The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 13, 1913, Image 4

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    wrp- t -rr
The big sale at The Leader, the sale that has been the the most popular and most successful one ever
inaugurated in North Platte is still in progress. It is a sale in a class by itself; a sale at which seasonable
merchandise is being sold right in the midst of the spring season at prices that were never before
offered. Below a few prices are quoted and the same prices hold good in all departments.
- tourer pwwy'wwjr , nwi-vTTifvw-.
All Standard Calico yd 5c
10c Percales now yd 7c
15c English Percales, yd lie
Amoskeng Apron Ginghom Gc
15c Red Seal Dress Dinghnn 9c
8-2 Pepperill Sheeting, yd 20c
9-1 Pepperill Sheeting, yd 22c
KM Pepperill Sheeting, yd 27c
And other Staple Dry Goods proport
ionally priced.
Just a hint you have to come and
see for yourself the grent sayings yu
can muke.
Ladies Black Mnco Cotton Hose
usually sell ut 15c; fast black and good
reliable Hose 3 for 25c
Ladies' Black or Tan Maco Hose
double heel and toe, guaranteed fast
black and 20c quality, 2 for 25c
25c, 30c, 35 Hose, 19c.
In this lot you will find none worth
less than 25c some 30c and others
Worths35c, odd lots from these lines
at , 19c
Summer Underwear
Ladies' vests, drawers and union
suits too many different kinds to go
into details, but all reduced 20, 30, 40
per cent.
Bed Spreads
Bargains in Marselles Bedspreads
thut you can't resist. Come and see
them, you'll buy quickly enough.
2.00 Marselles Bedspread , 1.29
2.50 Marselles Bedspread 1.G9
5.00 Marselles Bedspread 8.25
15c Turkish Towels 8c
20c Turkish Towels lie
25c Turkish Towels 16c
35c Turkish Towels 19c
40c Bath Towels 23c
75c Bath Towels 47c
Linen Towels. Lunch and Table Cloths
reduced 20, 30, 40 per cent
Four great lots to select from in them
you'll find every kind of Ribbon that
you want 5c, 10c. 15c, 25c yard.
Narrow .embroidery, edgings, bands
beading, insertions and galloons, wider
and more elaborate edgings and in
sertions, corset cover embroidery and
flouncings, embroideries for every use,
at nearly every price from 3c to 75c
yard, worth nearly double.
Wash Goods
50c Mercerized Waistings 19c one lot
of white mercerized waist materials
that were formerly priced up to 50c
theyarb at 19c
75c Wash Goods 25c
One lot of very fine Tissues, Batistes,
lawns, organdies and silk stripe mater
ials that were formerly 75c, now. .27c
Cotton Ratines 21c
Cotton Ratines, Eponge and novelty
wash fabrics, formerly priced to 50c
yard nt 21o
Natural Linen
27-inch Natural Linen that was form
erly priced 35c at 21c
India Linens
8c, lie, 15c, 19c, worth one-third more
75c Persian Lawn 29c
About eight pieces of very sheer white
Persian Lawn, priced 70c. now 29c
Vals, Torchons-Cluny-Fillet, Irish Cro
chet, and the finer Venice and Shad
ow Laces so much in demand, all
widths from narrow to very wide and
suitable to any work reduced 20, 30,
40 per cent.
Dress Trimmings
And Braids, if there's one there's 5O0
different kinds, and qualities and the
price is nearly cut in half.
Table Linen
Now is the time to stock up you'll
wait a long time for another such
66-in. Mercerized Damask 39c
75c and $1 Linen Damask 59c
1.25 Linen Damask 79c
1.50 Linen Damask 98c
1.75 Linen Damask. . ; 31.19
2.50 Linen Damask $1.69
3.00 Linen Damask $2.19
All Napkins reduced 20, 30, 40 per
Curtain Goods
Cretonnes, Etamines and Scrims in an
endless variety of pretty designs. Now
is the time to fix up the house with
new curtains and draperies. They are
all 20, 30, 40 per cent.
