The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 10, 1913, Image 1

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    8tntB Htcurlctl e,itir
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No. 40
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Hail Insurance Is No Good
The recent rains have assured a Big Crop of small grain and a big profit to you
Local and Personal
William Reynolds went to Grand
Island this morning to transact business.
For Rent House and barn north of
town. Inquire of L. AV. Walker.
M. II. Douglas left this morning for
Grand Island to transact business.
Miss Hazel Mason, who is attending
Junior Normal spent Saturday and Sun
day with homo folks.
Mrs. Charles Koonsleft this morning
for Cozad to visit with relatives for a
week or more.
Mrs. Julia Todd left on the morning
train for Glandive, Mont, to visit rela
tives for several weeks.
Tha Baptist aid society vill,bo enter
tained in the church basement Friday
afternoon by Mrs. Mang.
Furnished rooms for rent, G15 North
Maple. 40-2
Mr. and Mrs. GeorceGrady andbaby.
of Grand Island, came yesterday after
noon to visit Mr. and Mrs. Edward,
Grady for a week.
Children Day services will be held at
the Platte Valley schoolhouso Sunday,
Juno 15th, at 2:30 p. m. central timo,
All nro cordially invited to attend.
Mrs. C. S. Clinton and daughter
Jlildegarde and Miss Aileen Gantt, left
this morning for Oakland. Cal., to visit
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur AlclMamara.
Hendy & Ogier have sold since Friday
of last week Ford cars to Gus F. Meyers
nnd E. H. Michael, of this city, to Art
Yates of Sutherland, Glyde Trotter, of
Brady, and to a party in Wellfleot.
Tate Lodge A. 0. U. W. No. 64 and
Two Rivers Lodge Degree of Honor ob
served Memorial Day for their departed
members Sunday. Thirty-six graves
were decorated and special services wero
held oyer the graves of Mrs. Charles
Hendy and John J. Sullivan, they being
the last member of each lodge to be
called away.
The North Platto Millitary Band will
give their weekly concort Thursday
evening, June 12th. A very good pro
gram is being propared. This organiza
tion was paid the compliment of a
write-up in tho Juno Methonomo a New
York musical paper, which devotes
space only to news of tho best music
and musicians.
Tho Children's Day exorcises hold at
tho Baptist church Sunday morning
under the direction of Miss Maude
Louden wero very creditable to those
taking part and to their instructor.
The attendance at the services was
larger than usual and many complimen
tary remarks wore heard after tho
There was never a better time than
now to snap up bargains in real estate.
Bratt & Goodman have choice lots,
modern houses, cottages for sale in
different parts of the city at very low.
'figures and on easy payments, See
them before you buy.
pjy '& yy9 ""-
It's goodness has made it famous. Ask it's friends
Clivi'vy Sntiiu Cirnpo
Wrliito Voisc
Frank Bendt, of Chicago, arrived hero
a few days ago to visit his aunt, Mrs.
C. G. Fredericks for n week or more.
Plain sewing, will go out by tho day.
Inquire at 309 South Dewoy. 40-2
A diyorco was granted Saturday to
Freda Schott Remington from Glen
Remington on the grounds of desertion.
Mrs. J. G. Anderson left Sunday for
Los Angeles where she will visit friends
for several weeks. Mr. Anderson may
conclude to make the trip later.
Mrs. Anna Davis and Earl Davis, who
wero divorced six months ago, loft tho
latter part of last week jor Portland,
Ore., whero they will be re-married and
make their home.
Tho cool weather we have beenhaving
for several days prevails all over the
country. In the eastern states yester
day the temperature was tho lowest
ever recorded in June.
Finer Dav oxercises will bo held at
the high school auditorium next Friday
afternoon at three o'clock. A committee
from tho G. A. R. post is arranging tho
program. At the meeting of the Elks
last evening it was unnnimously voted
to purchase a flag and donate it to the
pnblic library for use on that .building.
Lostbetween "F)t. McPhersW'n'rid.
North Platto,on May 80th, (child's red
boar cloth coat. Finder return to this
office and receive reward.
The funeral of the lato William Lewis
was hold from the Masonic hall Friday
afternoon and the services wore at
tended by a largo number of friends
and membors of tho lodges of which
the deceased was a memuer. The floral
offerings wore very beautiful. The
B. of L. E. and Masonic lodge held ser
vices over the grave.
