of tho Chicago south side fanB. The only duplicate I know Ib the rasping, nerve-racking, long Yalo yell Not nil players are fcank enough to ndmlt that tho rooting has any e fleet Indeed It Ib n common pose to pre tend that thoy do not oven hear. Hut they do. Even among themselves they pretend they do not care; but onco In n while they tell their Inner feelings They know thnt linlf the men who quit the mnjor leagueB nre driven out by the voice of the fan. I have seen men break and go all to pieces, ravo and swear and nbUKe ovoryone after suffering a cruel grill ing by a crowd. Walter Wilmot, one of Anaon's fa mouB old Chicago players, enmo to a gamo on tho old grounds fifteen years after retiring lie looked across to ward the left field and said: "Thoro's Homo of them out thero now I'd llko to choke " Yot tho ronr of the crowd does not break them as quickly bb does some Bhnrp thniBt of sarcasm or biting wit from nn Individual. Perhnps that shaft Is only tho last straw, but when a playor Ib In a nervous collnpse he, usually ragos at some Individual who said something to him. Josh Rcllly, ono of tho merriest, happleBt players I over know, "blow up" one day and had to be restrained from assaulting three or four thousand men In the bleachers Hid you hear what ho said?" de manded Rollly dN tho other players tried to restrain him. "What did he eny?" Inquired some one "Ho said: 'Rellly, you're a dlBgracc to tho Irish'," nnd then ho raged again One of tho quickest things I ever hoard was a remark from a Wash ington fan which upsot Prank Isbcll, the veteran, completely. Iahell's hend is ns bald aB a concrete pavement, nnd usually ho kopt his cap plastored tightly on his head to shield hlnteeir from tho gibes of crowds. This tlmo ho tried to ateul second nnd made a desporato, diving slide around nnd un der tho basoman only to be called out. Ho waB so onraged that ho ran at the umpire, grasped his arm, ar gued and raved nnd finally In sheer anger, Jerked oft his enp, hurled It onto tho ground nnd Jumped upon It. Ills bald head glistened In tho sun light nnd tho crowd roared. Then, ahovo tho roar camo a voice: "Put on thnt cap. Thoy pinched Mary Garden hero for Icbb than that." PoHBlbly moio trying than any con certed rooting is tho incessant nng glng to which players on tho Polo grounds, Now York, nro subjected. Tho ono great bit of rejoicing among jff vjw -F " tho National league playors Inst year when thoy buw tho wonderful Brush stadium was that tho crowd could not make ltsolf heard on tho neld na It did In tho old stands The Polo grounds crowd Is odd Somehow fnnu who occupy box soats either nro not ns rabid as those In the eheapor oimm in- moy are on tholr good bo hat lor, nnd a fringe of box seats Is an effective shield for plnors. Strangely enough tho crowds on tho New York Amorlcan leaguo park, al though quite as noisy, are much fair er, thnn tho crowds nt tho Polo grounds. Ono would think thnt visiting piny era would like to play on grounds whoro tho homo tonm is unpopular through defeat or other cuubob but thoy do not. They rather resent tho home crowd ubusliiB the homo men. In Cincinnati Brooklyn nnd Waibhlng ton, during most of tho season, the crowds nro blttorly sarcastic toward tho homo teamB, although tho Brook lyn crowds nro decent except on Sat urdays. St. Louis affords a queer study of the crowds. When tho Browns nro at homo tho crowds arc ugly and vent their temper upon tho players, yet half u dozen blocks nway, on tho rival park, there assemble.! a crowd wilder and more frantlcnlly In favor of tho homo team and more un reasoning in partisanship than almost any In tho country. Just whero this feeling nrloes Ii hard to discover. The crowd Is violent In temper whon the team Is winning, worso when It Is los ing. Perhnps long years of blttor do feat have caused It. In Boston and Philadelphia, on both major lenguo parka, tho homo players and visitors arc almost upon equnl terms, and tho spectators npplnud good plays Irrespective of the players. They seo baseball under tho best con ditions, with both tenm'a encouraged nnd giving their best