It is impossible to give you but a
faint idea of the many bargains. You
uU know "The Leader," and the kind
of goods they keep, so come and get
your share of the good things first.
$1.50 Fancy Silks 89c
Checks, stripes and figured Foulard
that were formerly priced $1.50
at 8Gc
75c Japanese Silks 39c
Silks and Dress Goods
36-inch Mesoline and Taffeta Silks,
regular $1.75 values, staple und even
ing shades now 89c
42-inch Charmeuse and Crepe Meteors
in full range of colors and evening
shades, $2.50 values $1.69
Ready Made Sheet
The biggest kind of bargains,
1.25 90x90 H. S. Sheets now 98c
1.00 90x90 H. S. Sheets now 79c
75c 81x90 H. S. Sheets now 49c
GOc 72x90 II. S. Sheets now 39c
Pillow Slips
12ic, 19c and 25c, worth 20 to 40 per
cent, more.
Dress Goods
42-in. whipcords, black navy and
colors, 1.50 values at 93c
38-in whipcords, all colors and reg
ular 75c values 43c
All white and black and white stripe
serges worth 85c at 47c
1,75 black voiles botany serges and
storm serges 89c
2.25 silk Bengaline, black only now
reduced to 98c
One lot of 75c dress goods serges
Nun's veiling, shepherd check and
Batistes, now on sale at 39c
Men's Furnishings
Now is the chance to get your Spring and Summer
Shirts, Hose and Underwear at a saving that any man
would appreciate
Men's Underwear
iron's Bummer Ribbed Under- -j
wenr, ihirt or drawers, each. &dC
Men's Summer woight Mesh Under
wear, the kind you pay 65c for in
shirt or drawers, garment.... OC
And so on up
Evory kind of light weight Under
wear and Union Suits, up totho very
highest, reduced
20 to 40 per cent
Men's Suspenders
Come in ond see the Bargains, good
Suspenders at 19c up to the vory
finest at big reductions.
Men's Hosiery
Ono lot of men's Black or Brown
Hose, tho kind that eveyonc z,
suits at 10c, Bargain prico-l prs ZOC
15c Hose at 10c
A big lot to select from, odds and
ends from seme regular 25c values,
otc, then you get any lloso in stock
at Big Reductions
Men's Neckwear
Tho lots are too various to tell you
about, every kind Tie in any color
that you want, and you are going to
pick them out at 20 to 40 per cent of!
Not only all the men's Trousers reduced in, price but
all the boy's long Pants and the boy's short Pants re
duced in price the same way t.
Men's regular 31,25 Pants nowno
nriccd'Ht......: 98c
Men's regular $1.75 Pants rn
now priced at dI.Z"
Men's regular $2.00 Pants q in
now priced ut '. Jj) 1 ,4" ,
And on up to the Very Finest
Men's Snappy Spring Suits Now Reduced One-Third
Every Suit in the Clothing- Department now offered at Bargain Prices
Some 20 per cent, some 30 per cent, some 40 per cent less than the reg
ular price
Strictly snappy styles, handsomely Tailored Suits
that were formerly priced at $10.00 and ' $12.50,
Cassimeres. Worsteds and Cheviots, in black,
navy, browns, tans and grays, all sizes for young
and older men, n $12 50 Suit for 7.1S
Men's $13.60 and $15.00 Suits
Nobby Suits of Sertfes. Worsteds. Chfivints.
etc., all new spring shades, every Suit neat
ly maue and cnenp at the orig
inal price of $13.00 and $15.00
Men's $17.50 and $20.00 Suits
, $12.50
Newest styles in fadeless blue Serges, hand
somest Worsteds, nobby Cheviots and Cas
simeres, Suits worth $20.00. tailored and
finished right up to the
Young Men's Suits and Boy's Knee Pants Suits
Every Suit in the stock has been reduced in price, no room to go into
details, but bring the young man or boy in and we will fit him to a Suit
at 20 to 40 per cent less than he could have bought it last week
Hats For Men or Boys
Hats of all kinds, styles, shapes and
colors, to fit any size head Cheap hats,
good Hats and high grade Hats, every
one of them reduced 20 to 40 per cent.