When seeking insurance, fire, light
ning, tornado, hail, cyclone or wind
storm, or the best and cheapest
life insurance, get the best and cheap
est always written by Bratt & Good
man. The Cheyenne . Leader devotes a
column to a write up of a card luncheon
given one day last week by Mrs. Will
Jeffers and Mrs. II. S. Ridgley, two
former North Platte ladies. Tho func
tion was given at The Plains, Chey
enne's swell hotel, and the guests were
one hundred ladies prominent in Choy
enne society, A seven course luncheon
was served on beautifully decorated
table, and 500 and bridge were after
words played. In the receiving lino in
addition to tho hostesses were Mrs. Jos.
Schatz, of North Platte, Mrs. Frank
Bon and Mrs. John McCabe. Tho Lead
er saya tho function was one of tho most
elaborate of the early summer happen
ings. Another cut in the Mrs, Robinson
property if sold within the next two
days. Mrs. Robinson is leaving the
city tomorrow and is anxious that the
place be sold before she leaves., lo
cated West 1st St
Price cut to $3100.00 See us quick.
C. F. Temple.
Gltiuor Ac
ltoot J four
. . MfgR of Pure
" Food Drinks
Buy your Hail Insurance to-day
Charged with Illegal Sale of Liquor.
Information was filed Friday against
Dr. Bent, tho Wallnco druggist, charg
ing him with selling liquor without n
license. Tho honring was to have been
hold yestorday, but his wife telegraphed
that tho Doctor wns sick and asked for
a continuance, which was granted.
On two former occasions Dr. Bent
WU3 defendant against similar charges,
but both times escaped on technicalities'
Confident that he was selling liquor
illeirallv. a number of tho Wallace
people havo been keeping thoir oyes
open for an opportunity to catch him
with tho goods. The time came last
Friday, when hu shipped in two cases
of beer. Sheriff Salisbury was at onco
notified, and went over Friday night
and searched the premises. Consider
able whiskey was found in the drug
store and two cases of beer on an
adjoining lot, whero it had been thrown
ovor a fence by Dr. Bont when ho
learned the sheriff was in town. It is
said that he was in bed when tho
officer arrived, but sneaking out in his
nightshirt to his garage, where he had
tho beer concealed, dumped it over tho
fence into an adjoining lot.
Tho Christian aid society will meet
with Mrs. K. M.Smith on Front street
Thursday afternoon.
Thomas Watts transacted business in
Lodghpole yestorday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Clarenco Tollefsen and
baby who hayo been visiting hore with
relatives will return to Sulherlnd today
jn their now Marian Car.
320 acres hay land in S of Section
3-13-31. This is a good piece of
hay land. less than three miles from
Birdwood sidetrack and can be rented
reasonable. Bratt & Goodman.
To Whom it May Concern.
My wife, Lend Moore, having left
my bed nnd board, I will not be re
sponsible for any debts she may con
May 31, 1013 Wallace, Nub.
Charter No. 349J.
Report of the Condition of tho
at North Platte. In tho State of Nebraska, at
the close of business-. Juno 4, 191J.
Loans and discounts. 125,633.43
Overdrafts, secured and
unsecured 730.7-
U. &. l)onds to socuro
circulation lOO.l'OO.OO
U. S. lnds to secure
II. 8. deposits 1.000.00
Other bonds to secure
postal saving ,, 20.000.0o
Premiums on U.S. bonds 812.50
Honds. securities, etc., 71,08100
Hanking house, furni
ture and llxturcs 21,000.00
Other real estate ownud l.t-50.00
Duo from state and
prlrato banks and hank
ers, trust companies,
and saitugs hank 2,041.09
Duo from approved re
serve agents S0.8J7.8S
Checks and othcr"cash
Items 124.12
Notes of other national
banks 1100.00
Fractional papercurren
cy. nickels and cents., 183.53
Lawful Monoy liosorvo
In Hank, viz;
Vpecio 23,334.00
Legal-tender notes 5,310.00-111, lls.Ct!