efforts to tho work. Pittsburgh Is bnd becauBo of tho gambling thnt has become almost part of the game In tho Smoky City. Tho temper of the crowd Is ugly and tho losing element is In evidence no matter whether tho home club wln3 or loBes. Detroit Is a loyal, rathor violent crowd, tnmed now becauso tho fans hnvo learned to endure victory aB well nn defeat. The crowds were mad with enthusiasm the first year De troit won nnd havo since tamed down "They Pinched Mary Garden for Less Than That." Ono of tho queer things In that city Is the baiting of Georgo Mullln, tho veteran pitcher. Mullln Ib a Jolly, quick-witted Joker nnd years ago ho began talking bnck to tho bleachers. He was warned thnt the hleachcrltes would put him out of the business, but pcrnlsted. Every afternoon ho would walk down In front of the blencherB nnd engage In a verbal skirmish with tho crowd, trying to hold his own at rough reparteo with hundreds. Ho ahuBcd tho crowd, Inughod at them, accused them of "quitting," nnd enjoyed It. If ho had taken It seriously tho result might have been different, but after a time It beenmo part of tho game and now tho spectators In the blenchers would not be satisfied It Mullln forgot to Btnrt ti filtlrmlsh. Last summer, go ing out on n car In Detroit, threo young fellows wero tnlklng. "Oh, I've got a peach of a get-back at him today," said one, and, at the urgent request of tho others ho drow out it card and rend what ho was go ing to say to Mullln If ho camo near their scats. It Ib not the great crowds that at tend tho crucial games that oxort the strongest lnlluenco over players. Truo there Is a natural nervousness nmong nil the players when a tremendouB throng gathers to seo them, ns in world's serleB games; but tho onc3 that help the homo team, or damago It, are tho crowd of from six to ton thousand, stirred up by tho "rogulnrs" who, day after day nnd season after seaBon, Incite those around them Thero nre thousands of these regulars, self-appointed claques or cheer mas ters, and Bomo of them feel us If they nro doing ns much to help tho team to victory bb If they wore out there on ' tho mound pitching. Tho lnrgo crowdB usually are tho fairest and most Bportsmnnllko, for In tbeso great gath erings the rabid and partisan fan Ib lost nnd his utterances aro smothered These crowds pollen themselves and tho plnyorB feel Bnfe and assured ofi fair play, nnd, after tho first nervous- nnfia nnaonu lTin- Tilnv tliAU liAnt ...-' ,...hxu, v.vj 'iuj i.iuw urm, A bnsebnll crowd Is much like n mob Without a lender It Is Just iioIbo and turmoil, but with ono recognized lender it can do much, A fow years ngo a number of Chlrngo men at- outfielder has his own regular pat tempted to carry out a theory thnt tho , rons, who attend games nnd seek crowd needed lenders and tho result senta as near to him its posslblo, nnd was ono of the most dangerous ex-f who derend him ngalnst all comora. porlinents over attempted The Whlto ' To them ho Is the best In tho world, Sox rooterB organtzed, a band of man a "Creator than Cobb," nor do thoy fnr ahovo average Intelligence, who ' forgot him, the player who llnnlly dls laid dally plans .for Inciting crowds plncos nn Idol has a hard tlmo. I nnd Btlning up enthusiasm. The havo known them to follow a playor Hoard of Trnde Rooters operated at around the flold whon ho was shifted both Chicago parks, being organized from ono to anotbor position nnd to primarily to attack McGrnw nnd tho I battle ror him with tho retainers or GlnutB. They wrote nnd circulated bourb, Invented Ingenloua mothods or hurnsBlng n worthy roo. and to rorco undeserved victory upon tho homo teams. Tho Idoa spread rapidly "Rooters' clubs" woro orgnnlzeJ In mnny cities nnd towns to help tho nomo tennis For a row wooka It looked as ir tho now movement would soriouBly ondnngor tho nntlonnl gamo Tho crowds grow moro and moro vio lent. Then, nuddonly nnd without warning almost, tho wildost efforts of tho cheer masters fell flat In Chi cago at least. Tho harder tho leaders of tho rooters worked tho moro apa thetic tho crowds became. It was an Interesting phenomenon and I sot out to discover the reason. Tho first bleacherito I met solved the problem. 