Stetson- 4.50 and 5. Hats
During the Reorganization Sale all 4.50
and 5. Stetson Hats will go on rt . ,
sale at $3.69
Mens and Boys Caps
Caps of every shape, style, cloth and
color, for boy or man now reduced 20 to
40 per cent.
Extra Special
300 Messaline and Taffetta
Silk Petticoats, $3.50 and
and $4.00 values on sale Sat
urrday, only
Whatever Suits we have .left,
worth up to $25.00, QA An
your choice for...'. 0.O
Whatever coats we have left,
worth up to $22.50, (tQ AQ
your choice DOQ
Shirt Waists worth up to $2,
your choice, while they
last ovc
Ladies Party, White and house
dresses are now sold 1 O C
1-0 UU
We save you from 50 cents
to one dollar on each pair of
shoes you buy of us.
I l.
seeks tin ornnment of jowolry sho
nnturnly looks for prettiest sho
can find. Thoso who como hero
first navor hnvo to go elsewhere.
Our stock is so varied, so up-to-dnto
mid withnl so reasonnblo in
price that the woman who cannot
00 suited hero cannot bo suited at
Jeweler and Optician.
Wo want your repair work
For Your Drugs. Orders Do- $
ii llverotl nrontntlv. 4
Local and Personal.
Eugone Delatour, of Omaha, is trans
acting business in town this week.
Mrs. W. E. Howard, of Wellfleot,
visited relatives in town this week.
Leo Leon is spending tills week at
Bijrhell with his aunt Mrs, Will Pell.
Mrs. Hattio Bothol is taking treat
ment nt tho Physician & Surgeons hospi-
Miss Gertrudo Hanks loft a few days
ago tor Lincoln to spond the summer
Miss Nell Workman has gono to
Bayard to spond tho summer with tho
homo folks.
Sam Soudwr, of tho county troasurtr's
office, returned a few days ago from a
visit In Hastings.
Miss Alice Otton resumed work at tho
Bush Grocery yostorday after being
ill for soveral days,
Mrs. Applogate loft tho fore part this
week for cittos of Blinois to spend sev
eral weeks with relatives.
Miss Ethel McWilllams will leavo
Sunday for Salt Lnko City to Bpond
three months with relatives.
W. W. Burr returned yesterduy
morning from Kanstas City whore he
spent ten days on business.
Daniel Sullivan, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
who visited rnlntlvnn hnrn fnr n w.A
past returned homo Wednesday evening.
Miss Flora Cantwoll, of Hastings, is
expected Monday to bo tho guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Simon for a week or
A falBo alarm of fire was turned in
Tuesday eveningand thohosa companies
were callod out to the Kandy Kitchtn
by mistake.
Miss Lucille Griffin, of Denver, who
spont her childhood In North Platte, will
bo married noxt week to a young man
of that city.
Tim Kehher is expocted here Monday
from Chicago. He is enroute to Salt
Lake to attend a meoting of thu secret
sorvico men.
Mrs. Henry Bretomitz and daughter
Vera will leavo next weok for Western
points to spond six weeks with friends
and relatives,
Mrs. Harry Cramor delightfully en
tertained tho Young Ladies Sextette
last evening. The evening was en
livened by a numbor of musical selec
tions. Nice refreshments were served.
For linrffnint in rnnirn roiwlnnro.
Buchanan & Patterson's bargain list in
another column. if
At tho annual olection of officers for
tho Lutheran aid soeioty the following
woro elected: Mrs. G. S. Huffman,
prusidont; Mrs. Goo. LeDioyt, vica
presidont; Mrs. II. T. Tramp, socrotary
and treasurer; Mrs. W. II. Plotchor.
assistant secretary.