Kederaptlon fund with
U. S, treasurer (S por
cent of circulation).... 5,000 00
Total i7tS8.137.l
Capital stock patd In... 1100,000 00
Surplus fund 80,00000
Undivided profits, loss
expenses and taxes
paid 3,02900
National bank notes
outstanding lOO.OOOOO
Due to state and prlvato
banks and bankers SO, 127. 11
Individual deposlts sub
ject to check .... 330,159 07
Demand certificates of
deposit 4,217,53
Time certificates of do-
posit 1M,0K.W
Certified Checks. . . 11U 00
Cashier's checks out
standing 3,098,39
United Status deposits. I.OuO.OO
Postal Savings DepoMth. 11,881.07512,3" 83
Liabilities other than
those above stated 2,(jo(j0
Total . jftls li, i
Btato of Nebraska, County of Lincoln, s
I, 1 . L Moonoy. Cashier of tho w-
nmd hank, IomH innly s'woar that tin al, o
ktatcim-nt Is true to tho bust of my kiiuttl-
edgu and belief,
. ... , I'. I Moonev, C'aslinr'
PubscrllxHl and sworn to boforo wo this ah
day of Juno, 1U13.
P. Itoi.i'K Halmoan. Notary Puh.i.
Correct A twot:
K. P. 1
Kay C. Lammow) ) Dlrcf ts
John J, Uam.idan, I
Local and Personal
C. O. Weingand transacted business
in Omnlm last wock.
Misses Mario Stuart and Naomi
Dowhower are assisting in tho Hub this
Miss Edna Hamilton, of tho St. Luko
hospital, loft tho last of last week for
Miss Katie Connoally loft yesterday
morning for Kearney to attend the
Miss Mansfield ono of tho local
teachor's left for her homo in Cedar
Rapids Saturday to spend her vacation.
Whon in need of a good driving rig
for business or pleasure, call up tho
Brick barn on east Front, Phone 25.
Misses Florence Stack, Loretta
Murphy, Marie Stack, Josio O'Haroand
Gortrutlo Walker will entertain tho
Catholic Girls Club at cards nt tho
homo of the former tomorrow evening.
On our Tailored Suits and Coats
sold $17.50, $20.00 and up to
35 Spring Coats that formerly sold
up to $15.00, your choice
That formerly
choice at
Dresses! Dresses!
Dainty New Summer Dresses itt Cotton Eponge, Striped Voile, Striped Tissue,
all over Embroidered Lingerie or Voile and Linen, dozens rfgt f
of the newest styles to choose from in all sizes, special- Ifo mm m 1 1
ly priced up from VtW
Just Received
Anew line of Linen Suits, the seasons latest creations, largest G7 f
showing in the city at V p JJ
Silk Pet
ticoats $3.50
Miss May Dotson loft yesterday
morning for Blair to spond a couple of
Miss Ila Mnrtin, of Wallnco, who
visited her sistcrMiss Hnttle this week,
left yesterday for Kearney.
Mrs. J. F. Clabaugh who undorwont
nn operation at tho P. & S. hospital
last week is gotting along nlcoly. ,
For bargains in choice residences sec
Buchanan & Patterson's bargain list in
another column. tf
Miss Altn Bonham, of Suthorl and
who was opoiatcd upon in this city last
week, returned homo Sunday.
Mrs. Fred Rnsmusson and children, of
Hershey, who visithd her mother Mrs.
Charles Martini, returned homo Satur
day afternoon.
M. K. Neville left Sunday for Chi
cago where ho will meet Mrs. Novillo
and tho children who nro returning
from tho cast.
TfAI I :
V mt mm mm'
your unrestricted choice
sold up to $7.00, your
: .
MurMiZES m m UTS " nammmmTSH n " Tmmmmmmmmmmm " gf"'.'U.L!il. '" " SSI! jgl 1 lg ! 9
"" ! II ! IIWI. I !! Wl W II . MMWM,f
. ...
North Platte's Exclusive Woman's Store
REMEMBER everything- new in the new store.
Rate$ Reduced
2S per cent
Mrs. Edward Pctors visited tn Chap
poll last week.
Sam Glonson, of Kansas City, arrived
hero tho latter jinrt of last week and
will bo associated with his father-in-law
Albert vonTiot In tho North Platto
cigar factory.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schatz of Sap
Francisco who havo boon visiting In
Scuylor nro expected today to visit tho
formor's parents Mr. and Mrs. Gregory
Schatz while onrouto home.
A dozen couplo of young poople chap
poroncd by Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Wido
nor hold a picnic ut Dick's grovo Sun
day. Tho day was pleasantly spont in
outdoor sports and a BUmptuous lunch
was enjoyod.
Fullc brothors, who live south of
North Platto near tho experimental
farm, began cutting thoir alfalfa Mon
day of lastwooki It is n bumpor crop.
Barley and othor small Krain is in fin
ssKcrM,HiyK ynrmrsnz v