'iJem guys ain't on do Bqunro," he said "Usuns out In do bleachers don't want to rob nobody." Thero was the solution. No matter how partisan a baseball fan may be como, or how wild In his deslro to soo the homo team win, deep down ho wants fair play, and, after a time, ho will Insist upo'n It. Tho rootorB' clubs died Thero aro fow of tho noted fans now, chlofly becauBo tho papers sel dom mention them. Perhaps thoy ex ist In tho old days almost overy club had one or two such followers. Probably tho best known wnn "HI HI " This was General Dlxwell, of Boston, who for many years followed tho fortunes of tho famous old Boston dub. He la wealthy, Intellectual and a cultured gontleman who became completely absorbed In baseball He followed the team wherever It went and became a familiar figure nil over the country. He occupied n front scat In tho stntids. kepi a careful score nnd studied tho gnmo with n seriousness that was appalling. 'Ho maintained a deep silence during al most all tho game, but when a really great piny was made ho omitted two sharp staccato barks: "III! HI!" and then dropped to Bllenro again. His war cry gave him his name. Ho quit attending baseball games years ago, but still continues his deep Interest In the sport, nnd In his apartments he keeps a wonderful set of books show ing the nverages and performances of luuyuru tor many Dasenan genera tions. "Well, Well, Well." was another character who was named because of his cry, which followed just after a big outburst of applauso on the part of the crowd. Tho moment tho ap plause subside his "Well, well, well," would boom o'ver tho Held and never failed to start tho cheering again. The nverago crowd Is cruel, because It Is thoughtless. Pew of the fans who hurl abuse and criticism at the players stop to think that tho men they aro addressing have tho capacity to feel and to suffer. Many a thought less, barbed Jest has wrecked tho ca reer of some ball playor. It took tho players a long time to discover the fact that tholr popularity and their safety from abuse lies In presenting a good-natured appearance, no mnttor what happens, and In answering ques tions when possible. If you go through league affer leaguo, team by team, you will find that tho most popular playor, in nine cases out of ten, Ib somo outfielder. He probably is not the best player, but ho has the most devoted follow ing, becauso he keeps on friendly terms with tho men and boys who sit The Baseball Fan Is a Unique Amer ican Species. behind him In fact, almost every tho other Holder who dared crltlclso him. Biased, prejudiced ahd distorted In their views as most or them aro, they nro very human nnd very lovablo In tho'lr blind dovotlon to tho gnmo, and iin tholr unronaonlng hatred. And a word or warning; Novor try to ar gue with a real, dyed-ln-tho-wool, thlrty-socond-dograo ran. In tho first placo tho chntiros are ho Is right, but oven if ho 'a wrong thero Isn't a clmice to win tho argument i -. if,, Xitl II I III! , . HMfcWII MW.Mi.IMII &? t ' " , ' X WH5 WJO-rf MEMORY AT 70 MAYOR BECOMES STUDENT AGAIN fltk . WPm r civics, and returned wlUi tho very latest Ideas on tho problems ot municipal government. Thero were 26 women, Including Mrs. Blankenburg, In the party. "Llko a Greek philosopher," said Mayor Blankenburg, "I am traveling Tar In search or learning. Hero are my disciples, who havo come to alt at tho foot ot the great mnsters. Government In these days has come to be a bcI enco, und we proposo to give Philadelphia tho latest Improvements." Mr. Blankenburg was elected cbler executive ot tho Quaker city on an Independent ticket. For muny years he has beon prominent In tho Held ot civic Improvement. Ho retired from business in the '70s in order to devoto ' his timo and money to tho betterment ot Philadelphia." SAYS INDIANS NOT That the American Indians nre a vanishing race hns frequently been asserted or late. In only one sense Is this true, according to statistics. As n race proper, the Indians are assimilat ing the Ideas, teachings and