Paul Roberts, of Maxwell, visited in
town this week. Ho was returning from
tho state university to spend the sum
mer. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Pizer and son who
have been the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Julius Pizer will loavo for Portland to
day. Mrs. Thomas Moran, of Farnam, who
was called here by the death of tho
late Mrs. James Filbin, has returned
Mrs. Harriet B. Gibson will leave
Sunday afternoon for St. Louis and
cities of Illinois to spond a couple of
Plain sewing, will go out by tho day.
Inquire at 30t South Dewey. 40-2
Col. W. F. Cody who was taken ill at
Knoxville, Tenn., last week is greatly
improved and will take part in the show
this week.
I i-oruoni nouse and nam nortn or
town. Inquire of L. W. Walker.
I Mrs. Perry Buchanan nnd children
loft Wednesday morning for Aurora to
spond n couple of woaks with the for-
' mer's sister.
1 George Basklns went to Lincoln Wed
' nesday to attend the graduation of his
I nephew Leslie Baskins from tho stato
1 Another cut in the Mrs. Rnliirunn
property if sold within the next two
days. Mrs. Robinson is leaving the
city tomorrow and is anxious that the
place be sold before she leaves. Lo
cated West 1st St.
Price cut to $3100.00 Sec us quick.
C. F. Temple.
Mrs. JohnJCornett left Tuesday for
Hershey to visit relatives.
Thomas Baldock, of Omaha, is spend
ing a fow days here this week visiting
his son William Baldock and transact
ing businoss.
Mrs. Martha Ratcliff, of May wood,
who was visiting J. T. Atkins and
family left yesterday morning for Den
ver to visit her son.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Poale, who
had been visiting in Lexington for sev
eral weeks with their daughter, homo
Wednesday afternoon.
Jay Smith will leavo in the near
future for Chicago whore he will take
a poiition as traveling salesman for an
automobile company.
Harry Churchill, who had been located
in Ohio for some time, came home the
first of this week to make an extendod
visit with relatives.
Mrs. Elmer Owens and children will
lenvo Sunday ovening for Sioux Falls
to join Mr. Owens who has been em
ployed there for some time.
Ray Hoagland, who was injured about
tho head and face a month ago from
being kicked by a horse, will leave the
St. Luke hospital this weok.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hastings, re
turned Wednesday afternoon from
Aurora where thoy woro recently
called by the death of tho former's
Shake Off Your Rheumatism.
Now is the time to get rid of your
rheumatism. Try a twenty-five cent
bottlo of Chamberlain's Limont and
see how quickly your rheumatic pains
disappear. Sold by nil dealers.
Mrs. Homer Handley returned to
Lodgepole Tuesday evening.
Attorney Crissmnn left at noon Wed
nesday for Cedar Rapids on business.
Arthur May, of Gothenburg, came
Sunday evening to visit local friends.
Miss Helon Hoxie went to Ogalalla, '
Wednesday afternoon to visit friends.
The Nevita club will meet Wednesday
afternoon with Mr3. Edmund Dickey.
Mr. and Mrs. Strange, of Hershoy,
are visiting friends in town this week.
William Reynolds returned Wednes
day from a short visit in Grand Island.
Will Rose, of Curtis, spent the fore
part of this week in town on business.
Mrs. Fred Frederickson left Wednes
day morning for Omaha to visit friends.
Miss Mae Walker will entertain tho
Young Ladies Bridge Club this evening.
A baby boy was born the first of this
week to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Home.
VTE-,J-M.aupin is visiting relatives in
tyorth Dnkota, having left a short timo
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Meyers, of Pax-
ton, spent n few days in town this
Owners of Vacant Lots.
All owners of vacant lots are required
under tho city ordinance to cut the
weeds on such lnt liefivom. Tim,, i ....
Juno 20, also between August 1 and
..-..-. v. uuu uniii-ia nui complying
.with this notice are notified that if the
w... .. iiu.uuio uj ouvu u.ue it will DO
performed by tho city and the cost as-
W. B. Salisbury,
JStrajt CJommjssjoner,