mode of lite or tho whlto man and so losing their Identity, but as a matter or ract they are increasing In numbers, aro more prosperous, healthier as a result of education In sanitation, moro Indus trious than they havo ovor beon be roro and aro better cared for by the government, through tho ofllco ot In dian affairs, than at any tlmo In the history of the red man In the United States. Acting Commissioner of Indian Af fairs Abbott speaking of the Indian situation says: "The Indian race Is vanishing only In the sense that modern standards and liablts or civilization are displac ing those or a rormer day and apply ing thoso qualities In tho Indian, al ways virile, noble, and worthy, to tho now and modern Industrial mode ot lire. "The work or the Indian bureau In caring Tor the Indlnn's Interests Is In creasing and must continue to Increase tor years to come." CARES LITTLE It thuB happened that when tho commission's presentation to tho king and queen was set tor five o'clock in the atternoon many delegates lnformod Ambaasador O'Brien that they would be unablo to be present on account of the fact that thoy had no evening clotheB with thorn. The ambassador, who knows tho king lntlmntely, decided to Inform bis majosty of tho delegates' plight and tho king's answer was: "Now, Mr. O'Brien, tell them to como even In walking coats. I know they aro hore to work and not to enjoy themselves. Besides, I care Ilttlo for formalltlos." HUERTA TIRES n.moi-ni Huni-tn Is chafing under restraint Imposed by tho duties and ceremonies ot hfs offlco as president. Some of his old frlonds In the army will not be surprised ir ho throws off the trl-colored band nnd again dons tho military unUorm. It Is said that the president, not satisfied with tho progress being made against the revo lutionists, Ib considering seriously the resignation or his olllco that ho may direct the campaign personally. That, the army has not mado any great advancement In restoring peace is evident. "I am not a man ot governmental affairs." snld Huerta In an Impromptu after-dinner speech. "I am a soldlor, and every tlmo that I soo a body ot men entraining I long to go with them Into tho field." Who would take Huerta's placo ns provisional president Is a matter or speculation. His inability to find a and display tho requisite executive ability la what may prevent Mexico's sol-dlcr-prcsldent from abaudoulug the paiaco. A plcturesquo white-haired "gentle man or tho old school" stepped buoy antly from a train at Madison, WIb. a fow daya, ago. Ho was Mayor Rudolph BUtnken burg of Philadelphia, scholar, patriot nnd philanthropist, nnd be, with at party or 100 easterners, went thero to' take a special courso In civic govern in en t. The venerable Quaker made an im pressive flguro In his flowing beard and track coat. His oyes, undlmmcd by ago, shone with the eagerness of youth. "Nuvor too old to learn," was his cheery announcement. "Think or It going to school at my age." And ho laughed heartily at the Idea or becom ing a schoolboy at tho ago or seventy. The party, which mado tho pllgrlm ago under the auspices of tho City club ot Philadelphia, regards Madison as a sort or new world Athens. Thoy took a threo-day courso In advanced A VANISHING RACE -" "wf'',''',v FOR FORMALITIES The American agricultural commis sion which visited Rome recently took away a lasting remembranco or at least two very prominent mon met while there, namoly. King Victor Emmanuel and Signor Luzzattl, tho rormer minister ot finance and agri culture and once president ot tho cabinot. Of the commission's experience with King Victor a story Is now being told which, besides throwing moro light on the klng'B democratic ideas and disre gard for etiquette, also explains why tho delegates woro so pleased with tho reception at which tho king and Queen Elena wero present According to tho story, on loavlngi America many members of tho com mission little thought they would come In contact with crowned heads of sev eral European countries and railed to bring along evening dress suits, Princo Alberts, cutaways and striped trous ers. OF HIS JOB? i